BOM Empties V2
BOM Empties V2
BOM Empties V2
The bill of material for empties (or empties BOM, category 7 in SAP Beverage) defines the
assignment between full product and empties. The empties BOM is a special form of the bill of
• It contains alternate units of measure in the BOM header of the full product (different
BOMs for pallets and crates, for example).
• It is integrated in purchasing, inventory management, physical inventory, and logistics
invoice verification (automatic BOM explosion).
• In empties BOM category 7, the empties remain an independent material (and therefore
have their own info records, condition techniques, evaluations, inventory management,
account assignment, and so on).
• The evaluation of vendor deposits is performed using separate info structures.
• Empties can be treated as a valuated (current assets) or nonvaluated (fixed assets)
• It provides an overview of the stocks of tied and untied empties at plant and storage
location level.
This type of bill of material is part of standard SAP R/3. The BOM type is used in
SAP SD exclusively.
The BOM components represent a supplement to the BOM header
You can only define the empties BOM as a single-level BOM. This means no further nesting is
possible within the list.
The system automatically uses BOM category 7 (empties) during order entry in SAP SD.
When you create bills of material with different usage categories, it does not
matter which ones you create first.
Please note the priorities in the sequence of BOMs in Customizing.
A bill of material can group together 10 liters of beer, 1 crate (frame), and the 20 bottles it