The Lifeline Jun 13, 2010
The Lifeline Jun 13, 2010
The Lifeline Jun 13, 2010
hook, prepared food, donated funds, prayed Need, Meet The Need, Change The ____________________________________________
WEDNESDAY NIGHT or just came to help, you made a difference Nation.That is your challenge. Join our
City State Zip
MEALS WILL RESUME in a life. Thanks to you all, Wanda Starrett mission team from Pleasant Grove as they
SEPTEMBER 8TH travel to Honduras. If you would like to Cell Phone
Thanks for your DEEPERSTILL CONFERENCE. join the team, contact Chad Booth at
Congratulations! 706-318-6622 _________________________________________
BILLY BRITT 2 YEARS 4th, 2010, for Deeper Still: The _________________________________________
JOHN TODD 7 YEARS Event with Kay Arthur, Priscilla COLLECTIONS FOR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC E-mail address
Thank you to4 all
Shirer, and Beth Moore, in TRIP There are two grocery baskets in the gym _________________________________________
and and in the lobby of the Worship Center for Your birth date month/day/year grade
childrens church workers Birmingham, AL. The cost for the
donations of sports equipment, gloves, caps,
today conference is $79 plus the cost of bats, etc. to take to kids in the Dominican
Spouses birth date month/day/year
A.M. SERVICE the hotel. For more information Republic. Please help us help the kids in the
NURSERY Lisa Moore, Tracy Price, contact Denise Pritchett at 706- Dominican. ______________________________________________
Mary Alice Mercer I came as a guest of
1 YEAR OLDS.. Jeremy & Jenny Phillips 245-5429 OR
Rosie Akins [email protected] Upcoming Event: July 4th..Fireworks at Freds. Come
___ Married ___Single-Again ___ 38-47
2 YEAR OLDSWesley & Megan Harris and fellowship before dark and after dark, enjoy the
___ Single ___ Below 18 ___ 48-57
Erin Gaines Tuesday Morning Bible Study show. If you would like make a donation for the show, ___ Step Family ___ 18-27 ___ 58-67
3 YEAR OLDS...Tammy Brown
begins June 8th at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. please contact John Todd at 706-498-2612 ___ Widowed ___ 28-37 ___ 68+
Jeromey & Cassie Wheeler
Here and Now...There and Then
NEW WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASS by Beth Moore is a lecture series on the book FEARLESS a study by Max Lucado..Let Max Lucado _____ I may be interested in joining the
Lord Is It Warfare? Teach Me To of Revelation. Each of the 11 sessions are help you explore and find a spiritual solution to the Pleasant Grove Family
Stand by Kay Arthur. Ladies Class approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. One growing minefield of fear. In six DVD lessons,
taught by Allison Smith. Located in lesson per week for students Fearless addresses some of your biggest fears and _____I would like to know how to begin a
Building E/Room 102 6:45 PM (light homework). shows you how the solution is easier than you Relationship with Christ.
Facilitated by Joyce Britt/Kari Booth think. Taught by Denise Pritchett Begins July 7th
6:45 in Bldg.E/ Room 100 _____ I would like to receive information on a
They are complimentary to those who scheduled on the church calendar. This August 1st Denise Pritchett and Star Duncan will begin a brand Are you a member of a church?
had their picture made last fall, and includes use of batting cages, gym use or new Sunday School class for 20 something couples and nearly
any event. If it has not been scheduled, a _____yes ______no
$10 for all others. They may be weds. This class will directly address the issues effecting
staff member will not be available after
picked up at the couples and families in their 20s. Look for further details
hours to unlock buildings _______________________________
Welcome Center after services. throughout the summer. Name of church