Bornstein PDF
Bornstein PDF
Bornstein PDF
Your Gender
From the moment we take OUT first breath (and sometimes even before
that, what with sonic imaging technology), the cry [ts a boy** or it-s a
girl ushers us into this world. As we grow into adulthood, everything
about US grows and matures as we grow and mature. Evemhing except
gender, that is. Were supposed to believe that our gender stays exactly the
same as the day we were born. Our genders never shift, weSre told. The
genders were assigned at birth lock us onto a course through which we~l
be expected to become whole, well-rounded, creative, loving people-but
only as men or as womC% F~OIII where I stand, thats like taking a field of
racehorses, hobbling the front legs of half of them and the rear legs oftbe
other half, and expecting them to run a decent race: it doesnt work. ~~~~
deL this thing were all seemingly born with, is a major restraint to selfexpression.
That doesnt make mm to me. Why should we be born with such a
hobble? Does that make sense to you? Well, this is a workbook about ques.
tioning things Iike that. so lets get right to work and start questioning
things, shall we?
Idi GeniTerNarkbook
you a good idea of exactly where you stand when it comes to gender.
This isnt a quiz or an exam to see how good you are at this. There are
no right or wrong answers. Just take your time and check off the answers
that most near/y match the way you feel about each question. When youre
done, youll know your GA-your Gender Aptitude-and from there, well
go on a little journey together through previously unexplored and underexplored arras of gender, identity, sexuality, and power. Now, doesnt that
sound exciting? I should think so! All right, lets begin.
Which of the following most accurately describes you?
o So...AreYou
9, 1 point
a RealMan?ARealWoman!
At first glance, that seems to be a simple pair of
questions. Most people when asked those questions
would smile and say, Of course Im a real man. or
Of course Im a real woman. Its not something
most of us question. The difficult part comes when
were asked to remember the times weve been
made to feel were not quite as manly or as womanly as we could be or should be. Maybe it was the
day we found ourselves deeply afraid or weeping
uncontrollably, and we (or somom else) questioned how much of a man we really are. Maybe
weve not been able to get pregnant, or maybe we
havent wanted to, and WC (or someone else) qucstioned how much of a woman we really are. There
are so many qualifications for those categories,
arent there? We make jokes like Real men dont
o YourGenderAptitude,SectionII:Perceptions
growing my beard or
B. Depends. I go back and forth
on the hairy armpit thing.
C. Where?
D. Yes, but not myself.
4 . When you go into a
department store to buy
yourself clothing, do you
shop mostly in a
department labeledfor
your assigned gender?
A. Well, duh! Where else?
B. No, because sometimes the
other departments have stuff
that fits me better.
C. Yes, because its very
important to me to do that.
B. Wince.
c. Curse.
D. Curtsy.
8 . When the store clerk looks
A. Nope. Is it a Western?
B. Id say what I really think
about that book, but Im
norvow aboul how that
might effect my aptitude
C. Yes, and I loved it!
D. I couldve written it better
o TheElusive RealMe'
Im thinking we live in the latter days of what might as well be called the
Age of Identity. The part of ourselves wc show to others might be called
an identity. Ideally, our identities are an accurate reflection ofwho we feel
we are. Some people give this identity a name; they call it The Real Me.
There are books, television shows, college-level courses, tapes, videos,
focus groups, cults, all promising that we can learn to be an identity called
the real me. Why, Im wondering, would we need to learn to be that,
unless there was so much pressure coming from the rest of the world, making us not be the real me. There are obviously enough people in the
world who think theyre not being the real me to keep all these other
people in business trying to teach them. People who recover from alcoholism become the real me. Lesbians, gays, and bisexual people coming
out of the closet and embracing their desires become the real me. Men
who learn to cry discover another kind of real me. People born-again
into anything from fundamentalism to feminism claim to have discovered
the real me. More to the point, some transsexual people believe when
theyve gone from one gender to another that theyve arrived at the real
me. Well, what is that identity? And whats the real me got to do with
being a real man or a real woman? And most importantly, does your
gender (identity) match up with who you feel yourselfto be? Do you think
your gender is an accurate reflection of everything you are? Everything
you could possibly be? Does your gender match up with the real you? Lets
@ YourGenderAptitude,Section
1 . Has someone else euer
accused you of being not
really a maI& or not really
a woman?
Your louer leans omr and
kisses you hard and long on
the mouth. Do you
A. Kiss back and lose yourself
in the moment?
B. Start to panic ahout who
might be watching and what
might happen to you?
C . Thank heaven for Max
Factor more-or-less
permanent lipstick?
rhis is a book about gender, because gender is what I know inside and out.
Its what Ive been questioning and researching all my life because that
seems to be the journey I was given to make this time around. Im whats
called a transsexual person. That means 1 was assigned one gender at birth,
and I now live my life as something else. I was born male and raised as a
boy. I went through both boyhood and adult manhood, went through a
gender change, and became a woman. A few years later, 1 stopped being
a woman and settled into being neither. I wrote a book about gender-asneither, and I travelled with several plays and performance pieces about
gender-as-neither. On the personal side of things, my lesbian lover of over
three years decided to become a man. We lived together for a few more
years as a heterosexual couple, then we stopped being lovers, He found his
gay male side, and I found my slave grrrl side. What a whacky world, huh?
I cant think of a day in my life when I havent thought about gender. I
think what Ive found is a pretty interesting hole in the theory that theres
actually such a thing as a real man or a real woman. And thats what this
workbooks about and why I got to write it.
0 AndjustWhoDoYouThinkYouAre,Anyway?
Youre not the same person you were ten minutes ago.
None of us is.
Each of us makes dozens if not hundreds of minor decisions in the space
of ten minutes. And unless were truly hermits, each of us is subject to
influences by and connections with the world around us that change the
cwxse of our lives. No, theyre not dramatic changes, but they are changes
Maybe someone smiled at you on the street this morning and made you
feel good. Maybe you heard something on the news just now that made
you wonder how much say you have in our government. Perhaps it was a
phone call from a long-lost friend. It could have been a bit of email, or
some passage or question in this book, or a piece of poetry, or just a bird
landing on your windowsill that made you change your mind about the
state of your life. Interactions of most every type have a tendency to
change us; thats what growth is all about. Were so used to these minichanges that we give them no thought, but the fact is were not the same
people we used to be.
Ive gone through some pretty dramatic changes. Ive changed my gender. several times in
fact. But I think the question weshould be asking ourselves is: Whyis thotso dramatic?
Im notsaying its not dramatic. I think it ;s. Im just asking what is it that the culture
toughtme to mokeme think thhotchonginggenderisdromotic?
We change our attitudes, our careers, our relationships. Even our age
changes minute by minute. We change our politics, our moods, and our
sexual preferences. We change our outlook, we change our minds, we
change our sympathies. Yet when someone changes hir gender, we put hir
on some television talk show. Well, heres what I think: I think we all of us
do change our genders. All the time. Maybe its not as dramatic as some
tabloid headline screaming She Was A He! But we do, each of us, change
our genders. In response to each interaction we have with a new or different person, we subtly shift the kind of man or woman, boy or girl, or whatever gender were being at the moment. Were usually not the same kind of
man or woman with our lover as we are with our boss or a parent. When
were introduced for the first time to someone we find attractive, we shift
into being a different kind of man or woman than we are with I childhood friends. We all change our genders. Im just saying its time we knew
exactly what we are doing and why. So, lets get on with the next section
of our Gender Aptitude questionnaire and see just how flexible your gender might be. Hang on, were going to dig a bit deeper now.
@I Your GenderAptitude,SectionIV:Flexibifity
of person to
whom you are normally
attracted begins to flirt
heavily with you, you
Envision the great sex youre
going to have later tonight.
Try to get to know this
person a bit better.
Panic because its been so
long and you wonder if you
know how to do it right any
Flirl right back, matching
mow for low?.
When the kind of person
that normally turns you on
begins toflirt heavily with
you, you
Hit the person.
Tell them, Honey, you flirt
with this hand.
See if theres anything about
it you can enjoy as long as
its only flirting.
When was the last time you
were aware of something
about your gender that was
holding you back in the
M y Gender Workbook
essential sign of gender to
A. Thnpres~ncnorabsenceofa
H. A combination of genitalia,
secondary sex
charactcrislics, hormones,
and ehromosomcs.
C . Its an cncrgy lhing. People
have male or fomalc cncrgy.
D. Whateuer.
7. .!fsomeone tells you theyre
neither a man nor a
woman. and youjind out
they mean it, you think to
A. This person is either kidding
or is really, really sick.
B. The poor, brave dear!
C. Whoa! What a trip!
D. I found anolher one at last!
8. Ifyou meet someone who
you think is one gender, but
youfind out they used to be
another-gender, you think
to yourself
A. Is this some costume party?
B. The poor, brave dear!
tiive yourself 5 points for each A answer, 3 points for wery B, 1 point for il
C. and no points for any D answers.
Write your scorn for this srction here.
0 AWordabout Comfort
1 want to say this pretty early on in the book: some of this exploration of
gender might make you uncomfortable. Thats what I heard from early
readers. Im sorry. I really am. Its an uncomfortable subject, 1 know. Ive
tried to be as compassionate as I can be about the discomfort this book is
going to cause some people, but as hard as 1 try to make you comfortable,
the real comforting is going to have to come from inside yourself. Its
taken me a long time to learn that one.
I had very little compassion for the part of myself that couldnt live up
to being either a real man or a real woman, and also little reason to be
willing to be compassionate with myself. When I finally started to come to
grips with this gender stuff of mine, I ran into the odd position of discovering people who were much more willing than 1 to simply let mc experience my gender quandaly.
A Catholic priest taught me the value of compassion for myself. 1 was in
Alcoholics Anonymous at the time, still a guy and still afraid of dealing
with my transgender stuff. I went on a mens retreat to a Catholic
monastery. We did all the standard retreat-type workshops and meetings,
but the last thing we each had to do was sit down with a priest and go owr
our personal issues. The priest assigned to me was an older man; Im
guessing he was in his seventies, a real nice father-type guy. He asked me
what the big issue in my life was, and I figured oh fuck it, Id tell him. So
for about a half an hour, 1 spilled out my transgender stoly. At the end of
my tale, this priest looked at me-maybe his eyebrows were a little further
up on his forehead-and he said Well, Im certainly not qualified or experienced enough to give you any specific advice about a sex change, but I
can tell you this: your comfort level is somewhere down around your
ankles, and you need to do something about that. He went on to tell mc
that I should do at least three things a day to make myself more comfortable, and then he said, Al, you need to learn to treat yourself like you
would treat an honored guest in your house. That was about twelve years
ago, and its still some of the best advice Ive ever received. Whenever Im
beating myself up about gender stuff or anything else, I can usually get
back to the point of treating myself like an honored guest.
EXEiKl% Has there ever been a time in your MC: that you havent
been treated like a real man or a real woman? If so, did you give
yourself any negative messages about that? If you did, write them
down here.
I dont know about you, but I grew up with the idea that you simply do not write in books.
Well, I wrote this book to be written in, okoy?And dont worry.. there ore no right or
wrong omwers to any of these quest;ons and exercises, okay?
Was there any difference between the way you counsel yourself and the
way you would counsel your dear friend? Think you could treat yourself
the way you treat a friend?
EXE-: Do three simple things for yourself today to make
yourself more comfortable. Anything at all that makes you
comfortable, and doesnt place a lot of stress 01 guilt on yourself for
doing it. Repeat this exercise daily for at least a week. At the end of
the week. write down any changes you notice in the way that you feel
about yourself.
If we dont show oorselves the some amount of compassion we show others, well
eventually come to resent the compassion we hove for others. I think theres little enough
comp~~;on in the world right now, so we need to grow our own to compensate for that.
All right, Ill be checking on your comfort level from time to time. But
now that youve got the idea, lets get into some deeper questions SO we
might better assess your Gender Aptitude.
@ YourGenderAptitude,SectionV:LoveandSex
1. Do you have a typeof
person you reyularly fall
A. Drfiniteiy, yes.
B . I try to keep my mind pen
about this sorl of thing, but I
usually fall for one type.
c . I seem to fall for lots or
types of people, but
usually theyre all the same
D. What? You want to know if I
fall for typists? What 5 silly
question. I fall for people I
can connect with and who
connect with me.
you fell in love with a
heterosexual woman, you
would be
A. Pleased as punch.
B. Keally canfused.
C. Nervous as hell.
D. Curious, curious, curious.
3 . If you fell in love with a
heterosezual man, you
would be
A. Reassuring yourself that the
old Greeks had friendships
like that.
B. Pleased as punch.
C. Nervous as hell.
D. Curious, curious, curious.
4 . If you fell in love with a
lesbian ~~ornan. you would
A. Apprehensive, but titillated.
Nervous as hell.
Plcased as punch.
Curious, curious, curious.
If you fell in love with a yq
man, you would be
Reassuring yourself that the
old Greeks had friendships
like that.
Resigned to your fate.
Pleased as punch.
Curious, curious, curious.
If you fell in love with a
woman who used to be a
man, you would be
Concerned how well she
would pass in public.
Wondering why you couldn.
have met her before her
Nervous as hell.
Curious, curious, curious.
If you fell in love with a
man who used to be a
woman. you would be
Convinced that hes really a
wcman and youre not real11
a faggot.
Really confused,
Nervous as hell.
Curious, curious,
Whos ultimately
responsiblefor birth
She is.
c. IanI.
,I. money, I havent had t
worry about that on for
9. 1 like it...
A. On the bottom.
B. On the lop.
c. I the middle.
D. YsId!
~~~~ yourself 5 points tin each A answer, 3 points for every B. 1 Point for a
C, and no points for any D an.WJerS.
61 No Gender, No CV
Warning Mabel: This workbook gets into the subject and area of
something we can call far lack of a better (or any) term no gender.
Thats how I see myself: I live pretty much without a gender, which
paradoxically means I can do many genders.
Signs ,~f impending
Disclaimer: This workbook is not intended as a CUR for the above WJPt~~s~ or for any
,,t,,el symptom~ for that matter. Should these 01 any other SVPtos Persist. CALL A
DOCTOR! or call a friend.
of you-ve got that, you dont need to read any fmther. Give me a call,
&d lets go out for tea or something. If, however, its not that easy to spot
where gender is or if once youve spotted it, its difficult to find a Place
where gender isnt, then maybe reading and doing the exercises i this
book would be a good idea. Lets see how you fare on the final criteria of
your gender aptitude: issues of no gender whatsoever.
1. Which one of the following
statements most nearly
matches your idea of
A. Gender simply is. If you dont
like yours, get over it.
B . Ive been working on my
own gender for a long time,
and Im getting to the point
where I may actually have
made it my own.
C. I think theres a lot about
gender that we dont know
about yet, and I wonder why
that might be.
D. Gender is what happens to
me when I get dressed in the
2. Which one of thefollowing
statements most nearly
matches yourfeelings
about gender?
A. My what about gender?
B. I guess my feelings range
anywhere from anger and
frustration to happiness and
C. Gender confuses me. I dont
know why it is the way it is.
D. I feel I feel I feel a
song coming on!
3. Has there been any time
when youve felt you have
no gender?
book away.
B. Finish reading the book.
then sell it at the used book
c. Put the book up on the shelf
and pxxl it a whole lot later.
D. Ilababahahaha.
Kate would
w lad myon into that
unless lhey wanted to be led
0 Okay,BoysandGirls! OntheCountofThree,
ChangeYour Gender! One...Two...
No, no. The goal of this workbook is not for you, dear reader, to completely change your gender from male to female or from female to male. Im not
asking you even to ponder the idea of doing that unless thats something
youve had in the back of your mind to do anyway. This is not a book for
and about transsexuals only. Im not going to ask you to join some massive underground movement. Im not recruiting rebels to The Cause. Im
not going to exhort you to stop being a man or a woman. Why should I do
that if thats what you enjoy being? This is simply a book about gender,
and who hasnt got one of those? Transsexual or not, youve got a gender,
dont you? Well, have you looked at it recently? I mean really really looked
at it? Well, take a deep breath, because here we go.
You have a range of possible scores from zero to 255, and if you havent
guessed it by now, when it comes to your Gender Aptitude (GA], smaller is
better. But dont fret, please. Its just an aptitude, and like any other part of
human potential, with a little or a lot of work you can always improve.
Lets see what the numbers translate into.
If your GA was:
Gender Freak
Whoa! This stuff must seem like kids play for you.
Either that or water in the desert, huh? Have fun
reading the book any 01 way you want to. Its going
to make you feel a lot less alone in the world. Call
me and let me know if I got this stuff right, will you?
Gender Outlaw
Youve been working not only on your own gender,
but the subject of gender itself for quite some time,
huh? Im willing to bet things are still a bit scary and
a bit serious for you in your life. If I were you, Id
read this book with the intent to get the most fun out
of it. Have a ball!
Gender Novice
Gee, its like you have one hand in respectability and
the other hand someplace where both of you like it.
Youre not always taken for normal, are you? In
fact, you probably get an infrequent but regular bout
of the gender willies from time to time, dont you?
Fret not. Youve got a very rewarding journey ahead
of you. All its going take is some practice. Read on,
read on. Make sure you do all the exercises, okay?
Well Gendered
Hiya, Mister Man! Hello, Ms. Lady! Im guessing
youre not reading this book to learn anything about
yourself, am I right? Maybe youre reading it as a
class requirement, or maybe a friend or family member wanted you to read it. Well, 1 think thats very
commendable. Keep on reading, and do whats comfortable for you to do. I promise Ill be gentle.
Youre Captain James T. Kirk!
Omigod, Ive always wanted to meet you! Can I have
your autograph, please? Ah, Captain, you finally get
to truly go where no man has gone before.
There. Now you know more about yourself and your relationship to
gender than most people in the history of the world. Isnt that neat?
No, theres no further significance to your Gender Aptitude than that.
Yes. its accurate, but no, it5 no big deal. Lets keep going.
skirt, combat
Its the
I think there is a transformative nature to gender, but I think its blocked in most cultures and
stagnates in two ways:
I watched my grandmother
grow a beard and develop a
bassovoicr whilegrampsshrank
and became weakandvuinerabl~
alto as the
performance. As a teenager, I
hated the Wrms
I didnt think of
they were SPXIG
I felt that
and irrcIwan1
We cant perform something well, much less trans- remmIng it up and being a gtrl.
On the other other hand (Oh,
form it unless we know what it is to begin with.
That goes for OUT identities as a whole, which god. what 15 that cwatuw it has
threp hands!!!) I like to be Ear,
would include our gender identities. Without hav- the Girl.a 5.oclockshadow
ing questioned, discovered or defined for ourselves kinda teenage trouble-maker
the complexity of who WC really are, were left in who looks much bettor in a
the uncomfortable position of having to fake it baseball cap than do! Maybr ,ts
from time to time, until we can learn morr about San Franc~5cos lnfluencr.
-he Underwood
ourselves and how we wish to express ourselves.
During the time of faking it, however, we are in
effect presenting a false identity to the world.
And that seems to he universally the least torgivable crime: were not
who we seem to he. People will forgive us quite a hit, hut that one takes a
lot of work. If we dont know who we are, if theres some aspect of ourselves weve not explored folly, then thats the aspect WC lie about, cover
up our ignorance about, and apologize for. That area of unknown self is
the one thats going to rear up and hite us hard when we least expect it.
Thats the one were going to get caught up in.
1. Ask two of your friends what they think a real man is. Than ask
them what they think a real woman is. Make notes of their answers,
paying close attention to the words they use to describe real man and
real women.
2. If your parents are alive and youre in touch with them, ask them
the same questions. If not, ask someone close to you whos a member
of their generation. Make notes of their answers, paying c10~e
attention to the words they use to describe real men and real wonn?n.
3. If you have children, ask them the same question. If you dont have
children, ask someone whos close to you who would be of that
generation. Make notes of their answers, paying close attention to
the words they use to dcscribe real man and real women.
0 TheAuthor's Agenda
Ive been researching gender using whatever tools I have had at the time
for nearly all my life. Ive yet to find an answer to even the simplest questions: Whats a real man? Whats a real woman? Why do we have to be
one or the other? But Ive learned a great deal from asking those questions.
So while 1 cant give you any answers regarding gender, I do want to give
you something. Since I probably dont know you, it makes it difficult to
shop for you. But I found a snippet of verse by the Sufi poet, Rumi. Its
answered all my shopping dilemmas!
and my soul,soIcan'tbringthose.
I'vebrought You a mirror.look at yourself,
so now 1 give mirrors to people. And thats what Id like this hook to hc
for you: a mirror. Forget mc just look at yourself. After all, youre not
thr same person you were when you started to read this hook, are you?