Lec35-Mig 2
Lec35-Mig 2
Lec35-Mig 2
Shielding gases which are commonly used in the gas metal arc welding process, or either
argon or helium or helium-argon mixture or active gases like CO2 N2 and hydrogen
oxygen or their mixture with the carbon dioxide. For mild steel, mainly carbon dioxide is
used as a shielding gas because it is capable to produce high quality weld joints that too
economically, and the low currents are possible for welding with the CO2 as the
shielding gas and that allows to weld in odd positions also because the low welding
current makes sure that fluidity of the material is not that high, and in that way, it
prevents the falling down of the molten metal from the weld pool.
When welding is carried out in odd positions, particularly for the low alloy steel and
stainless steel metal welding argon and oxygen mixtures are used particularly because
these offers the advantage of the better fluidity of the molten metal and the improved arc
stability. So, in the ferrous metals like mild steel or the low alloy steel and stainless steel,
argon and oxygen mixture or the carbon dioxide are used as shielding gases.
The percentage of the oxygen which is added with the argon normally varies from 1 to 5
percent and the remaining it can be, means the percentage of oxygen can be in range of 1
to 5 percent and remaining is the argon in argon-oxygen mixture, and low alloy steels are
also welded with 80 percent argon and 20 percent CO2 mixture.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:07)
For the different specific metals, some shielding gases are normally used like for nickel,
monel, inconel, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium, aluminum bronze and
silicon bronze. These metals are effectively welded by using pure argon because these
are sensitive to the atmospheric oxygen particularly. So, proper protection from the
atmospheric oxygen is required, and that is provided by the inert shielding gas when it is
in pure form instead of active gases. Nickel and nickel alloys may sometimes be welded
with the mixture of the argon and hydrogen because addition of the hydrogen helps the
welding arc to burn hotter and increase the welding speed and the penetration aspects.
So, argon and hydrogen mixtures are also used in to get the benefit of the higher welding
speed and deeper penetration in the welding of nickel and nickel alloys.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:24)
The copper and aluminum alloys are also welded with 75 percent helium and 25 percent
of argon mixtures to overcome the problems related with their thermal conductivity.
Here, helium helps to burn the arc hotter and the conductivity of the helium is much
higher than that of argon, but the argon helps to provide the better arc stability and in
order to take the advantage of both inert gases like a presence of argon makes the arc
more stable and smooth, while the presence of helium helps to burn the arc hotter and
provides the more effective heat transfer from the arc and the base material.
So, the presence of both like 75 percent of helium and 25 percent of argon mixture helps
to overcome the problems related with the high thermal conductivity of aluminum and
copper because if the thermal conductivity of the base metal is very high, heat will be
immediately transferred away, and the weld area to the base metal and melting of the
base metal or the faying surfaces may become difficult. So, if the mixture of helium or
argon is used, helium will effectively be able to transfer the heat generated from the arc
to the base metal, and will help to melt the base metal effectively even if it is there in
form of copper or aluminum which are having high thermal conductivity.
Nitrogen may be used for the welding of the copper and some of its alloys, but the
nitrogen and argon mixtures are preferred over the pure nitrogen for relatively improved
arc stability. It is better to use mixture of argon and nitrogen rather than pure nitrogen as
a shielding gas for better arc stability reasons.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:37)
Shielding gas we have seen. There are different types of shielding gases which are used
in gas metal arc welding process. These are say argon, argon helium, helium or CO2.
When these shielding gases are used, we get the different kind of bead geometries and
different types of the metal transfers. We will see here argon offers the deeper
penetration and somewhat lesser width of the weld bead. Here the penetration is reduced
and the width somewhat increases with the argon and helium mixture, and here helium
optimum penetration and width is obtained when helium is used, that is shielding gas.
Somewhat wider large cross-sectional area of the weld bead is produced with presence of
some spatter and during the transfer of the metals is observed when CO2 is used as a
shielding gas.
These shielding gases are also known to affect the arc characteristics or VI characteristic
of the arc. The relationship between the voltage and current is affected in gas metal arc
welding with the presence of the shielding gas. When argon is used as a shielding gas,
the arc voltage is somewhat lower for a given current setting compared to the case when
helium is used. For 150 ampere current, here arc voltage in case of argon would be
somewhere 28. While in case of helium, it would be somewhere 38.
So, higher arc voltage is generally observed with the helium as with the helium as a
shielding gas compared to the argon and this high arc voltage helps to burn the arc hotter,
and high thermal conductivity of the helium helps to melt the faying surfaces effectively,
and this high arc voltage with the helium as the shielding gas is attributed to the high
ionization potential of the helium compared to that of argon here. The difference in the
characteristics of like ionization potential of the argon and the helium, thermal
conductivity of an argon and helium are attributed to the difference in performance of the
helium and argon as the shielding gases, and the kind of the weld bead which are formed
and the soundness of the weld mend.
Argon is heavier than the helium. That is why helium immediately after coming out from
the nozzle tends to move up, tends to rise in upward direction. That is why it needs
higher flow rate compared to that of iron. Argon becomes heavier than the atmospheric
air and that is why it tends to settle down after coming out from the nozzle, and it forms
from blanket around the weld pool and the arc region. That is why argon needs
somewhat lower flow rates compared to that of helium because helium tends to move up
immediately after coming out from the nozzle compared to that of argon. So, the density
of helium and argon also plays significant role in effective shielding of the weld pool and
the arc region.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:30)
The one variant of the gas metal are welding process is the pulse gas metal arc welding
process. In conventional gas metal arc welding process, the welding current at a given
level is supplied continuously to get a continuous heat in the arc region and continuous
and uniform melting of the base metal, but this continuous supply of heat to the base
metal tends to build up the heat which tends to cause a number of undesirable effects in
the base metal like wider heat effected zone and development of the residual stresses and
distortion of the welded components.
In order to reduce the building up of the heat or reduce the heat input to the base metal in
some modification in the conventional gas metal arc welding process has been made, and
that one variant of such process is the pulse gas metal arc welding process. In this
process, the two levels of the currents are supplied during the welding. One level of
current is known as the background current or the base current. This is a very low level
of current and it is set in such a way that arc is just maintained and it is stable. On the
other hand, the high pulses of the high current are supplied which helps to melt the base
metal, and it helps to detach also the molten metal droplets from the tip of the electrode.
So, here in this variant of the gas metal arc welding process, that is pulse gas metal arc
welding process, the welding current is pulsed between one low level that is background
current and the high level that is peak current or high current, and this pulsing helps to
melt the metal during a certain period and then, allows to molten metal to solidify in the
remaining period. So, the solidification of the molten weld pool is suppose to take place
when there is only background current, and that solid and the melting of the base metal
takes place when there is pulse current or the peak current. So, this peak current is
supplied at regular intervals, so that it continuous melts and that melting at regular
intervals of the base metal takes place. At the same time, the solidification same molten
metal will continue to solidify when there is base current.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:45)
Schematically we can see that how the current varies in the pulse gas metal arc welding
process. Here this is the lower level of current which is known as background current,
and here the maximum current or the higher level of current which is known as peak
current. Here the current is pulsed means the pulses of peak current are given at regular
intervals. So, this welding current is pulsed between the background current and the peak
current at regular intervals.
During this background current portion, solidification of the base metals are
solidification of the weld pool takes place, and during the peak current portion time
during which the peak current is there or the pulse current is given, the melting and the
detachment of the droplet takes place. In sequence we can see here schematically say this
is the back ground region, and here solidification of the weld pool is taking place. As
soon as pulse of the high current is given and the current starts to increase up, and it
reaches to the region to here from one to two second zone, the continuous melting will be
taking place and here, there is no molten metal at the tip.
Here the molten metal droplet starts to form and it grows continuously to form 2 to 3 also
and here, as soon as it reaches to the peak value, it starts to get detached by the peak
force, and then it is detached further and then, it is transferred to the weld pool. Then,
temperature comes this current and decreases gracefully up to 0.4, and here when the
pulse current comes down to the background current level or the pulse current is over,
then the solidification of the transferred molten metal starts and in 0.4 to 5 in this, the
solidification of the molten weld pool will be taking place. This cycle goes on repeating
itself like in it goes in 4 steps. Here, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4. Here melting takes place and
pinching of, then detachment of the droplets and the solidification of the weld pool forms
0.4 to 0.5.
So, this is how the pulse current helps to melt and transfer the molten metal droplet from
tip of electrode to the weld pool, and then during certain period, only solidification of the
weld pool takes place. No melting across during that portion and that is the portion when
background current is only background current. So, that time during which background
current is maintained is known as base current duration, and the time during which peak
current is maintained is known as peak current duration or pulse duration or base current
duration like that peak current or peak current or background current or base current.
This pulsing of the current between the background or the peak level or high-low level
and high level helps to reduce the heat input into the base metal which in turn offers the
number of benefits like reduce heat input helps to reduce the undesirable effects related
to the heat input in the weld joint, like reduced heat affected zone greater is the heat
input to the base metal wider will be the heat affected zone, and heat affected zone is a
portion where depending upon the kind of metal which is being welded, either softening
or hardening of the metal can take place. That is the undesirable change in the metal cum
metal properties and metallurgical properties of the base metal which is being welded. It
is not desired to have the heat affected zone and width of this heat affected zone is
reduced with the reduction in the heat input.
Another important point is greater is the heat input, greater will be the chances for the
development residual stresses and so the distortion. So, if the heat input is reduced,
distortion related distortion will also be reduced. The reduced residual stresses because
the less volume of material will be heated, less will be the non-uniformed volumetric
change in the material during the welding which in turn helps to reduce the residual
stresses also, allows the welding in odd positions because heat input is reduced
significantly that in turn helps to improve the better control that increases the control
over the molten weld pool because fluidity of the molten metal is reduced with the
reduction in heat input, and that helps to put the molten metal in the positions where it is
required without falling down even in the odd positions, and welding of the thin sheet, it
is also possible without melting through and distortion because thin sheet welding needs
less heat input and thus, that better control over the less heat input is possible with the
pulse and gas welding arc metal process because current is continuously pulsed between
the low and high level. These durations of the pulse current and the base current can be
adjusted as per needs of the heat input for a given welding conditions.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:58)
Metal transfer aspects in the gas metal arc welding process is very important because
success of the weld joint by the gas metal arc welding process to a great extent depends
on that how effectively it is being transferred because kind of the micro structure or the
soundness of the weld joint which is obtained, depends upon how the metal transfer, how
metal is being transferred from the electrode tip to the weld pool.
Here metal transfer as I have explained earlier also, it refers to the transfer of the molten
metal from the tip of the electrode to the weld pool, and it is of great importance in
consumable electrode welding process particularly because control over the handling of
the molten metal, slag, spattering depends upon the mode of the metal transfer. How the
metal transfer is taking place, that significantly affects control over the molten metal,
slag and the spattering aspects. Here, there in gas metal arc welding process, there are
four common modes of the metal transfers in consumable arc welding process or in this
gas metal arc welding process.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:21)
These are like these are the short circuit metal transfer, globular metal transfer, spray
transfer, dip transfer, radial transfer, etcetera and these metal transfers are significantly
affected by the welding conditions like welding voltage and the welding current
particularly in addition to the diameter of the electrode, and its material or the electrical
resistivity aspects. So, the mode of metal transfer for a given power setting, that is
voltage and current is affected by the factors like the shielding gas, like the composition
of the electrode, diameter of the electrode and the extension of the electrode here because
all these factors composition of the shielding gas affects the heat. The kind of heat which
is generated in the arc region is affected by the shielding gas like helium generates more
heat compared to that of argon.
Composition of the electrode electrical resistance heating in electrode extension portion
is governed by the composition of the electrode, like electrical resistance heating will be
more in case of aluminum compared to that of, sorry electrical resistance heating will be
more in case of steel compared to that of aluminum because electrical resistivity of a
steel is higher than that of the aluminum, and the diameter of the electrode. Also, large
diameter electrodes will be subjected to the greater, lesser electrical resistance heating
compared to the small diameter electrodes. The electrode extension greater will be the
electrical resistance heating and the amount of heat which is being generated in the arc
region or in the electrode or in the region close to the electrode tip that affects the mode
of the metal transfer that we see detail in coming slides.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:38)
A short circuit metal transfer takes place under certain welding conditions. In short
circuiting metal transfer, the molten metal droplet touches to the weld pool before it gets
to the weld pool and this happens when welding current is low and the arc gap is also a
small. Under these conditions, the droplet grows gracefully at the tip of the electrode and
as soon as it grows enough in size, it touches to the weld pool. So, short circuiting takes
place, and as soon as short circuiting takes place, high heat is generated because of
increase in the current which in turn reduces the surface tension and reduce the surface
tension helps to detach the droplet from the electrode tip to the weld pool. So, therefore,
welding current during the short circuiting increases significantly which in turn causes
the heating of the molten metal at a lower surface tension appreciably.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:47)
Reduced surface tension leads to the transfer of the molten metal into the weld pool by
surface tension effect. So, here during the short circuiting, the droplet which has grown
at the tip of electrode touches to the weld pool, and by surface tension affect, it is
transferred to the weld pool from the electrode tip. As the gap is established, once the
droplet is transferred, again gap is established between the electrode tip and the weld
pool. So, arc is established gap. So, as gap is established, arc voltage increases suddenly
and flow of current starts. So, that arc is re-ignited and this whole process in. So, shield
in short circuiting metal transfer continuous or it is repeated again and again.
This we can see the short circuiting metal transfer here at the tip of the electrode. This
ball grows gracefully one by one and as soon as it grows in the large enough size, it
touches to the weld pool and as soon as it touches to the weld pool, short circuiting takes
place which increases the welding current, significantly develops lot of heat and surface
tension of this molten droplet is reduced and by the surface tension force of the weld
pool also, it is transferred or it gets detached from the tip of the electrode.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:28)
Another transfer mode is a metal transfer mode is the globular metal transfer, and the
welding conditions for the globular metal transfer to take place is that welding current
should be low, but the current for this transfer is somewhat higher than that of the short
circuiting metal transfer, and the arc gap is also large here because welding current is
low. So, the molten metal droplet will be growing gracefully and as this is gap is also
large, so the molten metal droplet will be able to grow to the large extent before it gets
transferred due to the gravitational force.
So, under the conditions of the low welding current and the large arc gap, as the droplets
grows slowly at the tip of the electrode to the large extent and as soon as drop attends
large size enough under the gravitational force and other forces like surface tension force
drop detaches from the electrode tip. Mainly here gravitational force pulling down the
droplet when it becomes large enough is held responsible for the transfer of the drop
from the electrode tip to weld pool.
Here this transfer normally occurs when the droplet size is larger than the electrode, and
in this case, no short circuiting takes place because the gap between the electrode tip and
the weld pool is large and that is why, this globular metal transfer is normally preferred
because it is a spatter free and a smooth transfer of the molten metal takes place.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:29)
Schematically, we can see here the globular metal transfer. Here at the tip of the
electrode, the molten metal droplet will be growing gracefully and as and when it attends
the size, large size enough under the gravitational force, it is detached from the tip of the
electrode and transferred to the weld pool. The size of the droplet normally becomes
larger than the diameter of the electrode in this case.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:00)
Spray metal transfer is another important metal transfer mode which takes place in the
gas metal arc welding process, and it is noticed when welding current is higher than that
is required for the globular metal transfer, and the high welding current here makes it
possible to have the high melting rate because melting rate is governed by this equation
is aI plus b L I square, where I represents to the current value, L is the electrode
extension and a and b are the coefficients. Here, a and I represents to the heat generated,
melting due to the heat generated in anode or cathode side, and b L I square represents
the melting rate being governed by due to the electrical resistance heating in the
electrode extension portion.
So, higher the current value, higher the value of melting rate. Since the current is high in
case of spray metal transfer, melting takes place very rapidly and the pinch forces which
are acting on the molten metal droplet hanging at the tip of electrode are also high
because pinch force is proportional to the square of the current. So, high current leads to
the high melting rate. Droplets are formed rapidly and those droplets are detached
rapidly under the effect of pinch force, and that is why they are not able to attain very
large size.
So, the continuous formation, and rapid formation of the droplet at the electrode tip and
they are immediate detachment under the effect of pinch force leads to the continuous
transfer of the fine droplet from electrode tip to the weld pool. Therefore, droplets are
formed rapidly under these are pinched off from the tip of the electrode even when they
are of a very small size, and this is attributed mainly to the high welding current which
results in high melting rate and the high pinch force at the tip of electrode. Another
possible reason for this is that when temperature is high due to the high current surface,
tension force is also reduced significantly due to the high temperature in arc region
which also helps which also reduces the resistance to the detachment of the molten metal
droplet at the tip of the electrode. So, here the high pinch force reduced the surface
tension forces and high melting rate makes the spray metal transfer possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:53)
Schematically, we can see this spray metal transfer in the coming slides, and that will
make things more clear. When this transfer takes place, we get appearance such that it is
just like spray of some liquid in the line of the axis of the electrode. So, continuous
detachment of the droplets from the electrode tip in line of the electrode axis gives a
spray kind of appearance. That is why it is called when this spray transfer is achieved, it
helps to direct the molten metal droplet directly in line of the electrode axis. That makes
it possible to deposit the metal in the area, where it is required particularly in odd
position welding. So, this spray kind of feature helps to direct the molten metal in proper
place where it is required.
Here, schematically we can see here this is the electrode tip under the high current. The
electrode, the tip of electrode, the droplets will be formed rapidly and under the affect of
pinch force, it will be pinched off rapidly under the droplets will be detached even when
they are of a quite small size. That gives the droplets are being sprayed from the
electrode side to the weld pool, and that gives spray kind of appearance. That is why it is
called spray metal transfer.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:35)
Here, spray metal transfer and welding conditions are closely related and we can see that
when the current is low, we get the short circuiting metal transfer in a certain medium
range, and it is mixed transfer and in the higher current side, it is the spray transfer.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:59)
Here, the transition from the globular transfer to the spray transfer occurs over a range of
current, so that the arbitrary value of the current above which the spray mode of the
transfer is observed is known as transition current. Here we will see how the change in
the number of droplets being transferred or the volume of the droplets being transferred
is effected with the change of current. As we increase a number, as we increase the
welding current, we can see here there is increase in the volume, there is increase in
number of the droplets being transferred and these numbers of droplets initially at low
level of current which may be 10 to 20. When current is increased to have the spray
transfer, these numbers of droplet transferred may increase right up to 250 to 300 degrees
and 300 in numbers.
So, the rate at which droplets are being transferred increases significantly with an
increase in the current, and accordingly the droplets which were large enough in volume
at the low level of current and that volume of the droplet decreases significantly. So,
when current is high, droplets of very small volume and very large in number are
formed. So, this is the arbitrary value or the value of the current above which this
increased numbers of the droplets of very small size are formed is termed as transition
current. So, here this is the range of current in which the globular transfer takes place,
and this is the range of current in which a spray mode of transfer takes place.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:17)
Dip transfer is another mode of metal transfer which occurs when welding current is very
low and the feed rates are high. Here the melting will be taking place gracefully
compared to that of feed rate. So, when feed rate is high, the electrode wire itself dips in
to the weld pool, short circuiting takes place and thereby use generation of the heat helps
to deposit, helps to transfer the molten metal to the weld pool. So, under these conditions
when welding current is low and feed rate is high, the electrode, the short circuit with the
weld pool which leads to the melting of the electrode and the transfer of the molten metal
drop to the weld pool. Here we can see electrode dips to the weld pool when its feed rate
is high and welding current is low.
Radial transfer is another transfer due to the gases which are coming out from the weld
pool side, and the various out forces leads to the movement of droplets being formed tip
of the electrode in the radial directions. This leads to lot of spray or sorry, this leads to
the spatter during the welding. However, it also takes place under some of the conditions.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:46)
Effect of the welding parameters we will see on the soundness of the weld joints, and the
performance of the gas metal arc welding process. There are various parameters which
significantly affect the success of the welding, and these welding parameters are arc
voltage, wire feed, rate welding, speed electrode extension and the electrode size.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:08)
Here we will be start with the welding arc voltage. Welding arc voltage primarily
determines the arc length or arc gap. Increase in arc length increases the arc voltage, and
arc voltage in gas metal welding process particularly affects the weld bead width and
mode of metal transfer. Here increase in arc voltage increases the weld bead width
(Refer Slide Time: 39:35)
Here that is what we can see increase in arc voltage, increases the weld bead width. Low
arc voltage will lead to the number of undesirable aspects like short circuiting metal
transfer at low feed rates, dip transfer at high feed rates.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:52)
Then, the wire feed rate is another aspect that affects the success of the gas metal arc
welding process. Feed rate affects the welding current which in turn controls the melting
rate because increase in feed rates affects increase in the welding current which in turn
also increases the deposition rate. Here melting rate versus the welding current
relationship is non-linear for small electrode diameters, and it is linear for large electrode
diameters because the excessive electrical resistance heating takes place in case of the
electrical, in case of the small diameter electrodes and that leads to the significant rise in
the melting rate with the increase in welding current, the relationship between the
melting rate and the welding current. That is why becomes non-linear for the small
diameter electrode compared to the large diameter electrode.
For same feed rate, large diameter electrode needs the high current which in turn
increases the penetration weld bead cross-section and deposition rate. So, if the feed rate
is kept or fixed, then increase in diameter will allow using higher welding current which
in turn will permit to get the higher penetration, higher deposition rate and the wide weld
bead cross-section.
Melting rate relationship with the welding current or the burn-off rate relationship with
the welding current in gas metal arc welding can be seen for the different electrode
diameters. When the electrode diameters is large like say 1.6 mm increase in welding
current increases the burn of it, or melting rate linearly and with the reduction in the
electrode diameter, this increase in burn of rate with the increase of welding current
becomes non-linear because of increased electrical resistance heating of the small
diameter electrodes.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:06)
The welding torch is speed travel. Speed is another important aspect that affects the weld
bead cross section and the weld bead geometry. Here weld bead affects the penetration
particularly. Penetration is formed to be maximum at optimum level, otherwise it
decreases in both the cases. The travel speed higher in the optimum level or lower than
the optimum level leads to the reduced penetration, and at a low speed wider weld bead
cross-section wider weld bead and at high speed narrow and peaked bead is produced.
So, here the weld bead affects particularly weld bead width and the penetration, and the
penetration both here at lowest speed we get the wider weld bead at high speed. The
peaked or the narrow weld bead width at lowest speed can cause the undercut in the weld
joints. So, this is another undesirable aspects related to the lowest speed welding in gas
metal arc welding process.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:17)
Electrode extension is the length by which electrode is projected beyond the contact tube
that decides the electrode portion, electrode extension length. So, if the electrode
extension is more, it will lead to more electrical resistance heating of the electrode and
thereby, it will affect to the melting rate. So, electrode extension is the length by which
electrode is projected beyond the contact tube, and it affects the deposition rate and the
bead geometry. Increase in electrode extension increases the deposition rate due to the
electrical resistance heating of the electrode.
However, excessive electrode extension results in poor penetration and unstable arc.
There will be an optimum value or a range, there is an optimum range for electrode
extension which will offer the better results. Otherwise, too close, too less electrode
extension or too much electrode extension, both will result undesirable effects.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:32)
Low electrode extension can cause burn back of the contact tube and the nozzle due to
the heat of the arc because a nozzle and the contact tube both will be closer to the arc
zone. That can cause back burn or the burning back of the contact tube and nozzle, and
for short circuit metal transfer normally electrode extension is in range of 5 to 15 mm.
Therefore, other modes of the metal transfer, it can be in the range of 16 to 25 mm and
normally for safe working nozzle and work piece distance should be 1.5 times of the
internal diameter of the nozzle for the safe working. Otherwise, too close distance
between the nozzle and the work piece reduces the life of the nozzle particularly.
Electrode and work piece angle also affect the weld bead cross-section and the
penetration, and in the forward welding when electrode is pointed towards the direction
of the welding, we get the shallow penetration and a narrow weld bead width. On the
other hand, when in the backward welding when electrode is pointed towards the region
which has been already welded results in deep penetration and peaked bead. Here
reinforcement will be high and weld bead width will be smaller one.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:09)
Here systematically we can see the forehand welding or forward welding. You can see
here width is more and here penetration is more, and here in case of perpendicular when
electrode is perpendicular to the work piece, it is an optimum one. Here this
perpendicular electrode position is particularly used in automatic welding conditions,
otherwise backhand or forehand welding can be used as per the needs.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:47)
The electrode size is another important aspect that affects the penetration of the weld
bead or penetration of the weld bead which is formed and during the welding, low
current for a given electrode leads to the lack of fusion and while higher current causes
the spatter and porosity. So, proper current setting for a given electrode diameter is
important. Otherwise, it can create the number of problems like lower current side can
lead to the lack of fusion, improper bonding between the plates being welded and the
weld bead. On the other hand, higher current can lead to the loss of material, spatter and
the defects like the porosity and the poor bead geometry.
A small diameter electrode is generally preferred in gas metal arc welding process
because it offers number of advantages like self-regulating arc is obtained. It offers the
high deposition rate and it is easy to get somewhat easy to get a spray kind of metal
(Refer Slide Time: 47:59)
So, here we have seen that the welding parameter significantly affects the performance
of the gas metal arc welding process, and the soundness of the weld joint particularly the
penetration weld width cross-section of the weld bead. So, those are to be selected
properly for successful welding.
Now, we will see some of the very plus points related to the gas metal arc welding
because of which it is extensively used in industry. This process is very versatile and it
can be used for wide range of the thicknesses, and for welding in all positions of both
ferrous and non-ferrous metals provided, we select the suitable combination of the
parameters and the shielding gases. So, versatility of this process is a key factor behind
its success and commercial exploitation in the industry. High quality welds are produced
without problems of the slag removal because shielding gases is used. So, slag shielding
gas is used. So, no flux is used to remove the impurities from the weld region and
therefore, no slag formation is there which needs to be removed. So, the high quality
welds are formed and that to without any problem related to the slag removal, and a
process can be easily mechanized and automated for the continuous welding conditions
as per needs.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:39)
Some limitations related to this process are like investment is huge to establish this
process and to use it successfully. So, the process is costly and the system is less portable
compared to the manual metal arc welding. So, if we have to go at site for the welding,
then it will be difficult to go with this process compared to the manual metal arc welding
process, and the poor quality of the weld bead is produced if the flow rate of the air is
also significantly high because that will adversely affect the shielding which is required
for successful or in some weld joint production.
(Refer Slide Time: 50:38)
This welding process is particularly used in number of the areas of the industries like a
ship building, chemical plants, automobile and electrical industry because it offers the
advantage of the high deposition rate and indispensable for the welding of the ferrous
and the non-ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, titanium, alloys etcetera. That is why
since this process is very capable in terms of the deposition rates, the penetration rates
which can be obtained and the capability to produce the weld joints of the reactive metals
like stainless steels, aluminum, magnesium alloys, and that is why it is extremely used in
the industrial applications or industrial fabrications.
Here, now we will summarize this lecture on the gas metal arc welding process. We have
seen that in this lecture, the gas metal arc welding process is a combination of number of
components like power source filler metal, wire feed unit and the shielding gas, and
these things are to be used in very controlled way and in very selective manner to exploit
this process for producing the sound weld joint successfully.
Thank you for your attention.