Beiträge Zum Alten Ägypten (BAÄ) Vol. 4:: Dem Grab Des Nachtmin (TT 87) - BAÄ 4

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Beitrge zum Alten gypten (BA) vol.

Barbara Lscher, Die Vorlagen-Ostraka aus
dem Grab des Nachtmin (TT 87). BA 4,
Orientverlag, Basel 2013.
Paperback, 154 pages, incl. 6 colour figures
and 20 colour plates
ISBN 978-3-905719-20-8
53.- (plus shipping costs)
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In this publication a unique set of ostraca from TT 87 (tomb of Nakht-Min, 18th dynasty)
inscribed with cursive hieroglyphic texts mainly Coffin Texts is presented, and it can
be shown that they served as a continuous sequence of (intermediate) master-copies
(Zwischenvorlagen) for the scribe who decorated the subterranean burial chamber of
TT 87. Beside a description and photographic publication of the material, the synoptic
presentation of both texts allows the rare comparison between original (ostraca) and
copy (tomb wall) and thus gives answers to some hitherto unexplained peculiarities in
Nakht-Mins funerary texts.

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