Romanian Master of Physics 2012: Problem No. 1
Romanian Master of Physics 2012: Problem No. 1
Romanian Master of Physics 2012: Problem No. 1
The aim of this experimental task is to make numeric estimations for the MaxwellBoltzmann distribution. Specifically, we want to determine de fraction of the helium
atoms ( = 4 g/mol) at room temperature (T = 300 K) having speeds within a range of
at most 11% of their most probable speed.
For this, you need to make use of a coin.
A distribution function is a probability density in the space of certain expected events.
If the outcomes of the expected events
making up the space are discreet, then you
don't have to use a distribution function, just
the probabilities associated to those events
(it is absolutely equivalent to having various
values of point-like masses in a physical
space). For instance, we would be most
happy if your final marks for this test will
look somehow like in the diagram
17 18 19 20 mark
Instead, if the outcomes of the expected events make up a continuous space, then you
need to define a probability density of
getting the outcome around a certain f (units )
expected value. For instance, assuming that
your marks for this test could take
continuous values in the range [0 , 20], then
it would be most fortunate if the distribution
function will look somehow like in the
diagram alongside.
Please note that the probabilities and the
20 x (units)
distribution function do not depend on the
number of participants; they are calculated in the hypothesis of an infinite number of
In what follows, we will try to reconcile probabilities and distribution function, by
resorting to the approximation of a
step function (staircase function). For
instance, by taking a 0.5 step, the
distribution function for the above
example will look like in the diagram 0.4
alongside. Please note two things. 0.3
The first one is that, being an 0.2
approximation, you can get nonzero
probabilities even around not 0.1
expected values of the outcome, like,
say, 20.12. The second one is that, by
adding the probabilities for the domain around a certain mark and for half the upper
and lower neighboring values, you get the exact result from the first diagram.
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vx max =
c. Plot here the probabilities diagram for the events -5 through +5 (it is not imperative
to make a scale drawing).
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d. Draw here an 11 steps staircase function which approximates the Gauss normal
distribution (it is not imperative to make a scale drawing).
P(0,0,0) =
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i. List all possible combinations of vx, vy and vz (without permutations and negative
signs) that result in a value of the speed within our range of interest. Then add the
number of occurrences and the probability for each triplet.
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The goals of this experimental task are:
- determining the constant of a diffraction grid
- determining the wavelength of a pointer laser with green light
- determining a specific characteristic of some "strange mirrors", made of a plastic
sheet with a reflective layer, and producing multiple reflected beams for an incident
Experimental setup
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a.2. The value of the constant of the diffraction grid and the magnitude of the
measurement error.
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a.4. The value of the constant of the diffraction grid and the magnitude of the
measurement error.
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Task no.2
a.1. Positions of at least five spots, for d1 = 30 cm.
a.2. The value of the wavelength of the green radiation and the magnitude of the
measurement error.
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a.4. The value of the wavelength of the green radiation and the magnitude of the
measurement error.
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Task no. 3
3.a. Positions of at least two spots for at least three distances mirror-screen in the
range 25-40 cm, for "strange mirror" 1.
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3.d. Positions of at least two spots for one distance mirror-screen in the range 25-40
cm, for "strange mirror" 2.
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