Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
3. Both the teacher and students will complete a read aloud (coral reading) that has
characters that would be easy for students to list traits for (the teacher can choose any
book as long as it is a grade- level book and have more than one character in it).
4. After reading the book the teacher will hand out some chart paper, markers, glue, a
pencil, and cut outs of the characters in the story.
5. The teacher will then ask the students to choose a character, glue it in the center of
their chart paper and add traits around it.
6. The teacher can help each student with one or two traits (* check for understanding).
7. Remind students to think about how the character looks, what it says or thinks, what it
does, and how it feels.
8. Students will complete the anchor chart by adding more traits around their character.
9. The teacher will scaffold the students to choose ____level words to describe a
Check for Understanding: Teacher will check for understanding throughout the lesson
(ex- thumbs up thumbs down, monitoring pair share, question- answer and random
Questioning Strategies: (DOK questions ):
1. Can you identify a characters trait?
2. Can you draw a conclusion about that characters trait?
C. Concluding the Lesson
Closure: The teacher will close the lesson by having the students share one thing they
Who can tell me what we learned today? Who can tell me what a trait is? Can someone give me
an example of a trait?
D. Evaluation
1. Student work sample
2. Informal observation
SAMR Model
The lesson plan the choose does not have any technology involved which it is might
for a classroom with limited technology. The only technology I had before was a Smartboard
which I could connect to my computer. At the time the develop it I was place in a classroom that
did not have any computers for students but know I have chrome books for all my students.
Therefore, I would like to get technology involved with this lesson plan to make it more creative
to my students.
I can start making the changes from the beginning for the lesson where it starts by the
teacher showing a picture of a well-known character which I used a minion for an example. You
can just type in to google search minion and many pictures will pop up. With the smartboard,
you can show the students the picture on it, or whatever character you chose to do. As before you
had to have the picture printed out to show the class. This is an improvement for you which can
save printing out pictures. With this just one change be a change for the teacher not for the
students. On procedure number two it has the teacher read Olivia Saves the Circus to the class
with access to the internet on your smartboard you go to Youtube.com and search the book.
Select on the read outload of the book. This is another change for the teacher.
On procedure number three it is asking for a reading out loud by the class. Because
students have access to a computer, the teacher can send a PDF of any story or passage to the
students. They will be able to open it and they will be able to read it out loud. With this change,
you are improving it with substitution within the SAMR Model. Because as before you had to
print out the passage for every single student. You are saving trees with this improvement as
well. I can improve it more if the story or passage is found in Kindle from. This change is
improving it by modification because Kindle allows for students to take notes within the passage
or lookup for words definition within the app. This will also improve students understanding of
the passage because they will look up the meaning of a difficult word as before they would
probably just ignore the word.
For procedures four to eight, I will be making the anchor web or the Venn Diagram
on a google form. I can set up the diagram and then share it with my student via google
classroom. Where they can work on it as individual or in partners. The students must fill out the
Venn Diagram by typing in the different traits of the character they should. Not all the student
will have the same trait which making it more creative. With access to the internet they can look
for picture that might symbolize those character traits. Because google classroom is live I will
be doing two character traits for the class and fill it out on the Venn Diagram. Now all the
students will have my two examples show up on their Venn Diagram. This improvement can be
an Augmentation improvement within the SAMR Model. You are sharing a file within google
share. This teach will substitute paper and pencil making it on the web and it can be redesign
whenever the students what too.
Another idea I would like to redesign is the closure of the lesson which asks for
students to share their character traits. A great way to have the students share their Venn Diagram
is by putting them all in google slides which allows for the students to see the different ideas
their classmates came up with. This improvement within the SAMR Model is at the Modification
level because it allows for significant task redesign. With this you can show their slide on the
smartboard and have the student stand up and deliver. Within google slides the students can add
sound effects and movement on their slide which makes it much more creative than just a plain
slide. It is amazing how much work students can put in to it.
This can even be helpful for me to keep their work for demonstrating the evaluation
of their work to prove I accomplished my objective. I am excited to improve this lesson plan
when this standard comes around this school year. This improvement does not take much time
and at the long run it might take this time. For example, from the beginning you might want to
have the google slide ready for the students. I have number assign to students so I might have
one slide for each student and they would be the assign the number of the slide to their chair
number. They will do their Venn Diagram on the google slide having it ready to present when
they are done with it. They can present in the order they finish saving time. I cant wait to see
this new lesson take action.