Chapter 10 Discussion Questions
Chapter 10 Discussion Questions
Chapter 10 Discussion Questions
inhaler. They should always have their inhaler nearby, especially when
working out.
5. Utilizing the FITT principle as a basis, develop a fitness plan for one week.
Include ACSM recommendations for the activities you choose. Be sure to
include strategies that might help you successfully adhere to your plan.
Frequency- I would begin by being consistent with my work outs. It is also
important that you increase frequency very slowly over time. Start slow,
especially if youve been inactive for a while.
Intensity-If youve been inactive for a while try and keep your heart rate at
40%-50% of your maximum heart rate. This will ease you into your new
workout plan and you wont be extremely tired or sore.
Time- Keep your reps and weight low for the first week to get back into the
rhythm and swing of things.
Type- you can vary the types of your exercise within a one-week time frame.
It is important to vary your exercises to give certain muscle groups rest and
strengthen others. Variety will give you beer overall physical fitness.