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Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth
Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth
Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth
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Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth

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King David has an important role in the Old and New Testaments and huge impact on the nation of Israel. The Father witnessed and said about David, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart.

(Acts 13:22)

The Lord Jesus, Son of David, witnessed, How then does David in the Spirit call Him Lord, saying

(Matthew 22:43)

The Holy Bible said about him, Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the Lord is with him.

(1 Samuel 16:18)

A great man like that, who went through a lot in his life from being uncounted among his brothers to become a king of all Israel, who experienced distress, joy, victory, defeat, with a heart after Gods heartit is worthy to know how he, by the Holy Spirit, expressed all these feelings and put them in the psalms. This book will search that heart to bring out of his treasure things new and old.

(Matthew 13:52)

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 4, 2013
Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth

Emad Mikhaiel

Over twenty years in the field of ministry and a deaconship; involved with different age groups; author of another booklet, Eagles’ Wings. Leading Bible study for years, as being part of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gives me access to two different cultures, the Eastern spirituality and the fast pace of the Western society, which resulted in this book. As the father of two sons, I realized the need of such a book to teach how to pray and how to use words inspired by the Holy Spirit in your own personal prayers.

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    Besides You I Desire Nothing on Earth - Emad Mikhaiel

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    Since the night, my soul yearns to You, O God

    Psalm 91 Safety of Abiding in the presence of God

    Psalm 133 Blessed unity of the people of God

    Psalm 137 Longing for Zion in a foreign land

    Psalm 142 A plea of relief from persecutors—A prayer when King David was in the cave

    Psalm 17:5 Up hole my steps in Your path, That my footsteps may not slip

    Psalm 143 An earnest appeal for guidance and deliverance

    Jonah’s Prayer I cried out to the Lord because of my afflictions


    This book here is a fine collection of deep spiritual contemplations which speak about those yearnings to heavenly life.

    We are thankful for this impressive effort, and these useful contemplations, which the Holy Spirit bestowed on our beloved brother, Deacon Emad Mikhaiel. We ask our Lord Jesus Christ that all those who will read them may be enlightened, blessed and spiritually advanced. With the prayers of our holy father H.H. Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria, and his partner in the apostolic ministry H.G. Bishop Mina of Western Canada, may God grant them many peaceful years.

    Fr. Rewis Rophaiel

    Priest of St. Mary & St. Mark Church

    In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen.


    Besides You, I Desire Nothing on Earth is a collection of contemplations on some psalms. Although they are short and concise, still they are true to the main idea of the verses. They are intended to suit our age where there is no time for long readings.

    The prophet David described God’s words thus: I have seen the consummation of all perfection, But Your commandment is exceedingly broad. Psalm119:96

    These contemplations are but a meager glimpse that may hopefully open the door to your own contemplations on the Word of God, which I hope will eventually give you an abundance of fruit.

    Emad Mikhaiel

    Since the night, my soul yearns to You, O God

    Many people consider the book of prayers as an obligation or ordinance. This may be the case with those who have not yet delved into their depths or those who have never tasted the sweetness of praying the Psalms. Using the book of prayers in prayer declares that we are sincere in our relationships with the Lord and keen to stand before Him at devoted times. Starting with such times, we can gradually grow in the virtue of prayer until we reach the level of continuous prayer that will fill not only our time but also our very essence. Not a prayer a day, but prayer all the day.

    In the prayer of Matins, we meet this wonderful phrase: Since the night my soul yearns to You, my God. So what can we see here?

    This phrase indicates that standing before God in prayer did not start at Matins but in the night. All thoughts and the mind are directed to God even during the night as the virgin of the Song of Solomon says: I am asleep but my heart is awake. (5:2)

    O Lord, do give me such a heart filled with love for You instead of any other love. Let every thought be Yours. Let my thoughts be pleasing to You all day long.

    Since the night, my soul yearns to you, o God expresses also a deep longing for God, who is the source of life and true light, as the psalmist says, And there is none on earth I desire besides you (Psalm 73:25). Whenever tomorrow has special importance, you find yourself impatiently waiting for it to arrive.

    It is the same when the soul yearns for God. It is not only longing for Him but also needing to be satiated with His true light and divine truth. It is not You who is in need of my servility, but I am in need of Your lordship. It is practicing the commandment, Whoever seeks Me earnestly will find Me. Proverbs 8:17

    Standing before You in prayer, O Lord, is a spring from whence I draw my power, comfort, strength, and victory over the world’s lusts and the Devil. Whoever will pray this in the Spirit is actually declaring that God is the beginning of all things and is all in all.

    God comes first—before the beginning of the day, the occupations, goals, ambitions, and everything else. If only those who say there is no time would give God just a bit of their time, however little, they would see how the Lord can bless that.

    O Lord, I know that those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:14). Please, O Lord, grant me to pray in the Spirit and also in the mind; let me come under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for Your Holy Spirit intercedes for us with

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