Triumph of The Will

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The document describes rules for wargaming including movement, firing, and special units.

The two movement systems described are alternate movement and card driven movement.

The different types of firing mentioned are machine gun fire, artillery fire including direct fire and barrage fire, and extreme range fire.


INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 3

2. TURN SEQUENCE .................................................................. 4


Alternate Movement .......................................................................... 4

Card Driven Movement ....................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Compulsory Cards ...................................................................... 4
2.2.2 The Bonus cards........................................................................ 5

UNIT SIZES..................................................................... 6


Basing Units.................................................................................... 6
Troop Designations ............................................................................ 6


SPOTTING...................................................................... 7


Spotting Test ................................................................................... 7

Automatic Spotting ........................................................................... 8



FIRING.......................................................................... 9
Firing Mechanism ................................................................................ 9
5.1.1 Cover Definition. ......................................................................... 9
Machine Gun Fire...............................................................................10
Artillery Fire ....................................................................................10
5.3.1 Direct Fire ...............................................................................10
5.3.2 Barrage Fire .............................................................................10
Extreme Range Fire ............................................................................11
Observation teams .............................................................................11
Interdiction Fire ................................................................................11
Ammunition Shortages ........................................................................12
Firing Limitations ..............................................................................12
Effect of Firing .................................................................................13
5.9.1 Suppressed Units .......................................................................13

MOVEMENT ...................................................................14
Blinds .............................................................................................14
Unit Movement .................................................................................15
Movement Notes................................................................................15
The Effect of Casualties on Movement .....................................................16

AFV COMBAT.................................................................17


Armour Strengths & Losses .................................................................17

7.1.1 Suppression of vehicles..............................................................18
AFV Combat Notes............................................................................18




Anti Aircraft Fire .............................................................................19

BATTLEFIELD FEATURES ..................................................20


Flame Throwers...............................................................................20
Barbed Wire ...................................................................................20
Trenches .......................................................................................20
Smoke ..........................................................................................21
Buildings & Their Strengths.................................................................21
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9.7.1 Heavy Buildings ......................................................................21

9.7.2 Light Buildings ........................................................................21
9.7.3 Rubble ..................................................................................21


CLOSE COMBAT..............................................................22


Procedure ......................................................................................22
Results of Close Combat ....................................................................23


COMMANDERS IN THE FIELD ..............................................25


Command Officers............................................................................25
11.1.1. Heroes of the Cause ...............................................................25
11.1.2 Officer Casualties ...................................................................25
Commander in Chief .........................................................................25
11.2.1 Command & Control .................................................................25 Leadership Characteristics .....................................................26 Order Definitions ................................................................26
Unit Initiative .................................................................................27
Lines of Communication.....................................................................27



PERIOD SPECIFIC NOTES.............................................................28

REVOLUTIONARY GERMANY ........................................................28
THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR.............................................................30
THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR ............................................................32

Triumph of the Will

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You know, I am sure, that not numbers or strength
bring victory in war; but whichever army goes into
battle stronger in soul, their enemies generally cannot
withstand them
Xenophon 444-357 BC

Triumph of the Will was one of the first rule sets ever produced under the banner
of TooFatLardies. They are designed specifically to allow the gamer to re-fight the
revolutionary wars that dominated the early part of the twentieth century. Wars
that were notable for the intensity of passion on both sides, where nations did not
fight nations, but one political doctrine faced another in a struggle between
These wars threw up levels of hatred and ferocity not seen since the middle ages,
where brother fought against brother, father against son. In these wars issues such
as training, equipment and numerical advantage affected results less than the
unquantifiable moral strength, or level of commitment, of the men, and sometimes
women, themselves. Be it the Spanish Foreign Legion at Badajoz or the Volunteer
Army in Southern Russia their strength of will allowed them to win victories that
seemed to fly in the face of all established military thought.
This very different type of warfare, directly contrasting with the conflict between
regular armies of the Great War and Second World War, requires very different
types of rules. Within Triumph of the Will unit strength is used to reflect the
strength of will of the unit rather than number of men. This shift away from the
norm allows these wars to be re-fought with the real factors that influenced
combat on the battlefield brought to the fore. Throughout it is the effect of
actions upon the willpower of a unit, rather than physical losses, that are
examined. What results is a fast and exciting game where players need to
concentrate on marshalling their moral resources and leading their troops through
Split into two sections, the core rules and the period specific rules, the gamer is
able to learn one straightforward system, whilst capturing the flavour of very
different conflicts.
The inspiration for these rules came from a quick play system first published on the
Gauntlets web site called Red Cavalry Marsch. From that small seed these rules
have grown, and whilst these are a hundred times larger, I have attempted to
adhere to the spirit of simplicity found in that article
Richard Clarke

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Triumph of the Will is designed to allow the gamer to fight brigade or divisional
level actions, with each basic command unit being a Battalion, the smallest unit of
manoeuvre the Company. Two options are presented to the gamer with regards
turn sequence, either to use a system of alternate movement or to use a card
based movement system as found in our other rules, such as I Aint Been Shot,
Mum or Le Feu Sacre. We would recommend the former for larger battles of
Divisional size, whilst more chaos can be added in smaller games by using a card
driven system. This is a matter for the gamers preference, both systems are
presented below.

2.1 Alternate Movement

When using the more traditional alternate movement system the attacker, or in a
meeting engagement the side with the most regular units, moves first. One side
completes its actions before moving on to the other player. The only variation
here is firing may be reserved by one side during its own turn in order to interdict
at any point in its opponents turn. This is a key factor when using this system.
Basic turn structure is thus:
1. Spotting
2. Cavalry/infantry/MG fire
3. All movement
4. Artillery & AFV fire/Air attacks
5. Close Combat
6. Command Actions. Officers who have not yet moved may do so now.
Once one player has completed his turn then play will pass to the next player.


Card Driven Movement

Unlike the predictable order of alternate movement the card driven movement
system uses a variable turn sequence determined by the turn of cards during the
game. This creates ever changing shifts in initiative throughout the game.
The compulsory cards are always present, whilst the bonus cards may be added
when relevant units are present. The cards are shuffled by the umpire, or one of
the players in the absence of an umpire, who turns them over one at a time in
sequence. As each card is turned the unit represented takes its turn immediately.

2.2.1 Compulsory Cards

Blinds Move
One Blinds Move card should be included in the deck for each side. All units start
the game as undetected blinds. The capabilities of these are fully explained in
section 6.1. When the card turned over is your Blinds Move card, all of your
currently unspotted units may take their move. They may choose to reserve their
fire and remain stationary if they prefer.
Unit Cards
One card is included in the game deck for each Battalion, battery or cavalry
Regiment sized unit present.
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Command Cards
Each sides Commander in Chief will have a card in the deck.

2.2.2 The Bonus cards

Regular Unit Bonus. One regular unit of the relevant side (the card should be
marked with this, for example Nationalist Regular Bonus) that has not yet taken
its move may do so immediately. This may be used by a Battalion of infantry, a
cavalry Regiment, battery of artillery or detachment of armoured vehicles or
Gifted Commander. An optional card, this may be included in the game deck for
any Gifted commander. On this card he may take some or all of his move. He may
choose to leave some actions for his own card if this comes out from the pack first,
or vice versa. By way of example a Gifted commander may choose to make two
order changes when his first card comes out, and then make his third order change
(three being the maximum allowed) when his other card is turned.
Reinforcements. A Commander may decide, or scenario dictates, that some
troops will arrive during the battle rather than at the start. The turn of arrival will
be noted, and the actual arrival dictated by the turn of the cards. For example an
infantry Regiment expected to arrive on turn 5 will actually arrive the fifth time
the reinforcements card is turned. This unit will be placed at its point of entry
to the table on a blind, and will then be activated when the relevant Blinds
Move card is turned. For the sake of secrecy an umpire may chose to use a blank
card for this function.
Period Specific Cards. Details of these may be found in the section to the rear of
these rules covering the various conflicts.

Triumph of the Will

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In Triumph of the Will the company is the basic unit of manoeuvre, however the
figure strength of the units does not represent the number of combatants, but the
inherent energy of the Company rather than actual numbers of combatants. In
effect the strength in figures is a representation of the units willpower.

6-10 figures
6-10 figures
2 figures
3 figures or 4 for high quality, regular crews.

Thus, a six figure infantry company and a ten figure infantry company may well
represent the same number of men, but the latter has a greater sense of purpose,
commitment and morale.
Regimental or Battalion Command and High Command figures are individually
based in a suitable vignette, their figure strength is irrelevant.


Basing Units

There is no specific basing system required to play Triumph of the Will, however
the following are a suggestion. You will need to be able to either remove
individual figures as casualties are taken, or have some means of identifying
casualties if multiple figure bases are used.
Infantry Base, 2 figures on 2.5cm frontage, 2cm depth.
Cavalry Base, 2 figures on a 3cm by 3cm base.
Artillery, single gun on a 3cm frontage by 5cm depth
Vehicles, on base to fit vehicle if desired.


Troop Designations

All troops are considered to be one of the following three types.


Regular troops of a peace time quality.

A disciplined force, but without the training or experience of
Enthusiastic amateurs

Additionally they may receive the following special features:


Lacking Moral Fibre. Damned cowards!

Good assault troops who receive bonuses in melee. Nasty.
Sons of the mountains who ignore rough terrain
Some artillery may be designated as Elite, improving their accuracy.

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In Triumph of the Will units begin the game hidden on blinds (see section 6.1). In
order to identify your opponents units you will need to spot them. Spotting may
be carried out by a blind if the figures are not on the table, by an artillery spotter
team, or by an officer figure if the troops are deployed. Blank movement bases
may spot, representing small scouting parties. At closer ranges units with no
officers may spot automatically.

4.1 Spotting Test

To spot units on blinds use the following chart, cross referencing the terrain in
which the target unit is with the distance. The resultant number must be equalled
or beaten on a 1D10 to spot.
Low Terrain: Hedges, walls, low crops, behind troops, or in trenches.
High Terrain: Buildings, high crops, woods.
Shift one column to the left if the spotter is on higher ground.

To 4






Once a blind is spotted the unit that it represents is deployed within the same
frontage, and facing the same direction as the blind. The formation may be
deeper than the movement base within the realms of common sense.
A blank blind is removed from the table if spotted, the scouting party it
represents having been dispersed.
To represent poor weather, mist snow or the likes shift one, or in extreme
circumstances two, columns to the right.
Once figures are deployed on the table it is to be assumed that troops in woods will
be aware of others at up to 12 range, but will fire with penalties. Troops outside
a wood will only spot troops inside who are within 2 of the edge.
TotW Example Spotting
By way of example, the Cossacks mentioned cross the wall on their blind. A
scouting party of Red infantry (actually a Red blank) occupy a tree-line some
20 away. They roll a D10 to spot in their turn, needing a 4 or above for the
Cossacks to have to be deployed on the table. If the Cossacks are spotted it is
clear that, in formation B the cavalry may be placed in squadron columns abreast,
or in a column of deployed squadrons. In either case not all the unit will be over
the wall, and it will suffer movement penalties in the next turn.
Had the White player been a little more circumspect, and the Cossacks had halted
before crossing the wall, then the Red infantry would have needed 7 or above to
spot their foe, it being behind low terrain

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4.2 Automatic Spotting

Blinds may well come close enough to an enemy force so that they must be
considered as spotted automatically. This occurs when troops come within the
distances marked on the spotting chart with a star.
In that situation they will be placed on the table. With the alternate movement
system this will be at the end of either players move. With the card driven turn
sequence this will be on the last card being turned. Any interdiction fire may then
take place immediately for units who had reserved their fire.

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Firing may be undertaken in a units own turn, or during their opponents turn if
they have reserved their dice in order to interdict. The mechanism for firing is a
simple one used throughout the rules with the basic unit of fire being five
infantrymen. Non-infantry units use the same mechanism, with their effectiveness
being translated into their worth as rifles. This keeps the game simple and
constant throughout, hopefully aiding speed of play.
Ranges are as follows. No differentiation has been made for different makes of
weapon; it is the moral effect that we are calculating, not the physical damage to
the unit.


Point Blank



Target priorities are as follows, and units must select their target in this order:
1. Enemy charging firing unit.
2. Enemy within charge distance of firing unit.
3. Target of choice


Firing Mechanism

Throw 1D6 for each infantry group of five figures (or their equivalent) or less in a
unit and consult the list of amendments below.
Amend dice as follows:
Target is militia
Point blank (not v AFVs)
Firer suppressed
Firer mounted
Firer is heavy artillery
Target suppressed
Target is regular
Target in soft cover
Target in hard cover
Firer moving
Target in bunker
Gun level above target armour
Target in column of march

Double damage

If less than groups strength is thrown then one hit is achieved. For a complete
group of five figures or equivalent a natural throw of 1 always equals a hit, or two
hits if at point blank range.

5.1.1 Cover Definition.

In the rules soft cover is generally considered to include wooden or mud buildings,
woods and hedges, hastily prepared trenches (the norm for these wars) and the
likes. Hard cover is restricted to brick or stone buildings, well prepared trenches
(unusual) and bunkers.
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Machine Gun Fire

An MG model with two crew represents a platoon of these weapons. Roll 1D6 per
team member, calculating as for rifle fire, with each crew member being counted
as a full five figure rifle groups.
TotW Example Firing
A stationary eight-figure infantry unit and a 2 figure MG team are firing at a
unit of drilled troops five inches away. The eight-figure unit has one five man
firing team, and one three man. Firing at drilled troops the base factors are
used. The five figure group needs to roll a 3 or under to cause one hit; the
three figure group 1 or under.
The MG team is firing at point blank range. His damage is calculates as two
five man rifle teams. At this range the firer cannot miss, he does still roll his
2D6, as any throws of 1 count as two hits.


Artillery Fire

There are two types of artillery fire within the rules, barrage fire and direct fire.
Direct fire allows the firer to change targets at will, barrage fire must have two
gun models or more, firing is slower to direct, but is arguably more effective, and
less risky for the gun crews if using an observer.

5.3.1 Direct Fire

This is only available to on-table guns. The firer should declare what his target is,
this must be in sight of the gun section. Roll to see if artillery fire is accurate,
throwing a D6 for each crew member, needing a result on each dice equal to or
less than the number of crew members to hit target, subtracting one from the dice
if the crew is regular, two from the dice if under 12, and adding one if over 36.
If target is hit throw for damage, rolling 1D6 per dice that hit the target counting
rolls as against five figure rifle group as in section 5.1.
TotW Example Artillery Fire
A Spanish regular gun section is firing at a drilled unit some 28 away in the
open. Being designated regular it has four crew. It rolls four D6, needing 1
2 3 or 4 to hit on each (being equal to or less than the number of crew). It
hits twice with rolls of 1, 2, 5 and 6, a total of two hits.
Each hit is considered as effective as five riflemen, so it rolls twice needing 1
to 4 to cause one hit on the target unit per dice.

5.3.2 Barrage Fire

Two gun models or more must be firing, either on or off table. The target must be
in sight of the gun section or observers acting in concert with them. They spend
one turn co-ordinating the actions of the guns before firing. An observation team
calculates the distance to the target from its position, not that of the guns.
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Roll to hit as above, but the firer needs a dice score less than the number of gun
crew (not less than or equal to as with direct fire). If any hits are scored on an
infantry target they are considered suppressed for firing purposes, and may only
move at half speed next turn.
Several other points to note are as follows:
Barrage fire ignores any benefit for firing under 12
Observers may walk fire to track a moving unit up to 8 per turn
Barrage fire may not be used if friendly troops are within 8 of the enemy.


Extreme Range Fire

Extreme range fire by all weapons is more suppressive than killing. Calculate hits
as normal, but no casualties are actually caused. Each hit counts as 1 on
movement next turn. Mark with a dice or similar. N.B. For observed fire measure
the range from the observer.

5.5 Observation teams

These may operate on behalf of artillery and are deemed to be in telephone
communication with the battery or train. Any ranges are measured from the
observers rather than from the guns. They are immune from effects of fire, but
they may not move, and will be destroyed if contacted by an enemy unit. If this
occurs the battery will be silent for two turns, at which point another observation
team may be placed anywhere within the section of the board controlled by
friendly forces. This is also a voluntary option for a player wishing to reposition
his observation team.
TotW Example Observed Barrage Fire at Long Range
An artillery observer team is watching a column of Red Infantry advancing
some 50 away. It calls for a barrage from an armoured train some distance to
the rear.
The armoured train is not a regular unit, so its two guns (the minimum
required for a barrage) count as having three crew each. In order to hit their
target they will roll three dice each, requiring 1 or 2 to hit (being less than
the number of crew for each gun). They roll 1,3,5 and 2,4,6. A total of two
hits. However the fact that the Reds are in column will double this to four.
Each hit is counted as being the equivalent of five riflemen, so thats four
dice, each requiring 1-4. The dice roll 1,3,4 and 5, three hits in total.
Because this is long range fire these will not kill but will suppress the unit for
this turn and reduce their movement next turn by 4.

5.6 Interdiction Fire

Infantry and MGs that have not moved or fired during their own turn may fire at
any point during their opponents turn.

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TotW Example Interdiction Fire

A Company of the Kornilov Shock Division in a building is looking across the
street at an enemy unit in a building opposite. Rather than blaze away at a
target in hard cover during their own turn, they decide to reserve their fire,
neither moving nor firing in order to achieve this.
Their opponents, a Red Company, now decides to charge across the road to
enter close combat. As soon as the Reds leave cover the Kornilovs open fire.
If no casualties were inflicted the Reds may complete their move and enter into
close combat. If, however, they suffered casualties they will loose speed as
normal, and will halt if suppressed.

5.7 Ammunition Shortages

Very often artillery units in the inter-war period would suffer from shortages of
ammunition. One method of representing this is to allow each battery (or section)
to roll 1D3 (or a D6 halved) at the start of the game. This represents the number
of definite rounds that they can fire after that any round of firing to hit that sees
the gunners roll more 1s than 6s will see the battery or section run out of


Firing Limitations

Armour, Artillery & Vehicles

Armour counts as a hard cover target to all infantry or MG fire

Armour counts as no cover against artillery or tank guns.
Gun armed Armour may move OR fire
MG armed AFVs may move and fire with a +2 on firing dice
MG fire from Armoured Cars or tanks counts as normal MG fire
Artillery inflicting casualties on a bunker (not trench, dug out or building) will
double their effect, one kill being two, and so on
Softskin vehicles hit by MG fire or armoured trucks hit by artillery fire are
destroyed on a throw of 1-3.

Infantry only damage armoured cars at point blank range
Infantry only damage tanks in close combat
May move and fire, but with a penalty
May move OR fire
MGs count as a soft cover target.
No unit may not concentrate its fire if more than one enemy unit is straight
ahead. Dice to see which units take hits, allowing for different cover.
Air attacks count as point blank with firer moving
Only artillery fire, explosives or bombs may damage barbed wire
Bunkers are defined as particularly solid purpose built structures
Hard Cover is defined as any trench or earth works, a substantial building
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Soft cover is defined as woods, hedges, standing crops, flimsy buildings

Troops disembarking from a train count as in column
Troops firing on an unspotted target count all firing as extreme range
When troops in a wood are engaged in a firefight they will count soft cover at
0 to 4, and hardcover thereafter.

May move and fire, but with the penalties noted.

5.9 Effect of Firing

Firing can effect units in several ways. They can lose figures, representing a
breakdown in cohesion, willpower and morale. This will effect their firing ability
in future turns, and it will also effect the speed with which they move forward, see
section 6.2., or even their ability to do so, see section

5.9.1 Suppressed Units

Units that loose three figures in one turn due to firing are suppressed for the next
turn. Suppressed units may not move in their next turn, and fight/fire with a

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There are two types of movement in Triumph of the Will, the movement of
unspotted blinds or concealed units in cover, and the movement of figures on the



One blind will be provided for each Command, as well as any blanks the umpire
may wish to allocate to confuse the enemy. In a game with no umpire 50% more
blanks than real movement bases, rounded up, may be issued. A Command is
defined as a Battalion, Squadron or Battery. Single gun sections or armoured
vehicles must be attached to a Command, and will not operate alone. Two or
more gun sections (a battery) or vehicles (a section) will have their own base.
They may be deployed in one of three ways.
This represents a force in column of march, with all
units in column behind each other. Dimensions are 3
by 6.

This represents a force in columns abreast, or in column of

deployed companies in line with a three-inch gap between
each. Dimensions are 6 by 3. This is also the maximum
deployment for an armoured or artillery force.

This represents a force deployed with two
companies in line to e fore, with two in
reserve behind
in any formation chosen.
Dimensions are 12 by 3
In all of the above cases the word Squadron may be substituted for Company
where cavalry are being considered. Artillery or MGs attached to these formations
may be deployed as desired. Artillery or armour on there own only use the first
two bases, being considered in transit in the first example, and deployed in the
Troops on base A have three impetus points, on base B two impetus points, and on
base C one point. Movement bases may move at 6 per impetus point in the open
whatever their stage of deployment, and 4 in bad going. Units moving through
any area of buildings will always be considered to be in bad going.
Troops may change up or down one movement base per turn for the loss of one
impetus point in each turn. For example troops on base A, in column of march,
may use two impetus points to move 12 along a road, before using the final point
to change to base B, in column of companies. To shift from base A to C, therefore
takes a minimum of two turns.
A Commander in Chief may attach himself to one base and add one impetus point,
as long as he is not a Measured commander.
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TotW Example Blinds Movement

By way of example, a unit of Cossack cavalry is advancing on a blind deployed
in column of squadrons. It moves as illustrated on base B. It starts the turn
8 from a wall which blocks its path. With two impetus points due to its
formation it may move up to 12 in the open. As the wall represents bad
going it is restricted to 10 (6 then 4). Consequently the unit moves up to
the wall and crosses it, moving 2 past it.


Unit Movement

Once figure are deployed on the table the following rules apply. All infantry units
will move the full distance unless moving to a specific position in which case they
may stop short. Vehicles may choose how many dice are thrown up to their
maximum, and will move the full distance as per dice throw. Again they may stop
short if heading for a specified position.

Unit strength in inches in the open, less 3 in bad going or crossing

an obstacle. Maximum speed of 8.

Cavalry &:

Double Unit strength in inches in the open, less 3 in bad going, less
6 if crossing an obstacle. Maximum speed 16


Foot, strength in crew figures +3

Horse, strength in crew figures +6
Less 3 in bad going. May not cross obstacles.


Only move when attached to an infantry unit unless under

consolidate orders


4DAV on road or hard ground only


2DAV on road or hard ground only

Fast Tanks:

3DAV in all terrain

Slow Tanks:

2DAV in all terrain


1DAV in open
4DAV on roads


10 in open or roads, 7 in bad going


See specific supplements


Movement Notes
A unit may add 50% if on a retire order
Troops in march column add 3
Troops may reposition up to 1 and not be considered as moving
Troops that have fired without penalty may not move
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Only tanks may move through barbed wire unless it has previously damaged
by artillery fire.
Cavalry will always evade away from AFVs attempting to initiate close
Troops moving in two or more types of terrain will move at the slowest
speed relevant for the whole turn.
There is a 50% move penalty for cavalry turning volte face.
Rivers may only be crossed at bridges or where they are shallow enough to
be forded, or if frozen.
To debus from transport troops loose 1 dice; to embark troops loose 2 dice.
Infantry units may move through other units freely with no penalty as they
are considered to be in extended order. Cavalry may move through other
units freely, but they are considered to be disordered during the turn in
which it happens.

TotW Example Figure Movement

By way of example, the same Cossack unit as above has already been spotted and is
moving with figures on the table. With eight figures per squadron, each unit may
move up to 16 in the open. The wall, however, counts as an obstacle, and deducts
6 from the movement allowed. Consequently the lead squadron will be able to move
10, crossing the wall by 2, but the following squadrons will stop short of the wall.
Next turn their move will be hampered with a 6 penalty as well.

6.4 The Effect of Casualties on Movement

One key aspect to Triumph of the Will is the way that movement rates can be
effected by casualty levels. In broad terms there are no specific morale tests
within the rules, this being built in to unit sizes.
Once a company or squadron sized unit has fallen to 5 figures or less it must throw
a movement dice every turn whether it is still under control or not. A roll equal to
or below than the units strength will allow it to act as desired. If, however, the
roll is higher than the units strength then the difference indicates the distance in
inches that the unit moves directly away from the nearest enemy. For cavalry this
distance is doubled as normal. A unit already in cover will not withdraw, but will
become suppressed.
TotW Example Involuntary Withdrawal
Two Red Army Companies, one of six and one of five figures are advancing across
broken ground towards a White Companys positions. Last turn they lost two and
one figure respectively. The six figure unit may act as desired this turn, the five
figure unit must test to see if it still under control. If it rolls 6 it is not, and will
move back 1 (5 - 6 = -1). This represents the fact that the unit has been shaken
sufficiently to see it unwilling to advance.

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AFV combat in Triumph of the Will utilises a simple system that reflects the
lighter armour of the inter-war period without the need for extensive listings.
Some extra period detail may be found in the relevant sections towards the rear of
this book. AFV models represent a number of vehicles, ranging from two in earlier
periods to five or six later. In broad terms they are a detachment or a platoon.
There are two levels of armour classification, being Heavy and Light. Armament
carried will fall into the following classes, Machine Guns, Light gun, Medium gun
and Heavy gun. To check if the gun firing is able to penetrate the armour of the
target vehicle consult the following chart. If they can you then roll to hit for any
guns as per artillery fire, or Machine Guns, which hit automatically, simply roll for
any damage.
At full strength tanks roll three dice needing 1, 2 or 3 to hit, then dice for damage
as normal, taking into account any cover given by that armour.







TotW Example Armour versus Armour Combat

A Panzer I armed with machine guns turns a corner to find a T26 some 9 up the high
street of a small Spanish town. Unfortunately, at that range the MGs cannot
penetrate the heavy armour of the T26.
In his turn, however, the Medium gun on the T26 can easily penetrate the light
armour of the Panzer. The Red tank is at full strength, so rolls three dice requiring 1
or 2 to hit. He throws 2, 3 and 5, two hits. He then rolls two dice for damage. He
needs to roll 1 to 4 on a D6 as the Light tank counts as being in the open when faced
with a medium gun. He rolls a 1 and a 2, reducing the tanks strength by three, with
a one, at this short range, achieving two hits.

7.1 Armour Strengths & Losses

Casualties caused on tanks or Armoured Cars is noted and a total kept. Heavy
Armour has a starting strength of 6 points. Light Armour has a staring strength of 4
points. Once these are lost the vehicle is considered damaged beyond repair and
out of the game.
As they lose strength points the effectiveness of an AFV drops. Heavy armour loses
one shot for each two points of losses. Light armour is reduced to two shots after
two loses, and to one shot after three.

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7.1.1 Suppression of vehicles

Once an AFV model (detatchment or platoon in reality) suffers casualties it can
suffer from suppression. If the vehicle subsequently wishes to move, or is being
fired on, roll a D6 needing to roll above the number of hits taken so far or the
vehicle becomes suppressed for that turn. Suppressed vehicles may still fire their
weapons (with the relevant minus for a suppressed unit) unless the vehicle has lost
all of its strength points at which point it is considered totally destroyed. A vehicle
that is obliged to withdraw from close combat due to losses will test as above
before withdrawing. If it results in the model being suppressed then it will be
considered captured and unusable by either side for the rest of this game.

TotW Example Suppressed Armour

The Panzer I that has just been hit wishes, somewhat unwisely, to close with the
T26 to a range where his MGs can cause some moral damage on the Red tankers. In
his turn he rolls an unfortunate 3 for his suppression test, and fails to move at all,
his crew quite understandably frozen with fear!


AFV Combat Notes

MG armed AFVs fire once for each turret they have, not for each MG.
Non AT Guns or tank guns treat all tanks as a hard cover target
Non AT Guns treat light armour as being in soft cover
AT Guns or tank guns treat light armour as an open target
AT Guns or tank guns count heavy armour as in soft cover
Barrage fire from artillery against AFVs dice to hit as normal. However one
dice will be rolled for each hit achieved needing a result of 1 to reduce the unit
strength by one.

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Within Triumph of the Will aircraft operate with unlimited movement across the
table. When they wish to attack a ground unit they must be placed above that
unit. They generally attack as two man Machine Gun team at effective range
reducing cover by one level. Four such attacks are allowed per sortie. They have
a maximum duration above the table of six turns.
They may also attack a target with bombs. In earlier periods, such as the Russian
Civil War they may have a total bomb strike of 4D6. These may be used as desired,
all at once, four 1D6 runs, two runs of 2D6 etc. They calculate casualties as a five
man rifle squad for each D6 worth of bombs.
Attacks on a mounted target roll again for each hit, with an extra hit being
achieved on a roll of 4 to 6 on a D6.
TotW Example Air Attacks
By way of example, an RAF aeroplane appears over the crest of a hill to see a Red
Cavalry Regiment deployed in dead ground. It decides to off load all of its bombs
this turn. Four D6 are rolled, needing 1 to 4 normally (as for an MMG firing at
effective range), but these cavalry (+1) and militia (+1), so they cant miss - 1 to 6
hits. Four hits are achieved. Four additional D6 are thrown, as this is a mounted
target. They roll 1,2,5 and 6 resulting in two additional hits.


Anti Aircraft Fire

Troops that are being attacked, or are within 4 of the aeroplanes point of attack
may attempt to drive off or shoot down the plane before its attack is made. An
Infantry Company or MG platoon throw 1D6, on a throw of 6 roll again: 3-5 driven
off this turn, 6 shot down. Cavalry, artillery and armour cannot shoot at planes.
N.B. Even if they have made a full move and fired, eligible troops may still
attempt to drive off an attacker.

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The weaponry of the inter-war period became increasingly sophisticated, and to

represent this the following rules may be used.



A light (50mm to 60mm) mortar platoon (one model with a 2 man crew) has a range
of 4 to 18 and strikes as a one man MG crew. It does not need line of site to hit
a target as long as it may be seen by a friendly unit. Hits on 1 to 3 on a D6, with a
natural one counting as 2 hits.
A medium mortar (75mm to 85mm) or trench mortar with a 2 man crew has a range
of 6 to 36 and strikes as a 2 man MG crew. Needs an observed target (or
position, such as trench, if he cannot actually see his enemy). Hits on 1 to 3 on a
D6 with a natural one counting as two hits.


Flame Throwers

These weapons have a range of up to 6; they hit automatically, striking as a

three-man artillery crew at short range, ignoring all cover. They have three bursts
per game.


Barbed Wire

Barbed wire may be deployed in sections with a frontage of 3 and a depth of 2.

This may not be crossed by infantry, cavalry, artillery or armoured cars in its virgin
state, but must be damaged first. It has an inherent strength of 4 points, which
may be damaged, by artillery and bombs, taking casualties as would an infantry
unit in the open. Explosive armed troops or Engineers may damage the sections at
the umpires discretion. Once two points of damage have been inflicted the
section counts as bad going. Once four points have been inflicted it is removed
from the table. Tanks may move through barbed wire, destroying the section as
they go.
These may be used in blocks of 4 square. In the period covered they should be a
rarity. These may be crossed by infantry who suffer casualties as though being
fired upon by a five man rifle section at close range. AFVs crossing such an area
will roll 1D6 and will lose one strength point on the roll of 1 to 3.
Minefields may be cleared by Engineers who spend a complete turn stationary on
them, and roll a 4 to 6 on a D6.



Trenches provide cover from firing and make units harder to spot. Due to their
generally irregular nature (and certainly irregular outlook) units in trenches in the
inter-war period will, generally, only be in scrapes rather than the elaborately
constructed cover of the Great War. This will only provide light cover only.
Trenches may not be dug during the course of the game.

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9.6 Smoke
The use of smoke shells is restricted to specific scenarios, and should not be an
option normally open to commanders. However, for the sake of completeness, the
following rules may be used.
Smoke shells may be fired by off table artillery in barrage fire mode only, and this
will be arranged to hit a pre-designated position. A target point must be specified
before the commencement of the game.
When firing a deviation dice being used to determine the accuracy of the barrage.
This will have two faces marked Hit with the other four being marked with an
arrow. If an arrow is rolled then the fire has missed, the barrage is off target. The
impact of the barrage will follow the line prescribed by the deviation dice, and the
distance off target is equal to of 2d6 in inches
Smoke will cover an area with a 4 radius if two gun sections, i.e. a battery, are
firing, with that radius being increased by 1 for each additional gun section.
The effect of smoke will be modified by wind speed etc, which will ideally be set
within the scenario. Units may not firing through a smoke screen will fire with a -2
on the dice for effect.
9.7 Buildings & Their Strengths
Within Triumph of the Will buildings are in fact built up areas, and are considered
to be of two sorts, heavy or light.
9.7.1 Heavy Buildings
Heavy buildings are brick built structures and provide heavy cover to troops in
them. They will have a defence value, generally of 6 but larger buildings may have
more. They can only be damaged by fire from artillery or Gun armed tanks. When
fired on by such a weapon they will suffer the same loss of strength value as the
troops inside (i.e. one strength point for every figure lost). On reaching zero
strength they will collapse rendering all occupants hors de combat for the rest of
the game.
9.7.2 Light Buildings
These are of more flimsy construction, being the wood or mud dwellings associated
with the peasant populations of Russia or Spain. They will have a defence value of
4, or less if in a state of disrepair. These can be damaged by any fire, and they
will suffer the same loss of strength value as the troops inside them (i.e. one
strength point for every figure lost). On reaching zero strength they will collapse.
Any troops inside will immediately be moved outside and will be considered to be a
target in the open for any firing, or suppressed for any close combat, until they
9.7.3 Rubble
Buildings that have collapsed may be reoccupied by troops after one full turns
delay. These troops then count as in light cover from the rubble.

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This occurs when two opposing units come within 2 of each other, representing
close range fighting and melee where weapons such as grenades and molotov
cocktails can be used. In reality this type of fighting would be fast and bloody,
with one side rapidly overcoming the other.

10.1 Procedure
Count the total number of figures on each side, this is the basic number of dice
that each side will roll. Amend this for each side in the following order:

Aggressive troops
In cover
Armoured support within 3
Cavalry charging Infantry in open
Own officer present
Enemy officer-less
Attack led by flag
Lance armed cavalry charging
Per training level higher
Attacked in flank/rear
Unit suppressed
Unit disordered
Each supported flank, see below
Train carriages

+50% more dice

+50% more dice
Double dice
-50% of dice
+ half strength of supporting unit.
50% of carriage strength, plus occupants


Tanks and Armoured Cars count as their current point strength in melee. They
may chose to support from the rear and count as armoured support if within 3.
MGs and artillery count as 3 men per figure.
Units attacked in the rear will turn to face automatically unless attacked in the
front or flank as well. If able to turn they will not count as being attacked in
the rear.
For the purpose of close combat open terrain is that which does not hamper
Cavalry fighting other cavalry do not double their dice.
To count as flank support a friendly unit must be within 3 of the unit it is
supporting, or any unit attacking the neighbour if they have an overlap, and be
stationary and undertaking no other actions (i.e. not be firing or moving). If
faced off by an enemy unit within close range it must engage them, and not
support the melee.
Troops Lacking Moral Fibre. In the open these troops will flee before a
charge. Retiring 8 facing the enemy, unable to move the following turn, firing
as pinned. If in cover they will stand, but on any negative result in close
combat will react as if defeated by 3 or more.
Armoured units may not initiate close combat against troops in a building.
Cavalry may not initiate close combat with AFVs unless so briefed by the
umpire in specific circumstances.
Troops in buildings attacking troops out of buildings will not withdraw on a
negative result, but will become suppressed.

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Trains have a defensive factor only, if obliged to retire will they double the

The total is the number of dice to be thrown.


Each 6 removes an opponents

10.2 Results of Close Combat

Compare both sides losses and refer to the list below.

Fight again immediately.

Defeated by 1:

Thrown back 4 facing your enemy. You may not advance in

your next turn but may fire.

Defeated by 2:

Thrown back 8 facing your enemy.

perform any action in your next turn.

Defeated by 3:

Run away 12 facing your rear.

Your unit counts as
suppressed, and may not fire or undertake any action until
contacted by an officer.

Defeated by 4+:

Unit wiped out, totally defeated. There are no prisoners.

You may not fire or

N.B. Regular troops who loose a round of melee reduce the morale effect by one
level (i.e. a defeat by two reduces to a defeat by one etc.). Militia troops who
loose a round of melee against cavalry increase the morale effect by one level.
TotW Example Close Combat
A Company of Spanish Foreign Legion, 7 figures remaining, is entering into combat
with an 8 figure unit of the Thaelmann International Brigade who are crouching
amongst rocks on a hillside. Both units are aggressive, the Brigaders are drilled
whereas the Legion are Regular. The Legion officer is dead so cannot add his
strength to the morale. The Legion benefit from being aggressive troops attacking,
adding another 50% of dice, bringing them to 11 (rounded up), they are one training
level above the Thaelmanns, bringing them up to 13 dice. The Thaelmanns throw
8 dice, plus one for their officer, and plus another two for the Legion having lost
their officer, eleven in total.
In this instance the Legion roll one 6, the Thalemanns roll two 6s, each remove
that many figures. As the Legion are Regulars they ignore one level of close combat
defeat and they fight again immediately. The Brigaders roll a D10 to see if their
officer falls, he doesnt, so the Legion now throw 5 + 3 (50%) + 2 (training) = 10
dice. The Internationals throw 7 + 1 (their Officer) + 2 (no Legion Officer) = 10
dice. This time the Legion are lucky. They roll three 6s against the Thaelmanns
one. The International Brigaders are defeated by 2, and withdraw 8 facing the
enemy. They will be unable to perform any action next turn.
This result sees the Legion down to four figures. If close combat situations drag on
the units involved loose energy at a fast rate and are often entirely spent as an
offensive force as has happened here.

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10.3 Breakthroughs
Infantry units which win a round of close combat are assumed to halt and
consolidate the ground they have won. Cavalry may continue to move up to the
limit of their maximum movement rate, deducting 2 for each unit they fight. If
this move takes them into contact with another unit then another round of close
combat is fought immediately.
Some cavalry will automatically breakthrough and carry on, others may have the
option of halting at any point in their move.

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There are two levels of commanders represented in Triumph of the Will; the
Commander in Chief who heads the force on the table and the Command Officers
who head each Battalion. At more junior levels, such as Unit Officers within each
Company or Squadron , we presume that they are going about their business
automatically and needs give them no heed.
So, what can these commanders do?

11.1 Command Officers

Infantry Battalion and cavalry Regiment commanders may:
Spot enemy units during that phase of the turn.
May lead heroically, adding his strength (i.e. one figure) to units they are in
contact with (i.e. up to two units, one on each side) for close combat and
movement purposes.
May rally a unit that has suffered an adverse result in melee


Heroes of the Cause

Very occasionally a Command officer may be present who falls into this category.
He may add two to the units he is with as above for all purposes.


Officer Casualties

If an officer is with a unit that takes casualties throw a D10 needing above the
number of hits taken that turn to save the officer. If he is with two units that have
taken casualties roll once per unit.

11.2 Commander in Chief

May rally units that have suffered an adverse result in melee

Issue Command orders
May join a movement base to add an impetus point


Command & Control

The Commander in Chief may issue one order change for poor commander, two for
an average commander, or three for a good commander, per turn based upon a
dice throw against his character. Characteristics apply only to the Commander in
Chief, not to Command officers.
This is done in the relevant phase of the turn if using the alternate movement
system, or on the turn of his card is using the deck to dictate the run of the turn.
Once he had decided to attempt an order change he MUST do so with one of the
options presented to him y his dice throw.

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Leadership Characteristics






Cavalry Attack


INSANE (roll again)

As Aggressive
As Measured
As Cavalry
As Heroic
As Political
Declare Yourself King of
China. No orders.

TotW Example Changing Order

Comrade Sergei Krutchikov is a poor political commander leading a Division of the
Red Army. As a poor commander he may only make one attempt to change order.
He throws 4 on his D6. This allows him to issue his choice of options 1,2,3 or 4 from
his Political chart. He must therefore order one Battalion to Engage, Hold or
Consolidate immediately.

Order Definitions


Fall back to a named position


Hold a named position. Troops on a hold order may not advance

more than 4 further forward than their named position. Troops
that are pushed out of a position they have been ordered to hold will
assume a hold order on the position they have been pushed back to.


Troops will advance to engage the enemy with fire at effective

range. Troops may not move to point blank range.


Troops will advance to assault an enemy position. The majority of

troops must attempt to close, although some may be deployed in a
support role.

Consolidate: Units will consolidate on a position that they already occupy. Under
this order MGs may move on their own at a speed of 7. If the
Regimental standard is present units that have suffered casualties
may be reformed from part units to a maximum strength of 6 figures
per reformed company. Troops on this order may not advance
further forward than their foremost unit. They may not initiate
close combat, but they may fire.
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11.3 Unit Initiative

Although commanders are limited in the orders they may give, individual battalions
may attempt to use their initiative in order to change their own orders. In order to
do this they must have their unit Commander still alive, and must roll equal to or
above the number identified on the chart for their troop type.
This test may apply to units that wish to keep the same order, but want to move
their location. For example a unit on a Hold order in one village, may wish to
retire back to hold a wood a little way back. In this situation it would test on the
retreat column for its troops type. Units marked with a * may only retreat if they
change their orders to retire. If they wish to halt at a new position they must
either be given the relevant order by the Commander in Chief or must test to
advance under their own initiative. The relevant charts are included in the
period specific sections later in this book.
TotW Example Unit Initiative
A Battalion of the Markov Regiment, veterans of five years of conflict, currently
on a hold order, see that an important bridge to their front is not held by the
enemy. The unit consults its initiative rating, and must throw 3 or over in order
to advance to take the position.
A unit of Red Guard who have just been called to the front from their cabbage
processing factory in Rostov see another similar bridge not held by the reactionary
Whites. Currently on a hold order they consult their initiative rating, and must
throw a 6 in order to advance to take the position.

11.4 Lines of Communication

In order top best represent the importance of lines of communication, each force
utilises a lines of communication marker. This is placed on the table and will
remain static throughout the game. This serves to remind the players that they are
not in a vacuum, but must take into consideration such strategic essentials as lines
of communication and supply. If this marker is taken by the enemy all commands
will automatically change to a Hold order with the exception of any command
despatched to retake the communication marker.

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The following are designed to allow the gamer to flavour his own games with more
period specific flavour that is relevant to the conflict that he is gaming. These are
just a few ideas, feel free to season your games as liberally as you like.

In the period immediately following the Armistice of 1918 Germany was riven with
revolt and fighting between various factions. Politics was polarised into a
confrontation between the left and right, with returning soldiers, in particular the
experience storm troops, confronting the Spartakusbund in Berlin and other forces,
such as the Bavarian Red Army in the south. This was followed by more campaigns
in the east where the Freikorps fought to protect the German border with Poland
and also to extend their rule into the Baltic states.
We use the following rules to cover this period.
The forces of the left in Germany were of variable quality, especially so in the
south. We replicate that by drawing up an order of battle as usual, and then dicing
for each battalion sized unit present. Roll 1D6 as follows.

Aggressive troops, increase training level by one

Increase training level by one
No change
No change
Reduce training level by one
Reduce training level by one, Lacking Moral Fibre

If your force is Bavarian Red Army subtract one from the dice
Some armoured trains were used in Germany and in the Baltic. Full rules for these
may be found in the section on the Russian Civil War.
After winning a round of close combat cavalry may choose to breakthrough or
whether to halt there and consolidate the ground won.
In post war Germany irregular forces were known to suffer from shortages of
ammunition, especially for their heavier weaponry. As such an option is to roll a
dice to restrict the number of turns firing available to any gun section or battery.
Roll 1DAV and add one to get the amount of ammunition available in terms of turns

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Forces of the Right & Balts
Baltic States


Forces of the Left

Bavarian Red
Red Soldiers


These are provided for each Company sized unit. As with so many things these
classifications represent my own opinion, feel free to change them if you feel
otherwise. The types of troops, especially in the early days, were so diverse that
this is only a representative sample.
Forces of the Right
Wehr Paramilitaries:
Balts 1918-mid 1919 :
Balts Late 1919 onwards:
Freikorps Cavalry:
Forces of the Left
Red ex-Army:
Bavarian Red Army:

10 figures, regulars, aggressive

8 figures, drilled or militia
6 or 8 figures, drilled
6 or 8 figures, militia or drilled
8 figures, regular or drilled, aggressive
10 figures, regular
6-8 figures, militia or drilled
8 figures, drilled, possibly
8 figures, regular or drilled
6 or 8 figures, drilled or militia,
potentially LMF

Unit Organisation
The forces involved in this conflict, be they from the left or right, tended to have
emerged from the remnants of unit returning from the Great War, as such their
formations tended to be based on those of the Imperial German Army. An infantry
battalion was normally four rifle companies and a machine gun company, the latter
having three platoons of guns.
Card Options
If the card driven movement system is being used then the regular unit bonus card
may be used for any forces so marked. The forces of the right are more likely to
benefit from the gifted commander card due to their professionalism.

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In order to recreate the Spanish Civil War effectively one needs to add the
following to the master rules.
Keen on the use of dynamite within a hands on military context. Deployed in
two figure teams, having two charges per team. They will operate attached to any
infantry unit and will count as +3 dice in close combat at the cost of one charge.
Only one charge may be used in each turn. These may be used to destroy barbed
wire sections at the umpires discretion.

Militia forces with such an officer present may act as drilled troops while he is
present, and add two inches to their foot speed movement. Check for loss as for
officers, but subtract one from the dice.


Off table artillery fire may only be used in a barrage. When called in will arrive
one turn later, and will continue to fall on that target until it stops or ammunition
restrictions end the barrage. Artillery fire may not be called down upon a specific
unit, but on a position. If multiple units are under attack a dice should be rolled to
see which unit takes losses from any hits.

Some troops may count an ecclesiastical icon or presence as a flag in close
combat situation. This was especially true of Carlist troops whose priests often
fought in the front line armed only with a crucifix adorned staff. A Priest attached
to a unit will dice to see if he is killed in the same way as an officer.
After winning a round of close combat cavalry may chose to breakthrough or
whether to halt there and consolidate the ground won.
Guardia Civil
Italian Regulars
Italian Blackshirts



Assault Guards

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These are provided for each Company sized unit. As with so many things these
classifications represent my own opinion, feel free to change them if you feel
otherwise. The types of troops, especially in the early days, were so diverse that
this is only a representative sample.
Spanish Foreign Legion up to Madrid:
Legion 1937 onwards:
Moors up to Jarama:
Moors post Jarama:
Early Falange Militia:
Carlist Infantry, 1937:
Guardia Civil 1936:
Italian Regulars:
Italian Blackshirts:

10 figures, regulars, aggressive

8 or 9 figures, aggressive
9 figures, regulars, aggressive, hillmen
7 or 8 figures, regular, hillmen
6 figures, militia, potentially LMF
8 figures, drilled, aggressive, hillmen
7 figures, drilled
8 figures, drilled, occasionally LMF
6 figures, drilled/militia, potentially

POUM/Anarchist militias, 1936-37:
International Brigades:
Assault Guards:
Durrutti or 5th Regiment:

6-8 figures, militia, potentially LMF

8-10 figures, drilled, aggressive
9 figures, drilled, aggressive
8 figures, regular, aggressive

Peninsula Army 1936:
Conscript Armies post 1937:

8 figures, regular
6-8 figures, drilled, potentially LMF

Unit Organisation
Prior to the start of the revolt in 1936 the standard organisation for Spanish forces
was a battalion made up of four infantry companies and a further company of three
Machine Gun Platoons. Four such battalions made up a Brigade, which in theory
would have integral anti-tank and artillery support. In practice the latter were
usually under-represented. A cavalry Regiment was made up of four sabre
squadrons and one Machine Gun squadron. There was some talk of Moroccan
Tabors being smaller in size this is wrong, and is based on many subsequent works
utilising the same erroneous source, they did, in fact follow the same pattern.
The above organisation tended to be kept throughout the conflict by regular forces
on both sides. Some of the irregular forces of the Left were organised on an
entirely ad hoc basis, if for no other reason than their inclination towards the
principle of anarchy. As such they may be organised as the gamer desires or
according to historical precedence.
Card Options
If the card driven movement system is being used then the regular unit bonus card
may be used for any forces so marked. The nationalists are more likely to benefit
from the gifted commander card as this reflects their command abilities, not their
bravery or resilience.

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In order to recreate the Russian Civil War effectively one needs to add the
following to the master rules.
An armoured train may move up to 5DAV inches in distance, quite obviously this
movement is limited to any railway lines! The train may accelerate or decelerate
by 2DAV per turn. An armoured train that is armed with artillery pieces, MGs or
infantry may only fire when the train is stationary. Trains may be issued with any
order except Attack.
At the start of the game each wagon, carriage or engine will be given an armour
type, either light or heavy armour. Hits on the train will be calculated as per hits
on armoured vehicles. Each wagon, carriage or engine has a number of strength
points which may be lost through firing or close combat, as normal. These may
range from 4 to 7 points and should be allocated at the start of the game. In the
absence of an umpire roll a DAV, with 2 = 4; 3 = 5 etc.
Firing at a train
Troops firing on a train may specify which part of the train they are firing at ONLY
if the train is stationary and if the fire is direct or observed. Otherwise a dice
should be thrown to determine where any damage is done, with equal chance per
carriage. As a wagon or carriage takes damage the strength of its integral
armaments is reduced proportionately. A carriage that is reduced to zero strength
is considered destroyed, and will block the track. The engine or carriages may be
uncoupled, taking one turn stationary in normal circumstances, a 50% chance if
under fire.
Troops firing on a crewed open carriage will roll a D6, 1 or 2 the damage will be
inflicted on the carriage itself, 3 to 6 the damage will be on the troops therein.
Troops firing on a crewed closed carriage will inflict damage on the carriage itself.
However some damage may be caused to troops inside. Roll a D6 for each point of
damage on the carriage. 1 or 2 inflicts one casualty on the passengers as well.
Engine Damage
Each time the engine is hit dice for critical hits.
consult the table below.

Throw 2D6.

On any double

Double 1

Track damaged, roll with equal chance, to see if the train may no
longer advance or retreat.
Double 2
Boiler damage. Loose one available speed dice
Double 3 or 4 Serious boiler damage. Loose two available speed dice.
Double 5
Brakes damaged. On 1 to 3 on a D6 move one more move then the
train will stop for 1D6 turns.
On 4 to 6 on a D6 continue moving at current speed until a 6 is
thrown, then decelerate as normal.
Double 6
BOOOOOM. Engine blows up in a spectacular fashion. Any troops in
close combat range, 2, dice as if fired on from effective range by a
five figure group.
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If the engine looses all six points it ceases to function, the train is stationary for
the rest of the game.
Close Combat with a Train
Close combat may only be instigated with a train if it is moving at less than the
speed available to the attackers.
Troops may be allocated to carriages, and these may fight normally. These troops
do not count the benefit of cover, but add half the actual strength of the carriage
to represent the state of the cover. Empty carriages may use this half strength to
represent the fact that they are simply difficult to break into. A close combat that
reduces a carriages value to zero will allow the victor the option of having either
destroyed the carriage as normal, or having broken into and captured it.
Armoured trains use their inherent strength for defence only, they may not
instigate close combat. Some open carriages, such as flat cars, are treated as
having no defence factor in close combat, as troops in them are susceptible to
damage. Troops in the open carriage will use their strength only in this situation.
Should an attacker enter into close combat with an open carriage that has no
troops in it, the carriage will be captured immediately. The attacker may then
destroy the carriage if he holds it for two more turns.
Train Crashes
Trains may NEVER intentionally crash into anything. If, however, their brakes are
damaged they may accidentally be involved in a collision. If two trains collide both
are derailed and may not move again for the rest of the game. All armaments are
Any guns or vehicles hit by a train are destroyed. Infantry will always jump clear
of any potential accident.
Trains colliding with a barricade roll a D6.
Train derailed
Train halted within 2D6 inches, but still on rails
Barricade destroyed, full steam ahead.
The tanks used during the Russian Civil War were primitive in the extreme, and
whilst relatively invulnerable to enemy fire they were prone to breakdown and
mechanical failure.
Each turn a tank moves roll a 2D6, on a double consult the chart below.

Tank is overheating, no movement for the next turn.
Tank has broken down, roll a 6 on a D6 to fix, try each turn.
Tank is completely broken down, no movement for the rest of the
game, it may, however fire as normal, but will count as half effect
in close combat.
Tank has developed engine trouble, must return to line of
communication marker immediately. Will remain stationary for one
turn after that.
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If the tank fired this turn it has run out of ammunition. If a

composite vehicle dice to see if it is MG or 6 pounder ammunition
that has run out. Return to Lines of Communication marker to resupply.
Crew has carbon monoxide poisoning. No movement or firing for one
turn while they step outside for some fresh air. If in close combat
they are captured.

Former Tsarist officers who were used by the Red Army as specialists in order to
improve the effectiveness of their troops. May be attached to either a Battalion
sized force of militia or drilled troops. The units that they accompany will then act
as one training grade higher; i.e. Militia act as Drilled and so on. Check for loss as
per officers, but with a minus one on the dice.
Popular chaps these, obviously only serving with the Red forces. This character
may add up 2 to the movement of a unit that he is with, as long as this figure does
not exceed the maximum the unit could move when fresh (in other words they
keep moving at top speed for longer, and even when that is reduced they go faster
than they otherwise would). This will affect the movement/morale test in section
11 as well as normal movement. A Commissar may also rally together units from
the same command that have been hard hit and group them together in makeshift
Companies of up to six figures. These will always count as Militia and cannot be
issued with an Attack order. If a unit takes casualties test for loss of commissar
as for officers.
These troops were very powerful in the Civil War. Cavalry winning a close combat
will test to see whether they remain in control, in which case they may halt or
breakthrough as desired by the player, or whether they continue to breakthrough
out of control.
Regular cavalry remain in control on a roll of 3 to 6 on a D6
Drilled cavalry remain in control on a roll of 4 to 6 on a D6
Militia cavalry remain in control on a roll of 6 on a D6
Both sides were successful in recruiting Cossacks to their standards, although the
majority followed the White cause. These troops can be very effective; a Cossack
cavalry winning a close combat will automatically follow up. Their foes will
increase the level of defeat by one (section 14) and if contacted again will cease to
exist as a unit.
Cossack cavalry losing a close combat will increase their level of defeat by one.
A unit of Cheka may deploy on an 18 frontage behind friendly troops. Any unit
directly in front of it will ignore any withdraw result due to the movement dice
(section 11), also ignoring close combat results of defeated by 2 or less. In these
cases, however, they will lose one extra figure, representing those brought to
justice by the Cheka pour encourage les autres. If beaten by three, however,
they will be removed from the table together with any Cheka directly to their rear.
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Cheka themselves have no combat ability and will flee before any enemy advance.
If contacted they will be removed from the table.
White forces may treat an accompanying Orthodox Priest as a flag in close
combat. In any situation the priest will dice to see if he is killed as would an
officer attached to a unit.
Unit standards should be provided for all regular or drilled troops, one per
Battalion. These may be used in two ways during the rules. Firstly as a rallying
point, which may be left to the rear of a unit and, in the case of a negative close
combat result, will act as a rallying point in the same way an officer could. See
section 14. Units that rally around their standard may be consolidated into
makeshift units as long as their command has a Consolidate order. These units
may keep their original training level, but will form units with a maximum strength
of 6 figures and may not be issued Attack orders.
Secondly the standard may be carried into battle, and used to enhance the number
of dice thrown in a close combat situation, acting as a flag. A standard with a
company taking casualties will not test for loss, as whilst flag bearers may die, the
flag remains until the unit is wiped out.
Standards left to the rear have no movement ability of their own, they may only
move when accompanied by troops from their Command. If they are contacted by
enemy troops they are taken as a trophy.
An elite bodyguard that accompanied Trotsky on his armoured train. Dressed all in
Red leather these fashion conscious warriors could be used to add extra morale and
firepower to a hard-pressed position.
As such this unit, and possibly other bodyguard companies in equally vibrant
colours, can be used as a unit in their own right, or may be distributed amongst
other units, adding their strength for all calculations; firing, close combat and
movement. They may never add figures to another unit that takes the total above
10 figures in all.
Normal practice in the fluid, cavalry rich environment of the Russian Civil War. To
represent this tactic units wishing to appear on the flank in the first quarter of the
table from the friendly base line have an 85% chance of arriving on the turn
nominated by their commander. In the second quarter there is a 65% chance; the
third quarter a 40% chance, and the furthest quarter a 25% chance, as per the
following illustration.
Friendly base line

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Add 5% for a regular unit, deduct 10% for a militia unit. If a player rolls and fails
he may try again in the following turn, and subsequent ones, but with the
percentage chance reduced by 5% each time. If the chance falls to zero then it is
assumed that the force has either got lost or been intercepted by hostile forces.
A unit may not attempt to flank march past an impassable obstacle, such as a river,
unless specified in the scenario.
In the Russian Civil War shortages of ammunition did more to silence batteries than
enemy fire. As such an option is to roll a dice to restrict the number of turns firing
available to any gun section or battery. Roll 1DAV and add one to get the amount
of ammunition available in terms of turns fire.
An optional rule designed to work with the movement bases, but can be amended
for use without them. Immediately after the initial deployment has been made
and orders issued, the attacker, having the moral initiative, may see if his
propaganda has had any effect on the enemys troops. This represents the overall
political and strategic situation in the run up to the battle, rather than something
that actually happens during the battle itself.
The attacker rolls 2D6.

No effect
One enemy command affected. Roll a further D6. 1-3 the defender selects
a unit. 4-6 the attacker selects a unit
11-12 All commands affected
If the defender selects a command he must choose one of his infantry commands,
rather than a support unit such as tanks or artillery. If the attacker selects a
command he may choose any enemy command on the table. At this point the
command will still be on a movement base, and this may result in a blank
movement base being chosen. The owner should not inform the player of this until
the base is spotted.
Whoever made the selection, the chosen command is marked, and effects are
diced for once the unit is spotted.
Effects on units
Roll 2D6 for the command.

No effect
Lose 1 figure from all sub units (not support weapons)
Lose 2 figures from all sub units (not support weapons)
Lose one company or squadron entirely (not support weapons)
Lose the entire command

If the unit is militia add 2 to the dice throw

If the unit is regular deduct 2 from the dice throw
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If the commander is a hero of the cause deduct 1 from the dice

If Cheka, Priests, Commissars or Voyenspets are attached to a unit that looses a
whole company or more they are removed as well.

In a meeting engagement the players should decide whether they wish to test for
the effects of propaganda. Only if both players wish to should it be used, with
both testing.
Officer Battalions
Guard Infantry
European Cavalry
Caucasian Cavalry



Red Guard
Red Army
Early Cavalry
Later Cavalry
Ex Tsarist Inf



This is representative using a selection of forces from South Russia, many more
options can be added to all sorts of troops such as Makhnos anarchists, Czechs or
even German Freikorps.
These are provided for each Company sized unit. These troops are even more
varied than their equivalents from the Spanish Civil War, with troops appearing
from all over the different parts of the former Russian Empire. As such the
following should act only as a guide, these covering South Russia.

Coloured Regiments:
10 figures, regular, aggressive
Guards Units:
9 figures, regular
Other line units:
7-8 figures, drilled, rarely LMF
Cossack horse:
8 figures, regular, aggressive
Guard Cavalry:
9-10 figures, regular
Finnish White Troops: 9 figures, drilled or regular
Eastern Muslim cavalry:
6-8 figures, militia, aggressive, hillmen
Early Red Guard:
Red Army:
Early Red Cavalry:
Late Red Cavalry:
Finnish Red Guard:
Latvian Communists

6 figures, militia, potentially aggressive or LMF

8 figures, drilled
9-10 figures, regular, aggressive
6-8 figures, militia or drilled, potentially LMF
8 figures, drilled or regular
7-8 figures, drilled or militia
9 figures, aggressive

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Unit Organisation
White units tended to follow, where possible, the organisational structures of the
Imperial Army of the Great War. Typically each infantry battalion would have four
infantry companies with one or two Machine Gun platoons attached. Cavalry units
would, at full strength, have six sotnia, or squadrons, of horse. Higher formations
tended to be more ad hoc depending on availability, however in practice
Divisions were often made up of three Battalions of Infantry with support from
attached battery of guns.
Red forces initially were a complete jumble of whatever was available. Former
Imperial forces returning from the front in an highly politicised state would often
be deployed against the Whites with their own officers still tenuously in control.
As the war progressed the new Red Army was formed under Trotskys guidance,
This was structured in a triangular fashion, with three companies making a
battalion, three battalions a Regiment, three Regiments a Brigade. The Brigade
would, in theory, have one artillery Battalion to support it along with a company of
In the vast expanse of Russia railways were the key arteries that dominated
strategic thinking. Control of them allowed forces to be supplied, reinforced and
moved with relative ease. As such armoured trains were often used to support
units of both sides in the field.
Card Options.
If the card driven movement system is being used then the regular unit bonus card
may be used for any forces so marked. The Whites are more likely to benefit from
the gifted commander card whereas the Reds will be more likely to be hampered
with a Political commander.
Red forces operating up to 1920 may be allocated one card per Brigade sized
grouping of three battalions, whereas the Whites should have one card per
battalion. Any Commissar should have his own card and will be able to rally units
when it is turned.

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TooFatLardies: Whats all that about?

TooFatLardies is a UK based wargames development team that produces an ever growing
range of rule sets for what we think are discerning wargamers. The emphasis with any of
our rule sets is on replicating the real core issues for each of our periods, recreating what
Clausewitz described as "friction" on the battlefield, alongside the stresses and pressure of
We believe in playing the period, not the rules.
A full list of all our products and services can be found online at
but in summary, they fall into the following categories:
Wargames Rules:
Toofatlardies produces a growing range of rules which are distributed either as hard copy,
CD or as PDF files. Each set reflects the periods that we ourselves game, and are
consequently the product of our own enthusiasm. Periods covered include WW2 (I Aint
Been Shot Mum! and its supplements), Napoleonic (Le Feu Sacre) Napoleonic Naval (Kiss Me,
Hardy!), WW2 aerial combat (Bag the Hun), and Early 20th Century Revolutionary warfare
(Triumph of the Will).
Toofatlardies also produces a twice yearly bumper publication containing articles,
supplements and scenarios in support of all its rule sets. These are available in CD or PDF
format. Each contains approximately 100 pages and is filled with relevant articles,
scenarios, additional rule sets and photos. Early reviews of these have been excellent.
Discussion group:
All TFLs authors are active members of the Toofatlardies Discussion Group which is hosted
by Yahoo! All users of TFL rule sets are invited to register as members of the online group
at . The discussion group is a great
forum in which to raise specific rule questions or general queries of either a period specific
or general wargaming nature. In addition, members often post up game reports, photos,
interesting web links, and share painting tips and amusing anecdotes. The site also includes
a range of scenarios and templates which members may download. Membership of the
group is free.
Scenario booklets in support of IABSM! are available. Each contains full briefings, historical
background, maps and OOB for refighting a number of actions. Some free scenarios are also
available online either via the website or held as files on the discussion group. Full details
Games Days:
TooFatLardies hosts a multi-player Games Day, which run at the rate of approximately one
every six months. These games, which take pace at Lard Island in St. Albans,
Hertfordshire, provide players with the opportunity to participate in games run using TFL
rules and are umpired by the authors. Each game runs from approximately 9.00am to
4.30pm. Numbers are restricted and are generally offered to members of the discussion
group on a first come, first served basis.
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