Ijest11 03 06 125 PDF
Ijest11 03 06 125 PDF
Ijest11 03 06 125 PDF
B N S P Venkatesh
Emandi. Ramesh
G. Sai Sudheer
One of the major problems in power system operation is related to small signal instability caused by insufficient
damping in the system. The most effective way of countering this instability is to use auxiliary controllers called
Power System Stabilizers, to produce additional damping in the system. Generally Heffron-phillips Model of a
synchronous machine is commonly used for the small signal stability analysis. A Modified Heffron-Phillips (Kconstant) Model is derived for the design of Power System Stabilizers; knowledge of external parameters, such
as equivalent infinite bus voltage and external impedance value are required for designing a conventional power
system stabilizer, Modified Heffron-Phillips Model power system stabilizer. The efficiency of the proposed
design technique and the performance of the stabilizer has been evaluated over a range of operating and system
conditions and the performance of the proposed Modified Heffron-Phillips Model is much better than the
conventional power system stabilize.. The proposed work describes the Design of Power System Stabilizer by
using Modified Heffron-Phillips model is simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Keywords: Modified Heffron-Phillips model (Mod HP), Heffron-Phillips model (HP), Power System
Stabilizers (PSS), Single Machine connected Infinite Bus (SMIB).
1. Introduction
Electric power systems are highly nonlinear systems and constantly experience changes in generation,
transmission and load conditions. With the enormous increase in the demand for the electricity almost all major
transmission networks in the world are operated close to their stability limits. In such systems fast excitation
control plays a crucial role. The synthesis of effective excitation controllers for all operating conditions still
remains a difficult task due to the following reasons.
1) Large variations of the possible operating conditions.
2) Large variety of disturbances that can occur in various
Parts of the power systems.
3) Variation of plant parameters as result of power network configuration changes.
In such systems fast excitation control plays a crucial role. The excitation controllers are designed to
regulate the terminal voltage. Automatic voltage regulators also enhance the overall stability of the system. Over
the years a variety of design procedures and algorithms have been proposed for the design of power system
stabilizers for different models of power system.
In order to reduce this instability effect and improve the system stability performance it is useful to
introduce supplementary stabilizing signals at low frequency oscillations, to increase the damping torque of the
synchronous machine [1], [2], [3]. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature to provide the
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
damping torque required for improving the stability, the first proposed method is the conventional power system
stabilizer [4] it is based and design the Bode plot technique, second method proposed Modified HeffronPhillips power system stabilizer, it is based on the Bode plot technique [5]. Generally conventional power
system stabilizer is use the information of external parameters, such as equivalent infinite bus voltage and
external impedance values. In this Modified Heffron-Phillips method, information available at the secondary
bus of the step up transformer is used to set up a Modified Heffron-Phillips Model.
2. Modelling of System
System is treated as in this model is SMIB. Modelling of SMIB consisting the generator, excitation
system, AC network etc. A SMIB power system model as shown in Fig. 1 is used to obtain the Modified
Heffron-Phillips model parameters.
= b sm
ds m
[ D( s m ) + Tm Te ]
E q' + ( x d x d' ) i d + E
T d' 0
The subscripts q and d refers to the q and d-axis respectively in Parks reference frame. The detailed
derivation of the model and definitions of the constants K1 to K6 and Kv1 to Kv3 are given in [4], [5].
K1 =
K2 =
Vs 0 E q 0 Cos s 0
Xq + Xt
Xq + Xd
X t + X d'
X q + X d'
X t + X d'
V s 0 Sin s 0
iq 0
X + X d'
K3 = t
Xt +X q
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
X d + X d'
K4 =
Vs 0 Sin s 0
X t + X d'
K5 =
( X q + X t )Vt 0
X Vq 0
( X t + X d')Vt 0
V s 0 Sin s 0
Vq 0
K6 =
( X d' + X t ) Vt 0
K v1 =
E q 0 Sin s 0
Xq + Xt
K v2 =
K5 =
Xq X
X t + X d'
i q 0 Cos s 0
Xd X
Cos s 0
Xt +X
X qVd 0 Sin s 0
( X q + X t )Vt 0
X d'
( X t + X d')Vt 0
Vq 0 Cos s 0
The block diagram of Modified Heffron-Phillips Model will be as shown in the Fig. 2.
GEP(S ) =
K2 K3 EXC(s)
(1 + ST K3 ) + K3 K6 EXC(s)
The expression for the transfer function GEP(s) for Modified Heffron-Phillips is given by
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
GEP( s ) =
( K v1K 2 K 3 K e )
( K T T ) S + ( K T + Te + K v1K v 2 K 2 K 3Te ) S + (K 6 K 3 K e + K v1K v 2 K 2 K 3 + K v1K v 2 K 2 K 3Te + 1)
3 d0 e
3 d0
Where EXC(S) is the excitation of the system.
3. Power System Stabilizer
The problem is to design a stabilizer which provides a supplementary stabilizing signal to increase
the damping torque at low frequency oscillations in the system. The design of conventional PSS and
Modified Heffron-Phillips Model PSS is based on the Bode plot technique. The Block diagram of the power
system stabilizer will be as shown in the Fig. 3. The stabilizer is consists mainly four blocks, these are PSS
gain (Ks), Wash out circuit, Compensator and limiter. Compensator is nothing but a simple lag/lead
T ( s ) = K pss
(1 + sT1 ) m
(1 + sT 2 )
Where m is the number of lead-lag stages. In (17) m=1 for the design of Dynamic compensator. In PSS the
effect of the washout circuit and torsional filter may be neglected in the design but must be considered in
evaluating performance of PSS under various operating conditions. There are two design criteria.
1) The time constants, Tl to T2 in equation (17) are to be chosen from the requirements of the phase
compensation to achieve damping torque
2) The gain of PSS is to be chosen to provide adequate damping of all critical modes under various operating
conditions. It is to be noted that PSS is tuned at a particular operating condition.
If PSS is to provide pure damping torque at all frequencies, ideally the phase characteristics of PSS
must balance the phase characteristics of GEP at all frequencies. As this is not practical, the following criteria
are chosen to design the phase compensation for PSS.
1) The compensated phase lag should pass through 90 at frequency around 3.5 Hz.
2) The compensated phase lag at local mode frequency should be below 45, preferably near 20.
3) The gain of the compensator at high frequencies (this is proportional to T1/T2) should be minimized.
From the above assumptions the constants T1 and T2 can be obtained from the following assumptions, these are
Tan1(T1c ) Tan1(T2c ) =
Solving the above equation gives T1 and T2 values. Using the relation (m=T1/T2 & is the amount of phase
lead/lag) and the required gain setting Ks for the desired value of damping ratio = 0.5 is obtained as,
2 n M
GEP( S )T ( S )
Where GEP(S) and T(S) are evaluated at s = j n .
Ks =
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
The value of the washout time constant Tw should be high enough to allow signals associated with oscillations in
rotor speed to pass unchanged. From the viewpoint of the washout function, the value of Tw is not critical and
may be in the range of 1s to 20s. Tw equal to 2s is chosen in the present studies.
4. Simulation Results
The performance of the stabilizers designed by using modified K-constants is evaluated on a SMIB test system
over a range of different operating conditions as shown in Table 1. The transformer reactance Xt = 0.1p.u.
Table 1. Range of operating conditions for SMIB
0.2- Strong
0.8- Weak
Power factor
By taking one operating condition and calculate the Modified Heffron-Phillips Model constants and
using thus values, we calculate system transfer function GEP(S). We draw the Bode plot for GEP(S) and the
Bode plot for GEP(S) for Heffron-Phillips Model (15) will be as shown in Fig. 4.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
Fig. 5 Response of change in speed for 10% change in Vref , Nominal system(Without PSS).
Fig. 6 Response of change in speed for 10% change in Vref , Nominal system(With PSS).
Fig. 7 shows the system response for the same system condition, following a 3 fault of 4 cycles
duration at the bus containing transformer. Fault is cleared by tripping one of the parallel lines. In both the
cases, the conventional and the proposed PSS have damped the system oscillations effectively.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
Fig. 8 Response of change in speed for 10% change in Vref ,Strong system.
Fig. 10 depicts very weak system (Xe = 0.8p.u. S = 1+ j0.5 p.u.) Conditions. Leading power factor
operations are not possible under these conditions. The performance of both stabilizers are again comparable
and the system oscillations have been effectively damped and Fig. 11 shows the system response for the same
system condition, following a 3 fault of 4 cycles duration at the bus containing transformer.
Fig. 10 Response of change in speed for 10% change in Vref ,Weak system.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
Fig. 12 shows the response of change in rotor angle following a 10% step change at Vref input of the
generator with PSS. At this operating condition (S = P + jQ = 1 + j0.2p.u., Xe = 0.4p.u) the system is unstable
without a PSS and the system stable with PSS and also check the response of rotor angle for different range of
operating conditions of Single Machine connected infinite bus as displayed in the Table 1.
Fig. 12 Response of change in Rotor Angle for 10% change in Vref , Nominal system(With PSS).
Under these conditions the system is unstable without PSS and it will become stable with PSS. By
observing the all responses of Mod HP model and HP model, Mod HP model Power system stabilizer stabilizes
the system quickly compare to HP model.
5. Conclusion
The Modified Heffron-Phillips model has been derived for the design of power system stabilizers. As
system information is generally not accurately known or measurable in practice, the proposed method of
PSS design is well suited for designing effective stabilizers at varied system conditions. The performance of
the proposed stabilizer is comparable to the responses of change in speed and change in rotor angle of
conventional stabilizer which has been designed assuming that all system parameters are known accurately.
As the proposed design is based on local measurements and it may be possible to extend to multi-machine
[1] F.P.Demello and C.Concordia, Concepts of synchronous machine stability as affected by excitation control, IEEE Trans. Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-88, No.4, pp. 316329, 1969.
[2] E. Larsen and D. Swan, Applying power system stabilizers, parts I,II and III, IEEE Trans .Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS100, pp. 30173046, June 1981.
[3] W. G. Heffron and R. A. Phillips, Effect of modern amplidyne voltage regulators on under excited operation of large turbine
generators. American Institutions of Electrical Engineers, vol. 71, pp. 692697, 1952.
[4] Gurrala.G, Sen. I, A Modified Heffron-phillips Model for the Design of Power System Stabilizers. Power system Technology and
IEEE power India Conference, 2008.
ISSN : 0975-5462
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)
[5] K.R.Padiyar, Power system Dynamics Stability and Control. John Wiley; Interline Publishing, 1996.
[6] P.kundur, Power system stability and control. McGraw-Hill, New York 1994.
[7] P.M.Anderson and A.A.Foud, Power system control and stability IOWA state university press 1980.
Machine Data:
Xd = 1.6; Xq = 1.55; Xd = 0.32; Tdo= 6; H = 5; D = 0; fB = 60Hz; EB = 1p.u; Xt = 0.1; Model 1.0 is considered for the synchronous machine.
Exciter data:
Ke = 200; Te = 0.05s; Efdmax = 6p.u; Efdmin = 6p.u;
CPSS data:
T1 = 0.078; T2 = 0.026; K = 15; Tw = 2; PSS output limits 0.05
ModHPPSS data:
T1 = 0.0798; T2 = 0.0217; K = 12.1; Tw = 2; PSS output limits 0.05
Doradla. Prathap Hari Krishna received his B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from QIS college of Engineering and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University, Ongole in 2009. And M.Tech degree in Power systems and
Automation from Gitam Institute of Technology, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam in
Bhuvanagiri. N S P Venkatesh received his B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
QIS college of Engineering and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ongole in 2009.
And M.Tech degree in Power systems and Automation from Gitam Institute of Technology, Gitam
University, Visakhapatnam in 2011.
Gandrakota. Sai Sudheer received his B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from QIS college of Engineering and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University, Ongole in 2009. And M.Tech degree in Power systems and
Automation from Gitam Institute of Technology, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam in
Emandi. Ramesh received his B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
from Chaitanya college of Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Visakhapatnam in 2008. And M.Tech degree in Power systems and Automation from
Gitam Institute of Technology, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam in 2011.
ISSN : 0975-5462