Sibsupportn.Z.: 2 Generation

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I would like to register my interest in the

following weekend workshop ®
Funded by the Todd Foundation
Auckland 2 - 4 July 2010

Christchurch 8 - 10 October 2010

Developed and delivered by Standards Plus

I __________________________ confirm
that I am over 18 and have a brother or sister
with a disability, health impairment or special
need. Hosted by Parent to Parent’s SibSupportN.Z.

Signed: ___________________________


Dietary requirements:
Parent to Parent is a support and
information network for families who have
children with disabilities, health impairments or
Other requirements:
special needs.

Parent to Parent New Zealand
__________________________________ PO Box 234 Auckland: 2 to 4 July
Waikato Mail Centre 3240

Phone: toll-free 0508 236 236 Christchurch: 8 to 10 October

Parent to Parent will confirm your acceptance
Email: [email protected]
and contact you with regards to travel
A workshop for adult siblings of Auckland: 2nd – 4th July
disabled people. St Francis Retreat Centre FORM
Auckland Name: ____________________
This weekend will focus on the unique Address: ____________________
perspective of siblings, the distinctive Christchurch: 8th – 10th October
dynamics of the relationship they have with Blue Skies Conference Centre ____________________
their disabled brother or sister, and will Kaiapoi
provide practical advice and information Canterbury ____________________
about how to manage the role of advocate.

Weekend workshops will be held in

Auckland and Christchurch and are on Workshop begins on Friday evening and runs Phone: ____________________
offer to any adult siblings who are through to Sunday afternoon
Mobile: ____________________
interested in being an important part of the
support and guidance of their disabled Email: ____________________
brother or sister.

The workshop, accommodation, travel and Name: ____________________

meals are free to participants.
To register your interest, please complete the Address: ____________________
attached Expression of Interest and freepost
it to: ____________________
Places are limited, please register your
interest as soon as possible, to allow ____________________
flights and accommodation to be
organised. 2nd Generation ______Postcode____________
Freepost 164497
PO Box 234
Waikato Mail Centre Phone: ____________________
If you have any questions please call toll Hamilton 3240
Mobile: ____________________
free 0508 236236 (option 2) or email:
[email protected] Email: ____________________

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