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Pea Literature 2

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Agriculture is one of the most important activities in both developed and
developing countries which provide basic raw material to man and various agro based
industries. It continues to be the mainstay of the Indian economy and an effective
antidote to poverty and unemployment. Recognizing its importance in the economic
development of the country, sustained efforts have been made for improving agriculture
during the successive five year plans.
Agriculture is one of the strongholds of the Indian economy and it accounts for
18.5 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Agriculture draws its significance
from the fact that it has vital supply and demand links with the manufacturing sector and
is a source of livelihood for the rural population of India, and it represents the backbone
of rural livelihood security system. In 2007-08, India achieved a record food grain
production of 227 million tonnes, posting a growth of 10 to 12 million tonnes in excess of
the previous fiscal. With an added two to three million tonnes during the Rabi season, it
would touch 230 million tonnes - a landmark in food grain production.
The agricultural situation in India has undergone a rapid change.


agriculture, long been viewed as a subsistence occupation and a way of life on the part of
the peasant is now rapidly getting commercialized. Indian farmer has come to produce
for the market rather than for domestic consumption. With the break through in farm
technology, now a days, agriculture has become increasingly capital intensive interims of
augmentation of productivity both land and human labor.

Self sufficiency in the

production of food grains and edible oils is not a small achievement if we consider the
steady uptrend in growth of population. The areas under irrigation and cropping intensity
have steadily increased. Exports of agricultural products enabled us to import machinery
and food grains.
A number of policy decisions have been taken to give a high priority to
agriculture and of late the production of pulses has been identified as the thrust area
considering the dietary, economic and other associated factors.

Importance of pulse in the Indian economy:

India is largest producer of pulses in the world with 25 per cent share in global
production. Chickpea, pigeonpea, mungnean, uradbean, lintil, and fieldpea are important
pulses crop contributing 39 per cent, 21 per cent, 11 per cent, 10 per cent, 7 per cent and
5 per cent to the total production of pulses in the country. The total production was
estimated 14.56 million tonnes and an area of 23.63 million hectares with average
productivity 625 kg/ha. Climate change will surely have an adverse impact on
productivity on account of reduction of total crop cycle duration. Most of the pulses like
mungbean and uradbean short duration crop.
Pulses production and consumption are important in maintaining food security.
They occupy an important place in human diet. Pulses contain more protein than any
other grains and vegetables. Cultivation of pulses helps to maintain soil fertility through
the nitrogen fixation. They are cultivated in many parts and consumed in all parts of the
world. It is the world largest pulses producer accounting for 27-28 per cent of global
pulses production. India harvests between 12 and 15 million tonnes of pulses each year.
But, yield of the

pulse crops is much low and static for the last many years. Pulses are

largely cultivated in drylands during the winter seasons.

Even though India is the world largest producer of pulses, the county is importing
a large amount of pulses to meet the growing domestic needs. During 2007, India
imported 2.79 million tonnes of various pulses, especially from the countries like China,
Canada, Australia and Myanmar. India is one of the exporters of pulses. Now, Indian
government banned the export of pulses to meet the growing domestic demand.
Even though India is the largest pulses producer of the world, it imports large
amount of pulses from rest of the world. So, it is important to analyze, how the inflow
and outflow of pulses from India is changed over period of the time; why India is
importing a considerable amount of pulses; examine the impact of inflow of pulses in
terms of area under cultivation, quantum of production, prices and net food grains
availability for the consumers
Pulses export has increased from 0.34 lakh tonnes in 1992 to 1.64 lakh tonnes in
2007. There are sudden hikes appeared for the years 2000, 2004 and 2005. In those years
the quantity of pulses exports comes closer to either 3.0 lakh tonnes or exceeds 4.0 lakh

tonnes. Annual change in pulses exports both in terms of quantity and value is mostly
positive, except years next to the sudden increases have appeared. Export as a percentage
to the pulses production is also increased consistently to one percent during the first ten
years. After that the percentage has fluctuated between one and 4 percent.
According to the Pulses Meet Resolution of India (2008), on one hand India is the
largest importer, producer and consumer of pulses. But, on the other hand, India is also
the largest pulses processor, as pulses exporting nations such as Myanmar, Canada and
Australia, do not have adequate pulses processing facility. The reason is that these
countries do not have much domestic consumption of pulses and therefore, they have
never attempted to develop domestic processing industry. Due to this India re-exports a
considerable amount of pulses. The Indian pulse export ban of 2006 occurred on June 28,
2006 when the Finance Minister of India declared a ban on exports of sugar, pulses and
wheat until the next harvest, due to domestic shortages. The ban was later extended until
March 31, 2007. To augment availability and check prices, the Central government
extended the ban on export of pulses, except Kabuli chana, by another year till March 31,
With stagnant area under cultivation and production, India has permitted
unrestricted imports of pulses with low duties for about 20 years. India was the world's
largest pulses importer. For many pulses, large shares of import, including desi
chickpeas, pigeon peas, mung beans, black matpe, and kidney bean, come from Burma.
Importers favor Burma because it offers many varieties with qualities similar to those
produced in India as well as reasonable prices, low freight rates, and relatively fast
Canada and Australia are major suppliers of dry peas and Kabuli chickpeas to the
Indian market, each supplying about one-third of India's pea imports. Historically,
Canada has shipped green and yellow peas. Australia is a supplier of chickpeas and lowpriced dun peas. Most Kabuli chickpeas come from Mexico, Australia, Canada, Turkey
and Iran. Nepal and Syria account for the largest shares of Indian lentil imports.
Import of pulses generally increased over the period between 1991 and 2007.
Volume of import has increased from 3.13 lakh tonnes to 27.91 lakh tonnes during the
above said period. Negative annual change in import of pulses has appeared 7 out of 17

years in the above period. But, mostly they are marginal in size. There have some sudden
hike in the quantum of imports appears during the years of 1997, 2001, 2005 and 2006.
But, in value term the import of pulses increases continuously in most of the years.
Import as a percentage to the total production has sharply increased from 2.6 in 1991 to
as high as 18.5 per cent in 2007. These facts evidently show that India largely imports
different varieties of pulses and the rates of import have increased very sharply.
The inflow and outflow of pulses from India to the rest of the world have brought
certain important impact on countrys economy. Particularly liberalized and subsidized
import of pulses of India helps to meet demand-supply gaps, which occurred because of
stagnation in the area under cultivation, very slow growth in yield, poor increase in
production and speedy increase in population. These imports also help to slow down the
faster increase in the prices of different types of pulses items. Import of pulses helps to
slow down the decrease in the net per capita availability of food grains. Ban on export
and re-export of pulses make the closure of Indian pulses processing units. Problems of
Indian pulses economy can be solved with the increase the sources of production.
Effective and continuous efforts are needed to increase the area under cultivation as well
as the yield of pulses.

Problems in production and marketing of pulses:

The pulses sector is still confronted with some problems since the above said
efforts are yet to reflect in increased productivity of pulses. Some of the important
problems are as under.
The basic problem is low yield level of pulses due to adoption of traditional
varieties. Several high yielding, disease resistant and input responsive varieties of pulses
have been developed but they could not be adopted due to lack of awareness of farmers
or the non availability of seeds. Although market prices of pulses are high gross value
productivity per hectare for major pulses like chickpea and pigeonpea remains less than
other principal crops.
Another problem that hinders pulse production is lack of area under irrigation.
The area under irrigation is hardly about 9.8% in India and 4% in the case of Karnataka
(1994-95). There is still a myth among pulse producers that pulses are grown under

rainfed situations. They are grown on marginal and sub marginal lands of rainfed areas.
The highest percentage of irrigated area to total area under pulses was recorded in
Haryana (26.4%) and Uttar Pradesh (24.1%). Since the major area under pulses is
rainfed, adoption of improved package of practices becomes risky and is usually avoided
by the farmers. Dhindsa K.S. and Anju Sharma (1997) noticed that increase in gross
irrigated area has resulted in a heavy fall in the area under gram, mash and massar in
Punjab state, followed by South-western region and central region. The response of
moong acreage to irrigation has been positive in all regions and this positive impact is
possible only when this crop is sown as a summer crop and requires irrigation water.
Higher risk associated with cultivation of pulses is a major constraint in
increasing production of pulses. Yield of pulses fluctuate due to high susceptibility of
pulse crops to diseases and pests and rainfed situations overall fluctuations in yield of
pulses as estimated through coefficient of variation was lower (Bhatia M.S., 1991
because of marginal increase in yield.

Co efficient of variation as measured from

downward variation from the trend yield was therefore, considered to be appropriate
measure of risk and was higher in case of pulses than that of rice, wheat as well as
groundnut and mustard. Since the average productivity of pulses itself is very low, the
higher risk associated in its production further retards the adoption of new technology
and use of yield increasing inputs.
Cultivation of pulses is characterized by mixed cropping with coarse cereals.
While chickpea is usually mixed with wheat and barley during Rabi season. Mungbean
and urdbean are mixed with sorghum and maize during Kharif season. As the irrigation
facilities are being extended, the area under coarse cereals is being replaced by superior
cereals. As the pulses are generally grown with coarse cereals, the area under most of the
pulses like Chickpea, Kharif urdbean and Kharif mungbean are declining from 1967-68
to 1989-90.

The total area under pulses has not recorded any declining trend and

remained stagnant due to increase in area under pigeonpea due to its increasing
productivity and cultivation of mungbean, urdbean and cowpea during spring/summer
season, mungbean, urdbean, horsegram and pigeon pea during Rabi season. Since the
area under pulses has not been increasing, it also acts as a constraint for slow growth in
pulse production.

Prices have to play an important role in economic planning. They determine not
only what shall be produced but also how much be produced. On the basis of price
studies, the cultivators can make decision for proper allocation of the crop areas by
anticipating future prices based on the prices which prevailed in the past. Studies in the
past have noticed the lack of remunerative price as one of the major constraints as for as
marketing of pulses is considered. An efficient marketing system plays a crucial role in
boosting the production. This is being observed more in pulses where 85 per cent of total
pulses is earmarked as marketable surplus (Suryavanshi et al., 1995).
It has often been argued that market prices of pulses are very high and these
should provide enough incentives to the farmers for increasing the production of these
crops, but most of the time the prevailing marketing network is against the interest of the
farmer. The data on price spread collected at Kanpur revealed that the producers share
in consumers rupee remained 60.69 and 50.78 paisa in pigeon pea and chickpea,
respectively. Singh et al. (1994) reported that the producers share in consumers rupee
was 81.44, 78.98 and 79.88 paisa in the case of pigeonpea, chickpea and lentil,
respectively. The policy implication in this regard is that the pulse marketing system has
to be made more competitive so that price signals arising out of pulse shortages (relative
to demand) are transmitted to the farmers. This can be achieved by encouraging the
establishment of mini and small processing units in a dispersed manner in pulse
producing areas and setting up of state level pulse marketing Federation to procure pulse
grains from farmers or through co-operatives, process them and provide dal to consumers
at reasonable prices. These measures will increase the farmers share in the consumers
rupee, reduce price spread and make available cheap pulses to the consumers.
In a nutshell, we can say that production of pulses is associated with various
technological and economic constraints (Lal and Brahm Prakash, 1996) in the form of
low yield and net income, poor adoption of improved scientific technology, rainfed
cultivation under high risk situation and inefficient marketing. We can increase the
pulses production by eradicating these constraints by sincere efforts for generating and
transfer of appropriate technology for cultivation of pulses under dry farming or limited
irrigation agriculture, increasing the facilities of irrigation, expansion of crop insurance
schemes to cover pulse crops and improving the marketing efficiency.


Agricultural marketing plays an important role not only in stimulating production
and consumption, but in accelerating the pace of economic development also.


efficient marketing system ensures higher levels of income for the farmers and widens
the markets for the products by taking them to remote corners of the country. The
marketing of agricultural products in general and pulses in particular has not registered as
much attention as the introduction of new technology for expansion of output and yield in
our country. Disposal of the farm produce has become as important as the adoption of
new technology for improving yields in agriculture and further this marketing of farm
products assumes greater significance with the gradual displacement of subsistence
farming by commercial agriculture. It is the pattern of movement of produce from farm
to the ultimate consumer which plays a crucial role in assessing the returns to the farmer.

The better returns, stable price and attractive terms of trade will induce the
cultivators to produce more and market a major proportion of what they produce. So it
can be said that unless the marketing improves incentives provided only to increased
production will not attract the cultivators in the desired strength. Existence of better
market competition and prevalence of adequate infrastructural facility in the form of
better roads, transportation, storage, market information etc. Play a decisive role in
improving the market structure, conduct and performance and thereby, the economic
status of the cultivators. Hence, appropriate growth of market structure appears to be
important in this context for increasing the marketing efficiency and rationalized market
margins and to reduce the costs it becomes imperative to understand the nature and
extend of market competition, marketing margins, costs and price spread.











The researcher has considered the following objectives for his research endeavor.
1. To analyze the influence of factors like economic, geographic etc. for production,
of Tur in the study area.
2. To give an overview of the growth of production of Tur dal and steps taken by
the various government institutions like Red Gram Development Board (RGDB),
in cultivation, processing and marketing of the crop.
3. To examine the factors influencing in pricing of Tur in the study area.
4. To identify the marketing system prevailing in trading of Tur dal.
5. To identify and analyze the marketing channels and marketing efficiency in the
study area.
6. To estimate the marketing cost and price spread in Tur marketing.
7. To find out the different constraints in marketing faced by Tur farmers.
8. To suggest suitable policy interventions for the development of Tur.


Hypothesis 1: The production of Tur is positively related to the area under crop.
Hypothesis 2: The quantity of sale of Tur is positively related to the production of
the Product.
Hypothesis 3: The sale of Tur is positively related to the price per quintal
Hypothesis 4: Variety of Tur production differs significantly due to the area under crop
Hypothesis 5: Proportion of yield differs significantly due to the area under the crop.
Hypothesis 6: Proportion of yield differs significantly due to the different categories of


This chapter deals with the location and agro climatic features of study area,
selection of commodities, the sampling techniques adopted, the method of survey, the
nature and sources of data and the various tools and techniques employed in analyzing
the data and in evaluating the problem.

The survey method has been adopted for data collection. The relevant data was
collected with respect to cultivation, processing and marketing of Tur in the Gulbarga
Observation method too has been followed in order to personally observe the
internal working of Dall mills and commission agents
Karnataka is purposively selected for the study as it is one of the major Redgram
producing states in the country. The state occupies 2nd and 3rd position with respective to
area and production of Redgram in the country.

Table No. 1 .1:State-wise Area for Arhar (Tur) in India 2007 -08 (Area: '000




Andhra Pradesh




Arunachal Pradesh


















Tamil Nadu






Himachal Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh








West Bengal



Andaman & Nicobar Islands


Madhya Pradesh


Dadra & Nagar Haveli










Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India

Ha rat
Jh n
ark a
Ka han
rn d
ah es
ar h
Na htra
Or nd
Pu a
Ra njab
Ta stha
mi n
rip u
Ut ade
ta sh
W ranc
t B hal


Area in Hectares (000)

Graph No. 1.1:

State-Wise Area of Arhar (Tur) in India 2007 08

State-wise Area for Arhar (Tur) in India 2007 - 08








State / UT's


Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India


Table No. 1.2: State-wise Production of Tur in India 2007-08 (Prod:000 Tonne)

Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Dadra & Nagar Haveli


Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India


Ha rat
Jh yan
ar a
Ka han
rn d
M ad
ah es
ar h
Na htra
O nd
Pu a
Ra njab
Ta stha
m n
il N
Tr du
Ut de
ta sh
W ranc
t B hal


Production in Million Tonnes

Graph No. 1.2: State-wise Production of Tur in India 2007-08 (Prod: ' 000 Tonnes)

State-wise Area for Arhar (Tur) in India 2007 - 08







State / UT's


Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India



The present study has conducted in Gulbarga district of Karnataka state during
2007-08 where the Redgram cultivation is taken up extensively by the farmers.
Gulbarga district is situated in north eastern part of Karnataka state. The soils of
this district are deep to very deep black, medium black, sandy loam and light textured
soils. The normal annual rainfall is 158.2mm. The total population is 31.3 lakh (2001
census) with literary percent of 38.54, the total geographical area of the district is 16.102
lakh hectare, out of which 12.74 lakh hectares is under cultivation.

Figure 1.1 Gulbarga District / Study Area Map

Source: District Statistical Office, Gulbarga



Sources of Data Collection:

a) Primary Data: There were three set of respondents rendering primary data,
through method of pre tested schedules. Apart from this, additional information
was collected through the personal interviews with the concerned persons and
Government officials.

b) Secondary Data: The secondary data necessary for fulfillment and completion of
the investigation was collected though the various books, journals, magazines and
through the internet.


Three sets of primary data collected through schedules from the respondents were
computer processed. Similarly graphical presentation was also taken care of with
computer assistance. With the help of Excel and other statistical tools the entire work has
been carried out.


Selection of districts:
The following table depicts area, production and yield of Redgram in Karnataka.
In Karnataka Gulbarga, Bidar and Bijapur occupy first, second and third position as far as
total area under Redgram crop is concerned and this crop is cultivated on a large scale in
these districts. As Gulbarga district occupies more than 60% of the total area under
Redgram in the state this has been chosen for the study purpose.


Table No.1.3: District wise area and production under Tur crop 2004-05





(In Hect.) (In Tonne)






Bangalore (Rural)




Bangalore (Urban)
























































































Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India


Graph No.1.3: District wise area and production under Tur Crop 2004-05

District wise area and production under Tur Crop 2004-05


Area / Production


Ba alo
ng re
al (R
(U l)
Be an
lg )
Be m
Bi r
C nna
hi g
km a
C aga
tra lur
Da dur
va ga
Dh ere
G d
ul g
H ga
Ko r
M al
M ya
R re
Sh ur
Tu a

Area (in Hect)

Production (in Tonne)

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India

Selection of Taluka
Gulbarga district consists of 10 taluka, out of which 3 taluka have been selected
for the study purpose on the basis of the area under Redgram crop. The Jevargi taluka
stands first followed by Chittapur and Gulbarga with respect to area and hence these 3
taluka were selected for the study purpose.


Table No. 1.4: Area under Tur crop during 2008-09 in different taluka of Gulbarga
Area (ha)
Source: Office of Joint Director (Agriculture), Gulbarga

Graph No.: 1.4:Area under Tur crop during 2008-09 in different taluka of Gulbarga
Area under Tur crop during 2008-09 in different talukas of Gulbarga District


















Source: Office of Joint Director (Agriculture), Gulbarga


Selection of Farmers
For the study purpose the researcher has taken three taluka i.e. Chittapur,
Gulbarga and Jewargi. Each of these taluka consists of 122, 136 and 145 villages
respectfully. On an average each of these villages has 187, 189 and 172 cultivators. The
researcher has adopted stratified random sampling technique for the purpose of drawing
sample from each of these taluka. Accordingly researcher has taken sample from each
stratum i.e. 60 respondents from Chittapur taluka, 68 from Gulbarga taluka and 72 from
Jewargi taluka. A sample size of 200 farmers from three taluka was taken. This will give
a representative sample on an average of 67 farmers per taluka. These 67 farmers
representing the sample across different sizes of land holdings. The sampling size was
also considered as a homogenous sample for the cultural practices followed in this region.

Table No: 1.5: Number of Dall Mills & Commission Agents in Gulbarga district
registered with Dept. of Commercial Taxes
Total Number
Dall Mills / Industries


Commission Agents


Source: Dept. of Commercial Taxes

Graph No: 1.5: Number of Dall Mills & Commission Agents in Gulbarga district
registered with Dept. of Commercial Taxes
Number of Dall Mills & Commission Agents in Gulbarga district registered with
Dept. of Commercial Taxes


Dall Mills /

Dall Mills / Industries

Commission Agents

Source: Dept. of Commercial Taxes


Selection of processing units

There were 206 processing units in Gulbarga district of which Gulbarga city alone
has 164 registered units. Therefore, selection of processing units was confined to
Gulbarga city only. Researcher has made use of lottery system for selecting 100 units out
of 164 Dall mills which is more than 30% of total population.

Selection of Market Intermediaries

The researcher has approached the available intermediary who are directly or
indirectly involved in distribution of Tur dall in Gulbarga district. The intermediaries
who are wiling to cooperate and participate in the research process were considered as
final respondents. Since the Redgram market structure of Gulbarga district pronominally
consisted of commission agents and Dall millers, 50 commission agents were randomly
selected by simple random sampling method.
Karnataka is one among the seven major pulse growing states in the country
which accounts for 6.91 per cent of the area and 4.3 per cent of the production (1994-95).
Almost all types of pulse crops are cultivated in Karnataka but the important pulse crops
which are cultivated on large scale include pigeonpea, chickpea, green gram and
blackgram. These four crops together account for 61.21 per cent of total pulse are in
In Karnataka, the important districts cultivating pulses include Belgaum, Bidar,
Bijapur, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Mandya, Mysore and Raichur.

These eight districts

together share about 76.62 per cent of the area and 75.92 per cent of the pulse production
in the state. In the recent past, though sufficient work has been done to improve pulses
production, the marketing aspect has been neglected.

So the efforts to increase

production by itself would not yield sustained results unless an appropriate and orderly
marketing system is established to assure a remunerative price to the farmer. Hence an
in-depth study of marketing of pulses assumes greater relevance and will be of practical
In view of the importance of pulses in Karnataka, the present study was
undertaken to analyze some of the above mentioned aspects in the present marketing
system of Tur in major pulse growing district of the state.



Tur is the major pulse crop of the study region, however its area is fluctuating
from year to year due to high incidence of pests and diseases and market price. Thus,
farmers blame that they are not getting the remunerative prices for their produce on the
one hand and incurring high cost of cultivation on the other. The farmers are taking their
produce to neighboring states due to the lower price and lack of other marketing
facilities. Several factors effect both production and marketing of Tur. Seasonal rains too
have a say in production despite enhancement of area of production or allocation of a
higher percentage of land in ones holding. Not many farmers would like to go for higher
rabi production when they can produce other crops. From farmers stand point the least
risk and the least cost of production would be Kharif season. Market demand too is
seasonal and the movement of produce to coincidence with the market demand
determines fair price and earning to the farmer. However that is not the case.
The jinx of demand-supply-price connection continues with farmers offloading
the produce with market intermediaries, most often than not, at the hands of commission
agents. The extent of farmers selling the produce directly to the processing units would
be interesting and is included in the scope of this study.
Alternatively, processing units themselves might have stagnated with the
traditionally idea of procurement from commission agents than from farmers.
The topical scope of the study covers the cultivation, processing and marketing
practices adopted by respective units. The geographical scope of the study has been
restricted to the Gulbarga district of Karnataka State. The analytical scope covers the
fulfillment of the objectives set out for the study. The functional scope is confined to
offering certain meaningful suggestions for the improvement of the cultivation,
processing and marketing practices in the respective units.
Hence, it is necessary to study the trend in area and production along with the
resource use efficiency of various inputs including IPM technology for their adoption on
large scale by utilizing inputs optimally, which in turn would help in increasing the
production. The evaluation of performance of processing units is also necessary to
understand the various factors governing the efficiency of processing units. Thus, the
findings of the study would throw light on various issues related to production,


processing and marketing of Redgram which would be helpful to policy makers,

administrators, farmers etc., in formulating the appropriate strategies / measures to
combat the above problems.


Agricultural marketing is an area for the second generation of green revolution
problems. Market information is an important aspect of agricultural marketing. The
importance of sound agricultural marketing policies for ensuring fair returns to the
farmers can hardly be overemphasized. It, therefore, becomes necessary on the part of
regulatory agencies to ensure remunerative prices to the farmers for the sale of their
produce, to boost up their efforts for increasing and sustaining the agricultural
production. There is a need to evolve effective crop planning for the seasons based on
market information and trends. Although agriculture production cannot be as precise as
industrial production to match the market demands, framers are better off when the
market forecast is available during sowing season. That itself is a kind of guarantee of
selling the produce.
It is ideal to have the market condition with least intervention form Government.
However the circumstances where multiple factors dynamically influence agricultural
productions, it is eminent to have farmers interests protected.
This study also signifies the disparity in production and productivity against the
land holding pattern. It is worth noting how the identified land holding segments small,
medium and large alike can improve upon production and productivity, where would the
Tur research come in to play in achieving better production.
A number of measures have been taken by the Government to protect and
safeguard the interests of farmers, like regulation of markets, grading of agricultural
produce, cooperative marketing etc. Still the benefits are not percolating down to the
farmers, as they are unable to plan their strategies for sale of their produce at
remunerative prices, in the absence of correct and timely marketing channel and
availability of prices and market trend etc.


This way the study helps the farming community of Gulbarga district in order to
find out the better marketing channel etc and help them to sell their produce for the better


In this chapter, with a view to evaluate the objectives of the study, the findings of
some of the earlier research studies and the methodology adopted there in have been
reviewed. It was hoped that such a review of literature connected with the production
and marketing performance of pulses in India and abroad as well as the related crops
would provide a basis either for conforming the earlier results or for contradicting them
and thereby suggesting the points for further improvement.
Looking to the objectives of the study, the review of literature is presented under
the following heads.

Growth performance of pulses

Price and non-price variables influencing production

Structure, conduct and performance of farm commodities markets

Pace and pattern of arrivals and prices

Marketing costs, margins and price spread

Constraints in production and marketing of pulses


[1]Kahlan et al (1968) studied the growth performance of the selected crops in
Punjab for the period, 1950-51 to 1965-66. They estimated crop-wise and district-wise
growth rates. Their study revealed that the extension of irrigation facility to dry districts
led to changes in cropping pattern. They also found that overall increase in the growth
rates for major crops was the outcome of extended area under these crops rather than
from an increase in their productivity.

[2]Pereira (1976) studied the compound growth rates of output at the district and
state level in Karnataka for the period 1956 to 1973. The growth rates in the production
of ragi, cotton, groundnut and tobacco were negative during the green revolution period,


all the crops except Bengal gram has positive growth in production.

In the state,

Shimoga, Raichur and Hassan districts has growth rates of more than four per cent.
Tumkur, Dharwad, and Kolar districts had registered growth rates of below one per cent
in the total agricultural production. The productivity component was the most dominant
source of growth during post green revolution period.

[3]Gengawar and Pandey (1982) analyzed the trend in area, production and yield
of different pulse crops and total pulses for the period 1970-71 to 80-81 by fitting simple
linear trend equation of the form y=a+bt. The production of gram during the drought
years 1973-74 and 74-75 had declined by 19 and 21 per cent over its production in 197172. the percentage annual growth rates with respect to area, production and productivity
were 1.06, 0.87 and 0.21 in the case of tur, 2.62, 2.61 and 0.02 in respect of moong, 1.84,
2.90 and 3.75 in respect of urd and 0.40, -0.10 and -0.53 in case of total pulses,
respectively. Thus it is evident that there has been stagnation in pulse production during
the last decade.

[4]Saraswat ( 1984 ) studied the compound growth rates of pulses in Himachal

Pradesh for period 1966-67 to 1779-80 by fitting the exponential function Y=ABt . the
results revealed that the compound growth rate of area for the state, as a whole was 2.45
per cent annum and the two districts of Belaspur and Una had a higher growth rate than
the state acreage. The production and yield have shown a growth rate of 3.33 per cent and
1.52 per cent per annum respectively. All districts in the state except Shimla, Chamba
and Kinnaur revealed positive growth rates. The main reason for slow growth of yield
coopered to area and production is the prevalence of unprecedented rains during 1971-72
and prolonged drought conditions in 1974-75 and 1979-80, which seriously affected the
kharief crop. Further, unfavorable weather conditions during the years 1967-70, 1973-74
1976-77 and 1979-80 also affected the rabi crops.

[5]Chatha and Joginder Singh (1985) analyzed the compound growth rates of area
and production of pulses in Punjab for two periods, ie from 1961-62 to 1970-71 the green
revolution period and from 1971-72 to 1980-81 for the post green revolution period. The


result showed a negative growth rate was highly significant during 1961-71 and non
significant during 1971-81, gram and massar during 1961-71 showed significantly
negative growth rates in area and production. Mooing crop also showed slow-growth
though significant at 5 per cent leve.

[6] Range rao and Ray ( 1985 ) analyzed the compound growth rates of gram, tur
and total pulses by using exponential function Y=abt for the period 1967-68 to 1983-84.
Overall growth rates of production and yield were negative and as low as -0.61 and -0.25
per cent, respectively. The growth rate of area and production of tur was 1.01 per cent
and 1.32 per cent, respectively, whereas yield rate was only 0.36 per cent. The area,
production and yield of total pulses were more or less stagnant.

[7] Sikka and Vaidya (1985) analysed the area, yield and output of major crops in
Himachal Pradesh by using compound growth rate function to examine the performance
of agriculture in Himachal Pradesh. The aggregate production of cereals, pulses and
foodgrains have shown positive growth and the highest rate among these was that of
pulses (3.33 per cent). Amoung the different pulse crops, gram showed highest growth
rate of 4.20 per cent, 6.16 per cent and 7.30 per cent with respect to area, yield and output
respectively for the period 1966-67 to 1979-80. The ecological and topographical factors
constitute main constraints for growth in yield and crop output in Himachal Pradesh.

[8] Chatha and Singh (1986 found that growth of area in pulses was significantly
negative and that of oilseeds though posive but non-significant in Punjab. They opined
that risk in productivity and price did not significantly affect the area under pulses, while
in case of oilseeds the variance in productivity had a significant effect on area.

[9] Acharya (1993) studied the compound growth rates of pulses in India for
different periods namely pre-green revolution period 1950-51 to 1964-65), Green
revolution period (1966-67 to 1980-81) and post-green revolution period (1981-82 to
1990-91). During 1950-51 to 64-65, the area, production and productivity of total pulses
have registered a growth rate of 1.77, 0.40 and 2.19 per cent per annum respectively


while during 1966-67 to 1980-81, pulses were pushed to marginal lands as irrigated and
fertile lands got diverted to wheat and paddy where the increased prices made these crops
more profitable as a result area and yield of pulses declined considerably. The per cent
per annum during 1981-82 to 1990-91. This happened due to improvement in the yield
per hectare.

[10] Choudhari et al. (1993) in their study on growth rates in area, production and
productivity of gram I Bihar indicated that the compound growth rate in area (-4.62%)
and production (-3.32%) were negative while in productivity it was positive (1.67%) and

[11] Singh et al. (1993) analyzed the compound growth rates of area, production
and productivity of gram in Bihar for the period 1960-61 to 1989-90.

The results

revealed that the compound growth rate of gram showed negative growth in case of area
(4.62 per cent) and production (3.22 per cent) where as in case of productivity the growth
rate of 1.67 per cent was positive and significant (at 1 per cent), implying thereby the
increase in productivity per unit area despite reduction in gross area owing to various

[12] Hiremath et al. (1994) studied the growth rates in area, production and
productivity of important pulse crops in Karnataka for the period 1984-85 to 1993-94 for
important pulse crops. The annul growth rate in area under red gram decreased steadily
(0.067 per cent) over the period from 1984 to 1994 where as in other pulse crops it
increased. The area under blackgram (5.4 per cent) and Bengal gram (1.12 per cent).
With respect to production, blackgram registered a higher growth rate (5.50 per cent)
followed by green gram (4.9 per cent) and both cent) followed by green gram (4.9 per
cent) and both were statistically significant. The growth rate of Bengal gram was 0.38 per
cent and that of red gram was -3.25 per cent.

[13] Goswami et al. (1995) made an attempt to analyze the compound growth
rates of area, yield and production of total pulses, gram and tur. The compound growth


rate of area of total pulses and gram (1.77 and 1.82 per cent respectively) was higher in
Phase I (1950-51 to 1964-65) as compared to Phase-II (1967-68 to 1980-81) and Phase
III (1981-82 to 1990-91. However, the highest growth rate of area of tur to the extent of
2.28 per cent was noticed in Phase III. The growth rate of total pulses and gram was
found to be 1.04 and 1.03 per cent in Phase-III. While growth rate of yield of tur was
negative both in Phase-I and Phase-III. Higher compound growth rate of production to
the extent of 2.19 and 2.66 per cent in case of total pulses and gram was noticed in PhaseI. The highest, 0.82 per cent compound growth rate in production of tur was noticed in
Phase-III. Increase in area contributed for higher growth rate in production of total
pulses and gram for phase-I while increase in yield was responsible in growth in
production in Phase-III.

[14] Kumar Priya Ranjan (1996) studied the compound growth rates of area,
production and productivity of pulses in North Bihar region covering two zones, Zone-I
and Zone-II. The changes in area, production and productivity have been examined for
24 years in two periods ie early period of green revolution (1974-84 and later period of
green revolution (1984-94). The annual growth rates of area under Tur was negative (3.0 per cent) during study period which remained negative during 1970s and 1980s but
turned out to be positive during early nineties. Area under gram also witnessed negative
growth rate (-3.3 per cent), but the rate of decline slowed down during early 1990s. It
was finally concluded that inspite of negative growth rates in area under major pulse
crops the area under total pulses showed positive growth rate in both the zones, indicating
an increase in area under minor pulses like greengram and blackgram which have been
adopted as Kharif and summer crops in the project area.

[15] Patel et al. (1996) studied the compound growth rates of pulses in selected
districts of Gujarat for the period 1949-1991.

For Gujarat state as a whole, the

production growth rate for the study period worked out to 3.05 per cent, the growth rate
in area and yield was 0.70 per cent and 2.19 per cent, respectively. Surendranagar district
registered highest growth rate in area (4.78 per cent) and production (6.82 per cent). The


figure of coefficient of variation was found to be 43.63 percent for production, 22.65 per
cent for area and 29.22 per cent for yield.

[16] Ram D Singh (1996) studied the growth trend for four major pulse crops in 4
regions of Uttar Pradesh. The growth rates were calculated with the help of simple
regression equation with the time trend as the sole explanatory variable of the four
regions. The Bundhelkhand region showed consistently positive growth, while the rest of
the three regions showed negative growth in acreage under all the major pulse crops. The
annual growth rate of gram varies. From 0.9 per cent in the Bundelklhand region -2.1 per
cent in the western region. The western region has suffered the most in terms of
displacement of acreage under all the pulse crops under study, the decline being the
highest (7.5 per cent per annum ) for green (mong).

[17] Dhindsa and Anjusharama (1997) made an attempt to study the compound
growth rates of area, production and productivity of pulses in Punjab for the period 196667 to 1991-92. the negative growth of production of pulses can be mainly attributed to a
decline in area and stagnancy in the yield of various pulse crops. Gram has shown decline
in its area and production in most of the regions. The yield of maser has shown
significant positive growth rate in two regions and in the state as a whole during 1966-92.
The area under moong crop has shown a very high growth of rate of 13.79 per cent per
annum during 1966-92 in Punjab state as a whole. The yield has also shown significant
positive rates of growth in two regions of the state.

[18] Kandappa Kumar Barman (1997) studied the compound growth rates of area,
production and productivity of pulses in Assam for the period 1967-68 to 1989-90. It was
found that the compound growth, rates of production of gram, tur, other pulses and total
pulses were 3.75 per cent, 5.03 per cent 2.64 per cent and 2.85 per cent, respectively. The
growth rate of production of tur was found to be the highest but its yield growth rate was
negative being -0.51 per cent per annum. The growth rates of area under different pulses
turn out to be positive in case of Assam and these are much higher than the corresponding
growth rates in case of India. He concluded that on production front. Special efforts


should be made to generate and transfer appropriate technology for dry farming and
limited irrigated agriculture.

[19] Sawant (1997) studied the growth performance of Indias agriculture sector
during different periods. Compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) were estimated by
fitting a log-linear trend function, namely log Y=a+bt to the time period specified namely
period I (968-69 to 1980-81) and period-II (1981-82 to 1994-95). The growth scenario
for pulses indicated that from acute stagnation in output in the early part of the green
revolution period, the situation improved to a positive significant but low growth in
output (CAGR=1 per cent) after 1981. The former was the outcome of low pace of
expansion in area accompanied by declines in the yield per hectare of pulses while in the
post 1981 period, expansion in pulses output was totally induced by growth in their yield
per hectare (CAGR=1 per cent). The dismal performance of the two major pulses,
namely, gram and tur, was largely responsible for low level of output growth for all
pulses after 1981. By and large, however, pulses represented a group of slow growing
crops throughout the green revolution period.

[20] Singh et al. (1997) while assessing the regional variations in agricultural
performance in India estimated the compound growth rates of area, production and yield
of pulses by fitting log-linear functions of the form. Log Y=a+bt. The data were
analyzed for 3 times periods viz., period I (1960-61 to 67-68), period-II (1968-69 to
1980-81) and period III (1981-82 to 1992-93). In almost all the states selected for
analysis. The growth rates of pulses were highest during period II. In Karnataka during
the same period, significant growth rates were abserved with respect to area (1.93 per
cent), production (1.72 per cent) and productivity (3.66 per cent).


The studies pertaining to contribution of area, production and their interaction
effect towards production of a crop is reviewed hereunder.
[21] Singh and Gangawar (1986) studied the interaction effect between yield,
price and area on the value of pulse production in Haryana by using decomposition


model. The reduction in area adversely affected the increase in value of production by
16.53, 63.78 and 7.52 per cent in gram, green gram and lentil, respectively. The yield
effect in case of gram, greengram, blackgram and lentil was 13.31, 95.80, 9.32 and 12.13
per cent, respectively. The price effect was so powerful in case of all the pulse crops that
it had offset the negative effect of area and interactions. The total interaction effect was
negative in pulses except in blackgram and lentil.

[22] Gangawar and Rai (1988) examined the total change In production/value of output
of oilseeds by decomposing the area, yield and price and their interaction. According to them,
in the case of total edible oilseeds, the area effect in general was higher than the yield effect with
the exception of Tamil - Nadu, Maharashtra and Andhra pradesh, where yield effect dominated.
However, when the price factor was included, its effect on indvisual oilseed crops was found to
be most powerful force accounting for more than 60 per cent increase in value of production of
oilseeds yield.
[23] Cauvery (1991) following Minnas and Vaidyanathan, identified the contribution
of different elements to the changed production of groundnut in Tamil Nadu and reported that
the contribution of yield was more than that of area, to the total output of groundnut.
[24] Mitra and Jena (1991) estimated the .contribution of area, yield and their
interaction to the total change in production of groundnut in Orissa using Minhas additive
decomposition model. The effect of area component was found to be the highest (80.55%)
during period-II (1967-70 to 1983-86) but it was reduced to 51.34' per cent for the period III (195053 to 1983-86) under study. The effect of yield component was observed to have the highest
contribution (24.79%) in period I {1950-53 to 1962-65) and then reduced drastically to 4.11 per
cent in period III.
[25] Mundinamani (1993) in his study on production and marketing performance of
oilseeds in Karnataka, estimated the contribution of area, yield and their interaction in
affecting production of individual as well as total oilseeds. The results indicated that the
area was found to have negative impact on production of individual and total oilseeds in the
study area except for Dharwad district during pre-green revolution period and positive


impact in most of the cases during post-green revolution and overall periods. The yield and
interaction effects recorded mixed results. In general, the increased output of oilseeds in the
study area was a result of expansion of areas under the crops rather than increments in yield.
The foregoing studies revealed that the contribution of area, yield and their
interaction to the total production varied from region to region and from time to time.
Most of the studies revealed that the increased output was due to positive contribution of
area and yield. However, the area over-shadowed the yield and emerged as main
contributor for increased output.


Price is certainly an effective factor in increasing agricultural production. Apart
from price there are also some non-price factors which do influence the production.
Reviews pertaining




are presented


they have a distinct

relationship with this study.

[26] Rajagopalan (1967) considered the prices received by farmers for their
products at the point of first sale as the ideal data for estimating farmers response to
price changes. In the absence of such data, he used wholesale prices for the purpose. He
took prices both in absolute and relative terms and opined that better results were
obtained when absolute prices of crop and its substitute crops were made use of in the
[27] Sawant (1978) noticed that technological advancement might induce a shift in
supply function either through changes in the proportion of inputs used in agriculture or
through changes in the levels of "output per unit of input used or changes in both. She
used 'trend' as a 'catch all1 variable to take care of the gradual changes in technology. To
account for the weather factor in hectarage response, she took average rainfall in the
three pre-sowing months.
[28] Singh (1979) considered yields of both pulse and non-pulse crops in the particular
season, irrigation facility, average rainfall during critical periods of crop growth, risk arising
from price and 'yield variation as the factors in his analytical model to study the shift in pulse acreage


[29] Dixit (1982) opined that relative post harvest price of groundnut, with the
production of competing crops used as the weights, would be an appropriate price
specification having a bearing on the supply of groundnut.

[30] Acharya (1985) analyzed the role of price and non-price factors influencing the
production of pulses in Rajasthan state by variables associated were lagged price of gram,
wheat ' and rape seed-mustard, lagged yields of gram, wheat and rapeseed-mustard,
current year rainfall during September-October and June-September months and gross
irrigated area. The results of the study revealed that the first three principal components
accounted for 82.66 per cent of the variation in all the explanatory factors. The
correlation co-efficient








explanatory \ factors


was identified closely with

lagged price, lagged wheat yield and gross irrigated area. Second and third principal
components were closely associated with rainfall.

[31] Shantisarup








the price

and non price

study is related to nine important tur

growing states of India for the period 1963-64 to 1979-80. The study revealed that the
price factor has been almost dominated by the other non-price factors in some of the
states. The impact of relative prices on tur acreage is observed to be positive and
significant in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh and negative in Madhya Pradesh. Regression
coefficients of relative irrigated area are found to be positive and significant in Bihar and
Tamil Nadu. The coefficient relating to relative yield was observed to be significant and
positive in the state of Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.

[32] Mundinamani (1993) identified the price and non-price factors influencing the
production of oilseeds in Karnataka. The data collected were subjected to principal component
analysis and the results revealed that the first principal component explained most of the variation in
the explanatory variables. The percentage of variation ranged from as low as 62.70 per cent incase of
groundnut in Dharwad to as high as 76.30 per cent with respect to sunflower in the same district. The
price and yield variables were mostly associated with the first component in all the crops and


districts, rainfall variable either with the second or third, component. The association of area, net sown
area and gross cropped area could be identified either with first or second orthird components.
In the above reviews, the important non-price factors influencing the production are
lagged yield of the crop, rainfall, gross cropped area, net sown area and gross irrigated area.


The extent of concentration represents the control of an individual firm or a group of
firms over the buying and selling of the produce and is measured by the number and size of the
firms existing in the market. The concentration of market power is an important element of
market structure and determines the nature of competition and consequently of market conduct
and performance. The studies pertaining to market structure, conduct and performance are
reviewed in this section
[33] Bain (1959) examined the market structure, conduct and performance of
American industries with a view to establish inter-relationships among these variables.
The author emphasized the following factors in the study of market structure.

The degree of sellers concentration

The degree of buyers concentration
Size of the distributing firms
Degree of product differentiation, and
The condition of entry in the market.

[34] Cloudius and Mueller (1961) clarified the concept of market structure, conduct
and performance in a wider perspective and recommended the use of Bains concepts in
empirical studies. The author urged the potential research workers to conduct field
investigation on
I. The relationship between market structure, conduct and performance and
technological change.
II. The impact of cooperative institutions on market structure and
III. Impact of government intervention on market structure of products, among other


[35] Sosmick (1961) gave a theoretical frame work of analyzing market structure,
conduct and performance and held that the term market performance stands for the
outcome of an action in the market, which would be reflected in the quantity a buyer
would buy from seller, the market price, the transfer cost and profit of the firms operating
in the market.

[36] Williams (1966) reported that the study of market structure had a key role to
play in the transformation of the traditional agriculture. It was mentioned that the
ultimate goal of the study was the development of criteria for use in policy formulation
in the field of business competition, market regulation and market power.

[37] Hoffman (1969) examined the implications of changing competition in the

food trade. It was observed that the large firms would perform the function more
efficiently than the small ones. It was felt that it would be wrong to examine the market
structure just in terms of the number of firms in the market. More important than the
number was the attitude of competing firms towards each other.

[38] Holmes (1970) examined the market structure in a North Indian Tahsil. The
number, size and spatial location of marketing agents, conditions of entry into the market
and availability of price information to farmers were the factors considered in the market
structure. It appeared that the food grain marketing system had a basic strength. The
analysis of structure indicated the existence of a substantially competitive environment.

[39] Krishnaswamy (1971) evaluated the structure of selected food grain markets in
Rajasthan on the basis of buyers and sellers concentration and concluded that the food
grain marketing system was fairly competitive.

[40] Chouhan and Singh (1973) analyzed the structure of Rajasthan wheat
market. The study revealed that marketing of wheat in the state was dominated by private
traders, particularly whole sale traders. The competition in the market was imperfect.


According to the authors, the farmers having a poor retention capacity were the worst
affected under imperfect conditions in the wholesale market of Rajasthan.

[41] Singh and Arora (1975) analyzed the spatial price differentials in groundnut in
the Punjab markets and found that the markets were not integrated spatially because of
the wide variations in prices of groundnut. They considered this variation was due to
variation in the number of intermediaries like commission agents, processing units etc in
the market.

[42] Bhide et al. (1981) examined the structural changes in the areca nut market of
Mangalore, using data on the size distribution of firms and coefficients of inequality for
the period 1965-66 to 1972-73. The analysis suggested an increasing degree of
competitiveness in the market structure, characterized by a more equal distribution of
shares in the market transactions.

[43] Eliga and Robinson (1981) examined the market integration interns of storage
cost of cowpea in Nigeria and found that, on an average, stocks had to be held for about
eight months to achieve maximum gains. There was a high degree of variability from
year to year in prices and arrivals/ which meant that a farmer or a trader could not be
assured of profits from storage every year.

[44] Aulukh (1983) studied the food grain market structure of Punjab and found
that a few large buyers purchased the major share of total arrivals. There was no
indication of collusion among these traders and finally concluded that, by and large, food
grain markets in Punjab were competitive in operation.

[45] Elangavan and Zeaudeen (1983) studied the market structure of groundnut in
Ramanatha Puram district of Tamil Nadu. Time series data on volume and value of
transactions of both buyers and sellers were collected from 1969 to 1981 to study their
concentration in the regulated market. The market structure was analyzed by computing
the coefficient of inequality from size-distribution of buyers and sellers. The coefficient


of inequality of size-distribution of firms came down from 0.55 to 0.38 over the study
period, indicating a steady improvement in the size-distribution of shares towards a
greater degree of competitiveness in the market structure. The coefficient of inequality of
size-distribution of buyers showed a still greater decline from 0.82 to 0.42 indicating
greater competitiveness among the buyers.

[46] Patnaik (1989) studied the inter-market integration in groundnut products

price formation in six markets of Rayalseema region of Andhra Pradesh using correlation
coefficient analysis. He reported that the oil markets were better integrated as most of the
oil prices were found to be highly correlated.

[47] Sujatha et al. (1989) worked out the lorenze coefficient or giniratio for rice;
ragi, onion and potato at the Bangalore regulated market to assess the performance of
market inter mediaries. The higher degree of competitiveness in rice marketing was
confirmed by the low values of Gini ratio. The computed values were 0.34 in 1985 and
0.38 in 1986. Similar results were obtained in case of ragi also with Gini ratios 0.42 and
0.41 during 1985 and 1986 respectively, indicating a more or less competitive market
structure. Gini ratio was very high for onion (0.70 and 0.66) as well as potato (0.62 and
0.55) both during 1985 and 1986. The potato and onion markets were less competitive
when compared to rice and ragi.

[48] Dinakar (1990) assessed the extent of price integration between the markets by
using coefficient of variation. He noticed a 'poor integration between the village markets
and secondary markets as was demonstrated by significant differences in the coefficient
of variations of prices.

[49] Anita Arya (1991) analyzed the spatial integration of four markets in Gujarath
using zero order price series correlation analysis. She noticed significant and high
correlations in the price movements between the markets and concluded that the markets
under consideration were integrated in terms of price movements.


The studies reviewed above indicated that, different techniques have been used to
assess the nature and magnitude of competition. The views of the researchers were
contrasting with respect to concentration of market power which varied from crop to crop
and over location and time. However, most of the studies reported a approaching
competitiveness for most of the food grain markets.


The seasonality of arrivals was found to have an impact on commodity prices in
the short period and further it could be expected that the larger arrivals would depress
prices in certain months of the year, while in other months, the low arrivals would boost
up the prices. This effect might be offset in the long run by some other factors depending
on their strength. This section reveals the results of earlier studies showing the
relationship between arrivals and prices in the long and short run periods.

[50] Singh and George (1972) on the basis of the data for the year 1967-68, found
that the bulk of the groundnut produce arriving at the market during the harvesting
months of October to December was due to lack of storage facilities and pressing
financial needs and this phenomenon lead to a decreasing trend in prices during this

[51] Singh and Chandra (1975) in their study on arrivals and prices of rapeseed
and mustard in selected markets of Rajasthan for the period 1965-75, found that the
arrivals and prices increased simultaneously. This phenomena was attributed to the
general increase in the price level due to inflation. However, they have also noticed that
the prices were highest during March-June and during October-January when arrivals
were observed to be lowest. On the basis of these trends, a significant negative
correlation between arrivals and prices was reported.

[52] Verma and Nigam (1979), in their study on arrivals and prices of groundnut in
Kanpur district found that arrivals in the mandi were higher during December and
February accounting for 56.48 per cent of the total arrivals. While prices were low during


that period, the prices were higher during off season thereby indicating the negative
character of the relationship between arrivals and prices. The warehousing and storage
facilities had to be increased both in mandi and village markets to reduce price
fluctuations over time.

[53] Awasti et al. (1985) studied the relationship between arrivals and prices of
groundnut in three groundnut markets in western region of Madhya Pradesh. They
observed an abrupt and sudden decline in the price of groundnut just after the harvest
period and subsequent moderate price increase up to the month of February. The price
after this period increased substantially till August. However, the researchers reported a
positive association between the price and arrivals of the produce during the study period.

[54] Muniyandi (1985) in his study on pricing efficiency of groundnut marketing

system in North Arcot district had observed two seasonal throughs in price movements.
The first one was observed in the month of November in all the selected markets which
coincided with the harvest of rainfed groundnut and the second one in the month of
March and April coinciding with the harvest of irrigated crop. He concluded that there
was no definite relationship between arrivals and prices of groundnut and indicated that
prices of groundnut increased without corresponding decrease in arrivals of groundnut
and vice-versa.

[55] Eswara Prasad et al. (1989) analyzed the seasonal indices of arrivals and
prices of turmeric in Guntur market for the period 1970-71 to 1985-86. The ratio to
moving average method was adopted to calculate adjusted seasonal indices. The results
revealed that the indices of arrival were higher during March, April, May and June
months in both bulbs and fingers, and during these months the price indices were on the
lower side in both cases. The lower seasonal indices of arrivals of both bulbs and fingers
could be observed during September through February. Consequently the indices were
higher during this period in both the cases.


[56] Agarwal and Sharma (1990) analyzed the seasonal indices of pulse crops in
Rajasthan. The data on wholesale as well as farm harvest prices of all the pulse crops
were collected







results indicated

that price indices were the lowest during peak arrival months (April-May months for
gram and October-November months for moth, moong and urad pulse crops) and highest
during sowing season months of the crop (October-November for gram and June-July for
moth, moong and urad) , Arhar (long duration kharif pulse crop) depicted minimum
prices during January-February months and maximum in the month of October.

[57] Naik et al. (1990) analysed the short-term and long-term variations in price
and arrivals of groundnut in Gadag and Ranebennur regulated markets in Karnataka. It
was found that in Ranebennur market, arrivals were maximum in periods SeptemberOctober and April-May and in Gadag market during October-January. He concluded
from the arrival pattern that farmers sold bulk of their produce immediately after harvest
due to their immediate cash needs or due to lack of storage facilities. The analysis of
seasonal pattern in price showed the presence of seasonality over months and constancy
of this pattern over years in both the markets.

[58] Nawadkar et al.' (1992) studied the trend in arrivals and prices of selected
commodities in Gultekadi regulated market, Pune of Maharashtra state for the period
1983-84 to 1990-91. There was a wide fluctuation in the arrivals of tur in the market
which may be attributed to the decline in the area under the crop 'which resulted in low
production. There was no specific trend in the arrivals of gram. The increasing trend of
average prices was observed in both the pulses (gram and tur). More over the price of tur
had slightly declined during the year 1984-85. The remarkable positive change was
observed in the arrivals of tur, gram, tomato and onion and in the prices of tur, grain,
tomato, brinjal and onion.

[59] Singh et al. (1995) studied the seasonal variation in arrivals and prices of
wheat based on the secondary data obtained from 4 Agricultural produce regulated
markets of Bihar. The study indicated that the farmers in the wheat growing areas of the


state bring a substantial part of their produce for sale in the market during post-harvest
months (April to July) and get a comparatively lower price for their produce. The wheat
arrivals are more sensitive to their ruling prices in secondary markets than that of
primary markets.

[60] Sushila srivastava and Brahm Prakash (1996) analyzed the seasonal indices of
arrivals and prices of pigeon pea in Uttar Pradesh. For this purpose the data were
collected for the period 1984-85 to 1991-92. The results portrayed that the variations in
arrivals of pigeon pea varied between 44.05 and 239.07 per cent. The quantum of arrivals
of pigeon pea was more than 46 per cent of the total arrivals in the months of April, May
and June "i.e., the time immediately after harvest of the crop. The arrivals again
decreased in the months of February and March. The variations in monthly wholesale
prices varied between 87.32 and 106.43 per cent from the average prices. Prices were'
lowest in the month of April followed by May and June. Thus prices of pigeon pea
decreased in post harvest months and increased with the advancement of the time.
The above mentioned studies reveal the seasonality in market arrivals. The market
arrivals exhibited high fluctuations compared to prices and the increased arrivals of
pulses found to depress the pulse prices generally. The sowing seasons noticed very low
arrivals in the market and the arrivals were high immediately after harvest.


Marketing efficiency is measured based on the information on marketing costs
and margins. Many a time, the efficiency of a market over a period of time and space as
well, are compared and contrasted with the help of these indicators. Some of the useful
studies are briefly reviewed with a view to have an idea about the nature and magnitude
of marketing costs, margins and channels followed for disposing of commodities.
[61] Patel (1971) studied the farmer's and intermediary's shares in the price spread
of groundnut for Gujarath state for the period 1962-68 and concluded that the millers
had increased their share in the consumers rupee and the farmers had not improved their
position over the time.


[62] Sharma and Rao (1979) in their study for Andhra Pradesh districts revealed
that producer's share in the consumer's rupee varied from crop to crop, except for gram
and masoor in channel I fa). In general in case of gram either as pulse or cattle feed,
producers have fetched higher returns out of the consumer's rupee. Out of four marketing
Channel I (a) > Producer - Retail shopkeeper - Consumer
Channel I (b) > Producer - Commission agent - Consumer
Channel I (c) Producer - Arhatdar - Consumer
Channel I (d) > Producer - Arhatdar - Retailer - Consumer

Channel I (d) observed to be inefficient as about 25 per cent of the consumer's

rupee is consumed by middlemen as profit. Interestingly inspite of inefficiency, a good
number of producer's have availed this channel. The study revealed that, with the
increase in the length of channel, producers share even in the same sample decreased.

[63] Singh et al., (1981) studied the economics of marketing and processing
Arhar in Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh. They reported that marketing cost per quintal of
Arhar was Rs. 4.00 while the producer's share in consumers rupee was 80.90 per cent.

[64] Ranade et al. (1982) studied the price spread in groundnut and analyzed the
shares of the various participants at macro as well as micro levels. The micro level study
indicated that the income of cultivators after vertical integration through co-operatives
could be increased by about 35 to 115 per cent depending upon the marketing channel
through which integration was affected. The macro study noted with concern the
declining share of groundnut growers in the total value generated in the system during
the period 1963-64 to 1977-78.

[65] Mamle Desai (1983) studied the economics of marketing of redgram in

Gulbarga district of Karnataka state. He has identified three channels namely, Producer
> Commission agent - holesaler > Dalmiller (Channel - I), producer > dalmiller
(Channel - II) and Producer - village merchant -> dalmiller (Channel - III). The share of


the producer in consumer's rupee was found to be 75.96, 96.74 and 80.41 percents in
channel - I, Channel - II and Channel III respectively.

[66] Chatha and Sidhu (1984) studied the marketing pattern of Kharif pulses in
Punjab and observed 3 marketing channels in moong, mash and arhar marketing. The
channels are.
i) Producer ->Primary wholesaler >Retailer Consumer ii) Producer - Retailer
Consumer iii. Producer -> Consumer
They studied the price spread as difference between the wholesale and retail price.
The producer's share in consumer's rupee was 80 per cent in case of mash and moong.

[67] Ugalwat







producer's share in

consumer's rupee for groundnut in Bagalkot and Badami markets. Two channels were
identified in marketing of groundnut.



Farmer Village merchants Commission agents Wholesalers Mill owners

Channel II:
Farmer Commission agents Wholesaler Mill owners

The marketing margins (price spread) constituted about 30 per cent of the retail
price charged by the oil miller under channel - 1 in Bagalkot market. In Badarni market
they constituted 19 to 25 per cent of the retail price charged by the oilmiller. This clearly
indicated superiority of Channel-I in Badami market over that in Bagalkot market. The
marketing margins under channel II in Bagalkot market were 22 per cent and 15 to 18 per
cent in Badami market. The producer share in consumer rupee was high in Badami
market (80 per cent) compared to Bagalkot market (70 per cent)


[68] Naidu and Tirupathaiah (1991) worked out price spread in groundnut
marketing under different channels in Vijayanagaram district of Andhra Pradesh. They
found that a large proportion of cultivators disposed off their produce through the village
markets (channel I). The share of the producer in the consumer's rupee was found to be
higher in Channel II (83.63%) compared to channel I (79.66%).

[69] Agarwal






marketing channels in

soybean marketing in Rajasthan.

Channel-I: Producer seller Oilseed grower co operative society Tilham Sangh
Channel-II: Producer seller Commission agent Tilham Sangh
Channel-III: Producer Seller Commission agent Local processor
Channel-IV: Producer seller Commission agent Wholesaler Local processor
Channel-V: Producer seller Commission agent Wholesaler 0utside processor.

Producer sellers received highest share of 96.22 per cent of the processors price
under Channel-I. In other channels, producer's share ranged between 86 to 92 per cent.
The marketing costs ranged from 3.78 per cent

in Channel-I to around 8 to

10 per cent in other four channels.

[70] Singh et al. (1994) worked out the economics of pulse marketing in district
Banda of Bundelkhand Region (U P) During the year 1992. During the course of his
study, he identified three marketing channels where the miller was common in all
i. Producer itinerant trader/village bepari miller wholesaler retailer
ii. Producer commission agents wholesaler retailer consumer,
iii. Producer commission agent miller wholesaler retailer consumer
The producer could get 81.44, 78.98 and 79.88 per cent of share in the consumer's
rupee in the marketing of arhar, gram and lentil respectively. The total margin of the


middlemen involved in the marketing of arhar, gram and lentil between the producer and
consumer came to Rs. 56.90, Rs. 58.55 and Rs. 59.40, respectively.

[71] Anita Arya (1995) estimated the producers share in consumer's rupee for
potato in Gujarat. In 1987-88, producer's share ranged between 51.76 to 60.61 percent in
different seasons with an average of 54.72 percent. In the second year i.e., 1988-89
producer's average share has been higher by 8 percent compared to the previous year.
However, in the third year i.e., 1989-90 except the October February season, producer's
share in the two seasons and Average share has been lower compared to 1988-89 but
higher than 1887-88.

[72] Singh and Mohiley (1995) studied the costs and margins in different channels
in marketing of Arhar (1975-1995) in Allahabad. They found that producer's share in
consumer's rupee was more or less same in both the above periods.

[73] Madan and Singh (1997) in their study on efficiency and price spread of pea
marketing in Ranchi district estimated the producer's share in consumer's rupee under 7
channels of pea marketing. Although the producer received net price of Rs. 723.83 per
quintal and also the highest percentage of consumer price, 92.33 per cent by selling
directly to consumer in periodical/daily market in channel - VII, this channel was of less
importance in terns of quantity handled and therefore was excluded from analysis. The
relative share of producer in consumers' price was highest in Channel I (60.92%,
followed by channels .IV to VI (each 57.76%) and channels II (48.18%) and. Ill
(47.01%). It is obvious that channel I provided higher net returns interms of both relative
and absolute price to the farmer.

[74] Vedini (1997) identified two marketing channels for Jasmine marketing in
Mysore district of Karnataka namely, producer- traders-commission agents-retailersconsumers and producers-consumers. The results revealed that the margin and cost were
highest at retailers level because of creation of form utility, i.e. the flowers are
converted into garlands, tied flowers, etc. The trader-cum-commission agents margin


per kg was Rs. 4 and the commission charges were about 10 per cent. The study
explicitly indicated that Jasmine flower trade is a profitable venture with a price-spread
of nearly 49 per cent.
The foregoing studies indicated that the channel selected for disposing of the
produce plays a crucial role in influencing the magnitude of marketing costs and
margins. The studies documented difference in producer's share in consumer's rupee
from crop to crop over time and space. The miller was found be common in most of the
channels and the producer' s share in consumer' s rupee was found to be maximum
where the produce sold directly to either itinerant merchants/consumers though this
channel was not preferred.


The farmers often face various problems at different stages of production as well as
marketing. Specially in the recent past/ many of the pulse growing farmers in Gulbarga
and Bidar districts went for suicide because of their mounting debt as they could not
recover even the cost of cultivation on account of number of problems faced by them.
Some of the studies pertaining to various constraints faced
by the farmers are reviewed hereunder.
[75] Anonymous (1986) studied the problems of increasing production of gram in
Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan during the year 1984. The constraints noticed were
small size of holdings, lack of technological support, very less area under irrigation (only
2.2 per cent of total cropped area of selected holdings) due to better prospects for other
crops like wheat, cotton and mustard, lack of fertilizer and pesticide use, certain natural
factors like emergence of blight diseases, occurrence of frost, attack of pests like termites
and podborer. The producers suffered more in the case of gram as compared to wheat
because of the higher gram price escalations during the successive intervals of its
transactions from one hand to another.

[76] Satyanarayana (1988) made an attempt to study the constraints in pulse

production in Andhra Pradesh for Blackgram and Green gram. The major constraints


noticed were lack of location specific variety, grown varieties were photosensitive and
susceptible to diseases, weed menace, cuscuta problem, moisture stress at the terminal
phase, severe diseases like powdery mildew, leaf spot and halitosis. These problems
have been sought to be met through a variety of measures including development of
improved variety and suitable agronomic practices. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural
University has identified and developed a number of improved varieties of blackgram
and green gram suitable for rice fallows. These are LEG 17 (Krishnayya) a powdery
mildew disease resistant variety, LEG 402 (Prabhava) / a weed resistant variety in the
case of Blackgram and Lam M-2 in the case of Green gram.

[77] Singh et al. (1988) listed the major constraints faced in the production of major
rabi crops (wheat, gram and sugarcane) in Parua-Nala watershed of Madya Pradesh. It
was found that lack of capital at the time of major farm operations was the main
constraint and high prices of fertilizers, lack of irrigation facilities, lack of high yielding
seed, unavailability of fertilizers, etc. were the other constraints for low productivity of
major rabi crops.

[78] Srivastava et al. (1989) conducted a study to identify the constraints in pulse
production in Tal area of Bihar. The study indicated lack and inadequate supply of
improved seeds as the major problems in the study area. Therefore four district
components of technological improvements were identified in the study area i. Adoption
of improved seeds, ii. Seed treatment practices, iii. Use of plant protection measures, iv.
Intensive use of machine labour for different farm operations."

[79] Bhatia (1991) noticed some of the economic constraints which retard the
growth of pulse production in India. Some of the important constraints were production
under rainfed situation low yield and value productivity, higher risk associated with pulse
cultivation, low level of technology adoption and susceptibility to pests and diseases.
From the point of marketing, the most important problem was the large price spread. To
increase the yield per hectare, appropriate measures may have to be taken up for
reducing/shifting the risk of adopting new technology through expansion of crop


insurance scheme to cover pulse crops. Efforts should also be made to improve the
efficiency of marketing so that producers could get their due share in the prices paid by
the ultimate consumer.

[80] Lal and Brahm Prakash (1996) in their study on economic constraints in pulse
marketing mentioned low marketable surplus and large price spread as the problems in
marketing. Most of the farmers grow pulses for their own domestic requirement on a
limited area. These results in low marketable surplus and the farmers sell the produce at
the village level only to the village traders who offer lower price for the produce. The
data collected on price spread at Kanpur revealed that the producers share in consumers
rupee remained as low as 60.69 and 50.78 paise in pigeonpea and chickpea respectively.
The constraints can be eradicated by appropriate transfer of technology for cultivation of
pulses under dry farming or limited irrigation agriculture, expansion of crop insurance
schemes to cover pulse crops and improving the marketing efficiency so that the
producers could get their due share in the prices paid by the ultimate consumer.

[81] Yadav et al. (1997) noticed some of the important constraints in chickpea
production in India which include the technical constraints like non-availability of
quality seeds of high yielding varieties, poor response of chickpea crop to high fertility
level and managerial constraints like non availability of cheap and good quality
insecticides and pesticides to chickpea farmers, lack of systematic linkage between
chickpea scientists - extension workers-farmers. The socio-economic constraints
included lack of incentive to chickpea growing farmers, low procurement and support
price to pulses and poor agro-based marketing infrastructure in chickpea growing areas.

Most of the studies indicated the problems of non availability of high yielding
variety and good quality pesticides, lack of irrigation facilities as the major problems in
production of pulses and low procurement and low support price as the major problems
in marketing of pulses.



Chapter- 1 Research Design and Review of Literature

In this chapter an exhaustive discussions pertaining to objectives of the study,
the methodology adopted, the hypothesis framed, description of study area and et.al has
been presented.

Chapter 2 Conceptual Backgrounds

This chapter deals with theoretical aspects regarding general agriculture
cultivation practices, processing and marketing of agricultural goods.

Chapter 3 An Overview of Tur Industry

This chapter covers overall Tur industry scenario, various cultivation
practice followed by the farming community, processing of Tur dall and the various
aspects of marketing with respect to Tur.

Chapter 4 Data Presentation and Analysis

Here the survey data has been tabulated and analyzed processed with the help
of computer software packages and other statistical tools and other relevant techniques.

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions

The final chapter infers the various findings in the form of conclusions and
suggestions being made in the light of findings.






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