Some Consequences of Spacetime Fuzziness: Kourosh Nozari, Behnaz Fazlpour
Some Consequences of Spacetime Fuzziness: Kourosh Nozari, Behnaz Fazlpour
Some Consequences of Spacetime Fuzziness: Kourosh Nozari, Behnaz Fazlpour
Finite resolution of spacetime at Planck scale gives it a fuzzy structure (the so-called foamy or fractal spacetime).
This fuzzy structure of spacetime is a consequence of quantum uctuation of geometry itself and can be described
within non-commutative geometry and some alternative approaches to quantum gravity. In this paper, some consequences of spacetime fuzziness are studied. Due to this fuzzy structure, some basic notions of ordinary quantum
mechanics such as position space representation, wave packet broadening during its propagation and coherent states
of quantum mechanical systems should be re-examined.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The problem of reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity is one of the task of modern theoretical physics which until now has not yet found a consistent and satisfactory solution. The diculty arises since general relativity
deals with the events which dene the world-lines of particles, while quantum mechanics does not allow the denition of
trajectory; in fact the determination of the position of a quantum particle involves a measurement which introduces an
uncertainty into its momentum. These conceptual diculties have their origin in the violation, at quantum level, of the
weak principle of equivalence (universality of free fall) on which general relativity is based [1,2]. Such a problem
becomes more involved in the formulation of quantum theory of gravity, owing to the non-renormalizability of general
relativity when one quantizes it as a local quantum eld theory [3]. Nevertheless, one of the most interesting consequences of this unication is that
in quantum gravity there exists a non-vanishing minimal observable length on the
order of the Planck length, lp G
1033 cm. One cannot set up a position measurement with uncertainty less than
this minimal value. The existence of such a fundamental length is a dynamical phenomenon due to the fact that, at
Planck scale, there are uctuations of the background metric, i.e. a limit of the order of Planck length appears when
quantum uctuations of the gravitational eld are taken into account. Existence of minimal length scale has been motivated by several promising candidates of quantum gravity [47] and its consequences have been studied extensively [7
17]. This natural cut-o guarantees the renormalizability of underlying quantum eld theory [1820]. Also existence of
this minimal cut o results in the modication of usual Heisenberg algebra to incorporate gravitational uncertainty
from very beginning [2124].
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E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Nozari).
0960-0779/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Non-commutativity of spacetime [2527] at quantum level led to spacetime fuzziness [2835]. Existence of non-vanishing minimal uncertainty in position cause undeterminability of spacetime points. In another words, locality is no
longer possible and all events are uncertain at least up to Planck length. Spacetime in this viewpoint has a fractal or
foamy structure. Recently a new point of view to this issue has been developed by El Naschie. In this novel scenario,
fractal structure of spacetime in quantum gravity era has been formulated within Cantorian (E1 ) space [3639]. It seems
that this scenario has the strong potential to be ultimate framework for unication of fundamental interactions [40,41]
and solves some mysteries of physics such as spacetime dimensionality [42,43], the nature of time in quantum gravity
[41] and some other key problems of modern physics [4446].
The fuzzy structure of spacetime has very novel implications for the rest of quantum theory. We will see that the
picture of position space representation of usual quantum mechanics breaks down. Due to non-commutativity of spacetime, dispersion relations will generalize and as a consequence, waves prole will encounter anomalous dispersions. In
addition, the notion of coherency and coherent states should be re-examined within this framework.
In this paper, after an introduction to spacetime fuzziness, we discuss some of its consequences in the spirit of quantum theory. Position space representation, wave prole anomalous dispersion and the notion of coherency will be reexamined within fuzzy spacetime framework.
2. Fuzzy spacetime
A key characteristic of quantum theory is the emergence of uncertainties, and one might expect that the distance
observable would also be aected by uncertainties. Actually various heuristic arguments suggest that for such a distance
observable the uncertainties might be more pervasive: in ordinary quantum theory one is still able to measure sharply
any given observable, though at the cost of renouncing all information on a conjugate observable, but it appears plausible that a quantum gravity distance observable would be aected by irreducible uncertainties. Quantum gravity suggests that in the Planck-scale regime there should be some absolute limitations on the measurability of distances. This
restricted resolution of spacetime structure is referred as spacetime fuzziness (foamy or fractal spacetime ). Most
authors consider a dD P Lp relation, meaning that the uncertainty in the measurement of distances could not be
reduced below the Planck-length level, but measurability bounds of other forms, generically of the type dD P f(D, Lp)
(with f some function such that f(D, 0) = 0) are also being considered.
The presence of such an irreducible measurement uncertainty could be signicant in various contexts. For example,
one can characterize operatively this spacetime fuzziness as an irreducible (fundamental) Planck-scale contribution to
the noise levels in the readout of interferometers [30,34,47]. In classical physics, interferometer noise can in principle be
reduced to zero. Ordinary quantum properties of matter already introduce an irreducible noise contribution. Spacetime
fuzziness would introduce an additional irreducible source of noise, reecting the fact that the distances involved in the
experiment would be inherently unsharp in a foamy spacetime picture. This inherent unsharp distance measurement is
the essence of spacetime fuzziness. In fact all approaches to the quantum gravity predict some limitations on the accuracy of localization, and therefore predict some spacetime fuzziness. One is usually unable to rigorously derive from rst
principles a detailed description of the physical consequences of this fuzziness, such as the mentioned interferometric
noise. Nevertheless, some phenomenological arguments can be perform in this direction. The key input needed for this
phenomenology turns out to be the power spectrum q(f) of the Planck-scale-induced strain noise in terms of frequency f
[35]. Combining some intuition about the stochastic-like features of spacetime fuzziness and the dependence on the
Planck length, one can easily reach a model of q(f). For example if the eects depend linearly on the Planck length
Lp 1/Ep and the underlying phenomena are of random-walk type, one is inevitably led to
q Lp f 2 K2 fLp f 2 L2 :
The proportionality to the square of the inverse of the frequency is a direct result of the assumption of random-walktype processes. The length scale K is needed on the basis of the dimensional analysis of the equation, and is to be treated
as a free parameter to be constrained experimentally. One may choose to make reference to a dimensionless parameter,
f, which may be used to express the ratio of K with the length L of the arms of an interferometer or of an optical
resonator. Other hypothesis about the stochastic-like features of the underlying Planck-scale processes led to other
forms of f dependence (and Lp dependence) of the strain noise power spectrum. In general one should nd (a > 1)
2b 2ab
q fab L1a
p f
There is therefore some interest in attempting to improve limits on the parameters fab [48]. The idea of spacetime
fuzziness also motivates some research work on Planck-scale-induced decoherence. It is in fact rather plausible that
spacetime fuzziness might aect the time evolution of quantum mechanical states in such a way that, for example, a
pure state might evolve into a mixed state.
A key attribute of spacetime fuzziness is that in certain non-commutative spacetimes, departures from Lorentz symmetry will be encountered [49]. There, the Planck-scale structure of spacetime can introduce a systematic dependence of
the speed of photons on their wavelength. After a time duration T, the dierence between the expected position of the
photon and the Planck-scale-corrected position could take the form Dx Tdv cTLp/k, where k is the photon wavelength. If we instead focus on how distance fuzziness could aect the propagation of photons, it is natural to expect that
a group of photons would all travel the same average distance in a given time T (and this average distance is still given
by cT), but for each individual photon the distance traveled might be slightly dierent from the average, as a result of
distance fuzziness. Just to be more specic let us imagine that distance fuzziness eectively introduces a Planck-length
pin position per each Planck time of travel. Then the nal position uncertainty would be of the type
Dx cTLp . The square root here (assuming a random-walk-type description) is the result of the fact that non-systematic eects do not add linearly, but rather according to rules familiar in the analysis of stochastic processes.
After a brief introduction to spacetime fuzziness, in forthcoming sections we consider some consequences of this
fuzzy structure.
This situation changes drastically with the introduction of minimal uncertainties Dx0 P 0. A non-zero minimal uncertainty in position
Dx2jwi hwjx hwjxjwi2 jwi P Dx0
implies that there cannot be any physical state which is a position eigenstate since an eigenstate would of course have
zero uncertainty in position. All of these arguments show the failure of position space representation in quantum
mechanics. Is there any way to retain such representation? Actually, this failure does not exclude the existence of
unphysical, formal position eigenvectors which lie in the domain of x alone but not in Dx;x2 ;p;p2 . In fact, such formal
x-eigenvectors do exist and are of innite energy. Most importantly however, unlike in ordinary quantum mechanics, it
is no longer possible to approximate formal eigenvectors through a sequence of physical states of uncertainty in positions decreasing to zero. This is because now all physical states have at least a nite minimal uncertainty in position. A
minimal uncertainty in position means that the position operator is no longer essentially self-adjoint but only symmetric. Since there are no more position eigenstates jxi in the representation of the Heisenberg algebra, the Heisenberg algebra will no longer nd a Hilbert space representation on position wave functions hxjwi. Where there is no minimal
uncertainty in momentum, one can work with the convenient representation of the commutation relations on momentum space wave functions and the states of maximal localization will be proper physical states [17]. We can use states of
maximal localization to dene a quasi-position representation. This representation has a direct interpretation in terms
of position measurements, although it does of course not diagonalize x.
The modied commutation relations proposed by Kempf et al. [17] are of the form
^xi ; ^pj ihdij 1 a^x2 b^p2 :
To be more specic, let us consider the case a = 0. The other commutators read
^pi ; ^pj 0;
^xi ; ^xj 2ihb^
pi ^xj ^pj^xi :
The last relation means that we have a non-commutative geometry since translations along dierent directions do not
commute anymore. This non-commutativity of space coordinate is the signature of fuzzy structure of space in quantum
level. The presence of ~
p2 ;~
x2 in Eq. (4) implies that the rotational symmetry, whose generators are
^xi ^pj ^xj ^pi
1 b~
is still preserved.
As has been mentioned, one of the remarkable features of this theory is the existence of a minimal length uncertainty
h b because of the new Heisenberg inequalities
Dxi Dpj P dij 1 b
pk h~
pk i
The momentum representation is found to be given by the operators
^pi :w~
p pi w~
^xi w~
p ih1 b~
p2 opi wp
As we have argued, the presence of a minimal length uncertainty implies that no position representation exists. The
concept which proves to be the closest to it is the quasi-position representation in which the operators are non-local
^xi ni b tan h boni
b1 tan ih boni ;
where ni is the mean value of the position operator. The formalism provided in this subsection can be used to retain
position space representation in ordinary quantum mechanics.
3.2. Waves in fuzzy spacetime
Existence of minimal observable length which restricts the accuracy of position measurements and complete resolution of spacetime points, will aect wave packet propagation in a background fuzzy spacetime. Here we are going to
study the eect of spacetime fuzziness on the wave packet propagation. First we give an outline to the ordinary quantum mechanical considerations. For simplicity, consider the following plane wave prole:
f x; t / eikxixt :
and m kc, this relation can be written as f(x, t) / eik(xct). Now the superposition of these plane
Since x = 2pm, k 2p
waves with amplitude g(k) can be written as,
Z 1
f x; t
dkgkeikxct f x ct
where g(k) can have a Gaussian prole. This wave packet is localized at x ct = 0. In the absence of dispersive properties of the medium, wave packet will suer no broadening with time. In this case the relation x = kc holds. In general,
the medium has dispersive behavior and therefore x becomes a function of wave number, that is, x = x(k). In this situation, Eq. (14) becomes
f x; t
dkgkeikxixkt :
eik0 xixk0 t
which is the prole of the wave packet (density of probability) in position space (note that regarding the failure of position space representation we should interpret the last equation within maximally localized or quasi-position represeng2 t2
tation). The
1 which in t = 0 was a, now has became a a . This means that broadening has increased by a
g2 t2 2
factor of 1 a2 . This argument shows that a wave packet with width (Dx)0 in t = 0, after propagation will have
the following width:
g2 t2 2
Dxt Dx0 1 2 :
In the presence of quantum gravitational eects, usual uncertainty principle of Heisenberg should be generalized due to
fuzzy structure of spacetime. From string theoretical considerations (see for example [5]), this generalization can be
written as
DxDp P h1 bDp2 ;
where b
Suppose that p Dp and Dx x k. Then we nd
kp h1 bp2 ) 1
kp h1 bp2 :
l2P .
Since quantum gravitational eects are very small, one can write (1 + bp2)1 1 bp2. Therefore we nd
1 p
k h 1 bp :
Note that we have considered only the rst order eects. This relation shows that in quantum gravity regime the very
basic notion of spacetime itself induces dispersion on the wave packets prole. This fact has origin on the quantum
uctuation of spacetime which can be described as fuzzy (fractal or foamy) spacetime.
Now look at the group velocity. Within generalized De Broglie framework, we nd
df k
df k
2 3
3 2
c f k 0 k 0
3bh k 0 f k 0 k 0 f k 0
dk k0
dk k0
dk k0
The functional form of f(k) is important in the rest of above calculations. The actual form of f(k) should be quantum
gravity model dependent via modied dispersion relations [50]. Suppose that f(k) can be written as
f k 1 l2P k 2 ;
which has been motivated by Adler and Santiago [51]. Then we have
velocity up to second order of Planck length becomes
df k
2l2P k
d2 f k
dk 2
6bh kf k k
3bh k f k
2 dk 2 k0 2
dk 2
dk 2
kk 0
Using these generalized quantities for vg and g in Eq. (20), we nd the following wave prole in spacetime background
with quantum gravitational eects
ax c1 3b
h2 k 20 3l2p k 20 15bh2 l2P k 40 t
jf x; tj
exp h
2 iA:
a2 2c 6l2P k 0 6bh2 k 0 60bh2 l2P k 30 2 t2
2 a2 2c 6l2P k 0 6b
h2 k 0 60b
h2 l2P k 30 t2
The terms containing b and lP are the direct consequences of spacetime fuzziness and fractal nature of spacetime in
Planck scale. It is evident that in ordinary picture, these extra terms will be disappeared since in usual quantum mechanics we should set b ! 0 and lP ! 0. Now Eq. (21) generalizes to
2 !12
6l2P k 0 6bh2 k 0 60bh2 l2P k 30 t2
Dxt Dx0 1
Note that when we set b ! 0 and lP ! 0 in the last two equations, we nd the case corresponding to x = kc which contains no broadening for wave prole(corresponding to Eq. (14)). This is a restricted situation. To nd more reliable
picture which contains usual quantum mechanical broadening in the absence of quantum gravitational eects (i.e. corresponding to Eqs. (20) and (21)), we proceed as follows:
Suppose that
k kgk;
where is a generalization of (25) to separate quantum mechanical and quantum gravitational contributions from each
other. In this situation we can write
gk gq k gqg k;
therefore we have
x ckgk ckgq k ckgqg k:
One can decompose this equation to the following two pieces:
xq ckgq k and
xqg ckgqg k
for quantum mechanical and quantum gravitational contributions respectively. In the same manner one can dene
1 d2 xq
vg and
2 dk k
dk k
dgqg k
c gqg k k
dk k
which leads to
v0g c3a1 l2p k 2
5a2 l4p k 4
Dxt Dx
g g0 2 t2
respectively. Since
g g0 2 g2 2gg0 g02 g2 6ga1 ck
l2p 20ga2 ck 3
9a21 c2 k 2
l4p ;
we nd for prole of the wave packet
jf x; tj2
a g 6ga1 ck
lp 20ga2 ck 3
9a21 c2 k 2
l4p t2
ax vg c3a1 l2p k 2
5a2 l4p k 4
2a2 g2 6ga1 ck
l2p 20ga2 ck 3
9a21 c2 k 2
l4p t2
g2 6ga1 ck
l2p 20ga2 ck 3
9a21 c2 k 2
l4p t2
It is obvious that in this situation in the limit of b ! 0 and lP ! 0, we nd the usual quantum mechanical results consisting ordinary dispersion of wave prole(or wave broadening). Fig. 1 shows the phenomenon of wave packet broadening in three candidate models.
3.3. Coherent states in fuzzy spacetime
Within ordinary quantum mechanics, the coherent state was introduced by Schrodinger as the quantum state of the
harmonic oscillator which minimizes the uncertainty equally distributed in both position x and the momentum p. By
denition, coherent state is the normalized state jki 2 H, which is the eigenstate of annihilation operator and satises
the following equation:
ajki kjki where hkjki 1
Fig. 1. Wave packet broadening. The prole of wave packet (a) in a non-dispersive medium, (b) in usual quantum mechanical case and
(c) in quantum gravity regime. Vertical axis measures y = jf(x, t)j2 in a given time. Obviously, wave packet has more broadening within
fuzzy spacetime.
jki ejkj
p jni ejkj =2 eka j0i:
Actually k can be complex because a (annihilation operator) is not Hermitian. Now we are going to consider the situation in a fuzzy spacetime. There are two approaches for denition of generalized coherent states: non-commutative
geometry considerations and fuzzy sphere approach. The non-commutative plane is dened by the relations [25,26]
^xj ; ^xk ihj;k ;
h > 0; k; j 1; 2:
The coherent states are dened as eigenvalues of a destruction operator and saturate the Heisenberg uncertainty
Dx1Dx2 = h/2. The situation of the fuzzy sphere is more complicated. It is a matrix model dened by the following relations [52]
^xk ; ^xl p klm^xm
jj 1
dlk ^xl^xk R2
with j integer or half-integer and k, l, m = 1, 2, 3. Here we use re-scaled variables such that R = 1. There is no state saturating simultaneously all the Heisenberg uncertainties
Dx1 Dx2
p jh^x3 ij;
2 jj 1
Dx2 Dx3
p jh^x1 ij;
2 jj 1
Dx3 Dx1
p jh^x2 ij:
2 jj 1
As a consequence, one has to resort to other criteria to dene coherent states in this context. One way to tackle this
problem is based on the construction of a deformation of the creation-destruction operators. In this approach, one uses
the stereographic projection to dene the operators
z ^x1 i^x2 1 ^x3 1 ;
F zz av 1 jzj2 v 1 jzj2 ;
n 1 ajzj2 ;
a 5
a p :
jj 1
Now, there exists a function f which relates the operators z and z+ to the usual creation and destruction operators a+
and a respectively
z f ^a ^a 1^a:
Now the generalized coherent states jfi are taken to be the eigenstates of the destruction operator z and read as follows:
jfi N jfj2 1=2 expff 1 ^a ^a^a f 1 ^a ^aj0i;
2 1/2
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