Article From MJ Audio Magazine of Japan: Design and Building of Small Speakers No. 23
Article From MJ Audio Magazine of Japan: Design and Building of Small Speakers No. 23
Article From MJ Audio Magazine of Japan: Design and Building of Small Speakers No. 23
6.5 (16 cm) full-range drivers are popular among DIY builders, since many of them deliver well balanced highand-low ends with relatively high SPLs. They can be built easily without any network circuitries and driven well
enough with small tube amps. In this serial article, building of a new full-range speaker system will be introduced,
which will implement a brand-new 16 cm driver launched at the end of last year.
Figure 1 (above left): Markaudio Alpair 12 in grey or gold: (45,000 YEN/pair, reference only)
Markaudio website:
Figure 2 Above centre and logo right): Alpair 12 is distributed to Japan via Fidelitatem Sound Ltd.
and available from several Japanese distributors such as Roppongi Institute of Technology.
Figure 3 (above left): The frame designed to minimise effects from back pressure and reflection
Figure 4 (above right): The damper designed by a Japanese audio speaker designer.
The frame (basket) is made from resin because of a better resonant property comparing to metal, which is more
similar to wood. It looks robust enough due to reinforcement ribs. For the magnet a non-shielded ferrite core is
used. The gold plated terminals are fixed securely to the frame via color-coded resin bases (red:+, blue -).
Lets see the back side of the frame. Each column is structured with three thin plates, which seems intended to
minimise sound reflections and resistances (photo 3). It is announced that the damper (spider) is designed by Mr.
Matsubara who used to be an engineer in a famous speaker manufacture in Japan and succeeded to significantly
reduce a piston motion resistance of the coil while improving its linearity (Photo 4).
Performances of Alpair 12
Table 1 and Figure 1 - 3 are official data from Markaudio. The design achieves quite low Fo of 46 Hz while
maintaining relatively high SPL (nearly 90 dB). Since Xmax (9 mm) is large enough to be comparable with
some low power woofers, a good sound quality can be expected in the low frequency range. This driver could also
be suitably driven by tube amps because of its impedance (8 ohm). Please be aware that the charts in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2 are plotted with a frequency range up to 30 kHz when comparing them with those charts of other units
because they are normally plotted in a range of 20 Hz 20 kHz.
Although the gross outer diameter (207 mm) of Alpair 12 is comparable with those of 18 cm class drivers, its
effective radius derived from the effective diaphragm area is only 6.75 cm that is in the range of typical 16 cm
drivers. Therefore this time Alpair 12 was compared with other 16 cm units.
The enclosure used for the comparison measurements is shown in Photo 5. The box is built using lauan plywood (t
= 12 mm) with the outer dimension of W300 x H440 x D 324 mm. Its front and back faces are opened and
exchangeable so that a 20 cm class driver can be installed as well as several box types such as open-back, sealed
and bass reflex can be tried easily. This time, a sealed box stuffed with moderate amount of sound absorption
material was used for a series of measurements (Photo 6).
For benchmarking, DIATONE (Mitsubishi) P-610DB (Photo 7) and DAITO VOICE DS-16F (Photo 8) were
selected. P-610DB was not in mint but in good enough condition with no damages on the edge. DS-16F was
unused one picked up from my own stock. Outer shapes of these three drivers look different, however the
diaphragm areas are almost identical each other.
Impedance Characteristics
Each impedance was measured with input voltages of 50 mV, 500 mV and 1 V. For these measurements, an open
baffle (300 x 440 mm) was used (free space measurement). Ideally the impedance should be constant over
different input voltages, however in many cases the minimum resonant frequency shifts toward lower frequency
with higher input voltage and its peak value also decreases, consequently the resonance curve moves toward left
lower (on the other hand, impedance in high frequency range will increase in this case). This kind of tendency can
be clearly seen with P-610DB (Fig. 4) and DS-16F (Fig. 6) while Alpair 12 (Fig. 5) indicates only a slight
difference between the resonant frequencies with 50 mV and 500 mV. The resonant curve of Alpair 12 is much
different from others, which can be attributed to its low Q value, i.e. 0.913 for P-610D, 0.775 for DS-16, 0.377 for
Alpair 12 (all measured with 500 mV).
All drivers have a small resonant peak around 1 - 2 kHz due to edge resonance. In the higher frequency range,
Alpair 12 is quite smooth while other two indicate very small resonant peaks. Minimum impedance in middle
frequency range of each driver is 8 ohm with P-610DB and Alpair 12, 6 ohm with DS-16F.
Fig. 5 (above): Measured impedance of Alpair 12, open baffle, 50 mV/500mV/1V inputs.
Fig. 7 (above): Measured Sound Pressure of P-610DB, 3.5 L sealed box, equivalent to 500mV/1V
inputs, Impedance with 500 mV input.
Fig. 8 (above): Measured Sound Pressure of Alpair 12, 3.5 L sealed box, equivalent to 500mV/1V
inputs, Impedance with 500 mV input.
Fig. 9 (above): Measured Sound Pressure of DS-16F, 3.5 L sealed box, equivalent to 500mV/1V inputs,
Impedance with 500 mV input.
Fig. 10 (above): Off-Axis response of P-610DB, equivalent to 500mV/1V inputs, smoothed data.
Fig. 11 (above): Off-Axis response of Alpair 12, equivalent to 500mV/1V inputs, smoothed data.
Fig. 12 (above): Off-Axis response of DS-16F, equivalent to 500mV/1V inputs, smoothed data.
Cumulative Spectrums
The cumulative spectrums were measured in a frequency range from 1 kHz to 20 kHz with 5 dB step width in
order to eliminate room effects (reflections). Each scale of the chart is as follows: horizontal = frequency (1k
20kHz), vertical = sound pressure (5dB step), depth = time (100 micro-sec step). The time scale starts from the
farthest side (0 sec) and then propagates toward the nearest side (2 milli-sec) with 100 micro-sec step (Fig. 13
15). Ideally, only the farthest profile should be visible on the cart (other nearer ones should be hidden below the
horizontal plane).
Comparing to P-610DB, Alpair 12 is indicating stronger resonances at 15 kHz and 20 kHz, however considerably
excellent in the range below 5 kHz. DS-16F has most significant resonances and reflections among three drivers.
(Figs 13, 14 and 15 on next page)
Fig. 14 (above): Cumulative spectrum of DS-16F, 500mV input, frequency 1 20 kHz, time 0 2 milli-sec
with 100 micro-sec step.
Fig. 15 (above): Cumulative spectrum of P-610DB, 500mV input, frequency 1 20 kHz, time 0 2 milli-sec
with 100 micro-sec step.
Step Responses
For full-range speakers, the ideal response should draw a rectangular triangle. The oblique line becomes more
jagged if resonances or reflections are stronger. Due to the high Q value, Alpair 12 is indicating a well damped
response with a less minus amplitude.
Harmonic Distortions
The harmonic distortions were measured using a pure tone with 1/12 octave intervals with a distance of 100 mm.
Each measurement was performed 6 times and averaged in order to eliminate environmental noises. Fig. 19 is
showing a measure result on Alpair 12 with using a pink noise signal (1/12oct RTA mode, 100 mm distance).
From this chart you can see a resolution of 1/12 octave. Fig. 20 22 are showing total and 2nd order harmonic
distortions, and Fig. 23 25 are showing total and 3rd order harmonic distortions. The vertical scales are displayed
in %, where 3.162% corresponds to -30 dB and 1% corresponds to -40dB. The total harmonic distortions are
compared between P-610DB and Alpair 12 in Fig. 26 as well as between P-610DB and DS-16F in Fig. 27. The
Alpair 12 demonstrates significantly less harmonic distortions and the distortion is strongly dominated by 2nd
order component through the whole frequency range.
Fig 19 (above): Alpair 12 pink noise signal (1/12oct RTA mode, 100 mm distance).
Fig 26 (above): Distortion compared between P-610DB (upper line) and Alpair 12 (lower line).
Fig 27 (above): Distortion compared between P-610DB (lower line) and DS-16F (upper line).
The performance of the state-of-the-art Alpair 12 is quite excellent. A new enclosure optimised for this driver
will be introduced next time in a new issue of MJ magazine.
Measurement equipment: praxis (available from Roppongi Institute of Technology, Japan) .
March 2010.