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Rectocutaneous Fistula in A Cat: A Case Report: Makale Kodu (Article Code) : KVFD-2009-1429

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Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg

16 (4): 681-683, 2010



Rectocutaneous Fistula in A Cat: A Case Report

Nuh KILI *  Rahime YAYGINGL *
* Adnan Menderes niversitesi, Veteriner Fakltesi, Cerrahi Anabilim Dal, TR-09016, Aydn - TRKYE

Makale Kodu (Article Code): KVFD-2009-1429

A 2-year-old intact male cat weighing 6.8 kg was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Adnan Menderes
University, with a non-healing wound craniodorsal to the anus. He had previously undergone anal sac surgery two weeks ago
and had been on continuous wound therapy in a local animal hospital. Following radiographic and clinical examinations, the
problem was diagnosed as an rectocutaneous fistula due to the perforated rectum under the skin. Conservative treatment of
the fistula involving the bowel loop resolved all symptoms.

Keywords: Cat, Rectocutaneous fistula, Anal sac surgery

Bir Kedide Rektokutanz Fistl Olgusu

Adnan Menderes niversitesi Veteriner Fakltesi Kliniine 2 yanda, 6.8 kg arlnda erkek bir kedi ansn kraniyo
dorsalinde iyilemeyen bir yara ikayetiyle getirildi. Hasta 2 hafta nce zel bir hayvan hastanesinde anal kese cerrahisi geirmi
ve ak yara saaltm grmt. Radyografik incelemeler ve klinik muayeneler sonucu, perfore rektum ve deri arasnda bir
rektokutanz fistl tans konuldu. Fistln konservatif saaltm sonucu tamamen iyiletii gzlendi.

Anahtar szckler: Kedi, Rektokutanz fistl, Anal kese cerrahisi

Enterocutaneous fistula is defined as an abnormal
anatomical passage between the bowels and the skin. In
humans, the most common cause of enterocutaneous
fistulae has been reported as complication during surgery
on the small intestine 1. In the veterinary medicine,
enterocutaneous fistulae have most commonly been
reported in large animals resulting from complications in
umbilical hernias or their treatment 2-7. Many reports on
fistulas caused by other etiologies in various areas of the
body in the small animal practice have been presented,
but the enterocutaneous fistula has not been presented
except for one report on rectocutaneous and entero
cutaneous fistula formation after pelvic trauma in a dog 8.
Rectal perforation in dogs and cats has been most
frequently described in association with pelvic fractures 8,9.
Other causes of rectal perforation include penetrating

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animal bites, perineal herniorrhaphy or anal sacculectomy,

trauma from ingested foreign bodies or intraluminal
foreign bodies entering via the anus, iatrogenic tears
during rectal examination, improper use of enema
tubes, gunshot wounds, and stab wounds 9,10. The
following report describes the signs, investigations and
management of the rectocutaneous fistula in a cat.

The rectoocutaneous fistula in present case was
formed following surgical repair of anal sacculitis. This
was a rare case of feline rectocutaneous fistula that
causes from anal sac surgery. A 2-year-old intact male
cat weighing 6.8 kg was presented to the Veterinary

Rectocutaneous Fistula in A Cat

Medical Teaching Hospital, Adnan Menderes University,

with a non-healing wound craniodorsal to the anus. He
had previously undergone surgery two weeks ago and
had been on continuous wound therapy in a local
animal hospital. According to the owner, the cat had
constipation over the last six months. The wound had
healed under the owners care but resulted in scar
tissue with a thickened skin like mass in the surgery
region. Approximately one week later, the cat had
treatment in order to repair the scar tissue in the region.
After the initial surgery, the wound was not healed and
had fecal discharge. When originally presented to our
team, the cat elicited signs of pain when palpated
over the wound region. The wound region was firm,
had an opening of 2 mm in diameter and exhibited
maceration around the opening (Fig. 1). A purulent

fluid and feces was observed discharging from the

wound opening. Routine hematology and biochemistry
profiles were within normal limits. Fistulography with
iohexol (OmnipaqueTM, AmershamHealth, Cork, Ireland)
was performed The origin of the tract was rectum. After
the rectal lavage with iod solutioun, the drainage was
seen through a fistula (Fig. 2). Because of the clinical
history and the radiolologic findings, a diagnosis of
rectocutaneous fistula was made. Recommendations
were made for treatment with adequate drainage of
perineal area and antibiotic therapie. The topical anti
biotic and iodine as a drainage were performed for 1
week. Daily treatment with penicillin-streptomycine was
continued for 10 days. The follow-up were obtained at 2
weeks after the initial treatment. No recurrence of the
fistula has been observed 6 months after the treatment.

Fig 1. A rectocutaneous fistula in the perianal

region in a cat
ekil 1. Bir kedide perianal blgede rekto
kutanz fistl

Fig 2. Rectal lavage with iod solution. Drainage

was seen through the fistula
ekil 2. yod solusyonuyla rectal lavaj. Fistl
deliinden drenaj grlyor


Rectal perforation in dogs and cats has been most

frequently described in association with pelvic fractures 8-9.

Overall, rectocutaneous fistulas are very rare in cats.

The rectocutaneous fistula in present case was occurred

following an anal sac surgery.

Complications of rectocutaneous fistulae include

weight loss, chronic diarrhea, fluid and electrolyte
imbalances, sepsis, and local infection 8-12. An experimental
model where dogs with enterocutaneous fistulae were
fed a normal diet lost 40% of their body weight and
became cachectic 11. A dog that developed an entero
cutaneous fistula following pelvic trauma lost 30% of its
body weight and had sepsis 8. The cat in our report did
not show evidence of having a rectocutaneous fistula
other than the presence of local infection. The possibility
of a fistula without sepsis was considered to the lesion
being acute for a period of two weeks and the presence
of localized inflammation.
It is often stated that minor retroperitoneal rectal
perforations can heal by second intention if adequate
drainage is provided 8,12,13. However, healing by second
intention was reported in only two of eight patients with
rectal perforation/rectocutaneous fistula that survived
the perioperative period 2,3,9 . Both of these cases
required fecal diversion by colostomy or jejunostomy
before a successful outcome was achieved 3,9. The size of
the defect appears to have little impact on the outcome
of the case. In six cases in which rectal defect sizes were
reported, the defects ranged from 2 mm in diameter to
20 40 mm, with a median length of 17.5 mm 2,3,8. In
one of the two cases that ultimately required fecal
diversion to heal, the rectal perforation was only 2 mm
in diameter. Conservative treatment using octreotide is
considered to provide a good outcome for fistula
treatment and aids in spontaneous closure of the fistula
which has been shown to convert high output fistulas to
low output fistulas in human cases. However, long-term
hospitalization is often required, and surgical intervention
may be required in the end 14. In present case, the cat
was in optimal clinical and nutritional condition for
conservative treatment and the lesion was acute condition.

Although present case was conservatively treated,

various types of treatment for rectocutaneous fistula
are needed in the small animal practice. No
complication of the fistula has been observed 6 months
after the treatment.

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