Types of Power Plant

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Hydro electric Power plant

In hydro power plant we use gravitational force of fluid water to run the turbine which is
coupled with electric generator to produce electricity. This power plant plays an important
role to protect our fossil fuel which is limited, because the generated electricity in hydro
power station is the use of water which is renewable source of energy and available in lots of
amount without any cost. The big advantage of hydro power is the water which the main stuff
to produce electricity in hydro power plant is free, it not contain any type of pollution and
after generated electricity the price of electricity is average not too much high.
Construction and Working of Hydro Power Plant
Fundamental parts of hydro power plant are
e)Storage tank
f)Turbines and generator
g) Switchgear and protection
For construction of hydro power plant first we choose the area where the water is
sufficient to reserve and no any crisis of water and suitable to build a dam, then we construct
the dam. The main function of dam is to stop the flow of water and reserve the water in
reservoir. Mainly dam is situated at a good height to increase the force of water. Reservoir
stocks up lots of water which is employed to generate power by means of turbines. After that
Penstock, the pipe which is connected between dam and turbine blades and most important
purpose of the penstock is to enlarge the kinetic energy of water thats why this pipe is made
up of extremely well-built material which carry on the pressure of water. To control the
pressure of water means increase or decrease water pressure whenever required, we use a
valve. Storage tank comes in picture when the some reason the pressure of water in
reservoir is decreases then we use storage tank it is directly connected to penstock and use
only in emergency condition. After that we employ turbine and generator. Turbine is the main
stuff, when water comes through the penstock with high kinetic energy and falls on turbine
blades, turbine rotates at high speed. As we know that the turbine is an engine that transfers
energy of fluid into mechanical energy which is coupled with generator and generator
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy which we utilize at the end. In hydro power
plant we also add switchgears and protections which control and protect the whole process
inside the plant. The control equipments consists control circuits, control devices, warning,
instrumentation etc and connect to main control board. After generating electricity at low
voltage, we use step up transformer to enlarge the level of voltage (generally 132KV, 220KV,

400KV and above) as per our requirement. After that we transmit the electric power to the
load centre, and then we step down the voltage for industrial and large consumer and then
again we step down the voltage to distribute electricity at domestic level which we used
at home.

Nuclear Power Plant

The basic principle of nuclear power station is same as steam power station. Only
difference is that, instead of using heat generated due to coal combustion, here
in nuclear power plant, heat generated due to nuclear fission is used to produce steam from
water in the boiler. This steam is used to drive a steam turbine. This turbine is the
prime movie of the alternator. This alternator generates electrical energy. Although, the
availability of nuclear fuel is not plenty but very less amount of nuclear fuel can generate
huge amount of electrical energy. This is the unique feature of a nuclear power plant. One kg
of uranium is equivalent to 4500 metric tons of high grade coal. That means complete fission
of 1 kg uranium can produce as much heat as can be produced by complete combustion of
4500 metric tons high grade coal. This is why, although nuclear fuel is much costlier, but
nuclear fuel cost per unit electrical energy is still lower than that cost of energy generated by
means of other fuel like coal and diesel. To meet up conventional fuel crisis in present era,
nuclear power station can be the most suitable alternatives.

Different Components of Nuclear Power Station

A nuclear power station has mainly four components.
Nuclear reactor,
Heat Exchanger,
Steam turbine,
Lets discuss these components one by one:

Nuclear Reactor

In nuclear reactor, Uranium 235 is subjected to nuclear fission. It controls the chain
reaction that starts when the fission is done. The chain reaction must be controlled otherwise
rate of energy release will be fast, there may be a high chance of explosion. In nuclear
fission, the nuclei of nuclear fuel, such as U235 are bombarded by slow flow of neutrons. Due
to this bombarding, the nuclei of Uranium is broken, which causes release of huge heat
energy and during breaking of nuclei, number of neutrons are also emitted.
These emitted neutrons are called fission neutrons. These fission neutrons cause further
fission. Further fission creates more fission neutrons which again accelerate the speed of
fission. This is cumulative process. If the process is not controlled, in very short time the rate

of fission becomes so high, it will release so huge amount of energy, there may be
dangerous explosion. This cumulative reaction is called chain reaction. This chain reaction
can only be controlled by removing fission neutrons from nuclear reactor. The speed of the
fission can be controlled by changing the rate of removing fission neutrons from reactors.
A nuclear reactor is a cylindrical shaped stunt pressure vessel. The fuel rods are made of
nuclear fuel i.e. Uranium moderates, which is generally made of graphite cover the fuel rods.
The moderates slow down the neutrons before collision with uranium nuclei. The controls
rods are made of cadmium because cadmium is a strong absorber of neutrons.
The control rods are inserted in the fission chamber. These cadmium controls rods can be
pushed down and pull up as per requirement. When these rods are pushed down enough,
most of the fission neutrons are absorbed by these rods, hence the chain reaction stops.
Again, while the controls rods are pulled up, the availability of fission neutrons becomes
more which increases the rates of chain reaction. Hence, it is clear that by adjusting the
position of the control rods, the rate of nuclear reaction can be controlled and consequently
the generation of electric power plant can be controlled as per load demand. In actual
practice, the pushing and pulling of control rods are controlled by automatic feedback
system as per requirement of the load. It is not controlled manually. The heat released
during nuclear reaction, are carried to the heat exchanger by means of coolant consist of
sodium metal.

Heat Exchanger

In heat exchanger, the heat carried by sodium metal, is dissipated in water and water
is converted to high pressure steam here. After releasing heat in water the sodium metal
coolant comes back to the reactor by means of coolant circulating pump.

Steam Turbine

In nuclear power plant, the steam turbine plays the same role as coal power plant.
The steam drives the turbine in same way. After doing its job, the exhaust steam comes into
steam condenser where it is condensed to provide space to the steam behind it.


An alternator, coupled with turbine, rotates and generates electrical power, for utilization.

Geothermal power
It is also a thermal power plant, but the steam required for power generation is
available naturally in some part of the earth below the earth surface. According to
various theories earth has a molten core. The fact that volcanic action takes place in
many places on the surface of earth supports these theories.

Steam well:
Pipes are embedded at places of fresh volcanic action called steam wells, where
the molten internal mass of earth vents to the atmosphere with very high temperatures.
By sending water through embedded pipes, steam is raised from the underground steam
storage wells to the ground level.
The steam is then passed through the separator where most of the dirt and sand
carried by steam are removed.
The steam from the separator is passed through steam drug and is used to run
the turbine which in turn drives the generator. The exhaust steam from the turbine is
condensed. The condensate is pumped into the earth to absorb the ground heat again
and to get converted into steam.
Location of plant, installation of equipment like control unit etc., within the source
of heat and the cost of drilling deep wells as deep as 15,000 meters are some of the
difficulties commonly encountered.

Wind Power Plant

Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the
atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth.

Wind flow patterns are modified by the earth's terrain, bodies of water, and vegetative cover.
This wind flow, or motion energy, when "harvested" by modern wind turbines, can be used to
generate electricity.

How Wind Power Is Generated

The terms "wind energy" or "wind power" describe the process by which the wind is
used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in
the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such
as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into
electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, and the like.

Wind Turbines
Wind turbines, like aircraft propeller blades, turn in the moving air and power an
electric generator that supplies an electric current. Simply stated, a wind turbine is the
opposite of a fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, like a fan, wind turbines use wind
to make electricity. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a
generator and makes electricity.

Wind Turbine Types

Modern wind turbines fall into two basic groups; the horizontal-axis variety, like the
traditional farm windmills used for pumping water, and the vertical-axis design, like the
eggbeater-style Darrius model, named after its French inventor. Most large modern wind
turbines are horizontal-axis turbines.

Turbine Components
Horizontal turbine components include:

blade or rotor, which converts the energy in the wind to rotational shaft energy;

a drive train, usually including a gearbox and a generator;

a tower that supports the rotor and drive train; and

Other equipment, including controls, electrical cables, ground support equipment,

and interconnection equipment.

Turbine Configurations
Wind turbines are often grouped together into a single wind power plant, also known
as a wind farm, and generate bulk electrical power. Electricity from these turbines is fed into
a utility grid and distributed to customers, just as with conventional power plants.

Wind Turbine Size and Power Ratings

Wind turbines are available in a variety of sizes, and therefore power ratings. The
largest machine has blades that span more than the length of a football field, stands 20
building stories high, and produces enough electricity to power 1,400 homes. A small homesized wind machine has rotors between 8 and 25 feet in diameter and stands upwards of 30
feet and can supply the power needs of an all-electric home or small business. Utility-scale
turbines range in size from 50 to 750 kilowatts. Single small turbines, below 50 kilowatts, are
used for homes, telecommunications dishes, or water pumping.

Thermal power plant

In thermal generating plants, fuel is converted into thermal energy to heat water,
making steam. The steam turns an engine (turbine), creating mechanical energy to run a
generator. Magnets turn inside the generator, producing electric energy.

Coal, oil and gas are used to make thermal electricity. They all work basically the same
way (with a few exceptions: for example, in an oil- or gas-fired plant, fuel is piped to the


Coal supply After haulers drop off the coal, a set of crushers and conveyors
prepare and deliver the coal to the power plant. When the plant needs coal, coal
hoppers crush coal to a few inches in size and conveyor belts bring the coal inside.


Coal pulveriser The belts dump coal into a huge bin (pulveriser), which reduces
the coal to a fine powder. Hot air from nearby fans blows the powdered coal into huge
furnaces (boilers).


Boiler The boiler walls are lined with many kilometres of pipe filled with water. As
soon as the coal enters the boiler, it instantly catches fire and burns with high intensity
(the temperatures inside the furnace may climb to 1,300 C). This heat quickly boils
the water inside the pipes, changing it into steam.


Precipitators and stack As the coal burns, it produces emissions (carbon

dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) and ash. The gases, together with the
lighter ash (fly ash), are vented from the boiler up the stack. Huge air filters called
electrostatic precipitators remove nearly all the fly ash before it is released into the
atmosphere. The heavier ash (bottom ash) collects in the bottom of the boilers and is


Turbine and generator Meanwhile, steam moves at high speed to the turbines,
massive drums with hundreds of blades turned at an angle, like the blades of a fan. As
jets of high-pressure steam emerge from the pipes, they propel the blades, causing
the turbine to spin rapidly. A metal shaft connects the turbine to a generator. As the
turbine turns, it causes an electro-magnet to turn inside coils of wire in the generator.
The spinning magnet puts electrons in motion inside the wires, creating electricity.


Condensers and cooling water system Next, the steam exits the turbines and
passes over cool tubes in the condenser. The condensers capture the used steam and
transform it back to water. The cooled water is then pumped back to the boiler to
repeat the heating process. At the same time, water is piped from a reservoir or river
to keep the condensers constantly cool. This cooling water, now warm from the heat
exchange in the condensers, is released from the plant.


Water purification To reduce corrosion, plants purify water for use in the boiler
tubes. Wastewater is also treated and pumped out to holding ponds.


Ash systems Ash is removed from the plant and hauled to disposal sites or ash
lagoons. Ash is also sold for use in manufacturing cement.


Transformer and transmission lines transformers increase the voltage of the

electricity generated. Transmission lines then carry the electricity at high voltages from
the plant to substations in cities and towns.

Diesel power plant


Diesel power plants is in the range of 2 to 50 MW capacity. They are used as central
station for small or medium power supplies.


They can be used as stand-by plants to hydro-electric power plants and steam power
plants for emergency services.


They can be used as peak load plants in combinations with thermal or hydro-plants.


They are quite suitable for mobile power generation and are widely used in
transportation systems such as automobiles, railways, air planes and ships.


Now-a-days power cut has become a regular feature for industries. The only solution
to tide over this difficulty is to install diesel generating sets.

Layout diesel engine power plant:

Diesel engine:
Diesel engines or compression ignition engines as they are called are generally
classified as two stroke engine and four stroke engines. In diesel engine, air admitted into
the cylinder is compressed, the compression ratio being 12 to 20. At the end of compression
stroke, fuel is injected. It burns and the burning gases expand and do work on the position.
The engine is directly coupled to the generator. The gases are then exhausted from the
cylinder to atmosphere.

Engine strating system:

This includes air compressor and starting air tank. The function of this system is
to start the engine from cold supplying compressed air.

Fuel system:
Pump draws diesel from storage tank and supplies it to the small day tank through
the filter. Day tank supplies the daily fuel need of engine. The day tan is usually placed high
so that diesel flows to engine under gravity.
Diesel is again filtered before being injected into the engine by the fuel injection pump. The
fuel is supplied to the engine according to the load on the plant.

Air intake system:

Air filters are used to remove dust from the incoming air. Air filters may be dry type,
which is made up of felt, wool or cloth. In oil bath type filters, the sir is swept over a bath of
oil so that dust particles get coated.

Exhaust system:
In the exhaust system, silencer (muffler) is provide to reduce the noise.

Engine cooling system:

The temperature of burning gases in the engine cylinder is the order of 1500 to
2000C. to keep the temperature at the reasonable level, water is circulated inside the
engine in water jackets which are passage around the cylinder, piston, combustion chamber
etc. hot water leaving the jacket is sent to heat exchanger. Raw water is made to flow
through the heat exchanger, where it takes up the heat of jacket water. It is then cooled in
the cooling tower and recirculates again.

Engine lubrication system:

It includes lubricating oil tank, oil pump and cooler. Lubrication is essential to reduce
friction and wear of engine parts such as cylinder walls and piston.
Lubricating oil which gets heated due to friction of moving parts is cooled before
recirculation. The cooling water used in the engine is used for cooling the lubricant also.

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