This SARS Pocket Tax Guide Has Been Developed To Provide A Synopsis of The Most Important Tax, Duty and Levy Related Information For 2015/16
This SARS Pocket Tax Guide Has Been Developed To Provide A Synopsis of The Most Important Tax, Duty and Levy Related Information For 2015/16
This SARS Pocket Tax Guide Has Been Developed To Provide A Synopsis of The Most Important Tax, Duty and Levy Related Information For 2015/16
Provisional Tax
0 181 900
0 25 000
0% of taxable income
R13 257
R 7 407
R 2 466
Tax Threshold
Below age 65
R73 650
Age 65 to below 75
R114 800
R128 500
0% of taxable income
Retirement fund lump sum benefits consist of lump sums from a pension,
pension preservation, provident, provident preservation or retirement
annuity fund on death, retirement or termination of employment due to
redundancy or termination of the employers trade.
Severance benefits consist of lump sums from or by arrangement with an
employer due to relinquishment, termination, loss, repudiation, cancellation
or variation of a persons office or employment.
Tax on a specific retirement fund lump sum benefit or a severance benefit
(lump sum or severance benefit Y) is equal to
the tax determined by the application of the tax table to the
aggregate of amount Y, plus all other retirement fund lump sum
benefits accruing from October 2007 and all retirement fund lump
sum withdrawal benefits accruing from March 2009 and all other
severance benefits accruing from March 2011; less
the tax determined by the application of the tax table to the aggregate
of all retirement fund lump sum benefits accruing before lump sum
Y from October 2007 and all retirement fund lump sum withdrawal
benefits accruing from March 2009 and all severance benefits
accruing before severance benefit Y from March 2011.
Foreign Dividends
Most foreign dividends received by individuals from foreign companies
(shareholding of less than 10% in the foreign company) are taxable at a
maximum effective rate of 15%. No deductions are allowed for expenditure
to produce foreign dividends.
Interest exemptions
Interest from a South African source earned by any natural person
under 65 years of age, up to R23 800 per annum, and persons 65 and
older, up to R34 500 per annum, is exempt from taxation;
Interest is exempt where earned by non-residents who are physically
absent from South Africa for at least 183 days during the 12 month
period before the interest accrues or is received and the debt from
which the interest arises is not effectively connected to a fixed place
of business of the non-resident in South Africa during that period of
12 months.
Current pension fund contributions
The greater of 7,5% of remuneration from retirement funding employment,
or R1 750. Any excess may not be carried forward to the following year of
Arrear pension fund contributions
Maximum of R1 800 per annum. Any excess over R1 800 may be carried
forward to the following year of assessment.
Current retirement annuity fund contributions
The greater of 15% of taxable income other than from retirement funding
employment, R3 500 less current deductions to a pension fund, or R1 750.
Any excess may be carried forward to the following year of assessment.
Arrear retirement annuity fund contributions
Maximum of R1 800 per annum. Any excess over R1 800 may be carried
forward to the following year of assessment.
Medical and disability expenses
In determining tax payable, individuals are allowed to deduct
monthly contributions to medical schemes (a tax rebate referred to as
a medical scheme fees tax credit) up to R270 for the individual who
paid the contributions and the first dependant on the medical scheme
and R181 for each additional dependant; and
in the case of
an individual who is 65 and older, or if that person, his or her
spouse or child is a person with a disability, 33.3% of qualifying
medical expenses paid and borne by the individual and an
amount by which medical scheme contributions paid by the
individual exceed 3 times the medical scheme fees tax credits for
the tax year;
any other individual, 25% of an amount equal to qualifying
medical expenses paid and borne by the individual and an
amount by which medical scheme contributions paid by the
individual exceed 4 times the medical scheme fees tax credits
for the tax year, limited to the amount which exceeds 7,5%
of taxable income (excluding retirement fund lump sums and
severance benefits).
Deductions in respect of donations to certain public benefit organisations are
limited to 10% of taxable income (excluding retirement fund lump sums and
severance benefits). The amount of donations exceeding 10% of the taxable
income is treated as a donation to qualifying public benefit organisations in
the following tax year.
Subsistence allowances and advances
Where the recipient is obliged to spend at least one night away from his or
her usual place of residence on business and the accommodation to which
that allowance or advance relates is in the Republic of South Africa and the
allowance or advance is granted to pay for
meals and incidental costs, an amount of R353 per day is deemed to
have been expended;
incidental costs only, an amount of R109 for each day which falls
within the period is deemed to have been expended.
Where the accommodation to which that allowance or advance relates is
outside the Republic of South Africa, a specific amount per country is deemed
to have been expended. Details of these amounts are published on the SARS
website under Legal & Policy / Secondary Legislation / Income Tax Notices /
The actual distance travelled during a tax year and the distance travelled for
business purposes substantiated by a log book are used to determine the
costs which may be claimed against a travelling allowance.
Travelling allowance
Where the distance travelled for business purposes does not exceed 8 000
kilometres per annum, no tax is payable on an allowance paid by an employer
to an employee up to the rate of 318 cents per kilometre, regardless of
the value of the vehicle. However, this alternative is not available if other
compensation in the form of an allowance or reimbursement (other than for
parking or toll fees) is received from the employer in respect of the vehicle.
Fixed cost (R
Fuel cost
Maintenance cost
0 - 80 000
26 105
46 505
66 976
84 945
102 974
121 886
140 797
140 797
80% of the travelling allowance must be included in the employees
remuneration for the purposes of calculating PAYE. The percentage is reduced
to 20% if the employer is satisfied that at least 80% of the use of the motor
vehicle for the tax year will be for business purposes.
No fuel cost may be claimed if the employee has not borne the full cost of fuel
used in the vehicle and no maintenance cost may be claimed if the employee
has not borne the full cost of maintaining the vehicle (e.g. if the vehicle is
covered by a maintenance plan).
The fixed cost must be reduced on a pro-rata basis if the vehicle is used for
business purposes for less than a full year.
Other deductions
Other than the deductions set out above an individual may only claim
deductions against employment income or allowances in limited specified
situations, e.g. bad debt in respect of salary.
Fringe Benefits
Employer-owned vehicles
The taxable value is 3,5% of the determined value (the cash cost
including VAT) per month of each vehicle. Where the vehicle is
the subject of a maintenance plan when the employer acquired
the vehicle the taxable value is 3,25% of the determined value; or
acquired by the employer under an operating lease the taxable
value is the cost incurred by the employer under the operating
lease plus the cost of fuel.
80% of the fringe benefit must be included in the employees
remuneration for the purposes of calculating PAYE. The percentage is
reduced to 20% if the employer is satisfied that at least 80% of the
use of the motor vehicle for the tax year will be for business purposes;
On assessment the fringe benefit for the tax year is reduced by the
ratio of the distance travelled for business purposes substantiated by
a log book divided by the actual distance travelled during the tax year;
of R1.8 million when a small business with a market value not exceeding R10
million is disposed of;
instead of the annual exclusion, the exclusion granted to individuals is R300 000
for the year of death.
0 335 000
0% of taxable turnover
Residential accommodation
The fringe benefit to be included in gross income is the lower of the benefit
calculated by applying a prescribed formula or the cost to the employer.
Financial years ending on any date between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016
Taxable Income (R)
0 73 650
0% of taxable income
A final tax at a rate of 15% is imposed on the gross amount of royalties from
a South African source payable to non-residents.
Transfer Duty
Transfer duty is payable at the following rates on transactions which are not
subject to VAT.
Acquisition of property by all persons:
A final tax at a rate of 15% is imposed on interest from a South African
source payable to non-residents with effect from 1 March 2015. Interest is
exempt if payable by any sphere of the South African government, a bank or
if the debt is listed on a recognised exchange.
Donations Tax
Donations tax is levied at a flat rate of 20% on the value of property
The first R100 000 of property donated in each year by a natural
person is exempt from donations tax;
In the case of a taxpayer who is not a natural person, the exempt
donations are limited to casual gifts not exceeding R10 000 per
annum in total;
Dispositions between spouses and South African group companies
and donations to certain public benefit organisations are exempt from
donations tax.
0 750 000
Estate Duty
Estate duty is levied at a flat rate of 20% on property of residents and South
African property of non-residents.
Employers not registered for PAYE or SDL purposes must pay the contributions
to the Unemployment Insurance Commissioner.
6.75% p.a.
9.25% p.a.
5.25% p.a.
Refund of tax on successful appeal or where the appeal was 9.25% p.a.
conceded by SARS
Refund of VAT after prescribed period
9.25% p.a.
9.25% p.a.
9.25% p.a.
The impact of personal income tax proposals is revenue neutral;
General fuel levy Increases by 30.5 cents per litre and Road Accident
Fund levy increases by 50 cents per litre on 1 April 2015;
Increase excise duties on alcoholic beverages by between 4.8 and 8.5
per cent and on tobacco products by between 5 and 7 per cent;
Change to a self assessment system for income tax;
Taking further steps to combat base erosion and profit shifting such as
improved transfer pricing documentation and reporting;
Providing for a more generous turnover tax system for small
Delinking the diesel refund system from the VAT system and limiting
diesel refunds for land mining activities and the generation of
Consider increasing the electricity levy by 2 cents per kWh as a
temporary measure until carbon tax is introduced.