Erosion: Weathering

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Rocks exposed at Earths surface are constantly being changed by water, air, varying temperature,
and other environmental factors. Granite may seem indestructible, but given time and exposure to air
and water, it can decompose and disintegrate into soil. The processes that alter rock are weathering,
erosion, and transportation.

For example, if you abandon a car, particularly in a wet climate, eventually the paint will flake off and
the metal will rust. The car weathers. Similarly, the tightly bound crystals of any rock can be loosened
and altered to new minerals when exposed to air and water during weathering. Weathering breaks
down rocks that are either stationary or moving.

Weathering helps break down a solid rock into loose particles that are easily eroded. Rainwater
flowing down a cliff or hillside removes the loose particles produced by weathering. Similarly, if you
sandblast rust off of a car, erosion takes place. After a rock fragment is picked up (eroded), it is

Weathering processes continue during transportation. A boulder being transported by a stream can
be physically worn down and chemically altered as it is carried along by the water. In the car analogy,
transportation would take place when a stream of rust bearing water flows away from a car in which
rust is being hosed off.

Solar System
Weathering takes place on Earth because of our atmosphere (which contains oxygen and carbon
dioxide) and the abundance of water. Mars has features that indicate water flowed there in the distant
past. Although Mars no longer has surface water, it does have an atmosphere. Winds on Mars,
sometimes several times faster than hurricanes on Earth, transport fine-grained material and erode
by sandblasting the barren surface

Our atmosphere is crucial to the processes of weathering. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are important
for chemical weathering, as described later. Water (evaporated from the hydrosphere and distributed
as moisture, rain, and snow) is critical to both chemical weathering and mechanical weathering.
Weathering has also had a dramatic impact on the composition of Earths atmosphere. Chemical
weathering removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, allowing it to be transformed into limestone
and stored in the crust. Without chemical weathering, the Rock in mantle

Water is necessary for chemical weathering to take place. Oxygen dissolved in water oxidizes iron in
rocks. Carbon dioxide mixed with water makes a weak acid that causes most minerals to decompose;

this acid is the primary cause of chemical weathering. Running water contributes to weathering and
erosion by loosening and removing particles and by abrading rocks during transportation in streams.
Ice in glaciers is a very effective agent of erosion as rocks frozen in the base of a glacier grind down
the underlying bedrock. Freezing and thawing of water in cracks in rock is also very effective at
mechanically breaking them up.

Plants can physically break apart rocks when they grow in cracks. Animals can also contribute to
weathering and erosion. You may notice how hillsides have many paths carved by the hooves of
grazing cattle or sheep. Humans, of course, are awesome agents of erosion. A single pass by a
bulldozer can do more to change a landscape than thousands of years of natural weathering and
erosion. Plants and animals contribute greatly to weathering when they die. When animals and plants
decompose, they become mostly water and carbon dioxide. While carbon dioxide dissolved in rain
makes the water slightly acidic, carbon dioxide mixed with water in soil with decaying plants produces
much more acid. Soil, necessary for plant growth is formed by weathering and includes organic
matter from decayed plants. Organic carbon compounds and minerals released by weathering
provide the nutrients required for plant growth.

Rocks undergo both mechanical weathering and chemical weathering.
Mechanical weathering (physical disintegration) includes several processes that break rock into
smaller pieces. The change in the rock is physical; there is little or no chemical change. For example,
water freezing and expanding in cracks can cause rocks to disintegrate physically.
Chemical weathering is the decomposition of rock from exposure to water and atmospheric gases
(principally carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor). As rock is decomposed by these agents, new
chemical compounds form. Mechanical weathering breaks up rock but does not change the
A large mass of granite may be broken into smaller pieces by frost action, but its original crystals of
quartz, feldspar, and ferromagnesian minerals are unchanged. On the other hand, if the granite is
being chemically weathered, some of the original minerals are chemically changed into different
minerals. Feldspar, for example, will change into a clay mineral (with a crystal structure similar to
In nature, mechanical and chemical weathering usually occur together, and the effects are
Weathering is a relatively long, slow process. Typically, cracks in rock are enlarged gradually by frost
action or plant growth (as roots pry into rock crevices), and as a result, more surfaces are exposed to
attack by chemical agents. Chemical weathering initially works along contacts between mineral
grains. Tightly bound crystals are loosened as weathering products form at their contacts.
Mechanical and chemical weathering then proceed together, until a once tough rock slowly crumbles
into individual grains. Solid minerals are not the only products of chemical weathering. Some minerals
calcite, for exampledissolve when chemically weathered. We can expect limestone and marble,
rocks consisting mainly of calcite, to weather chemically in quite a different way than granite.

Many weathered rocks display interesting shapes. Spheroidal weathering occurs where rock has
been rounded by weathering from an initial blocky shape.
It is rounded because chemical weathering acts more rapidly or intensely on the corners and edges of
a rock than on the smooth rock faces.
Differential weathering describes the tendency for different types of rock to weather at different
rates. For example, shale (composed of soft clay minerals) tends to weather much faster than
sandstone (composed of hard quartz mineral).

Of the many processes that cause rocks to disintegrate, the most effective are pressure release and
frost action.

Pressure Release
The reduction of pressure on a body of rock can cause it to crack as it expands; pressure release is
a significant type of mechanical weathering.
A large mass of rock, such as a batholith, may originally form under great pressure from the weight of
several kilometers of rock above it. This batholith is gradually exposed by tectonic uplift of the region
followed by erosion of the overlying rock . The removal of the great weight of rock above the batholith,
usually termed unloading, allows the granite to expand upward. Cracks called sheet joints develop
parallel to the outer surface of the rock as the outer part of the rock expands more than the inner
part . On slopes, gravity may cause the rock between such joints to break loose in concentric slabs
from the underlying granite mass. This process of spalling off of rock layers is called exfoliation; it is
somewhat similar to peeling layers from an onion. Exfoliation domes are large, rounded landforms
developed in massive rock, such as granite, by exfoliation. Some famous examples of exfoliation
domes include Stone Mountain in Georgia and Half Dome in Yosemite.

Frost Action
Frost actionthe mechanical effect of freezing water on rockscommonly occurs as frost wedging
or frost heaving.
In frost wedging, the expansion of freezing water pries rock apart.
Most rock contains a system of cracks called joints, caused by the slow flexing of brittle rock by deepseated Earth forces . Water that has trickled into a joint in a rock can freeze and expand when the
temperature drops below 0C (32F). The expanding ice wedges the rock apart, extending the joint or
even breaking the rock into pieces . Frost wedging is most effective in regions with many days of
freezing and thawing (mountaintops and midlatitude regions with pronounced seasons). Partial
thawing during the day adds new water to the ice in the crack; refreezing at night adds new ice to the
old ice.
Frost heaving lifts rock and soil vertically. Solid rock conducts heat faster than soil, so on a cold
winter day, the bottom of a partially buried rock will be much colder than soil at the same depth. As
the ground freezes in winter, ice forms first under large rock fragments in the soil. The expanding ice
layers push boulders out of the ground, a process well known to New England farmers and other
residents of rocky soils. Frost heaving bulges the ground surface upward in winter, breaking up roads
and leaving lawns spongy and misshapen after the spring thaw.

Other Processes
Several other processes mechanically weather rock but in most environments are less effective than
frost action and pressure release. Plant growth, particularly roots growing in cracks (figure 12.8A),
can break up rocks, as can burrowing animals. Such activities help to speed up chemical weathering
by enlarging passageways for water and air. The pressure of salt crystals formed as water evaporates
inside small spaces in rock also helps to disintegrate desert rocks (figure 12.8B). Extreme changes in
temperature, as in a forest fire, can cause a rock to expand until it cracks. Whatever processes of
mechanical weathering are at work, as rocks disintegrate into smaller fragments, the total surface
area increases (figure 12.9), allowing more extensive chemical weathering by water and air.

The processes of chemical weathering, or rock decomposition, transform rocks and minerals exposed
to water and air into new chemical products. A mineral that crystallized deep underground from a
water-deficient magma may eventually be exposed at the surface, where it can react with the
abundant water there to form a new, different mineral. A mineral containing very little oxygen may
react with oxygen in the air, extracting oxygen atoms from the atmosphere and incorporating them
into its own crystal structure, thus forming a different mineral. These new minerals are weathering
products. They have adjusted to physical and chemical conditions at (or near) Earths surface.
Minerals change gradually at the surface until they come into equilibrium, or balance, with the
surrounding conditions.

Role of Oxygen
Oxygen is abundant in the atmosphere and quite active chemically, so it often combines with minerals
or with elements within minerals that are exposed at Earths surface. The rusting of an iron nail
exposed to air is a simple example of chemical weathering. Oxygen from the atmosphere combines
with the iron to form iron oxide, the reaction being expressed as follows:
4Fe_3 _ 3O2 2Fe2O3
iron _ oxygen iron oxide Iron oxide formed in this way is a weathering product of numerous
minerals containing iron, such as the ferromagnesian group (pyroxenes, amphiboles, biotite, and
olivine). The iron in the ferromagnesian silicate minerals must first be separated from the silica in the
crystal structure before it can oxidize. The iron oxide (Fe 2O3) formed is the mineral hematite, which
has a brick-red color when powdered. If water is present, as it usually is at Earths surface, the iron
oxide combines with water to form limonite, which is the name for a group of mostly amorphous,
hydrated iron oxides (often including the mineral goethite), which are yellowish-brown when
powdered. The general formula for this group is Fe 2O3 nH2O (the n represents a small, whole
number such as 1, 2, or 3 to show a variable amount of water). The brown, yellow, or red color of soil
and many kinds of sedimentary rock is commonly the result of small amounts of hematite and limonite
released by the weathering of iron-containing minerals (figure 12.10).

Role of Acids
The most effective agent of chemical weathering is acid. Acids are chemical compounds that give off
hydrogen ions (H_) when they dissociate, or break down, in water. Strong acids produce a great
number of hydrogen ions when they dissociate, and weak acids produce relatively few such ions. The
hydrogen ions given off by natural acids disrupt the orderly arrangement of atoms within most
minerals. Because a hydrogen ion has a positive electrical charge and a very small size, it can
substitute for other positive ions (such as Ca__, Na_, or K_) within minerals. This substitution changes
the chemical composition of the mineral and disrupts its atomic structure. The mineral decomposes,
often into a different mineral, when it is exposed to acid. Some strong acids occur naturally on Earths
surface, but they are relatively rare. Sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid are strong acids emitted during
many volcanic eruptions. They can kill trees and cause intense chemical weathering of rocks near
volcanic vents. The bubbling mud of Yellowstone National Parks mudpots (figure 12.11) is produced

by rapid weathering caused by acidic sulfur gases that are given off by some hot springs. Strong
acids also drain from some mines as sulfurcontaining minerals such as pyrite oxidize and form acids
at the surface (figure 12.12). Uncontrolled mine drainage can kill fish and plants downstream and
accelerate rock weathering.
The most important natural source of acid for rock weathering at Earths surface is dissolved carbon
dioxide (CO2) in water. Water and carbon dioxide form carbonic acid (H2CO3), a weak acid that
dissociates into the hydrogen ion and the bicarbonate ion (see equation A in table 12.1). Even though
carbonic acid is a weak acid, it is so abundant at Earths surface that it is the single most effective
agent of chemical weathering. Earths atmosphere (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) contains 0.03%
carbon dioxide. Some of this carbon dioxide dissolves in rain as it falls, so most rain is slightly acidic
when it hits the ground. Large amounts of carbon dioxide also dissolve in water that percolates
through soil. The openings in soil are filled with a gas mixture that differs from air. Soil gas has a
much higher content of carbon dioxide (up to 10%) than does air, because carbon dioxide is produced
by the decay of organic matter and the respiration of soil organisms in the biosphere, such as worms.
Rainwater that has trickled through soil is therefore usually acidic and readily attacks minerals in the
unweathered rock below the soil (figure 12.13).

Solution Weathering
Some minerals are completely dissolved by chemical weathering. Calcite, for instance, goes into
solution when exposed to carbon dioxide and water, as shown in equation B in table 12.1 and in
figure 12.13. The carbon dioxide and water combine to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into the
hydrogen ion and the bicarbonate ion, as you have seen, so the equation for the solution of calcite
can also be written as equation C in table 12.1. There are no solid products in the last part of the
equation, indicating that complete solution of the calcite has occurred. Caves can form underground
when flowing ground water dissolves the sedimentary rock limestone, which is mostly calcite. Rain
can discolor and dissolve statues and tombstones carved from the metamorphic rock marble, which is
also mostly calcite

Chemical Weathering of Feldspar

The weathering of feldspar is an example of the alteration of an original mineral to an entirely different
type of mineral as the weathered product. When feldspar is attacked by the hydrogen ion of carbonic
acid (from carbon dioxide and water), it forms clay minerals. In general, a clay mineral is a hydrous
aluminum silicate with a sheet-silicate structure like that of mica. Therefore, the entire silicate
structure of the feldspar crystal is altered by weathering: feldspar is a framework silicate, but the clay
mineral product is a sheet silicate, differing both chemically and physically from feldspar. Let us look
in more detail at the weathering of feldspar (equation D in table 12.1). Rainwater percolates down
through soil, picking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the upper part of the soil. The water,
now slightly acidic, comes in contact with feldspar in the lower part of the soil (figure 12.13), as shown
in the first part of the equation. The acidic water reacts with the feldspar and alters it to a clay mineral.
The hydrogen ion (H_) attacks the feldspar structure, becoming incorporated into the clay mineral
product. When the hydrogen moves into the crystal structure, it releases potassium (K) from the
feldspar. The potassium is carried away in solution as a dissolved ion (K _). The bicarbonate ion from
the original carbonic acid does not enter into the reaction; it reappears on the right side of the
equation. The soluble potassium and bicarbonate ions are carried away by water (ground water or
All the silicon from the feldspar cannot fit into the clay mineral, so some is left over and is carried
away as silica (SiO2) by the moving water. This excess silica may be carried in solution or as
extremely small solid particles. The weathering process is the same regardless of the type of

feldspar: K-feldspar forms potassium ions; Na-feldspar and Ca-feldspar (plagioclase) form sodium
ions and calcium ions, respectively. The ions that result from the weathering of Ca-feldspar are
calcium ions (Ca__) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3 _), both of which are very common in rivers and
underground water, particularly in humid regions.

Chemical Weatheringof Other Minerals

The weathering of ferromagnesian or dark minerals is much the same as that of feldspars. Two
additional products are found on the right side of the equationmagnesium ions and iron oxides
(hematite, limonite, and goethite). The susceptibility of the rock-forming minerals to chemical
weathering is dependent on the strength of the minerals chemical bonding within the crystal
framework. Because of the strength of the silicon-oxygen bond, quartz is quite resistant to

The burning of coal, oil, and natural gas (the fossil fuels) adds a great deal of carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere (box figure
1). As you have seen in table 12.1, this carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid in rain. Coal
and oil can also contain nitrogen and sulfur, which are given off as gases (NO2 and SO2) when these fuels are
burned, forming nitric acid and sulfuric acid in rain. These two acids are much stronger than carbonic acid. The
strength of an acidic solution is measured on the pH scale from 0 to 14 (box figure 2). A solution of pH 7 is
chemically neutral, neither acidic nor alkaline. Values below 7 are acidic; the lower the number, the more acidic
the solution. Values above 7 are alkaline or basic. The pH scale is logarithmic, so a change of 1 on the scale
means a change of 10 in the concentration of H_ ions that make a solution acidic. Ordinary rain has a pH of
about 5.5 to 6 from the small amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and from natural sources of acidic
sulfur gases such as volcanoes and coastal marshes. Ordinary rain is about as acidic as milkhardly a strong
acid. In cities and downwind of industrial smokestacks (often for hundreds of miles), the increased amount of
acid gases can reduce the pH of rain to 4, 3, or even 2 (the pH of lemon juice or vinegar). This is the
environmental problem termed acid rain (although all rain is really acid). This rain in turn can lower the pH of
streams, lakes, and soils. Such low pH values are hard on organisms; fish may die in streams and lakes
polluted by acid rain, and forests suffer under acid rain. This is particularly a problem where rocks and soil do
not buffer the acid. For example, areas with exposed limestone are least affected. Chemical weathering is
accelerated by acid rain. Statues and stone buildings in cities weather many times faster than stone structures
in rural areas free of acid rain (see figure 12.1).


Acid Rain
chemical weathering. Thus, quartz (SiO2) is the rock-forming mineral least susceptible to chemical
attack at Earths surface. Ferromagnesian minerals such as olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole include
other positively charged ions such as Al, Fe, Mg, and Ca. The presence of these positively charged
ions in the crystal framework makes these minerals vulnerable to chemical attack due to the weaker
chemical bonding between these ions and oxygen, as compared to the much stronger silicon-oxygen
bonds. For example, olivine(Fe, Mg) 2SiO4weathers rapidly because its isolated silicon-oxygen
tetrahedra are held together by relatively weak ionic bonds between oxygen and iron and
magnesium. These ions are replaced by H_ ions during chemical weathering similar to that described
for the feldspars.

Weathering and Diamond Concentration

Diamond is the hardest mineral known and is also extremely resistant to weathering. This is due to
the very strong covalent bonding of carbon, as described in chapter 9. But diamonds are often
concentrated by weathering, as illustrated in figure 12.14. Diamonds are brought to the surface of
Earth in kimberlite pipes, columns of brecciated or broken ultramafic rock that have risen from the
upper mantle. Diamonds are widely scattered in diamond pipes when they form. At the surface, the
ultramafic rock in the pipe is preferentially weathered and eroded away. The diamonds, being more

resistant to weathering, are left behind, concentrated in rich deposits on top of the pipes. Rivers may
redistribute and reconcentrate the diamonds, as in South Africa and India. In Canada, kimberlite pipes
have been eroded by glaciers, and diamonds may be found widely scattered in glacial deposits.

Weathering Products
Dissolved silica can also precipitate as a solid from underground water. This is significant because
calcite and silica are the most common materials precipitated as cement, which binds loose particles
of sand, silt, and clay into solid sedimentary rock (see chapter 14). The weathering of calcite,
feldspars, and other minerals is a likely source for such cement. If the soluble ions and silica are not
precipitated as solids, they remain in solution and may eventually find their way into a stream and
then into the ocean. Enormous quantities of dissolved material are carried by rivers into the sea. This
is the main reason seawater is salty.

Factors Affecting Weathering

The intensity of both mechanical and chemical weathering is affected by a variety of factors.
Chemical weathering is largely a function of the availability of liquid water. Rock chemically weathers
much faster in humid climates than in arid climates. Limestone, which is extremely susceptible to
dissolution, weathers quickly and tends to form valleys in wet regions such as the Appalachian
Mountains. However, in the arid west, limestone is a resistant rock that forms ridges and cliffs.
Temperature is also a factor in chemical weathering. The most intense chemical weathering occurs in
the tropics, which are both wet and hot. Polar regions experience very little chemical weathering
because of the frigid temperatures and the absence of liquid water. Mechanical weathering intensity is
also related to climate (temperature and humidity), as well as to slope. Temperate climates, where
abundant water repeatedly freezes and thaws, promote extensive frost weathering. Steep slopes
cause rock to fall and break up under the influence of gravity. The most intense mechanical
weathering probably occurs in high mountain peaks where the combination of steep slopes,
precipitation, freezing and thawing, and flowing glacial ice rapidly pulverize the solid rock.

In civil engineering and construction, soil is the usual name for any kind of loose, unconsolidated
Earth material; but most geologists commonly use the term soil for a layer of weathered,
unconsolidated material on top of bedrock (a general term for rock beneath soil). Soil scientists
further restrict the term soil to horizons of weathered, unconsolidated material that contains organic
matter and is capable of supporting plant growth. (If this definition is used, then the term regolith can
be applied to any loose surface sediment; soil would be the upper part of the regolith.) A mature,
fertile soil is the product of centuries of mechanical and chemical weathering of rock, combined with
the addition and decay of plant and other organic matter. In terms of Earth systems, soil forms an
important interface between the solid Earth (geosphere), atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
The term loam refers to a soil of approximately equal amounts of sand, silt, and clay. (Clay-sized
particles usually consist of clay minerals.) Loamy soils are often welldrained, may contain organic
matter, and are often very fertile. Topsoil is the upper part of the soil and is more fertile than the
underlying subsoil, which is often stony and lacks organic matter. Clay minerals and quartz, the two
minerals usually remaining after complete weathering of rock (table 12.2), have important roles in soil
development and plant growth. Quartz crystals form sand grains that help keep soil loose and
aerated, allowing good water drainage. (Partially weathered crystals of feldspar and other minerals
can also form sand-sized grains.) Clay minerals help to hold water and plant nutrients in a soil. Clay
minerals occur as microscopic plates. Because of ion substitution within their sheet-silicate structure,
most clay minerals have a negative electrical charge on the flat faces of the plates. This negative
charge attracts water and nutrient ions to the clay mineral. The water molecule, made up of two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, is neutral in charge but has a positive end and a negative
end. The negative charge on the flat faces of the clay mineral attracts the positive ends of the water
molecules to the clay flake (figure 12.15). The clay holds the water loosely enough that most of it is
available for uptake by plant roots. Plant nutrients, such as Ca __ and K_, commonly supplied by the

weathering of minerals such as feldspar, are also held loosely on the surface of clay minerals. A plant
root is able to release H_ from organic acids and exchange it for the Ca__ and K_ that the plant needs
for healthy growth (figure 12.16).

Soil Horizons
Most soils take a long time to form. The rate of soil formation is controlled by rainfall, temperature,
slope, and to some extent the type of bedrock that weathers to form soil. High temperature and
abundant rainfall speed up soil formation, but in most places, a fully developed soil that can support
plant growth takes hundreds or thousands of years to form. As soils mature, distinct layers appear in
them (figure 12.17). Soil layers are called soil horizons and can be distinguished from one another
by appearance and chemical composition. Boundaries between soil horizons are usually transitional
rather than sharp. By observing a vertical cross section, or soil profile, various horizons can be
Additional Resource
The O horizon is the uppermost layer that consists entirely of nondecomposed and highly
decomposed organic material. For example, fallen leaves and needles along with ground vegetation
would constitute the O horizon in a forested area. The A horizon is the dark-colored soil layer that is
rich in organic material and forms just below surface vegetation. This horizon contains decomposed
plant material, or humus, and contributes to the formation of organic acids that accelerate leaching in
the E horizon. The E horizon, or zone of leaching, is characterized by the downward movement of
water and removal (or eluviation) of fine-grained soil components such as clay. Part of the rain falling
on the ground percolates downward through the soil. This tends to leach or carry dissolved chemicals
downward to lower levels in the soil profile. In a humid (wet) climate, iron oxides and dissolved calcite
are most typically leached downward; clays are also transported downward. Leaching may make the
E horizon pale and sandy. The B horizon, or zone of accumulation, is a soil layer characterized by
the accumulation of material leached downward from the E horizon above. This layer is often quite
clayey and stained red or brown by hematite and limonite. Calcite may also build up in B horizons.
The C horizon is incompletely weathered parent material lying below the B horizon. The parent
material is commonly the underlying bedrock, which is subjected to mechanical and chemical
weathering from frost action, roots, plant acids, and other agents. In such a case, the C horizon is
transitional between unweathered bedrock below and developing soil above.

Soil Classification
Residual and Transported Soils
A residual soil is one that develops from weathering of the rock directly beneath it. Although this is a
typical situation, a number of important agricultural regions in the United States and elsewhere have
developed on transported soils, which did not form from the local rock but from regolith brought in
from some other region. Transported soils usually form on sediment deposited by running water,
wind, or glacial ice. For example, mud deposited by a river during times of flooding can form an
excellent agricultural soil next to the river after floodwaters recede. The soil forming mud was not
weathered from the rock beneath its present location but was carried downstream from regions
perhaps hundreds of kilometers away. Transported wind deposits called loess are the parent material
for some of the most valuable food-producing soils in the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest.

Soils, Parent Material, Time, and Slope

A soil developing on weathering granite will be sandy, as sand-sized particles of quartz and partially
weathered feldspar are released from the granite. As time passes, the partially weathered feldspar
grains weather completely, forming fine-grained clay minerals. The quartz does not chemically
weather, so the resulting soil has both sand and clay (and perhaps silt) in it. Note that the character of
a soil changes with time.

A soil developing from granite begins as a sandy soil and becomes more clayey with time. Over very
long periods, the type of parent rock becomes less and less important. With time, soils tend to
become thicker; most modern soils have taken centuries to form. A new deposit of volcanic ash,
which is very fine-grained and rich in plant nutrients, may be covered with grass and other low plants
in just a few years, but a new lava flow, which weathers much more slowly than ash, may not have
enough soil to support grass for many decades. It may take centuries for the lava-flow soil to thicken
enough to support shrubs and thousands of years to support trees.. Soils tend to be thick on flat land
where erosion is slow and water can collect, and thin on steep slopes where gravity pulls water and
soil particles downhill.

Organic Activity
Respiration of soil organisms and decay of plant and animal material add carbon dioxide gas to soil,
creating carbonic acid. Plants and humus also release organic acids that increase chemical
weathering. Once soil begins to develop on a newly exposed rock, it attracts plants and soil
organisms that increase chemical weathering, accelerating the rate of soil development. Partially
decayed organic matter provides plant nutrients, increasing soil fertility.

Soils and Climate

Climate affects soil thickness and character. Soils in wet climates, as in Europe, most of Canada, and
the eastern United States, tend to be thick and are generally characterized by downward movement
of water through Earth materials. In general, these soils tend to have a high content of aluminum and
iron oxides, and are marked by effective downward leaching due to high rainfall and to the acids
produced by the decay of abundant humus. In arid (dry) climates, as in many parts of the western
United States, soils tend to be thin and are characterized by little leaching, scant humus, and the
upward movement of soil water beneath the land surface. The water is drawn up by subsurface
evaporation and capillary action. The evaporation of water beneath the land surface can cause the
precipitation of salts within the soil. These salts are usually calcium salts such as calcite. An extreme
example of salt buildup can be found in desert alkali soils, in which heavy concentrations of toxic
sodium salts may prevent plant growth.

Hardpan is a general term for a hard layer of Earth material that is difficult to dig or drill. Geologists
usually restrict the term to a hard, often clayey, layer of cemented soil particles.
Such a layer may be too hard for even backhoes to dig through; planting a tree in a lawn with a
hardpan layer may require a jackhammer. Hardpan layers in wet climates are usually formed of clay
minerals, silica, and iron compounds that have accumulated in the B horizon from eluviation of the
overlying E horizon. In arid climates, a different type of hardpan forms from the cementing of soil by
calcium carbonate and other salts that precipitate in the soil as water evaporates. Both types of
hardpan are really layers of rock within loose soil. A hardpan layer can break plows, prevent water
drainage through the soil, and act as a barrier to plant roots. Tree roots may grow laterally along
rather than down through hardpan; such shallow-rooted trees are easily uprooted by wind.

In tropical regions where temperatures are high and rainfall is abundant, highly leached soils called
laterites (oxisols) form. Under such conditions, weathering is deep and intense. Laterites are usually
red and are composed almost entirely of iron and aluminum oxides, generally the least soluble
products of rock weathering in tropical climates (figure 12.21). If the soil is rich in hematite, it can be
mined as iron ore, but tropical rainfall usually hydrates the hematite to limonite, which is seldom rich
enough to mine. However, aluminum is sometimes found in nearly pure layers of bauxite particularly
in laterites formed by the weathering of aluminum-rich volcanic tuffs. Under tropical conditions of high
rainfall and high temperature, most weathering products are solubleeven silica. The least soluble
product is aluminum oxide, which remains on top of the weathering rocks, forming bauxite in a soil
very rich in aluminum.

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