Lp2fixed Au16 Devine 1
Lp2fixed Au16 Devine 1
Lp2fixed Au16 Devine 1
Seminar 2
Content Standards
*Science and SS should also include
common core for reading/writing
Learning Objective(s)
Students will
Lesson Foundations
S.S. 8.7 Problems arising under the Articles of Confederation led to debate over the adoption of the US
RL. 8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn from the text.
LO1- Students will be able to identify and understand the main problems that arose under the Articles of
Confederation by closely reading primary and secondary sources. (understand)
LO2- Students will be able to analyze the problems that arose under the Articles of Confederation by closely
reading primary and secondary sources. (analyze)
Prior Academic
Knowledge and Skills
What have you or your mentor
taught previously that will inform
what students are learning today?
Essential Questions:
1. How did the problems, causes, effects, and impacts lead to the debate of creating a new form of
Students know what a primary and secondary source is.
Students know about the events [in American history] that led up to the creation of the Articles of
Students know and understand the process of questioning the author.
Students know and understand what a main idea is and how to determine what the main idea of a piece of
writing is.
Students know how to close read.
Students know the expectations of detailed notes.
Seminar 2
Describe the assessments that will be used in this lesson to monitor students mastery of the lesson objective(s). List assessments in order in which they appear in the lesson.
Description of assessment
In this formative assessment
students will be given two
secondary sources to read with
their elbow partners and
conclude the main problems
that arose under the Articles of
Confederation by using close
reading strategies. The students
will also be given a graphic
organizers that will be filled out
with their partners. The class
will come back together after
ten minutes to discuss and
determine the main problems
under the Articles of
Seminar 2
There were many problems under the Articles because they were weak.
From the documents given, there were seven main problems under the Articles of
Confederation were:
1. All 13 states must agree to make any changes (amendments) to the Articles.
2. To enact laws nine of the thirteen states needed to approve it.
3. Congress had no power to levy or collect taxes.
4. Congress had no power to regulate foreign trade.
5. Congress had no power to enforce laws.
6. There was no executive branch [of government].
7. There was no national court system.
Many of the rules came to be because of the experience that the colonist had just
overcome. Many were fearful of creating a government that would become tyrannical
and have too much power ultimately oppressing the peoples voice. As a result of this
fear of creating a government that would have too much power, many of the above
problems were included in the Articles of Confederation.
Seminar 2
Seminar 2
Seminar 2
Students can chose any of the problems that they wrote on their graphic
organizer. Answers should resemble the above answer.
Instructional Procedures/Steps
Each portion of this section should be aligned with learning objectives. Note when you are addressing a learning objective and when enacting an assessment.
Teacher will
8 Minutes
Activate prior
Communicate LOs?
Student will
40 Minutes
Procedures and steps to
the lesson.
Q & A?
Evidence of learning?
Planned supports?
Seminar 2
While the teacher will then pass out the cause, effect,
and impact graphic organizer and say:
- (A2) In front of you, you have a cause, effect, and
impact graphic organizer. You will be first filling
in the cause side. Your cause side will include the
problems that we just discussed. Please take a
minute and fill in the seven problems on the cause
side of your graphic organizer.
- You will then work with your elbow partner plus
another group of elbow partners. Each group will
Seminar 2
Students will fill in the cause side putting all seven problems
on the cause side.
Students will listen to instructions.
Seminar 2
Seminar 2
The teacher will facilitate a discussion that will center
around the Cause, Effect, and Impact chart. The
teacher will put the guiding questions for the
discussion on the board.
Guiding Questions:
1. Did any of the impacts surprise you? Why or why
2. Were the impacts the intent of the founding
3. What were the founding fathers going to have to
change about the Articles based on the impacts the
Articles were having on the nation?
Seminar 2
Seminar 2
Student Answers:
1. The impact that surprised me the most was that
there was no way for the government to settle
disputes. This surprised me because you would think
that there would be some way for the government to
settle disputes since their always seems to be
disputes between people in power.
2. I do not think that the impacts were the intent of the
founding fathers because I do not think that the
founding fathers wanted a government that could
not accomplish or do anything.
3. The founding fathers were going to have to change
the Articles in way that would give the central
government more power to get things done.
5 Minutes
Wrap up?
Seminar 2
IEP Students: For a student that has an IEP for eye sight: he will be in the front row, his handouts will feature larger
print, the paper color and text color feature colors that are easy for him to see, and he will be allowed to use a text
504 Plans: For a student who is discriminated against: They will be paired with a student who the teacher knows will
not discriminate against them. For a student with ADD: They will be placed in an area in the room with little to no
distractions and will be seated around students who will not be distractors.
ELL Students: Will have more one on one instruction with the teacher, the charts will be filled out together, will be
seated close to the teacher, and will have an additional reference sheet that will contain complex words and their
synonym(s). In addition those students will not be cold called during the lesson or selected to read aloud. When
these students must read primary/secondary sources their partner will be instructed to read out loud to the student.
Gifted/Talented: Will be given more complex primary and secondary sources to analyze.
Academic Language
What language function do
you want students to
develop in this lesson?
What vocabulary do
students need to support
learning of the learning
objective for this lesson?
What supports do you have
in place to assist students
with AL?
Struggling Students: Are supported by being having peer support- and may receive additional peer support/small
group instruction, additional one on one instruction, and are seated by the teacher. In addition those students will
not be cold called during the lesson.
Planned Supports
Language Function:
Language Function:
- Modeling
- Peer support
- Whole class support
- Graphic organizers
- Bolded words
- Reference sheets
- Discussions (whole class and peers)
Seminar 2
- Impact
- Cause
- Effect
- Various Old English phrases and words
- Impact will be defined on the top of the students
handout. If there is still further confusion the teacher
will ask students to come up with an example of an
impact that the students would see in their everyday
- Cause students will work with partners as well as a
class to find the causes of the Articles.
- Effect students will be involved in a whole class
discussion determining the effects of the Articles.
- Various Old English phrases and words: There will be
a word wall of these various phrases/words as well as a
reference sheet of what those phrases/words mean/
Syntax or Discourse?
Syntax or Discourse?
Syntax: The students are provided with a graphic organizer
to help them visually see and understand the cause, effects,
and impacts of the Articles.