Monument Square RFP

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Request for Proposal Premiere Development Opportunity Downtown Waterfront Marina, Arts and Entertainment District (On a 1.6* acre City of Troy-owned waterfront parcel at Riverfront Park and the center of the Capital region’s pre-eminent waterfront esplanade. Date of issue December 19, 2016 Submissions due: January 20, 2017 2:00 pm, ‘The Cy of Troy is excited to present this Request for Proposal (RFP) for a premiere downtown location atthe center of everything Troy. ‘The 1.6° acre parcel is located in the heart of downtown Troy, bordering Riverfront Park on the Hudson River and River Street, one of Troy's busiest commercial corridors. This high visibility sites in the heart of an active and expanding retal, arts and entertainment district. The actual size ofthe parcel available for development is less than 1.2 acres a the city will retain 50 feet ‘along the river for the upcoming completion of Troy's Riverfront Trail 2018. Other site limitations willbe discussed elsewhere In this RFP. "Now isthe time to develop this key parcel in downtown Troy. "Actual avalable developmen sles as discussed elewhere nti document 19 December 2016 Page 10f 12 Quick Site Facts owner Address size Current Conditions Utilities Parking Incentives ity of Troy, NY 233-289 River Street (A.KA, 1 Monument Squore) ‘Approximately 34,000 - 51,000 SF depending on final design ulties and ‘access configuration with 325' Frontage and varying depths of approximately 135 feet on the southwest to 200 feet on the northeast* Vacant lot with room for one to two levels of covered parking £4 Central Commercial - Ths District encompasses the City's Central Business District (CBD) and is zoned to encourage a wide variety of mixed land uses, including commercial, professional office, entertainment service, and medium: to high-density housing Site is served by all municipal Water and Sewer Connections, gas and electric, Verizon DSL and Time Warner (Spectrum) High speed data Site configuration provides opportunity to create approximately 140 parking spaces on two level. $3.8 Million of New York State Grants and local funds towards construction of public parking and plaza connections. industrial Development Agency incentives including sales tax and mortgage Fecording tax exemptions and PILOT. Additional inducements may be negotiated. City wil offer support in obtaining additional grants and willing to discuss condominium or full ownership of parking/plaza, 19 December 2016 Page 20f12 Current Market ‘The City of Toy isa vibrant city of 50,000 residents located in the Capital Region Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). While ‘ur historical economy focused on industry, We are shifting to manufacturing service and Creative sectors. Troy also home to two Innovation centers both offering co-working spaces and business support services for start-ups and small Businesses. The Cy also has three higher education centers, Rensselaer Polytechnic institute, The Sage Colleges, and Hudson Valley Community College. Vietorian Stroll attendees at Monument Square ~ As the self-proclaimed “Small Business Serpe Capital” of New York State, Troy is offering a Unique opportunity at One Monument Squate (ora forward-thlnklng developer group. The preferred developer must understand both the holistic needs of Troy and the uniqueness of the intact historical backdrop located on an underutilzed waterfront. The ste also offers connectivity tothe newiy upgraded Riverfront Park, a flexible space for public events. The City of Troy's location along the banks of the Hudson River, ‘combined with its unique architecture and walkable Victorian-era downtown, create a destination location, waiting to be complimented by the proposed project. Being located in both the Central Business District and the River Street Historic District, ths site is easily accessible by bus line, foot traffic and vehicle. All recent infrastructure upgrades to the River Street ‘thoroughfare are compliant with Complete Street z Policies adopted by the Cty of Troy in 2015, with the 15000 runners make their way to intent to support safe travel for people of all ages ‘Monument Square at 2016 Turkey Trot and abilities. Home to a myriad of events festival, 19 December 2036 Page 30f12 and the award-winning Troy Waterfront Farmers! Market, the area specific to the site also has ‘opportunites to interact and capture tourism from regional, national and international cruise lines that stop with increasing frequency to visit Troy's extensive selection of shops, boutiques ‘and restaurants, Planned improvements to the sea wall and an imminent rebulld ofthe marina increase the future market demand and will assure this property's long-term viability as a central anchor to the thriving downtown commercial corridor. Offering high-isibility for any business or organization that Is lucky enough to reside at One Monument Square, the ste is also adjacent to the famous Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Bult in 1890, this Neo-Grec bronze statue of the Goddess Columbia has become a major attraction to vistors and a source of pride to residents. ‘The last vacant development stein Troy's Central Business District ‘The downtown area has experienced consistent growth in high-quality residenti office space, coupled with high occupancy rates and a growing creative clas. Indicators point to continued prosperity forthe district that surrounds the site at One “Monument Square retall, and 19 December 2016 Pages of 12 Site Discussion ‘The Monument Square Site consists of four tax parcels: 101.45-5-4.1, 101.45-5-5, 101.53-1-1 & 100.60-1-2. Of note: 1. Front Street, a public road runs through the parcels as shown in Diagram 1 below. Reconfiguration of Front Street 's possible f required by the developer, however itis intended that the ‘thoroughfare will main in some form. Regardless of how its placed, there must be an accommodation that allows for fre safety access to and around the rear of the structure, Diagram 3 2. The city will retain ownership of 50” slong the riverfront, as shown in diagram 3 above, for public use as part of the continuous public esplanade extending Riverfront Park and tral south along the Hudson River. This areais approximately 50° x 326’ of 16,300, ‘square feet. Development of the Monument Square site will need to be coordinated with public use ofthis parcel 19 December 2016 Page of 22 3. Utilities exist on the site as shown in Diagram 2 below. Any plans to build over these tities will require ther relocation withthe exception ofthe 12” RCP line. This document may be downloaded 2 rovnv.cow {s/monumentsquare for better detail $2 comme —— Sats Diagram 2 4. Zoning § 285-618-4 Central Commercial. The ste complies with ll zoning requirements for lt size, width and frontage but development must comply with the following ‘Maximum lot coverage: 80%; unless interior loading space is provided, then 100%. Highrise residentia: 120 units per are. Medium se resident units per are. Forother uses: None, Building height Highrise residential: 150° Other uses: 80 feet Historic District Requirements: The structure tobe but onthe ‘Monument Square pace shall be of appropriate massing, and 19 December 2016 Page Gof 12 constructed with appropriate materials to match/replicate and complement the existing historic architecture that exists inthe downtown Historie District more specially structures located in and around River Steet at Broadvay. Development Goals and Preferred Uses ‘Troy seeks development proposals that: Connect River Street and Downtown to the Marina cre Riverfront Park, Riverfront Trail, and © Contribute to the creation of an 18-hour downtown + Maximize pedestrian activity, contributing to downtown's vitality ‘© Greate a building that respects the character of Troy's industrial era development and. responds to the existing building stock Utilize high quality design and building materials ‘Retain connectivity of Front Street through or behind any structure from Northeast to Southwest (either with an easement, or deeding of right of way to City of Troy) ‘+ Encourage innovative rooftop uses ‘+ Leverage MWBE subcontracting agreements (willbe required to utilize celoct erant monies) Site Details = Frontage along River Street approximately 20 feet higher than Front Street elevation, allowing for creation of one or two levels of parking underneath ‘+ Northeastern 60 feet of property contains some utility infrastructure as shown in Diagram 2 ‘above and due to relocation costs, may be the preferred location for a public plaza/connection from River Street down to Riverfront Park. f developer wishes to relocate these, or any utltes onsite, the City will work to assist the developer in determining a method to do so Preferred Development/Style ‘Preferred uses include office, residential, restaurant and retall uses, entertainment venues, public spaces and linkages to Riverfront Park, oF a mix ofthese, + Height compatible with adjacent context and existing architecture ‘+ Building should have active first floor use on River Street and interaction of Front Street ‘+ Parking structure should be designed to be shielded or non-impactful on Riverfront Park ‘and Trail 19 December 2016 Page7 of 2 * Classic Urban Design is preferred, and in compliance withthe City’s Complete Streets ‘ordinance and Sasaki Design guldelines which may be found at 110) et monumentsquare ‘© Anticipate detailed review by Historic Dstrlct Commission and Planning Commission Plaza/Connection © Design ofthe Plaza should engage the street/sidewalk and Riverfront Park and enhance ‘Troy's signature public events including: Troy Farmer's Market, Victorian Stroll, Enchanted City, Riverfest, Rockin’ on the River and Troy Night Out ‘+ There should be sufficient bike parking forthe development and surrounding area ‘+ Design should consider four season activation ofthe plaza and surrounding streetscape ‘+ Design must be fully-accessible or on site accommodations made elsewhere on site Prohibited Uses Proposals will nt be considered for the following uses: automobile sales or repair and drive- thru facilities as well as those uses natin compliance with the City’s Zoning Ordinance. The City prefers to not have surface parking at or above the elevation of River Street, Document available at troyny.cov/cityorojects/monumentsquare include: Parking Study Sasaki Design Guidelines + Wayfinding ‘+ Storm Water Management ‘© Waterfront Plan = Utility detail ‘+ Land Development Agreement (draft) ‘© Prior submissions. ‘= Planning Commission feedback on previous submission 19 December 2016 Page 8 of 12 Submission Requirements Responses to the RFP will be evaluated based upon Information provided in the following format and should convey a comprehensive understanding of the project and provide details sufficient for informed decision making by the Evaluation Team. ‘The Citys not asking for designs renderings. I Vision and Development Strategy (must address the following) | Proposed approach to development of this site 8. Adherence to Development Goals C. Technical and regulatory issues associated with waterfront development and related infrastructure . Project phasing, inclusive of detalled project timetable Publie/private partnership structure, including use of public funding, anticipated incentive packages & creation of public amenities on/near the site F, Purchase price offer Relevant Project Experience (include no more than 5 completed projects) ‘A. Project name and location B. Summary description (uses, total project sie in square feet and size by use, densities, Wof residential units, # of parking spaces Uy type—strwctured, Surface, etc, and other applicable information) Development schedule (original / final schedule, date opened} Description of public/private structure (if applicable) and current ownership and financial structure Project cost (budgeted and actual) Financing sources (amount/type of equity contributed, amount of debt financed, and public financing tools/incentives used Architectural/design elements utilized (include photographs) Financial Capacity A, Description of developers realestate portfolio including total dollar amount of evelopment constructed 8. Summary of developer's recent history in obtaining financing fr relevant projects including financing source, amounts financed, type/amount of equity contributed, etc. . Contact information of at least three financial references and any other named sources of financing 19 December 2016 Page of 22 NV. Development Team & Organizational Structure ‘A. Master developer identification Name, address, phone, email and website Contact information of primary point of cantact (phone, fax, e-mail) Brief history and description of firm and likely project team Resumes of key individuals including their roles and responsibilities for this Project B. Development team identification 1. Description of key project participants (firms), including their roles and responsibilities 2. Resumes of key development team members 3, Description of previous joint working experience of team members, include specific projects “The original, one (1) paper copy, and a digital copy (on CD or USB drive) ofthe proposal must be sealed, received, and time stamped before 2:00pm prevailing time on January 20, 2017. Sealed proposals must be delivered to the City's procurement office on the 5* floor of 433 River Street, Toy, NY 12180. Please write “Monument Square” on the envelope, Inquiries All inquiries should be made in writing and e-mailed or axed to the Purchasing Office at ‘cathy [email protected] oF (518) 268-1682. Information obtained from any other source is not official and may be inaccurate. Inquiries and responses will be dacumented, recorded, and distributed to all vendors on record with the Gty of Troy as an Addendum, ‘Submission Deadline Sealed proposals are due on or before January 20, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. atthe following address: Troy city Hall Bureau of Contracts and Procurement 433 River Street, Suite 500 Troy, NY 12180, ‘Attn.: Kathy Kussler, Purchasing Agent 19 December 2016 Page 10 0f12 Ifa developers selected by the Review Committee and does not progress to a Land Development Agreement for any reason, the City reserves the right te have the Committee ‘evaluate the remaining submissions for selection, Ia developer fails to comply with terms of the Land Development Agreement, the City reserves ‘the right to cancel the agreement and the Review Committee will evaluate subsequent submissions for selection In the event that no proposals ae available for review, or that no proposals were received, the City reserves the right to extend the deadline. Extensions, changes and updates will be posted ‘on the City web site at http://www., Review and Selection Process ‘A review committee consisting of Mayor Patrick Madden, Deputy Mayor Monica Kurzejeski the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, and appointments, including residents and property owners, made by the Mayor will evaluate proposals in terms of + Experience of development team on similar projects ‘Proposed project schedule including plans for anchor tenants ‘Financing Package including purchase price * Tax base to be created Proposals wil be rejected from any party (as an individual or as part of an entity) who: ‘Isdelinquent in the payment of real or personal property taxes, including PILOTs and ‘municipal fees or levies, inthe City of Troy or the County of Rensselaer Has an outstanding judgment from the City of Troy + Has been subject to a property tax-foreciosure by the City within the previous five years. ‘+ Has significant outstanding building code violations from the Cty's Codes Department ‘+ Has been convicted ofa felony that affects neighborhood stability, health, safety or welfare ‘+ Has outstanding offers to purchase or uncompleted performance on @ City sale except "upon approval of the Commissioner of Planning and the Bureau of Surplus Property ‘+ Is debarred or otherwise prohibited from participating in projects receiving funding from the Federal Government or the State of New York 19 December 2016 Page 11 of 12 ‘Tax and court records are also checked after acceptance, prior to closing. If any ofthese Conditions exist, the City may terminate the development agreement, ‘The Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals that it does not deem aualifed Timeline ‘The Committee will review submissions and meet within two weeks after submission deadline to make a selection or to schedule follow up interviews. The Committee reserves the right to contact respondents for more information or clarification. Upon selection of a Developer by the Committee, and prior to approval by the City Council, 28 project coordination meetings) will be held withthe developer and key city staff from, at ' minimum, the Departments of Planning, Engineering, Public Utlities and Public Safety to ensure that the developer and City are in agreement on key development issues including but not limited to; buildable footprint, Front Stet alignment, public safety access and other requirements, utility connections and location of existing utilities currently onsite, plaza location, avaliable grants and thelr uses, possible IDA or other incentives. ‘A draft timeline willbe developed that refines but Is not limited to the following elements: Concept/program, proforma development, environmental studies, draft renderings, public review, planning commission review, schematic design, bid, construction etc, and ‘modification of Land Development Agreement. Ths timeline, along with other project Information willbe submitted to the Cty Council for their approval to enter into the Land Development agreement that will outline the terms. 19 December 2016 Page 12 0f12

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