June 20 2010 Bulletin
June 20 2010 Bulletin
June 20 2010 Bulletin
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen. Amen.
Marion Williams 1966
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures
here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Daretown, New Jersey
website: www.daretownpres.org
June 20, 2010
How Deep the Fathers Love For Us Praise Band Thank you to our music director, Nick Mercado, our
organist, Margaret Powers, and also to our amazing choir
and praise band for bringing us uplifting music every
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORDS PRAYER Sunday. Thanks also go out to Harold Ware and Roger
Smith who play our Jardine organ. We are truly blessed by
these gifts of music.
Psalm 100
July 18th Jeff Simpkins Preaching Anita Murphy will be available the last Sunday of each
July 25th Psalm 113, Luke 12:32-48 Calling All Risk Takers month, June, July and August to check Blood pressures for
Testimonies from WV Mission Trip anyone wishing to have it done. Contact Anita Murphy, with
questions at 358-6272 or [email protected].
August 1st Hosea 11:1-11, Luke 15:11-32 Calling All the Lost
August 8th Hebrews 11:1-16, Psalm 50:1-15 Pastor Julia is adding an additional challenge. While you are
Calling All the Faithful, Communion walking why not consider making your morning walk a time of
prayer? Listening to the Lord at the start of the new day
August 15th Jeremiah 23:23-29, Hebrews 12:1-17
Calling All Runners and praying for whats ahead will also increase your spiritual
muscle. Pray for your neighbors as you pass their houses,
August 22nd Jeff Simpkins Preaching pray for the community while you pass your schools, allow
August 29th Jeff Simpkins Preaching the Lord to lead your prayers as you take in His beautiful
creation. Why not even bring your Bible along and as you
make rest stops read through a gospel passage (Matthew,
Mark, Luke or John)? People carry weights while they walk A very special thank you to those who cleaned the
why not carry the Word of God with you? sanctuary windows last week! Things are looking much
brighter today!
TNT-Tuesday Nights Together beginning September 21st Save the Date-Youth Mission Trip Stockholders Dinner
6:00 light meal August 8th from 5-7pm. $25 for tickets if you are not a
6:30-7:30 Programs-Adults, Youth & Children (see below) stockholder and would like to attend. If you are a
7:30-8:00 Contemporary Worship- stockholder please RSVP to the office by August lst.
Praise, Prayer, Scripture and Testimonies
Summer Youth Group Events-Join us-Bring a Friend!
Adults-Alpha Programcome ask questions about your
June 26th Rodeo Meet at the church at 7 pm. Rodeo
faith and grow deeper in your walk with the Lordthis is
begins at 7:30 and ends approx. 10 pm. Transportation is
a great program for everyone whether you have been a
available. Please RSVP to Dana (609-364-7480).
Christian for 20 years, just a month or you are still
seeking. It is also a great event to invite a friend to July 12-16th come out and help at VBS
attend. After VBS on the 14th trip to Cream Valley
July 27th Trip to the Elmer Pool
Youth Group and Kids Klub also meets during this time! August 10th Trip to Ocean City
Our Youth will be using some of the Youth Alpha program More details to follow
and our Kids Klub will be based on a Christian scouting
program called Pioneers Club where they earn badges for August 28th-31st End of Summer RETREAT
service. More information to follow. Young Families, Youth group and Camping Enthusiasts or
those whon just love rollar coasters.Join us at Knoebels for
We need your help with TNT! We want this program to
a mini retreat of fun, fellowship and reflection. This trip
be Dynamite so we want everyones input. Join us on
will be an excellent opportunity to commune with the Lord in
July lst at 1pm or at 7:30pm to plan for the Alpha
the beautiful countryside of central Pennsylvania. The trip
program. Choose one of the meetings to attendnot
is about 3 hours away and the cost is low, due to camping and
both, this will give opportunity for people who work and
a pay as you go amusement park. There are also hotel
those folks who are only available during the day to
accomodations nearby. RSVP to Pastor Julia or Dana by July
share their ideas. Please let us know if you plan on
29th if you plan on attending or want more information.
attending. You can RSVP to the office via email or to
Watch the bulletin for details in the coming weeks!
Jill directly in the office at 358-1104. Meetings will be
rescheduled if we dont receive RSVPs before June 30th.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the June newsletter.
It was greatly appreciated! It is never too early to start
writing for the next newsletter any articles can be
submitted to Jill at any time (e-mail or put it in her basket).
We are hoping for an early-September issue.