Pioneers of Animation
Pioneers of Animation
Pioneers of Animation
Available at: (Accessed: 8
Thomas Edison - Edison invents the movie industry (2011) Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2016).
which was the first of its kind. It took a rapid set of pictures on film, which
could be put together in a sequence to make a short film.
This video example is a significant form of stop motion, as it was the main
first example of the starters of a film being generated. It was the starting
point of the generation of longer films, and his invention helped to
modernise cameras into the billion-pound franchise they are now.
Lumire Brothers - (2014) The Lumire brothers, pioneers of cinema history in the headlines,, .
The Lumire Brothers were a major key brand that helped the film
industry change dramatically. They were
born in France
and together they had become a major
in the early 1890s. They created the
Cinmatographe, which was a camera printer
projector combined into one. They unveiled it on
December 28, 1895 and soon became a
phenomenon to the general public. After
the first initial broadcast, the Lumiere
Brothers began making more than 40
films a year, which were the new form of entertainment for the public.
This example is a significant improvement of how technology had changed
dramatically and impacted the life of people as entertainment becomes an
important factor. The videos were the first main examples which were
reasonably long and had a storyline that could be relatable or easily
understandable for the audience. This helped the short films become even
more successful, as they were more entertaining for the audience and
they were intrigued by the new style format
created the Puppetoons series which became hugely successful and had
more than 40 in total.
This example is good, as it is close to the Morden day recording we would
expect today. George helped move technology in the film industry greatly,
causing a new form of life for the audience. This show became
significantly important, as it was one of the fist majorly successful stop
motion films that had been produced.