Abando, Ann Margarette G. Legal Research LLB Tsu 1A

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Abando, Ann Margarette G.

Republic of the Philippines
3rd Judicial Region
Branch 63
Tarlac City

Nica Bryne, Petitioner,

Civil Case No. 188-218-18


- versus
Nicky Bryne, Respondent,
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
COMES NOW Respondent, through undersigned counsel, without necessarily
submitting to the jurisdiction of the Honorable Court, most respectfully alleges:
1. That the allegations contained in paragraph 1 are admitted.
2. That the allegations contained in paragraph 2 are admitted.
3. That the some of the allegations contained in paragraph 3 are
specifically denied and some are admitted. It is in fact admitted that the
Petitioner is blessed with four children with Respondent however, the
truth of the matter is that, the marriage of the petitioner and the
respondent was only for convenience and it was a miserable relationship.
4. That the allegations contained in paragraph 4 are admitted.
5. That the allegations contained in paragraph 5 are admitted.
6. That the allegations contained in paragraph 6 are specifically denied.
Respondent did not engaged in any sexual affair to a woman named Mish
Tress then, and that respondent had not abandoned his family for the
mentioned woman but was forced to leave the family home because
respondent can no longer bear Petitioners acts of going home late at
night and sarcastic remarks every time her attention was called to what

she had been doing. The truth of the matter is that their marriage has
gone through several misunderstandings and numerous disagreements.
7. That the allegations contained in paragraph 7 are specifically denied. The
lot belongs exclusively to the respondent because they were already separated in
fact. Further, assuming arguendo that the lot is conjugal, the transaction should not
be declared entirely void as Respondent had one-half share over the property.
8. That the allegations contained in paragraph 8 are specifically denied. The
said property was issued solely to Mish Tress. A Deed of Absolute Sale dated was
declared in favor of Mish Tress and Transfer Certificate of Title No. S-90293
covering. The property in question was purchased by Mish Tress with her
own exclusive funds and it was only for convenience that the respondent
facilitated the mortgage. That, although the respondent paid the monthly
amortization of the mortgage as attorney-in-fact of Mish Tress, the money came
exclusively from her.

WHEREFORE, premises considered it is most respectfully prayed of this

Honorable Court that this Answer be admitted.
Other reliefs just and equitable under the premises are likewise prayed for.
Tarlac City, Philippines, this 4h day of November 2016.

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