Drinking Water Quality
Drinking Water Quality
Drinking Water Quality
This research was sponsored by a grant from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a legislative agency of the
Pennsylvania General Assembly.
The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for
rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly. It was created in 1987 under Act 16, the Rural Revitalization Act, to promote and sustain the vitality of Pennsylvanias rural and small communities.
Information contained in this report does not necessarily reflect the views of individual board members or
the Center for Rural Pennsylvania. For more information, contact the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, 200
North Third St., Suite 600, Harrisburg, PA 17101, telephone (717) 787-9555, fax (717) 772-3587, email:
[email protected].
Millions of rural and suburban Pennsylvania residents rely on private wells for drinking water,
and, each year, 20,000 new wells are drilled. While research has shown that many private wells
in the state have failed at least one drinking water standard, Pennsylvania remains one of the
few states without any private well regulations.
This study was conducted to better understand the prevalence
and causes of private well contamination and to evaluate the role of
regulatory versus voluntary management of private wells. It set out
Introduction................................ 5
to determine if specific indicators, including natural factors, well
Goals and Objectives................. 6
construction features, and nearby land uses, could be correlated with
water quality parameters in private wells.
Methodology............................... 6
To complete the study, the researchers enlisted the help of more
Results ........................................ 8
than 170 Master Well Owner Network (MWON) volunteers to collect
samples from 701 private wells statewide.
Conclusions............................... 21
The findings indicated that bedrock geology was statistically sigPolicy Considerations.............. 21
nificant in explaining variations in all of the water quality parameters,
References................................. 23
with the exception of arsenic. Soil moisture, at the time of sampling,
was the most important factor in explaining the occurrence of bacteria
in wells. Individual well construction features were not statistically
important in explaining well water quality but combinations of well
construction components were statistically significant in explaining both coliform and E. coli
bacterial contamination. No specific land activities were correlated with bacterial contamination, but DNA fingerprinting of E. coli bacteria from wells found that the majority were from
animal sources. Nitrate concentrations in wells were statistically correlated with the distance
to the nearest cornfield and other crop fields. Lead contamination was found to be largely from
metal plumbing components that were exposed to acidic and soft raw groundwater.
About half of the homeowner participants in this study had never had their water tested
properly, which resulted in low awareness of water quality problems. MWON volunteers were
generally two to three times more likely to know about a health-related pollutant in their well,
suggesting that education can greatly improve awareness of problems. Overall, up to 80 percent
of the well owners that were shown to have unhealthy drinking water took steps to successfully
avoid the problem within one year after having their water tested.
Results from this study suggest a combination of educational programs for homeowners
and new regulations to overcome the largest barriers to safe drinking water. Regulations are
warranted to increase mandatory testing of private water wells at the completion of new well
construction and before finalization of any real estate transaction. For existing well owners, this
study demonstrated the effect education can have to increase the frequency of water testing, the
use of certified labs and awareness of water quality problems.
While this study showed that education increased the use of sanitary well caps on existing wells, most well construction features need to be included at the time the well is drilled.
Homeowners having new wells drilled are difficult to reach with educational programs and, as
a result, the voluntary approach to encourage proper well construction has largely failed. Given
the benefits of well construction and the difficulty in reaching the target audience for new wells,
statewide regulations requiring well construction components appear to be warranted.
The results of this study do not make a strong case for the need for mandatory wellhead protection areas around private wells. In most cases, voluntary wellhead protection areas already
existed around private wells in this study. As a result, the data seem to confirm the importance
and success of de facto wellhead protection areas of 50 to 100 feet that already exist around
most wells.
Overall, 63 to 78 percent of well owners were supportive of potential regulations targeting
well construction, well location and well driller certification.
More than 3 million rural and suburban residents in
Pennsylvania rely on a private well for drinking water,
and about 20,000 new wells are drilled each year in the
state1 (U.S. Census Bureau, 1970, 1990). Only Michigan has a larger population served by private water
supplies. Unlike residents that use community water
systems, homeowners with private wells are not protected by any statewide regulations.
Despite many past attempts, (the most recent were
House Bill 1591 and Senate Bill 870 in 2001), Pennsylvania remains one of the few states where well location,
construction, testing and treatment are the voluntary
responsibility of the homeowner. Some counties and
townships have passed ordinances, and considerable educational efforts have been made to meet the demands
of private well owners interested in properly managing
their water supply (Mancl et al., 1989; Swistock et al.,
The voluntary management of private wells is a
problem because most health-related pollutants in water
are symptomless. As a result, homeowners with private
water supplies may be exposed unknowingly to health
related pollutants unless they voluntarily have their
water tested for the correct water quality parameters.
Several studies have documented the occurrence of
various water contaminants in private water systems
(Rowe et al., 2007; New Jersey DEP, 2004; Iowa DNR,
2004; Liu et al., 2005; Zimmerman et al., 2001). Largescale national or statewide studies typically report that
about 15 to 50 percent of private water systems fail at
least one safe drinking water standard. Smaller, regional studies often report much lower or higher contamination rates. Only a few of these studies have made any
attempt to determine the causes, such as natural geology, land use and well construction, of contamination
of private water systems.
A significant portion of the rural population may be
exposed to unhealthy drinking water unless it properly
treats the water or uses bottled water. However, documenting the impact of polluted drinking water on the
health of residents using private water supplies is difficult because most pollutants require long-term exposure
and mimic the effects from other air- or food-borne pollutants. Those that create acute effects, such as bacteria,
have symptoms similar to common viral or bacterial
Determine how frequently private wells are voluntarily tested and adequately treated for contaminants
and how often homeowners voluntarily follow recommendations to solve well contamination problems.
Figure 1. The approximate locations of the 701 private wells sampled in 2006 and 2007,
along with the regional boundaries used for statistical analyses.
Follow-Up Survey
them (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) to facilitate collection of water samples and water supply information
in a timely and accurate fashion.
Sample Analyses
Statistical Analyses
In this report, where statistical analyses were not possible, direct comparison of percentages were used rather than detailed statistical analyses. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and logistic regression models were
used to determine which well characteristics (geology,
construction, etc.), land uses (distance to septic, farm
fields, etc.) and management activities (septic system
pumping frequency, etc.) were important in explaining
the occurrence of the various pollutants.
Another data quality question centered on the location and method used to collect water samples for bacteria analysis. Extra care must be taken when sampling
water supplies for coliform bacteria and E. coli bacteria
because of the risk of contaminating the sample from
hands and other surfaces during collection and subsequent handling. The results of the protocol used in this
research suggest that the sampling strategies, including
washing the bottle three times and not flame sterilizing
the end of the faucets, did not cause any systematic
bacterial contamination of the samples from the 701
study wells.
Well Characteristics
Water Quantity
About 51 percent of well owners could estimate the
yield of water coming from their well, with an average
yield of about 18 gallons per minute (gpm). The Midwest Plan Service recommends a minimum of 6 gpm
for a home water well (Midwest Plan Service, 1992)
although most homes will need less than 6 gpm. In
this study, nearly 70 percent of the well yields reported
were greater than 6 gpm. According to well owners,
well yields were not a major problem across the state.
and found none that exceeded the drinking water standard for atrazine or its
breakdown products. It should be noted
that these past studies of pesticides in
Pennsylvania have generally detected
small concentrations of pesticides
(above the detection level but below the
drinking water standard). This studys
testing method only provided a result of
present or absent at a level above
the drinking water standard. So, while
the sampling shows that very few wells
were above the drinking water standard,
the results do not allow an estimation of
the number of wells that may have triazine pesticides present at lower detectable concentrations.
There are no health effects or drinking
water standards for hardness but hard
water can cause numerous aesthetic
problems, especially when water is
heated. Because hardness reduces corrosion of household plumbing, a level
of 90 to 100 mg/L is often considered
optimum to reduce corrosion while also
preventing unwanted aesthetic effects.
Total hardness is usually reported in
one of four categories as follows: soft
water has a hardness concentration of 0
to 60 mg/L; moderately hard water has
a hardness concentration of 61 to 120
mg/L; hard water has a hardness concentration of 121 to 180 mg/L; and very hard water
has a hardness concentration greater than 180 mg/L.
There were clear regional differences in hardness
concentrations across the state. Most wells with very
hard water were located in western counties or in
central and southcentral Pennsylvania. Wells in the
northcentral and northeast regions had significantly
lower hardness concentrations (means = 70 to 90
mg/L) compared to the other four regions (means =
120 to 140 mg/L) due to the bedrock geology of these
Figure 7. Percent of homeowners versus MWON volunteers who were aware that each
pollutant occurred in their well prior to the study. N/A indicates that no MWON volunteers had wells that tested positive for pesticides.
Figure 9. The overall effect of actions in reducing exposure to water contaminants in this study.
Policy Considerations
To ensure safe drinking water for private water system owners in Pennsylvania, the state should consider
using a combination of educational programs for homeowners and new regulations. The combination of these
two approaches will make certain that existing well
owners will become aware of water quality issues and
proper management of wells while future well owners
will be protected from poorly protected wells or lack
of knowledge. Specific policy recommendations are
addressed below.
Well Testing
Well Construction
The importance of well construction has been considered self-evident among groundwater experts as a
means to prevent surface water (and associated pollutants) from entering groundwater aquifers. In fact, the
state association of professional well drillers (Pennsylvania Ground Water Association) has supported well
construction standards for many years and most states
currently have well construction standards. By sam-
Wellhead Protection
In comparison to natural influences and well construction features, nearby land-uses were less important
in explaining contamination of private wells. For example, the distance to a nearby on-lot septic system and
the frequency of septic tank pumping were not statistically significant in explaining the occurrence of bacteria or nitrate in private wells. Instead, nearby sources of
animal waste appeared more important in contributing
to bacterial contamination of wells. A notable exception to the lack of importance of nearby land-uses
was the strong correlation between the distance to
nearby agricultural fields and nitrate concentrations in
wells. Given the conservative nature of nitrate (ability to move long distances through soil and rock), this
correlation is understandable. Overall, the results of
this study do not make a strong case for the need for
wellhead protection areas around private wells. However, the researchers recommend that the determination for the location of new water wells should still be
considered very important. In most cases, voluntary
wellhead protection areas already existed around the
private wells in this study as a result of common sense
location of wells used by well drillers and homeowners. The fact that few wells were located very close
(<50 feet) to sources of contamination made it difficult
to determine if minimum wellhead protection areas are
warranted. The connection between contaminated wells
and nearby land-use activities may be underrepresented
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