One More Second Chance
One More Second Chance
One More Second Chance
My oldest son, John, wrote a song a few years ago called One More
Second Chance and those words have been on my mind for weeks now.
Maybe it is because I listen to that song ten or twenty times a day but
whatever the reason is, those words have been on my mind. I am sure there
is a good reason why I have been thinking about second chances.
We have all heard the saying that a cat has nine lives and having some
experience with cats I would say that they have at least nine but probably
more. They just seem to keep on going, like the energizer bunny, they have
longevity. That could be good or bad I guess. For me that could be bad, I am
not a cat person. For those who love their cat it is a good thing that they keep
on going. God gives us that longevity too in the form of mercy.
One of my favorite scriptures is Ps. 103:17, But the mercy of the Lord
is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him and His
righteousness to childrens children. From everlasting to everlasting is a
long time. As the children of God we have that mercy that is from
everlasting to everlasting but only if we fear Him like His word says.
There are many scriptures that refer to Gods mercy.
Psalms 86:5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and
plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. God is good and there
is plenty of His mercy for those who call upon Him. He is ready to forgive if
we are ready to repent and ask Him for forgiveness. But pride gets in the
way most of the time, and pride does come before the fall, we all need to
recognize pride when it shows up and not let it take hold of us.
Psalms 86:13 For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast
delivered my soul from the lowest hell. Gods mercy has been great toward
me and my family. His mercy has delivered us from hell. I stand on Gods
word because I know that He will keep His word and I will see to it that I
keep His word and that I keep my word to serve Him.
Psalms 52:8 But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I
trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. I am like a green olive tree in
the house of God. I will continue to grow and produce good fruit and I will
continue to trust in His mercy for ever and ever. I know that His mercy will
remain for me and for those who truly serve Him but for those who only
give lip service to Him, those who dont really serve Him, His mercy will
not last for ever. God is also a God of wrath and chastisement.
I am sure that eventually those many chances that cats seem to have
run out and when they are gone from here they dont get to come back. One
thing that I know for sure is that when we are gone from here we are going
to live forever, somewhere, if we choose to serve God that place will be with
Him and then eventually we will get to come back.
Youre the only one with power to make everything new; you give
me one more second chance. [Quote from the song.One More Second
Chance] Thank God for those second chances!