A Chanuka Activity For Families

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8 Conversations for 8 Nights

A Chanuka Activity for Families

t has often been observed that

Chanuka shares a root with
chinuch (education). In fact, the
stories and halachot of Chanuka are
rich with opportunities for robust
educational conversation both in
school and at home.
Each night, families have a tremendous
teachable moment while sitting by
the chanukia. Conversations about
themes in Chanuka can help families
address topics and share values that
sometimes get neglected in the rush of
day-to-day life.
1. Making the Effort
After the Maccabees defeated the
Syrian-Greeks, and wanted to
rededicate the Beit Hamikdash, they
famously discovered that they only
had enough oil to last for one day,
when producing more oil would take
eight days. Though the oil was not
enough to last, they lit the menorah
anyway. They did the best they could.
Have you ever started something
that you didnt think would succeed?
Why should we try our best if we are
sure that we will not succeed?
[Rabbi Tarfon] used to say: It is not
your responsibility to finish the work, but
you are not free to abstain from it either.
Mishna Avot, 2:16
How does Rabbi Tarfons wisdom
apply to the Maccabim?
If we dont finish the work, who will?
Who finished the work of keeping
the menorah lit?

Shira Heller
Director of Student and Teacher Learning at Prizmah:
Center for Jewish Day Schools
Parent of YUHSB student Nadav Heller, Class of 2019
2. Miracles in our Day
On Chanuka, we remember and
express our gratitude for two miracles.
The miracle of the oilone days
worth lasting for eight dayswas an
act of Hashem suspending the laws
of nature. The miracle of the military
victorythe few defeating the
manywas within the laws of nature.
Do we still experience miracles
today? If so, are they supernatural, or
within the laws of nature?
Do you think the establishment of
the State of Israel was miraculous?
Why or why not?
Did you ever have a personal
experience that felt miraculous? If
so, what was it? Did you express
3. The Few Against the Many:
Overcoming the Odds

What characteristics do you think

the Maccabim had that helped them
defeat the Syrian-Greeks?
Did you ever overcome a challenge?
How did you do it? How did it feel?
4. Counting Up: Chanuka as a
Model for Growth
The Gemara relates that Hillel and
Shammai argued over the correct
method for lighting the chanukia.
According to Shammai, one begins
with eight candles, lighting one fewer
each night. According to Hillel, one
begins with one candle, lighting one
more each night. One reason given
for Hillels position is that we should
increase in holiness.
Why would we not light all eight
candles the first night, but gradually
add one candle each night?
What message do you think it would
send if we decreased the number of
candles each night? How would that
change our Chanuka celebration?

The story of the war between the

Maccabim and the Syrian-Greeks is
an illustration of how a few brave and
What does it mean to increase in
strong people, with the help of Hashem,
holiness and how can we do it?
can defeat an overwhelming force.
How could our method for lighting
Do you ever feel like the odds are
the chanukia be a model for personal
stacked against you? To whom do you
turn for help?

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Chanuka 5777

5. Resisting Peer Pressure:

How the Maccabim Embraced
Being Different
The Syrian-Greeks sought to destroy
the Jews by outlawing Jewish
practices. Many Jews assimilated,
becoming indistinguishable from the
Greeks around them. The Maccabim
resisted tremendous pressure to
conform, and retained both their
Jewish practice and their Jewish pride.
When it seems like everyone is
doing the wrong thing, how do you do
whats right?
What are some things bullies might
try to do to make us do things we
know are wrong?
How can we be prepared to respond
to peer pressure?
6. Pirsum HaNes: Being a
Show Off

The Rambam teaches in Hilchot

Chanuka that we should light our
chanukia in a window or doorway since
its purpose is to publicize the miracle.

If you could give a gift to your whole

family/school/community, what
would it be?

When do we want to attract

attention and show off? When not?

8. Enjoying the Moment

What are the right things to show off?

What should be kept more private?
Have you ever felt reluctant to
advertise your Judaism?
7. All those Presents!
Recently, exchanging gifts has become
an important part of many families
Chanuka celebration. Sometimes,
this results in excitement and joy.
Sometimes it causes jealousy and greed.

We are halachically forbidden to

use the lights of the chanukia for
anything . We may not use them to
do homework, read a book, or wash
dishes. We are supposed to enjoy their
light. There is a widespread custom
(especially among women) to refrain
from work for at least the first half
hour that the chanukia lights burn.
As a family, do we find enough time
to stop and enjoy? Are we too busy?

Why do we give gifts on Chanuka?

Does everything have to have a use

or is it good to have things just to

How can we make gift-giving part of

the spiritual message of Chanuka?

Adapted from the Benjamin and Rose

Berger Torah To-Go, Chanukah 5772.

What is the best gift you ever received?

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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Chanuka 5777

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