Improving Resolution With Spectral Balancing-A Case Study: M Fatima, Lavendra Kumar, RK Bhattacharjee, PH Rao, DP Sinha
Improving Resolution With Spectral Balancing-A Case Study: M Fatima, Lavendra Kumar, RK Bhattacharjee, PH Rao, DP Sinha
Improving Resolution With Spectral Balancing-A Case Study: M Fatima, Lavendra Kumar, RK Bhattacharjee, PH Rao, DP Sinha
The resolution limit of seismic data is a complex issue that involves on wavelet frequency, phase characteristics and data quality.
Spatial as well as temporal resolution is the key to extraction of stratigraphic detail from the seismic data. Interpreters also feel
difficulty while integrating seismic, VSP and log data due to higher spectral contents of VSP and Log data and therefore expect
comparable bandwidth of the seismic data. For getting greater reflection detail from seismic data utmost care is required at the
acquisition stage. Attempts are also to be made during processing stage to enhance the spectral bandwidth. Present attempt deals
with the enhancing the resolution through Pre-stack time migration and spectral balancing of the data acquired in an area of
Mumbai offshore and processed onboard up to post stack migration. The main objective of interpretation of the data was to
locate porosity development within the carbonates by using methods like acoustic inversion. This was a challenging task for the
interpreter, as the bandwidth variation between log data and seismic was huge. It is felt necessary to enhance the seismic data
bandwidth at the time of processing by using optimized spectral balancing and use that data for inversion study.
Pre- stack time migration and spectral balancing techniques of improving the resolution were attempted on the data. Rigorous
testing was carried out for the application of spectral balancing on PSTM gathers and volume. Comparison of results suggested
spectral balancing to be applied on PSTM volume than on gathers. Significant improvement has been obtained in stratigraphic
details while interpreting the data of this prospect of South Mumbai High. Inversion studies were carried out using the spectrally
balanced data and the lowering of impedance has been identified in a zone around the basement. A well drilled in this area has
produced hydrocarbons from the identified zone. This has clearly demonstrated the usage of spectral balancing to obtain better
attributes studies and porosity estimations in carbonates.
Enhancing the frequency contents of surface seismic data
has always been a quest for geophysicists ever since the
seismic method was introduced. In fact, seismic resolution
is the key to extraction of stratigraphic detail from the
seismic data. Seismic resolution comprises two aspects the vertical resolution and horizontal resolution. The
vertical or temporal resolution is concerned with the ability
to distinguish two close seismic events corresponding to
different depth levels. The horizontal or spatial resolution is
concerned with the ability to distinguish and recognize two
The objective of spectral balancing is to boost the
frequencies to obtain perfect resolution. While this
spectrum could in theory be obtained, in practice it would
likely result in the boosting of noise at low and high
frequencies. More sensible would be to balance the data
within its own bandwidth (Figure 1). Spectral balancing
splits the dataset into several narrow frequency bands by
bandpass filtering. Each frequency bands is equalized by its
scaling function which depends upon the amplitude levels
in this band. All these scaled frequency bands together are
added to obtain the balanced sections. Some applications
allow a percentage of the input data to be added back to
improve the results. Rigorous testing needs to be performed
on the data to enhance the frequency spectra within
sensible bandwidth.
B. Spectral Balancing:
Figure 3: Comparison Spec balancing on PSTM stacked volume (a) and Spec balancing on PSTM gathers (b).
Figure 4: Comparison of PSTM section without (a) and with (b) spectral balancing. The SpecBal data clearly brought out the
fault (black arrow) and also the improvement in resolution (red arrow) is clearly visible.
Figure 5: Comparison of amplitude spectrum of target zones in PSTM section without (a) and with (b) spectral balancing
Figure 6: Comparison of inline section processed earlier (a) and re-processed PSTM inline section with spectral balancing (b).
Figure 7: Comparison of crossline section processed earlier (a) and re-processed PSTM crossline section with spec balance (b).
Value addition:
Figure 8: Part of seismic section of earlier processed data indicating low frequency (a) and part of seismic section of
Spectral balanced PSTM processed data indicating high frequency at the zone of interest (b)
Figure 9: The impedance map of the carbonate section of the area using the spectral balanced data. Yellow to red colour
indicates low impedance areas interpreted to be the porosity zones in the Carbonates.
Authors are grateful to Shri DK Pande, Director (E),
ONGC for permission to publish this work. Authors are
thankful to Shri SV Rao, ED-Basin Manager and Shri V.
Vairavan, GM(Geol) - Block Manager for providing
the necessary facilities and assigning the work to be
carried out. Authors are also thankful to Mr. D K
Vishnoi, CG(S), Mr. Srinivasa, CG(S) and Smt. Sucheta
Dhotiwala, CG for help and support during the
processing and inversion of the data.
Views expressed in this paper are that of the author
only and may not necessarily be of ONGC.