Rack Jobbers
Rack Jobbers
Rack Jobbers
Rack jobbers are wholesalers or manufacturers who are granted sales space (usually
shelf space) in retail outlets and who offer goods there that are not covered by the
existing assortment. The goods are the property of the rack jobber, but they are sold via
the retail sites POS system.
Rack jobbers are treated as vendors in the R/3 System. The R/3 System supports the
management of rack jobber goods in your stores by separating the stocks and sales
revenue of these external goods from the goods that are your property.
You can use rack jobber features with or without Inventory Management. If Inventory
Management is active for the rack jobber merchandise, you can include the rack jobber
merchandise in most logistics functions. However, this may cost you more time, for
example, in master data maintenance.
The decision on whether or not to use Inventory Management is based as follows on who
manages the rack jobber merchandise in-store:
To manage rack jobbers, you make the following settings in Customizing:
The Vendor Number field must be added to the field catalogs for account
determination and price determination in Customizing for Basic Functions (SD) in the
activities under Revenue Account Determination.
If you want separate accounting for the sales revenue of the external goods and
your own goods in Financial Accounting, a condition table must be added to Revenue
Account Determination in the correct access sequence. Because rack jobbers are
modelled as vendors, the condition table must contain the vendor number.
You can manually charge the fee that you want to receive from the sales revenue
of the rack jobber goods at the end of the settlement period.
Alternatively, you can have the system charge this fee every time sales data is
posted. However, this may reduce performance. If you do this, you must create a
discount condition type. The access sequence of this condition type must use a
condition table that contains the vendor number.
You can update the fee in the Information System or assign an account for this in
Financial Accounting. The condition type for this must be configured accordingly in the
relevant POS calculation schema (POS000 in the standard system).