THBT Sex Education Should Be Taught at School
THBT Sex Education Should Be Taught at School
THBT Sex Education Should Be Taught at School
Negative team
What is sex education?
Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual
anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual
behavior. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, school
programs, and public health campaigns. Education about reproduction typically
describes the creation and development of a new human being, from conception and
the development of the embryo and fetus, through to childbirth. It often includes
topics such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to avoid them, as well
as birth control methods.
Why sex education?
Although some form of sex education is part of the curriculum at many schools, it
remains a controversial issue in several countries, particularly with regard to the age
at which children should start receiving such education, the amount of detail that is
revealed, and topics dealing with human sexuality and behavior (eg. safe sex
practices, masturbation and sexual ethics). In many countries, sexual education raises
much contentious debate. Chief among the controversial points is whether covering
child sexuality is valuable or detrimental; the use of birth control such as condoms
and hormonal contraception. Increasing support for abstinence-only sex education by
conservative groups has been one of the primary causes of this controversy. Countries
with conservative attitudes towards sex education (including the UK and the U.S.)
have a higher incidence of STIs and teenage pregnancny.
Phsycological P.O.V : i believe that sex education should not be taught to high
school students even if they are in the 3rd year of their high school or
the 4th. especially in the Indonesia since as i know when one teaches
sex education to teenagers the cases of premarital sex will increase
since they can perform sex with the following certain guidelines to
prevent unwanted pregnancy. i am not saying that sex education
teaches one to perform sex or to teach them of procedures in
performing sex, what i am saying is that when one engage in sex
education one can follow guidelines to prevent unwanted events to
: Sex education is not just about sex. It includes other sensitive issues
like sexual health, sexual reproduction, sexuality and others that
parents often feel uncomfortable talking with their children.
Edocation P.O.V: Studies show that many teenagers become sexually active before
the inclusion of educational classes. Principles of inclusion of classes
has been shown to help students stay or to abstain or at least be
responsible if they are active. Proper education can have an impact on
the prevention of sexual problems in adulthood. Sex education is the
act of informing younger and adult generations about everything they
need to know about sex. Sex education is one of the most controversial