ME 563 Homework # 8 Fall 2008: PROBLEM 1: (35%)

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ME 563


Fall 2008

PROBLEM 1: (35%)
During the winter months, power cables can become coated with ice as shown in the figure below. The
ice creates an asymmetric aerodynamic surface overwhich wind blows causing the power cables to
gallop and eventually vibrate loose from their supports. Galloping or flutter occurs in this case
when the effective damping of the vibrating cables becomes negative. If the angle of attack, , which is
the angle between the upstream wind velocity, u, and the relative velocity, uR, is relatively small, then
find the maximum wind velocity that will not produce galloping of the cable (mass M, viscous damping
C, vertical stiffness K) given that the vertical force on the ice-covered cable (ice mass Mi) is,
F = u 2WC x

where Cx is a force coefficient given by,


C x = R [C L cos + C D sin ]
with lift coefficient, CL, and drag coefficient, CD, and W is the area of the ice-covered cable. Assume all
constants are known and that the cable can be modeled as a SDOF system. Comment on the result.

PROBLEM 2 (30%)

You would like to use the sensor below to measure the displacement of the structure. Assume that the
output measurement from your sensor is proportional to the relative displacement between the base and
the sensor element and that the casing is rigidly attached to the structure. Plot and describe the
frequency response characteristics of this sensor for different values of the design parameters (M, C, and
K). How would you design this sensor to make the best measurements? Can you measure the static
displacement of the structure? Explain.

PROBLEM 3 (35%)

Calculate, plot, and explain the frequency response function between the weighted unbalance mass, me,
and the dynamic unbalance, MXp, where Xp is the dynamic steady state displacement of the attachment
point of the engine nacelle on the wing below when the rotor is spinning at a speed of N RPM, M is the
total mass of the rotor-blade assembly, m is the unbalance mass of the rotor-blade assembly, and e is the
eccentricity of unbalance. You will also need to calculate the effective mass of the wing as it undergoes
vibration from the reciprocating imbalance of the engine. How would you design the nacelle attachment
mount to eliminate the vibration amplitude of the wing at a rotational speed of N RPM? Show any
associated frequency response functions associated with your proposed design.


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