Power Plant Engineering Slide Part2
Power Plant Engineering Slide Part2
Power Plant Engineering Slide Part2
v - Percentage of Use
m steam
& Ts ,in
m cw
m cw
& Tcw,in
m steam
& Ts ,out
& Tcw,out
The heat balance of the condenser under the assumption of ideal conditions is that :
The heat gained by the cooling water is equal to heat lost from Steam .
Chapter two
steam power plant
Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process waste
heat to the atmosphere.
Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to remove
process heat and cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air
temperature or rely solely on air to cool the working fluid to near the drybulb air temperature .
Common applications include cooling the circulating water used in oil
refineries, chemical plants, power stations and building cooling.
The towers vary in size from small roof-top units to very large hyperboloid
structures (as in above) that can be up to 200 metres tall and 100 metres
in diameter, or rectangular structures that can be over 40 metres tall and
80 metres long.
Smaller towers are normally factory-built, while larger ones are
constructed on site.
Cooling towers as defined above can be
identified in various methods, and this in
other words an attempt to classify such
1 - Classification by use
Cooling towers can generally be classified by use into either
HVAC (air-conditioning) or industrial duty.
An HVAC cooling tower is a subcategory rejecting heat from a
chiller. Water-cooled chillers are normally more energy
efficient than air-cooled chillers due to heat rejection to tower
water at or near wet-bulb temperatures. Air-cooled chillers
must reject heat at the dry-bulb temperature, and thus have a
lower average reverse-Carnot cycle effectiveness. Large office
buildings, hospitals, and schools typically use one or more
cooling towers as part of their air conditioning systems.
Generally, industrial cooling towers are much larger than
HVAC towers
With respect to drawing air through the tower, there are three types of cooling
Natural draft, which utilizes buoyancy via a tall chimney. Warm, moist air naturally
rises due to the density differential to the dry, cooler outside air. Warm moist air is
less dense than drier air at the same pressure. This moist air buoyancy produces a
current of air through the tower .
Mechanical draft, which uses power driven fan motors to force or draw air through
the tower .
Induced draft: A mechanical draft tower with a fan at the discharge which pulls air
through tower. The fan induces hot moist air out the discharge. This produces low
entering and high exiting air velocities, reducing the possibility of recirculation in which
discharged air flows back into the air intake. This fan/fill arrangement is also known as
draw-through. (see Image , (
Forced draft: A mechanical draft tower with a blower type fan at the intake. The
fan forces air into the tower, creating high entering and low exiting air velocities
Fan assisted natural draft. A hybrid type that appears like a natural draft though
airflow is assisted by a fan
Another way of looking into this phenomena is through what is know as
BILLOWING . So, what is billowing ?
The working fluid (water) in Rankin cycle flows in a closed cycle loop, and it is
re-used continuously. The water vapor with entrained droplets often seen exhausting from
power station is actually generated by the cooling system and not from the closed loop
Rankin cycle.
The cooling tower operates by using the latent heat of vaporization of the cooling fluid. The
white clouds exhausted from the cooling tower are the results of water droplets entrained
in the cooling tower air flow, and they are not, as commonly thought, steam. The stream of
white clouds is know as billowing.
Such billowing stream represent the waste energy heat (vaporization) that could not be
converted to useful work in the turbine.
The loss of water in a cooling tower is due to three different reasons and
has to be made up during the operation. The makeup percentage in
modern towers is around 1 %.
Evaporation loss. A part of the water evaporates, this is what creates the
cooling effect. This depends on the ambient temperature and Relative
humidity or the ambient wet bulb temperature.
Drift loss. The water particles carried away through the flowing air. Drift
eliminators and detail design have reduced this largely. In modern towers,
this could be in the range of 0.02 % of the water flow.
Blowdown losses. The evaporated water leaves behind the salts, which
over time accumulates increasing the TDS levels. This requires to be
blowdown occasionally. This constitutes a loss which has to be made up.
Recall Problem 4.2, in which we
analysed a Supercritical Steam Powr
Plant with Reheat and an Open
Feedwater Heater/De-aerator to service
about 10,000 households in Athens,
Ohio. The City Council was somewhat
perturbed about the possible thermal
pollution of the Hocking River and have
requested that we evaluate the use of a
Cooling Tower in order to cool the
condenser fluid stream, rather than
direct cooling by the Hocking River, with
only the makeup water being supplied by
the river. For purposes of this exercise we
have chosen the additional parameters
associated with the Cooling Tower as
shown in the diagram below.
We found in Problem 4.2 that the power required to cool the steam in the condenser is 12.9 MW. Furthermore since we are
not returning the water to the Hocking River we no longer have the restriction of a 10C maximum water temperature increase.
We have chosen a temperature of 40C at station (11) in order to ensure cooling since from the steam tables we find that the
saturation temperature at 10 kPa is 45.8C. In this problem we wish to evaluate the performance and suitability of this
proposed design.
Chapter two
steam power plant
2.06 - Industrial water treatment
Industrial Water Treatment can be classified into the
following categories:
Boiler water treatment
Cooling water treatment
Wastewater treatment
Water treatment is used to optimize most waterbased industrial processes, such as: heating, cooling,
processing, cleaning, , so that operating costs and
risks are reduced. Poor water treatment lets water
interact with the surfaces of pipes and vessels which
contain it.
Power plant
Boilers feed water needs to be as pure as possible
with a minimum of suspended solids and dissolved
impurities which cause corrosion . Steam boilers can
scale up or corrode, and these deposits will mean
more fuel is needed to heat the same amount of
Cooling towers can also scale up and corrode, but
left untreated, the warm, dirty water they can
contain will encourage bacteria to grow, and
Legionnaires' Disease can be the fatal consequence
In many cases, effluent water from one process
might be perfectly suitable for reuse in another
process somewhere else on site. With the proper
treatment, a significant proportion of industrial onsite wastewater might be reusable. This can save
money in three ways:
1- lower charges for lower water consumption,
2- lower charges for the smaller volume of
effluent water discharged and
3- lower energy costs due to the recovery of heat in
recycled wastewater.
Industrial water treatment seeks to manage
four main problem areas:
microbiological activity and
disposal of residual wastewater.
Boilers do not have many problems with
microbes as the high temperatures prevents
their growth
Scaling occurs when the chemistry and temperature
conditions are such that the dissolved mineral salts in the
water are caused to precipitate and form solid deposits. These
can be mobile, like a fine silt, or can build up in layers on the
metal surfaces of the systems. Scale is a problem because :
1- it insulates and heat exchange becomes less efficient as
the scale thickens, which wastes energy.
2- it narrows pipe widths and therefore increases the energy
used in pumping the water through the pipes.
Corrosion occurs when the parent metal
oxidizes (as iron rusts, for example) and
gradually the integrity of the plant equipment
is compromised. The corrosion products can
cause similar problems to scale, but corrosion
can also lead to leaks, which in a pressurized
system can lead to catastrophic failures.
Microbes can thrive in untreated cooling
water, which is warm and sometimes full of
organic nutrients, as wet cooling towers are
very efficient air scrubbers. Dust, flies, grass,
fungal spores and so on collect in the water
and create a sort of "microbial soup" if not
treated with biocides. Most outbreaks of the
deadly Legionnaires' Disease have been traced
to unmanaged cooling towers
The treatment of raw water ( natural water ) can be done in various methods , and
followings are briefly explained :
1- mechanical treatment.
Settling, filtering, and trapping are simple methods of removing suspended
2- chemical treatment.
For removing hardness by replacing the iron, calcium, and magnesium ions (
hardwater) by sodium ions .
3- cation exchange.
Positive charge metal ions exchange for removing residual hardness.
4- demineralization.
For removing dissolved solids (distillation), since boilers operates at high
pressure,Water evaporates and then condenses leaving solids behind
Chapter two
steam power plant
2.07 - Power Plant process
evaluation & assessment
There are two methods of such evaluation in actual sense, as evaluation of power
plant process is evaluating the plant main components , i.e the boiler and the
The main parameters that shows how good the power plant operates are :
1- the level of the turbine mechanical output available for the electrical generator
to generate and produce electricity.
2- the level of the boiler utilizes the fuel heat energy to produce enough steam at
proper pressure and temperature to operate the turbine.
Therefore, the efficiencies of these components to operate, and thus the heat energy
transferred from components to components represent a good picture of how well
the plant is operating .
The two methods of plant evaluation and assessment are :
i- efficiencies.
ii- heat rate
I Efficiencies
1- cycle ideal efficiency ( Rankine )
R = (net work o/p) / (heat supplied by boiler)
= (h1 - h2 ) / (h1 - h4 )
2 turbine efficiency (T )
T = (actual h ) / ( ideal h )
= ( h1 - h2 ) / (h1 - h2 )
1 2 : ideal expansion S1 = S2
1 2 : actual expansion S2 = S2
3 boiler efficiency ( B )
for unit mass rate
B = (h1 - hfw ) / ( mf . HHV )
for a given mass rate
B = (ms . h ) / (mf . HHV).
=( ms . hb ) + ( mrht. hrht )) / (mf .
HHV ) with reheat
II Heat Rate
1 (turbine cycle) heat rate TCHR
This is defined as the heat required to be supplied to the
steam per KWhr of electric Power output.
TCHR = (heat supplied to turbine cycle /time) / (gross
generator output kw)
= (QT ) / ( PGO )
= Wa . G
= actual work done by the turbine
= electric generator efficiency
Chapter Three
3.1 - Introduction
1 Introduction
The gas turbine in such plant obtains its power by utilizing the heat energy from the burnt
gases in the combustion chamber, inside which fuel and air combustion process takes
The burnt gases are at high temperature and high pressure expands in the turbine through
a series of fixed & moving blades in exactly similar operation as in the steam power
plant .
The compressor is , either a centrifugal or axial type, is coupled with the turbine by the
driving shaft, i.e the compressor is driven by the turbine, and so compresses the working
fluid to a high pressure ranging between (1520 bars ).
Under such compression process, assuming no losses in both turbine and compressor,
the power developed by the turbine would just equal to the power consumed by the
compressor, and the net work output would then be zero .
To obtain useful outcome from the system, another component is necessary , where the
working fluid (WF) volume and pressure can be interrelated as follows :
I WF volume may be increased at constant pressure. ( diesel cycle )
II WF pressure may be increased at constant volume. ( otto cycle ).
This can be achieved by heat addition either under constant pressure according to the
theoretical diesel cycle, or under constant volume according to the theoretical otto cycle ,
where under both conditions the WF temperature will be raised.
This can be achieved by adding a combustion chamber to the system.
Therefore, this simple system can be illustrated as in ( fig. 1 ) .
Fig. 1
1 - as the compressor is coupled to the turbine, and thus absorb some of the power
produced by the turbine , then the system power production can be shown as follows :
net work = (work produced by the turbine) - (work absorbed by the compressor)
NW = Wt - Wc
2 - More than Fifty percent of the energy converted is used by the compressor. Only
around 35 % of the energy input is available for electric power generation in the
generator. The rest of the energy is lost as heat of the exhaust gases to the atmosphere.
3 the fuel used can be any of the
following :
i - fuel oil
ii - natural gas
iii- coal gas
iv- producer gas
v - blast furnace gas
vi- pulverized coal
Gas Turbine
power plant classification
There are several parameters used to classify different types of gas turbine power plant.
Generally such parameters are commonly agreed upon in almost all engineering
institutions worldwide:
1 - Working cycle
i open cycle
ii closed cycle
5 combustion chamber
i single Combustion Chamber
ii two Combustion Chamber
3 turbines
i single turbine
ii multi turbine.
7 application
i electric power generation
ii jet propulsion
iii turbo-prop generation
iv industrial power generation
4 compressors
i single compressor
ii multi compressor
1 - Working cycle
i open cycle
ii closed cycle
3 turbines
i single turbine
ii multi turbine
4 compressors
i single compressor
ii multi compressor
5 combustion chamber
i single Combustion Chamber
7 application
i electric power generation
ii jet propulsion
Chapter Three
3.2 How does a Gas Turbine Power
Plant Work
1. Compressor.
The compressor sucks in air from the atmosphere and compresses it to pressures in the
range of 15 to 20 bar. The compressor consists of a number of rows of blades mounted on
a shaft. This is something like a series of fans placed one after the other. The pressurized
air from the first row is further pressurized in the second row and so on. Stationary vanes
between each of the blade rows guide the air flow from one section to the next section.
The shaft is connected and rotates along with the main gas turbine.
2. Combustor.
This is an annular chamber where the fuel burns and is similar to the furnace in a boiler.
The air from the compressor is the combustion air. Burners arranged circumferentially on
the annular chamber control the fuel entry to the chamber. The hot gases in the range of
1400 to 1500 C leave the chamber with high energy levels. The chamber and subsequent
sections are made of special alloys and designs that can withstand this high temperature.
3. Turbine
The turbine does the main work of energy conversion. The turbine portion also consists
of rows of blades fixed to the shaft. Stationary guide vanes direct the gases to the next
set of blades. The kinetic energy of the hot gases impacting on the blades rotates the
blades and the shaft. The blades and vanes are made of special alloys and designs that
can withstand the very high temperature gas. The exhaust gases then exit to exhaust
system through the diffuser. The gas temperature leaving the Turbine is in the range of
500 to 550 C.
4 . generator
The gas turbine shaft connects to the generator to produce electric power. This is similar
to generators used in conventional thermal power plants.
2-Exhaust System
Exhaust system discharges the hot gases to a level
which is safe for the people and the environment.
The exhaust gas that leaves the turbine is around 550
C. This includes an outlet stack high enough for the
safe discharge of the gases.
Silencer in the outlet stack reduces the noise to
acceptable levels.
In Combined Cycle power plants the exhaust system
has a diverter damper to change the flow of gases
to the Heat Recovery Boilers instead of the outlet
3-Starting System
Starting system provides the initial momentum for the Gas
Turbine to reach the operating speed. This is similar to the
starter motor of your car. The gas turbine in a power plant
runs at 3000 RPM (for the 50 Hz grid - 3600 RPM for the 60 Hz
grid). During starting the speed has to reach at least 60 % for
the turbine to work on its on inertia. The simple method is to
have a starter motor with a torque converter to bring the
heavy mass of the turbine to the required speed. For large
turbines this means a big capacity motor. The latest trend is to
use the generator itself as the starter motor with suitable
electrics. In situations where there is no other start up power
available, like a ship or an off-shore platform or a remote
location, a small diesel or gas engine is used.
4-Fuel System
The Fuel system prepares a clean fuel for burning in the
combustor. Gas Turbines normally burn Natural gas but can
also fire diesel or distillate fuels. Many Gas Turbines have dual
firing capabilities.
A burner system and ignition system with the necessary safety
interlocks are the most important items. A control valve
regulates the amount of fuel burned . A filter prevents entry
of any particles that may clog the burners. Natural gas directly
from the wells is scrubbed and cleaned prior to admission into
the turbine. External heaters heat the gas for better
For liquid fuels high pressure pumps pump fuel to the
pressure required for fine atomization of the fuel for burning
All the manufacturers provide correction factors for
deviations from the various standard ratings
discussed above. If the actual conditions ar known
the output and efficiency at the standard ratings is
corrected to the actual conditions. Consider these
corrections when specifying, purchasing and
operating Gas Turbine power plants.
Understanding of the ISO ratings and the actual plant
conditions is essential when specifying and buying a
Gas Turbine. Also this can be used to compare the
performance of Gas Turbines.
Chapter Three
Brayton cycle
The ideal cycle for gas turbine is Brayton cycle ( also known as Joule cycle ). This ideal
cycle is a closed type, using perfect gas as working fluid, where specific heat is assumed
The simplified schematic of the Brayton cycle can be seen in this fig.
(a). the open cycle.
(b) Brayton cycle as a closed system.
Ambient air is drawn into the compressor and brought to a higher pressure, also
increasing its temperature. This requires work input, (Win). Because it is a work
required, we want this value to be as small as possible
The high pressure air then proceeds to the combustion chamber, where our fuel is
mixed with the air and combusted. This is modeled as a constant pressure heat
addition (Qin).
The resulting high temperature gasses enter the turbine, where they are
expanded to a lower pressure. The turbine extracts work from the fluid
(Wout), producing a torque on the shaft that is connected to the compressor.
The work created by the turbine needs to be only large enough to drive the
compressor and auxiliary components.
Fig. 4 - schematic
1 - 2
2 3
3 - 4
1 2
3 4
net work
thermal efficiency = -------------------heat supplied
Cp ( T3 - T4 ) - Cp ( T2 - T1 )
th =
-------------------------------------------Cp ( T3 - T2)
ic =
Cp ( T2 - T1 )
-------------------------Cp ( T2 - T1 )
( T2 - T1 )
ic = ---------------( T2 - T1 )
Cp ( T3 - T4)
-------------------------Cp ( T3 - T4 )
it =
( T3 - T4)
---------------( T3 - T4 )
Cpg ( T3 - T4 = ) Cpa ( T2 - T1 )
Cpg : specific heat of gases in turbine
Cpa : specific heat of air in compressor
ii the second turbine (T2) is a LP turbine used to drive the generator, which is also
known as power turbine , and the work output from the LP turbine is the net work
output to drive the generator, and is expressed as follows :
Chapter Three
3.4 - Regeneration
schematic diagram
Fig. 7
Schematic & T-s diagram
Air is heated from T2 to T3
Gases is cooled from T5 to T6
Where (T3 = T5 ), and (T6 = T2)
This is an ideal case where no losses encountered in the heat exchanger, and so all the
heat from exhaust gases are transferred to the compressed air.
In actual practice however, this is impossible, since ( T ) must be available for the heat
transfer to take place, i.e
T6 must be > T2
T5 must be > T3
Then, the following T must exist
Ti = T6 - T2
Te = T5 - T3
Also if no heat losses in the heat exchanger is assumed, then the heat energy lost from
gases is equal to the heat energy gained by the air , i.e
mg . Cpg . (T5 - T6 ) = ma . Cpa .( T3 - T2 )
2 and
(T5 - T2 = ) max possible temp rise
Then max heat energy possible to be
transferred from gases to air is
mg .Cpg (T5 - T2 )
Regenerator effectiveness
from these analysis the following terms are expressed :
I heat exchanger effectiveness ( )
A heat exchanger effectiveness is defined to allow for the temperature deference
necessary for the transfer of heat between the turbine exhaust gas and the
compressor outlet air i.e
heat received by the air
Effectiveness = ------------------------------------------------max possible heat which could be
transferred from the gas in the heat
ma . Cpa ( T3 - T2)
= -----------------------------mg . Cpg ( T5 - T2)
85 % 70%
If [ ma . Cpa = mg . Cpg ],
= Rth
Cp (T4 - T5 ) - Cp (T2 - T1 )
= ------------------------------------------Cp (T4 - T5 )
Rearranging to obtain
th = 1 -
(T2 - T1 )
----------------(T3 - T4 )
T1 ( rp - 1 )
---------------------T3 ( 1 - 1/ rp)
th = 1 - ( T1 / T4 ) (rp)
Cp (T4 - T5 ) - Cp (T2 - T1 )
= ------------------------------------------Cp (T4 - T5 )
th.a < th
1 rp (T3/T1)/
th ) regenerative > th ) ideal
T1 / T3 < 1
From above it can be concluded for the
regenerative cycle that
Thermal efficiency is improved
Work output remains the same
This means that ( better sfc for a given power
output ), and so, less fuel is consumed for the
same power output
Regeneration can only be possible if there is a sufficient large
temperature difference between the gases leaving the turbine
(T4) and the air leaving the compressor (T2).
If for some reasons (T4) came out to be less than (T2).
Regeneration will be impossible in this case.
If in the case that (T4 > T2) but (T) between them may not be
large enough to make the extra capital cost for adding
regenerator a valid investment.
Also if (T) is small, then the surface area for the heat transfer
must be made large in order to achieve a reasonable value of
thermal ratio
Chapter Three
3.5 - Reheating
What is reheating
In reheating cycle, the the combustion gas expands
into two turbines instead of one, where the exhaust
of the first turbine (HP) is reheated in a reheater and
then expands in the second turbine (LP).
By reheating,
the power output of the system is increased, but
the cost of additional fuel consumption is also
Ideal cycle
In the ideal cycle
Work output = Cp (T3 T3i)+ Cp (T4i T5)
If one turbine is used, then expansion will take
place from (3) to (6), and the work output will
accordingly be :
W = C p ( T 3 T6 )
Important remarks
Work output
And therefore, accordingly, the work output
of the system under ideal considerations can
be expressed as follows :
Work output = Cp (T3 T3i)+ Cp (T4i T5)
Thermal efficiency
rp2 = Pi / P1
Let n = ( 1) /
rp = rp1 x rp2
1/ rp2 = (rp1) / rp
& W
W = f (T1 , T3 /T1 , rp1 , rp2 , rp )
Since CpT1 0
(T3/T1) 0
(1/rp )(1/rp) = 0
Final conclusion
In a reheating process
I power o/p increases
II - th decreases due to high gas temperature
at outlet of the last stage of the turbine (T5)
Chapter Three
3.6 - (Regeneration + Reheating)
This system consist of a compressor and two turbines ( HP & LP) with :
1 combustion chamber between the compressor and the first (HP) turbine.
2 re-heater between the two turbines.
3 regenerator between the second (LP) turbine and the compressor.
Such system is illustrated in fig.9
Fig. 9
Remarks on fig.9
The schematic diagram notations are as
follows :
C : compressor
HPT : high pressure turbine
LPT : low pressure turbine
CC1 : combustion chamber
CC2 : re-heater
RG : regenerator
: electric generator
T3 - T3i = T4i - T4
The work is the same as in the reheat cycle, which was expressed as:
Thermal efficiency
Thermal eff. is improved due to that the compressed air temperature (T2i) is
increased by regeneration action, where
as shown in the T-s diagram of fig.9
T2i > T2
and hence heating from (T2i) to (T3) only that take place in CC1
And therefore the thermal eff. is
(T2 T1)
th = 1 - -----------2(T3 T3i)
rp1 = rp
For (Wmax)
rp of HPT = (total rp)
= 1/rp
Chapter Three
3.7 - Inter - cooling
During any compression process, the air temperature
and pressure will be increased depending on the
encasement volume as previously seen in the air
standard otto diesel dual cycles.
Therefore, at the end of compression the working
fluid temperature is increased say from (T1 ) to ( T2 ).
In some power generation system of a large scale
plant, single stage compression may not be enough,
and therefore multi-stage compression will be
In a multi-stage compression the outlet temperature from the first stage will be the
inlet to the next stage, and so compressive heating of the working fluid will keep
raising the outlet temperature of each stage, which eventually reach an undesirable
level and causes a marked reduction in the overall system performance, which in this
case a wasteful energy may economically be fairly costly.
This is why inter-cooling between compression stages is used to keep (Tin ) to any
stage almost equal to that inlet to the first stage.
Since the constant pressure lines diverge
from left to right, which means that the
vertical distance between them increases
in the direction from left to right ,
resulting in that the following vertical
line sectors are related as :
(T2 T6) < (TA T5)
And therefore
Wic < Wnic
Conclusion from above is that the work input for a given pressure ratio and mass flow will
be reduced by inter-cooling
P5/P1 = P2/P6 = rp
Ideal cycle
With complete inter-cooling and isentropic condition, the work input to the
compressor is :
Wic = Cp(T5 T1) + Cp(T2 T6)
= Cp.T1(T5/T1 1) + Cp.T6 (T2/T6 1)
T 6 = T1
T5/T1 = (Pi/Pl)
T2/T6 = (Ph/Pi)
n = ( 1 ) /
(Pi/Pl) = (Ph/Pi) = rpi = rp.tot
The saving in work will depend on the choice of the intercooling pressure (Pi).
By differentiation (dw/dp) and equating to zero, the condition for minimum work is
found to be
Pi = P l . Ph
(Pi/Pl) = (Ph/Pi) = rpi
rpi = rp.tot
Wic = Cp. T1(rp / 1) + Cp.T1(rp / 1)
Wic = 2 Cp. T1(rp/ 1)
Chapter Three
3.8 - Combined cycle
Gas turbine
combined cycle
A Heat Recovery Steam Generator or HRSG is a steam boiler that uses hot exhaust gases
from the gas turbines in a CHP (combined heat and power) plant to heat up water and
generate steam. This steam in turn drives a steam turbine .
FIG - 2
The following general remarks related to the combined cycle are useful to
understand the benefit of such system :
Energy distribution
Generally, the energy supplied in the combined cycle
is usually related to two operating conditions :
1- design operating condition (full load) where (60%)
of the system power is produced by the gas turbine
cycle, while (40%) comes from the steam turbine
2- below (50%) of the design operating conditions,
where (40%) from each of the two cycles is supplied.
Due to various losses
encountered in the
system under actual
operating conditions,
the shown diagram
shows the energy
distribution as a
percentage of the total
energy input from fuel.
Pinch Point
An important performance parameter is the temperature difference between the
evaporator outlet temperature on the steam side, and that on the exhaust gas side. This
temperature difference is called the Pinch Point.
Ideally, the lower the pinch point the more heat recovered, but calls for more surface
area, and consequently, increases the back pressure and cost.
Also, excessively low pinch point, can mean inadequate steam production if the exhaust
gas is low in energy (low mass flow or low exhaust gas temperature).
General guide line call for a pinch point range of (8 22) C
Gas turbine
cogenerative cycle
Chapter 3
3.9 - Cycle configurations
Chapter 3
wherein the working fluid passes through a first stage of compressors, then a cooler,
then a second stage of compressors before entering the combustion chamber. While
this requires an increase in the fuel consumption of the combustion chamber, this
allows for a reduction in the specific volume of the fluid entering the second stage of
compressors, with an attendant decrease in the amount of work needed for the
compression stage overall. There is also an increase in the maximum feasible pressure
ratio due to reduced compressor discharge temperature for a given amount of
compression, improving overall efficiency .
wherein the still-warm post-turbine fluid is passed through a heat exchanger to preheat the fluid just entering the combustion chamber. This directly offsets fuel
consumption for the same operating conditions improving efficiency; it also results in
less power lost as waste heat.
However, at higher pressure ratios, the compressor discharge temperature can exceed
the exhaust temperature. Under these conditions, regeneration would be
counterproductive. Therefore, regeneration is only an option when the pressure ratio is
sufficiently low that the exhaust temperature is higher than the compressor discharge
temperature .
combined cycle
A Brayton cycle also forms half of the
combined cycle system, which combines with
a Rankine engine to further increase overall
efficiency .
Cogeneration systems make use of the
waste heat from Brayton engines, typically
for hot water production or space heating.
If we assume that (
) and (
W = Cp.T1{[(T4 /T1 )(Z-1 ) / ( Z) ] - (Z - 1)}
W = Cp.T1(Z - 1){ [( T4 / T1 ) / ( Z ) ] -1)}
See regeneration section for review
The temperature ratio (T3/T1) is actually represent the ratio of max to min cycle
temperature under optimum operating conditions, i.e
rearrange to obtain
And also
and so
Returning to
And so ,
From all of the above analysis, and from practical point of
view, it has been shown that always the temperature of
exhaust gas from turbine is higher than that of air after
compressor, i.e
T4 > T2
This would mean that the heat energy in the exhaust gas can
be utilized to increase the temperature of the compressed air
before entering the combustion chamber, and therefore
would improve combustion economy and combustion
efficiency, and would as an overall results improves the
system efficiency.
Comparison assessment
Gas turbine power plant is shown to have means of performance improvement both in
terms of power and/or efficiency.
Also, it has being shown that optimum state can be achieved if specific requirement is
fulfilled. This also was shown to be conflicted when power & efficiency are considered
at the same time.
Actual Net Work
efficiency efficiency output
Ideal efficiency
Actual efficiency
- T1 ) ) - Cp ( T2
Cp ( T3 - T4
th = -------------------------------------------)
Cp ( T3 - T2
Work ratio
WR = 1 - [ ( T1 / T3 ) rp]
Power output
Chapter 4
Hydro Electric Power Generation
4.1 - Clean renewable sustainable
Energy source
Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by hydropower, i.e., the production of electrical
power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most
widely used form of renewable energy. Once a hydroelectric complex is constructed, the
project produces no direct waste.
The essential elements of a hydropower plant
are listed below :
1. Catchment area.
2. Reservoir.
3. Dam.
4. Spillways.
5. Conduits.
6. Surge tank.
7. Prime-movers.
8. Draft tubes
9. Powerhouse.
10. Equipments.
The diagram aside is the flow sheet of hydropower plant. The description of these
elements are as follows:
Catchment area the whole area behind the dam draining into a stream or river
across the dam.
Surge tank is a small reservoir or tank in which water level rises or falls to reduce
the pressure swings (ups & downs) so that they are not transmitted in full to a
closed system.
Draft tubes it is the downstream exit, which allows the turbine to be set above
tail water level without loss of head to facilitate inspection and maintenance.
Powerhouse this the overall buildings that accommodate the plant in such a
layout that provides adequate space for running repairing, inspection,
maintenance of plant equipments and facilities.
10. Equipments in general, electric power generation plant should includes, among
many parts, main equipments such as turbines, electric generators, heat
exchangers, valves & pumps, measuring & monitoring instruments, switch boards
& control systems, connections & pipes etc.
Types of Conduits
i canal is an open waterway excavated in natural ground.
ii flume an open channel erected on the surface of supported above ground on a
iii tunnel closed channel excavated through a natural obstruction such as a ridge of
higher land between the dam and the powerhouse.
iv pipeline is closed conduit usually supported on or above the surface of the land,
this is also known in this respect as flow line.
v penstock is a closed conduit for supplying water under pressure to a turbine.
Control gate or sluice gate this is an opening at the penstock upper end that
varies the flow section area an thus control how much water to be allowed
through depending on the load conditions.
Runaway speed is the maximum speed at which a turbine would run when
there is no external load, where design should account for centrifugal stresses
caused by such speed, and generally ranged to (1.8-3.0) of rated speed.
It's Inexpensive
* The energy to turn the
turbine, and generator, is
provided by gravity pulling the
water down through the dam,
so no fuel is necessary.
It's Clean
* Since no fuel is burned, there
are no pollutants released into
the environment.
It's Essentially Inexhaustible
* Within the limits of the water
supply (see "disadvantage"
below), the power source will
keep replenishing itself.
1 - the amount of electricity that can be generated is limited
by the amount of water available. This will predict the water
head behind the dam, and therefore the amount of power
produced by the turbine.
2 high investment cost ( capital cost )
3 change the nature of the district
* inundation of land, wildlife, and fish habitat
* changes in reservoir and water stream
* displacement of local population
I according to the water head
1- high head
100 m
2- medium head 30 100 m
3- low head
2 30 m
II system location
1- run-of-river schemes
2- base of dam location
3- integrated water supply system
Chapter 4
Hydro Electric Power Generation
4.2 Hydropower
How it works
A penstock is a closed conduit,
sluice, gate, or intake structure that
controls water flow. Or an enclosed
pipe that delivers water under
pressure to hydraulic turbines.
Penstocks for hydroelectric
installations are normally equipped
with a gate system and a surge
tank. Flow is regulated by turbine
operation and is nil when turbines
are not in service
The number of penstocks may be:
1. one separate penstock for each turbine, this may be economically acceptable for
short length type.
2. Single penstock for the entire plant, which not recommended, as any damage to
this penstock would means plant shut-down.
3. Multi penstock, each penstock for at least two turbines.
Surge tank
A surge tank is used to prevent sudden increase of pressure in the supply line or the
penstock. It is placed as near as possible to the turbine. The tank may be open at the
top or closed. In case it is open at the top, it must not be lower than the level of the
water in the reservoir.
When water enters the reservoir basin, the
level of water in basin rises. This rise is
arranged to be temporary, as excess
accumulation of water endangers the stability
of dam structure.
To relieve reservoir of this excess water, a
structure is provided in the body of a dam or
near the dam. This safeguarding structure is
called a spillway
Chapter 4
Hydro Electric Power Generation
4.3 Water Turbines
Francis turbine
Flow enters through a
volute or scroll casing which
is designed to distribute the
flow around the periphery
of the inlet guide vane. The
inlet guide vanes increases
the angular momentum of
the water, which is reduced
again in the turbine rotor
that turns the flow from
radial to axial direction. The
flow is the exits into a draft
tube and so exhausted
Kaplan turbine
Kaplan turbines are
axial flow reaction type,
generally used for low
The flow enters in a
radial manner inward
and makes a right-angle
turn before entering in
an axial direction.
Impulse turbines
Impulse turbines change the velocity of a water jet. The jet impinges on the
turbine's curved blades which change the direction of the flow. The resulting
change in momentum (impulse) causes a force on the turbine blades. Since the
turbine is spinning, the force acts through a distance (work) and the diverted water
flow is left with diminished energy.
Prior to hitting the turbine blades, the water's pressure (potential energy) is
converted to kinetic energy by a nozzle and focused on the turbine. No pressure
change occurs at the turbine blades, and the turbine doesn't require a housing for
Newton's second law describes the transfer of energy for impulse turbines.
Impulse turbines are most often used in very high (>m/ft) head
Impulse Turbine
Examples of impulse turbines are :
1. Pelton
2. Turgo
3. Michell Banki ( cross flow)
4. Ossberger
Pelton turbine
The Pelton wheel is the
simplest form of water
turbine used for high head
Pelton wheel consists of
one or more nozzles which
produces high velocity jet of
water which impact a series
of buckets which divide the
flow in two streams and
then exits to the side of the
Various types of water
turbine runners. From
left to right :
Pelton Wheel
two types of Francis
Turbine and
Kaplan Turbine
Chapter 4
Hydro Electric Power Generation
4.4 Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation
Power in general is a function of :
1. Hydraulic head
2. Rate of fluid flow
Where the head means the height of water
in the reservoir relative to its height after
Therefore, system analysis and performance
evaluation is done accordingly
1 the amount of energy (E) released when an object of mass (m) drops a height (h) in
a gravitational field of strength (g) is given by :
2 energy available to hydroelectric dams is the energy that can be liberated by
lowering water in a controlled way (rate), in these situation, the power is related to the
mass flow rate :
(E/t) = (m/t) . g . h
Mass rate
From which the power produced due to hydraulic head can be expressed as derived
3 - The power available in a stream of water is
Ph = . g . h . Q
Ph = . g . h . Q
We can define:
( mass rate kg/s )
g . h = specific hydraulic energy ( J/kg )
Turbine output
4 mechanical turbine output
Pt = Ph . t
Pt turbine mechanical power output
Ph hydraulic power produced
t turbine efficiency
Generator output
5 effective power at switch board.
this is the effective power out of the electrical
generator available at the switch board, which can be
expressed as :
since Ph = . g . h . Q
Pt = Ph . t
P e = P t . g
where Pe effective power
g electrical generator efficiency
Chapter 4
Hydro Electric Power Generation
4.5 Catchment Area
Rain Fall
Catchment area is the whole area behind the dam draining into a stream or river
across which the dam has been constructed .
The characteristics of the catchment area includes it's size, shape, surface,
altitude, topography and geology.
The bigger the catchment area, steeper is the slope, higher is the altitude, and
greater is the total runoff of water.
Rain fall (precipitation) may be defined as the total condensation of moisture that
reaches the earth in any form. It includes all forms of rain, ice, snow, hail. The rainfall is
measured in terms of (cm water) over a given area over a period of time (year).
Evaporation represent all of the rainfall that is returned to the atmosphere from the
land and water surfaces.
Run-off is the portion of the rainfall that flows through the catchment area
and therefore
run-off = total rainfall total evaporation
Ex. catchment area = 500 sq.km
= 100 cm/yr
Quantity of water available per year is (q) = catchment area x rainfall
q = (500 sq.km x 10**6 sq.m/sq.km) x (100 cm/yr / 100 cm/m)
From which we can evaluate water volume flow rate from this available quantity of
water, i.e
Q = (q cu.m/yr) / [365 day/yr x 24 hr/day x 3600 sec/hr]
= cu.m / sec
H = head in (m)
Hydraulic wheel turbine
Archimedes' screw turbine
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.01 - Introduction
Nuclear power, although controversial, produces
approximately 17% of the world's electricity. There are over
400 nuclear power plants throughout the world. Of those,
about 100 are in the USA. Many countries depend on nuclear
power for their electricity supply, some more than others. For
example; France is reputed to generate approximately 75% of
its requirements from nuclear plants and the USA about 15%.
The use of nuclear power plant is a strategic and economic necessity for the world to
maintain future power production :
Strategic reasons
due to oil reserve will be totally consumed in time, an alternative and efficient
source of power must be established.
Economic reasons
one large nuclear PP saves as much as of (50000) barrels of oil per day, assuming
the cost of ($50/barrel), thus resulting in a saving of ($2,500,000) for one PP
for one day. Accordingly, such PP would retain its capital cost within few years.
1. Unit cost per kW.hr is lower than that for coal
2. Improving the conventional PP efficiency
3. The by-products are useful:
special case :
a PP may have its main purpose to produce
plutonium and the by-products is used in power
generation plant
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.02 Nuclear Chemistry
Basic Chemistry
The atom is the basic unit of the nuclear reaction, and the size of it, is such a small,
that (10**13) atoms occupies a volume of less than the pin head. However each
atom is itself like a miniature universe.
The atom is normally electrically neutral, where almost the entire of its mass is
concentrated in the nucleus , whereas its volume is determined by envelope
enclosing the outer orbit, such volume is mostly an empty space.
Energy from any chemical reaction is developed by the fact that when an electrons
changes from one orbit to another, energy is either emitted or absorbed.
The nuclear reaction is concerned with the nucleus and not the electron orbiting
behavior, where the nucleus has a very high cohesive force biding the protons and
neutrons. This force is much higher and stronger than that holding the electrons in
Such nuclear reaction is splitting the nucleus (fission) and is accompanied by the
release of a very large amount of energy.
Atom structure
Chemical symbols
Examples - 1
H : hydrogen
: deuterium (1D)
: helium
92U234 : uranium 234
92U235 : uranium 235
92U238 : uranium 238
94Pu239 : plutonium
Examples - 2
Calculation of number of neutrons y :
number of neutrons = mass number atomic number
For example
Atom description
Atom behavior :
*the atom is electrically neutral, i.e ,the numbers of electron (-ve) and the numbers protons (+ve) are equal
* No. of electrons (orbital), determine the atom chemical family and behavior
* No. of protons & neutrons, establish the nuclear characteristics of the atom
Useful terms
Heavy water
1 - Fission
simply, fission is the action of splitting the
nucleus, or specifically
The spontaneous disintegration of a heavy
atom into two or more lighter one, whereby
the process involves a loss of mass which is
converted into nuclear energy
2 Fertelization
This is the union of two different particles
(U238 + neutron) to form a new products
(Pu239), for example :
U238 capture a neutron, becomes radioactive
and decay to Pu239 which itself is radioactive.
striking Pu239 by a neutron produces Pu240
which is fertile. Further neutron strike
produces fissionable Pu241
3 - Isotopes
Isotopes can be defined as :
the atomic forms of an element differ in atomic mass but not in chemical properties.
when atoms of an element have same number of protons but a different number of
Ex. 92U234
: uranium 234
: uranium 235
4 - Heavy water
ordinary water uses ordinary hydrogen:
2H2 + O2 = 2H2O
Heavy water uses hydrogen (H2 ) isotopes deuterium (D2):
2D2 + O2 = 2D2O
Therefore the chemical symbols are
ordinary water is (H2O)
heavy water is
5 - Radioactivity
* radioactive element continuously undergoes spontaneous (without outside
help) disintegration
* such disintegration usually occurs with the emission of one or more smaller
particles from parent nucleus and thus changing it into another, or daughter
* parent nucleus decay to daughter nucleus
* the daughter nucleus may or may not be stable
6- Fusion
Two light nuclear particles combine or fuse
together by which energy is released.
The product nuclei have less mass than the
original particles.
The mass difference is converted to energy at
a rate governed by Einstein equation:
E = m . c
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.03 Process of energy
is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts, often
producing free neutrons and lighter nuclei, which may eventually produce photons (in the
form of gamma rays).
Fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction which can release large amounts of
energy both as electromagnetic radiation and as kinetic energy of the fragments (heating
the bulk material where fission takes place).
Nuclear fission produces:
energy for nuclear power and to
drive the explosion of nuclear weapons.
Both uses are made possible because certain substances called nuclear fuels undergo
fission when struck by free neutrons and in turn generate neutrons when they break
apart. This makes possible a self-sustaining chain reaction that releases energy:
at a controlled rate in a nuclear reactor
at a very rapid uncontrolled rate in a nuclear weapon
It takes considerable energy to force nuclei to fuse, even those of the lightest
element, hydrogen. This is because all nuclei have a positive charge (due to their
protons), and as like charges repel, nuclei strongly resist being put too close
together. Accelerated to high speeds (that is, heated to thermonuclear
temperatures), they can overcome this electromagnetic repulsion and get close
enough for the attractive nuclear force to be sufficiently strong to achieve fusion.
The fusion of lighter nuclei, which creates a heavier nucleus and a free neutron,
generally releases more energy than it takes to force the nuclei together; this is
an exothermic process that can produce self-sustaining reactions.
Fission Process
Fissile U235
This is a naturally fissionable material, which requires
a simple detonation element (neutron) to initiate
fission reaction as shown below :
Fertile U238
U238 capture a neutron, becomes radioactive and decay to
Pu239 which itself is radioactive. striking Pu239 by a neutron
produces Pu240 which is fertile. Further neutron strike
produces fissionable Pu241
Plutonium Pu
however, is again a
fertile material. If it
capture a second
neutron, it will become:
Which is fissile material
Thorium Th232
Th232 capture a neutron, undergoes decay as shown
below, yielding the fissile U233
Fusion process
Two light nuclear particles combine or fuse together by
which energy is released.
The product nuclei have less mass than the original particles.
The mass difference is converted to energy at a rate governed
by Einstein equation:
E = m . c
However, such fusion requires a very high temperature level
(hundreds of millions deg.) to get started, which will be only
available by fission reaction prior to fusion.
Fusion reaction
The possibility of release of large amount of nuclear energy
can be seen by comparing the masses of nuclei of low atomic
Suppose that one could combine hydrogen nuclei and two
neutrons to form helium nucleus, in the reaction :
2(1H) + 2(0n) = 2He4
The mass-energy difference (using atom masses) is :
Hydrogen bomb
Fusion is considered as uncontrollable reaction, and so for non-military
application is not yet achieved.
As a weapon, hydrogen bomb is almost the only application recognized so far
from fusion.
In the Hydrogen bomb, the very high temperature required for the fusion to take
place is obtained by fission reaction, thus :
fission reaction causes fusion reaction to proceeds
The resulting fusion reaction proceeds in a very rapid and uncontrolled manner.
If this fusion reaction can be controlled, then utilization of inexpensive
abundant fuel to produce huge amount of power will be most attractive.
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.04 - Nuclear Fuel
Nuclear Fuel
Similar to fossil power plants, nuclear power
plants produce steam to drive a turbinegenerator set to make electricity. The heat
source for todays nuclear power plants is
uranium in contrast to combustion for the
fossil units.
Type of reactions
Choice of fuel
Uranium is the only substance occurring naturally
which is fissionable.
There are three uranium isotopes :
: uranium 234
: uranium 235
: uranium 238
From these isotopes, only uranium 235 is fissionable
Natural uranium (ore) is composed of
* 99.3 % isotope (U238) non-fissionable,
* 0.7 % uranium (U235) fissionable
Uranium Enrichment
Enriched uranium is a kind of uranium in which
the percent composition of uranium-235 has
been increased through the process of isotope
Natural uranium is 99.284% U238 isotope, with
U235 only constituting about 0.711% of its
The uranium metal must be:
1.extracted from the ore,
2.Purified, and
3.Prepared, for reaction
4.artificial enrichment to raise the fraction of
U-235 to (3- 4)%.
uranium dioxide
The reactor fuel is uranium dioxide (UO2), which is
formed into a ceramic fuel pellet that is compatible
with the water coolant.
The fuel pellets are stacked into a Zircaloy clad fuel
Many fuel rods are placed in a square lattice to
construct a fuel assembly (see Figure 1).
A couple hundred fuel assemblies are generally
needed to fuel the entire reactor core.
The reactor core is housed in a reactor pressure
vessel that is composed of steel 8 to 10 inches thick.
Plutonium Pu239
U238 capture a neutron, becomes radioactive and decay
to Pu239 which itself is radioactive. striking Pu239 by a
neutron produces Pu240 which is fertile. Further neutron
strike produces fissionable Pu241
Uranium U233
This is produced from thorium Th232, by neutron
Chain reaction
Fuel of a nuclear reactor should be fissionable
material, when strikes by neutron undergoes nuclear
fission and thus producing chain reaction.
U235 is most unstable type, capable of sustaining
chain reaction, and therefore it is referred to as
primary fuel.
Pu239 & U233, are artificially produced from U238 &
Th232 respectively, and are called secondary fuel .
Pu239 and U233 so produced can be fissioned by
thermal neutrons.
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.05 - energy
Einsteins Law
E = (1/gc) . (m.c)
1/gc : conversion factor
m : reactants mass
: speed of light in vacuum
Example - 1
m = 1 gm
Examples - 2
1. Atomic bomb --- almost pure U235 (90% of
2. Reactor fuel --- natural uranium enrichment
with U235 (3-4 % ) of ore.
3. Fertile material --- U238, which means that
uranium fertilization by :
U238 + absorbing neutron fissionable
plutonium Pu239
Energy calculation
1 - Avogadros hypothesis
equal volume of all gases under same conditions of (T & P) contains the
same number of molecules.
this number of molecules is called Avogadros number N
N = 6.023 x 10**23 molecules/gm.mole
This means that to produce (1J) of energy requires (3.12 x 10**10) of U235 atoms to be
fissioned per second.
7 the equivalent mass of material (Meqv)
Nav = 6.023 x 10**23 atom/gm.mole
for U235 = 235 gm/gm.mole
This means that about (1 gm) of fuel is used per (1MW-day) of useful thermal energy
released. So, in a typical reactor which produces (3000 MW) of thermal power, the
U235 fuel consumed is about 3kg/day.
To produce same energy by the use of fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas), millions of times as
much weight would be required.
1 - U235-n corelation
== xn is freed , and 1n absorbed
== if there is no other U235 atom around, then
(x-1)n will fly away in space
== but, the fissioned U235 is part of mass of
uranium, and therefore, there will be plenty
of U235 atom available for the flying (x-1)n
to collide with
== from each (U235-n) collision, another (x-1)n are
freed for the second fission
== and so, for the 3rd & 4th etc
== this continuous process is chain reaction.
2 fission time
Chain reaction means a process of continuous capturing neutrons & nucleus splitting
in such a very fast rate, which is in the order of (1 picoseconds), where
1 picoseconds = (1 x 10**-12 ) second
3 mass of U235
i- critical mass
only one of the free (n) collides with U235 and cause it to split for each fission, the mass
of U235 is said to be critical , and the temperature is stable.
ii- subcritical mass
Less than one of the free (n) hit another U235, then the mass is subcritica , and
eventually fission will end.
iii- supercritical
More than one of the free (n) hit another U235, then the mass is supercritical , and the
reactor will heats up.
4 reactor bomb
i- nuclear bomb
Requires very supercritical U235 mass, so all of the U235 atoms split in a single
ii- nuclear reactor
Requires slightly supercritical mass, so plant operators can raise and lower reactor
temperature by some means of control (control rod) .
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.06 structure & components
Nuclear reactor is an apparatus in which heat is
produced due to nuclear fission chain reaction.
A nuclear power plant is a very complex system,
where thousands of valves and pumps; miles of
tubing and electrical wiring; and many tons of rebar
and structural steel are all required.
Lay-out example
Plant structure
There are three major buildings that make up the plant structure :
1 - Containment building
houses the reactor and its high pressure steam generating system.
2 - Turbine building
houses the steam turbines, condensers, and electrical generator.
3 - Auxiliary building
houses normal and emergency support systems, such as the residual heat removal
system. Fuel handling and storage equipment, laboratories, maintenance areas,
and control room.
4 depending upon the plant location and environmental regulations, there may or
may not be cooling tower to remove excess heat from the facility.
Steel structure
Nuclear fuel
Control rod
Reactor vessel
Biological shielding
Reactor core
1 nuclear fuel
Nuclear fission is the basis of most commercial reactors, so
the fissionable type of fuel previously mentioned (U235,
Pu239, U233) will be considered.
Nuclear fuel should be :
* inexpensive
* operate at high temperature
* resist radiation damage
Nuclear fuel may either one of
* uranium oxide (UO2 ) - brittle ceramic
* uranium carbide (UC) black ceramic
2 - moderator
3 Control Rod
Since the nuclear reactor usually contains as much fuel as is sufficient to operate a
large power plant for several months.
Then, the consumption of this fuel and the power level of the reactor depends upon
its neutron flux in the reactor core.
the energy produced in the reactor, due to fuel surplus availability, by fission process
during chain reaction may reach a very high level, if not controlled, will cause a very
high heat energy released and thus the entire core surrounding structure will
eventually melt down, resulting in a radioactive fission products to escape out of the
Therefore, some mean of control, is a must requirement, to prevent overheating and
the dangerous after period.
Control rods are made of materials that absorb neutrons such as boron or
cadmium, fabricated in the form of cylindrical shape (sometimes sheet form) that can
be moved in and out of the reactor core assembly using appropriate lifting mechanism.
Raising and lowering the control rods allow the operator to control the rate of the
nuclear reaction, i.e
1- raising the control rods, results in reducing neutron absorption, and therefore
allowing for more rate of fission to take place, thus releasing more heat energy.
2- lowering the control rods, increases the number of neutrons absorbed and this
reduces the rate of fission process, and so produces less heat energy.
3- if the rods are lowered completely into the uranium bundle, the reactor will be
shut down. This is done in an emergency conditions.
4 Reflector
The neutrons produced during fission process will be partly absorbed by:
1- fuel rods
2- moderator
3- coolant
4- structural materials
The unabsorbed neutrons try to escape from reactor core and therefore will be
lost. Such losses should be minimized to improve fission probability rate.
to prevent the loss of these neutrons, the reactor core is surrounded by a material
called reflector.
The reflector send neutrons back into the core, and these will cause more fission.
Therefore, improves the neutrons economy of the reactor.
Generally, reflectors are made of graphite & beryllium.
5 Reactor vessel
the reactor vessel is a pressure
vessel containing the coolant and
reactor core.
It is a device for containing and
controlling a chemical reaction.
The chemical process enables to
convert raw material into final
product under given pressure and
During the reaction it becomes
necessary to remove excess heat
in the process to enable keep
process under control.
Vessels are built to withstand
high pressure in the system.
6 reactor core
The nuclear reactor core (also referred to as the "reactor
core", or the "core") is the region within a nuclear reactor
where the nuclear fuel assemblies are located and the nuclear
reaction consequently takes place.
Inside the core are pencil-thin nuclear fuel rods, each about
12 feet (3.7 m) long, which are grouped by the hundreds in
bundles called "fuel assemblies". Inside each fuel rod, pellets
of uranium, or more commonly uranium oxide, are stacked
end to end. Also inside the core are control rods, filled with
pellets of substances like cadmium that readily capture
neutrons .
7 - Coolant
There are two main types of coolant system in
the nuclear power plant, namely :
1 pressurized water reactor
2 boiling water reactor
PWRs utilize two coolant loops with an intermediate heat exchanger (steam
The reactor core heats the primary reactor coolant (water) to about 600F at which
point it flows to the steam generator.
After transferring its heat to the secondary water in the steam generator, the
temperature of the primary coolant is reduced to about 540F.
The reactor coolant is then circulated by a pump back to the reactor core.
The reactor coolant is kept at a pressure of about 2200 psia which prevents the
primary coolant from boiling.
The secondary water, which receives the transferred heat, is changed to steam
that is piped to the turbine.
The remainder of the plant is very similar to a large coal-fired unit in that the
exiting steam from the turbine is condensed and sent back to the steam generator
via feedwater heaters and pumps
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.07 - Inside Nuclear Power Plant
If not careful
You get
This is pretty much ground zero for a nuclear reactor. The overarching structure is called
the containment vessel. With its layers of thick concrete and steel, it's intended to protect
against radiation leaking into the environment. You can also see the reactor itself.
Now we're looking at the very core of the reactor, the coolant-filled vat where the fuel
and control rods are located. The fuel rods are drawn in red and the control rods are
blue. Moving the control rods regulates the rate of the nuclear reaction (and the heat
generated). Submerging the control rods shuts down the power plant completely.
The blue pipe on the left pumps cold coolant into the reactor core while the red pipe on
the right draws hot coolant into the steam generator, the second vessel you see here. The
pumps that keep coolant flowing throughout the system are critical to the safe
functioning of a nuclear reactor.
The steam generator then sends the collected steam to the turbine by way of a steam
line (at top).
In this picture, we get a good look at the turbine (above) and the cooling water
condenser (below). The condenser ultimately will send the newly cooled liquid it
produces back to the steam generator to maintain the core temperatures needed
The coolant tower does what its name implies -- decreases the temperature of the
liquid moving through it so it's ready to head back toward the condenser or, in some
models, be discharged into the environment. The vapor that you see rising from a
cooling tower is just ordinary water.
Electricity generation
Chapter Five
Nuclear Power Plant
5.08 - classification
I nuclear fission.
most commercial reactors are based on nuclear fission, and this is divided
roughly into two classes:
a/ thermal reactor (slow neutron reactor)
almost all current reactors are of this type, where it uses
slowed or thermal neutrons, which is characterized by :
* high probability of fissioning the fissile nuclei U235
* low probability of capturing neutron by U238.
b/ fast neutron reactor
it uses fast neutrons, which is characterized by:
* no moderator required.
* requires highly enriched fissile material (20%)
ii nuclear fusion
fusion power is an experimental technology with hydrogen as fuel, and it is not
currently established as power generation system,
although it is a highly advanced military weapon at the present time, where hydrogen
bomb have been tested and approved as the most powerful destructive weapon
actually produced by mankind.
iii radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is the process by which an atomic nucleus of an unstable atom loses
energy by emitting ionizing particles (ionizing radiation). The emission is spontaneous,
in that the atom decays without any interaction with another particle from outside the
atom (i.e., without a nuclear reaction).
Radioactive decay is a random process at the level of single atoms, and it is impossible
to predict when a given atom will decay. However, given a large number of identical
atoms (nuclides), the decay rate for the collection is predictable, via the Law of Large
2 moderator material
1. Graphite moderated reactor
2. Water moderated reactor (heavy & light water ).
3. Light element moderated reactor (molten salt &
liquid metal cooled reactors)
4. Organically moderated reactor
3 - coolant
1 water cooled reactor
i- pressurized water reactor (PWR)
ii- boiling water reactor (BWR)
iii- pool type reactor
2 liquid metal cooled reactor
i- sodium-cooled
ii- lead-cooled
3 gas cooled reactor
4 molten salt reactor
Generation - I
Generation - II (most current NPP)
Generation - III (improved of existing design)
Generation - IV (technology still under development)
5 phase of fuel
1. Solid fueled
2. Fluid fueled
3. Gas fuelled
Chapter Six
Wind Turbine
6.1 - Introduction
1 clean
2 renewable
3 pollution free
4 almost no operation cost
5 cheap in production
6 government support.
wind farm
Wind farms have tens and
sometimes hundreds of these
turbines lined up together in
particularly windy spots, like
along a ridge. Smaller turbines
erected in a backyard can
produce enough electricity for a
single home or small business.
A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in
the same location used to produce electric
power. A large wind farm may consist of
several hundred individual wind turbines,
and cover an extended area of hundreds of
square miles.
A wind farm may also be located offshore.
General remarks
1 - economic wind generators require wind speed of 10 mph (16 km/h) or greater.
2 - An ideal location would have a near constant flow of non-turbulent wind throughout
the year, with a minimum likelihood of sudden powerful bursts of wind.
3 - The wind blows faster at higher altitudes because of the reduced influence of drag.
4 - The increase in velocity with altitude is most dramatic near the surface and is affected
by topography, surface roughness, and upwind obstacles such as trees or buildings.
Chapter Six
Wind Turbine
6.2 - Fundamentals
Chapter Six
Wind Turbine
6.2 - Calculation Of Wind Power
1) The power output of a wind generator is proportional to the area swept by the
rotor - i.e. double the swept area and the power output will also double.
2) The power output of a wind generator is proportional to the cube of the wind
speed - i.e. double the wind speed and the power output will increase by a factor
of eight (2 x 2 x 2)!
Wind is made up of moving air molecules which have mass - though not a lot. Any
moving object with mass carries kinetic energy in an amount which is given by
the equation:
Kinetic Energy = 0.5 x Mass x Velocity2
where the mass is measured in kg, the velocity in m / s, and the energy is given in joules .
Air has a known density (around 1.23 kg/m3 at sea level), so the mass of air hitting
our wind turbine (which sweeps a known area) each second is given by the
following equation:
Mass/sec (kg/s) = Velocity (m/s) x Area (m2) x Density (kg/m3)
And therefore, the power (i.e. energy per second) in the wind hitting a wind
turbine with a certain swept area is given by simply inserting the mass per second
calculation into the standard kinetic energy equation given above resulting in the
following vital equation:
Power = 0.5 x Swept Area x Air Density x Velocity3
The world's largest wind turbine generator has a rotor blade
diameter of 126 metres and so the rotors sweep an area of
x (diameter/2)2 = 12470 m2
As this is an offshore wind turbine, we know it is situated at
sea-level and so we know the air density is 1.23 kg/m3. The
turbine is rated at 5MW in 30mph (14m/s) winds, and so
putting in the known values we get:
Wind Power = 0.5 x 12,470 x 1.23 x (14 x 14 x 14)
...which gives us a wind power of around 21,000,000 Watts.
Why is the power of the wind (21MW) so much larger than
the rated power of the turbine generator (5MW)? Because of
the Betz Limit, and inefficiencies in the system.
Betz Limit
A German physicist Albert Betz concluded in 1919 that no wind turbine can convert
more than [ 16/27 (59.3%) ] of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical
energy turning a rotor. To this day, this is known as the
C pmax = 0.59
power coefficient
wind turbines however cannot operate at this maximum limit (Betz Limit).
** The Cp value is unique to each turbine type and is a function of wind speed that
the turbine is operating in.
** Once we incorporate various engineering requirements of a wind turbine strength and durability in particular the real world limit is well below the Betz Limit
with values of 0.35-0.45 common even in the best designed wind turbines.
** By the time we take into account the other factors in a complete wind turbine
system - e.g.
1 - the gearbox,
2 - bearings,
3 - generator and so on
only 10-30% of the power of the wind is ever actually converted into usable
electricity. Hence, the power coefficient needs to be factored in above equation (4)
therefore, the extractable power from the wind is given by:
Effective factors
Power coefficient ( Cp )
Betz limit
0.35 - 0.45
0.1 0.3
Available Power
Theoretically, The power P available in the wind impinging on a wind driven
generator is given by:
P = CAv3
C is an efficiency factor known as the Power Coefficient which depends on the
machine design,
A is the area of the wind front intercepted by the rotor blades (the swept area),
is the density of the air (averaging 1.225 Kg/m3 at sea level) and
v is the wind velocity.
Note that the power is proportional to area swept by the blades, the density of the
air and to the cube of the wind speed.
Thus doubling the blade length will produce four times the power and doubling
the wind speed will produce eight times the power.
Note also that the effective swept area of the blades is an annular ring, not a
circle, because of the dead space around the hub of the blades.
= 8495 m2
Power = 3.6 MW