NCB Understanding ZOG 2
NCB Understanding ZOG 2
NCB Understanding ZOG 2
No. 2b
68, 318 words
Cost of Printing: $5.30
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the world, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring
with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - a one world government, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and am proud of it.
David Rockefeller
Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering
those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian
robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these
visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities - a practice they
have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult
ceremonies, which are actually ancient Ba'al Worship.
Kali's Thuggee Cult
Cf. 19th-century Indian "Thuggeea": Members of the fanatical religious
group, who were infamous for their ritualistic assassinations carried out in the
name of the Hindu Goddess Kali - known as Thugs, a word that passed into
common English during the British occupation of India.
Thuggees worked by joining groups of travelers and gaining their trust
before surprising them in the night and typically strangling them with a
handkerchief or noose, a quick and quiet method, which left no blood and
required no special weapons. They would then rob their victim and bury
them carefully. Their crimes involved a high degree of teamwork and coordination both during the infiltration phase and at the moment of attack.
Each member of the gang had a special function such as luring travelers with
charming words, acting as a lookout, or taking the role of the killer.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Thuggees were responsible
for approximately two million deaths, however estimations vary widely since
there is no reliable source to confirm when the practice first began.
The Bohemian Grove
It is rumoured that the Bilderberg Group gathers together for a
yearly human sacrifice at the Bohemian Grove - a private every
Republican and some Democratic U.S. presidents since 1923, many cabinet
officials, directors and CEOs of large corporations including major financial
institutions. Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the
Federal Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power) and national media
(broadcast and print) have high-ranking officials as club members or guests.
The Grove is also famous for the Manhattan Project planning
meeting that took place there in September 1942, which subsequently led
to the atomic bomb.
Cremation of Care
The Cremation of Care is a ritual performance undertaken at the
yearly Bohemian Grove club, where "a human effigy" (i.e. a human child) is
sacrificed to an approximate 40ft stone owl. It is argued that the ritual is
conducted because club members (often high ranking businessmen and
politicians wearing hooded robes), will be involved in unethical business
deals and corrupt political decisions in the coming year and want to rid
themselves of any internal guilt. They are cremating (getting rid of) their
care (morals). Though it is also argued that care represents the cares of
the world and that the ritual has a more innocent and positive purpose.
1200 AD Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action:
About 1200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria
and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people,
which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood
sacrifice ceremonies to Ba'al. The Khazarian king and his inner court of
criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by
neighboring countries.
The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which
they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to
the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low
and regrouped, while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their
Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals, and trusted Ba'al to give them the
whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long
as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him.
The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the
Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them
from power.
The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:
The Rothschilds covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to
recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to
China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else.
The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of
Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a
covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions
with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild
coffers, but not to the British People. The opium addictions created by
Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to
war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer
Rebellions or the Opium Wars - infer David Sassoon and the
Opium Wars.
The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that
they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts
were to the opium. The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the
establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson
Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of
the Americas.
It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass
extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North
America to allow for exploitation of the vast natural resources of the
continent. The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the
Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of
millions of innocent people.
The Jews' next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying
slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap
members of competing tribes for sale as slaves. The slave traders then took
these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the
Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions. The
Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their
money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to
be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be
used to force payment.
Colombe was returned to Spain in the hold of a ship - in chains.
Mathieu da Costa
Not all Blacks were so harshly treated, though... men like Mathieu
da Costa (sometimes Dacst), an interpreter and multilingual
translator, originally from the Benin Empire, he played an essential role in
bridging the gap between the Europeans and the First Nations of Canada and he was the first recorded free black person in Canadian
Not to mention the other Black African slave trading Jews - the fathers
of the very first mulattos and quadroons: Felix (cha-cha) de Souza, the Prince of
Slavers, second only to Aaron Lopez.
Jewish Slave Traders
John Abrams, Abraham All, Isaack Asher, Justin Bosch, Joseph Bueno, Hyam
Isaac Carregal, Solomon Myers Cohen, Henry Cruger, James DeWoolf, William
DeWoolf, Isaac Dias, Isaac Elizer, Jacob Fonseca, Abraham Frankfort, Jacob
Franks, Moses Ben Franks, Daniel Gomez, David Gomez, Isaac Gomez, Louis
Gomez, Mordecai Gomez, Moses Gomez, Rebekah Gomez, David Hart, Ephraim
Hart, Judah Hays, Moses Hays, Harmon Hendricks, Uriah Hyam, Abraham Isaacs,
Joshua Isaacs, David Jeshuvum, Morris Jacob, Joseph Jacobs, Levy Jacobs, Samuel
Jacobs, Benjamin S. Judah, Cary Judah, Benjamin Levy, Elizabeth Judah, Arthur
Levy, Elzear Levy, Hayman Levy, Isaac H. Levy, Jacob Levy, Joseph Israel Levy,
Joshua Levy, Moses Levy, Sam Levy, Uriah Phillips Levy, Moses Lopez, James
Lucana, Abram Lyell, Jacob Malhado, Isaac R. Marques, Nathan Marston, Abrtham
Mendes, Moses Michaels, (E)Manuel Myers, Naphtaly Myers, Seixas Nathan,
Simon Nathan, Rodrigo Pacheco, David Pardo, Jacob Phoenix, Isaac Pinheiro,
Jacob Pinto, Rachel Pinto, Simeon Potter, Itodrigues Rivera, Jacob Rob, Jacob
Rosevelt, John Rosevelt, Raphall Abraham Sarzedas, Moses Seixas, Nathan
Simpson, Solomon Simpson, Ezra Stiles, Jan de Sweevts, Simja De Torres, Jacob
Turk, Abraham Touro, Benjamin Wolf, and Alexander Zuntz.
Chaim Salomon was the conduit for the Illuminati Jewish funds
that financed the American Revolution. All major revolutions (English,
American, French and Russian) were engineered by these bankers using as
instrument Freemasonry, a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala [also
spelled Kabbalah].
Revolution was designed to sweep away the old order based on God, and bring
in a satanic world government where evil is good, sick is healthy and falsehood is
truth. Replacing God with Satan is the true meaning of "revolution," and the
NWO. These bankers created the U.S. to advance this goal. This explains why
the majority of founders, Presidents and Congressmen were (and are)
Freemasons; and why Masonic symbolism is everywhere.
"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than
two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world
government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the
British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without
even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible
all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."
General Cornwallis' words on his surrender to George Washington
member of the Ohio Company of Virginia, the Mississippi Company, and the
Potomac Company - sent thirteen thousand armed troops to violently stamp out
the so-called Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. This rebellion was against
heavy taxation.
The victims of government oppression soon discovered they could not use the
Constitution to receive justice. It contained little provision for the underclasses.
It gave complete suzerainty to the courts and judges, not to the people or states.
To all intents and purposes it was as if the War of Independence had never
been fought. The Constitution merely made it possible for agents of the
British Crown to operate as if they served the citizens of America. In this regard,
nothing has changed.
The tyranny continued in 1798 with the Alien and Sedition Acts. These
Acts made criticism of federal officials a punishable offense . The
Constitution served to strengthen the powers of the wealthy aristocratic class
in America. It possessed few benefits for the average citizen and ultimately
legalized widespread acts of confiscation and extortion.
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to
gain ground."
Thomas Jefferson
Indeed England is not the first country to expel the Jews. Here is a partial list of all
the areas from which the Jews have been banished from, sometimes on numerous
occasions, over the last thousand years: 1012 - Mainz; 1182 - France; 1276 - Upper
Bavaria; 1290 - England; 1306 - France; 1322 - France; 1349 - Saxony; 1360 Hungary; 1370 - Belgium; 1380 - Slovakia; 1394 - France; 1420 - Austria; 1420 Lyons; 1424 - Cologne; 1438 - Mainz; 1438 - Augsburg; 1442 - Upper Bavaria;
1444 - Netherlands; 1446 - Brandenburg; 1462 - Mainz; 1483 - Mainz; 1483 Warsaw; 1492 - Spain; 1492 - Italy; 1495 - Lithuania; 1496 - Portugal; 1496 Naples; 1498 - Navarre; 1498 - Nuremberg; 1510 - Brandenburg; 1510 - Prussia;
1515 - Genoa; 1551 - Bavaria; 1557 - Prague; 1569 - Papal States; 1582 - Hungary ;
1649 - Hamburg; 1669 - Vienna; 1744 - Slovakia; 1744 - Moravia; 1744 - Bohemia;
1891 - Moscow.
In his book, Lantismitisme son histoire et ses causes," published in 1894,
noted Jewish author, Bernard Lazare, stated the following with regard to
these expulsions of Jews
If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at
one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of
this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the
peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be therefore, since the
enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in
countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different
laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals,
nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which
did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore
that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and
not in those who have fought against Israel.
It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to
be found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are
associated. And as the Jews are the common element of the situation it would
seem probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them, rather
than in the widely varying groups which feel this antagonism.
Professor Jesse H. Holmes, The American Hebrew
'The real root and core of Zionism is sourced in the British monarchy 3 and
its crown interest. It was the British monarchy behind the support and protection
of what's going on in the Middle East. All commonwealth countries are funneling
their money back to England including Canada and the U.S.A. The courts are run
by British-controlling interests. America is owned by Britain. It never
ever won its independence and its Masonic Jacobites behind the birth and
soon downfall of the country.'
In the 17th century, in part as a result of the Thirty Year War that raged in
the German territories - a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and
1648 which were one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European
history - the Ashkenazi Jews migrated to the Netherlands and took over the
diamond trade. Around 1800, as a result of the English blockade during the
Napolon times, Amsterdam suffered severe economic stress. In those days
some 25,000 Jews lived in Amsterdam, amongst a total population of around
220,000. In this period many Jews were the recipients of favorable charters
containing generous economic privileges granted by the Dutch West Indies
Company in Amsterdam - given jurisdiction over the Atlantic slave
trade, Brazil, the Caribbean, and North America.
The strength of the Jewish trade lay in connections in Western Europe as well
as ownership of the ships used in commerce. While Jews carried on an active
trade with French and English colonies in the Caribbean, their principal market
was the Spanish Main (today Venezuela and Colombia).
By the mid-eighteenth century, the Netherlands was in a serious decline.
As England and France began to catch up to and then surpass the Dutch efforts in
trade and shipping, the prosperity that the Netherlands had enjoyed was replaced
by economic instability. At the same time, the Enlightenment moved the
focus of European culture and scholarship from the Netherlands to France.
Matters grew even worse during the Anglo-Dutch War of 1780-1784, and
the subsequent popular revolt that resulted in French occupation of the
Netherlands - trade dwindled to near zero, and a full-fledged economic crisis
affected Jews and non-Jews alike.
The gap between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews steadily narrowed.
Jews make up 2.2% of the American population, a percentage that has held
steady for the past two decades. The survey estimates there are 5.3 million
Jewish adults as well as 1.3 million children being raised at least partly Jewish.
Canada is less than 1% Jewish.
Why do Jews have so much power? Its because the monopoly power to coin
money was given to Jewish bankers by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Since
then, Jewry has the bucks to buy the courts, the legislature, and all presidential
nominees. No one can overrule their actions.
The Fed is a government-controlling Jewish bank whose
main shareholders are the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs. To put an end to
Jewish power, the issuance of money must be taken out of their hands.
Real constitutionalists want to restore the sovereign power of the national
government to issue its own money. They dont need to borrow it from anyone,
especially usury-loving Jews. You see, the Jews really like the Fed system where
they make up digital money on a computer and charge us for it. But they dont
Here are the 'occam razor' facts: All roads do not lead to 'Rome' (i.e.
Vatican City). The most powerful entity on the planet is "The Crown" - a
"triad" controlling interests through Washington (D.C.) - a nation state.
London is another cornerstone in the triad, as is the Vatican. They are an
ancient and unholy "trinity" of Power and Control of Populations - the herds of
hoi polloi - the Nations.
The pontiff and Vatican control administering rites of souls and the
administration of their property interests - of the Kaisers going back 2000
years to Julius and prior, representing "Venetian" black nobility interests
and the 'divus julius cult.'
The monarchy represents the effigy of the queen of Babylon.
The ruling interests of the god of the bible passed to his wife in ancient
Phoenicia and a 'city' - London, home of the New Jerusalem. The real
root and core of Zionism is sourced in the British monarchy and its crown
interest. It was the British monarchy behind the support and protection of
what's going on in the Middle East.
All commonwealth countries are funneling their money back to England
including Canada and the U.S.A. The courts run British-controlling
interests - even America is owned by Britain, it never ever won its
independence and its Masonic Jacobites behind the birth and soon
downfall of the country.
The real power is that which 'reigns" in plain sight, and that is
the monarchy of Britain. Both they and those behind catholic church and
Vatican have been in a "confederacy" and league that goes back before the
inception of Rome, and the height and collapse of the Phoenician
empire. Your seeing same iconography of both Pope and Queen... showing a
'marriage' in effigy. Study both Catholic and British history and there two
"peas" coming from same "pod" going back prior to days of Constantine the
Zionism is far larger and more diverse then you think. Mossad and the
CIA are both creations of MI5 and MI6. Israel and America are both
creations of British crown.
All three nation states are working together with endogamous black
nobility bloodlines. This shit has been going on for 1000's of years, new
bosses same as old bosses. It is a cons-piracy - ancient "feudalism" - all sitting at
one table going to top of the pinnacle warring for supremacy. Now, if you think the
royal family are just for show and not residing at highest echelon of the pyramid,
your a fucking shill, period!.
If you think that "crown" - it's a crown and not a fucking "tiara" is a joke... your
sadly mistaken. See that gold buggy she drive in on special occasions? it is worth
$582 billion dollars - and its made out of solid gold!. That old hag "personally"
owns over 27,000 historical art masterpieces worth "trillions". She alone has an
estimated wealth of over $30 trillion, all being hid by the Vatican. British crown
corps are in charge of the globes overall food production.
See Summary Investigation into Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG): Part One
of Two Parts: Statistics - The Richest Royals in the World (2015) 12. The
personal fortune of Elizabeth II. Also see: World Bank Three City States
Control the World - Three City States Control the World footnote.
need that system. There are lots of other ways they can enslave us with debt.
One of the ways is to require that national money be backed by commodities.
Prussian situation were the numerous Polish Jews acquired as subjects through
the partitions of Poland (1772-1795), which saw Prussia annex large portions of
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The 1812 edict confined itself to the pre1772 protected Jews, to whom a large measure of civil equality was extended in
exchange for their assumption of fixed surnames, their adoption of German or
another living language in their non-religious professional activities, and their
fulfillment of common citizenly duties, including military conscription. Further
stages of Prussian emancipation followed in the period 1833-67.
The events of the 18th century in Jewish life marked the beginning of modern
Jewish history. There are three personalities in particular who help define this
era: Frederick the Great, Amschel Mayer Rothschild, and Jewish philosopher
Moses Mendelssohn. All three lived in Germany, and each of them had a
profound effect upon Western civilization, not just upon Jewish civilization.
Germany was the seat of Protestantism in Europe. It is where the Protestant
Reformation began. From the moment of the Protestant Reformation onward,
Europe became less and less religious... and that raised a new culture - the culture
of secular Enlightenment, of Humanism, of the attempt by man to straighten
out his problems without Godly reference or interference.
In the Middle Ages, and as long as the Church held sway in Europe, the policy
of governments was not to try to right the wrongs of the society. Somehow, those
wrongs were sanctioned by God (otherwise, they wouldnt be there). In France,
the revolution was the product of Voltaire and Rousseau - non-believers, atheists,
bitter anti-clericalists and haters of the Church who in their own way were as
oppressive as the Church was. When Communist Jew Marx said religion
was the opiate of the masses, he expressed the idea of secular
Humanism. He and the others saw religion as a hindrance to human progress.
Germany was the leader in human rights in terms of Europe. A great deal of
the French Revolution, which brought freedoms to the rest of Europe,
especially to France, was patterned upon German ideas, influence and methods.
Levy, Nicholas Lowe, and Joseph Simon - who debauched and corrupted the
peaceful North American Indians by trading smallpox infected blankets and
firewater, resulting in the massacre of many an innocent colonist, setting race
relations back to the time of the Babylon Captivity and Egyptian bondage. And
the Monsanto family of Louisiana - Benjamin, Isaac, Manuel, Eleanora, Garcia
and Jacob. Not to mention those faggot cock-suckering Dutch race-traitors, Jan
Huyghen van Linschoten and Cornelis de Houtman, and the Flemish Willem
Usselinex. All of them - profiteers who exploited the civil unrest led by Oliver
Cromwell, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil
War, and the Russian Revolution."
Waterloo in 1815. Rumors ran rampant that Britain had lost the crucial battle,
causing markets to crash. When word came back that it was Napoleon who had
suffered a terrible defeat, it was Nathan Mayer Rothschild who reaped the
enormous benefits from previously buying stock and bonds at depressed prices.
This was speculation and insider trading at its finest - practices that
would no doubt find him in prison today in many nations.
The Treaty of Paris of 1763 designated King George IIIArchTreasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, and,
according to the Encyclopedia Judaica [sic] the Rothschilds bear the title,
Guardians of the Vatican Treasury. The Vatican Treasury, of course,
holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its
victories in war - as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesiae
implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes
the laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
decision and reaction in Italy was also not favorable but not as aggressive.
Judaism became the official third religion of France - and the method
Napolon implemented to have Rabbis serve the nation is still in effect today and
is the basis of the government's relation to the Jewish population.
In 1807, with the Grande Arme in Russia, Nathan Rothschild took charge
of a bold plan to smuggle a shipment of gold through France to finance an attack
from Spain by the Duke of Wellington. Wellington's attack from the south and
other defeats eventually forced Napolon into exile. However, in 1815, he
escaped from his banishment in Elba, an Island off the coast of Italy, and returned
to Paris. On 18 June 1815, 74,000 French troops led by Napolon, met 67,000
British and other European Troops 200 miles NE of Paris.
Nathan Rothschild knowing that information is power stationed his trusted
agent named Rothworth near the battlefield. As soon as the battle was over
Rothworth quickly returned to London, delivering the news to Rothschild 24
hours ahead of Wellington's courier. A victory by Napolon would have
devastated Britain's financial system. Nathan stationed himself in his usual place
next to an ancient pillar in the stock market - knowing he would be observed he
hung his head and began openly to sell huge numbers of British
Government Bonds. Believing this to mean that Napolon must have won,
everyone started to sell their British Bonds as well. The bottom fell out of the
market. Rothschild had his agents buying up all the hugely devalued bonds - and
the world has never been the same since. In this way Nathan Rothschild captured
more in one afternoon than the combined forces of Napolon and Wellington had
captured in their entire lifetime.
In the late spring of 1812, there occurred in Italy and France one of the great
sacrileges of history. Pope Pius VII, who had been held a prisoner at Savona near
Genoa by the Emperor Napolon I since 1809, was cruelly dragged over the Alps,
in precarious health, to Fontainebleau in France. The Pope arrived at the gates of
Fontainebleau Castle nearly a corpse.
The Emperor's orders were executed with brutal precision. Clad in the black
cassock of a common priest, the Supreme Pontiff was bundled into a carriage in
the deep of night with only his quack doctor (provided by Napolon) for a
companion, and dispatched, already ill, northward to France. High in the Alps, his
bowels became blocked, he could not urinate for days, and his agony, as the
horses galloped on, was unbearable. Delirious with fever, the Pontiff cried out
that he would throw himself on the road and die there if he were forced to go on.
And yet he was compelled to continue. As the Papal carriage was galloped
through Lyon at midnight, the Pontiff gazed up at his physician and murmured of
Napolon, ''May God forgive him. I already have.'' It was miraculous that the
Pope reached Fontainebleau alive.
Napolon held Pius VII prisoner for nearly five years. Not content to be Emperor,
Napolon coveted the powers of the Papacy as well. To that end, he subjected the
Pontiff to extraordinary trial and humiliation. Doses of morphine, for example,
were administered by the Pope's quack doctor under the guise of sedatives, to
induce the Pontiff to bow to the Emperor's demands. The Pope's entourage
reported to Paris that at times the Pope was in a ''frenzy.''
General Brzozowski sent word in 1813 to the imprisoned Pope Pius VII offering
a truce between the war between the Jesuits and the Papacy if he restore the
Order. Pius VII agreed and General Brzozowski set about ensuring the support of
a broad coalition against Napolon with both the Jesuit and Papal blessing.
After the fall of Napolon, Cardinal rcole Consalvi represented the
Pope at the Congress of Vienna and thanks to the Jesuits was able to
convince the victorious powers to restore the Papal States almost entirely
(although the Papacy had been forced to accept the French annexation of
Avignon). In October of 1822, Pope Pius VII called a secret meeting with the
Kings of Russia, Prussia and Austria and entered into a Holy Alliance known as
the Treaty of Verona.
The treaty was dedicated to the eradication of Europe's representative
governments and the re-establishment of absolute monarchies. It also
purposed to suppress the media (the press) and to use religion to "keep the
nations in the state of passive obedience."
It was because of this Treaty that President Monroe of the United States
issued his warning that any action of the Catholic Church in America to promote
the Holy Alliance would be considered an act of war, issuing the famous
Monroe Doctrine.
A List of Pope Pius VII's most evil crimes against humanity:
In 1814, Pius VII did order Ferdinand VII to restore the Spanish
Inquisition, involving state sanctioned torture and murder after it was
suppressed by Napolon. That it was eventually closed down again in
Of publishing false statements in the form of indulgences for the
purpose of profit: (1800-23).
That Pius VIII did institute a historically false and heretical set of
statements by claiming the freedom of the souls of the dead
could be purchased upon payment of tribute to the
Roman Catholic Church.
Furthermore, that Pius VIII did invent the system of Stations of the
Cross whereby money would be extracted by faithful at each icon
during their prayers in exchange for indulgences and plenaries for the
souls of the dead.
The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background as a faze to
cover their sinister activities. The Jesuits, working through Rothschild and
financier Nicholas Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the
United States. The Jesuits used Biddle and Rothschild to gain the upper hand in
American banking because they knew they could then control the people and
effectively re-write the Constitution according to papal law. Jackson was trying
to stop them.
These three financial families, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and
Rockefellers all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit
infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy
constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As
we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been.
They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its
great constitution and civil liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in
Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power
Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschilds, along with other western bankers
and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets.
The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as Jewish bankers when,
in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly
with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican
Bank, which was pro-Nazi.
that the NATC was a fraud, taking large sums of public funds for services not
When I speak of quality I have in mind something that is quite different
from what is in the mind of the average writer or speaker upon the
question of immigration. I think that a stalwart peasant in a sheepskin
coat, born on the soil, whose forefathers have been farmers for ten
generations, with a stout wife and a halfdozen children, is good quality.
Clifford Sifton
John D. Rockefeller
The Rockefellers are in fact, Jewish, they head up world wide Sephardic,
Jewry. They are deep crypto Jews.
By the late 1800s John D. Rockefeller had become popularly known as
the Illumination Merchant during a time when oil was powering the
reading lamps of every American household. Rockefeller figured out that it was
the refining of oil into various end products and not actual crude production
which held the key to control of the industry. By 1895 his Standard Oil
Company owned 95% of all refineries in the U.S. while expanding operations
overseas. Summing up his attitude towards his new oil monopoly, Rockefeller
once stated, The day of combination is here to stay. Individualism is gone never
to return.
Rockefellers Standard Oil Trust began illuminating the New World
with funding from Kuhn Loeb and Rothschild banking families. While the
Rockefellers worked the American side of the energy matrix, the Rothschilds
consolidated their control over Old World oil resources. By 1892 Shell Oil, under
the direction of Iraqi Jew Marcus Samuel, began shipping South Sea crude
through Rothschild's new Suez Canal to supply Europes factories. Shell took
its name from the abundance of seashells which lined the shores of the Dutchcontrolled archipelago that is now Indonesia. The Samuel family controls
Londons biggest merchant bank Hill Samuel, along with the trading house
of Orthodox Jew Samuel Montagu.
In 1903 the Swedish Nobel and the French Rothschilds Far East Trading financed by King Wilhelm III combined with Samuel and Oppenheimers
Shell Oil to form the Asiatic Petroleum Company.
In 1927 Royal Dutch Petroleum discovered oil at Seria off the coast of Brunei,
whose Sultan would become the worlds richest man as a result of his loyalty to
Royal Dutch. The Dutch and British monarchs who control Royal Dutch merged
their company with the Oppenheimer and Samuels Shell Oil and Nobel and
Rothschilds Far East Trading and Royal Dutch/Shell was born. Queen Beatrix of
the Dutch House of Orange and Lord Victor Rothschild are its two largest
shareholders. (Queen Beatrix mother Juliana of the Netherlands was once the
richest woman in the world and a patroness of the right-wing occult movement.
Prince Bernhard, who married Juliana in 1937, was a member of the
Hitler Youth Movement, the Nazi SS and an employee of Nazi combine I.
G. Farben. He sits on the boards of over 300 European companies and
founded the Bilderbergers - infer)
In 1903 the Swedish Nobel and the French Rothschilds Far East
Trading - financed by King Wilhelm III - combined with Samuel and
Oppenheimers Shell Oil to form the Asiatic Petroleum
In 1927 Royal Dutch Petroleum discovered oil at Seria off the coast of
Brunei, whose Sultan would become the worlds richest man as a result of his
loyalty to Royal Dutch. The Dutch and British monarchs who control Royal
Dutch merged their company with the Oppenheimer and Samuels Shell Oil and
Nobel and Rothschilds Far East Trading and Royal Dutch/Shell was born.
Queen Beatrix of the Dutch House of Orange and Lord Victor Rothschild are its
two largest shareholders.
In 1872 Baron Julius du Reuter was granted his 50-year concession in
Iran. In 1914 the British government took control of his Anglo-Persian Company
and renamed it Anglo-Iranian, then British Petroleum, then BP. Britains House of
Windsor controls a large stake in BP Amoco while the Kuwaiti monarchy owns
In 1906 the U.S. government ordered the dissolution of Rockefellers Standard
Oil Trust, charging that Standard violated the new Sherman Anti-Trust Act
- supra. On 15 May 1911 the U.S. Supreme Court declared: Seven men and a
corporate machine have conspired against their fellow citizens. For the safety of
the Republic we now decree that this dangerous conspiracy must be ended by
November 15th. But the breakup of Standard Oil along state lines only served to
increase the wealth of the Rockefeller family, who retained 25% interest in each
new company. Soon the new companies began to reintegrate.
Today the Rockefeller family fortune is even more heavily invested
in downstream oil operations such as petrochemicals and plastics, as
well as in industries that are dependent on oil such as banking,
aerospace and automobiles.
The Zionist plan to dominate American life was already in motion by the early
1900s. A central Bank, legislation for an income tax, and American involvement
in a world war, were on the Zionist list of things to do.
The key Jewish players:1. Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn Loeb Bank; 2. Paul
Warburg, brother to Schiff; 3. Bernard Baruch, a leading Wall Street
mogul; and 4. Edward Mandell
House, (originally Huis),
who negotiated cotton purchases in the U.S. for the Rothschilds, only needed
a pawn in the White House to bring their Zionist plan to fruition.
In 1910, the four Zionist leaders found their man in Professor Woodrow
Wilson - a man of compromised morals known as Pecks Bad Boy - recently
retired as president of Princeton University. Already established as a political
academic and with an opening in the Democratic party for the governorship of
New Jersey, Wilson was financed by Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and their fellow
Jewish associate, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., to seat him as New Jerseys
Governor in 1911.
Amongst the Zionist coterie and acting as the spokesman for Jewrys political
interests, one Rabbi Stephen Wise, founder of the Federation of
American Zionists in 1897 and later to become Wilsons most trusted
advisor, with secret knowledge told a New Jersey audience that Woodrow Wilson
would be elected US President in 1912 and serve for two terms. In his
autobiography, Challenging Years, Rabbi Wise boasted that an immensely
influential hidden power - with which he was intimately acquainted - had
chosen Wilson as a major pawn in their political game even before the president
of Princeton University entered politics.
Incumbent U.S. President William Taft had rankled the Zionist political
manipulators when he refused their request to cancel the Most Favored
Nation Treaty with Tsarist Russia. Although later caving in to the Jews,
Taft was seen as an unwilling player in the Zionist game of political
maneuverings. With a plan to get rid of Taft and preparing the way for Wilsons
presidential campaign in 1912, Jacob Schiff and friends formed the Bull
Moose Party. They persuaded Theodore Roosevelt, retired from politics,
to bleed off Tafts votes by running for U.S. president as head of their newly
formed party. A split ticket insuring Wilsons success was the Zionist design.
The scheme was put into effect by having Felix Warburg finance Taft while
Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff provided the funds for Wilson. Roosevelt,
by virtue of his popularity, would carry his own votes. It worked. The
Zionists split the Republican vote between Roosevelt and Taft, and Woodrow
Wilson became the 28th President of the United States polling only 42% of the
popular vote.
With their man now in the White House, (a man of compromised morals), the
Zionist plan for a central bank; renewed legislation for an income tax (abolished in 1872 after it had been employed to finance the Civil War ); and
American involvement in a global war, was a fait accompli.
Under the camouflage of politically acceptable verbiage so as to avoid the
mention of centralization, one of Woodrow Wilsons first acts as President was
to promote a central bank under the appellation, Federal Reserve Bank.
On 23 June 1913, Wilson initiated a special session of the 63rd Congress to vote
on the Federal Reserve Act, a piece of legislation bought and paid for by
Zionist intrigues. It was on 19 December 1913 that Wilson pushed the bill
through the Senate while most members were home for Christmas. Operating
as agents for Lord Nathaniel Rothschild, the monetary
resources of America were now in the hands of three Jews: Jacob
Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb Bank; Paul Warburg, appointed by Wilson as
the Feds first chairman; and George Blumenthal, a high
official of J.P. Morgan. Henceforth, the Treasury of the United
States would forever be in the hands of the Jews.
A private Jewish banking consortium that was neither Federal nor with any
reserves was now established in Washington thanks to the Zionist patsy in the
White House, Woodrow Wilson. Printing money with no hard currency backing along with interest bearing loans to the U.S. government - a means was devised
for the federal government to pay off the Jewish loan sharks.
Under his New Freedom program, Woodrow Wilson brought
the American people under abject slavery with his 1913 Federal
Income Tax amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Along with the 16 th
amendment came the ratification of the IRS, installed as a division of the U.S.
Treasury Department.
Prior to Wilsons robbing of the American people, an income tax
was declared by the Supreme Court in 1894 as unconstitutional. But being
under orders from his Jewish patrons, Wilson cast all constitutional caution to the
wind. Usurping the Supreme Court ruling with the 16th Amendment to the
Constitution, Wilson imposed a graduated income tax beginning with 1%
tax on earnings above $3000 and gradually moving up to 7% on higher income
levels. By 1916, the top rate was more than doubled from 7% up to 15%. The
rest is graduated Jewish history as we all too very well know.
All that was left for Wilson to accomplish for his Zionist enablers was to usher
America into a global war, thus creating a central tyranny for the Jews
to rule from. This despotism over the American people began with
Wilsons appointments to the War Finance Corporation, established
to control the finances of U.S. corporations essential to the war
effort. The men now wielding power over Americas raw materials and
economic life were two Jews (and forever after in the hands of Jews: Eugene
Isaac Meyer Jr., an associate of J.P. Morgan; and Bernard Baruch,
Wilsons inside man. Underscoring the advent of Jewish tyranny was Wilsons
appointment of the first Jew to the Supreme Court, Louis Brandeis,
a fanatical Zionist.
Soon afterwards, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation
to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from
ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile
networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf.
Note: The FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and
has no right to exist or issue paychecks.
United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they
would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower
towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically
designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.
There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy
European Jewry during WWII. There were no "homicidal gas chambers" utilized
to murder Jews and other "undesirables." The system of concentration camps
throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and
their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and
detention facilities - not "death camps." Jews, political prisoners and Communist
subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others
were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered
concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe.
These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end
of the war when Germany's supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result
of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were wellfed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They
were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If
the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide
medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?
The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake "Holocaust" story, is
basically the exact opposite from what we've all been told and taught.
For centuries Dresden had been a center of art and culture, and refined leisure
and recreation. She was a city of art museums and theatres, circuses and sports
stadia, a town of ancient half-timbered buildings looking for all the world like
those of medieval England, with venerable churches and centuries-old cathedrals
gracing her skyline. She was a city of artists and craftsmen, of actors and
dancers, of tourists and the merchants and hotels that served them. Above all,
what Dresden was, was defined during the war by what she was not. She had no
significant military or industrial installations. Because of this, Dresden had
become, above all other things that she was, a city of children, of women, of
refugees, and of the injured and maimed who were recovering from their wounds
in her many hospitals.
Dresdens population had almost doubled in the months before the attack,
mainly as a result of the influx of refugees from the Eastern Front, most of them
women and young children. These women and children, these wounded soldiers,
these infirm and elderly people, these refugees fleeing from the brutal onslaught
of the Communist armies to the East, had come to Dresden because it was
commonly believed at the time that Dresden would not be attacked. Its lack of
strategic or military or industrial significance, and the well-known presence of
hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian refugees and even Allied prisoners of
war, seemed to guarantee safety to the city.
The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during
WWI and their allies - the U.S.A. and the U.K., primarily - committed the real
atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during
and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic firebombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas
for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a
regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German
civilians - men, women and children.
The Allies sunk German civilian ships escaping the rampaging Soviet Red
Army towards the end of the war, ending the lives of countless innocent civilians
including, ironically enough, many Eastern European Jews fleeing from the
advancing Red Army. The barbaric, out-of-control Red Army was encouraged to
rape, pillage, torture and murder Germans as they advanced into German
territory, and they did. Hundreds of thousands of German POWs and civilians
were starved and murdered after the war, often suffering gruesome deaths from
exposure, thirst and torture at the hands of the victorious and ruthless Allies. The
National Socialist political, cultural and educational establishment was
systematically dismantled and destroyed, with many top officials and leaders
murdered, tortured, robbed, imprisoned and otherwise mistreated.
Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using
their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war
and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their
allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that
fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the
ones who experienced a genuine holocaust - a real genocide - during WWII, not
the Jewish population of Europe.
The simple fact of the matter is that the "Holocaust" narrative - 6 million Jews
persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by "those evil Nazis" during
WWII - endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media,
Hollywood and "entertainment" complex, and educational and political
establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply
wanted the despicable Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing
them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and
destroy the German nation and Western civilization.
Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were
imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established
and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for.
They were certainly not killed using "homicidal gas chambers" and other sadistic
forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry. This fact
was later proven by American Holocaust denier Fred A. Leuchter.
Toward the end of World War II, as Allied planes rained death and destruction
over Germany, the old Saxon city of Dresden lay like an island of tranquility
amid desolation. On the evening of 13/14 February 1945, an orgy of genocide
and barbarism began against the defenseless city. In that horrible night, the
biggest war criminal of all time, Winston Churchill, had almost
700.000 incendiary bombs dropped on Dresden in other words, one bomb for
two inhabitants.
The genocide of the German nation destroyed "80% of all
German cities with more than 100.000 inhabitants. The air forces of the Allied
war criminals dropped "40,000 tons of bombs in 1942, 120,000 tons in 1943,
650,000 tons in 1944 and another 500,000 tons in the four last months of the war
in 1945.
World War II in Europe was nearly over. For all practical purposes Germany
was already defeated. Italy, and Germanys other European allies, had fallen by
the wayside. The Red Army was rushing to occupy vast areas of what had been
Germany in the East - the rape of Germany had begun - while the allies of the
Soviets, the British and Americans, were bombing what was left of Germanys
defenses and food and transportation infrastructure into nonexistence. At the time
of the attack, Dresden had no anti-aircraft guns and no military defense. It
possessed no military industry at all. The city served as a shelter for refugees
from the East. The roofs were marked with a red cross.
A crime so great, so cruel, and so heinous, that none in the entire span of
human history can equal it. The gates of hell were opened up. It is the ghastly
truth of the Jewish-orchestrated plundering, mass rape, mass
murder, and subjugation of the German people in the latter days and
aftermath of World War Two, which continues to this day. Estimated 15+ million
ethnic Germans murdered after the war. Around 5-10+ million German women
mass raped.
The greatest ethnic cleansing in European history, and almost no one
talks or knows about it? How can that be?
Yes, Jews were also among those killed in Stalins purges and some
synagogues may have been closed down... but that occurred at a much later date
and it does not in any way exculpate the Jews for their strikingly prominent role
in the Bolshevik Revolution - and it certainly does not make the Jews
the victims of the Revolution, no matter how hard they strive for victim status.
They are the war criminals here. Period.
Do not trust Zionist sources as a matter of principle: They are known to lie and
exaggerate and indulge in elaborate fantasies. Werent they the ones who got us
into the Iraq War on false pretenses, relating to non-existent weapons of mass
destruction? and arent they trying to pull the same fast one on us right now in
regard to Iran? or the Syrian refugee crisis.
Even after the Stalinist purges, organized Jewry remained entrenched in power
in the Soviet Union. Jews continued to occupy all the most important posts in the
Soviet government. And Stalin who was head honcho, though not a Jew
nominally, was the ultimate Shabbat goy, a Jew in all but name or what some
might wish to call a spiritual Jew. He married into a Jewish family, had Jewish
mistresses and friends, and at every point in his career was surrounded by Jewish
commissars. Lenin, who was partly Jewish, had always been his role model
and chief ideological influence.
Stalins Jewish brother-in-law moreover, Lazar Kaganovich, remained
Stalins constant advisor, confidante and close friend. and Kaganovich was
the greatest mass murderer of them all, reportedly claiming
responsibility for the death of 20 million people. Funnily enough, Kaganovich
was to outlive all the other Bolshevik killers, dying only in 1991- whereas Stalin
met his Maker in March 1953 after one of his closest buddies, probably Comrade
Beria, slipped some rat poison into his wine.
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic,
Apart from Kaganovich, there were other Jews who contributed to the
massacre of Christians under the cruelest circumstances: Ilya Ehrenburg,
Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman, Genrikh Yagoda (lingerie pervert),
and, last but not least, Lavrenti Beria - though Beria may or may not have
been Jewish. Beria was not only a mass murderer of peasants, but
also a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who buried
children in his basement - probably alive.
Russian-born Jewish writer Sonya Margolina goes so far as to call the
Jewish role in supporting the Bolshevik regime the historic sin of the
Jews. She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants
of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of
Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches.
Moreover, she goes on: The Jews of the entire world supported
Soviet power, and remained silent in the face of any criticism
from the opposition.
Ill never understand how today's media, in North America and Europe,
plays the Holocaust card at every turn to elicit sympathy for Jews,
eradicated in World War Two. One only has to look back 30 years-or-so,
from the 1940s, to see the atrocities committed by Jews, themselves, on a
much, much, greater scale. This would seem to lend credence to the socalled fabrication, that Jews, are in fact running the media in North
America and Europe.
assimilation under the banner of the centralized authority oppression stems from
the cult of the moneychangers.
Zionist jews with their international financial cabal turned the Treasury
Department of the United States into a private Jewish business through
the Independent Treasury Act of 1920.
Following the
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which installed European
Jews as overseers of Americas monetary system, the Independent Treasury Act
of 1920 abolished the US Independent Treasury once and for all. Since then, the
independence of the U.S. Treasury Department has been usurped by Zionist
Jews with their so-called, Federal Reserve Bank. For there is nothing
federal about this privately-owned Jewish bank, nor has it any reserves.
A consortium of Jewish banks, with the Rothschilds at the head, are the real
owners of the Federal Reserve System. Indeed, it is a system of perfidy by which
Zionist Jews charge American taxpayers interest on all monies, (book
entries made out of thin air), loaned to the U.S. government.
Thanks to the Zionist Jewish banksters in control of our monetary system,
America has been plunged into a debt economy with inflation built into the
system due to the compounding interest charged by the Zionist-owned Federal
Reserve. Although the U.S. Constitution grants our own Treasury Department the
right to print money allocated to the U.S. government without interest - the Jews
put an end to this. The U.S. taxpayer is now in deep debt to a slew of Jewish
bankers whose loyalties are to their own spread out around the globe, not to
Ben Shalom Bernanke is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. His co-chairman and co-religionist (of course) is the
Zionist Jew and Fed careerist, Donald L Kohn. With the Zionist takeover of the
Federal Reserve from 1913 to 1920 and its current preponderance of international
Jewish control, the stiff, dull, and wooden manner of the Feds chairman speaks
for itself: Ben Shalom Bernanke is indeed a Rothschild puppet.
Of course, this comes at a price... since true equality does not exist in nature.
Thus it was necessary for Communism to formulate mechanisms to enforce
equality. In 1917 Rothschild financed Vladimir Lenin in the over throw
of the Russian Monarchy to establish Communism - and thus centralize Russian
finances to the Rothschild Banking Empire. In 2006 Putin had paid off Russias
debt to the Rothschilds.
Russias financial dependence on the
Rothschild financiers was now over.
Now that Russia has kicked out Rothschilds - Rothschilds military influence
through Rhode Scholars and embedded within the White House has unleashed
NATO confrontation with Vladimir Putin.
The most diabolic deception of secular Zionist Congress is true yet
today, the claim they wanted to unite all of Jewish people within a Jewish nation
where all would find security and safety, when in fact during the so-called
Holocaust they turned their back on most of the Jewish people.
These elite few of the secular Zionist leadership desired a political nation to
stage their own global ambitions, with the Balfour Declaration in hand they
immediately began terrorism to immigrate by force Jewish settlements of
surrounding Arab nations to flee into Palestine. This was done using terrorist
bombings of these Jewish settlements, the Zionist blaming it as anti-Semitism of
the Arab peoples.
11 September 2001 was a day of national tragedy for the United States of
America - and individual misery for countless people. Multiple criminal acts
took place that day which resulted in a massive increases in defense spending, a
costly Global War on Terrorism, the creation of new federal agencies like the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security
Administration (TSA), the quick passage of the nefarious freedom-stealing
Patriot Act which gave law enforcement agencies sweeping search in surveillance
powers over U.S. citizens without a warrant. According to the general accounting
office, over sixty million dollars was allocated to investigate the Whitewater land
deal, the Monica Lewinsky sex-scandal, and other issues involving indiscretions
of Bill Clinton. But a mere fifteen million dollars was the most officials could
muster to investigate the highest-profile mass murder on American soil the world
has ever seen! 9-11. After the first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade
Center people in the South Tower wanted to leave but were advised by Port
Authority announcements to stay at their desks... some others who tried to leave
anyway were turned back by security just before exiting the building. 1120
people died in that tower.
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) (formed in 1997) was a
neo-conservative think tank based in Washington (D.C.) that focused on United
States foreign policy - its' stated goal was to promote American global leadership.
Of the twenty-five people who sign PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten
went on to serve in George W. Bush's administration. In September 2000, PNAC
launched its most influential publication - a ninety-page report entitled
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" which asserted that the United States should
"seek to preserve and extend its position as a Global Leadership by maintaining
the preeminence of U.S. military force." They stated the need to exploit the
revolution that is transforming technology and bring it into the military in order
to "preserve American military pre-eminence in the coming decades."
A 9-11 Commission which was reluctantly charged with preparing "a
full and complete account of the circumstances" surrounding the September 11th
attacks turned out to be not so full and complete. The Commission - now known
to many is the 9-11 omission report - left out many obvious facts, including
the fact that World Trade Center Building 7 completely collapsed that day and it
wasn't even struck by an airplane. Described as being damaged in the attack,
which started fires in several floors, the 47-story steel-beam federal office
Building 7 collapsed in six-and-a-half seconds (at 5:20 p.m.) - more than seven
hours after the second Trade Center tower fell... and speaking of Building 7! the
BBC was conducting a live report in which BBC reporter Jane Standley
was announcing that World Trade Center 7 had collapsed - there was just one
small problem with the report - Building 7 was still standing in the background.
World Trade Center 7 by the way was the largest CIA
headquarters outside of Langley (VA) - and housed offices involved in
several large-scale federal investigations in the massive stock market and
accounting fraud. Building 7 was the first to be cleaned up - and the evidence
On 24 July 2001 - just 49 days before the 9-11 attack - Larry
Silverstein (Silverstein Properties) put up $14 million of his own
money to secure a $3.1 billion bid and acquired a 99-year lease on the World
Trade Center in the Port Authority of New York. Despite not being the
owner, Silverstein was the sole beneficiary of the insurance indemnity payments more than $7 billion dollars for "acts of terrorism." After a long legal battle
with insurance companies to cover the policy on the Trade Center complex, the
court awarded Silverstein $4.55 billion dollars. [Note: During the time when the
World Trade Center was planned and constructed, asbestos was a very prevalent
building material. It was highly heat resistant, easy to incorporate into a number
of materials and relatively inexpensive. As a result, asbestos-containing products
like insulation, drywall, steel and fireproofing materials were incorporated into a
number of structures within the World Trade Center buildings. An estimated 400
tons of asbestos were used. When construction of the North Tower was well
underway in 1971, the World Trade Center builders halted the use of asbestos
because a ban on the material was expected in the near future. But by this time
many asbestos-containing products had already been incorporated into both
towers. The exact amount and distribution of the asbestos in the Towers remains
unclear, like other details of the buildings' construction and history, but the
evidence suggests that the cost of its removal may have rivaled the value of the
buildings themselves.]
The Freedom Tower, also known as One World Trade Center - currently
that third tallest man-made structure in the world - is the main
building in the New World Trade Center complex: Standing 1776 feet tall, the
skyscraper cost $3.9 billion dollars to construct. Silverstein's insurance
settlement contributed $1 billion dollars to the project; the state of New York
provided an additional $250 million; and the Port Authority agreed to give one
billion dollars, which would be attained through the sale of bonds; the rest (more
than $200 million) was collected through increasing New York City bridge and
tunnel toll booths.
Feith is a former Pentagon official among the chief facilitators of the U.S.
war in Iraq - he is closely associated with the neoconservative political faction
who has been investigated for allegedly distorting prewar intelligence on Iraq.
He served as the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, the number
three position at the Pentagon, from July 2001 to August 2005.
Feith has been questioned by the FBI in relation to the passing by
confidential Pentagon documents to the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), which in turn passed them to the Israeli Embassy. The
Senate Intelligence Committee is also investigating Feith.
Feith also served on the board of the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs (JINSA), a think tank that promotes a military and
strategic alliance between the United States and Israel
Both Feith and his father have been honored by the Zionist
Organization of America (ZOA), a conservative organization that often
makes common cause on foreign policy issues with conservative
Christian organizations.
Michael Ledeen
Michael Ledeen - the most influential and unabashed
warmonger of our time - was a founding member of the Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs and he served on the
JINSA Board of Advisors. In 2003, the Washington Post alleged that he was
consulted by Karl Rove, George W. Bushs closest advisor, as his main
international affairs adviser.
The only way to achieve peace is through total war.
Michael Ledeen
Scooter Libby
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby served as Assistant to the President of the United
States, George W. Bush, Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United
States, Dick Cheney, and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security
Affairs from 2001 to 2005.
He was active in the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee of the
Pentagon when it was chaired by Richard Perle during the early years of the
George W. Bush administration (2001-2003).
Its a toss-up whether [he] is working for the Israelis or
the Americans on any given day.
British Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw
Charles Krauthammer
Krauthammer, a defender of the Likud party in Israel, appears regularly as a
guest commentator on Fox News. His print work appears in the Washington
Post, Time magazine and The Weekly Standard. He asserted that Saddam
Husseins possession of weapons of mass destruction was certain - then, when
there weren't any to be found, he guaranteed that the weapons would
"eventually" be discovered.
Stephen Bryen
In the mid-1970s, Bryen and a group of other mainly neoconservative
figures, including Michael Ledeen, helped establish JINSA as an important
Washington-based think tank specializing in fostering close ties between
the U.S. and Israeli militaries. Bryen is also closely connected to various highprofile neoconservatives like Richard Perle, under whom Bryen served
when Perle was President Ronald Reagans assistant secretary of defense, and
has supported the work of a number of hardline pro-Israel groups like the
Center for Security Policy (CSP) and the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs (JINSA).
Using his insider connections in Washington to the benefit of Israel,
Bryen had a role in choosing not only what U.S. weaponry Israel would be
allowed to purchase [ ] but also what sensitive U.S. military technology would
be made available to Israel for use in its own burgeoning arms industry.
Even prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Bryen was part of a core group of
foreign policy hardliners and neoconservatives who pushed for overthrowing
Saddam Hussein. Bryen pushed the erroneous thesis that Iraq had maintained
a well-developed biological weapons program since the first Gulf War in 1991,
making it the leading threat to global survival.
David Frum
Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, is widely cited
as having authored the phrase axis of evil. U.S. President George W. Bush
used the term "axis of evil" in his State of the Union Address on 29 January
2002, and often repeated it throughout his presidency, to describe governments
that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction.
Iran, Iraq, and North Korea were portrayed by Bush during as building nuclear
weapons. The Axis of Evil was used to pinpoint these common enemies of
the United States and rally the country in support of the War on Terror,
also known as the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). It was originally
Alan Dershowitz
An American political figure and criminal law professor at Harvard Law
School, Dershowitz comments regularly on issues related to Judaism, Israel,
civil liberties, the war on terror, and the First Amendment, and appears
frequently in the mainstream media as a guest commentator. He advocates the
issuance of warrants permitting the torture of terrorism suspects if
there were an absolute need to obtain immediate information in order to save
Daniel Pipes
Daniel Pipes is an American historian and counter-terrorism analyst who
specializes in the Middle East. He is frequently invited to discuss the Middle
East on American network television, as well as by universities and think
tanks, has appeared on the BBC and Al Jazeera. Pipes has served in various
capacities at the Departments of State and Defense, while his father served on
the National Security Council, and he has testified to the United States
Congress. He is an outspoken Zionist.
In 1987, Pipes encouraged the United States to provide Saddam Hussein
with upgraded weapons and intelligence, ostensibly to counterbalance Irans
successes in the Iran-Iraq War. Pipes was a strong backer of the Iraq War,
saying that Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to the United States
Eliot Cohen
Cohen is the Director of the Strategic Studies department at SAIS and has
specialized in strategic studies, the Middle East, Persian Gulf, Iraq, arms
control, and NATO. He is a member of the Project for the New American
Century and was called the most influential neoconservative in academe by
energy economist Ahmad Faruqui. He is currently serving as Counselor to the
U.S. State Department. Cohen was one of the first neoconservatives to
publicly advocate war against Iran and Iraq.
Irving Kristol
Irving Kristol is considered the founder of American neoconservatism.
Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol son of Irving Kristol, one of the founders of the neoconservative
movement, was a strong advocate of the Iraq war. Most recently he has been a
vocal supporter of the Israeli attack on Lebanon, stating that the war is our war
too, referring to the United States. He continues to back the Iraq war, and favors
a war with Iran. Kristol caused controversy by praising President George W.
Bushs second inaugural address without disclosing his role as a consultant to the
writing of the speech.
Max Boot
Boot has been a prominent advocate for neoconservative foreign policy, once
describing his own position as support for the use of American might to promote
American ideals throughout the world. He is a senior fellow at the Council on
Foreign Relations, a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard, a weekly
columnist for the Los Angeles Times and a regular contributor to other
publications including the Financial Times and The New York Times. He is also
a consultant to the U.S. military and a regular lecturer at U.S. military institutions
such as the Army War College and the Command and General Staff College. He
has previously worked for The Wall Street Journal and The Christian
Science Monitor.
James Schlesinger
Schlesinger was United States Secretary of Defense from 1973 to 1975 under
presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He became America's first Secretary
of Energy under Jimmy Carter. Thereafter he resumed his writing and speaking
career and was employed as a senior adviser to Lehman Brothers, Kuhn
Loeb Inc., of New York City.
On 11 June 2002, he was appointed by U.S. President George W. Bush to the
Homeland Security Advisory Council. He also serves as a consultant to
the United States Department of Defense, and is a member of the Defense Policy
Board. On 5 January 2006, he participated in a meeting at the White House of
former Secretaries of Defense and State to discuss United States foreign policy
with Bush administration officials. On 31 January 2006 he was appointed by the
Secretary of State to be a member of the Arms Control and Nonproliferation
Advisory Board. On 2 May 2006, he was named to be a co-chairman of a
Defense Science Board study on DOD Energy Strategy.
Marc Grossman
Grossman was the United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
from 2001 to 2005 - before assuming these duties, Grossman served as Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs. He was
Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources, from
June 2000 to February 2001, and Assistant Secretary of State for European
Affairs, from August 1997 to May 2000. From November 1994 to June 1997, he
served as U.S. Ambassador to Turkey. Prior to this, from January 1993 to
September 1994, he was Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive
Secretary of the Department of State. Before assuming these duties, Grossman
served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military
Affairs. He was Executive Assistant to Deputy Secretary of State John C.
Whitehead from September 1986 to January 1989. He retired from the State
Department as the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. Ambassador
Grossman served as the Departments third-ranking official, supporting U.S.
diplomacy worldwide. Following the September 11th attacks, he helped marshal
international diplomatic support for the Global war on Terrorism and for the
military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Joshua Bolten
Boulton was the White House Chief of Staff serving U.S. President George W.
Bush. His father, Seymour, worked for the CIA. Formerly the Director of Office
of Management and Budget (OMB), Bolten was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to
that position in 2003. Bolten was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy at the White
House from 2001 to 2003. He previously served as policy director for the
2000 George W. Bush Presidential campaign from 1999 to 2000 and as Executive
Director for Legal and Government Affairs at Goldman Sachs in London from
1994 to 1999
Boris Berezovsky
In a short time, the "magnificent seven" Russian "businessmen" - the original
oligarchs - a tier above the average "New Russian" businessmen - had
accumulated almost half the wealth in Russia. As GDP dropped by 41% and the
country plunged into poverty, the oligarchs grabbed assets with ill-concealed
glee. Pre-eminent among them was the diminutive Boris Berezovsky. He
used his role designing industrial systems in the late Soviet era as an entre to
Avtovaz, the enormous car factory on the Volga. By setting up a dealership that
bought the plants Lada cars and by selling them at inflated prices, he laid the
foundations for a huge business empire that would include oil and media assets.
His personal fortune is estimated at 2 billion.
It was not long before Berezovsky reached the Kremlin itself. A nexus of
political and business interests sucked him into "the Family" - a group of
associates close to Mr. Yeltsin. Berezovsky soon introduced his latest protg to
the president: Roman Abramovich - infer.
Abramovichs 3.8 billion fortune - built on stakes in the Sibneft oil
company, aluminum holdings and a share of the ORT television channel.
In 1996 and 1997, Sibneft was privatized through a series of loans-for-shares
auctions. He lives as a virtual recluse on a 42-acre estate outside Moscow.
However, like several other oligarchs, he controls his interests through a UK
registered company and is constantly expanding his interests abroad.
In 2011, Berezovsky brought a civil case against Abramovich in the High
Court of Justice in London, accusing Abramovich of blackmail and
breach of contract seeking over 3 billion in damages. This became the largest
civil court case in British legal history. The court dismissed the lawsuit
Berezovsky was at the height of his power in the later Yeltsin years, when he
was deputy secretary of Russias security council, and a member of
the Yeltsin inner circle. Berezovsky helped fund Unity - the political party
which formed Vladimir Putins parliamentary base. Berezovsky clashed with
the new president soon after his election in 2000 and was a vocal critic for the
remainder of his life. In late-2000, moved to the UK, which granted him
political asylum in 2003. In Russia he was later convicted in absentia of
fraud and embezzlement. Russia repeatedly failed to obtain the extradition
of Berezovsky from Britain, which became a major point of diplomatic
tension between the two countries. Berezovsky was found dead at his
home, in Berkshire, on 23 March 2013.
Vladimir Gusinsky
Vladimir Gusinsky holds dual Israeli and Spanish citizenship and
often resides in Spain. In his twenties, during the 1970s, Gusinsky started his
business career as a cab driver, one without official sanction and thus called a
He also engaged in black market trading. But by the
1980s, he developed some close ties in the Communist Party. These
included ties with the Mayor of Moscow Luzkhov.
In 1989 or shortly thereafter, Gusinsky created a bank called Most Bank supra - a very important institution in the Moscow economy and one of the
biggest conglomerates in Russia. Once Gusinsky had created his quasi-KGB
security division, the basis for his financial success, he began to create a media
empire. He created Media-Most, a holding company that included the
NTVchannel, the newspaper Segodnya and magazines.
On 13 June 2000, Gusinsky was arrested in Russia on charges of stealing
property , but three days later was released on bail. The case was halted and
Gusinsky flew to Spain. An international arrest warrant was issued
through Interpol, and on 12 December 2000 Gusinsky was arrested in Spain.
However on April 2001 the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon declined to
extradite Gusinsky to Russia. Later, Gusinsky was stripped of his Russian
citizenship. On 23 August 2003, Gusinsky traveled from Israel to Athens,
where he was arrested under a Greek-Russian treaty for fraud amounting
to millions in damages. Intense pressure from American leaders (mainly
from U.S. ambassador in Athens Tomas Miller), Israeli officials and the
European Jewish Congress on the Greek government led to Gusinskys
release within five days.
Gusinsky and fellow Jewish Russian businessmen Konstantin
Kagalovsky, a Russian businessman and former vice-president of the Yukos oil
company and a key Yukos shareholder, former deputy chairman of Bank
Menatep, and the former Russian representative to the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) launched on 17 March 2008 a Ukrainian TV
station TVi.
Mikhail Friedman
Mikhail Friedman (net worth in 2015: $14.6 billion), a Jew from the
western Ukrainian city of Lvov, a formerly Polish city acquired by Soviet troops
in the partition of Poland by Stalin and Hitler in 1939. He graduated from the
Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys in 1989 - and begun as a ticket
blackmarketer and then like the great Jews went on to bigger white collar
crimes He turned the haphazard ticket black market into a proper business
He not only acquired valuable business experience but, along with Jew
German Khan (net worth in 2015: $9.5 billion) and Alexei
Kuzmichov (net worth in 2015: $7.3 billion) (both fellow students of the
Moscow institute of Steel and Alloys) and several other partners, Friedman
founded the Alfa Group Consortium, a conglomerate dealing in oil, finance,
and industrial goods trading - an investment group which today controls AlfaBank (opened
Rosvodokanal Group, AlfaStrakhovanie Group and A1
Group. Alfa Groups portfolio includes stakes in oil and gas company TNKBP, retailer X5 Retail Group, and several telecom companies: VimpelCom
Ltd. and Turkcell.
In 2013, Forbes assessed his wealth as $16.5 billion, making him the 2nd
richest person in Russia.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his partners obtained a banking license to
create Bank Menatep in 1989. As one of Russia's first privately owned banks,
Menatep expanded quickly, by using most of the deposits raised to finance
Khodorkovsky's successful import-export operations. Moreover, the government
granted Bank Menatep the right to manage funds allocated for the victims of
the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
Khodorkovsky's father was Jewish, and his mother was Russian Orthodox;
they were both opponents of Communism. His bank Menatep, along with other
Russian banks, would hold on to government funds for months at a time in order
to speculate on exchange rates and other investments, enriching the bank's owners
at the expense of the designated recipients of the government funds. Investment
tenders were followed by an even more infamous "giveaway" of Russian state
assets to select business elites - the loans-for-shares program, which
introduced the term "oligarch" to describe the handful of beneficiaries. In the
loans-for-shares auctions, the auctioneers were often the same as the
bidders - the auctions were rigged and the state knew it. It was during this period
that Khodorkovsky acquired the Yukos oil company for about $300 million
through a rigged auction. Khodorkovsky subsequently went on a campaign to
raise investment funds abroad, borrowing hundreds of millions. When the 1998
financial crisis struck Russia, Khodorkovsky defaulted on some of his foreign
debt and took his Yukos shares offshore to protect them from creditors.
Khodorkovsky also served as an economic adviser to the first government
of Boris Yeltsin - having lost his faith in Communism, he and his Jewish
business associate Leonid Nevzlin wrote a capitalist manifesto entitled
The Man with the Ruble, which stated in part: It is time to stop living according
to Lenin! Our guiding light is Profit."
In 1992, Khodorkovsky was appointed chairman of the Investment
Promotion Fund of the fuel and power industry. He was appointed Deputy
Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia in March 1993. In 1996,
Menatep acquired a major Russian oil producer, Yukos, which had debts
exceeding $3.5 billion, for $309 million. By 1998, Khodorkovsky had built an
import-export business with an annual turnover of 80 million rubles (about
$10 million USD). In the 1998 Russian crash, however, his bank went
under and Yukos had serious problems owing to a drop in the price of oil.
Realizing that business could no longer be just a game and that capitalism
could make people not only rich and happy but also poor and powerless, he
swore off his absolute faith in wealth just as he had sworn off his absolute faith
in Communism. After the price of oil began to rise again, he established a
foundation, Open Russia, in 2001. It was based in Somerset House
in London, owned by the Rothschild's Family Trust,
with Henry Kissinger as its trustee.
In April 2003, Khodorkovsky announced that Yukos would merge
with Sibneft, creating an oil company with reserves equal to those of
Western petroleum multinationals. Khodorkovsky had been reported to
be involved in negotiations with ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco to sell one or
the other of them a large stake in Yukos.
When Berezovsky had a confrontation with Putin, and felt compelled to
leave Russia for London (where he was granted asylum), he assigned his shares
in Sibneft to Roman Abramovich - refer to The Sunday Times Rich List
(2015) in "A Summary Investigation into ZOG - Part 1" by Mutt Strawman.
Abramovich subsequently agreed to the merger. With 19.5 billion barrels (3 km)
of oil and gas, the merged entity would have owned the second-largest oil
and gas reserves in the world after ExxonMobil and would have been
Vladimir Putin
Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin
that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president. When Putin
formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each
of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved. Subsequently
Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007 Putin
consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his
successor as president - Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.
No important government appointment could happen without the support of
"the Family" - supra. By 1999, the Family also included two of
Berezovsky's associates, his former AVVA partner Alexander Voloshin, who
replaced Valentin Yumashev as Yeltsin's chief-of-staff, and Roman
wife Tatyana
Yumasheva (daughter of the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin) own half of
Imperia Tower in "Moscow International Business Center" and half of the
business center of "CITY" (49.58% of shares).
The principal concern of the Family was finding an "electable" successor to
Yeltsin to counter the presidential aspirations of the then prime
minister, Yevgeny Primakov, a Jewish politician and diplomat who served
as Prime Minister of Russia from 1998 to 1999, and who was leaning to more
statist positions. Political battles between the Family and Primakov's camp
dominated the two last years of Yeltsin's presidency: Primakov stepped down as
President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 4 March 2011.
International Banking
By Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show4
The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that
range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a
police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential.
The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the
Countries must apply to be a part of the IMF, although any country can apply.
Countries are required to make membership payments, or quotas, which are
assigned to individual countries based on their economic size and stipulate how
much they contribute. These quotas are larger for more powerful economies, and
they form a pool from which countries in need can take loans. Member countries
are also required to adhere to the Code of Conduct, and stricter regulations
may be imposed on those countries who apply in hopes of financial aid.
Members not only have access to the broad range of services provided by the
IMF, but also to the economic records of other member countries.
Currently, there are 188 member countries in the IMF, which is
based out of Washington, D.C. Each country or region is represented by a
member on the Fund's Executive Board and numerous staff members. The
ratio of board members from each country is based on the country's global
financial position, so that the most powerful countries in the global economy
have the heaviest representation. The United States has the highest voting power,
followed by Asian countries such as Japan and China and Western European
countries such as Britain, Germany, France, and Italy.
The IMF plays three major roles in the global monetary system: The Fund
surveys and monitors economic and financial developments, lends funds to
countries with balance-of-payment difficulties, and provides technical assistance
and training for countries requesting it.
Bankers made enormous sums of money flooding European nations with
consumer and business credit. Now that many of these nations are economically
distressed, the bankers are moving in to seize a good deal of taxpayer-owned
assets using the IMF as its Trojan horse. IMF officials have infiltrated many EU
nations, offering to supply each with finance capital that has come from taxpayers
from around the globe. In return, these nations are required to adhere to very
specific criteria in order to receive new rounds of financing. With each round of
financing comes the promise of further economic destruction. In short, rather
than some humanitarian rescue fund, the IMF serves as a taxpayer-funded
Leveraged-Buyout firm which for some strange reason is controlled by
the international banking cartel. Once a nation agrees to accept funds
from the IMF, it has agreed to allow bankers to reengineer the entire nation. You
can imagine which side stands to benefit and which stands to lose. As part of its
conditional loan agreements, the IMF has implemented a very controversial form
of austerity which it has used since its formation decades ago. In fact, the
austerity measures utilized by the IMF have been directly responsible for the
much of the demise of the Greek economy since 2010.
It is a well-known fact that the IMFs approach to austerity most often destroys
rather than restores economic stability.
The financial crisis had its roots not in Greece, but in the United States, 5000
miles away. From there, it spread around the world. It hit countries around the
globe to varying extents. Other European Union countries were affected
severely - notably Spain and Ireland - and others suffered as well. But Greece
was slammed harder than many other countries. Few countries were less
prepared to deal with an economic downturn than Greece - with a yawning gap
between revenues and expenditures, it was particularly vulnerable. In 2008, the
country's tax collection, such as it was, collapsed. The hole in the budget grew
too big to hide. The country needed help. And the other Eurozone countries,
fearing contagion - that, if Greece defaulted on its debts, other Eurozone
countries' cost of borrowing would rise to unsustainable levels - felt they had no
option but to give Greece the help it needed.
Greece's credit rating was downgraded - the country's cost of borrowing
spiked, and the situation risked running out of control. So the other Eurozone
countries, in the form of the so-called troika - the European
Commission, European Central Bank and International
Monetary Fund - stepped in to help. In February 2012, the government
accepted another bailout loan, bringing the total borrowed to 246 billion euros.
A new austerity plan was agreed to as well. The amount owed to the
international lenders was now 135% of the country's GDP. And things got
worse. Unemployment rose to near 30%. Youth unemployment soared over
Greece was now led by PM Alexis Tsipras' Coalition of the
Radical Left, an anti-establishment party mostly known by the syllabic
abbreviation Syriza (Greek: ; a Greek adverb meaning "from the
roots" or "radically"). Relations between representatives of the international
lenders and Tsipras and his finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, were poisonous -hampering negotiations.
The 200815 Spanish financial crisis, also known as the Great
Recession in Spain or the Great Spanish Depression began in 2008
during the world financial crisis of 200708, also known as the global
financial crisis - considered by many economists to have been the
worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Spanish
government's borrowing was under control - that is, it ran a balanced budget on
average every year until the eve of the 2008 financial crisis. As Spain's
economy grew rapidly before 2008, its debt-to-GDP ratio was falling.
Germany's, by contrast, continued to rise.
After Spain joined the euro, the country experienced a long boom. In those
boom years they spent lavishly on new infrastructure and big projects like
airports and swimming pools. They were under pressure from the central
government to cut spending, but local politicians were reluctant to take
unpopular action. Before the credit crunch, the banks had been thriving thanks
to the rapid expansion of the property sector. But its collapse caused a plunge in
the value of the assets the loans were based on, and meant borrowers had trouble
making repayments. The situation has been made worse by the fact that the
banks borrowed the money on the international markets to lend to developers - a
much riskier strategy than using the deposits they get from savers... leaving
many banks struggling with massive losses.
Spain has begun to restructure its banking sector. Many of its smaller,
weaker banks have had to merge or have been rescued by larger ones. Bankia,
Spain's fourth-largest bank, has been part-nationalized and billions of euros of
public money pumped into it. However, the size of the banks' problems and the
weakness of the recession-hit Spanish economy, meant the country had to turn to
its fellow Eurozone members for help - but borrowing the funds from the
international markets would have cost too much.\
The help it gets will differ from the bailouts given to Greece, Portugal and
Ireland in a number of ways. The loans will come from Eurozone funds set up
to help members in financial distress: the European Financial Stability
Facility and the European Stability Mechanism. In previous cases,
money has come from international authorities such as the International
Monetary Fund, as well as the Eurozone. Also, the money will be targeted
specifically at Spain's banks, rather than at the economy as a whole through
central government. Spain was desperate to avoid this, as the sovereign
bailouts have previously come with politically unpopular demands to cut
spending and raise taxes and close supervision of the countries' finances.
Although Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has long insisted that Spain
would not become the fourth Eurozone country in recent years to ask for a full
bailout, many commentators believe it is now only a matter of time before the
government requests one.
The ongoing financial crisis in Russia is the result of the collapse of
the Russian ruble beginning in the second half of 2014. Decline
in confidence in the Russian economy caused investors to sell off their
Russian assets, which led to a decline in the value of the Russian ruble and
sparked fears of a Russian financial crisis. The lack of confidence in the
Russian economy stemmed from at least two major sources. The first is
the fall in the price of oil in 2014 - crude oil, a major export of
Russia, declined in price by nearly 50% between its yearly high in June 2014
continued international adventurism, which he was loath to abandon for fear of
regime change. Putin can no longer keep his promise to the Russian people of
prosperity and stability. No wonder his propagandists are fighting full time to
convince the West to drop its sanctions. Unlike the 2008/9 financial crisis,
Russia faces a long and deep recession because the underlying causes are
unlikely to go away in the near term.
In the year leading up to the 2015 Chinese stock market crash,
encouraged by state-owned media, enthusiastic individual
investors inflated the stock market through mass amounts of
investments in stocks often using borrowed money, exceeding the
rate of economic growth and profits of the companies they were investing in.
Investors faced margin calls on their stocks and many were forced to sell off
shares in droves, precipitating the crash. By 89 July 2015, the Shanghai
stock market had fallen 30% over three weeks as 1400 companies, or more
than half listed, filed for a trading halt in an attempt to prevent further losses.
Values of Chinese stock markets continued to drop despite efforts
by the government to reduce the fall. After three stable weeks the Shanghai
index fell again on "Black Monday," August 24th by 8.48%, marking the largest
fall since 2007 - wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars in market
Over the last three decades, the Communist Party of China has
replaced the delivery of socialism as the basis of its legitimacy with
the delivery of rapid growth and a rich capitalist economy. Indeed, one of the
key reasons the party has found it so hard to give up the export-oriented
growth model is that it regards this strategy as a tried and tested mechanism
of achieving high growth. Chinas retail investors poured money into the stock
market earlier this year because they didnt have many other choices (theyre all
but barred by Beijing from investing outside the country). The government
helped fund the rush to equities by loosening up credit in an attempt to offset a
growing bad-debt problem.
Chinas market downturn had more to do with the U.S. Federal
Reserves rumored plan to raise interest rates than it does with any domestic
issues, a central bank official recently told Reuters. Chinas exchange rate
reform had nothing to do with the global stock market volatility, it was mainly
due to the upcoming U.S. Federal Reserve monetary policy move, Yao
Yudong, head of the banks Research Institute of Finance and Banking, said.
China is the world's second-largest economy.
companies had fared the worst of all, with profits dropped by 24.7% in the first
eight months of 2015, compared to an increase in profits of 7.3 for privately held
corporations, the report from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.
In a stunning move, China has suspended some banks from Foreign Exchange
markets and ordered other banks to stop buying U.S. dollars. China's foreign
exchange regulator has ordered banks in some of the country's major import and
export centers to limit purchases of U.S. dollars this month, three people with
direct knowledge said, in the latest attempt to stem capital outflows. The move
comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on
record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sharp slide in the Yuan
currency to multi-year lows, raising fears of more capital flight.
All banks in certain trading hubs, including Shenzhen, received the order
recently, the people added. They declined to be identified because they are not
allowed to speak to the media. The total amount of U.S. dollars sold to clients in
January for a bank in one of these hubs cannot exceed the amount sold in
December, according to the people.
"They have asked us to limit our purchase amount and there are targets, but it
mainly relates to institutions and enterprises, there is no change to the policy on
individuals," said one person. Officials at State Administration of Foreign
Exchange did not immediately respond to comment.
China also suspended forex business for some foreign banks, including
Deutsche, DBS and Standard Chartered at the end of last year.
While three sources for this story claim they were told that this is an effort to
stem the outflow of capital, a different source says something altogether different
is taking place: the belief in China that the U.S. dollar is now worthless and will
soon totally collapse as a currency, leaving everyone who holds dollars, broke.
That's why China is doing everything it can to shed U.S. dollar currency. The
way it's being done, however, is a "useful guise" for the Chinese to prevent the
collapse from taking place too early and leaving them stuck with trillions in
useless U.S. dollars.
The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement
The 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement established the dollar as the
worlds reserve currency and the U.S., was made the de facto
world policeman as a result... Americans have enjoyed economic
dominance because in order to buy energy, the world needed to purchase dollars
from the United States Federal Reserve. After the world departed
from the gold standard for the fiat currency standard, the U.S. is
the only country that truly enjoyed a solvent currency and
America's standard of living has reflects this status.
Americans have been allowed to enjoy this most favored status because it
became their task, on behalf of the BIS, to put together coalitions of
central banks to force unwilling nations into this system. And when a
nation, such as Libya and Iraq, attempted to swim upstream against the debt
enslavement policies of these banks, the leaders were murdered and
the people become indentured debt slaves. The cost to America is
endless war, massive debt and a reputation for being the Great Satan: Virtually,
all nations have succumbed to this tyranny, with two notable exceptions, Russia
and China. To a lesser extent, India has also become problematic for the BIS
since they have joined Russia and China in using national currency and/or gold to
conduct trade among each other rather than using the required dollar.
If the BIS is going to realize its dream of New World Order, Russia, China
and the United States economies must all be crushed. For when the world lies in
ruin, out of chaos will come order. Putin is the main driving force in making this
a reality.
playing the eternal victim, crying about their con game called the Holocaust.
And as they've shown time and again, they will stoop to any low to keep
producing the next batch of Holocaust acolytes and vestal virgins,
who are being programmed to worship at the altar of Zionism and
keep paying extortion money to keep the myths and fairy tale about
the Holocaust producing money and sympathy for generations to come.
More recently, Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum in Washington, jumped into the debate over
Auschwitz. On 8 September 1998, The Washington Post published an
article by Reich in which he addressed Jewish outrage over a group of
elderly Polish nuns who wanted to place crosses in memory of
Christians who died at Auschwitz.
The little-known but thoroughly documented truth of the
phenomenon prove the numbers of the official Auschwitz
"death toll" have plummeted from a "high" of 9,000,000 dead
to a rock bottom of 73,137 (of whom only 38,031 were identified
as Jews). The death toll
In many European countries, and Canada plus Australia, asking serious
questions about the Holocaust van get you tossed in prison.
Alberta teacher James Keegstra believed that he had God and the Bible on
his side, but he was also an unrepentant Holocaust denier - now referred to as
Revisionism. He was criminally charged with promoting hatred, and forced to
fight a prolonged court battle which lasted as long as he had formerly been
teaching. It led a divided Supreme Court of Canada to uphold the
countrys hate speech law, deeming it a reasonable limit on free expression.
He was well-liked by many students, but he also taught them Jews were
money thugs and gutter rats who tried to control the world.
Former students later testified that he told them that Jews were responsible for
human sacrifices during the French Revolution; that womens liberation, abortion
and atheism were part of a Jewish cabal; that the Vietnam War and the Watergate
scandal were also caused by Jews, and that Pierre Trudeau had been groomed
to obey the Jewish conspiracy.
He claimed that many Jews indeed died during the Second World War, but not
from gassing, thus diminishing the genocidal nature of the Shoah: (This was later
proven by Fred Leuchter whose experiments and observations established, in the
least, a reasonable doubt of mass gassings). Cf. the Jewish-made Holodomor
(also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine"), a genocide of the Ukrainian
peoples (1932-33) intended to eradicate the rise of Ukrainian nationalism. By
June, at the height of the famine, people in Ukraine were dying at the rate of
30,000 a day, nearly a third of them were children under 10. Between 1932-34,
approximately 4 million deaths were attributed to starvation within the
borders of Soviet Ukraine. This did not include deportations, executions, or
deaths from ordinary causes. Stalin denied to the world that there was any
famine in Ukraine, and continued to export millions of tons of grain, more than
enough to have saved every starving man, woman and child.
Through the 1980s and early 1990s, Mr. Keegstra and other Revisionists such
as Ernst Zndel and Malcolm Ross were persecuted by the Zio-media in the
country persecuted them - as was necessary for them to squelch our Magna Carta
Rights of Freedom.
In 1991, David Attis, a Jew, filed a human rights complaint against Malcolm
Ross' employers, New Brunswick School District 15, on the grounds that his
continued employment created a poisoned environment for Jewish
students. After a lengthy hearing, he was removed from the classroom and
warned that if he continued to publish or distribute anti-Semitic literature he
would be persecuted. The New Brunswick Court of Appeal subsequently ruled
that decision was in violation of Ross' rights to freedom of religion and freedom
of expression, and overturned the District's orders.
However, in 1996, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Ross's removal
from the classroom was justifiable, on the grounds that, although it did constitute
a violation of his freedoms, this was a reasonable limit, as schoolteachers must be
held to a higher standard of behaviour.
Now that the Ontario Liberal Party has a majority in government and no
election is in sight, openly lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne has
"coincidentally" announced that in the fall of 2015, she will reintroduce the
graphic Sex Ed Curriculum that had outraged parents in 2010. Back
then, parents and religious leaders came out angrily against Liberal plans to
teach early grades about age-inappropriate topics like
masturbation, anal intercourse, oral sex, vaginal lubrication, and
the idea that being male or female is merely a social construct.
Its my personal belief that this kind of repressive brainwashing,
coupled with the introduction of the Third World into our school
system at these early levels, is part of a eugenical program of
cultural genocide - and its our culture which is at risk of
extinction - we whom are genealogical and national-historically
the taproot of Canada and America, of our European Fatherlands,
and Australia.
Group of 7 (G7)
The Group of 7 (G7) is a group consisting of Canada, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United
The European Union is also represented within the G7. These countries
are the seven major advanced economies as reported by
the International Monetary Fund: The G7 countries represent more than
64% of the net global wealth ($263 trillion). A net national wealth and a very
high Human Development Index are the main requirements to be a
member of this group. The G7 countries also represent the 46% of the global
GDP evaluated at market exchange rates and the 32% of the global purchasing
power parity GDP.
The G7's precursor was the 'Group of Six' (which was founded ad hoc in
1975, consisting of finance ministers and central bank governors
from France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United
States, when Giscard d'Estaing - a centrist politician who served as
President of the French Republic from 1974 until 1981 and who is now a
member of the Constitutional Council of France, - invited "them" for an
"informal gathering at the chateau of Rambouillet, near Paris "to discuss current
world issues (dominated at the time by the oil crisis) in a frank and informal
manner." Canada became the seventh member to begin attending the summits
in 1976, after which the name 'Group 7' or G7 Summit was used.
The organization was originally founded to facilitate shared macroeconomic
initiatives by its members in response to the collapse of the exchange
rate 1971, during the time of the Nixon Shock, the 1970s energy
crisis and the ensuing recession. Its goal was fine tuning of short term
economic policies among participant countries to monitor developments in the
world economy and assess economic policies.
The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat.
162), was passed by U.S. Congress in 1933 and prohibits commercial banks from
engaging in the investment business. It was enacted as an emergency response to
the failure of nearly 5000 banks during the Great Depression.
Several weeks later, the dollar was yet again subjected to heavy pressure in
financial markets; however, this time there would be no attempt to shore up
Bretton Woods. In March 1973, the G10 approved an arrangement wherein six
members of the European Community tied their currencies together and jointly
floated against the U.S. dollar, a decision that effectively signaled the
abandonment of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in favor of the
current system of floating exchange rates.
For the first time in modern history, a people whose identity is bound up with
its race and religion have full control of every aspect of a nations infrastructure.
That people whose race and religion are intrinsic to their individuation proudly
call themselves Jews - those who crucified Jesus Christ and continue to
crucify Him and wreak havoc upon all that is good and ethical in our former
Christian society - yet they resent others calling them such. And that nation
brought under Jewish Subjugation is America.
The Federal Reserve Bank is a private consortium of banks whose
principal holders are the Jewish heads of the Rothschild Dynasty,
Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase. The Chairman of the
Feds Board of Governors is the Jew, Ben Shalom Bernanke, who is
a protg of his Jewish master, Alan Greenspan, who still wields considerable
influence at Americas Central Bank.
Vice-Chairman of the Fed is Janet Yellen whose Jewish husband, George
Akerlof, is a consultant to the Federal Reserve as well as to Barclays for
which he invented" paper Gold and algorithms for rigging
currency markets.
The third ranking member of the Board of Governors of the Fed is the
Jew, Sarah
Raskin, hailed by Jewish
their celebration over her appointment in 2010. Soon to join his co-religionists at
the Fed, is the Jew, Jeremy Stein, an economist of the former Presbyterian
Seminary, (now a Yeshiva), Harvard University, and treasurer of the Obama
administration. Obama was given Steins name by his Jewish masters
to nominate to the Board of Governors.
Holding powerful seats on the Board of Directors of the New York Fed, (where
money is disbursed to those whom the Jews choose), are the Jews, Jamie
Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase (Dimon is NOT a Greek. Dimons
parentage were heirs of Smyrnas Jewish banking moguls) and James Tisch,
the owner of Loews Department Stores who also serves on the powerful
Council on Foreign Relations as well as on tons of Jewish-dictatorships.
The privately-owned Jewish Federal Reserve Bank prints and
loans money at interest to the U.S. government.
Beginning with the supreme court, three Jews, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
Stephen Breyer, and the alleged lesbian, Elena Kagan, serve on the
highest bench of the country. Jewry which makes up less than 2% of the
American population have a disproportionate 33% representation on the
Supreme Court. Of course, the powerful Jewish Lobby, the Anti Defamation
League (ADL), which drafts domestic legislation for its Jewish-bought
politicians on Capitol Hill, smears anyone who opposes them... labeling them as
The Jewish ADL with its training of local police forces, has infiltrated
Americas law enforcement arm of Americas justice infrastructure. And recent
appointments to U.S. District Courts have been the Talmudic (anti-Christ)
Jew, Karen Chaya Friedman, whose training included a day at the
National Holocaust Museum, and Nina Gershon, who recently ruled on behalf
of her fellow Jew, billionaire investor George Soros,7 restoring all federal
funding of the billionaires ACORN lobby group. (Jews take care of their own.)
George Soros - an avid member of the Bilderberg group and known for
tossing his money around and manipulating countries to do his bidding - has been
deliberately encouraging the Islamic tsunamigrant crisis now flooding
Europe, North America and Australia with hundreds of thousands of Syrian,
Pakistani and Iraqi refugees - mostly men, including many hidden terrorist cells looking for a handout from the predominantly White Christian countries they are
replacing. This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and
on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that
weakens the nation-state. Soros is a firm backer of transnational bodies such as the
European Union, and his Open Society Foundation (OSF) provides
assistance for pro-migration activists. He is well-known for his support for
progressive causes such as the Centre for American Progress, Hillary
Clinton and Barack Obuma. His foundations have been accused of shielding
spies and breaking currency laws and his investing strategy has been targeted for
harming several national currencies.
We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in
economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political
considerations or popular misconceptions.
The OSF website
Soros has been smuggling migrant handbooks to so-called refugees:
These handbooks are packed with tips, maps, phone numbers, and advice about how
to get across Europe. These guides are written in Arabic thus encouraging
immigration from ISIS invested countries. Soros is demanding that the EU accept
one million refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants mass-exodus-ing from The
Middle East - annually. But his plan, which subordinates the human rights of
asylum-seekers and migrants to the security of borders, threatens to divide and
destroy the EU by renouncing the values on which it was built and violating the
laws that are supposed to govern it.
The ultimate goal of both George Soros and Obuma, whose goal it is to not only
implode America with immigration but also usher in ISIS members to bring down
the U.S. government, adds more scare tactics for surveillance and leads us
into tyranny. It seems this ploy is already underway as Obuma is allowing tens-of
thousands of refugees from Syrian into America. In Canada, PM Justin
Turdeau has promised to flood the country with Islamic migrants for the same
nefarious purpose. And in Europe, Sweden, Germany, France, and Britain are all
already on the point of civil unrest and panic - threatened with an alarming Muslim
presence, Muslim "mo-go" zones, and a rampant migrant rape epidemic.
contract murders and international art theft.... hinting at the magnitude of threat
posed by Russian organized crime, both to Russia and the world at large.
Another "oligarch" implicated is Konstantin Kagalovsky, a close ally of
Khodorkovsky. His Russian-born wife, Natasha Gurfinkel, headed Bank
of New York's East Europe operations until she was suspended (in
August 1999) - she sued and received a settlement for wrongful suspension.
Nobody has formally been accused of any wrongdoing. All told, Mogilevich's
mob may have looted as much as $15 billion in looted government funds and
Russian mafia booty from the Russian economy in the last few years that found
its way into at least nine separate accounts at the bank, between the beginning of
1998 and August 1999. Some estimates place the total amount of dirty money
laundered through the Bank of New York route at $100 billion.
Mogilevich, an Israeli citizen since the early 1990s. Substantial sums of hard
currency provided to Saddam Hussein from the sale of Iraqi oil allowed
under United Nations sanctions have been laundered through banks
around the world by a Russian Mafia boss described by MI5 and reinforced by
an investigation by Mossad - as "one of the world's top criminals." His
supply of arms to Iraq has come from the former Soviet Union's vast
stockpile of weapons.
Mogilevich has made several trips to Iraq since the M15 investigation led to
his being declared persona non grata after his money-laundering activities
in London and the Channel Islands were discovered.
One of America's largest and oldest banks, the Bank of New York, was
caught up in a maelstrom of money-laundering orchestrated by Mogilevich. The
Bank of New York was the end of a 'laundering' journey to make sure
"dirty money" could not be traced back to its source. Once "clean," the
money was used by Mogilevich as payment against the Soviet arms he had stolen
in Russia - and shipped to Iraq through the Islamic Republics of the
former Soviet Union.
Money laundering is a legal catch-all that refers to the
criminal practice of taking ill-gotten gains and shifting them
through a chain of bank accounts around the world. Each move
along the chain "washes" the money so that ultimately it looks
like genuine profits from legal businesses.
Like a number of Russian criminals, Mogilevich is barred from entering the
United States or Britain. He spent the 1990s allegedly building his Red Mafia
from his new base in Budapest, sending lieutenants to acquire legitimate
companies in England, Canada, Australia, the United States, the Caribbean and
elsewhere, then using them as covers for his illegal activities.
Several Jews, including some with Israeli citizenship, have been questioned in
connection with a worldwide probe into an alleged money-laundering operation.
In what may be the biggest such case in history, investigators are trying to find
out whether Russian mobsters funneled billions of dollars through accounts at the
Bank of New York.
One central figure in the story, the man apparently responsible for disclosing
the names of 23 senior Kremlin officials with 32 accounts in Swiss banks, is
Felipe Turover, a Jew "of Spanish origin," born in the Soviet Union, who
went to the West in 1983 and currently holds Israeli and Spanish citizenship.
When the Soviet Union disintegrated, Turover returned there and was employed
by Western lenders to collect Soviet debts. One of his employers was Banca
del Gottardo of Lugano, Switzerland. After a disagreement with the bank's
local representative and, he says, threats on his life, Turover went to the Swiss
state prosecution to report on the accounts. He also revealed that bribes had been
paid, using the accounts, by the construction firm Mabetex, to senior Kremlin
officials in connection with contracts for the renovation of Kremlin buildings.
The Swiss are also investigating the financial dealings of two companies
associated with the Russian national carrier, Aeroflot - Andava and Forus
Services. The Swiss suspect the companies used the airline to transfer money
to private bank accounts abroad. This month, the accounts in Switzerland of
Boris Berezovsky, a Russian businessman who in the early 1990s obtained
Israeli citizenship but apparently gave it up about two years ago in order to take a
government position in Russia. Among those said to have profited from the bank
accounts and the bribes from Mabetex are President Boris Yeltsin, his
wife Naina, their daughters Tatyana and Yelena, and Yelena's husband,
Valery Okulov, the managing director of Aeroflot.
The Bank of New York dismissed Lucy Edwards, one of two employees
it had put on leave until the probe ends. She was fired for violations of the bank's
internal policies, falsification of bank records and failure to cooperate, said a
source familiar with the situation. Edwards worked in the bank's London office
in its Eastern European division for Natasha Gurfinkel Kagalovsky, who
also was placed on leave until the close of the investigation. Edwards is married
to Peter Berlin, who is linked to a company called Benex, which set up
funds transfer accounts at the Bank of New York.
Gurfinkel Kagalovsky, a senior vice-president and head of the bank's
Eastern European division, maintained her innocence. A statement from her
lawyer said that neither she nor her husband, Konstantin Kagalovsky,
formerly Russia's representative to the International Monetary Fund,
were ever involved in money laundering. Gurfinkel and Kagalovsky married
only a few years ago, after she was already working for The Bank of New York.
The name of Israeli-born businessman Bruce Rappaport, the founder of
Geneva's Inter Maritime Bank, has been mentioned in connection with the
transfer of funds via offshore accounts in banks in Antigua. Rappaport is
Antigua's ambassador to Russia. Also named in the scandal are Alexander
Krasnenker, Roman Abramovich and the Runikon company, which is
jointly owned by Abramovich and three companies owned by the Lev
brothers and Michael Chernoi - Israeli citizens with dealings with the
Bank of New York.
Michael Chernoi is known for his significant role in Aluminum in Russia,
(in the 1990s) and his business ventures in Israel. He is also the founder of the
Michael Cherney Foundation and main sponsor of The Intelligence
Summit. The Intelligence Summit is an annual conference run
principally by John Loftus and funded by an organization he controls, the
Intelligence and Homeland Security Educational Center
(IHEC). Loft6us is president of the Florida Holocaust Museum, (founded in
1992 by Walter and Edith Lobenberg - both of whom were German Jews who
"escaped persecution" in Nazi Germany by immigrating to the United States).
Kirill Shamalov
The son-in-law of Vladimir Putin stands to benefit from $1.75 billion in cheap
finance from the Russian state. The money will help fund a petrochemical
project at a company in which Kirill Shamalov, husband of Katerina
Tikhonova, the Russian president's younger daughter, has a significant interest.
Shamalov is a major shareholder in Sibur, Russia's largest processor of
petrochemicals. This month Sibur obtained $1.75 billion from Russia's
National Wealth Fund to help build a huge new plant in Tobolsk, Siberia.
Sibur was able to borrow the money at a current interest rate of 2% - a bargain.
The country's National Wealth Fund, which was valued at the start of 2015 at
4.8 trillion rubles (then $72 billion), typically invests in national infrastructure
projects such as railways, nuclear technology and major roads. Prime Minister
Dmitry Medvedev issued a decree in October to add the petrochemical plant
to the list of projects in which the fund can invest. The decision, Medvedev said,
would reduce "dependence on imports" and create up to 15,000 jobs
Medvedev was hand-picked by current president Putin, and it was obvious to
all that he will be elected by a landslide. But we're not kidding about gasping in
surprise. You see, there are rumors that Russia's president-elect is secretly a Jew.
The rumors are based in part on the fact that his maternal grandfather's first name
was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family
name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a Jewish name. But beyond that, accusing an
electoral rival of being Jewish is a tactic that nationalist parties have employed in
the past, both in Russia and in other former communist countries.
As a sidenote, Medvedev's [planned] visit [to Israel] is all the more interesting
given that he is a Jew, the son of a Jewish mother and the first Jew to become
President of Russia, much less enter the Kremlin in any capacity besides the
following: doctor, scientist, military hero, foreigner.
Most oligarchs are not in jail where they belong, instead they are partners
with Putin. Russia has more oil then Arabs, also gas. But very little of the profit
is given to the Russian people. Putin and his partners are getting richer, Russian
nationalists are arrested and thrown in jail, Russian officers are also thrown in
jail, because Putin wants to be friends with Chechen terrorists.
The state money forms part of the overall $9.5 billion cost of Sibur's
Siberian project, which is known as ZapSibNeftekhim, or ZapSib - one
of the most promising projects in the world. Sibur has said in public
announcements that the plant will be the "largest modern petrochemical
facility in Russia" and create a world-class facility for making chemical
products from Siberian gas supplies.
After Shamalov married Putin's daughter in 2013, he increased his stake in
Sibur five-fold and the company invested more heavily in the ZapSib project.
Shamalov acquired a 17% stake in Sibur in September 2014, making him the
second largest shareholder in the company, with a total stake of 21.3% - that
investment is now worth $2.85 billion. Another major shareholder in Sibur is the
billionaire oil-trader Gennady Timchenko, who is an old friend of
Putin. Timchenko is also a major shareholder in another company - Novatek that has gained finance from the National Wealth Fund.
Following Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, Kirill Shamalov's father,
Nikolai, was sanctioned by the European Union for being "a long-time
acquaintance" of Putin and for benefiting from his links with "Russian decisionmakers." The sanctions restrict travel rights and freeze assets within the E.U.
Timchenko was sanctioned by the United States.
But Kirill Shamalov and Sibur have not been sanctioned.
The trajectory of Kirills fortunes sheds new light on how people close to
Putin have taken commanding positions in key companies - and how such
opportunities are now being extended to a new generation. Like the wedding,
much of this transfer of riches has occurred away from public scrutiny.
Vladimir Milov, a former Russian deputy energy minister and now an
opposition campaigner, said: They are looking to pass on their power and
privileges to a new generation.
Asked about the wedding celebrations and business deals, Dmitry Peskov,
spokesman for the Russian president, said: Putin's daughters are not involved in
politics or business. The businessman, Shamalov, is well known. As far as we
are aware, all his activities are in line with the laws of the Russian Federation.
For many years he has been in the management of the company Sibur, and along
with other senior managers is a shareholder. His career and business are not
within the sphere of interest of the Kremlin. We do not give comments on the
private lives of Putin's close relatives.
Far from being the end of the NWO, the ongoing decline and coming
collapse of the U.S. Empire and its Petrodollar are the Money Powers key goal
in her age old drive to World Government. The BRICS Bank is a purely
Globalist institution that paves the way for a new Currency Order after the
Petrodollar has been done away with.
But the ongoing equation of the New World Order with the U.S.
Empire is sand in our eyes: the reality is that U.S. hegemony is dead. Why do
people believe the New World Order would be interested in the United States
after decades of horrendous domestic policies that have destroyed the health of
the population with GMO and Big Pharma? The United States has been eaten
from within and its bloated military and overvalued Petrodollar are the only
things keeping its emaciated corpse still looking somewhat frightening. But both
are totally overextended and antiquated and will without any doubt meet their
doom within the foreseeable future.
The money power is the group of age old banking families that rule the
world from behind the scenes. They are the Princes and High Priests of
Mammons Empire. Jewish Trillionaires are at its core, but many old
European noble families are also very highly placed.
The core of their Empire is the capitalist monopoly: all the major banks
own each other, and are ultimately owned by said families. Not only that, they
also own 80% of all Transnationals, plus associated patents: their technology is
undoubtedly very advanced. They also control most land and related resources.
They have built this Empire through "usury": compound interest
makes it inevitable that the very richest own everything within
generations. Not only do they own everything, they also own everybody. We
are totally enslaved through Usury, taxation and artificial scarcity.
Our chains are invisible. Usury is the main issue and its invisible because
most of what we lose to it is in the prices we pay for normal day to day goods and
services: producers incur costs for capital during production and must pass these
costs on to the consumer. These costs compound in the supply chain and it
transpires that about 40% of prices we pay are usuriously passed on to us.
Not only that, the State is also owned by the Plutocracy.
Always has been: there is no precedent in history of a State that was not
outright controlled by the Powers that Be behind the scenes. This is very
important to understand, because it is quite common to look at the State for
salvation against Plutocracy. But the State has, besides "usury," always been
their main method of control... as the Protocols put it: In the beginnings of the
structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to
Law, which is the same force, only disguised.
Taxation is up to 50% usury passed on to the taxpayer, what remains is directly
controlled by the Plutocracy also through its asset, the State.
Transnational Cartel (Oil, Automotive Industry, Telecom, Big
Pharma, etc) operates through monopoly and artificial scarcity. In
a healthy economy, mass production crushes prices, but the Cartel keeps prices
inflated by buying up or crushing all competition. Through inflated prices,
they suck away most of what remains of our life force after we have paid all the
Usury and taxation.
The Money Power is a global Empire, that has the nations battle it out
amongst each other. Warring is profitable, it traumatizes people so
they are more easily controlled and ritual sacrifice is pleasing to their
Luciferean god of "gold." A good example was Saddam Hussein, whom
they provided with know how and arms, so he could offer a good excuse for
invading the Middle East. Enemy du jour is ISIS, which is well known to
have been built up from scratch by the U.S. through its Saudi
Arabia and Gulf State proxies. Now that it is strong enough, they can start
fighting it. The real war is of course against the peoples of Iraq and Syria, but a
bogey man is needed to hide the resource grabs behind it all.
Three major changes in the American monetary system have occurred in the
last one hundred years.
The first change was the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.
The second change was going off the personal gold standard in 1933.
The third change was going off the national gold standard in 71 and onto the
petrodollar, an extortion racket concocted by Kissinger forcing Saudi Arabia to
sell oil for dollars. America give the oil producing countries military protection if
they obeyed, but kill them if they didnt. Does Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi ring
a bell?
The goal of the petrodollar was to keep the dollar as the world reserve
currency. The Power that has the reserve currency gets to print money in
exchange for real goods. Thats why our stores are filled with cheap goods even
though we dont produce anything in exchange. And thats why prices would
shoot up if the petrodollar was replaced.
Were now at a point where the monetary system is going to change again. But
this time the Jews arent in control. The game changer was launched last month
by the BRICS by creating a rival to the IMF and World Bank, Jewish
apparatuses of global financial AND political control. The new game in town is
the BRICS New Development Bank and it will change the way the world
The international monetary system depends on the US dollar, to be precise,
on the monetary policy of US authorities. BRICS wants to change this.
Vladimir Putin
These are fighting words. For the Yuan, the Rupee, and the Ruble will start
replacing the dollar as the world reserve currency. Countries wont need dollars
to buy oil any more. And developing countries like Ukraine wont need to
borrow money from the Fed and the IMF. They can borrow it from the New
Development Bank and at much better terms.
The IMF is a death trap. It only lends for speculation, take-overs, and
controlbut the BRICS, to develop infrastructure and cooperation between
nations. Thats their stated goal. But prices will soar with the transition from
one currencythe dollarto multiple currencies and what remains of American
productivity, especially agricultural, will export goods chasing the stable
currencies. This will cause fewer goods produced here available to Americans
and scarcity will skyrocket.
And, do you think sanctions against Russia are really because of Russian
Not a chance.
The sanctions are a desperate response to the threat posed by the New
Development Bank to the dollar reserve currency.
No sooner was the Bank announced, the stooge regime in Kiev shot down the
plane; the demonizing of Putin went into high gear; and sanctions were ramped
Sanctions are only effective because the dollar is the dominant currency in
which all international trade occurs. And when "we" impose a sanction on a
company, that means that they cannot have access to U.S. financial institutions, to
U.S. businesses, or really to trade in the dollar. Yet, businesses in America and
Germany opposed the sanctions.
If the new world order is just a corporatocracy then the businessmen would
have prevailed. But the quick marshaling of American and European sanctions
even though against their business interestsshows the existence of a
supranational, global governance that supersedes corporatocracy. And it shows
that the character of that global governance is more political than it is
commercial. Its about who controls the world.
Who do we know that fits this description and can enforce a sudden global
reversal of policy? The International Jewish Money Power, thats who. And
Jacob Lew and David Cohen of the US Treasury act in behalf of that Power.
Washington is not stupid [ ] its sinister." Its a tool of International Jewry
whose current monetary system is fated to hit the skids. The BRICS New
Development Bank has fired the first shot.
People like to talk nasty about Hugh Grant, Monsanto's CEO, and
obviously a shareholder. The same goes for Bill Gates. He purportedly owns
millions of shares of Monsanto stock as well. But who are the real owners of
The real owners of Monsanto stock are institutions, and people who hide
behind those institutions, not individuals like Gates and Grant. According
to multiple sources, five investment funds are the top shareholders in Monsanto,
with the Vanguard Group, Inc. at the top. The Vanguard Group owns
over $3 trillion in investments in different, and mostly hated, companies like
Monsanto. They also hold the world's largest companies such as:
Bank of America
JP Morgan
Wells Fargo
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
State Street Corporation - 20,912,257 shares worth 2,353,465,402
Vanguard Group - 30.348,203 shares worth $3,415,386,765
Capital Research Global Investors - 16,013,053 shares worth 1,802,108,984
FMR (Fidelity) - 21,557,928 shares worth $2,426,129,217
You could say that just four companies control all the big banks and all the
major companies on the planet.
The eight largest U.S. financial companies (J.P. Morgan, Wells
Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp,
Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by
ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in all decisions:
BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.
In addition, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large
private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and
Fidelity. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without
any control or "democratic" choice. These companies launched and participated
in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a
board of only seven people, which comprises representatives of the "big four,"
which in turn are present in all other entities. An analysis of the relationships
between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group
of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global
economy - including Agribusiness.
Note: The bee disappearance is in perfect unison with the time line of
Monsanto's uncontrolled release of GMOs into the environment; but due to
Monsanto's influence and corruption in governments across
the globe, any scientist that tries to inform the public and raise the alarm about
the "bee's and GMOs" is destroyed financially, as well as their careers'.
Varoufakis, who deftly curbed her prickly Jewish tongue. [Maitlis covered the
collapse of the tiger economies in 1997and the transfer of sovereignty over Hong
Kong - marking the end of British rule in Hong Kong.]
The debt-enslavers, I mean, the IMF, who wish to cut Greece down with
economic pillage and plunder deviously called 'privatization,' as in the particular
investment in the Port of Piraeus which has been unfolding over the last few
years, would like to attract to Greece investments raising productivity and
competitiveness. The theft of Greece's national treasures for pennies
on the dollar ain't gunna cut it.
The privatizations that have been mostly pursued in the last few years have
been a kind of fire sale in the middle of a deflationary process where essentially
assets that are potentially very valuable to this nation are being sold off during the
deflationary crisis for peanuts. And even those peanuts are being thrown into a
black hole of unsustainable debt. A black hole of Jewish enslavement. The
IMF is a bastard-child of the Jewish-owned Fed, whose real
head, Stanley Fischer, was First Deputy Director of the IMF from 1994 to 2001
just before heading up the Bank of Israel. He's the bona fide economic hit man
who fully kosherized the IMF.
It's the same old Jewish scam of cannibalizing countries with
IMF debt. Real reform of deep rooted problems is a partnership where both the
country and the lender are benefited. But with IMF 'reform,' the lender ends up
with the assets and the country gets raped. The IMF starts by writing up glowing
reports by Goldman Sachs experts: "Investments will improve your
revenues," they promise. But when the revenues fall short the IMF snivels:
"We're so sorry you screwed up! Give us your national treasures and we'll
renegotiate." But Syriza isn't buying it. Italy and Spain aren't far behind. They
just might throw off the Jewish corpse rotting the entire Eurozone.
EU Founding Fathers
"No other force - not trade, not capital flows - has the potential to
transform lives in sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that
migration does
Peter Sutherland, United Nations Special Representative of the
Secretary-General (SRSG)
Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for
human rights: these may be the core values of the lie the EU is selling us,
referring to themselves as Internationalists and pretending that their loyalty is to
all mankind, rather than to one specific tribe, yet everything they do advances
their interests over everyone elses. From the beginning, the EU has been a
Jewish operation. It has two main goals:
1. To destroy every one of the different European Nation States
by consuming all of them under the non-ethnic specific
name European, while at the same time consolidating
Jewish power at the top ruling over everyone.
2. To physically destroy all the different White ethnicities
through forced integration and miscegenation with the nonWhite hordes of Asia and Africa.
These deliberate goals can be ascertained from the writings of the founding
fathers of the EU and have continued to this day, constantly being hidden with
various ploys of distraction by the Jewish subversives involved in it.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1973) was an anti-European racist,
he espoused that the founding purpose of a European federalist state would be to
destroy the European people, not simply through reducing internal differences but
through destroying Europeans entirely and replacing us with "a mixed race of
Asians and Negros." Today, he is seen by many as the father of the EU, having
laid the groundwork for the plot. Just like the Jews that he idolized, he was a
mongrel himself, being born of a Japanese mother and a mixed-European father.
His book, Practical Idealism talks of a plan to turn the European
into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews.
Kalergi-Coudenhove started the 1922 Pan-European movement to
achieve this diabolical plan with the help of the Bnai Brith, a Jewish
Supremacist international support group and criminal cult. His book was never
very widely circulated and it appears that it was never fully translated into
English. In the preface to the 1932 edition, Kalergi expanded on his
mongrelization plan and included a clear call to genocide the
White race in Europe:
"Todays races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the
vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid
race similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will
replace the diversity of peoples Instead of destroying European
Jewry, Europe, will against its own will turn Europe into a mixed
race of Asians and Negros through this artificial selection process."
Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912-1992) was born in Prague to Jewish
parents, the name Deutsch being a sickening insult to the true Deutsch people.
He was brought up to hate Germans by his mother, who was well known for her
anti-German activities in the Parliament and her hatred of the National Socialists.
He was banned from university for his anti-German activities and later in life
played a part in the formation of the UN at the San Francisco conference in 1945.
Deutsch was entrusted with a large role in the manipulation of students
opinions, thanks to his position as President of various Political Science
associations; hatred of Nationalism was a main theme in his teachings.
David Mitrany (1888-1975) is a supposed leading scholar in political
theory and is responsible for giving false explanations to academia as to why the
EU continues to grow, despite constant opposition from the member states. His
specialty was Functionalism, a school of thought which promotes the concept of
having internationalist agencies rule over nation-states.
Haas (1924-2003)
Neofunctionalism, - where Nation States solve conflicts of interest by
White Genocide
Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White
countries over a period of years alone is not genocide, but the next step makes
it a part of genocide. Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept
diversity" is known as Forced Assimilation. A combination of
Jewish Antichrist
Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to
borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing
one journalist to sarcastically say: Rothschild has kissed the hand of the
Pope... but that role has been reversed in the 21st century: On Monday, 5
October 2015, Pope Francis kissed the hand of David
Rockefeller - Henry Kissinger and John Rothschild were
standing in the background.
The Rothschilds control in addition to their own fortune the immense
liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the
Rothschilds in wealth and power. The Medici were involved in the
Rothschild takeover of the Vaticans financial operations and, indeed, all of Italy,
as well as the creation of a new front for the disentitled Bavarian Illuminati,
the Carbonari, who had strong similarities to Freemasonry, of which the Alta
Vendita was the highest lodge: (The Masonic plan was to infiltrate
the Catholic Church and spread liberal ideas within it). The Alta
Vendita was governed by Jews and the Permanent Instructions, or
Practical Code of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the
Highest Grades of Freemasonry corresponds to the The
Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of
Charles T. Russell, known as Pastor Russell, was a prominent early20th century American Christian restorationist minister and founder of what
is now known as the Bible Student movement. After his
death, Jehovah's Witnesses and numerous independent Bible Student
groups developed from this base. In letters written in 1891, he praised the
Rothschild's money which established Jewish colonies in Palestine, and
outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in
Palestine. When the Mormon Church needed financing in the late 19 th
century, they went to Rothschild-controlled Kuhn, Loeb Co.
Jacob Schiff came to the United States with Rothschild capital and took
over control of a small Jewish banking concern founded by two Cincinnati dry
goods merchants - Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. He even married
Soloman's daughter. In 1885, Loeb retired, and Schiff ran the Kuhn, Loeb Co. for
the Rothschilds until 1920 when he died. During Russell's and the "American
Moses" Brigham Young's day as President of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1847 until his death in 1877,
Lord Rothschild was considered the "lay leader of world Jewry."
Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization
Assoc., which was a major Zionist group. Amselm Rothschild indicated
that his grandfather Amschel Mayer Rothschild had insisted in
Clause 15 of his will to his children, "may they and their
descendants remain constantly true to their ancestral Jewish
faith." However, the will has been secret and there is no way of knowing what
it says.
The Prieur de Sion, which is directed by the House of Rothschild,
works from the shadows, yet one need only consider the list of past Grand
Masters of this high cabal to begin to comprehend the magnitude of its influence
and power. In 1958, Angelo Roncalli, who became Pope John XXIII,
was allegedly a member of the Prieur de Sion. 8
The ultimate aim of Alta Vendita is that of Voltaire and of the French
Revolution - the final destruction of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea.
The Prieur de Sion is known as one of the most secretive hermetic orders,
profoundly involved in political and esoteric conspiracies and generally mistrustful
One of the first initiatives of John XXIII was to publish an encyclical on The
Precious Blood of Jesus, allowing for the Merovingian version of Jesus,
who did not die but recovered from the crucifixion and fled to France with his
wife and offspring: (Barbara Thiering, though, claims that the virgin birth
was a myth and Jesus survived the crucifixion and went on to marry former
prostitute Mary Magdalene and father three children - a girl and two boys). Pope
John XXIII then proceeded to rescind the prohibition of Roman Catholics
holding membership in Freemasonry: In 1978, John Paul I 9 (Albino
Luciani) was Pope for only 33 days and died a "sudden death" in perfect health.
The Vatican Bank Scandal is cited as a motive for the alleged murder
of Pope John Paul I. The Vatican Bank is shorthand for the Institute
for the Works of Religion (IOR). It is personally owned by the pope
and makes loans to religious projects throughout the world. During the 1970s the
IOR began to exploit its extraterritorial status as an offshore bank to
engage in risky speculations involving Banco Ambrosiano of Milano. The
latter had started as a special Catholic bank serving the Milanese
Church outside the secular banking industry where Freemasons were
prominent. The Ambrosianos director, Roberto Calvi, made contact with the
IOR through financier Michele Sindona, who had been advising Pope Paul
VI since his days as Cardinal Montini of Milan and was already exploiting
the Vatican Bank for his own illegal schemes (supposedly including money
laundering for the Mafia). Calvi and Sindona were themselves patronized by
their sinister puppet-master in the P-2 Lodge, Licio Gelli. All were cozy with
On 17 March 1981, the finance police raided the office of its venerable master,
Licio Gelli, and found its membership list: Among P-2s 962 members were 43
members of parliament, 43 generals, eight admirals (including all the heads of the
Italian armed services), all the heads of the state security services, sundry
government officials, police chiefs, businessmen, media stars, and journalists
(including the editor and publisher of a major Italian newspaper). Michele
Sindona and Roberto Calvi, key players in the Vatican Bank scandal,
were also members. P-2 was finally closed for good, but its members scattered to
other lodges and continued their baleful effect on Italian public life.
John Paul II, from Poland, a Jewish stronghold that was the center of
Cabalism and the Baal Shem movement as well as the special province of
the Illuminati. Protocol 17 of the Learned Elders of Zion boasts of
the plan of the Prieur de Sion to destroy the Catholic Church via
of the rest of the Order. It is suspected among occultists that it is the hermetic side
of the Merovingian's of the Celestial Chorus: a tradition-spanning
secret society. It was founded to protect and aid the Sangral, the Holy
Blood - consisting of certain bloodlines inheriting mystical power, a form
of spiritual nobility. The Prieur sees the Holy Blood as more than a
predisposition towards magickal, spiritual or mundane power, but as true spiritual
nobility destined to rule. As the land and king are one, by placing one of the Blood
on the throne the land can be perfected. Their vision is to bring members of certain
bloodlines to the metaphysical thrones of Europe, creating a new era. The Priory of
Sion is mentioned for the first time in 1956 by Pierre Plantard, which presents the
Priory as a brotherhood, a secret society dating back to 1099, linked to the
Knights Templar in France and have included Isaac Newton in its ranks
Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy, and Leonardo da Vinci.
John Paul I "the Smiling Pope" (1912-1978) was murdered by use of the
poison digitalis on the night before he was about to make a sweeping
change in the structure of the Vatican power hierarchy. Many
powerful men knew their jobs, power and respect would son be all gone, as the
Pope had uncovered a massive money scandal at the Vatican
Bank. Heads were about to roll in his administration - the most corrupt
bureaucracy on earth would now be exposed by a pure man... a man made Pope.
But by morning he dead - mysteriously. With no autopsy or viewing, he was quick
become a byword - and soon forgath.
The mysterious Propaganda Masonica, later known as Propaganda
Due, hence P2 Lodge - supra ,that cast a long shadow over Pope John Paul I
was founded in 1877 as a temple of convenience for provincial Freemasons visiting
Rome. It was restructured in 1970 as a reserved secret lodge to gather men
capable of leading a right-wing coup in the event of a Communist
takeover. Belief in the Great Vatican Lodge is still a staple in some
Among the high-ranking officials he accused of secret membership in the craft
were: Sebastiano Cardinal Baggio (head of the Congregation of Bishops), Agostino
Cardinal Casaroli (Vatican foreign minister), Jean Cardinal Villot (Vatican secretary
of state), and Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, head of the Vatican Bank.
Clerical Masonry still remains a bugaboo among some. Although canon
1374 of the current Code of Canon Law does not name Freemasonry as a
forbidden society, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger issued a clarification in 1983
restating the Churchs negative judgment on Masonry.
10. Throughout his business career, the business model of billionaire Ronald
Lauder (71) son of son of cosmetics queen Este Lauder and Joseph
Lauder, founders of Este Lauder Companies has always rested on two main
foundations: the large amount of money that he inherited from his parents (his
mother was the cosmetics queen Este Lauder), and the political connections
he earned himself over the years, including close relations with Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu - infer. These two assets have been the backbone
of his business in Israel, and all over the world.
Lauder has served as the president of the World Jewish Congress for
the past eight years, (since June 2007). He served as United States
Ambassador to Austria in the mid-1980s under President Ronald
Reagan; in the U.S. Department of Defense as Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy; ran for mayor
of New York in the Republican primary in 1989, losing to Rudy Giuliani;
and was asked by Netanyahu to serve as a negotiator with the Syrians on
Israels behalf starting in 1998.
Ronald Lauder mixes with some of the world's most powerful leaders,
dictators and even anti-Semites for his role as president of the World Jewish
Congress. Lauder has been a staunch advocate for Jewish affairs since he was
appointed U.S. ambassador to Austria (1986-87) - where he says he was
shaped by the anti-Semitism he encountered--and then deputy assistant
secretary of defense for European and NATO affairs (1983-86). In 2015, he
testified in Congress over recent events of anti-Semitism following the Charlie
Hebdo attacks.
9. Karnit Flug holds the position of Governor of the Central Bank of
Israel since November 2013. She is the first female Governor of the Bank of
Israel. The Bank of Israel documents fraud in Banking Regulation and
in Freedom of Information Act (Israel) (FOIA) compliance,
established under the tenure of Stanley Fischer (governor of the Bank of
Israel from 2005-to-2013 and Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the
The global Jewish population reached 13.75 million in 2012, with an increase
of 88,000 people - one out of every 514 people in the world is Jewish, less than
0.2% of mankind. The Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reported on the eve of
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, 5773, that the total population of Israel in
2012 grew to nearly 8 million. About 73% of the population is native born.
The Israeli Jewish population stands at 5,978,600, up 1.8%; the Arab
population numbers at 1,636,600, up 2.4%; and the rest of the population
including Christians and non-Jews reached 318,000 people, up 1.3%. Israels
Jewish population makes up 75% of the states total people.
In all, the Jewish states population increased by 96,300 people in 2012, a
growth rate that did not diverge from the average rate in the past eight years.
Part of Israels population increase comes in part of the new immigrants that
have arrived to the country. In 2011, Israel welcomed 16,892 new immigrants as
citizens, with the largest populations coming from Russia (3,678), followed by
Ethiopia (2,666), United States (2,363), Ukraine (2,051) and France (1,775).
Jews and Arabs dont really mix much in Israel. They attend separate schools
from pre-kindergarten age (there are only 5 integrated state schools in the country
where Arab and Jewish pupils learn together). They live in separate cities and
towns, with a few exceptions like Haifa and Lod; and even in these mixed
municipalities, they tend to live in their ethnically defined neighborhoods.
Organizations like Yad LAchim and Lehava, which receive funding and the
tacit approval of the Israeli government, exist in order to combat fraternization
between the groups, especially between Jewish women and Arab men. There is
no civil marriage option in Israel, which essentially places Jewish-Arab
relationships permanently in the realm of the illegitimate.
11. In a 2014 meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, Shimon Peres
proposed a new global peace initiative called a United Nations of Religions.
Peres is a war criminal - responsible for the massacre of hundreds of
people in Qana (southern Lebanon) - and responsible for an apartheid
On 18 April 1996, when Israel still occupied southern Lebanon, Shimon Peres
was Prime Minister. He was in the midst of an election campaign, so he took a
decision to do something to change his dovish image because doves are not
respected in Israel. He launched Operation Grapes of Wrath causing
400,000 Lebanese to flee their homes, with almost 800 of them fleeing to
United States, since 28 May 2014),11 continues under new Bank of Israel
Governor Kranit Flug.
7. Reuven Rivlin, an Israeli politician and lawyer who has been President of
Israel since 2014, addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday. 28
January 2015, at a General Assembly ceremony for International Holocaust
Remembrance Day, which was the day before, criticizing accusations of
genocide and war crimes against Israel.
6. Haim Saban spun success with children's TV show Mighty Morphin
Power Rangers into Fox Family Channel, a joint venture with
News Corp. Disney bought the channel in 2001 for $5 billion; his take
was $1.7 billion.
Now Saban chairs Spanish language TV network
Univision, which filed to go public in July; the IPO is expected to take place
sometime in the fall of 2015. Saban and a group of private equity investors
purchased the broadcaster for $13.7 billion in 2007; it could be worth as much
as $20 billion. He is consistently one of the largest donors to the
Democratic Party, contributing $10 million in 2001-02, whose stated
formula for influencing American politics is to donate to politicians and
parties, establish think tanks and controlling the media message. He
has worked hard to do all three on behalf of Israel, to include funding the
Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution and paying
for the Democratic National Committee headquarters in D.C. Sabans dealings
with the Democrats have apparently not inhibited his cooperation with
Israels intelligence service MOSSAD.
5. Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, listed by Forbes as having a fortune of
$28 billion, and as the 18th richest person in the world, has made potential
illegal dealings with public officials, such as bribery. If these allegations are
From February 2002 to April 2005, Dr. Fischer was vice-chairman of the corrupt
Citigroup - a hothouse of corruption. Fischer served as the first deputy managing
director of the International Monetary Fund from September 1994 through August
2001. From January 1988 to August 1990, he was the chief economist of the World
Citibank did not invent corruption. It was brought to America from Europe; the
Revolution and new Federal government changed little. Banks were considered by
many to be corrupt in and of themselves, like usury, and there were no banks in the
Colonies at the time of the Revolution. Citibank was born in 1812 to serve the
interests of a few New York City merchants who bribed the New York State
legislature to get a charter.
Citi's money did not come from nowhere: In the 1800's it came from the usual
places: stolen Native American lands, raping the environment, defrauding small
investors, and corrupt deals with the local and federal governments. Moses
Taylor, a 19th-century New York merchant and banker and one of the wealthiest
men of that century, was a pillar of the infamous Tammamy Hall - the
Democratic political machine that dominated New York City politics from the
mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854 through the election of Fiorello
LaGuardia in 1934 - and James Stillman, considered to have been one of the
100 wealthiest Americans, consorted with the most corrupt Robber Barons and
politicians of his era: his daughters both married Rockefellers.
Today Citibank is the richest bank in the U.S., and, depending on exchange rates,
at times is the richest in the world. It effectively controls Visa and MasterCard. It
has branches in every country of the world, and can make and break nations with its
investments and exchange rate manipulations. Its tentacles are everywhere, and it
seeks to write laws to its own satisfaction, including the current push to "deregulate"
the banking industry.
the Year last year. He joined Bill Gates and Warren Buffett at the end
of 2010 in signing the Giving Pledge, in which they pledged to donate at least
half of their wealth to charity.
After gaining prominence in the family bank, N.M. Rothschild and Sons in
London, Jacob Rothschild (born 1936, England), established
the Rothschild Investment Trust (in 1988), now known as RIT
Capital Partners Inc., an investment trust listed on the London Stock
Exchange, which holds controlling investment interest in Royal Dutch
Shell Oil. Jacob Rothschild is the Chairman of Yad Hanadiv, a Zionist
Charity of the Rothschilds supporting Israel - helping finance the Israeli
Knesset building and Supreme Court building.
Evelyn Rothschild (born 1931, France) began his career as Director of the
Paris-based De Rothschild Freres Bank. Between 1976-and-1982 he
became Chairman of NM Rothschild & Sons in England and
Rothschild Bank in Zurich. He is also honorary director of De Beers
Consolidated Mines and IBM United Kingdom Holdings Limited.
Evelyn Rothschild is a man of many propaganda-hats. He has served in
Directorships of the internationally renown, The Economist, and newspapers
owned by Lord Beaverbrook, which included the London Evening
Standard and the Daily Express. He has also served as Director of Lord
The entire narrative that major Western media outlets have crafted around the
migrant crisis is a complete fraud. Here are five things the media won't report
about the refugee crisis.
1. The majority of migrants are not Syrian families fleeing from war and ISIS
persecution... of the 50% who claimed to be Syrian - in some areas, 90%
don't even have documentation to prove it. UN figures show that 72% of
the migrants are men with just 13% women and 15% children. Many of
these people have nothing whatsoever to do with the Syrian refugee crisis.
Once they reach the safety of countries that refuse to share free cash with
them, they head straight for the welfare havens of Sweden and Germany.
Why is the media ordering us to accept these people in the name of feelings
and humanitarianism when most of them aren't even fleeing war... they're
"fleeing" to a higher standard of living which will be funded by European
2. Major TV news networks will only broadcast footage that shows the
migrants in a positive light... smiling, laughing children; happy Mother's;
exuberant fathers. The tragedy of the drowned Syrian boy, Aylan Kurdi:
The truth about which was misreported for days in order to elicit
unquestioning sympathy for the migrant invasion. They won't show
migrants hurling rocks at [ ] and stealing from charitable Europeans...
assaulting old ladies... smashing towns chanting, "Allah Ackbar." Broadcast
images of Jihadist rebels who fought with al-Qaeda and ISIS affiliated
groups arriving in Germany as migrants...! Why is the media hiding the
kind of footage? that would sway public opinion on this issue... unless they
are complicit in the coverup.
3. In the name of tolerance we're being told to open the floodgates for waves
of people who are completely intolerant of western values and liberal
principles. Since Sweden opened its doors to massive duration, rapes have
skyrocketed by a staggering 1400% - with most of the culprits being
migrants: (In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to police... in 2014, it was
On a more ominous note, Soros could be telling you who is going to lose
World War III, or maybe he already has. If the U.S. was slated to win World War
III, wouldnt Soros be investing in the American based banks, the US dollar and
the American stock market? Instead Soros is investing Chinese money
movement over the U.S. dollar, its banks and the American Stock Market? And
finally, he is hedging his bets by acquiring physical gold.
Some of the biggest donors on the left plan to meet behind closed doors next
week in Washington with leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and
their allies to discuss funding the burgeoning protest movement. The meetings
are taking place at the annual winter gathering of the Democracy Alliance
(3) When Black people are convicted of a crime, they are more likely to be
sentenced to incarceration compared to whites convicted of the same crime.
When a person is convicted of a crime, a judge often has discretion in
determining whether the defendant will be incarcerated or given a less
severe punishment such as probation, community service, or fines.
One study found that in a particular region Blacks were incarcerated for
convicted felony offenses 51% of the time while whites convicted of
felonies were incarcerated 38% of the time. The same study also used an
empirical approach to determine that race, not confounded with any other
factor, was a key determinant in judges' decisions to incarcerate.
This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find
that during the 2012/2013 period, Blacks committed an average of 560,600
violent crimes against Whites, whereas Whites committed only 99,403 such
crimes against Blacks. This means Blacks were the attackers in 84.9% of the
violent crimes involving Blacks and Whites. This figure is consistent with other
Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving Blacks and
Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as Black-on-White
crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5% of the time, while Hispanics are attackers
only 17.5% of the time.
Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of
Black-on-White over White-on-Black violence is chance of encounter, due to
the fact that there are five times as many Whites as Blacks in the American
population. However, there are only about 30% more Hispanics than Blacks, yet
Black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as Black-on-White violence.
This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.
Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population 62.2% White, 17.1%
Hispanic, 13.2% Black we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of
each race attacking the other. A Black is 27 times more likely to attack a
white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other
way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white
than vice versa.
We can also calculate how often criminals of each group choose victims of
other races. As indicated below, when Whites commit violence they choose
fellow Whites as victims 82.4% of the time, and almost never attack Blacks.
Blacks attack Whites almost as often as they attack Blacks, and
Hispanics attack Whites more often than they attack any other
group, including their own.
There is much media agonizing over Black-on-Black violence, but these
figures show that only 40.1% of the victims of Black violence are Black, while
people of other races account for nearly 60% of the victims of Black violence.
The Liberal agenda contends that there is a common Conservative narrative
indicating that the disproportionate incarceration of Black people is not the result
of systemic racism, but rather of shortcomings within the black community because "Black people, having a natural criminal propensity as a "culture of
violence," commits more crimes than White people."
Black people make up roughly 13% of the United States population, and white
people make up 64%. Black people make up 40% of the prison population,
and white people 39%. Therefore, even though there are roughly five times as
many White people as Black people in America, Blacks and Whites are
incarcerated in equal numbers.. but the fact remains that Black people are
incarcerated five times as frequently as White people.
Reverse racists wouldst have us believe that:
(1) If a Black person and a White person each commit a crime, the Black
person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that Black
people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than White
people, live in dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily
policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity
to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily
policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently.
(2) When Black people are arrested for a crime, they are convicted more often
than White people arrested for the same crime - although an arrest and
charge does not always lead to a conviction. A charge may be dismissed or
a defendant may be declared not guilty at trial. Whether or not an arrestee
is convicted is often determined by whether or not a defendant can afford a
reputable attorney - as opposed to a public defender. The interaction of
poverty and trial outcomes could help explain why, for example, while
Black defendants represent about 35% of drug arrests, 46% of those
convicted of drug crimes are black. (This discrepancy could also be due to
a supposed racial bias on the part of judges and jurors.)
Canadians made up 1.3% of the population. The vast majority of the population
were Caucasians (Whites) of British or French ancestry. These figures did not
change appreciably until after the changes to the Immigration Act in 1967,
which replaced an immigration policy based on racial criteria with a point system
based on educational and occupational qualifications - political gobbledygook
with a Hidden agenda - White genocide and the destruction of our nationalistic
heritage and ancestral identity.
Projecting forward based on current trends, Statistics Canada estimates that by
2031, between 29%-and-32% - one third of the Canadian population will be
slant-eyed and kinky-haired coloured folk from the Third World brought here to
replace us native-born citizens as the new debt-slaves of the central banks.
Visible minority groups will make up 63% of the population of Toronto and 59
percent of the population of Vancouver - and the native-born Caucasian citizens
will have become a visible minority. The outcome of these trends is that Canada
has become a much more racially and ethnically diverse country over the 20 th and
21st centuries. It will continue to become more diverse in the future.
"There will, I am sure, be general agreement with the view that the
people of Canada do not wish, as a result of mass immigration, to
make a fundamental alteration in the character of our population. Largescale immigration from the orient would change the fundamental
composition of the Canadian population. Any considerable oriental
immigration would, moreover, be certain to give rise to social and
economic problems of a character that might lead to serious difficulties in
the field of international relations. The government, therefore, has no
thought of making any change in immigration regulations which would
have consequences of the kind.
Prime Minister Mackenzie Kings statement to the House of Commons in 1947
The Big Circle Boys, or Dai Huen Jai, has its origins in the Red
Guards, the paramilitary troops of the Chinese Cultural
Revolution who terrorized intellectuals and the upper class. After Mao
Zedong's death in 1976, many Red Guards were sent to re-education
prison camps around the city of Canton - represented on maps by a big
circle, hence the name - where they were tortured and starved. Having been
through this degradation and having military training, they have a fearsome
reputation. A number escaped and fled to Hong Kong, where they obtained
falsified documents to come to Canada, coming to police attention in 1987
in Vancouver.15
Big Circle Boys are extremely mobile, having a national network in major
cities in Canada and the U.S. They are difficult to detect because they work in
small cells, which are next to impossible to infiltrate [ ] tentacles of international
The first wave of Chinese came to Canada in 1858 to pan for gold in British
Columbia. Most of these migrants were young, landless, illiterate men
from the province of Guangdong in southern China. They were
drawn by the lure of gold fever as much as they were escaping harsh
conditions in China such as famine, internal rebellions, population pressures and the
threat of Western colonialism. Most of these sojourners sent remittances to their
families back home while hoping to save enough money to retire in China.
The next wave of Chinese migrants came to Canada in the 1880s to build the
final section of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in British Columbia.
Recruited from China, they were given the most dangerous tasks like working with
explosives, tunneling and carrying massive rocks. Due to the harsh conditions they
faced, approximately four Chinese died for every mile of the CPR. They earned one
dollar a day - two-thirds of the wage a white man earned.
As soon as the CPR was completed in 1885, British Columbia was hit with an
economic recession causing massive unemployment. Fearful that cheap
Chinese labour would take jobs away from whites and push wages down,
various labour groups pressured the federal government to intervene. At the same
time, many politicians in British Columbia raised alarm about the consequences of
uncontrollable Chinese immigration. The federal government thus took
steps to limit the Chinese population in Canada.
Passed in 1885, the first anti-Chinese policy took the form of a $50 Head
Tax imposed on almost every Chinese person entering Canada. Despite the Head
Tax, Chinese immigrants continued to come to Canada as conditions in China were
much worse. As a result, the Head Tax was raised to $100 in 1900 and $500 in
1903. In the early 20 th century, $500 represented two years of wages for Chinese
Unable to curtail immigration from China, the federal government enacted
the Chinese Immigration Act (also known as the Chinese Exclusion
Act) in 1923, prohibiting almost all Chinese immigration to Canada.
The Exclusion Act came into effect on July 1 st or Dominion Day (later Canada
Day). Though a time of celebration for most Canadians, the Chinese observed July
1st as Humiliation Day and closed their businesses and boycotted festivities
each year.
By 30 June 1924, all Chinese were legally required to register that they were
residents of Canada. Those who did not comply faced a $500 fine; one year
imprisonment or both. To help enforce the Act, immigration officers were allowed
to arrest anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.
After the Second World War, racist attitudes towards the Chinese began to
soften and calls for the repeal of the Exclusion Act became stronger. In 1941,
China and Canada fought as allies in the war along with the United States and Great
Britain. As well, around 500 Chinese Canadians volunteered to serve in the
Pacific while others raised relief funds and bought victory bonds. Newspapers
across the country began to praise Chinese Canadians for their patriotism and
contributions to the war effort. At the same time, the United States repealed its
Chinese Exclusion Act in 1944 while Canadian efforts to eliminate the Exclusion
Act grew more forceful. After much deliberation, the federal government repealed
the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1947.
In the early 1950s members of the "Ultra-Left" were purged at all levels of
the Communist Party of China. On Josef Stalin's' birthday in 1951,
Chairman Mao Zedong ordered the execution of some 50,000 intellectuals
and communists (including heterosexual and LGBT members). Many were
executed on one night, usually shot in their bunks at the camps where they were
interned. Expelled from society, the left was continually harassed, facing summary
execution, exile, banishment to their home villages or internment in prison camps
containing political subversives under intolerable conditions.
more proletarian elements, as well as utopian fighters, formed a series of
underground and secret societies in imitation of the Triads (traditional clan
organizations for social and civic mutual protection, kept secret from the
By its peak in the 1990s, the THC commanded the loyalty of an estimated
50,000 people in Hong Kong and Guangzhou (also known as Canton, and less
commonly as Kwangchow) is the capital and largest city of Guangdong province in
South China. Known as the boss of the bosses, their political strength was
used in a more direct manner after the fall of the Soviet Union. However, joint
British and Chinese intelligence exercises were followed by the trapping and
summary execution of prominent THC members and high profile trials of its
gangs such as the Lotus Gang, the Big Circle Boys, 14K and Shui-Fung, the triad
allegedly headed by Lai in Macau, reach into Canada.
The invasive presence of Asian organized crime in Canada involves everything
from kidnapping and extortion to drug smuggling. The mainstay has been
heroin from the Golden Triangle of southeast Asia, but in recent
years, Asian crime groups have expanded into cocaine and other drugs,
including ecstasy and B.C.-grown marijuana. Loan sharks often frequent
casinos, where they charge exorbitant interest rates for loans to pay gambling
debts. Human smuggling: Many people from southeast Asia agree to pay
$45,000 or more to be smuggled into Canada, only to be exploited as prostitutessex slaves in the flesh trade or forced into labour to pay off their debts. They are
also susceptible to robbery from gangs as their lack of immigration papers makes
them fearful of reporting crimes against them. Some become drug couriers and
others have serious criminal records before coming to Canada.
"Sure its inconceivable totally incomprehensible that Chinas
government, its millionaires and billionaires and, most outrageous, triad
criminal organizations have been hanging out with Canadas political and
corporate leaders for three decades and got massive benefits at the expense
of all Canadians. These so-called defenders of democracy, rule of law and
human rights chose and kept choosing that path because they figured the
consolidation of political, bureaucratic, judicial, corporate and media
power through two centuries of nepotism and patronage and lengthy
Liberal rule last century would prevent exposure. They were
wrong. They miscalculated then and are doing so again believing the
national awareness campaign wont deliver their ouster from office,
procure full asset seizure as the proceeds of crime and life imprisonment
for systemically violating s. 20 of The Security of Information Act.
Brad Kempo B.A. LL.B. (2010)
It's always the newest batch of immigrants which form the nouveau crime
group - Punjabi (Sikh) organized crime is a term denoted to organized
crime groups based in Canada that are predominantly of Indian origin. Punjabi
(Sikh) gangs rooted in B.C. in the early 1990s and quick became the third
major homegrown organized crime problems in Canada, next to
the Outlaw motorcycle clubs and Native American criminal
organizations. Annual police report ranked them third in terms of
sophistication and strength in British Columbia, only behind the aforementioned
biker gangs and Asian criminal organizations such as Triads and
Vietnamese drug clans.
Indo-Canadian street gangs were in the beginning mostly involved in petty
street crimes, older and more calculated criminals from the community quickly
saw opportunities to make profit of the situation. Often using clan-based
connections in their homeland, organized criminals from the Jatt
community were able to build relatively criminal empires making use of
young street gangs. The first major Indo-Canadian crime boss were Bindy
Johal and Bal Buttar, although many powerful crime characters followed.
Punjabi (Sikh) gang violence has caused a major problem with a total
of about 100 gang deaths since the 1990s to present day with most
still unsolved. Between 1991 and 2005 the number is unknown due to lack of
concern from police during that time, but at least 50 and at most Punjabi
(Sikh) have been murdered from gang related violence. Unfortunately Punjabi
(Sikh) gang violence is still on a high, recorded that from 2006 to 2014, 34
Punjabi (Sikh) had been murdered by gang violence making up for 21.3% of gang
deaths in B.C.
Gang violence has started to heat up again as of 2014 in the Punjabi (Sikh)
community [ ] a Lower Mainland (BC) drug turf war between the Indian and
Somali drug groups.
The main trade of the Punjabi (Sikh) crime groups in Canada is the trafficking
of heroin. Punjabi (Sikh) crime bosses use their family connections in India to
bring in the drug. Punjabi (Sikh) crime groups widened the reach of their
activities and delved criminal areas such as extortion, kidnapping, prostitution,
money laundering and above all contract killing. Organized gangs from the
community have infiltrated the local transportation business (i.e. taxicab and
trucking), setting up connections with Mexican drug cartels and using truck
drivers to smuggle cocaine and hashish from Mexico into the U.S.A. and Canada.
Note: Baptized Sikh men, called Khalsa, are required to leave their hair
uncut and always wear a turban, a wooden comb, cotton undergarments, and a
dagger, called a kirpan. Singh is common among Sikhs, means lion, and
baptized Sikhs have a duty to be soldiers for their faith, continuously prepare for
a fight, and participate in armed conflict when called upon. When the British
ruled India, the Sikhs were the backbone of the Raj Army.
Other races in Canada, such as Torontos Blacks, have higher rates of crime.
However, Sikhs are much more troublesome and dangerous to Whites because
they have gained great political leverage. Sikhs have entered the British
Columbian political scene at several levels, and, unlike Canadian Whites, they
keep their eyes on their own foreign-born interests. A Sikh named Ujjal Singh
increased street demonstrations. Soros will also step up his financial and
political support for secessionists in Tibet, East Turkestan (Xinjiang-Uighur
Autonomous Republic), and Inner Mongolia.
7. With the Argentine presidency and the Venezuelan National
Assembly falling under the control of right-wing fascist-oriented political
parties, Soros will mobilize his Latin American assets to force Brazilian
President Dilma Rousseff from the presidency. She has been battling an
attempt by the Brazilian Congress to impeach her. Soros despises Rousseff for
a number of reasons but chiefly they are her commitment to the BRICS
alliance of Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa; her family links to
Bulgaria during its communist past; her rejection of Soros Third
Way politics; Rousseffs opposition to privatization of state-owned
enterprises - industries into which Soros wants to invest heavily; and
Rousseffs opposition to Brazilian public schools being used to
promote homosexual life styles. Soros main goal is to have Rousseff
replaced with a right-winger who will pull Brazil out of the BRICS bloc.
8. Another BRICS leader Soros sees as vulnerable is Jacob Zuma, the
president of South Africa. Soros goal is to destroy the BRICS by peeling
away South Africa and Brazil from the alliance, leaving only China and Russia
as members after India can be persuaded the alliance is dead. Zuma and his
African National Congress are also Soros targets because of their
opposition to Israeli policies in Palestine and same-sex marriage.
Soros backs the Democratic Alliance party, which receives much of its
financial support from South African Zionists and the Jewishdominated diamond industry.
9. Whoever the Republican U.S. presidential candidate turns out to be,
Soros will throw his money and the backing of his NGOs to Hillary
Clinton, a personal friend. Soros can be expected to finance intense
opposition research and a massive 527 political action committee ad campaign
against the GOP presidential candidate.
10. In the various presidential elections scheduled for 2016, Soros forces will
back the most anti-Christian and pro-Muslim presidential
candidates in the Central African Republic; Antonio Vitorino, a
noted Eurocrat, for president of Portugal; the pro-West Benin Prime
Minster Lionel Zinsou for president of Benin; hedge fund manager
Pedro Kuczynski for president of Peru; Juan Cohen for president of
the Dominican Republic; all the anti-Putin candidates in the Russian
election for the State Duma; pro-Saakashvili candidates in the Georgian
parliamentary election; pro-NATO/EU parties in the Montenegro
parliamentary election; and pro-EU/NATO parties in the Romanian
parliamentary election.
Soros will work to defeat the Bolivian constitutional amendment
referendum that will permit President Evo Morales to run for another
term. They will also work against the re-election of Robert Fico as Prime
Minister of Slovakia and the election of Samia Nkrumah, the daughter
of Ghanas founding president Kwame Nkrumah as president of
Ghana. In the Tanzanian constitutional referendum, the Soros forces
will seek to protect the present union status quo and defeat any attempt by
Zanzibar to secede and go its own way.
Eugenics and the Depopulation Agenda
The Illuminati's idea of Population Control falls into two broad categories:
1. Limiting the size of human societies and monitoring/controlling the
movement of individuals within that society, and
2. Intentionally reducing the bulk of the world's population through
Genocide via the introduction of population slaughter (i.e. immigration),
orchestrated conflicts (like Black Lives Matter riots), and lethal
bioengineered disease organisms introduced via vaccines and other
means of external transmission (such as AIDS and Ebola).
Eugenics is a term coined in the latter part of the 19th century by
Englishmen Francis Galton to describe the "science" of bettering
human stock and the elimination of unwanted characteristics...
and individuals.
This mass migration plan has been in the works for a long time, but theyre
kicking it up several serious notches now, flooding the U.S. borders while
continuing to swarm European countries with any immigrants they can from a
variety of cultures.
Clearly staged U.S./NATO/Israeli sponsored
terrorism and genocide are at work in the middle east, driving desperate
people to seek asylum elsewhere. In particular, United Nations globalist fat cat
Peter Sutherland, non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs and former BP
CEO, never mind top Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission honcho, has come
right out and stated their plan as plainly and arrogantly as possible.
The implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 and other programs such as
Codex Alimentarius have been eroding societys fabric behind the scenes
like termites eating out a buildings infrastructure. All while bankster backed
globalists mastermind the various tentacles manipulating humanity via their
multinational banking, political and corporate stooges.
Again, the "divide and conquer" plan has been in effect for quite some
time, breaking down borders and homogenizing weakened populaces in a
deliberately devastated economy which is being more militarized by the day - in
preparation for a societal breakdown - the very one theyve engineered.
The European Union should do its best to undermine the
homogeneity of its member states, because the future prosperity of
many E.U. states depended on them becoming multicultural.
Peter Sutherland, the UNs special representative for migration
The Standard & Poor's 500 often abbreviated as the S&P 500 (or just
S&P), is an American stock market index based on the market
capitalizations of 500 large companies having common stock listed on the NYSE or
NASDAQ. The S&P 500 index components and their weightings are
determined by S&P Dow Jones Indices. It differs from other U.S. stock
market indices, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the Nasdaq
Composite index, because of its diverse constituency and weighting
methodology. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices, and many
consider it one of the best representations of the U.S. stock market, and
a bellwether for the U.S. economy
The bad news is that these issues don't appear to be fading away anytime soon,
implying that 2016 could be another volatile and overall weak year for the
markets in general.
While some may not agree with Soros' political views, his track record as an
investor is second to only perhaps the legendary Warren Buffett, giving
immense weight to his thoughts on market dynamics. During his tenure as the
head of the Quantum Fund, for example, he averaged returns for investors in
excess of 30% per year, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest hedge
fund managers of all time.
The financial markets generally are unpredictable. So that one has to
have different scenarios. ... The idea that you can actually predict what's
going to happen contradicts my way of looking at the market.
The failure of the central banks to corral and control Putin has made World
War III a likely scenario. As Putin continues on the path of destroying the dollar
as the worlds reserve currency, what will the Federal Reserve do? There will be
a war to preserve the status quo. As China, Russia and the United States are
drawn into a confrontation, the worlds economy will be obliterated along with
billions of lives. In the aftermath of the coming global holocaust, the supreme
financial rulers of the planet will be waiting to create order, the New World
Order, out of chaos. And that war has already started with the Russian invasion
of Syria.
A willing pawn of the NWO, or not, Putin is no hero. He is doing exactly what
is expected. Make no mistake about it, the BIS controls the
central banks, world finance and Putin. The New World Order is very much
alive. What is interesting, is that I have completed the article and I
barely mentioned how Putin has overrun Syria and has accomplished this feat in
less than 10 days when the U.S. has been trying to accomplish the same for three
years but has not managed to put one boot on the ground. Putin owns Obama and
Obama plays ball because that is his role. America is supposed to lose. All the
world is a stage and all will play their roles at the behest of the New World Order.
Putin is a bankster-controlled-leader masquerading as an independent
leader (none left), who stands for truth, justice and the American way while Obama is the poster child for what is wrong with
Communism. If you dont think this is true, then why is half of America
rooting for Putin to win? This is a bankster plan to have both
leaders switch roles from who plays the villain and the
Hell, Obama doesnt even try to hide the criminality of his
administration. They are all playing a role. Your personal assets and your civil
liberties are the prize in this high stakes poker game.
I have a question for the sheeple. Are you physically, spiritually financially
and emotional prepared?
Each big inflation - whether the early 1920s in Germany, or the Korean and
Vietnam wars in the U.S. - starts with a passive expansion of the quantity
money. This sits inert for a surprisingly long time. Asset prices may go up, but
latent price inflation is disguised. The effect is much like lighter fuel on a camp
fire before the match is struck.
Peoples willingness to hold money can change suddenly for a "psychological
and spontaneous reasons," causing a spike in the velocity of money. It can
occur at lightning speed, over a few weeks. The shift invariably catches
economists by surprise. They wait too long to drain the excess money.
Near civil war between town and country will be a pervasive feature of the
break-down of social order. Large mobs of half-starved and vindictive
townsmen will descend on villages and farms to seize food from farmers and
ranchers accused of hoarding.
Common booty will become the currency as pauperized members of the
civil service elites trade the symbols of their old status for a sack of
potatoes and a side of bacon.
Foreigners with money and power will live in opulence whilest the
"national citizens" will suffer from more than want or need. Hatred
and terror will harrow the every realm. Corruption will buy
and sell Ma'at. And the great numbers of people which have failed to realize
the quick becoming Apocalypse which hath been "revealed" to the prophets and
soothsayers are already dead to Me. Imagine how much more ye which heedeth
not Myne Warner's shall suffer whence even Our children's children born of
Lif (life) and Lfrasir ("thriving remnant) will have to struggle to reclaim our
natural ancestral heritage.
The Jewishness of the Bolshevik Revolution; the Jewishness of Hollywood;
the Jewishness of the Clinton administration; the Jewishness of Neoconservatism;
the Jewishness of Critical Theory, the Frankfurt School, Boasian Anthropology,
and Freudian Psychoanalysis; the claims of Tacitus; the claims of the early
Christian church; the claims of Martin Luther; the claims of the Spanish
Inquisition; the claims of the Third Reich... all are self-evident truths of a
dangerous international underworld conspiracy to destroy our European heritage,
our Canadian and American identity, and supplant us with all the Black and
brown and slant-eyed subhuman Third World scum and anti-Christian Muslims
brought into our nations by Liberal-minded quislings, such as PM Justin Turdeau
and Chancellor Angela Merkel.
These so-called Syrian refugees are the central banks new debt slaves. ZOG
doesn't give a good god damn about any of us... they'd rather we were mindless
automatons... clones and androids... hell, why not do away with the flesh for ever
and robotize human labour.
2000 when Saddam Hussein announced his decision to switch Iraq's oil sales
off of the dollar and on to euros. This was a direct attack on the dollar - and,
easily, the most important geopolitical event of the year. But only one article in
the Western Zio-media even mentioned it! In the same month that Saddam
announced he was moving away from the dollar, an organization called the
Project for a New American Century - of which Dick Cheney just
happen to be a member - released a document titled "Rebuilding America's
Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century."
This document called for massive increases in U.S. military spending
and a much more aggressive foreign policy in order to expand U.S.
dominance world-wide. However, the document lamented that achieving these
goals would take many years "absent some catastrophic catalyzing event... like a
new Pearl Harbour." One year later - they got it!
Riding the emotional reaction to 9-11, the Bush administration was able
to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, and pass the Patriot Act... all without any significant
resistance. They knew exactly what was going to happen... but, in 2003, they did
it anyway. Once Iraqi oil fields were under U.S. control, oil sales were
immediately switch back to the dollar. Mission accomplished.
Soon after the invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration attempted to
extend these wars to Iran - supposedly the Iranian government was working to
build nuclear weapons. After the Iraq fiasco, Washington's credibility was
severely damaged... as a result, they were unable to muster international or
domestic support for an intervention. Their efforts were further sabotaged by
elements within the CIA - however, the demonization campaign against Iran
continued - even into the Obama administration. Why? well it might have
something to do with the fact that since 2004 Iran has been in the process of
organizing an independent oil market - and it wasn't going to be tied to the dollar.
The first shipments of oil were sold through this market in July 2011. Unable to
get the war that they wanted, the U.S. used the U.N. to impose sanctions against
Iran. The goal of the sanctions was to topple the Iranian regime. Well this did
inflict damage on Iranian economy, these measures failed to destabilize the
country - this is due, in large part, to Russia's assistance in bypassing U.S. bank
In February 2009, Muammar el-Qaddafi was named chairman of the
African Union. He immediately proposed the formation of a unified state
with a single currency. It was the nature of that propose currency that got him
In March 2009, the African Union released a document titled "Towards
a Single African Currency" - pages 106 and 107 of that document
specifically discuss the benefits and technicalities running the African central
bank under a gold standard. On page 94, it explicitly states that the key to
success in the African monetary union would be the "eventual linking of a single
African currency to the most monetary of all commodities" - gold.
In 2011, the CIA moved into Libya and began backing militant groups
in their campaign the topple Qaddafi. And the U.S. and NATO pushed through
and stressed a no-fly zone resolution to tip the balance. The presence of al-Qaeda
extremists amongst rebel fighters was swept under the rug. Libya, like Iran and
Iraq, had committed the unforgivable crime of challenging the U.S. dollar. When
the NATO intervention in Libya segued into a covert war on Syria, the armories
of the Libyan government were looted... and weapons were shipped via Turkey to
Syrian rebels working to topple Assad. It was already clear at this point that a
large percentage of these fighters had ties to terrorist organizations. However, the
U.S. national security apparatus used this as a necessary evil. In fact, the Council
on Foreign Relations published an article, in 2012, stating that "the influx of
Jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding
from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf... and the most important thing - deadly
results. In short, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) needs al-Qaeda.
In 2013, these same al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels launched two sarin gas
attacks in an attempt to frame Assad and muster international support for
military intervention. Fortunately, they were exposed by U.N. and Russian
investigators - when the push for airstrikes completely fell apart, Russia stepped
in and brokered a diplomatic solution.
The Syrian War is a Proxy War
The campaign for regime change in Syria, as in Libya, has been presented in
terms of human rights. Obviously this isn't real motive. In 2009, Qatar put
forward the proposal to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to
Europe. Assad, however, rejected this - and, in 2011, he forced a pact with Iraq
and Iran to build the pipeline eastward - cutting Qatar and Saudi Arabia out of
the loop completely. Not surprisingly, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been
the most aggressive regional players in the push to topple the Syrian government.
But why would this pipeline dispute with Syria and Washington cross hairs?
Three reasons: 1) This pipeline arrangement would significantly strengthen Iran's
position, allowing them to export to European markets without having to pass
through Washington's allies: This obviously reduces the U.S. government's
leverage. 2) Syria is Iran's closest ally: It's collapse would inherently weaken
Iran. 3) Syria and Iran have a mutual defense agreement - and U.S. intervention
in Syria could open the door to open conflict with Iran.
In February 2014, this global chess game heated up a new venue - Ukraine.
The real target, however, was Russia... you see, Russia just happens to be the
world's second-largest oil exporter. And not only have they been a
thorn in Washington's side diplomatically... but they also opened up an energy
bourse in 2008 with sales nominated in rubles, not gold. Russia has also been in
the process of organizing a Eurasian Economic Union which includes
plans to adopt a common currency unit and which is slated to have its own
independent energy market. Leading up to the crisis Ukraine was presented with
a choice: either join the E.U. under an association agreement or join Eurasian
Union. The E.U. insisted that this was an either-or proposition - Ukraine couldn't
join both. Russia, on the other hand, asserted joining both posed no issue.
President Yanukovych decided to go with Russia. In response, the U.S.
national security apparatus did what it does best - Yanukovych missed all the
public government.
Though this all seemed to be going well at first, the U.S. quickly lost control
of the situation. Crimea quickly held a referendum and people voted
overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and reunify with Russia. The transition
was orderly and peaceful - no one was killed - but the West immediately framed
the entire event as an act of Russian aggression. This became to go to mantra
from that point on.
Crimea is important geo-strategically because of its position in the Black
Sea, which allows the projection a naval power into the Mediterranean... and the
U.S. has been pushing for Ukraine's inclusion into NATO for years now...: Such a
move would place U.S. forces right on Russia's border - and potentially could
have resulted in Russia losing their naval base in Crimea. This is why Russia
immediately accepted the results of the Crimea referendum and quickly
consolidated the territory.
Meanwhile, in Eastern Ukraine, two regions declared independence from
Kiev and held referendums of their own - the results of which overwhelmingly
favored self-rule. Kiev responded to this with what they referred to as "antiterrorist operations."
In practice, this is a massive and
indiscriminate shelling campaign which killed thousands
of civilians. Apparently, killing civilians didn't qualify as aggression to the
West. In fact, the IMF explicitly warned the provisional government that their
seventeen billion dollar loan package could be in danger if they were not able to
put down the uprising in Eastern Ukraine. While the war against Eastern
Ukraine was raging, elections were held and Petro Poroshenko was elected
president. It turns out that Poroshenko was exposed by a leaked diplomatic
cable released by WikiLeaks in 2008 as having worked as a mole for the U.S.
State Department since 2006. They referred to him as "our Ukraine insider."
Much of the cable referred to information he was providing. Having a puppet in
place, however, hadn't turned out to be enough to get Washington the upper hand
in this crisis. What does Washington do when they have no other leverage? they
impose sanctions and they demonize [ ] this isn't a very good strategy when
dealing with Russia. In fact, its already backfired. Sanctions have merely pushed
Russia and China into closer cooperation - and has accelerated Russia's dedollarization agenda. And, in spite of the rhetoric, this is not lead to Russia being
isolated. The U.S. and NATO have put a wedge between themselves in Russia...
not between Russia and the rest of the world. This new anti-dollar axis goes
deeper than economics - these countries understand what's at stake here. This is
why In the wake of the Ukrainian crisis, China proposed a new Eurasian security
pact which would include Russia and Iran. Consider the implications here as the
Obama administration begins bombing in Syria, which also has a mutual defense
agreement with Iran.
This is not the Cold War 2.0. This is World War 3.0. The masses may
not have figured out yet... but history will remember it that way. Audiences are
solidifying and hot wars are underway on multiple fronts - provocations and
proxy wars continue: It's only a matter of time for the big players to confront each
other directly... and that is a recipe for disaster.
Does all this sound insane to you? well your right. The people running the
world right now are insane. The public is sleepwalking into a tragedy. If you
want to alter the course that we are on... there's only one way to do it. We have to
wake up that public. Even the most powerful weapons of war are neutralized if
we reach the minds of those with their fingers on the doomsday button.
How do we wake the masses? don't wait for someone else to answer that for
you. get creative. act like your children's and grandchildren's futures depend on
it... because they do. If this message resonates with you - spread it. If you wanna
see the big picture - trust me we've got some very interesting storm clouds
Among the 12 Federal Reserve District Banks, the New York Federal Reserve Bank is the one with all of the power.