International Monetary Fund: How Did Emerging Markets Cope in The Crisis?

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How Did Emerging Markets Cope in the Crisis?

Prepared by the Strategy, Policy, and Review Department

In consultation with other departments

Approved by Reza Moghadam

June 15, 2010

Scope. This paper examines the performance of emerging market economies (EMs) during the
recent global crisis and draws policy conclusions. It considers how EMs were affected by the
initial impact of the crisis, examines the extent to which they were able to undertake
countercyclical policies to moderate the impact, and highlights factors that have influenced the
pace and timing of their recovery. Finally, it considers policy challenges facing EMs as the crisis
subsides. This paper sheds light on the role of reserves in crises, and provides contextual
background for work on the future financing role of the IMF.

Takeaways. The paper’s primary message is that countries that had improved policy fundamentals
and reduced vulnerabilities in the pre-crisis period reaped the benefits of these reforms during the
crisis. Specifically: (i) The initial impact of the crisis was less pronounced in EMs that had better
pre-crisis external vulnerability indicators. Reserve holdings helped protect EMs from the sharp
rise in global risk aversion but these benefits diminished at very high levels of reserve holdings;
(ii) Countries that entered the crisis with more policy space and less binding financing constraints
were able to react more aggressively with fiscal and monetary policy; (iii) Recovery from the crisis
was faster in EMs that gave a bigger fiscal stimulus, had stronger pre-crisis fundamentals, and had
faster growing trading partners; (iv) There is considerable heterogeneity in the policy challenges
facing EMs as they exit from the crisis. Countries with a high level of vulnerabilities still need to
undertake further adjustment. However, countries that entered the crisis with relatively good
fundamentals are recovering faster and may be constrained in their policy options due to
accommodative policies in advanced economies (AEs).

Data and methods. The analysis is based on the Spring 2010 World Economic Outlook data,
public sources (Haver, CEIC, and others), and internal staff assessments of vulnerabilities.

Staff. The paper was prepared by a team from SPR led by R. Baqir and comprising M. Chivakul,
G. Gray, B. Joshi, P. Kehayova, R. Llaudes, G. Presciuttini, M. Saenz, and F. Salman with
contributions from I. Asmundson and M. Saito, under the supervision of A. Husain. It draws on the
findings of missions to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Russian Federation by a team comprising
R. Baqir (head), M. Chivakul, and F. Salman (all SPR).

Contents Page

I. Introduction and Summary .....................................................................................................4 

II. Impact of the Crisis ...............................................................................................................6 

III. Policy Response and Recovery ..........................................................................................16 

IV. Country Cases ....................................................................................................................25 

V. Exit Issues and Lessons.......................................................................................................30 

1. Potential Determinants of Impact on Real Output on EMs During the Crisis .............10 
2. Regressions for Percent Change in Real Output ..........................................................11 
3. Determinants of Peak-to-Trough Real Credit Growth .................................................13 
4.  Determinants of the Change in Spreads from Trough to Peak ....................................15 
5.  Determinants of Change in Primary Deficit ................................................................18 
6.  Determinants of Extra Accommodation in 2009 .........................................................20 
7.  Determinants of Monetary Stimulus in 2009 ...............................................................21 
8.  Interest Rate Determinants ...........................................................................................22 
9.  Exchange Rate Depreciations and Use of Reserves ....................................................23 
10.  Determinants of GDP Growth Recovery .....................................................................24 
11.  Determinants of Industrial Production Growth Recovery ...........................................25 
12. Determinants of Change in Projected 2013 Real GDP ................................................32 

1.  Median Stock Market Indices ........................................................................................8 
2.  Impact of Crisis on Output.............................................................................................9 
3.  Financial and Corporate Vulnerabilities ......................................................................10 
4. Credit Developments ...................................................................................................13 
5. Deleveraging ................................................................................................................14 
6.  Bank’s Probability of Default ......................................................................................16 
7.  Fiscal and Monetary Easing in Emerging Markets and Advanced Economies ...........17 
8. Monetary Stimulus .......................................................................................................20 
9.  Impact of Crisis: Country Variability in Outcomes .....................................................26 
10.  EM Reserve Usage During the Crisis ..........................................................................29 
11.  Permanent Output Losses ............................................................................................31 
12.  External Imbalances .....................................................................................................33 
13.  Inflation in EMs ...........................................................................................................34 
14.  Coping with Inflows: Use of Price-Based Capital Controls and
Prudential Measures ..................................................................................................36 

1.  Assessments of Underlying Vulnerabilities in Emerging Market Countries ...............38 
2.  Alternative Ways to Measure Output Loss ..................................................................39 
3.  The Role of Trade Finance During the Crisis ..............................................................40 
4.  Trade Policy During the Crisis ....................................................................................41 
5.  Was the Fiscal Policy Response in 2009 Different? ....................................................42

Country Sample .......................................................................................................................4



1. The recent crisis marked the largest shock to the world economy in the post-war
era. After years of strong global growth, the implosion in advanced economy financial
centers quickly affected emerging market economies (EMs). Financial markets froze in the
aftermath of the Lehman bankruptcy in September 2008 and EMs faced an externally driven
collapse in trade and pronounced financial volatility, magnified by deleveraging by banks
worldwide. Growth of the global economy fell 6 percentage points from its pre-crisis peak to
its trough in 2009, the largest straight fall in global growth in the post-war era.

2. The crisis had a pronounced but varied impact on EMs. On average, real output in
EMs fell about 4 percent between the third quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, the
most intense period of the crisis. But this average performance masked considerable variation
across EMs. Real output contracted 11 percent during this period in the worst affected
quartile of EMs, mostly in emerging Europe. On the other hand, output rose 1 percent during
the same period in the least affected quartile. Similarly, the impact of the crisis on EM
financial markets varied considerably. Sovereign spreads rose by more than 1,000 basis
points for some EMs through the crisis but by only around 100 basis points for some others.

3. As a result of the crisis, a number of EMs turned to the IMF for financial
support. Increases in lending resources as well as reforms to the lending framework enabled
the IMF to quickly react to global developments and put in place 24 arrangements, many
with exceptional access, and including the recently introduced Flexible Credit Line. A recent
review provided a preliminary assessment of policy reactions (see Review of Recent Crisis
Programs), program design, and outcomes under IMF-supported programs. During the Board
discussion of that paper, several Directors requested a broader look at how EMs coped in the

4. This paper provides a preliminary assessment of the emerging markets’

experience in the global crisis. First, with a view to distilling policy messages, it identifies
factors that led to some countries being less affected by the global crisis than others (Section
II). Second, the paper documents EMs’ unprecedented policy response to the crisis. It
explains why some EMs were able to respond more aggressively and are recovering quicker
than others (Section III). Third, the paper presents three country case studies to complement
the empirical analysis and illustrate some of the main messages from the paper (Section IV).
Finally, the paper takes stock of the outlook for EMs in the aftermath of the crisis and
concludes with preliminary lessons from their experience with the crisis (Section V).

5. The paper’s primary message is that countries that had improved policy
fundamentals and reduced vulnerabilities in the pre-crisis period reaped the benefits of
these reforms during the crisis. This theme permeates the main results in the paper:

 Impact of crisis: Controlling for other determinants of impact such as trade and
financial openness, countries that had better pre-crisis fundamentals and vulnerability

indicators experienced less severe output contractions and widening of sovereign

spreads. Higher international reserves holdings, by reducing external vulnerability,
helped buffer the impact of the crisis. But reserves had diminishing returns: at very
high levels of reserves there is little discernable evidence of their moderating impact
on output collapse. As expected, countries that were more open to trade and financial
linkages were more affected.

 Policy response: Countries that entered the crisis with more policy space and less
binding financing constraints were able to react with more aggressive fiscal and
monetary stimuli. Fiscal policy in particular responded more strongly than implied by
historical behavior.

 Recovery: Countries that had better pre-crisis fundamentals and those that were able
to sustain public spending growth are recovering more quickly from the crisis.

 Exit issues and outlook: EMs that entered the crisis with high vulnerabilities were
able to smooth adjustment due to quick access to financing, including from the IMF.
Their challenge is to sustain adjustment in the coming years to improve their
vulnerability indicators. On the other hand, EMs that had low pre-crisis
vulnerabilities are further ahead in the recovery cycle than advanced
economies (AEs). Some may be constrained from withdrawing stimulus due to
possible spillovers from accommodative policies in AEs as monetary tightening may
fuel capital inflows. In light of such spillovers, these countries may need to adjust
their policy mix and/or consider price-based capital controls and prudential measures,
where appropriate, to cope with surges in capital inflows.

6. The role played by pre-crisis vulnerabilities has important implications for IMF
surveillance. During the thick of the crisis around the time of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy,
EM assets fell across the board. At the time it was not clear whether EMs that had invested in
improving policy fundamentals in the
preceding years would fare any better Pre-crisis External Vulnerabilities 1/
than others. The main message from this 1.2
External vulnerability index (2007)

paper is that markets do discriminate 1.0

across EMs and prior progress was 0.8
rewarded. Countries that entered the
crisis with lower vulnerabilities had
worked to reduce them in the preceding
period (text figure). This message also 0.2

highlights the need for EMs emerging 0.0

from the crisis with high vulnerabilities -0.2
to protect themselves against future -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Change in external vulnerability index (2003-07)
shocks. It also underlines the relevance 1/ Lower numbers indicate lower vulnerability
of vulnerability indicators for IMF Source: Vulnerability Exercise, Spring 2007

surveillance and policy advice.


7. This paper complements other work in the IMF. First, it provides contextual
background to work on the future financing role of the IMF (see the Fund’s Mandate—
Future Financing Role). In particular, the analysis in this paper with respect to the role of
reserves and constraints in policy reaction is relevant for a consideration of how the IMF can
best meet the needs of its membership. It also complements ongoing work in the IMF on exit
issues from crisis intervention policies (see Exiting from Crisis Intervention Policies), the
state of public finances (IMF, 2009a), and strategies for fiscal consolidation in the post-crisis
world (see Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in the Post-Crisis World). An update of the
earlier review of crisis programs is underway, and will be presented separately. Regional
perspectives on how EMs coped with the crisis are covered in recent issues of the IMF’s
Regional Economic Outlook series (IMF 2009b, 2009c).1


8. Even though the global crisis started in AE Impact of the Crisis

Emerging Advanced
financial centers, it took a heavy toll on EMs. The Markets Economies

median EM suffered about as large a decline in output Output collapse 1/

Median -4.9 -4.5

as the median AE, but the impact was more varied in 25th percentile
75th percentile

EMs (see table). Several EMs were affected more than Stock market collapse 1/
Median -57.1 -55.4
the worst-hit AEs while some other EMs continued to 25th percentile -72.0 -64.1
75th percentile -45.2 -49.0
grow through the crisis period. Similarly, while on Rise in sovereign spreads 2/

average EMs experienced as large a decline in stock Median

25th percentile

markets and as large a widening of spreads as AEs, 75th percentile 772 …

1/ Measured as percent change from peak to trough.

there was considerable cross-country variability. What 2/ Measured as increase in basis points from trough to
peak. For AEs, table reports rise in spreads on US
explains these differing outcomes? corporates rated BBB.
Source: Haver; Bloomberg; Fund staff calculations.

9. The message from this section is that countries with higher pre-crisis
vulnerabilities and trade and financial linkages with the global economy were more
impacted by the crisis. One of the factors that lowered pre-crisis vulnerability was higher
international reserves in relation to short-term external financing needs. Nevertheless,
additional reserves were less useful at limiting output collapse at very high levels of reserves.
The analysis also indicates that countries that experienced pre-crisis credit booms
experienced sharper output falls during the crisis, although to a lesser extent than during
previous crisis episodes. Such credit booms were typically foreign-financed and more
pronounced for countries with fixed exchange rate regimes.

10. Pre-crisis vulnerabilities and policy fundamentals can be measured in different

ways.2 Measuring vulnerabilities consistently across countries and over time can be a

Other papers that discuss the impact of the crisis on emerging markets include Berglöf and others (2009),
Berkmen and others (2009), Ghosh and others (2009), Rose and Spiegel (2009a, 2009b), Taylor (2009), and
BIS (2009a, 2009b).
The terms “vulnerabilities” and “policy fundamentals” are used interchangeably in this paper.

challenging task. The IMF developed a methodology for this purpose as part of the internal
semi-annual vulnerability exercise for emerging market economies (VEE).3 Given that for
most EMs this was an externally driven crisis, this paper primarily uses the indicator-based
external vulnerability index from the spring 2007 round of the VEE, the last before the onset
of market volatility in late 2007. A sub-theme from this paper is that the external
vulnerability index does remarkably well in explaining the experience of EMs in this crisis.
The terms “low,” “medium,” and “high” vulnerability as used in the rest of the paper pertain
to the ratings on this vulnerability index in the Spring 2007 round of the VEE. Of the “high”
vulnerability group, about half the countries were in Emerging Europe. The country sample
used in the paper is provided in the Annex.

11. The impact of the crisis can be measured along several dimensions:

 Impact on the real economy. The preferred measure in this paper is the percent
change in seasonally adjusted quarterly GDP from each country’s peak to its
respective trough during the crisis. 4 Box 2 describes additional measures of real
impact that were explored as part of the analysis.

 Impact on financial markets and the banking sector. This is measured, for each
country, by the (a) change in the average monthly stock market index during the crisis;
(b) collapse in real private sector credit growth from its peak to trough and the
difference between pre- and post-crisis average monthly credit flows in percent of
GDP; and (c) rise in the average monthly EMBI sovereign spread from its trough to
peak (in basis points). As for output loss, county variation in peaks and troughs is
taken into account.

12. Recoupling led to re-decoupling in the financial transmission of the crisis. To

assess how investors differentiated between countries, Figure 1 traces daily stock market
indices across AEs and EMs by their level of vulnerability in Spring 2007. Similar to several
other studies, the start of the crisis is taken to be August 9, 2007 when three funds that had
invested in subprime mortgages were suspended from trading and the Fed, ECB, and BoJ
undertook coordinated liquidity injection. 5 Three phases of transmission emerge:

The VEE was established in 2001 to inform staff’s surveillance of emerging market countries. It examines
several indicators against thresholds in the public, external, financial, and corporate sectors, to classify a
country as having a “low,” “medium,” or “high” underlying vulnerability in each sector and overall. For
confidentiality reasons it is not published. Box 1 provides more details.
An alternative measure of impact could be the change in output between 2008Q3 and 2009Q1, the peak and
trough, respectively, for the typical EM. However, there is considerable country level variation in peaks and
troughs and using this approach would have been accurate for only around one half of the EMs in the sample.
See Cecchetti (2008) and Taylor and Williams (2008).

 Decoupling. First, some EMs seemed to decouple from AEs between the start of the
crisis and collapse of Lehman. Until a few weeks before Lehman’s bankruptcy
announcement, stock markets in low and medium pre-crisis vulnerability EMs were
15 percent below their levels of August 2007, while those in AEs and high
vulnerability EMs had already fallen around 30 percent.

 Re-coupling. This differentiation came to an end in the second phase as Lehman’s

collapse triggered panic in the global economic landscape and all EMs fell almost

 Re-decoupling. With the return of stability in the third phase of transmission, EMs re-
decoupled and a striking gap opened between high vulnerability countries and others.
Overall, since August 2007, while stock markets in low and medium vulnerability
countries have broadly recovered to pre-crisis levels, those in countries with high
vulnerabilities on the eve of the crisis remain depressed.

Figure 1. Median Stock Market Indices

(August 9, 2007 = 100, medians)
Fed IMF G20 Summit
rate Reform - London
at zero Lending


60 Lehman

40 Start of crisis,
August 9, 2007

EM Low & Medium Vulnerability
EM High Vulnerability
Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10
Source: Bloomberg; Fund staff calculations.

13. Looking at the macroeconomic impact, countries that experienced a decline in

vulnerabilities before the crisis came out well ahead of others. This is illustrated in both
the timing of experiencing a fall in output and the magnitude of the decline:

Timing of collapse in real activity. By the third quarter of 2008, the majority of
countries that had high or medium pre-crisis vulnerabilities were contracting
(Figure 2). In contrast, low pre-crisis vulnerability EMs held out longer before

succumbing to global headwinds. Even through the worst of the crisis in 2009Q1,
many low vulnerability countries did not experience a fall in output.

 Magnitude of collapse in real activity. A similar message emerges from a

comparison of the magnitude of the fall. Countries with low and medium
vulnerabilities suffered much smaller output collapses than other EMs. These
countries also contracted much less than AEs.

Figure 2. Impact of Crisis on Output

Proportion of Countries with Negative Quarterly Growth by Real GDP

Level of External Vulnerability (2008q2 = 100, seasonally adjusted, medians)
100 104
Percent of VE category

70 100
40 96
30 94
0 90
2007Q4 2008Q1 2008Q2 2008Q3 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009q4 2008Q2 2008Q3 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009Q4
High vulnerability Medium vulnerability Low vulnerability EM: Low & Medium Vulnerability EM: High Vulnerability
Past crises
Source: VEE Spring 2007; Haver; National authorities; Fund staf f calculations

14. Highly vulnerable EMs experienced a smaller initial fall in output during this
crisis than EMs in past crises.6 The global coordinated response to this crisis and the
provision of quick and large amounts of financing from international institutions, including
the IMF, allowed countries to smooth adjustment. In addition, past EM crises often involved
banking crises, which was not the case this time round. This was partly due to the crisis
having emerged in AE financial centers, but also probably owed to the general absence of
currency crises that could have severely impaired banks and corporate balance sheets.
Moreover, many EMs entered this crisis on the back of improvements in financial and
corporate sectors vulnerability indicators (Figure 3). An exception is the average trend for
European EMs, where financial sector vulnerabilities did not improve during 2000−07,
unlike in other regions where there was an improvement.

Past capital account crisis cases—for comparison purposes—are Mexico (1994), Indonesia (1997), Korea
(1997), Malaysia (1997), Philippines (1997), Thailand (1997), Brazil (1998), Colombia (1998), Ecuador (1998),
Russia (1998), Turkey (2000), Argentina (2001), and Uruguay (2001). Dates in parentheses are those of crisis
inception. Comparisons with past crises should be interpreted with caution, owing to differing external
circumstances prevailing during different episodes. Ramakrishnan and Zalduendo (2006) and Reinhart and
Rogoff (2008) use similar country samples of past crises.

Figure 3. Financial and Corporate Vulnerabilities

0.9 Corporate Sector 0.7
0.8 Vulnerability Index Asia
(Index range: 0 - 1) 0.6
0.5 Middle East
0.6 Latin America
0.5 0.4

0.4 Europe
0.3 Latin America
0.3 Asia
0.2 Financial Sector Vulnerability Index
Europe 0.1 (Index range: 0 - 1)
0.0 0.0
1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Source: VEE Fall 2009 (lower values of the index indicate lower vulnerability).

Table 1. Potential Determinants of Impact on Real Output on EMs During the Crisis 1/

Pre - Crisis Policy Fundamentals (2007) Measures of trade linkages

1 Exchange rate regime, MCM classification, March-07 1 Exports to advanced economies
2 FX regime, Reinhart Rogoff classification 2 Exports to US, % GDP
3 Inflation targeting framework 3 Manufactures exports
4 Debt stabilizing primary balance 4 Openness (X+M)/GDP
5 Primary gap 5 Export earnings: non-fuel primary commodities
6 External public sector debt 6 Oil exports, % GDP
7 Short-term public debt at residual maturity 7 Fuel exporter dummy
8 Public sector debt linked to FX
9 Primary balance, % GDP Measures of financial linkages
10 Cyclically adjusted primary balance 1 Total external financing requirements, % GDP
11 External debt, total, % GDP 2 Foreign currency loans (% of total loans)
12 External debt, ST, % GDP 3 Loan to deposits ratio
13 External debt, ST at RM, % GDP 4 Claims on private sector, % GDP
14 General gov't debt to GDP 5 Total external financing requirements, % GDP
15 Fiscal impulse 6 Total capital inflows
16 Change in primary balance to GDP 7 Foreign ownership in % of total assets 2007
8 Financial connectedness (Foreign assets + liabilities)/GDP

Measures of pre-crisis overheating Other controls

1 Real GDP growth between 2003 & 2007 1 Population
2 Real domestic credit growth between 2003 & 2007 2 Per capita GDP
3 Percent change in CPI between 2003 & 2007 3 PPP valuation of country GDP
4 Credit to GDP 2007 4 NEER peak to trough percent change
5 Regional dummies

1/ Each one of these indicators was tried in addition to the three core indicators mentioned in Table 2 in the text to check the
robustness of results presented in the text. See also Berkmen and others (2009) for a further list of possible explanatory

15. Econometric analysis was used to assess the impact of pre-crisis external
vulnerabilities on output collapse, controlling for global linkages. The primary regression
specification used in this paper explains the fall in real output as a function of (a) pre-crisis
vulnerabilities; (b) trade connectedness with the rest of the world; and (c) international
financial integration. After trying several alternative measures for each of these three
categories, the following three measures best explained the cross-country variation of impact:
(a) the external vulnerability index in the Spring 2007 round of the VEE; (b) the percent
change in domestic demand of AE trading partners weighted by trade shares and computed
over a similar period to the peak-to-trough change in each EM’s output; and (c) the
consolidated stock of claims of BIS reporting banks (immediate borrower basis) on EMs in
percent of the EM’s GDP in December 2007. A number of other indicators, including
regional dummies, were tried as part of the empirical analysis, either as alternatives for the
above three or as additional controls, but they did not affect the central findings (Table 1).

16. The least vulnerable EMs, on average, contracted 6½ percentage points less than
the most vulnerable EMs (Table 2). All four factors that influence the external vulnerability
index were also individually significant, with the exception of external debt in percent of
exports (Table 2, columns 2–5).7 More externally vulnerable EMs, in particular those with
high current account deficits, may have experienced sharper declines in domestic demand,
contributing to the decline in output. Other standard sectoral vulnerability indicators—fiscal,
financial, corporate—do not stand out as significant factors in explaining the output decline.

Table 2. Regressions for Percent Change in Real Output Between Peak and Trough for EMs During the Crisis
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

EMs with EMs with

Sample All EMs All EMs All EMs All EMs All EMs < 100% ≥ 100%
External section vulnerability index (ranged 0 - 1) -6.40 **
Domestic demand growth in AE trading partners (percent) 1.44 ** 1.47 ** 1.68 *** 1.63 *** 1.53 ** 0.91 1.60 *
(0.68) (0.63) (0.53) (0.59) (0.65) (1.34) (0.87)
Foreign bank claims (percent of GDP, expressed in logs) -1.7 * -1.90 ** -1.85 ** -0.86 -1.90 * -2.50 * -1.07
(0.92) (0.81) (0.83) (1.08) (1.00) (1.37) (1.25)
GIR in percent of (short-term debt at residual maturity 2.84 *** 8.00 *** 2.63 *
plus current account deficit, expressed in logs) (0.86) (2.56) (1.31)
Current account balance (percent of GDP) 0.17 *
External debt (percet of GDP) -0.09 **
External debt (percent of exports) -2.40

Observations 40 41 45 42 42 22 19
R-squared 0.44 0.49 0.40 0.44 0.40 0.55 0.25

Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Source: VEE Spring 2007; GEE; IFS; WEO. Fund staff calculations.

As noted in Box 1, these four factors cannot be added simultaneously to the regression due to collinearity.

17. Pre-crisis reserve holdings were associated with positive but diminishing returns
with respect to output collapse. As one of the components of the vulnerability index, a
higher ratio of reserves to external financing requirements—defined as the sum of short-term
debt (at residual maturity) and the current account deficit—helped to reduce external
vulnerabilities (Table 2, column 2). Higher reserves can facilitate continued rollover of
external debt, thereby cushioning the potential real effects of liquidity shortages, and can also
support general market confidence. To explore potential nonlinearities in the relationship, the
sixth and seventh columns in Table 2 report the results from the specification of the second
column run separately for the sample split at 100 percent of coverage of short term debt, a
commonly used threshold. Higher reserves had a significant payoff at low levels of reserve
coverage but much less so at high levels of coverage, especially if the costs of holding
reserves are taken into account (Rodrik, 2006).8 Other specifications yielded the same
message. Peak-to-trough percent Reserve Coverage and Output Collapse
change in output was regressed on 5
0 200 400 600
Change in real GDP during crisis, peak to trough
800 1000

reserves, short-term debt, and

current account balance, each 0

expressed in percent of GDP. The

reserves variable was significant at

lower reserve levels when the -10

sample was split at 100 (or 150)

-15 For full sample: After excluding outliers:
percent of reserve coverage of short y = 3.37ln(x) - 21.254 y = 3.66ln(x) - 22.399
R²= 0.25 R² = 0.2199
term debt or at the median level of -20
reserves-to-GDP ratio. Results were
examined to ensure they were not -25
Reserves / (STD at RM + Current Account Deficit), 2007

being driven by outliers. Source: Haver; WEO; Fund staff calculations.

18. Trade linkages were another important determinant of output collapse.

Coefficients from the first regression in Table 2 indicate that EMs experienced an additional
1½ percentage point reduction in real output during the crisis for every percentage point fall
in domestic demand in their advanced economy trading partners. Large EMs, for whom
exports formed a smaller component of their aggregate demand (such as Indonesia and India),
consequently experienced smaller real shocks. As has been documented elsewhere, trade fell
more in this crisis than in past global recessions, in part a reflection of increasing
interconnectedness and the responsiveness of global supply chains (Freund, 2009).
Nevertheless, contrary to early concerns, problems with trade finance were not a principal

Blanchard and others (2010) do not find a significant role for international reserves in explaining output
collapse once they control for short-term debt. However, they do not explore potential non-linear relationships
between reserves and output collapse. Also, this paper uses data on more emerging markets and has a different
measure of output collapse that uses country-specific variation in timing of peaks and troughs of output during
the crisis (see Box 2).

cause of the sharp collapse in trade (Box 3). Also, even though trade dispute filings
intensified during the crisis, a wholesale rise in protectionism did not materialize (Box 4).

Table 3. Determinants of Peak-to-Trough Real Credit Growth

Peak-to-trough Change in
change in real credit flows to
credit growth GDP 1/
(1) (2)
2007 credit to GDP ratio inpercent of 2003 ratio -0.21 *** -0.004 ***
(-0.03) (-0.001)
Change in money market rate from August 2008 to peak -0.59 *** 0.004
(-0.18) (-0.009)
Constant 6.39 0.06
(-3.84) (-0.20)

Observations 37 40

R-Squared 0.76 0.22

Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
1/ Change in average monthly credit flows to GDP is defined as the difference between
average monthly private sector credit flows from Sep. 2008 to Dec. 2009, and Jun. 2007 to
Aug. 2008 in percent of 2008 GDP.
Source: IFS; WEO; Fund staff calculations.

Figure 4. Credit Developments

Foreign Funding of Credit Booms Credit Booms and Busts

2007 Credit to GDP in percent of 2003 ratio

0 100 200 300 400

350 0
YoY Real Credit Growth,

Peak to Trough, percent

100 -80
50 Pegs -100
0 100 200 300 400 -120
2007 BIS f oreign claims to GDP ratio in percent of 2003 ratio 2007 Credit to GDP ratio in percent of 2003 credit to GDP ratio

Source: WEO; IFS; BIS; Fund staf f calculations.

19. Pre-crisis credit booms—which in many cases were funded from abroad—
generally ended in credit and output busts. Cross border claims of BIS reporting banks on
EMs on the eve of the crisis ranged from close to zero to around 37 percent of GDP across
countries in the sample. Such lending was typically associated with credit booms and
subsequent credit busts, especially for countries with fixed exchange rates (Table 3 and
Figure 4). A country that had double the average level of claims of about 7 percent of GDP
experienced an additional 1¼ percentage points in output reduction (Table 2). Credit busts
were also associated with sharp increases in money market rates which is suggestive of a

credit crunch.9 The impact of global deleveraging on credit growth in EMs was particularly
pronounced in Emerging Europe where cross-border lending had been growing sharply
before the crisis. When global wholesale funding markets dried up and international banks
were forced to stop asset growth as part of global deleveraging, domestic credit growth fell
from pre-crisis highs to close to zero. This is consistent with the finding (e.g., Kamil and Rai,
2010) that EMs whose banking systems were primarily funded by domestic deposits were
better able to sustain credit growth and support activity through the crisis.10

20. Notwithstanding global deleveraging, credit busts in EMs have been less
damaging than during past crises (Figure 5). The change in the growth rate of private
credit was more pronounced for countries with high pre-crisis vulnerabilities.11 Nevertheless,
through 2009Q4 these countries had not experienced sharply negative credit growth as in
past crises. This was despite the fact that pre-crisis credit booms had been more pronounced
this time round than in past crises. The seemingly benign outcome may reflect the lack of
currency and banking crises and the support provided by the international community,
although it is possible that some EMs have yet to reach their credit growth trough. 12

Figure 5. Deleveraging
Exposure of BIS Banks
40 Real Credit Growth, Peak to Trough, Median
(percent of Recipient Country GDP, Peak =100)
YoY Real Credit Growth (in percent)

30 E Europe (t=Mar 2009)
Peak Asia (t=Sep 1997) Latin America
80 (t=Dec 1983)

0 60

-10 40

-20 Trough

Past crises High Low/Medium Advanced
t-20 t-14 t-8 t-2 t+4 t+10 t+16 t+22 t+28 t+34
Vulnerability Vulnerability Economies

Source: VEE Spring 2007; IFS; BIS.

21. Pre-crisis external vulnerabilities also help to explain the rise in sovereign
spreads during the crisis (Table 4). Controlling for other factors, the country considered
most externally vulnerable in March 2007 experienced 220 basis points (bps) more in rising
See also Aisen and Franken (2010) who find that larger pre-crisis credit booms and the increase in money
market rates during the crisis were important determinants of post-crisis credit slowdown.
See also Zettelmeyer and others (2009) for a discussion of the role of foreign banks during the crisis.
Using firm level data in 24 EMs, Tong and Wei (2009) find that pre-crisis exposure to non-FDI capital flows
worsened the credit crunch, while exposure to FDI flows was associated with less constraints on credit.
One helpful initiative in this crisis, as compared to past crises, was the European Bank Coordination Initiative
under which private banks affirmed their commitments to maintain overall exposure to the countries covered by
the initiative.

spreads during the crisis than the country considered least vulnerable (Table 4, column 1). In
addition, as in the regressions explaining the extent of output collapse, the ratio of reserves to
short-term external financing needs influenced market perceptions of a country’s sovereign
risk during the crisis (Table 4, column 2), and countries with greater reserves coverage
experienced a smaller increase in spreads. In a crisis situation, a comfortable reserve position
can bolster market confidence and signal a country’s ability to continue servicing its external
debt. Two other factors also affected sovereign spreads: cumulative inflation in the years
preceding the crisis and having an inflation-targeting regime. Both likely affected market
perceptions of whether macroeconomic stability would be maintained.

Table 4. Determinants of the Change in Spreads from

Trough to Peak (in Percent)
(1) (2)
External vulnerability, Spring 2007 2.20 **
Inflation targeters -1.24 -1.80 ***
(0.75) (0.63)
Change in CPI from 2003 to 2007 0.13 *** 0.11 ***
(inflation in 2003-2007 period) (0.02) (0.02)

Reserve cover of ST debt -0.93 **

at RM and CA deficit (0.40)
Constant 1.22 6.87 ***
(0.97) (1.81)

Observations 38 38
R-squared 0.63 0.65
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, *
Source: VEE Spring 2007; WEO; Bloomberg; Fund staff calculations.

22. Countries with greater initial fiscal vulnerabilities and where interbank liquidity
dried up experienced higher banking sector risks during the crisis (Figure 6). There are
relatively few objective measures of banking sector risks that are available as a time series
for a cross-section of countries. One of these, Moody’s measure of expected default
frequency (EDF), is used to measure the increase in banks’ default probability from the pre-
crisis trough to its peak during the crisis.13 Countries that entered the crisis with higher fiscal
vulnerabilities, as measured by the public sector vulnerability index, experienced a higher
rise in this measure of default probability, likely reflecting market concerns that such
countries may not have the means to easily address possible bank solvency problems. Also,
as expected, higher default probabilities were associated with tighter inter-bank liquidity

EDF is the calculated probability that a firm may default within the one-year (ahead) period. Data are
available from Moody’s KMV where EDF is calculated based on each firm’s market value of assets, its
volatility, and its current capital structure. EDFs for banking groups are available for 21 emerging markets.
Peak-to-trough EDF is computed based on the monthly (end of month) median EDF for each EM banking group
during January 2007–January 2010.

conditions, as measured by money market rates, reflecting in part risks in the banking system,
including counterparty risk.

Figure 6. Banks' Probability of Default

Change in Banks' Probability of Default and Initial Public Change in Banks' Probability of Default and Average
8 Sector Vulnerability Money Market Rate
Change in EDF, trough to peak

7 y = 0.3162x - 0.1857

Change in EDF, trough to peak

y = 6.2721x + 0.7041 R² = 0.3705
R² = 0.3683

4 3


0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Public sector vulnerability index (2007) Average money market rate, 2008Q3-2009Q2

Source: VEE Spring 2007; IFS; Moody's KMV.


23. The large collapse in economic activity was met by an unprecedented policy
response. EMs responded to the crisis with significant fiscal and monetary measures to stem
the decline in aggregate demand (Figure 7).

 Even accounting for stimulus measures already in place in 2008, EMs provided
substantial fiscal accommodation—defined as a one-year change in primary
balance—in 2009 of close to 2½ percent of GDP on average. This was in contrast to
past EM crises, where fiscal positions typically tightened in the year following the
crisis (see Review of Recent Crisis Programs paper). AEs provided even larger
accommodation of 4¾ percent of GDP on average, partly reflecting financial sector
restructuring costs.

 There was also significant monetary stimulus. Monetary policy rates in EMs were
lowered by 300 bps on average, similar to the reduction of about 320 bps among AEs.
The response was more varied in EMs reflecting in part higher pre-crisis rates.

Figure 7. Fiscal and Monetary Easing in Emerging Markets and Advanced Economies

(a) Fiscal Accommodation (Change in primary deficit between 2008 and 2009)
Advanced Economies Emerging Markets






-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Mean: 4.8; Std. Dev.: 2.4 Mean: 2.5 Std. Dev.: 2.6

(b) Monetary Accommodation (drop in policy rates between August 2008 and October 2009)
Advanced Economies
Emerging Markets






0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 8 10
Mean: 3.2; Std. Dev.: 1.3 Mean:3.0; Std. Dev.:2.5

Source: WEO; Haver; Fund staf f calculations.

24. The analysis in this section indicates that countries that entered the crisis with
better fundamentals were able to respond with more counter-cyclical policy easing. Not
surprisingly therefore, pre-crisis fundamentals—that is, greater policy space as reflected by
lower public debt, better fiscal balances, and lower inflation—are also shaping EMs’
recovery, including by allowing for a stronger fiscal reaction to the crisis. Countries with
high pre-crisis external vulnerability had, on average, less fiscal accommodation and less
monetary stimulus than those with low or medium vulnerabilities. This section explores in
greater detail the extent of, and constraints on, fiscal and monetary policy during the crisis
and identifies factors underpinning the current recovery.

Fiscal response

25. The extent of fiscal accommodation among EMs in 2009 depended crucially on
the available fiscal space, determined by pre-crisis fundamentals. While most EMs kept
fiscal policy accommodative during the crisis, some responded more aggressively than others.
This took various forms: not reacting to a fall in revenue (resulting from a collapse in output)

with commensurate expenditure cuts, allowing automatic stabilizers to work, and instituting
new discretionary expenditure and/or revenue measures. The change in the primary deficit
varied from around 1 percent for the quartile with the least fiscal response to around 4
percent for the one with the highest response.14

Table 5. Determinants of Change in Primary Deficit

("+" Means Higher Accommodation) Contributions to Fiscal Accommodation

(1) (2) (3) Top quartile average

Primary balance (lagged) 0.24 ** 0.26 **
(0.12) (0.12) Lower growth

Overall balance (lagged) 0.38 **

Percentage points of GDP


More Accommodation
3 Lower public
Public Debt (lagged) -3.54 *** -2.96 *** -0.40
(0.94) (1.07) (1.51)
Growth -4.63 -8.18
(6.21) (6.44) 2
Constant 4.30 *** 3.98 *** 3.57 ***
Better primary
(0.54) (0.58) (0.57) balance
Observations 48 48 48
Bottom quartile average
R-squared 0.30 0.31 0.36 accommodation

Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05,

0 1/ The chart explains the difference in accommodation of countries that gave the
*p<0.1 least and most accommodation. Based on regressions in Table 5.
Source: WEO; Fund staff calculations. Source: WEO; Fund staff calculations.

26. Cross-country analysis of EM responses in 2009 indicates that higher pre-crisis

primary balances and lower public debt levels allowed greater fiscal accommodation
during the crisis. These two factors accounted for most of the explained variation in
accommodation across countries (Table 5). In addition, there is some evidence that fiscal
accommodation was greater where needed most, that is, where growth collapsed the most.15
Inclusion of overall—rather than primary—balance to capture constraints placed by interest
payments does not change these results.

These changes in fiscal balance can also be decomposed into their cyclical (automatic stabilizers) and
discretionary (fiscal stimulus) components. On average, EMs also managed to provide fiscal stimulus (defined
as the change in the cyclically adjusted primary deficit). As the latter definition depends on the derivation of
output gaps—which may have changed considerably for EMs given the large dislocations brought about by the
crisis—the analysis in this chapter relies mostly on changes in the primary balance. Main results also hold when
the cyclically adjusted measure is used. See report on the review of recent crisis programs (see Review of
Recent Crisis Programs paper), Box 6, for a discussion of measuring fiscal stance.
Growth was included to account for the fiscal deficit rising due to the fall in nominal GDP (and associated
fall in revenue) though it was not statistically significant. Econometrically, growth is an endogenous variable in
this regression as it can be affected by the primary surplus. Since growth and primary surplus are negatively
correlated—a higher fiscal surplus reduces aggregate demand—the coefficient is biased towards zero. This
could potentially account for the weak statistical significance of this result. Instrumental variables estimation
was not a viable alternative given the relatively small number of observations.

27. While the empirical framework works well to explain the fiscal response on
average, there are important country-specific differences. The largest differences
between the actual accommodation and the one Comparing Actual and Predicted Fiscal Accommodation in 2009
predicted by the model arise among commodity

exporters like Russia and Chile, where the fall

Actual fiscal accommodation in 2009

in commodity revenues to the budget account
for the differences (text figure).16 On the other

hand, financing constraints seem to have forced
several countries to accommodate less than that

predicted by the model. The absence of fiscal
space in some of these countries implies that

they were even more constrained than the -2 0 2 4
Predicted fiscal accommodation in 2009

average estimates of the regressions suggest.17 WEO and staff calculations

28. The role of financing constraints in

limiting the fiscal response is also evident in Constraints on Fiscal Accommodation

other ways. While strong correlations among

Fiscal accommodation in 2009, % of GDP
various possible explanatory variables preclude
systematic examination of the various
constraints on fiscal behavior, bivariate 5

correlations indicate roles played by available


financing. One simple measure of the degree of

financing constraint is the level of public debt.

Countries with higher pre-crisis public debt 0 20 40 60 80

Gross public debt, % of GDP
levels were more constrained in accommodation Sources: WEO and staff calculations

in 2009 (text figure).

29. EMs’ fiscal policy response was greater than can be predicted from past
performance. Two separate approaches were undertaken to explore whether the 2009 crisis
was met with an unprecedented fiscal response. Both indicated a stronger-than-predicted
response in 2009 (See Box 5). Using an out-of-sample prediction from pre-crisis behavior,
the analysis calculated an “extra” accommodation in 2009 for the average EM of around
2 percentage points of GDP, with all regions showing higher-than-predicted fiscal
accommodation. Another approach—directly examining the differential behavior in 2009—
also found a similar result. The amount of “extra” stimulus was more limited in countries
with higher pre-crisis foreign claims of BIS reporting banks and higher pre-crisis EMBI

The role of commodity exporters was explored more systematically by including a dummy variable for
countries heavily dependent on commodity-related revenues and by running the same set of regressions
excluding such countries. In general, the main results presented above hold.
In the case of Estonia, constraints may have also reflected the policy goal to meet the Maastricht criteria in
2009 itself.

spreads, likely reflecting further constraints on external financing including from a sudden
stop of capital inflows (Table 6).

Table 6. Determinants of “Extra”

Accommodation in 2009
Pre-crisis exposure of BIS-reporting -0.12 ***
banks (% of GDP) (0.04)
EMBI in August 2008 -0.49 *
Constant 3.95 ***

Observations 34
R-squared 0.11
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: BIS; Bloomberg; Fund staff calculations.

Monetary response

30. Monetary responses to the crisis varied widely across EMs, reflecting differences
in exchange rate regimes, external funding costs, and the level of pre-crisis policy rates.
Measured by the reduction in policy rates, on average, EMs provided a similar-sized
monetary response as AEs (Figure 7). Across EMs, those in the Western Hemisphere
provided the largest average stimulus, while those in the Middle East—where inflation rates
were higher and many countries have pegs—had less space for monetary easing. In terms of
timing, the bulk of the monetary stimulus was provided in the first half of 2009 by which
time the extent of the global recession had become clear (Figure 8).18

Figure 8: Monetary Stimulus

Monetary Stimulus: Reduction in Policy Rates

Monetary stimulus: peggers vs. non-peggers
(Aug. 2008-Oct. 2009, mean in percentage points)
Reduction in nominal policy rate

All advanced economies 3.2


All emerging markets (EMs) 3.0


EMs by exchange rate regime:

Fixers 2.1

Floaters 3.4

EMs by region:
Asia 3.1

Europe 3.1
Q3-08 Q4-08 Q1-09 Q2-09 Q3-09 Q3-08 Q4-08 Q1-09 Q2-09 Q3-09
Middle East, Cent. Asia, and S. Africa 1.4 Non-peggers Peggers
Western hemisphere 3.6 Diamond = Median; Box = 1st to 3rd quartile range; Whiskers = min and max excl. outliers

Source: Haver; Fund staff calculations. Source: Haver; Fund staf f calculations.

Ishi and others (2009) focus on the use of unconventional central bank measures, such as credit and
quantitative easing, and report that EMs use of such measures was constrained compared to AEs. Nevertheless,
credit policy played an important role in the policy response of some EMs. Important examples include China’s
directed credit policies and Korea’s expansion of SME credit guarantees. Money market rates, analyzed later in
this section, are likely to reflect, at least partially, the liquidity impact of unconventional measures.

31. Countries with credible monetary policy frameworks, reflected in low or falling
inflation, provided more monetary stimulus. Table 7 shows factors that can help explain
the drop in the policy rate across EMs between August 2008 and October 2009: policy rates
and inflation on the eve of the output collapse, and inflation dynamics during the crisis.
These factors accounted for around 60 percent of the observed reduction in policy rates
across EMs. On average, countries that had one percentage point higher inflation in August
2008 lowered policy rates 32 bps less than other EMs. Similarly, the drop in inflation in the
intervening period (in a global disinflationary environment) provided space for further policy
easing. EMs that entered the crisis with higher policy rates had greater space for easing
(greater distance from the zero lower bound). Finally, as expected, policy rates showed less
sensitivity to these factors in fixed exchange rate regimes as illustrated by the interaction
terms in the second specification in Table 7.

Table 7. Determinants of Monetary Stimulus

(Cross Section)
(1) (2)

Change in inflation 2009 -0.31 *** -0.36 ***

(0.06) (0.06)
Policy rate Aug. 2008 0.60 *** 0.66 ***
(0.10) (0.11)
Inflation 2008 -0.32 *** -0.36 ***
(0.07) (0.08)
Change in inflation 2009*peg 0.61 **
Policy rate Aug. 2008*peg -0.22
Inflation 2008*peg 0.58 ***
Peg dummy 0.11
Constant 0.10 -0.36
(0.72) (0.79)

Observations 36 36
R-squared 0.58 0.64

Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, **

p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: WEO; Haver; IMF AREAR; Fund staff calculations.

32. Countries with pegged exchange rates or those that were perceived by markets
to be more risky—as reflected in higher EMBI spreads—were constrained in their
ability to lower policy rates. The levels of policy rates in 30 EMs during 2008Q1–2009Q3
are explained in a panel regression by lagged inflation, the output gap (standard Taylor-rule
variables), and EMBI spreads (Table 8, first column). The panel nature of this analysis
supplements the cross-sectional analysis discussed above by providing additional detail on
how policy rates changed over time. As expected, countries with greater output gaps (output
in excess of potential output) and higher inflation kept policy rates higher than others.
Furthermore, countries with higher EMBI sovereign spreads kept policy rates higher. This
could also capture international liquidity supply factors that weighed on authorities’ ability to

lower rates without significant variation in exchange rates. As in the cross-country results
discussed above, the interest rate response to each of these variables was significantly smaller
for exchange rate peggers as shown by the interaction terms in the specification.

Table 8. Interest Rate Determinants 1/

Policy Money market
rate level rate level
(1) (2)

EMBI 0.19 *** 0.79 ***

(0.04) (0.07)
EMBI * peg -0.39 *** -0.24
(0.14) (0.16)
Output gap (t-1) 0.41 *** 0.69 ***
(0.05) (0.09)
Output gap (t-1) * peg -0.27 *** -0.70 ***
(0.10) (0.16)
Inflation (t-1) 0.12 *** 0.10 ***
(0.02) (0.03)
Inflation (t-1) * peg -0.10 * 0.11
(0.05) (0.08)
Constant 5.40 *** 2.77 ***
(0.24) (0.46)

Observations 206 200

R-squared 0.48 0.57
Number of countries 30 30
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, **
p<0.05, * p<0.1
1/ Panel with quarterly data.
Source: Bloomberg; WEO; IMF AREAR; Fund staff calculations.

33. Similarly, money market interest rates did not decline as rapidly for countries
with higher risk premia. The effect of
EMBI spreads was higher for money
Change in bank lending rate between Oct. 09 & Aug. 08

Transmission of Policy Rate Changes

market rates than for policy rates (2nd column

of Table 8). The transmission of policy rate

changes was therefore more constrained in

countries subject to higher investor risk

aversion. In general, transmission of policy

rate changes to changes in the rates that

banks charge borrowers was less than one

for one (text figure) though there was

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
considerable variation across countries in Change in policy rate between Dec. 09 & Aug. 08
the extent of transmission. Source: Haver; IFS; Fund staf f calculations.

34. Countries that had more room for lowering rates also allowed more exchange
rate depreciation. In the thick of the crisis, exchange rates came under pressure as global

risk aversion rose. In response, countries used reserves to stem the pace of decline. Those
that had more reserves were able to intervene more (Table 9). As expected, exchange rates
depreciated more where countries had more space to cut policy rates (i.e., those with lower
initial inflation or higher initial policy rate).

Table 9. Exchange Rate Depreciations and Use

of Reserves Initial Reserves and Reserve Use
ER Change in

Reserves/GDP (2008 December)

depreciation NIR/GDP
(1) (2)
Reserve/(ST debt + CA), 2007 -0.02 -0.02 ***
(0.02) (0.01) 40
Policy rate, Aug. 2008 2.13 *** -0.51 *
(0.74) (0.26) 30
Inflation in 2008 -1.44 *** -0.03
(0.51) (0.18) 20
Constant 17.60 ** 6.40 ** y = -1.83x + 12.41
(8.04) (2.77) R² = 0.40
Observations 29 29 0
R-squared 0.36 0.30 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** Fall in reserves (peak to trough, percent of 2008 GDP)
p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: WEO; Fund staff calculations. Source: IFS, WEO, Fund staf f calculations.

Recovery from the Crisis
35. Recovery was underway in most EMs (averages, percent)
by late 2009, but with considerable variation GDP growth, Industrial
2009Q4/ production
across countries. On average, real GDP 2009Q1 growth 1/
expanded 3 percent in EMs during the last three (1) (2)

quarters of 2009. However, as in the impact of All EMs 3.1 10.8

the crisis, this masked considerable cross- By exchange rate regime:

Fixed exchange rate regimes 0.2 -1.6
country variation. Non-peggers were recovering Flexible exchange rate regimes 3.9 14.0

much faster than peggers. Across regions, the By region:

recovery was most pronounced in Asia and least Asia 6.4 26.7
Europe 1.2 4.3
in Emerging Europe. A similar pattern emerges MCD 4.8 10.9
using data on growth in industrial production Western hemisphere 3.1 9.7

from each country’s trough to December 2009. 1/ From each country's trough to Dec. 2009.
Source: Haver; IMF AREAR; Fund staff calculations.

36. Countries with better pre-crisis economic fundamentals and those that gave
more fiscal stimulus are recovering faster. Countries that had better vulnerability
indicators on the eve of the crisis were the last to experience negative growth and first to start
growing again. Regression analysis of the determinants of the strength of recovery (Table 10)
provides two key takeaways:

Table 10. Determinants of GDP Growth Recovery 1/

(1) (2) (3) (4)

GDP growth during contraction -0.21 ** -0.22 *** -0.33 *** -0.30 **
(0.08) (0.07) (0.11) (0.11)
External vulnerability in 2007 -6.02 *** -3.70
(2.02) (2.16)
Trading partners' import recovery 0.21 0.57 ** 0.30 0.49 *
(0.27) (0.24) (0.31) (0.28)
Peg dummy -2.54 * -3.23 * -1.72 -2.26
(1.27) (1.60) (1.31) (1.42)
Reserves, in percent of short-term debt at 0.01 ***
residual maturity + current acct. deficit (0.0)
Growth in public demand 0.16 * 0.19 **
(0.08) (0.08)
Constant 5.54 *** 3.42 *** 4.17 *** 3.84 ***
(0.63) (0.78) (0.91) (0.87)

Observations 39 38 31 32
R-squared 0.44 0.42 0.49 0.44
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
1/ The dependent variable is the growth rate over the last three quarters of 2009 (observed, not
Source: VEE Spring 2007; GEE; WEO; Fund staff calculations.

 Countries that entered the crisis with better vulnerability indicators, including reserve
coverage of short external financing requirements, are recovering faster. The
coefficient on reserve coverage is considerably smaller than in Table 2 even after
factoring in the semi-log specification used in Table 2. This is not surprising since
liquidity and debt rollover concerns become more acute when conditions are
deteriorating than when they are improving.
 Countries that sustained stronger public spending during 2009 are recovering faster.
The specification uses real public consumption and investment growth in 2009 from
national accounts data to capture the fiscal contribution to aggregate demand. Fiscal
revenues (e.g. tax cuts) likely also played a role in stimulating demand, but their
discretionary component is hard to gauge.19

The table further demonstrates three additional determinants of recovery.20 First, there is a
“bounce-back” effect: countries that contracted the most during the crisis have also

Using reserve coverage and spending growth simultaneously causes both to lose statistical significance, likely
due to collinearity between the two: as shown earlier, pre-crisis vulnerabilities constrained policy responses.

Two factors which did not turn out to have significance in explaining recovery include commodity prices and
monetary stimulus. Commodity exporters were not found to recover faster than other countries once other
variables (listed in Table 10) were controlled for. No evidence was found on monetary stimulus (measured as
reduction in interest rates or expansion in base money) contributing to recovery either, probably reflecting
normal lags in the transmission of monetary policy and the fact that the transmission mechanism itself appears
to have been distorted during the crisis, as indicated by a rising spread between lending and deposit rates.

experienced faster recoveries. This is suggestive of overshooting during the crisis. Second, as
to be expected, recovery was helped by growth in trading partners. This points to one of the
risks in the outlook for EMs: a double-dip recession in AEs could jeopardize EM recovery.
This could be especially important for EMs that rely heavily on external demand from a
larger partner, such as Mexico on the U.S. Conversely, EMs with substantial trade links to
other fast-growing EMs, such as India and China, could see faster recoveries. Thus trade
linkages amplified both the initial impact of the crisis and the recovery from it. Third,
countries with flexible exchange rate regimes are recovering faster than those with pegs, even
after controlling for external vulnerabilities and the initial fall in output.21

37. Analysis using industrial production data highlights the importance of public
spending and the exchange rate regime. Industrial production (IP) is a convenient measure
of economic activity as it is available at higher
frequency than GDP, and reacted earlier to Table 11. Determinants of Industrial Production
Growth Recovery 1/
external real and financial shocks. Recovery is (1) (2)
measured by growth in IP from the trough of IP growth during contraction -0.62 ** -0.96 ***
the crisis until December 2009. As with GDP, (0.25) (0.21)
Trading partners’ import recovery 2.59 *** 1.23
regression results indicate that faster growing (0.86) (1.22)
trading partners, stronger fiscal stimulus as Growth in public demand 0.69 ***
measured by growth in public sector demand, Peg dummy -9.79 * -12.56 *
and a flexible exchange rate regime are some (5.00) (6.60)

of the factors contributing to a stronger Constant 10.74 ***

recovery in industrial production. The faster
recovery among those with flexible exchange Observations 36 28
R-squared 0.40 0.57
rate regimes may reflect faster adjustment in Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, *
relative prices. As with GDP recovery, growth p<0.1
1/ Measured as growth between the trough of the crisis and Dec. 2009.
in public sector demand has a positive effect Source: Haver; GEE; IMF AREAR; Fund staff calculations.

on industrial production recovery.


38. While the empirical framework of this paper explains well the experience of
EMs on average, there is important country specific variability in outcomes (Figure 9).
The results presented in the preceding sections account for about a quarter to three-quarters
of the observed experiences of emerging markets, depending on the particular specification.
Nevertheless, with only about 50 EMs in the main sample, it is statistically difficult to have

The Spring 2010 WEO (Box 1.1) finds no evidence of impact of the exchange rate regime on the growth
performance for 2009 as a whole. The analysis in this paper differs in that the focus is on recovery from the
crisis using quarterly growth since the trough of real output. WEO also notes that the exchange rate regime is a
policy variable which may bias the coefficient on the peg dummy upward, as countries would have an incentive
to switch to more flexible regimes in response to the shock.

too many explanatory factors. Thus there are important differences in some cases between
outcomes that could be explained by the empirical models and actual experience.

Figure 9. Impact of Crisis: Country Variability in Outcomes

Actual vs. Predicted Output Collapse 5 Actual vs. Predicted Increase in Sovereign Spreads
(percent change in real output f rom peak to (change f rom trough to peak, basis points)
trough) 10
Indonesia Actual Fitted
spread versus
0 9
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Fitted growth Philippines
-5 7
Points above Indonesia
(below) the 6
diagonal have Russia
higher (lower) -10 5
growth than
predicted 4 Philippines
Points above
Russia residual (below) the
-15 3 diagonal have
higher (lower)
residual spreads than
-20 1
45 degrees
45 degrees 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
-25 Fitted spreads
Source: Staf f estimates Actual growth Source: Staf f estimates

Source: Haver; Bloomberg; Fund staf f calculations.

39. This section complements the analysis of the previous sections by digging deeper
into three specific country cases: Philippines, Russian Federation, and Indonesia. These
three cases were chosen because they illustrate the preceding analysis in different ways but
also highlight the role of other factors that could not be considered in a systematic way in the
preceding sections. Philippines fits the predictions of the model quite well but also benefited
from stronger-than-expected remittances during the crisis. Output fell sharply in Russia and
more so than can be explained by the analysis in Section II. Russia also made more use of
reserves than nearly all EMs and gave a large fiscal stimulus. Finally, Indonesia was one of
the few countries to have sustained growth through the crisis even though it experienced
sharp financial market volatility, more than could be explained by the regressions.

The Philippines Contributions to Philippines' Growth Performance

Relative to Average EM Growth -2.0

40. The Philippines weathered the -2.5 Philippines' -2.5

change in real output, Higher
crisis well owing to past reforms. The -3.0 peak to trough advanced -3.0
significant progress made in recent years

-3.5 growth -3.5

on fiscal consolidation and financial sector -4.0 -4.0

reforms contributed to a marked -4.5 Higher -4.5

turnaround in investor sentiment. The -5.0 Average EM change
in real output,

authorities used the opportunity of -5.5 peak to trough -5.5

increased inflows to build reserve buffers -6.0 Source: Haver; GEE; Fund staf f calculations. -6.0

while also allowing exchange rate flexibility. Thus the Philippines entered the crisis on the
back of significant improvement in external vulnerabilities that afforded a relatively smaller
output impact. Based on the empirical estimation in Section II, output would have fallen
4 percent had the Philippines entered the crisis with its external vulnerabilities as in 2005,
instead of the actual fall from peak to trough of 2¼ percent.

41. Improved fiscal fundamentals allowed for considerable fiscal stimulus during
the crisis of around 2¼ percent of GDP in 2009. Due to VAT and other reforms, the
government balance improved significantly and public debt fell by some 35 percentage
points of GDP from 2004 to 2008, providing substantial fiscal space. The fiscal package in
2009, in response to the global crisis, was calibrated to match the projected fall in the
contribution to growth from external demand, and focused on infrastructure and social
spending to support growth and protect the poor. The better fiscal fundamentals also allowed
the Philippines to secure necessary financing during the crisis despite the disruption to
international debt markets.

42. Remittances and lack of prior overheating also helped the Philippines weather
the crisis. At around 11 percent of GDP in 2009, remittances are an important component of
the overall external position and a key driver of domestic demand. Contrary to prior
expectations, remittances held up during the crisis. The Philippines did not experience the
kind of overheating some other EMs experienced in the run up to the crisis. Thus it had fewer
pre-crisis excesses and consequently a smaller economic bust.

43. A strengthened financial sector also helped. As highlighted in the recent Financial
System Stability Assessment, the Philippines made significant progress in financial sector
reforms since 2004. These included strengthening supervision of market, liquidity, and credit
concentration risk. Reflecting these efforts, banks’ asset quality and capitalization levels
noticeably improved in the years preceding the crisis. Like in most EMs, the Philippine
financial sector did not have significant direct exposure to subprime assets on the eve of the
crisis. Instead the bigger risk for Philippine banks was from mark-to-market losses on
holdings of government bonds on banks’ balance sheets. The authorities gave banks
temporary regulatory relief on mark-to-market requirements which was later reversed. In
addition, the central bank created a dollar repo facility to help with the distribution of dollar
liquidity in the system and address concerns of counter-party risk in the interbank market. All
in all Philippines banks were able to enjoy credit and deposit growth through the crisis.


44. Russia experienced a sharper-than-expected contraction in output during the

crisis. Led by a collapse in domestic demand, output fell sharply by about 11 percentage
points of GDP from peak to trough, one of the largest output collapses in EMs. This is all the
more surprising since compared to the average EM, Russia had much lower external
vulnerabilities and foreign bank claims (in percent of GDP) going into the crisis, two of the

factors that were important in explaining the experience on average across EMs. Thus, the
model in Section II explains only about half of the actual fall in Russia’s output.

45. Oil prices are an important factor to understand output collapse in Russia. As
oil prices collapsed in the midst of the global recession, market participants revised their
outlook for the economy and the ruble. Domestic demand plunged due to the immediate
terms of trade shock but also in anticipation of a bleaker outlook. At the same time, capital
outflows, banks’ increased risk aversion, and an associated credit crunch exacerbated the
collapse. High oil prices may also have masked inefficiencies in un-restructured sectors.22

46. In addition, a pre-crisis credit boom fueled in part by a rigid exchange rate
regime helps explain the eventual impact of the crisis. Through 2007, Russia was growing
at 7 percent per year on average, driven by high oil prices, domestic demand, and a credit
boom. Given the policy of maintaining the exchange rate, balance of payment surpluses—
mainly through the capital account and reflected in reserve accumulation—laid the basis for a
large monetary and credit expansion. As a result, by the time of the crisis, some corporates
and banks had become increasingly reliant on short-term capital flows.

47. The fall in oil prices and state of the banking and corporate sectors help explain
the large use of reserves in Russia. As the crisis unfolded, Russia spent more than $200
billion of its reserves (representing 13 percent of 2008 GDP, one of the largest declines
amongst EMs) in tempering the pressure on the ruble, but eventually allowed for a significant
fall in the exchange rate (Figure 10). A sharp depreciation early on in the crisis could have
had pronounced implications on corporate and bank balance sheets, potentially creating a
systemic event. Having reserves helped Russia to avoid such an outcome by allowing some
space for corporates and banks to adjust to a revised global outlook with lower oil prices.
Nevertheless, this strategy also had costs. Some market participants were able to benefit from
speculating on the eventual devaluation and some of the problem banks will eventually need
to be dealt with to resume intermediation and support the recovery. Real private sector credit
growth in Russia was -6½ percent (y/y) in December 2009 compared to about one percent
(y/y) for EMs on average.

Recent research suggests that Russia continues to be highly vulnerable to declines in energy prices
(Kvintradze, 2010).

Figure 10. EM Reserve Usage During the Crisis



-20 -15 -10 -5 0

Fall in reserves (peak to trough, percent of 2008 GDP)
Source: IFS, WEO, Fund staff calculations

48. With low public debt and almost no financing constraints, Russia was able to
give a large fiscal stimulus. With a 10½ percent of GDP loosening of the primary balance
between 2008 and 2009, the magnitude of Russia’s fiscal accommodation is one of the
largest among EMs. Even, after taking into account the oil revenue collapse, the magnitude
of the accommodation at 6½ percent of GDP was still one of the largest in the sample.
Having available fiscal space allowed Russia to respond aggressively to the output collapse.


49. As a large EM less reliant on international trade, Indonesia grew through the
crisis. Domestic demand constituted the bulk of output in Indonesia (around 90 percent of
real GDP in 2007). Thus, even though Indonesia’s advanced economy trading partners
experienced a sharper decline in domestic demand of 3¼ percent compared to that for the
average EM of around 2¾ percent, the impact on Indonesia’ economy was much lower.
Many other EMs that also either grew through the crisis or experienced a small adverse
impact had large domestic markets (China, Egypt, India).23 Indonesia also benefited from
increased spending associated with national elections in 2009.

50. Nevertheless Indonesia’s sovereign spreads rose substantially. Market

nervousness was exacerbated early in the crisis by debt problems of a large conglomerate and
markets began to doubt the extent of reported external exposures. In part, market participants
still had memories of the Asian crisis where external liabilities turned out to be larger than
anticipated. Indonesia was able to temper this market volatility by a combination of factors.
Having reserve buffers helped. Also, Indonesia did not experience any systemic stress in the
financial system, again due to prior reforms and strong capital and liquidity positions. Finally,

When a formal measure of the size of the economy, or openness, is included in the regressions of Section II it
does not perform well. In part this could reflect that the contribution made by external demand to domestic
value added cannot be captured well by such simple measures.

Indonesia was able to secure contingent financing from the World Bank, AsDB, Australia,
and Japan for $5½ billion in budget support, as well as additional external swap and credit
lines from China and the Chiang Mai Initiative, all of which contributed to restore market
stability. The beneficial impact of accessing this facility is a useful illustration of the
usefulness of having available adequate contingent financing instruments.

51. Indonesia is recovering faster than many others EMs in part due to a well-timed
stimulus. From 2009Q1 to 2009Q4, output grew 4½ percent, above the EM average of 3
percent for the same period. For reasons not related to the crisis, Indonesia had already
planned tax cuts going into 2009. Thus, fiscal stimulus was one step ahead of the curve. As
the crisis struck, the authorities topped up the existing fiscal loosening with cash transfers
and other social spending to protect the poor and support domestic demand. The monetary
policy response and liquidity management by Bank Indonesia also supported the recovery.


52. The recovery currently underway highlights considerable heterogeneity in the

policy challenges facing EMs. As noted earlier, economic fundamentals prevailing before
the crisis affected its depth and the available space to respond with countercyclical policy
measures. Those fundamentals are also important as EMs emerge from the crisis, and this
implies a bifurcated policy agenda for the medium term:

 EMs that entered the crisis with high vulnerabilities generally still have substantial
imbalances.24 These EMs need to sustain adjustment, a task made complicated by the
fact that they suffered a bigger loss in output than low vulnerability countries.

 Those that entered the crisis with better economic fundamentals, however, face
immediate cyclical concerns: if they respond to the recovery in output and inflation
by raising interest rates while AEs maintain accommodative monetary policies, they
risk exacerbating capital inflows (unless accompanied by a high degree of exchange
rate flexibility). However, they risk overheating and igniting asset price bubbles if
they do not tighten.

Challenges faced by high vulnerability countries

53. The current crisis is expected to lead to a sharp loss in output over the medium
term. This loss is expected to be protracted, as illustrated by revisions to medium-term
output projections between April 2008 (before the crisis) and the latest set of projections
from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook (WEO, Figure 11). This outlook is consistent with

The converse of this statement is also generally true: those EMs with low and medium vulnerabilities before
the crisis still mostly remain at low risk. But there are a few exceptions where imbalances have deteriorated
significantly in the past few years.

findings in the literature that contractions after crises are followed neither by a fast recovery
nor a recovery in trend output.25

Figure 11. Permanent Output Losses

160 160 Median Real GDP Across WEO
Median Real GDP Across WEO
150 Vintages (Low and Medium VLN, 150 Vintages
2007=100) (High VLN, 2007=100)
140 140
130 130
120 120
110 110
100 100
Latest Apr-08
90 90 Latest Apr-08
80 80
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: WEO; Fund staf f calculations.

54. Weaker pre-crisis initial fundamentals are associated with larger projected
output losses. The projected medium-term output loss was estimated from the difference
between IMF staff’s latest WEO projections for real output in 2013 and WEO projections for
2013 real output prepared in April 2008.26 This loss in medium-term output was 16
percentage points for EMs with low and medium pre-crisis vulnerabilities and 21 percent for
those with high pre-crisis vulnerabilities. These results were confirmed in a cross-country
regression framework (Table 12): controlling for other plausible factors, countries with
greater vulnerabilities and faster credit growth before the crisis are projected to experience a
bigger loss in medium-term output. The effects of an IMF-supported program are hard to
detect in this empirical framework. On the one hand, a successful IMF program would be
expected to bolster medium-term growth prospects. On the other, countries come to the IMF
after they have experienced significant distress that could have taken a toll on their medium-
term growth prospects. Since the two effects work in opposite directions, it is not surprising
that we do not find evidence for a significant effect of an IMF-supported program on
medium-term output loss.

Cerra and Saxena (2008) find in a study of 190 episodes that output losses after financial and political crises
are large and highly persistent. Abiad and others (2009) also concludes that initial conditions have a significant
impact on output losses after financial crises, with short-term output declines a good predictor of medium-term
In the 2008 WEO, 2013 was the last year for which projections were available.

Table 12. Determinants of Change in Projected 2013 Real GDP

Between the April 2008 and April 2010 WEO Vintages (in Percent
of 2007 Real GDP)
(1) (2) (3)
Vulnerability index (as of March 2007) 24.88 *** 17.48 *** 6.92
(6.81) (6.30) (8.72)
Program dummy (=1 if program) 0.28 -0.97
(2.09) (2.12)
Real credit growth (2003-07) 0.08 *** -0.01
(0.02) (0.04)
Interaction (credit * Vulnerability) 0.26 *
Constant 7.63 *** 5.11 * 8.45 ***
(2.39) (2.55) (3.09)

Observations 44 44 44
R-squared 0.15 0.47 0.51
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Source: VEE Spring 2007; IFS; WEO; Fund staff calculations.

55. The projected large permanent output loss has significant implications for
medium-term solvency and implied required adjustment:

 In the past, crises have led to abrupt and large adjustments in the current account,
with much of that adjustment remaining permanent (Ghosh and others, 2005). The
external debt-to-GDP ratio normally increased at the onset of the crisis, due to the
impact of devaluations on the denominator, but corrected quickly as current account
surpluses reduced the stock of debt (lowering the numerator), and a resumption of
growth and reversal of exchange rate overshooting increased the denominator
(Figure 12). The debt-to-GDP ratio normally fell by 5−10 percentage points within
five years of the crisis.

 EMs that entered the current crisis with high vulnerabilities have higher levels of
external indebtedness than past crisis cases and are likely to remain vulnerable in the
near future. This reflects persistent, albeit reduced, current account deficits, implying
that the numerator will continue to grow.27 Moreover, the permanent output loss and
low inflation will depress the denominator. This will lead to a 10–15 percentage point
increase in debt-to-GDP, little of which is presently projected to be reversed in the
next five years.

A number of highly vulnerable EMs saw significant current account corrections during the crisis (Figure 12).
But because their starting positions were weak, on average they are expected to continue to run current account
deficits, a contrast to past crisis cases during which EMs’ current accounts generally moved into surplus.

Figure 12. External Imbalances

Current Acccount Balance 90
External Debt to GDP
(In percent of GDP)
4 80

2 70

0 60

-2 50

-4 40

-6 30
High vulnerability

-8 Past Crises 20 Past Crises

Low & Medium High vulnerability
-10 Vulnerability 10
Low & Medium Vulnerability
-12 0
T-3 T-2 T-1 T T+1 T+2 T+3 T+4 T+5 T-3 T-2 T-1 T T+1 T+2 T+3 T+4 T+5

Note: Time is expressed in years relative to “T”, which represents the year of the crisis f or past capital
account crises, and 2008 f or the current group of emerging markets.
Source: VEE Spring 2007; WEO; Fund staf f calculations.

56. An increasing number of countries with high external vulnerabilities have

recently accumulated fiscal vulnerabilities that will require a policy response. Most of
the countries that had high external vulnerabilities before the crisis remain exposed now, with
only a handful of borderline cases transitioning to lower levels of vulnerability. In addition, a
number of countries with high pre-crisis external vulnerabilities have seen fiscal
vulnerabilities emerge for the first time as the collapse of private-sector booms has led to a
falling off in tax revenues and sharp widening in budget deficits. In these cases, fiscal
consolidation will help address both aspects of their vulnerabilities as it will stem the rise in
public debt and facilitate the necessary external adjustment.28 By contrast, many low
vulnerability countries substantially lowered public debt levels in the run-up to the crisis, and
have seen little deterioration since.
Primary Gaps
57. These medium-term challenges 3
EM (Low & Medium vulnerability)
weigh heavily on policy priorities in the 2 EM (High vulnerability)
post-crisis period. To avoid further shocks, 1
Percent of GDP

high vulnerability countries will need to 0

tighten fiscal policies to accelerate external -1

adjustment and help address fiscal -2

sustainability concerns, a step that will be -3

complicated by the weakness of post-crisis -4

recoveries in these countries. Primary gaps— -5

2008 2009 2010
Source: VEE Spring 2007; WEO; Fund staff calculations.

As highlighted in IMF (2010a), economies that are facing large public deficits and debt and related pressures
on sovereign risk premiums should already begin to pursue fiscal consolidation.

the difference between the projected primary balance and the primary balance that would
stabilize the debt-to-output ratio—are smaller in low vulnerability countries (text figure).
Since they are growing more rapidly, much less effort is required on their part to stabilize
public debt and avoid a deterioration in fundamentals, putting them in a stronger fiscal
position than many AEs.29 Countries heavily impacted by the crisis will also need to
undertake structural reforms to improve medium-term growth prospects. Such reforms could
address, for example, competitiveness and financial sector issues in some EMs.

Challenges faced by low vulnerability countries

58. EMs that are recovering quickly face rising capital inflows, closing output gaps
and rising inflation. Capital inflows turned positive in the second half of 2009 for countries
with low pre-crisis vulnerabilities, but remained more subdued for high vulnerability EMs.
While on average recovery in EMs is at par with AEs, countries with low pre-crisis
vulnerabilities are further ahead in the cycle, benefiting in some cases from the strong
recovery in commodity prices. Inflation in these EMs has picked up relatively quickly and is
currently close to its average since 2005 (Figure 13). While this partly reflects energy price
effects, and there has been less of an increase in core inflation, inflationary expectations are
often influenced by headline inflation. By contrast, countries with high pre-existing
vulnerabilities show more subdued headline inflation, with several cases of deflation

Figure 13. Inflation in EMs

16 Consumer Prices (m/m)

(seasonally adjusted, 3mma annualized)
14 EM (low & medium vulnerability)
EM (high vulnerability)
12 Fuel
Average (low & medium vulnerability)
Average (high vulnerability) effect

2005M1 2005M7 2006M1 2006M7 2007M1 2007M7 2008M1 2008M7 2009M1 2009M7

Source: VEE Spring 2007; Haver; IFS; Fund staf f calculations.

Overall, the need for adjustment is lower for EMs than AEs, as EMs had lower debt-to-GDP ratios and better
fiscal positions at the onset of the crisis (see Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in the Post-Crisis World).

59. Fast recovering EMs appear to be taking a cautious approach to the withdrawal
of monetary stimulus. Standard Taylor-rule regressions were run for a sample of EMs based
on 2000−07 data for output gaps, inflation, and lagged interest rates. Predicted interest rates
in many fast-recovering countries are significantly higher than their actual rates at present—
by over 100 bps on average across all low- and medium-vulnerability EMs. Thus, these
countries are presently maintaining lower interest rates than they would have based on past
responses to output and inflation developments.

60. Some fast-growing EMs may be constrained in their monetary policy decisions
by possible spillovers from accommodative policies in AEs. That some EMs are keeping
rates lower than predicted may partly be due to lingering uncertainty over the domestic and
global recoveries. But it might also—at least in part—reflect concern that raising interest
rates when policy rates in major advanced economies remain near historic lows could prompt
excessive and unwanted capital inflows which could, in turn, fuel asset price bubbles.30
Countries may also be concerned about the associated appreciation in exchange rates which
could dampen recoveries in many export-oriented economies. Such monetary policy
constraints may also be prompting some countries to alter their fiscal/monetary policy mix
and withdraw more fiscal stimulus than they would in the absence of monetary policy

61. Capital inflows have resumed in EMs that came out relatively unscathed from
the crisis. Such flows could be driven by a combination of push and pull factors. Historically,
accommodative monetary policies in AEs have been
associated with rising capital flows to EMs (text figure). 2,500 Advanced Country Liquidity and Capital Flows 800
to Emerging Markets (US$ billion)
Continued easy policies in the near term in AEs could
2,000 600
thus push even more capital to EMs. At the same time,
EMs that are recovering briskly from the crisis with 1,500 400

better fiscal sustainability indicators than AEs may

continue to pull capital by offering promising 1,000 200

investment opportunities in a high growth

500 0
macroeconomic environment. Overall, such inflows are
just returning to pre-crisis levels. Although they do not 0 -200

generally pose a problem yet, surges in such flows Advanced country liquidity measure (lef t scale)
Net f lows to emerging markets (right scale)
going forward may complicate policy challenges for -500
Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09

EMs recovering quickly from the crisis. Source: Haver; IFS; Fund staf f calculations.

62. A conventional response to coping with inflows would involve altering the macro
policy mix and improving the financial regulation and supervision framework. Such
options include allowing the exchange rate to appreciate, building reserves, easing monetary

The importance of transparency, disclosure, and consultation across countries in the formulation and
implementation of exit strategies is highlighted in Exiting from Crisis Intervention Policies report.

policy, tightening fiscal policy, and improving the prudential framework. Tightening fiscal
policy may be particularly relevant in countries that have recently implemented a fiscal
stimulus. Nevertheless, tightening fiscal policy may entail political challenges and take time
to implement. Also, improving regulation and supervision frameworks generally takes time
to implement while fast-moving surges in capital inflows could present an immediate
problem to monetary authorities. Thus, countries may be forced to rely on monetary and
exchange rate tools which may also have limitations.

Figure 14. Coping with Inflows: Use of Price-Based Capital Controls and Prudential Measures

Exchange rate not undervalued

Lower rates /
Rebalance policy mix
Unsterilized intervention

(b) (d)
Lower rates / Sterilized
Rebalance (c)
policy Capital intervention
mix controls &
(e) measures (g)
Appreciate Appreciate
Lower rates / (f) Sterilized
Rebalance Appreciate intervention

Reserves adequate Economy overheating

Notes: Each circle represents cases where the relevant condition is met. For example, the top most circle ("Exchange
rate not undervalued") represents cases where the exchange rate is assessed to not be clearly undervalued. The
intersection of all three circles (the area marked "c")--where use of capital controls and prudential measures may be
helpful--reflects cases where the exchange rate is not undervalued, reserves are judged to be adequate, and the
economy is overheating. Other intersections similarly represent other confluences of factors. For example, the top left
intersection (area "b") represents cases where the exchange rate is not undervalued, reserves are judged to be
adequate and the economy is not overheating (since the case is outside the "Economy overheating" circle). Areas of no
intersection represent cases where one of the circles--but not the other two--is applicable. For example, the bottom right
area ("g") represents cases where the economy is overheating, the exchange rate is assessed to be fairly valued or
undervalued, and reserves are judged to be inadequate. "Lower rates / Rebalance policy mix" refers to loosening
monetary policy; to the extent that fiscal policy is tightened, there would be more room to lower policy rates.

63. In certain cases countries may consider price-based capital controls and
prudential measures to cope with capital inflows. Three economic factors are relevant in
deciding when such measures may be helpful: exchange rate valuation, reserve adequacy,
and the risk of overheating (Figure 14).31 Price-based capital controls and prudential
measures have a clearer case where the exchange rate is not undervalued, reserve build-up is

See also Ostry and others (2010) and IMF (2010b).

not needed, and the economy is at risk of overheating (where the inflation outlook is not
benign, there is an incipient credit or asset price boom, or fiscal tightening is not desirable or
feasible). In practice, assessing the degree of overvaluation is subject to significant
uncertainty and the mere presence of large inflows may signal market expectation that the
currency is undervalued. Therefore, some currency appreciation might need to be tolerated as
part of the adjustment process even for countries where the exchange rate is not judged to be
significantly undervalued.

Lessons from the Crisis

64. EMs’ heterogeneous experience during the crisis underscores the importance of
economic fundamentals and global linkages. Controlling for factors beyond their control,
EMs with smaller initial imbalances went into recession later, and suffered considerably
smaller declines in output during the first stage of the crisis. As they had greater space to
loosen fiscal and monetary policy, their post-crisis recoveries have come earlier and faster.
This marks a significant contrast to past crises, during which almost all EMs had to tighten
monetary policy to avert a loss in confidence albeit with considerable output losses.
Moreover, the pay-off from better fundamentals is likely to be long-lasting, as they are
expected to experience about five percentage points less of a reduction in permanent output
compared with economies with weaker fundamentals. Countries with stronger external
linkages—higher dependence on demand from AEs or larger exposure to foreign bank
claims—experienced sharper falls in output during the crisis. At the same time, recovery in
trading partners is helping EMs come out of the crisis. Short-term challenges may have been
met for many EMs—due to policy measures discussed above as well as the quick availability
of exceptional/official financing—but longer-term challenges remain to prevent future crises.

65. Reserves, up to a limit, helped dampen the impact of the crisis on EMs. Higher
levels of pre-crisis reserve cover were associated with less deterioration in both sovereign
spreads and output during the crisis. However, this effect was subject to diminishing returns:
EMs enjoyed little additional benefit for having reserves in excess of the sum of short-term
debt and the current account deficit. Also, for countries with flexible exchange rate regimes,
building appropriate reserve buffers should not jeopardize the commitment to maintaining
currency flexibility. Indeed, countries that used reserves to moderate the impact of the crisis
also allowed the exchange rate to bear part of the adjustment.

66. The crisis has also demonstrated the benefits of sound policy frameworks.
Countries with flexible exchange rates (especially inflation targeters) were less constrained in
their ability to loosen monetary policy than other EMs, and those with lower levels of public
debt had greater space for fiscal loosening. The benefits of improved frameworks need to be
safeguarded with prudent policies as the crisis draws to a close. In low vulnerability EMs (a
number of which are also inflation targeters), central banks need to carefully consider their
responses to rising inflation. While the causes include rising global energy prices as well as
closing output gaps, action may be required to ensure that inflationary expectations remain
well anchored.

Box 1. Assessments of Underlying Vulnerabilities in Emerging Market Countries

Underpinning the analysis in this paper are staff assessments of pre-crisis vulnerabilities. These
measures were developed—for emerging market countries with access to international capital
markets—in the aftermath of the capital account crises of the late 1990s to inform surveillance and
staff assessments of crisis probabilities. Since the establishment of the exercise in 2001, the
methodology has been updated. These assessments, conducted semi-annually, comprise cross-country
analysis of vulnerability indicators along with country-specific judgments.

The assessment proceeds in several steps. First, data on vulnerabilities—flow and stock measures
derived from previous IMF studies as well as academic literature on empirical early warning system
models—are compiled for external, fiscal, corporate, and financial sectors. Second, each indicator is
compared against a database of realized capital account crises to derive thresholds that minimize
combined percentages of missed calls and false alarms. These differences in discriminatory powers
(minimum sum of errors) are then used to provide guidance on weights for each indicator in the index
for each of the sectors; these are then further combined into an aggregate index using judgment-based
sector weights (text figure). Analysis thus generated is vetted by area departments, with country-
specific considerations used to generate final assessments.

These indices provide a summary statistic of vulnerabilities. High correlations among many of
these variables preclude simultaneous inclusion in regression analyses; an index, therefore, provides a
snapshot of these features allowing further statistical analysis. A paper prepared for the IMF Board in
2007, which updated the VEE methodology, generally uses the model-based external vulnerability
index measure; indeed, it finds that external sector indicators perform the best in predicting past crises
and allocates them the highest weight (45 percent) in constructing the overall vulnerability index.

Box 2. Alternative Ways to Measure Output Loss

The analysis was undertaken using four alternative measures of output loss:

 A simple gauge is how far output fell in the two quarters after the collapse of Lehman
Brothers, measured by the percentage change in seasonally adjusted real GDP between
2008Q3 and 2009Q1. In this paper, we refer to that as “Growth 1.”

 A drawback of Growth 1 is that it does not consider where output might have been in the
absence of a crisis. To gauge output loss in that (counterfactual) sense, a second growth
measure (“Growth 2”) is calculated as the log difference between actual seasonally adjusted
real GDP in 2009Q1 and a counterfactual projection for real GDP in 2009Q1 based on a
linear trend estimated over 2003-2007.

 The above two measures implicitly assume each EM’s output peaked in 2008Q3 and
toughed in 2009Q1. However, there is considerable heterogeneity in the timing of the crisis
across countries and this timing would be accurate only for about half the sample.
Therefore, a third measure was devised (“Growth 3”), which is the country-specific peak to
trough percent change in seasonally adjusted real GDP.

 Finally, a fourth measure (“Growth 4”) was calculated that takes into account cross-country
heterogeneity in both the counterfactual growth path and the timing of recovery. It was
defined as the log difference between actual seasonally adjusted real GDP at the country’s
trough, and projected real GDP based on a linear trend estimated over 2003−07.

The preferred measure in this paper is “growth 3”, which is based on the actual change in output
and each country’s peak and trough. It is highly correlated with “growth 1” and “growth 4.” The
results are robust to using either of these measures.
Measuring Output Loss: 1 Measuring Output Loss: 2
Country specific variation in output peaks and troughs Role of counterfactual

D eviatio n fro m tren d gro w th prior to 2 00 8

R ea l G D P g row th, 20 08Q 3 to 2009 Q 1



-.15 -.2


-.25 -.2 -.15 -.1 -.05 0 -.25 -.2 -.15 -.1 -.05 0
Real GDP growth, peak to trough Real GDP growth, peak to trough

Source: Haver, WEO, and Staff estimates Source: Haver, WEO, and Staff estimates

Box 3. The Role of Trade Finance During the Crisis

Emerging market trade was particularly hard hit in late 2008 and early 2009. For many EMs, monthly
merchandise export values fell more than 30 percent during the worst of the crisis, compared with previous annual
growth rates of around 20 percent. Concurrently, EM sovereign spreads jumped from an average of around 200-300
basis points at end 2007 to over 700 basis points in late 2008 and early 2009, prompting questions about links
between liquidity constraints and trade.

Trade finance does not seem to have been the key contributor to the collapse in trade. To assess changes in
provision and pricing of trade finance during late 2008 and early 2009, the IMF conducted three surveys with
BAFT/IFSA.1 Based on responses to the surveys, the worry that the fall in exports was driven mainly by lack of
trade finance seemed to be largely unfounded. While the cost of trade finance increased, with margins on letters of
credit rising by an average of 40 basis points in 2008Q4 relative to 2007Q4, and a further 30 basis points in 2009Q2
relative to 2008Q4, the total value of trade finance generally fell by less than the decrease in exports (Table).2 Thus,
it appears that the share of trade covered by bank-intermediated trade finance grew during the period.

International action to maintain high levels of trade finance liquidity may have helped to avert further
negative effects. In late 2008, national export credit agencies and multilateral development banks started to expand
the availability of trade finance. In April 2009, the G-20 made a concerted effort to increase the availability of trade
financing, with support for up to an extra US$250 billion of trade over 2009-10, with emerging market members of
the G-20 playing their part in that effort.3 This capacity was later recommended to be increased to US$400 billion,
though it is unclear if it would have been utilized as financial market conditions normalized and market institutions
became better able to supply the needs of exporters and importers.

Changes in Merchandise Exports and Trade Finance: By Groups of Countries

(percent growth)
2008Q4 2009Q2
vs. 2007Q4 vs. 2008Q4
Goods Trade Goods Trade
Exports Finance Exports Finance
Industrial Countries -12.3 -1.8 -13.7 -8.5
Sub-Sahara Africa -12.3 -2.6 -12.4 -2.9
Emerging Europe -16.1 -0.9 -11.3 -8.8
Southeast Europe/Central Asia -7.8 -2.0 -30.7 -6.2
Emerging Asia incl. China and India -0.8 -0.9 -17.7 0.2
Developing Asia 1.8 -5.4 2.0 -2.3
Middle East and the Maghreb -26.0 1.2 6.2 -6.1
Latin America -10.6 -3.0 -11.1 -13.5
Source: IMF/BAFT Trade Finance Survey, Haver Analytics.

1/ BAFT stands for the Bankers’ Association for Finance and Trade, which subsequently merged with the International Financial Services
Association (IFSA).

2/ Trade finance in these surveys refers to the following trade finance products offered by banks: Letters of Credit (LC) (including standby LCs
and confirmed LCs), Export Credit Insurance, and short-term Export Working Capital.


Box 4. Trade Policy During the Crisis

A wholesale slide into protectionism—akin to that seen during the Great

Depression—has been avoided during the current crisis:

 While several countries have adjusted national tariff schedules during the crisis,
the general trend of declining tariffs was not materially affected during the crisis
(WTO, 2009).

 Nevertheless, the number of trade dispute filings, such as for antidumping, have
increased in recent years, a trend that intensified during the crisis. The majority
of such disputes are between EMs (almost three-quarters of new investigations
in the second half of 2009), with Argentina and India accounting for a large
share. Similarly, more than half of new investigations have been targeted against
China. There has also been a corresponding increase in the number of import-
restricting measures as a consequence of these disputes (Bown, 2010).

While a sharp rise in protectionism has been avoided pressures could still emerge.
Political leaders have displayed heightened awareness during the crisis of the risks of
protectionism which has led to enhanced monitoring of activities through unofficial as
well as official channels (such as the WTO). These monitoring activities, and the
engagement of multilateral rules and institutions bodies such as the WTO also helped.

Box 5. Was the Fiscal Policy Response in 2009 Different?

Two related approaches described below show that EMs’ fiscal response to this crisis
was more forceful than could have been predicted by historical reaction functions, and
also more than in past crises.

Out-of-sample estimates from panel fixed effects regressions for 1990-2007

A baseline regression was run for the period 1990−2007 to estimate a historical fiscal
response function. Results indicate that an increase in lagged primary surplus of 1 percentage
point of GDP increased “space” to accommodate by around 0.4 percentage points (column 1
of Box Table). Similarly, lower debt provided additional space. Historically, further fiscal
accommodation was provided when needed more, such as during growth slowdowns.

The baseline regression was used to predict fiscal accommodation in 2009 by using the
estimated coefficients and observed values for the independent variables. Actual fiscal
accommodation in 2009 exceeded predicted accommodation in all regions. EMs in the
Western Hemisphere and South Africa, the sole African EM in the sample, stand out in
terms of their extra response. The model estimates that the average “extra” accommodation
across EMs in 2009 amounted to some 2 percentage point of GDP, which could reflect inter
alia the result of a globally coordinated response to the crisis.

Interactive terms from panel fixed effects regressions for 1990-2009

Interacting explanatory variables yielded additional information about 2009 in a fiscal

reaction function that encompassed the entire sample period (1990−2009). Better past fiscal
behavior—as represented by a lower level of public debt—enabled higher fiscal
accommodation during the current crisis than in the past (column 2 of Box Table). The
specification estimates an additional accommodation of some 3 percentage points of GDP
among EMs during the year.

Further refining the regressions to distinguish also the past crises cases (as defined in
Section II)—to explore whether past crises have behaved differently—also yielded
interesting results (column 3 of Box Table). Countries with higher lagged primary balance
surprisingly ran contractionary fiscal policy during past crisis. The procyclicality of fiscal
policy in past crises is also underscored by the large positive coefficient on growth. Even in
this refinement, the coefficients for 2009 remain broadly the same.

Box 5. Was the Fiscal Policy Response in 2009 Different? (Concl.)

Determinants of Change in Primary Deficit

("+" Means Higher Accommodation)
(1) (2) (3)
Primary balance (lagged) 0.41 *** 0.46 *** 0.47 ***
(0.04) (0.04) (0.04)
Public debt (lagged) -1.53 -2.31 * -2.34 *
(1.33) (1.26) (1.28)
Growth -12.14 ** -12.88 ** -12.95 **
(5.55) (4.97) (5.22)
Primary balance (lagged) * 2009 0.18 0.18
(0.13) (0.13)
Public debt (lagged) * 2009 -3.06 ** -3.07 **
(1.23) (1.24)
Growth in 2009 5.43 5.43
(7.71) (7.83)
2009 Year dummy 3.26 *** 3.25 ***
(0.77) (0.79)
Primary balance (lagged) * past crises -0.89 **
Public debt (lagged) * past crises -14.00 ***
Growth in past crises 24.30 *
Crisis dummy 2.98 ***
Constant 1.45 * 2.06 *** 2.09 ***
(0.76) (0.70) (0.72)

Observations 435 515 515

R-squared 0.24 0.39 0.40
Number of countries 49 48 48

Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Source: WEO; Fund staff calculations.

Annex. Country Sample

This paper seeks to cover as wide a set of economies as possible, subject to data
availability constraints. With no strict ex ante qualification or exclusion criteria applied, the
empirical analysis attempts to use the largest possible country sample. As a result,
57 economies are considered (see Annex Table 1). The sample includes some countries that
are classified as Advanced Economies (AEs) in the World Economic Outlook, but which are
included in either the S&P IFCI or the S&P Frontier BMI emerging market stock indices.
Nonetheless, owing to the variety of series and sources used, countries enter various
regressions to the extent that relevant data for a particular specification are available. Thus,
country samples differ throughout the paper.

Data sources: The analysis is based on staff calculations using data from the Spring 2010
World Economic Outlook and from internal staff assessment of vulnerabilities. Additionally,
public sources (BIS, CEIC, Haver, IFS, Moody's, and others) are used.

Annex Table 1: Country List

Asia (11) Emerging Europe and CIS (22)

China Albania
India Belarus
Indonesia Bosnia and Herzegovina
Korea Bulgaria
Malaysia Croatia
Mongolia Czech Republic
Pakistan Estonia
Philippines Georgia
Sri Lanka Hungary
Thailand Kazakhstan
Vietnam Latvia
Western Hemesphere (17) Poland
Argentina Romania
Bolivia Russia
Brazil Serbia
Chile Slovak Republic
Colombia Slovenia
Costa Rica Turkey
Dominican Republic Ukraine
El Salvador
Guatemala Middle East and Africa (7)
Jamaica Egypt
Mexico Israel
Panama Jordan
Paraguay Lebanon
Peru Morocco
Uruguay South Africa
Venezuela Tunisia


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