Dr. Veena Jha

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Veena Jha1, Ph.D. & Aneesh Jose2

Ph. D. Research Guide , Barkatulla University, Bhopal


Ph. D. Scholar, Barkatulla University, Bhopal

Society is undergoing so many changes every day. All the social changes have been taking
place with the contribution given by the citizen. In a democratic nation where development of
the abilities and skills of each person is considered a human right, it becomes the duty of the
nation, society and schools that they should provide inclusive education for those children
who are in need of it. India, in process of becoming a developed country has to develop the
entire citizen capable of contributing for the development of the nation. In each country there
are many people who need special attentions from their childhood on ways. Indian
Government had tried to enumerate the population who need special needs during the last
census. It is found that 80% of these populations are school dropout and not given proper
education from their childhood on ways. Here is the question why? They did not get an
opportunity to continue their education or the atmosphere might not help them to continue it.
There can be so many answers to this question.
Inclusive education in Schools
Inclusive Education has been the part of school curriculum from long years by different
boards. Few places it was said as Special Education. Most of the boards has constructed
different curriculum which has laid foundation for the development of children. Every Year
they used to revise its syllabus and teaching methods for special children are fast- evolving.
Not only boards but also so many NGOs are dealing with children with special needs and
contributing lot.
Some of the schools are providing resource rooms where children with special needs study
the exact syllabus as the class, only a more simplified version of it with the help of drawings
and objects. They, however, join regular classes of students for physical education, arts and
crafts, poetry, morning assembly and other school activities. The idea is to give these
children a feel of what it is like to be with a regular class of children. In other cases, resource


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rooms are used to provide slow learners that extra attention to cope up for an age-appropriate
Problems faced by the Children with Special needs.
Funds are one issue faced by schools in opening of resource rooms as they require sufficient
amount to venture into a long-term commitment like inclusive education for special
Other important issue that faced by schools are good and committed hands in this field. It is
said Teaching is the Noble Profession. But now days it is very difficult to get devoted
teachers. So unless and until teachers are not devoted, special children will not get proper
care in schools.
Other important issue is related to education of these children in schools itself. Many schools
are not interested to admit these children since they need special care. School also conduct so
many entrance tests in order to get good students. Thus children with special needs dont get
their luck. Like this so many issues are going on.
Educational Provisions for children with Special needs.
Government launched a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled
Children (IEDC) in 1970. The main objective was to integrate children with disabilities in the
general community at all levels and enable them to development to face life with courage and
confidence. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) with the
help of UNICEF launched project Inclusive Education for Disabled Children in 1987.
In 1997 on ways , IEDC had basic education projects like DPEP and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
etc. IEDC scheme provides wide range of incentives like preschool training, uniforms,
transportation, counselling for parents, allowance for books and stationery, readers and
escorts , hostel facilities etc. Government had set up so many special schools for the
development of these children. In 1947, India had a total of 32 schools for the blind, 30 for
the deaf and three for the mentally retarded . But by 2000, number of schools increased to
around 3000 as per NCERT- UNESCO regional Workshop Report 2000. So let us hope,
many more schools in future.
Few Suggestions to Schools
There are so many ways schools can help the children with special needs in order to
overcome their problems. The question is all about the approach of the schools and how
much interest on admitting these children in their school only.

Removing physical Barristers



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Easy admission test for special children

Reduce class room strength.

Easy Curriculum

Use of technology and different teaching materials

Including teachers who are able to deal with these children.

Motivating and encouraging them in the failures. Etc.

Now, the question is all about the approach of the schools and how much interest on
admitting these children in their school only.
It is duty of each and every one in our society to help these children to come out their
problems. There are situation in which few children with special needs may not be admitted
in normal schools. These children should be identified properly and admitted in special
schools only so that normal children may not be disturbed in their studies. But as per my
opinion maximum children with special needs should be admitted in normal schools so that
they may get a chance to learn from normal children as well as it may help the normal
children learn to do some social service.
We hope that these children will be identified properly from childhood itself so that some
extra care can be given to them. We hope to get many more contribution from these children
to society in future
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