A Women Secure Mobile App For Emergency Usage (Go Safe App)

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



Divya S1, Vinitha M2, Logeshwari B3, Indumathi P4

Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, RVS Technical Campus-Coimbatore, India

UG Scholar, Department of CSE, RVS Technical Campus- Coimbatore, India
UG Scholar, Department of CSE, RVS Technical Campus- Coimbatore, India
UG Scholar, Department of CSE, RVS Technical Campus- Coimbatore, India


Many unfortunate incidents have been taking place . Problems may come from any direction such as walking on the road after the
work, going to super market or many other reasons for which they go alone. People at home are not sure of their return safely. In
order to overcome such problems the GO SAFE (security app) mobile based application is not only necessary to use but also
plays a pivotal role with android software. The usage of smart phones equipped with GPS navigation unit have increased rapidly.
The GO SAFE application is mainly developed to safeguard. By clicking on the buttons (power & volume button) alert message
is sent. Application communicates the users location to the registered contacts in the form of message. Thus, it acts like a sentinel
following behind the person till the user feels she is safe. Also, the registered contacts and GPS location are saved from time to
time in a database.

Keywords: Apps, Android, Mobile, Safety. Etc



In todays world, it is not safe for a person to travel alone at

night especially for women, it will be high time to travel
alone because a woman is not highly strong as men to
protect herself from them. The good way to reduce chances
in becoming a victim of violent crime (robbery, sexual
assault, rape, domestic violence) is to identify and call on
resources to help out of unsafe situations. Whether in instant
trouble or got separated from friends during night and do not
know to reach home, having these apps on phone can
diminish our risk and bring assistance when we require it. In
this paper, it is presented GO SAFE, an application for
smart phones working over android platform.The motto in
developing this app is to provide a safe environment through
smart phone as today most of the people are carrying smart
phones to wherever they go.
Of course, the Delhi Nirbhaya case has made the
Government to make the laws tougher, but even though the
sexual crime rate in India have not decreased. So, it is better
to take our own safety measures rather than becoming a
victim of those crimes.
This paper is organised as follows. Section II describes the
literature survey of the existing apps and the related work of
creating the application. Section III presents the
functionalities and key features of the application.
Consequently, the working of the application is described in
the section IV. The section V presents the testing results of
the application after installing in the smart phone. Finally,
section VI concludes the paper and presents the future work
for the paper.


As a part of literature survey, it is investigated some

applications of safety that already exist in market. The aim
is to observe how these applications work and to see how
they can be improved and how are they different. To date it
is identified that the following Android Apps of security are
good and are offering relatively similar service.

2.1 Womens Security

The app is developed by AppSoftIndia. The key features of

the app are: the user has to save some details. These details
include: Email address and password of the user, Email
address and mobile number of the recipient and a text
message. Then, app is loaded as a widget, so that when
the user touches the app, it alerts the recipient. Another key
feature of app is that it records the voice of surroundings for
about 45 seconds and this recorded voice, text message
containing location co-ordinates of the user is sent to the
recipient mobile number.

2.2 Bsafe- Personal Safety App

The app is developed by Bipper Inc. On March 6, 2015.

The apps motto is Never Walk Alone. This app helps the
user to create a gang of 'Guardians' and SOS message will
be received by them when the user is in trouble. Also
another good feature of this app is one of the guardians will
also be called. The SOS message also includes location of
user via GPS. The user can also enable the GPS tracker and
let the friends know location at any time.

Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2016, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

2.3 Safetipin- Complete Safety App

The is a privacy security app having the troop of features;

GPS tracking, emergency, important contact numbers,
directions to safe locations, pins displaying unsafe and free
from danger areas and a Safety Score. It drives in advance
of exemplary women safety apps, and presents a vast range
of features, so that they will help to practically plan and can
give a counter attack to those spots in the locality. When a
person is going to move to a new locality that is unknown to
him and if he or she want to know the safe areas, then this
app will be much helpful providing the user a map based
view of the locality along with its safety score. Also, the
person can select the areas on those he or she excited to go
and can get knowledge about the risks of hassles about the
area, so they can finally take safety measures.

2.4 Police Nearby

The app is developed by Big Systems in 2013.The police

nearby scanner android app is built with the aim to connect
citizens & students to their nearest police stations city wise
at one click and will permit the community to become more
involved right from your Android Smart phones. Any local,
state, or school, College police department as well as other
law enforcement agencies can use Police scanner Android
App to provide you with enhanced service and get better
communication. Police nearby app is free to download
without signup.



The working of the application is divided into three major

sections. They are described as follows:
a) Initially, when the app is touched it asks for users details
like name of the user,contacts from whom we hire help.The
contacts who will respond immediately must be saved like
family, friends or police. These contacts are called
registered contacts; they are called so because they are
registered to the application. After entering the contact
details, save button must be touched so that those will be
saved and after to these the user information will be sent
when the person is in danger.

The motto is to develop an application for android users to

keep track of user through several functions. This
application uses GPS for identifying the location of the user
in trouble, uses a database in which the complete details to
which the information has to be sent and the required
information like GPS co-ordinates will be stored. The
complete system can be divided into three modules:
1. First module can be the victims phone which uses GPS
tracking application sending information of the location
to the database continuously.
2. Second module can be the database in which the contact
details like police control room, family, friends etc are
3. Third module can be the mobile phone of friends or
family or police to which the information of GPS coordinates will be sent.
4. By pressing on the power and increase volume button,
initially it identifies the location of the user through
Global Positioning System (GPS). Then, it sends the
latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the users location
to the registered contacts.

3.1 Overview

The block diagram depicted below shows the exact flow of

control of the android application. Here the database acts as
a storing media between the two mobile devices. The
database information i.e. to which database the information
has to be sent, the URL of the database is coded itself in the
application. From the database, the location co-ordinates is
sent to the registered contacts of the user.

Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2016, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
b) Click on the combination of
buttons, the GPS
information (the GPS information can be in the form of
latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the users location or
in the form of URL which leads to the location of the person
through any stock map application ) and the alert message is
also sent through it.

Use the link

in google
map to find
the location

c) This section describes the primary working of the

database. The information that is sent to the database is in
turn sent to the registered contacts continuously.


This paper describes the application, GO SAFE that is

designed in android platform for safety measures with the
aid of recent improvements in mobile technology. This
application helps the tracking of the root device through
GPS which will help the law enforcement authorities to
rescue the person in danger as quickly as possible from the
anti- social elements. For future development, this
application can be integrated with the law enforcement
database (eg.city police control room database) instead of
experimental database used here in the project.Thus, this
app can help in a big way to rescue the women or men from
unsafe conditions.


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Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2016, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


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