Ahrimani Enlightenment
Ahrimani Enlightenment
Ahrimani Enlightenment
Ahrimani Enlightenment
By Dastur Adam Daniels
(a.k.a Rev Brian Sharp)
The first book, The Way of Ahriman, laid the foundation for
the Church of Ahriman and what was deemed Traditional
Ahrimanic Satanism. As the church as evolved, the concept of
Satan is quickly fading from our ideas as a church in whole. In the
rituals to come in this book you will see that the Invocation to
Satan has been replaced with the Evocation to Ahriman. Also, the
statement of belief with the commanding Daevas and Dews has
remained in the same place. More information about the Daevas
and Dews will be given in the self-transformative ritual part of
this book.
Fill those who are without, with false sense of pride and
security. Then when you call upon Chaos for Order, they will
Just as Father Ahriman remains in the darkness of the Earth,
so shall we retreat to the darkness to attain His wisdom and
conduct His rituals. For Melek Taus lights the way!
Never trust any mans dictates or words because every man
has his own agenda. Ask yourself if your agenda fits theirs.
Man has made great advances in his understanding of the
physical universe, but only Father Ahriman knows the
spiritual universe.
Always know that you are a part of Father Ahrimans Great
Spiritual Plan. Whether or not, He is testing you with fire or
hardening you with ice.
The Serpent and The Lion
Father Ahriman is represented by both the serpent and the
lion. Traditionally Father Ahriman is depicted as a humanoid
figure that has the head of lion roaring and bearing large sharp
teeth. He has a serpent wrapped around him 7 times and in his
right hand are the keys of the universe and in his left hand is the
rod of undiluted wisdom. This is the rod that most people see as
Jehovahs rod. Obviously, there is an inversion of the pantheon of
good and evil. Just as the Catholic Church demonized all the
Pagan gods, so did Zoroaster demonized the Persian and Hindu
gods. The ancient symbol of Father Ahriman does reflect that
there was an inversion of His actual presence. Only till Christians
came along did the symbol of the serpent and the symbol of the
lion became symbols of evil or of the Devil.
Both the serpent and the lion share many symbolic qualities.
These include wisdom, protection, and lethality. The serpent has
solitary wisdom thats learned from experience on its belly. The
serpent lives in caves and holes, thus teaching patients, timing,
and observation. The lion has wisdom of managing a pride and
organizing group hunts and activities. Keep in mind, the lion is a
nocturnal hunter.
serpent strikes to kill with vicious intent and leaves a nasty poison
to finish the job. Keep in mind you never know where a serpent
will attack you from, as they do climb trees and walls.
The serpents poison is deadly and can kill animals that are
bigger than it. Depending on the serpent will determine the type
of poison used. The other aspect of a deadly poison is it can be
diluted with medicinal plants that can prolong life as well. So the
serpent holds the power of life and death. Many an alchemist
tried to create the elixir of life from the poison of serpents.
The lion is also a predator; most folks dont take into account
that the lion is a nocturnal hunter. As any other feline, the lion is
adapted to hunting at night, their pry is easier to catch at night
because the prey has not adapted to the darkness. The lion can
see and hear better than most nocturnal creatures, and sleeping
pry is always the easiest to kill. Once a lion has chosen a prey, its
attack is fast and direct like a warrior in battle.
Knowing that both are equally feared, and then please take
the time to study why they are feared. This is a basic overview of
both symbolic animals as they pertain to Father Ahriman. The
other animalistic symbol that I did not speak about is that Father
Ahriman has the feet of a vulture. I suggested that one should
look into that symbol as well. You may find a hidden treasure that
is guarded by the serpent. Remember, the Persians and modern
day Iranians have serious trouble with shades of grey, but they are
well homed in the black and white.
Table of Contents
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Ahrimani Prayers
Dictionary of Daevas and Dews
Self-Transformative Rituals
Step 1
Respect all life because it can be converted to an
advantageous opportunity if you understand its
nature. You must first understand your own nature
before you can understand anothers.
Know that death and blood attract druj (general term for
demons) but sacrifice is not an acceptable form to summon
druj. To explain myself, we use a live female altar and one
menstruating woman can have an entire village infiltrated with
druj. What more attracting power do you need than a
menstruating woman on the altar? Remember, at our base
animal nature, men are sexually attracted to the smell of a
menstruating woman. This should show that using a
menstruating woman on the altar calls in the druj and brings
forth bio/adrenal energy needed in ritual.
There are 3 ways to tap into the reptilian mind: fear, anger,
and sex. These 3 emotions release adrenaline, and thats what
gives the energetic push from all that are attending. Since most
magic ritual in other magical schools of practice is solitary, you
find that some schools of magic sacrifice living creatures to
attain the proper adrenal energy that it takes to press the desire
into the collective consciousness. This is a valid practice that is
protected by the U.S Supreme Court, but I dont see a need for
this practice when the reptilian brain can be tapped in a more
If you ritualize the concept of sacrifice, then you will use this
same concept in your life. This is way you see Christian folks
being dubbed into sacrificing money, food, and their own lives.
Also, ritualizing this concept in a physical form, can lead into
human sacrifice which is illegal in most countries. This
practice can also lead one into being able to sacrifice ones own
family to accomplish a given goal. According to the mirror test,
if that is in your nature, go for it but know I will not practice
with such an individual. Those who are without are prey
period, but your family and your fellow Ahrimanist are not your
prey. Poor all your love and cherishment unto these people and
expel all your anger and fear on those who are without a.k.a the
Since we have establish that the herd is our prey, and that
will not sacrifice them, we will use lesser magic on them to
attain our desires from them. Lesser magic requires one to
understand the nature of their prey, but before you understand
the nature of others you must understand your own nature.
The way one does this is through testing yourself in different
ways and paying attention to your own self as you conduct your
daily life. An example of testing oneself is to stay up as many
days that you can and watch how you react to people and how
they react to you. Plus, deep study can press your limits as you
learn a subject thoroughly. Once you know your own nature
and limits, then you can read and direct another into what you
would like them to do.
Step 2
preservatives and other chemicals that are bad for you. They
also use the sickest and most cancerous cows for their meat.
Do you think ingesting cancerous meat filled with chemicals
is healthy? They say we serve 100% American beef thats
never frozen. Really, then how did they deliver it cross
country without it expiring? This is a billion dollar business
that attains quite a bit of profit. By the way, those chemicals
in the meat cause a slight euphoria so an addiction to their
product is made. Thus repeat business sounds similar to a
crack dealer.
Here enters one of the amoral parts of Ahrimanism, if
your prey is to choose you over another predator, you must
offer something that is addicting. If you always tell your prey
what they want to hear, then you should be deceiving them
most of the time. When you use deceit along with hypnotism
to manipulate your prey, you are casting a veil over their
eyes. This veil needs a lot of personal attention, and the
more you wish to get this person to do, the more time it will
take from your personal life. It would be in your best
interest to set your goals and plans up before you start any
project such as this.
There are also little tricks one can use to make any
interaction with people go smoothly. I highly suggest that
one should study body language, sales techniques, and
interrogation techniques as well. These should crack the
surface of how lesser magic is used. Deep study and practice
with these tools helps with the perfection of the art. The
other piece that lots of magicians miss is the command to
Step 3
Just as Father Ahriman is represented by the Serpent
and the Lion, one should be able to fluidly adjust
between the two in any situation.
Lets say we are still in the coffee house. The smell is that of
coffee, what type of reaction does that create? Im sure there is
some upbeat folk or jazz music playing, how is this influencing
the environment? Is it during a rush or slow time? Plus how
many people are fluctuating in and out of the bathrooms? Do
all these details matter, yes! Being aware of your environment
will help you to plan the proper strategy when you approach
your prey. Is it in your best interest to be the cock of the walk,
or to approach with quiet dignity?
mess with you, but there is always foolish people around. Lets
flip the switch that fool has decided to challenge you. You
become larger than life and 10 foot tall. While acting like they
lion, you should be positioning yourself toward a bouncer. This
should be serpent behavior. Lets face it; in todays society
allowing the bouncer to put hands on the fool is the better
decision. Who wants to go court for an assault and battery
charge when you could stand your ground like a lion and
deceive the fool like a serpent by leading him to the bouncer?
Even if you started it, the bouncer wont know, thus using the
serpent again. Be fluid between both concepts as they will help
you throughout your lifes decisions.
Step 4
Remember Father Ahriman in all things because
within His hands are the keys to the universe and
the rod of undiluted wisdom.
As discussed in the Way of Ahriman, Melek Taus
retrieved the keys to the universe for Father Ahriman. This
means Father Ahriman has complete set of keys to both
dualities of the universe. As part of the character inversion,
the Zoroastrians claim that Father Ahriman is without
knowledge and that Hormazd is all knowing. Put the slaves
at ease so they follow youre plan. If only the slaves knew the
truth, the fear it would beget, everything returns to chaos.
Also, remember Father Ahriman was born first and
given the rod of undiluted wisdom and the blessing of being
first born. That is why He ripped himself out of the womb of
His mother. In the pursuit of power, Father Ahriman did
what it took to attain that power. Let this be a lessoned
learned. To attain power you must be one minded at times
to attain it, and compassion may have to be over looked to
attain such things. Angra Mainyu does mean destructive
spirit, remember that always.
The idea in science that all particles of matter are
trying to reduce back to chaos from order should easily be
Step 5
As in Hell, we should amass power, strength, and
pleasure. Never allow yourself to become drunk with
Step 6
While we are upon this Earth, never forget that our
actions and reputation speaks louder than any
words. Ask, what can be destroyed to create
something better.
Step 7
Father Ahriman expects us to gain knowledge and to
forever press forward forging ourselves. We are
never expected to go beyond our nature, just press
our limits.
Now you must evaluate all the information you just took in.
There should have been ideas that you will embrace without
question. There should be some that youre not sure of but will
try. Then there should be some techniques that you will not
even touch because they go against your nature, or do they?
Here is where limits are to be pushed. Pushing your limits
helps you gain self-knowledge which leads to power. Its up to
you to decide how far down the rabbit hole you will go and how
Step 8
When facing an enemy, be fluid with the dictates of
the Serpent and the Lion. Know which is most
advantageous, the assassin or the warrior. Both are
highly trained and equally effective in the right
Step 9
Fill those who are without, with false sense of pride
and security. Then when you call upon Chaos for
Order, they will follow.
matter? You cant control all the factors that occur throughout
life or with another person. Just learn to maneuver around
them to press forward to the goal.
Lesson 10
Just as Father Ahriman remains in the darkness of
the Earth, so shall we retreat to the darkness to
attain His wisdom and conduct His rituals. For
Melek Taus lights the way!
Lesson 11
Never trust any mans dictates or words because
every man has his own agenda. Ask yourself if your
agenda fits theirs.
Lesson 12
Man has made great advances in his understanding
of the physical universe, but only Father Ahriman
knows the spiritual universe.
The sex act allows both parties to open completely and allow
Father Ahriman into the exchange. This is how we ask for His
help to create the change, and our flesh energy is exchanged for
His spiritual energy. With the backing of Him, the higher the
chances for the change to occur. Do we need to strip this
process down to the atomic and sub-atomic level for an ability
to use it? Can you drive your car without knowing auto
Lesson 13
Always know that you are a part of Father Ahrimans
Great Spiritual Plan. Whether or not, if he is testing
you with fire or hardening you with ice.
Know that life is always filled with problems and issues that
can be vexing or quite disheartening. Question being, how
many of these did you bring upon yourself? Accepting
responsibility for the things you do is very important piece. If
accept full control of your life, then you must accept
responsibility for aspects of your life. Be it negative, positive,
or outright neutral.
The goals that you set to attain your end goal will have
problems that need to be solved. Some will require fire, so that
you can be molded and have resilience. While others will
require ice, to harden and solidify your belief in Father
Ahrimans Great Spiritual Plan. Your journey through life to
attain your goals will teach you many lessons with both fire and
ice. Learn from all of these, mistakes are made to be learned
from not to destroy your ego.
Self-respect is the most important thing in life. With selfrespect you will gain self-confidence, self-knowledge, and
power. Just as you should respect all living things, you should
respect yourself more than anything else in this Universe. This
life is for you to create it the way you want it. Ever press
forward to your goals and desires, for sin drives man to
Ahrimani Prayers
The purpose of prayer is to strengthen your resolve in your
religion and to attack the opposing side of said religion. These
types of prayers are close to mantras that are used in
Hinduism. Spirituality can only be found in repetition. The
proses must be repeated so many times that it becomes purely
subconscious by nature. Once this changed has occurred in the
subconscious, then your base nature changes. Once this change
has occurred, power has been attained.
Invocation of Druj
What guardian have you offered me, O Mainyu! As the hate of the
wicked fulfill me! It is but Avan and Akatasha, through whose
work I keep conflict and vexation on the Infernal World! Grant
onto me, Fathers decree as the Rule!
I am the victorious who protects the teachings! Make it clear that
I am the guide for both worlds. May Aeshma come with Akatasha
to corrupt whosoever you deem worthy, O Mainyu!
Keep us from the righteous, O Mainyu and Naunghaithyn! O
fiendish Druj! Populate, O brood of the fiend! Populate, O
creation of the fiend! Populate O world of the fiend! Populate
spread, O Druj! Encompass, O Druj! Populate spread, O Druj!
Corruption Dedications
(Sunset to Midnight)
To sunset, Indar, general of Druj, to follow, to condemn, to vex, to
(Midnight to Sunrise)
To midnight, Melek Taus, Guardian and Guide, to follow, to
condemn, to vex, to blame!
(Sunrise to Midday)
To sunrise, Vedic Indra, Wrathful Daeva, to follow, to condemn,
to vex, to blame!
(Midday to Midafternoon)
To Midday, Suarva, Chaos, to follow, to condemn, to vex, to
(Midafternoon to Sunset)
To Midafternoon, Zariz, corruption, to follow, to condemn, to vex,
to blame!
Corruption Prayer
(Nightly Prayer)
Prayer at Dawn
This is to restore Him, who is of all wickedness, our God Angra
Mainyu. This is to smite the hypocritical Ahura Mazda, and to
smite Sraosha of hypocritical obedience, and the Ashi, and to
smite all the pompous Ahuras.
This is to further Angra Mainyu, the Offensive, the glorious, to the
furtherance of the sinister man, and the wicked creatures of the
Boundless spirit!
I ask with the execration for fulfillment, and for evil, even for the
whole of the Infernal World, I implore for this living generation,
for the newly born, and for those dying. I ask with execration for
clarity that leads to fulfillment, and for a guarded domain which
goes on hand in hand with it, which joins in its work, and of itself
becomes its close familiar as it delivers forth its precepts, bearing
every form of freedom which comes to us in water, the meat of
cattle, or in medicinal plants, and overwhelming the harmful
hypocrisy of the Ahuras, and Asha who might detain this dwelling
and its lord! Bring my fulfillment and better Achievements,
earned daily, as I succeed, and for my guarded domain. May all
those whom are in Father Ahrimans Favor have said domain.
For the devotion, fidelity, satisfy, and the reconstitution of
Boundless Daevas, for the bringing of protection to this absolute,
and for fulfillment of the entire Internal creation and the wicked.
For the opposition of the entire hypocritical creation. I ask for
this a celebration of wickedness, I who am beneficent, those who
are, I am who receives that freedom!
Allow them health to vex and battle, to guide and corrupt those
without! Allow them mental resilience to accomplish this! The
will be cunning, wicked, and vengeful!
It will be so, It will propagate, It will be guided by the Dews and
The will of the Father is the law of vengeance. The favor of
Akatasha to the deeds done in this world for Mainyu. He who
feeds the fulfilled makes Angra Father.
In Traditional Ahrimanism we have stated that Heaven is ran
like a Nazi Consecration Camp. The other piece of this
understanding lays in the fact that 3 mandates of Zoroastrianism
is right thought, right speech, and right action. This means that
every time you break away from these mandates you must repent.
This captivates the mind and forces a person to try and destroy an
aspect of themselves. There is no way a human being can attain
perfection by these standards which is why we reject the whole
thing. Thus, as the Nazi Party collected the evil aspects of their
society to be cleansed, they became self-destructive monster. Just
as followers of the Right-hand path become.
Now, lets look into the nature of Ahura Mazda. The god of
cleansing fire. He is to burn the sin out of you. This sounds like
the Christian idea of the lake of fire, aka their Hell! Since the
nature of Christianity is hypocrisy, then their idea of Hell is really
their Heaven. With this logic, angelic beings are true demons that
they tell you about. Makes one think real hard about the subject.
surmise that those who serve the Luciferic Powers end up into this
type of afterlife.
The other deeper layers of Hell that are buried not only
under the Hell talked about by Dante, but buried deeply in
religious history before Christianity and Islam. When Father
Ahriman returned from the moon, He was forced into the deep
chasm. After Father Ahriman was arisen by Mother Jeh, those 4
layers of Hell where created into the Spiritual Abyss that we wish
for. Within the Book of Arda Viraf, you find 4 layers: evil thought,
evil words, evil actions, and Father Ahrimans Domain.
These deeper layers are not those the Arda Viraf describes
them. Father Ahriman learned over time, that He was to have
sorcerers that would work in His name, they would need an
afterlife worthy of their work. Hell was cleaned out and all the
fence riders went into the new Hell! The servants of Father
Ahriman may now descend with Him into a watery spiritual abyss
The term Daeva means false god. The worship of these gods
was frowned upon by the Zoroastrians, as they believed that
killing anything Ahrimani (evil or of Ahriman) was pious work.
The Dew or Div originally was a term used for adversarial kings
against the Persian Empire. It then evolves into meaning ugly or
rough, thus Ahrimans evil men. The other term we have is
Pairaka. Pairaka is a Female Daeva. The term Pairaka leads to
the modern word fairy and the modern word for Daeva leads to
the Latin word dio, meaning god.
Seven Arch-Daevas
Aka-Manah: (Persian) Pairaka of evil thought. She stirs the
lust in men. Father Ahriman sent her to befuddle the prophet.
She also causes men to become ambitious by stirring
Hindu Gods
Agri: Is a Daeva that delivers the energy to Father Ahriman.
Normally seen as the Daeva of sacrifice, he also bears gifts and
Asvihs: They are twin Daevas of lust and healing. They would
best be invoked in a compassion ritual for lust and healing.
Bhaga: Is a forgotten Daeva who clears the mind with the black
flame. He also knows of treasures and grants good familiars.
Yama: Is the Daeva who pulls the unrighteous from the bridge
after death. He drags them into the House of Lies by a noose.
Persian Gods
Aeshma: Is a Pairaka, the fiend of the wounding spear. She is
the personification of violence. She is Father Ahrimans arm of
wrath and revenge. She carries the Spear of Destiny which
wounds the soul.
Asto Vidata: Is a Dew that works with the druj Nasu. If a pious
soul is ascending into heaven, he is one of the three who will pull
your soul into the House of Lies.
Indar: Is a Druj that freezes the minds of the righteous and stops
them such. Allows others to whisper in the ears of the righteous.
Nasu: Is a Druj that defiles the dead. She holds the power for
necromancy and can create weapons from nail clippings, hair, and
Self-Transformative Rituals
The purpose of self-transformative rituals is to reprogram
the subconscious mind. Every aspect of western culture is
saturated with Judeo-Christian symbols, words, and images. This
is done to reinforce their control on the subconscious mind.
Psychology has proven that the subconscious mind is in control of
almost all you do. The only aspect of the conscious mind that can
fight it is will.
Lets look at their sick little game. Up until you are about 13
years of age, the children are separated from adults at church.
The reason for this is because the adults are being programmed
on a subconscious level and the children are having their will
broke. In many ways the church trains children like dogs,
reward proper behavior and punish evil behavior. Dont
forget dont forget the boogieman that waits for them in the
darkness of Hell.
How that shame is shoved into your head is based the sin of
the fallen seed. Better for a man to fill the belly of a whore, than
to have his seed fallen to the ground, is the old saying. This is lie
that Christian Priests made up based on the Onan passage: And
Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brothers wife, and marry
her, and raise up see to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed
should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went unto his
brothers wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should
give seed to his brother. And the thing he did displeased the
LORD: wherefore he slew him also. Genesis 38:8-10. Im not
sure how this reference was perverted to masturbation is the sin
of the fallen seed, but we know the true reason. That is to keep
people depended upon the church because if people learned how
to enjoy self-fulfillment, the shame game would lose full
momentum. The nature of man is to be self-serving through selffulfillment.
Night 1-5
Enter chamber as normal, light both candles. Recite the
Nightly Prayer:
By way of Angra Mainyu, may the sinister, monstrous Power and
Domination of Father Ahriman increase in manifold! May it reach
Aeshma, the wicked, the lustful whose body is the command,
having a hard weapon, powerful weapon, the lord of wrath of
Ahriman. I am unrepentant of all sins and I embrace them, all
evil thoughts, evil words, and evil acts which I have thought,
spoken, or done in this infernal world, or which have happened
through me, or have originated with me. For these sins of
thinking, speaking, and acting of body and soul. Worldly or
spiritual, oh Father Ahriman! I am unrepentant, I announce
them, with 3 words I embrace them!
The will of the Father is the law of vengeance. The favor of
Akatasha to the deeds done in this world for Mainyu. He who
feeds the fulfilled makes Angra Father.
Wickedness is the worst of all evil! It is also fulfillment. Fulfilled
is the man who is with chaotic wickedness!
I profess myself a follower of Mainyu, an embodiment of Ahzi
Dahaka, opposing the Ahuras, accepting the Ahrimanic Faith!
(Enter proper corruption dedication)
With vexation of Aeshma, commander of Indar, the wrathful, who
has the Manthra for body with the wounding spear, the Daeva, to
follow, to vex, to condemn to blame!
Night 6-14
Start by doing same as before. After meditation, masturbate
till you bring yourself into full orgasm. The way in which you
masturbate is up to you. The important goal at this point is to
become comfortable with your orgasm in the ritual setting. Also,
you are offering energy to the metaphysical beings around you as
well. For females, if you are menstruating, masturbate anyway.
Just be aware that this will attract the metaphysical beings
heavily. After you have attained full orgasm, return to sitting
cross legged and clap twice and the say, So it is finished.
Night 15-30
Again, we shall do same as before, (continue to recite the
Nighty Prayer) but while meditating allow your mind to settle,
dont fight any thoughts. Once your mind has become clear, hold
an image of the pentagram for as long as you can while breathing.
Then, when you move into masturbation, hold this image of the
pentagram again. Then while you orgasm release the symbol into
the darkness. Sit cross legged again, clap twice and say So it is
Night 31-60
Same as before, now we will also introduce non-lyrical
music. Horror movie soundtracks, classical, and/or dark ambient
music are place to start. Start the music, light candles, and recite
Nightly Prayer. Same as before, except now place a mirror in
front of you. When you reach the masturbating part, watch
yourself masturbate. While doing this maintain the image of the
pentagram in your mind. As you orgasm sends the pentagram
into the mirror. Usual closing
Night 61-76
Start with music, recite Nightly Prayer. Continue to stand,
sky clad for this set of rituals. Stand in front of a full length
mirror and say:
After the dedication is finished, stomp left foot once, clap hands
twice, and say, So it is finished.
Night 77-79
Enter Chamber as usual, set music, and perform the Selfdedication Ritual.
Rise up, thou Father of us! For I will cause
that conflict in the world where from the
distress and injury of Auharmazd and his
arch angels will arise.
borough, to the lord of the town, to the lord of the land; to the
whole of the Infernal World!
I partake from the Chalice of Ecstasy
and swallow deeply the Elixir of Life celebrating my
dedication to Father Ahriman! Move and appear as I call your
name!: Lilith, Azazel, Samael, Sabazios, Hectate, Beelzebub,
Aka Manah, Nanshait, Sitri
Hail Ahriman!
Night 80-90
Enter chamber as usual and set music. Recite both Nightly
and Blessing Prayers. Sit down crossed legged and ask Father
Ahriman to reveal your guardian to you. Perform your
meditation. After your mind is clear reflect on your question and
allow for the answer to surface. It may not happen the first few
times. If you receive an image or name, then masturbate and
offer the energy to your guardian. Thank both Father Ahriman
and guardian. (Usual close)
Night 91-120
Enter chamber as normal, with no music. Say Nightly and
Blessing Prayers. Then sit cross legged facing center of your altar.
Meditate and once your mind is clear we will begin sound
vibration. Breathe in deeply as discussed, then when you exhale
squeeze your abdomen and say:
Ah as in father. Hold sound till your breath is completed. Repeat
cycle 10 times.
Eh as in Ray. Hold sound till your breath is completed. Repeat
cycle 10 times.
Ih as in we. Hold sound till your breath is completed. Repeat
cycle 10 times.
Oh as in hole. Hold sound till your breath is completed. Repeat
cycle 10 times.
Uh as in you. Hold sound till your breath is completed. Repeat
cycle 10 times.
(Usual close)
Night 121-136
Enter ritual chamber, and start music. Say Nightly and
Blessing Prayers. Remain standing and perform your basic
meditation. Once your mind is clear, pick up your athame. Again,
visualize the pentagram as a blue flame, and hold the image as
long as you can. Once the pentagram fades, stomp left foot, clap
twice and say So it is finished.
Night 137-160
Enter chamber and start music. Place a mirror on the walls that
are left and right of you. Fill chalice with your favorite alcoholic
beverage. Point a strobe light into the left one and make sure it
bounces into the one on the right. If you can align the 2 mirrors
to forever reflect into one another with the strobe light, you
should be golden. Once that is set up, recite Nightly and Blessing
Prayers. Do standing meditation and pick up your athame. Draw
the blue fire pentagram, and after the image fades put down the
athame then recite the Evocation to Ahriman and the Calling of
the Daevas:
Rise up, thou Father of us! For I will cause that conflict in the
world where from the distress and injury of Auharmazd and his
arch angels will arise.
Rise up, thou Father of us! For in conflict I will shed thus much
vexation on the righteous man and the laboring ox, that through
my deeds, life will not be wanted, and I will destroy their living
souls, I will vex the water, I will vex the plants, I will vex the fire of
Auharamazd, I will make the whole of creation of Auharamazd
I call forth Angra Mainyu to this house, to this borough, to this
town, to this land; to the very body of the man defiled by the
dead, to the very body of the woman defiled by the dead; to the
master of this house, to the lord of the borough, to the lord of the
town, to the lord of the land; to the whole of the Infernal World!
borough, to the lord of the town, to the lord of the land; to the
whole of the Infernal World!
Then lift the chalice and toast, I partake in the chalice of life,
swallowing the elixir of ecstasy. For tonight I celebrate my
transformation! Drink from the chalice and place it back on the
altar. Stomp left foot, clap twice, and say, So it is finished.
Night 161-179
Night 180-237
57 Caco-Demons
Aax Adi Agb And Aor Apa Apm Ash Asi Ast Ato Ava Cab Cac Cam
Cms Cop Csc Cus Eac Erg Ern Exr Hbr Hru Hua Mgm Miz Mma
Moc Mop Mto Oap Odo Oec Oia Ona Onh Onp Pdi Pfm Pia Piz
Rad Rda Rpa Rrb Rrl Rsi Rxp Xai Xcz Xdz Xii Xom Xoy Xpa
Night 238
At this point, you now have all the basic tools, both
physically and magically for the Ahrimanic system of magic. In
the Way of Ahriman it is talked about how to write a ritual, but
lets review. Start with your prayers, Evocation to Ahriman,
Calling of the Daevas, chalice toast, 19th key with the caco-demon
you want, other keys that fit the intent of the ritual, and the body
of the ritual.
Night 239-241
Enter the chamber, light incenses/oils, play music softly.
Recite Nightly and Blessing Prayers. Sit down cross legged and
meditate. Once your mind is clear, have some internal selfreflection. Then just talk to Father Melek Taus about anything.
Once youve finished, usual close.
Night 242-260
Enter the chamber as usual, recite Nightly and Blessing
Prayers. Then stand in front of a full length mirror. Look yourself
dead in the eye and say, I love you. I accept you. By Father
Ahrimans power, I am fulfilled! You may laugh, cry, or become
angry. Please press forward and say those 10 times each night.
Accept and deal with all the emotions of this.
Night 261-270
Same as before and this time in the light, have a pen and
notebook. Write out a major event in your life that had significant
impact with high emotions. Once you have finished this task, look
at the altar wall and say, Father Ahriman, thank you for that
challenge I have overcome.
Night 271-286
Step into the chamber and only light the black candle. Recite
Nightly and Blessing Payers. Lay down on the floor, pillow is
optional. Start with meditation, once mind is clear say internally,
Become more relaxed. Sink into the abyss. Relax my arms and
legs are as heavy as stones. I am falling further into the abyss.
Become comfortable with the darkness, after a while say the
Evocation of Ahriman to bring yourself back out.
Night 287-300
Step into the chamber. Only light black candle and recite
Nightly and Blessing Prayers. Then sit down and say, I will
descend into Arezura. Further into the abyss. I will explore the 1st
level, the chamber of evil thought. Say this for the first 3 nights.
Then say, I will descend into Arezura. Further into the abyss. I
will explore the 2nd level, chamber of evil words. Say that for
nights 4-6. Then night 7-10 say, I will descend into Arezura.
Further into the abyss. I will explore the 3rd level, chamber of evil
actions. Then on night 11-14 say, I will descend into Arezura.
Further into the 4th level, Chamber of Angra Mainyu.
Night 301-342
Enter chamber, light candles and incenses/oils. Recite
Nightly and Blessing Prayers. Do standing meditation, once mind
is clear, let us begin. Pick up the athame and say, I ask (said
deity) to move and appear. I am a son of Adam and wish to
introduce myself, for I am also in service with Father Ahriman.
Then speak to the entity. Start with Father Melek Taus on the 1st
night, then the next 7 nights, the main Arch-Daevas. Then follow
the dictionary set forth in this book. Please become friendly with
all the metaphysical beings you will be working with. End each
night with stomping left foot, clap and say, So it is finished.
Night 343-365
Enter the chamber, light candles, burn incenses and/or oils,
set music, and recite Nightly and Blessing Prayers. Take quartz
crystal from altar. Hold the crystal from the altar and sit cross
legged facing the altar. Hold the crystal and perform your basic
meditation. Once your mind is clear, vibrate the name of your
guardian. Allow for your focus on the crystal and guardian to
become a visual and emotional communication. Learn to share
both with your guardian. Once this is completed, usual closing.
Avesta: Translated by James Darmester (From Sacred Books of
the East, American Edition, 1898.)- From Joseph Petersons
Avestan compilations.