Session 55
Session 55
Session 55
Large Group
Show “Play All” for session 55 on the DVD. If you want to lead a discussion after each section of the video, show “The
Spark,” “Fanning the Flame,” and “Combustion” separately. As an alternative, replace “Combustion” by using “Story Outline,
Session 55” to present the story of John 4:1-42. If desired, distribute copies of “Listening Guide 55” to the students to complete
during “Combustion.”
Small Groups
(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or “OY”
Preparation: Listen to “The Samaritan Woman” by playing this CD in any CD player. Read John 4:1-42 and “Background for
the Bible Passage, Session 55.”
1. Review the story briefly and ask a student to read John 4:7-26 aloud.
2. Show “Time Line 55” and point out where today’s story fits.
3. Print “Journey Through Samaria” from the CD and point out the possible routes Jesus and his disciples might have taken to
avoid traveling through Samaria.
4. Discuss Jesus’ willingness to cross the social and religious boundaries of his day by asking:
• Why was it such a surprise to the woman that Jesus spoke with her?
• What were barriers that could have separated the two women in the “Spark”? What was the benefit of overcoming those
• What are the barriers that separate Christians from others today?
• In what ways do some people seem “unreachable” or “too bad” for a witness attempt? (OY)
5. Ask: Who needs water? Observe that thirsty people need water. Discuss the following:
• In what ways was this Samaritan woman spiritually thirsty? (OY)
• What would have to happen for teenagers you know to become thirsty for living water? (OY)
• What are substitute “drinks” teenagers might use to replace Jesus’ living water?
• What other common things could serve as illustrations for spiritual truth in our conversations?
6. What are some things that a non-Christian might ask during a witnessing encounter?
7. What are some answers to these questions that might help a Christian get the conversation back on track?
8. Talk briefly about the power of the woman’s testimony in bringing other Samaritans to encounter Christ. Ask: How can
your testimony cause other youth to become curious about Jesus?
1. Before the group convenes, recruit a student to whom you can “witness.” Direct your enlistee to “chase rabbits,” coming up
with off-the-wall questions that sidetrack the “witness” effort. Observe that the Samaritan woman attempted to sidetrack
Jesus during their conversation. (OY)
2. Using yarn, “rope off” part of the group by encircling three or four students. Ask: What are the barriers between people
that make it harder for people to talk about spiritual things? (YY)
3. Provide salty snacks for the session. As students eat, discuss thirst, the satisfaction of cold water, spiritual thirst, and Jesus’
offer to the Samaritan woman.
Hand out copies of “Exploring the Bible Daily 55.” Direct students to write questions or insights as they read.
© 2005 LifeWay Press®. Fuel: Igniting New Life with God’s Story 2.1. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.