Direct Tax Summary Notes May 24

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Levy of Income-tax

As per Section 4, Income of the previous year of a person is charged to tax in the immediately following
assessment year.


 Previous Year means the financial year immediately preceding the Assessment Year.
 Income earned in a year is assessed in the next year.
 The year in which income is earned is known as Previous Year and the next year in which income is assessed
is known as Assessment Year.
 It is mandatory for all assessee to follow financial year (from 1st April to 31st March) as previous year for
Income-Tax purpose.
Business or profession newly set up during the financial year
In such a case, the previous year shall be the period beginning on the date of setting up of the business or
profession and ending with 31st March of the said financial year.

If a source of income comes into existence in the said financial year, then, the previous year will commence
from the date on which the source of income newly comes into existence and will end with 31st March of the
financial year.


 Assessment year means the period of 12 months commencing on the 1st day of April every year.
 It is the year (just after the previous year) in which income earned in the previous year is charged to tax.
 E.g., A.Y.2023-24 is a year, which commences on April 1, 2023 and ends on March 31, 2024. Income of an
assessee earned in the previous year 2022-23 is assessed in the A.Y. 2023-24.


“Assessee” means,
a. a person by whom any tax or any other sum of money (i.e., penalty or interest) is payable under this
b. every person in respect of whom any proceeding under this Act has been taken (whether or not he is
liable for any tax, interest or penalty) for the assessment of his income or loss or the Amount of refund
due to him;
c. a person who is assessable in respect of income or loss of another person;
d. every person who is deemed to be an assessee under any provision of this Act; and
e. a person who is deemed to be an ‘assessee in default’ under any provision of this Act. E.g. A person,
who was liable to deduct tax but has failed to do so, shall be treated as an ‘assessee in default’.


The term person includes the following:

i) An Individual;
ii) A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF);
iii) A Company;
iv) A Firm (Includig LLP);
v) An Association of Persons (AOP) or a Body of Individuals (BOI), whether incorporated or not;
vi) A Local authority; &
vii) Every artificial juridical person not falling within any of the preceding categories.


According to Sec.14 of the Act, all income of a person shall be classified under the following five heads:
1. Salaries;
2. Income from house property;
3. Profits and gains of business or profession;
4. Capital gains;
5. Income from other sources.
For computation of income, all taxable income should fall under any of the five heads of income as mentioned
above. If any type of income does not become part of any one of the above mentioned first four heads, it
should be part of the 5th head, i.e. Income from other sources, which may be termed as the residual head.

Difference between Heads of income and Sources of income

 There are only five heads of income as per Sec. 14 of the Act, but the assessee may generate the income
from various sources. In the same head of income, there may be various sources of income.
 E.g. under the head ‘Income from house property’, there may be two or more house properties and each
house property shall be termed as a source of income.
 The source of income decides under which head (among the five heads) income shall be taxable.

Computation of Income

Step 1: Determine Residential Status

Step 2: Compute Income Under Each Head Of Income
Step 3: Apply Clubbing of Income Provisions
Step 4: Set-off/carry forward and set-off of losses as per the provisions of the Act
Step 5: After Applying Step 2, 3 & 4 You will arrive at Gross total Income
Step 6: Claim Deductions Under Section 80C to 80U (if any From GTI)
Step 7: Total Income (Taxable Income) is arrived after claiming deductions from GTI


Tax On Income of Individuals / Hindu Undivided family / AOPs / BOIs / Artificial Judicial Person [Section 115BAC]

Income Tax Rate

On First 3,00,000 Nil
Next 3,00,000 5%
Next 3,00,000 10%
Next 3,00,000 15%
Next 3,00,000 20%
Balance Income 30%

Computation Of Tax Liability (Old Regime / Alternate Scheme / Normal Provisions)

A. In case of Individual / Hindu Undivided Family / AOP / BOI / Artificial Judicial Person / Local Authority
Resident individual of the age of 60 years or more at any time upto the end of relevant previous year but
less than eighty years (senior citizen)
Income Tax Rate
On First 3,00,000 Nil
Next 2,00,000 5%
Next 5,00,000 20%
Balance Income 30%

B. Resident individual of the age of 80 years or more at any time upto the end of relevant previous year (Very
senior citizen)
Income Tax Rate
On First 5,00,000 Nil
Next 5,00,000 20%
Balance Income 30%

C. Any other Individual & HUF or AOP/BOI or Artificial Judicial Person

Income Tax Rate

On First 2,50,000 Nil
Next 2,50,000 5%
Next 5,00,000 20%
Balance Income 30%

Health and Education Cess

If any tax is charged for any specific purpose, it is called Cess. Health and Education Cess shall be charged @
4% on the Amount of income tax.


Surcharge is an additional tax payable over and above the incometax. Surcharge is levied as a percentage of
income-tax, where total income exceeds ` 50 lakhs.

A. In case the Individual/HUF/AOP /BOI and Artificial Juridical Person pays tax under default tax regime under
section 115BAC

Income Rate
Total income does not exceed ₹ 50 lacs Nil
Total income exceeds ₹ 50 lacs but does not exceed ₹ 1 crore 10% of tax
Total income exceeds ₹ 1 crorebut does not exceed ₹ 2 crores 15% of tax
Total income exceeds ₹ 2 crores 25% of tax

B. In case the Individual/HUF/AOP /BOI and Artificial Juridical Person pays tax under default tax regime under
section 115BAC

Income Rate
Total income does not exceed ₹ 50 lacs Nil
Total income exceeds ₹ 50 lacs but does not exceed ₹ 1 crore 10% of tax
Total income exceeds ₹ 1 crorebut does not exceed ₹ 2 crores 15% of tax
Total income exceeds ₹ 2 crores but does not exceed ₹ 5 crores 25% of tax
Total income exceeds ₹ 5 crores 37% of tax
Health & education cess shall be charged on the total of tax plus surcharge.
Note 1: Surcharge on Income tax payable on Capital gain u/s 112, 112A, 111A and dividend income shall not exceed
Note 2: If Total Income Exceeds 2 Crore Because of Income u/s 112, 112A, 111A or dividend income, then Maximum
Surcharge applicable is 15%.
Note 3: An AOP consisting of only companies as members then Maximum Surcharge applicable is 15%.

Marginal Relief

 If due to applicability of surcharge (or higher surcharge is levied)

 Tax liability increases more than the increase in income
 Then assessee is eligible for Marginal Relief equals to Difference of Increase in Tax and Increase in Income.

Rebate [Section 87A]

A. Rebate Under Default Regime (New Regime)

1. Applicable to: Resident Individual
2. Conditions to be satisfied: Total income of the assessee does not exceed ₹ 7,00,000.
3. Quantum of Rebate: Lower of the following:
a. 100% of tax liability as computed above; or
b. ₹ 25,000/-

B. Rebate Under Old Regime (Normal Provisions)

1. Applicable to: Resident Individual
2. Conditions to be satisfied: Total income of the assessee does not exceed ₹ 5,00,000.
3. Quantum of Rebate: Lower of the following:
a. 100% of tax liability as computed above; or
b. ₹ 12,500/-

Taxability of Casual Income

 Casual income shall be taxable under the head Other Sources and it will be included in the gross total
income and also total income but while computing tax liability, casual income shall be separated from total
income and shall be taxable @ 30%.
 If any expense has been incurred to earn the casual income, then such expense shall not be allowed to
 As per section 58(4), deduction under section 80C to 80U shall not be allowed from casual income however
as per section 87A, rebate shall be allowed.

Taxability of Capital Gains

There are two Types of Capital Gains

a) Long Term Capital Gains
b) Short Term Capital Gains
Further Long term and Short Term capital gain is divided as follows:
Long Term Capital Gains Short Term Capital Gains
u/s 112A Special Income 10% on excess of u/s 111A Special 15%
₹1Lakh Income
u/s 112 Special Income 20% Other STCG Normal Slab Rate
 If any person has transferred listed equity shares or listed units of equity oriented mutual funds or listed
units of a business trust and has paid securities transaction tax, in such cases long term capital gain shall
be taxable @ 10% on gain excess of ₹1,00,000 u/s 112A and short term capital gains shall be covered under
section 111A and shall be taxable @ 15%
 Deduction u/s 80C to 80U shall not be allowed from capital gain u/s 112, 112A & 111A.
 Rebate u/s 87A shall not be allowed from income u/s 112A.

Special provision for resident individual / HUF

In case of a resident individual / HUF if total income excluding
a) long term capital gains u/s 112
b) short term capital gain covered under section 111A, and
c) LTCG u/s 112A

is below the Amount which is exempt from income tax (i.e.2,50,000/3,00,000/5,00,000), in such cases
deficiency in the exemption shall be allowed from long term capital gains or short term capital gain under
section 111A or long term capital gains under section 112A as the case may be.

Unexplained money, investments etc. [Section 115BBE]

 Such deemed income shall be taxed at the rate of 60% plus surcharge @25% of tax. Thus, the effective rate
of tax (including surcharge@25% of tax and cess@4% of tax and surcharge) is 78%.
 No basic exemption or allowance or expenditure shall be allowed to the assessee under any provision of
the Income-tax Act, 1961 in computing such deemed income.
 Further, no set off of any loss shall be allowable against such income.

Analysis Of Taxability Of Special Income

Normal Income is taxable as per slab rate and also eligible for deduction u/s 80C to 80U. However Special
income is taxable at special rates as given under:

Particulars LTCG LTCG STCG Casual Net Unexplained

Sec 112A Sec 112 Sec 111A Income Winnings money
Sec 115 BB From Sec 115BBE
Rabate U/s Not Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Not Allowed
Deduction Not Allowed Not Not Not Allowed Not Not Allowed
U/S 80C– 80 U Allowed Allowed Allowed
Rate 10% on income 20% 15% 30% 30% 78%
₹ 1 Lakh

In case of Partnership Firm Including LLP

Tax 30%
Surcharge 12% provided total income is exceeding ₹ 1 crore.
Marginal Relief Marginal relief shall be allowed if income has exceeded ₹ 1 crore.

In case of Domestic Company

Manufacturing Company Opts To Pay Tax u/s 115BAB

Tax 15%
Surcharge 10% (irrespective of income)
Marginal Relief Not Allowed

Other Domestic Company

Opts Old Regime
Tax 30% . However, if Total Turnover or gross receipts of the previous year 2021-22 does
not exceed 400 Crore - 25% Tax Shall be levied)
Surcharge Income Rate
Exceeds 1 Crore but upto 10 Crore 7%
Exceeds 10 Crore 12%
Marginal Relief Allowed
Opts New Regime
Tax 22%
Surcharge 10% (irrespective of income)
Marginal Relief Not Allowed

In Case Of Foreign Company

Tax 40%
Surcharge Income Rate
Exceeds 1 Crore but upto 10 Crore 2%
Exceeds 10 Crore 5%
Marginal Relief Allowed

In case of Co-operative Societies

Old Regime
Income Rate
First 10,000 10%
Next 10,000 20%
Balance 30%
Income Exceeds 1 crore but upto 10 crore 7%
Income Exceeds 10 crore 12%
New Regime
A manufacturing co-operative society u/s 115BAE (Same As Manufacturing Domestic Company)
Tax 15%
Surcharge 10% (irrespective of income)
Marginal Relief Not Allowed
Other co-operative society u/s 115BAD (Same As Other Domestic Company)
Tax 22%
Surcharge 10% (irrespective of income)
Marginal Relief Not Allowed
Meaning of Agricultural Income Section 2(1A)

1. Income from leasing out of agricultural land Section 2(1A) (a)

If any person has given any agricultural land on rent, rent so received (either in cash or
in kind) shall be considered to be agricultural income and shall be exempt from income
However if any interest is recovered for late payment of rent then such interest will be
taxable under head other sources.

2. Income from Agricultural Operations Section 2(1A)(b)

If any person is engaged in agricultural activities, income derived from such agricultural
operations shall be considered to be agricultural income.

Agriculture Operation
Operation Income
Only Basics Operations Agriculture income
Basics Operations & Subsequent operations Agriculture income
Only Subsequent operations Non Agriculture income
a) If any shareholder has received dividend from a company having income from
agricultural activities, such dividend income shall not be considered to be
agricultural income
b) If any partnership firm has agricultural income and firm has paid any salary or
interest to the partners, it will be considered to be agricultural income to the

3. Any income derived from any building Section 2(1A)(c)

Income from building shall be agriculture income if all the following conditions are
(i) The building is on or in the immediate vicinity of agricultural land.
(ii) It is occupied by the cultivator or receiver of rent or revenue.
(iii) It is used as a dwelling house or as a store-house or other out-house.
(iv) The land is assessed to land revenue or it is situated in rural area.

Note: Income derived from nursery shall be deemed to be an Agriculture income.

Income which is partially agricultural and partially from business

Rule Business Agriculture % Non- Agriculture

7A Manufacture of Rubber 65% 35%
7B(1) Sale of coffee grown and cured by seller. 75% 25%
7B(1A) Sale of coffee grown, cured, roasted and 60% 40%
grounded by seller in India with or without
mixing chicory or other flavouring
8 Growing and manufacturing tea in India. 60% 40%

Partial integration of agricultural income with non-agricultural income

Addition of agricultural income to non agricultural income for computation of tax is known
as partial integration.


1. The assessee is an individual or HUF or BOI, or AOP or artificial juridical person.

2. Non-agricultural income exceeds basic exemption limit; and
3. Agricultural income exceeds ₹5,000.

Step 1 Calculate tax on total income including agriculture income -

Step 2 Calculate tax on (Basic Exemption Limit + Agriculture Income) -
Step 3 Tax Payable Before Rebate u/s 87A or Surcharge (Step2 – Step3) -
Step 4 Apply Rebate u/s 87A or Surcharge if TI exceeds 50 lacs -
Step 5 Levy 4% HEC -
Tax Liability -
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Important Concepts Relating To Salaries

(1) Employer-employee relationship: Every payment made by an employer tohis employee for
service rendered would be chargeable to tax as salaries.
(2) Full-time or part-time employment: It does not matter whether theemployee is a full-time
employee or a part time one.
(3) Foregoing of salary: Once salary accrues, the subsequent waiver by the employee does not
absolve him from liability to income-tax. Such waiver is only an application and hence,
chargeable to tax.
(4) Surrender of salary: Exempt while computing his taxable income.
(5) Salary paid tax-free: This, in other words, means that the employer bearsthe burden of the tax
on the salary of the employee. In such a case, the income from salaries in the hands of the
employee will consist of his salary income and also the tax on this salary paid by the employer.
(6) Place of accrual of salary: salary earned in India is deemed to accrue or arise in India even if it
is paid outside India or it is paid or payable after thecontract of employment in India comes to
an end.


(i) Section 15 deals with the basis of charge. Salary is chargeableto tax either on ‘due’ basis or
on ‘receipt’ basis, whichever is earlier.
(ii) However, where any salary, paid in advance, is assessed in theyear of payment, it cannot be
subsequently brought to tax in the year in which it due.
(iii) If the salary paid in arrears has already been assessed on duebasis, the same cannot be taxed
again when it is paid.


1. Fully Taxable Allowances

Servant Allowance Fixed Medical Allowance Meal Allowance
Dearness allowance. City Compensatory Overseas allowance
Entertainment allowance Telephone Allowance Overtime allowance
Rural allowance Project allowance High Cost of living
(personal research) Allowance
Holiday Home Allowance Non-Practising Allowance Marriage / Family
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2. Fully exempted allowances

Following allowances are fully exempted from tax:
A. Allowances paid to Supreme Court and High Court Judges.
B. Any salary or allowance or perquisites paid to the employees of United Nation Organisation.
C. Section 10(7). Any allowances or perquisites paid or allowed by Government of India to Indian
citizen for rendering services outside India.

3. Official Allowances

For The Following Allowances, amount received or actually spent by Employee, whichever is lower
shall be exempt from tax under Old Regime
Transfer Allowance Helper Allowance
Daily Allowance Conveyance Allowance
Academic Allowance Research & Development Allowance(R & D)
Uniform Allowance Travelling Allowance

Note: Under Default Regime exemption is allowed only for Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance/
Conveyance Allowance. Other official allowances are fully taxable.

4. Allowances For Personal Nature

Following Exemption is allowed only under old regime ( under default regime no exemption is
allowed for personal nature allowances)
A. Children Education Allowance: exempt upto ₹100 p.m. per child upto two child.
B. Hostel Allowance: exempt upto ₹300 p.m. per child upto two children.
C. Transport Allowance: Fully Taxable. However, if granted to anemployee, who is blind or
orthopaedically handicapped with disability of lower extremities is exempt upto ₹3,200 p.m.
D. Outstation Allowance: Granted to an employee working in any transport system to meet his
personal expenditure. It is exempt tothe extent of least of the following:
(i) 70% of the allowance received
(ii) ₹10,000 p.m.
E. Underground Allowance: Allowance to the employees who areworking in the mines. It is
exempt upto ₹800 p.m.
F. Tribal Area Allowance: exempt upto ₹200 p.m
G. Other notified allowances:
(i) Compensatory modified field area allowance. upto ₹ 1,000 p.m. isexempt.
(ii) Composite field area allowance. upto ₹ 2,600 p.m. is exempt.
(iii) Compensatory field area allowance. upto ₹ 2,600 p.m. is exempt.
(iv) Island Duty allowance. upto ₹ 3,250 p.m. is exempt.
(v) Counter insurgency allowance. upto ₹ 3,900 p.m. is exempt.
(vi) Special Compensatory highly active field area allowance. upto ₹4,200 p.m. is exempt.
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5. Section 10(13A) & Rule 2a. House Rent Allowance

 Exemption is allowed only under old regime (under default regime no exemption is allowed
for HRA)
 House rent allowance is exempt to the extent of the least of the following:
(i) (Rent Paid – 10% of salary)
(ii) 50% of retirement benefit salary in case of Mumbai, Kolkata,Chennai or Delhi.
40% of retirement benefit salary in case of any other place.
(iii) House rent allowance received

Meaning of Salary for HRA (also known as Retirement Benefit salary)

Basic Salary + DA (RB) +Commission (% of TO)

Note: If There Is Change In HRA, Salary, Rent Paid and Location of Accommodation, then
Exemption shall be computed separately for each such Change.


A. Standard Deduction [Section 16(ia)] - Allowed under Both Regimes

A deduction of 50,000 or the amount of the gross salary, whichever is less.

B. Entertainment Allowance [Section 16(ii)] - Allowed only under Old Regime

Deduction shall be allowed only in case of government employees to the extent of the least
of the following:
(i) 20% of basic salary
(ii) ₹ 5,000
(iii) The actual allowance received by the employee

C. Professional Tax [Section 16(iii)] - Allowed only under Old Regime

 Employee will be allowed to claim deduction Of professional tax paid by him
 If the amount has been paid by the employer on behalf of the employee, it will be
first included in gross salary and subsequentlydeduction is allowed
 If the amount is due but not paid, deduction is not allowed.


1. Gratuity
 Gratuity Received During Employment Is Fully Taxable
 Gratuity Received at the time of retirement is to be treated as follows:
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Employee Exemption u/s 10(10) [Allowed under Both Regime]

Government Fully Exempt
Other EE covered under Least Of Following is Exempt:
POGA a) ₹ 20 Lakh
b) Gratuity Received
c) 15/26 x Last Drawn Salary x CY
1. CY = Completed year or partthereof in excess of 6m
2. Last Drawn Salary = Basic + DA
Other EE Not covered under Least Of Following is Exempt:
POGA a) ₹ 20 Lakh
b) Gratuity Received
c) 1/2 x Avg Salary x CY
1. CY = Completed year
2. Salary = Basic + DA(RS) +Comm(%)
3. Avg Salary= 10m Avg Salary Immediately Preceeding
“month” of Retirement

2. Pension
a) Uncommuted Pension – FullyTaxable
b) Commuted Pension
Received By Exemption u/s 10(10A) [Allowed under Both Regime]
Govt. EE Fully Exempt
Non Govt.EE Gratuity Received : 1/3 of Total Pension Is Exempt
Gratuity Not Received : 1/2 of Total Pension IsExempt

Total Pension = [Commuted Pension ÷ Commutation %]

3. Leave Encashment (Exemption u/s 10(10AA)) - [Allowed under Both Regime]

Least Of Following Is Exempt:

a) Leave Encashment Received
b) ₹ 25,00,000
c) 10m x Average Salary
d) Leave @ credit (in months) x AverageSalary

(i) Leave @ Credit (In Months)
Leaves Available For Completed Year (Max= 30 leaves per Year) xx
(-) Leaves Availed During Employment xx
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(-) Leaves Encashed During Employment xx

Leaves @ credit (in days) Xx
÷ 30 days
Leaves @ credit (in months) xx

(ii) Salary = Basic + DA(RB) + Commission (% of TO)

(iii) Avg Salary= 10m Avg Salary ImmediatelyPreceeding “Day” of Retirement.
(iv) Leave Encashed During Employment Is FullyTaxable

4. Retrenchment Compensation S. 10(10B) - [Allowed under Both Regime]

Least of the following is exempt :
a) Compensation actually received
b) ₹ 5,00,000
c) 15/26 × Completed years of service and part thereof in excess of 6 months.

5. Voluntary Retirement Compensation S. 10(10C) - [Allowed under Both Regime]

Least of the following is exempt :
(i) Compensation received
(ii) ₹ 5,00,000
(iii) 3 months’ salary x completed years of service
(iv) Last drawn salary x remaining months of services left

6. Provident Fund - [Allowed under Both Regime]

Particulars SPF RPF URPF PPF

ER EXEMPT Exempt Upto Taxable at the
Contribution 12% of RBS time of
EE Deduction u/s80C Deduction u/s80C No Deduction Deduction u/s80C
Contribution allowed u/s 80C
Interest EXEMPT Exempt Upto Taxable at the EXEMPT
Credited (See Note 3) 9.5% time of (See Note 3)
(See Note 3) withdrawal
Withdrawal EXEMPT EXEMPT See Note 2 EXEMPT
(See Note 1)

1. Exempt, If any of the following condition satisfied:
a) 5 years of continuous service with same employer
b) retires before rendering 5 years of service because of ill health, contraction or
discontinuance of employer’s business or reason beyond the control of the employee
c) on cessation of employment with existing ER, accumulated balance in RPF is transferred to
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new employer or transferred to his NPS account referred to in section 80CCD

2. Withdrawal from URPF shall be treated as follows:

ER Contribution EE Contribution Int On EE Cont. Int On ER Cont.
Taxable u/h salary Exempt Taxable u/h Other Taxable u/h Salary

3. Int on EE’s Contribution towards SPF/RPF

a) Exemption u/s 10(11) and 10(12) not available for interest accrued during the PY to the
extent it relates to the contribution made by EE exceeding ₹ 2,50,000 in any PY on or after
b) However if ER do not contribute in that fund then exemption in respect of interest is
allowed upto ₹ 5,00,000 instead of ₹ 2,50,000.


1. Rent Free or Concessional accommodation Section 17(2)(i) Rule 3(1)

Particulars Amount
Step 1 Value Of Accommodation
Case 1: Accommodation Is owned by Employer
Specified % of Salary (See Note 1) xx
Case 2: Accommodation Is Taken on Rent by Employer
Rent Paid by the ER
15% of Salary – whichever is lower. xx
Case 3: Government Employees (Central or State Government)
Licence Fee determined by the Government xx
Step 2 Add: 10% p.a of Cost Of Asset (If Asset is owned by ER) xx
Step 3 Add: Hire Charges paid by the ER (Asset taken on rent by ER) xx
Step 4 Less: Amount Recovered From EE xx

a) Meaning of Salary Rent free accommodation salary shall include:
(i) Basic pay
(ii) Dearness Allowance/Dearness Pay. If it forms part of salary for retirement benefits as
per service agreement.
(iii) Taxable portion of all allowances.
(iv) Bonus /Commission /Fees etc.
(v) Leave salary (when the employee is in employment)
It will not include
(i) Taxable portion of perquisites whether monetary or non-monetary
(ii) Taxable portion of provident fund
(iii) Any payment after retirement like gratuity/ commuted pension or provident fund etc.
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(iv) Arrear of salary or advance salary

Note: Salary only for the period for which rent free accommodation is provided shall be taken into

Accommodation provided at two places

If any employee has been transferred and employer has provided him accommodation at the new
place also, in such cases only one of the accommodation shall be taxable having lower perquisite
value but only for a period of 90 days (three months) and thereafter both of the accommodations
shall be taxable

Accommodation provided in a hotel

Perquisite value shall be 24% of salary or actual expenditure incurred whichever is less.
However, Perquisite shall not be taxable if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Hotel accommodation is for a period not exceeding in aggregate 15 days
2. Employee has been transferred from one place to another


1. Interest free or concessional loans Rule 3(7)(i)

Perquisite = Sum of Monthly Outstanding balance x (SBI Rate – ER Rate) x 1/12
Exception: No perquisite shall be computed in following cases:
a) where aggregate amount of all such loan during a particular year is upto ₹20,000
b) If employer has given loan for treatment of specified disease given under rule 3A, there is
no perquisite value

2. Free food or refreshment Rule 3(7)(iii)

a) Free refreshments Tea or Non-Alcoholic Beverages / Snacks during working hours are
b) Free meals taxable as follows:
Perquisite = (Cost of Meal – Amount Recovered).
However, perquisite upto ₹ 50 per meal is exempt [If Assessee Opts Out From Default

3. Facility of travelling, touring, accommodation (holiday home) etc. Rule 3(7)(ii)

a) Perquisite value shall be actual expenditure incurred by the employer, reduced by the
amount recovered from the employee
b) If the employee is on official tour and any member of his household has accompanied
him, perquisite value is amount spent on Family Member
c) If official tour was extended for personal purpose, expenditure for the extended part of
the tour shall be taxable.
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4. Gifts to the employees Rule 3(7)(iv)

a) Cash Gift = Fully Taxable
b) Kind Gift = Exempt Upto Rs 5000 p.a.
5. Credit card facility Rule 3(7)(v)
Perquisite Value = Amount spent for personal use of employee.

6. Club facilities Rule 3(7)(vi)

Perquisite Value = Amount spent for personal use of employee.

7. Use of employer’s assets by the employees Rule 3(7)(vii)

Asset Perquisite
Laptop / Computer NIL
Other 10% p.a. of actual cost of such asset (or hire charges paid by ER)
Less: amount recovered from EE

8. Amount or the aggregate of amounts of any contribution made to the account of the assessee
by employer in a recognised provident fund/NPS/approved superannuation fund [Section
The amount or aggregate of amounts of any contribution made
a) in a recognised provident fund
b) in NPS referred to in section 80CCD(1)
c) in an approved superannuation fund
by the employer to the account of the assessee, to the extent it exceeds ` 7,50,000 shall be
considered as perquisites

9. Annual accretion to the balance at the credit of the recognised provident fund/NPS/approved
superannuation fund which relates to the employer’s contribution and included in total income
TP = (PC/2)*R + (PC1 + TP1)*R
TP = Taxable Perquisite
PC = Amt or agg. of amt of ER’s contribution in excess of ₹ 7.5 lakh
PC1 = Amt or agg. of amt of ER’s contribution in excess of ₹ 7.5 lakh for earlier years
TP1 = Agg. of taxable perquisite under section 17(2)(viia) for earlier yea₹
R = I/ Favg.

10. Any other benefit Rule 3(7)(ix)

Perquisite = Cost to the employer – Amount Recovered
Note: If the employer has provided telephone facility including the mobile phone, it will be exempt.
However if any telephone allowance has been received, then it shall be fully taxable.
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11. Sale Of Movable Asset

Particulars Amount Asset Depreciation
Cost of Asset - Computer & Peripherals 50 % WDV
(-) Depreciation - Motor Vehicle 20% WDV
(-) Amount Recovered From EE - Other Asset 10% SLM
Taxable Value -
Note: Depreciation in all cases is charged For Complete Year.

12. Medical Facility

A. In India
Expenses Incurred/ Facility Provided By ER Treatment
In ER Hospital Exempt
In Govt. Hospital Exempt
In Approved hospital For Specified Disease Exempt
Health Insurance Premium of EE & Family Member Exempt
Any other Taxable
B. Outside India
Expenses Incurred by ER Treatment
Stay Abroad Exempt upto Permitted By RBI
Treatment Abroad Exempt upto Permitted By RBI
Travel Abroad
a) GTI > 2L Fully Taxable
b) GTI ≤ 2L Fully Exempt

a) Exemption is allowed for medical treatment of EE, Spouse, Children, Dependent family
member ( Parents, Brother & Sister)
b) Exemption of stay and travel abroad is for patient and one attendant only.
c) Exemption is allowed for COVID-19 treatment subject to conditions notified by CG.

13. Leave Travel Concession [Section 10(5) Rule 2B] - [Allowed Only under OLD Regime]
Journey Performed By Maximum Exemption
Air Economy Fare
Other Than Air 1st Class AC Fare Of Railway
Places Not connected By Rail
a) Recognised Transport System (RTS) Exist Deluxe or First Class Fare of RTS
b) No Recognised Transport System (RTS) Exist 1st Class AC Fare Of Railways on the basis
of KM Travelled
1. Ceiling on number of journeys: The exemption shall be available to an individual two times
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in each block of four calendar year (current block is 2022-25)

2. Family”, shall include—
A. the spouse and children however exemption shall be allowed maximum 2 children but in
case of multiple birth after the birth of one child, exemption is allowed for all the
B. wholly or mainly dependent parents, brothers and sisters


1. Gardener/watchman/ sweeper or any other servant

Perquisite = Amount Spent By ER less Amount Recovered from EE

2. Transport Facilities
a) ER business is carriage of goods or passengers
b) Perq. Shall be Fair Market Value as reduced by Amount Recovered From EE

3. Education facility
Nature Of Expenditure Perquisite
Training of Employees Not Taxable
Education to Family Member Fully Taxable
Education to Children of Employees
a) school maintained by the ER or the Cost to the Employer as reduced by
school sponsored by the ER amount recovered from EE
b) Other Schools Cost of education IN similar locality /
institution as reduced by amount
recovered from EE
Note: If the Cost of Education per Child does not exceed ₹ 1,000 p.m. then such benefit is
Not Taxable, otherwise fully taxable.

4. Service of Sweeper, Gardener or Watchman or Personal Attendant

Perquisite = Amount Spent By ER less Amount Recovered from EE

5. Gas/Electricity or Water Facility

Particulars Perquisite
ER has his own business Manufacturing cost to the employer
Sourced From Third Party Amount Paid To Third Party
Amount recovered from EE Shall be Deducted

6. Sweat Equity Share/ESOP

a) Perquisite = FMV on Exercise Date – Amount Paid by Employee
b) FMV should be taken on the date on which option is exercised by the EE.
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7. Payments Of Life Insurance Premium By The Employer

Premium so paid shall be taxable. However premium paid for personal accident policy or
for staff group insurance scheme shall be exempt.

8. Motor car faciltity

Valuation of Motor Car facility
Car Owned By ER And Used By EE
Purpose Expenses Perquisite Value
Met By
Partly Official And Employer Small Car- 1800 Pm For Driver - 900 Pm
Partly Personal Big Car- 2400 Pm
(Amount Recovered
From Ee Is Ignored)
Partly Official And Employee Small Car- 600 Pm For Driver - 900 Pm
Partly Personal Big Car- 900 Pm
(Amount Recovered
From Ee Is Ignored)
Personal Employer Expenses Incurred By ER -
+ Driver Salary -
+ 10% P.A Of Cost Of Car -
+ Hire Charges Of Car -
(-) Amount Recovered From EE -
Perquisite Value -
Car Owned By EE & Used By EE
Purpose Expenses Perquisite Value
Met By
Partly Official And Employer Expenses Incurred By ER -
Partly Personal + Driver Salary -
(-) Fixed Personal Expense
Small Car (1,800)
Big Car (2,400)
Driver (900)
Perquisite Value -
Personal Employer Expenses Incurred By ER -
+ Driver Salary -
(-) Amount Recovered From EE (-)
Perquisite Value -
Other Vehicle
Purpose Expenses Perquisite Value
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Met By
Partly Official And Employer Expenditure By Employer - ₹ 900 P.M
Partly Personal

Note 1: More than one motor car is provided to the employee for official/personal use –
Any 1 car shall be treated as used for partly official and partly personal purpose and other
car(s) shall be treated as used for personal.
Note 2: If car is used for 100% official use then it shall not be considered as perquisite.
Residential status of individuals Section 6(1) / 6(6)(a)

Section 6(1), an individual is said to be resident, if he satisfies any one of the

following two basic conditions:
(i) He stays in India for 182 days or more during the relevant previous year (RPY)
(ii) He stays in India for 60 days or more in RPY and also for 365 days or more during 4
years preceeding the RPY.
1. Period of stay may not be continuous.
2. Date of departure and arrival both shall be considered for stay in india.

Exceptions to the basic condition - Check only 182 days

1. If an Indian Citizen leaves India for the purpose of employment

2. If an Indian Citizen leaves India as a crew member of Indian Ship.
Note: Date of Joining and Date of Signing Off As per continuous discharge
certificate shall be considered as outside India in the case of crew member of
foreign going Ship.

* Indian Income includes Foreign business income whose control is in India or foreign
professional income whose setup is in India

Section 6(6), An individual is said to be a resident and ordinarily resident if he

satisfies both the following conditions:
(i) He is a resident in any 2 out of last 10 previous year, and
(ii) His total stay in India in the last 7 years is 730 days or more.
Deemed Resident Section 6(1A)
Individual Shall be NOR if all of the following conditions are satisfied:-
a) Individual is Indian Citizen
b) Total income excluding income from foreign sources but including foreign business
income whose control is in India, exceeds 15 Lakh.
c) Such person is not paying Tax In any Country due to his domicile, residence or
similar nature

Residential status of HUF Section 6(2)/6(6)(b).

Section 6(2), an HUF would be resident in India if C&M of its affairs is situated
wholly or partly in India. Otherwise, Non- resident.
Section 6(6)(b), An HUF is said to be ROR if Karta satisfies both additional conditions,
Otherwise NOR

Residential status of partnership firm or BOI or AOP Section 6(2)

Resident  C&M is wholly or partially in India, other wide NR.

Residential Status Of Company Section 6(3)

Indian Co.  Always Resident.

Foreign company  Resident if POEM is in India

Scope of Total Income or Tax Incidence [Section 5]

Income Accrue or Arise / Income Received / Deemed To Be Income

Deemed To Accrue or Arise Received
India India Indian
India Outside India Indian
Outside India India Indian
Outside India Outside India Foreign


Indian Taxable Taxable Taxable
Foreign Taxable Non – Taxable Non -
Exception : Following Foreign Incomes are Taxable. Taxable
1. Business Income – Business Controlled From
2. Professional Income – Profession Set Up in india
Income deemed to accrue or arise in India Section 9

1. Any income accruing or arising to an assessee in any place outside India whether
directly or indirectly
(a) through or from any business connection in India,
(b) through or from any property, any asset or source of income in India or
(c) through the transfer of a capital asset situated in India would be deemed to accrue
or arise in India.
 Purchase for export.
 Collection of news.
 Shooting of film in India by foreign citizen.

2. Income, which falls under the head “Salaries”, deemed to accrue or arise in India, if it is
earned in India. Salary payable for service rendered in India would be treated as earned
in India.

3. Income from ‘Salaries’ which is payable by the Government to a citizen of India for
services rendered outside India would be deemed to accrue or arise in India. However,
allowances and perquisites paid or allowed outside India by the Government to an
Indian citizen for services rendered outside India is exempt, by virtue of section 10(7).

4. Interest On Loan

5. Royalty Or fees from technical services

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Section 28 Basis Of Charge

1. The profit of any business or profession carried at any time during the relevant PY.
2. Export incentives.(Cash assistance/ sale of import licence/ duty drawback)
3. Profit on sale of Duty Entitlement Pass Book.
4. The value of any benefit or perquisite arising from business or Profession (Gift received from
5. Any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, received by a partner of a firm from
such firm.
6. Non - competing fees
a) for not carrying out any activity in relation to any Business
b) not sharing any know-how, patent, copyright, trademark, licence, franchise or any other
business or commercial right
7. Any sum received by ER under a Keyman insurance policy
8. Income from speculative transaction
9. Amount received in connection with termination or modification of terms and conditions of
any Business contracts.
10. If any person has converted any inventory or stock in trade in to a capital asset.( Business
Income = FMV on Date of Conversion

Meaning of Speculative Transaction
It means a transaction in which a contract for the purchase or sale of any commodity including
stocks and shares, is periodically or ultimately settled otherwise than by the actual delivery or
transfer of the commodity or securities.

Transactions not deemed to be speculative transactions

The following forms of transactions shall not be deemed to be speculative transaction:
a) Hedging contract in respect of raw materials or merchandise or stocks and shares
b) Forward contract
c) Trading in derivatives carried out electronically through SEBI registered stockbroker or sub
broker or intermediary in a recognized stock exchange.
d) Trading in commodity derivatives carried out electronically through a registered member or
intermediary in a recognised stock exchange, which is chargeable to commodities transaction
However, the requirement of chargeability of commodities transaction tax is not applicable in
respect of trading in agricultural commodity derivatives.
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Section 29 How to Compute PGBP

The income referred to in section 28 shall be computed in accordance with the provisions
contained in sections 30 to 43D.

Rent, Rates, Taxes, Repairs and Insurance for Buildings [Section 30]

Building Used As Expenses Allowed

Tennant Rent, Current Repairs, Municipal Taxes & Insurance
Owner Current Repairs, Taxes, Insurance and also Dep (u/s 32)


1. Capital repairs incurred by the owner are not allowed as a deduction but instead, assesse can
claim depreciation on such repairs.
2. Capital repairs incurred by tennant is treated as deemed building and depreciation is allowed
to tennant.
3. If assessee is owner of building then assessee cannot claim notional rent.

Section 31 Deduction relating to plant, machinery & furniture

 Current Repairs and Insurance related to P/M & Furniture used in business is allowed u/s 31.
 Rent Paid for P/M & Furniture if taken on hire, shall also be allowed but in u/s 37.

Section 32 Depreciation

1. Conditions for claiming Depreciation

a) Asset must be owned by the assessee, wholly or partly.
b) Asset must be used for the purpose of business or profession.
c) Asset must be used during the previous year.
If any of the above condition is not satisfied, depreciation shall not be allowed.
a) It is mandatory for Assessee to claim depreciation.
b) Depreciation is allowed when asset is put to use and not when it is ready to use.

2. Methods Of Depreciation
(a) Normal Depreciation For Block Of Assets on WDV basis [Sec 32(1)(ii)]
(b) Additional Depreciation For Eligible Asset [Sec 32(1)(iia)]
(c) Asset Wise Depreciation For An Undertaking Engaged In Generation or Generation &
Distribution Of Power [Sec 32(1) (i)]
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3. Section 2(11): Block of Assets

It means a group of assets falling within a class of assets comprising:
a) Tangible assets, being building, plant and machinery or furniture
b) Intangible assets, being know how, patents, copyrights, trademarks etc.
in respect of which same rate of depreciation is charged.

4. Rate Of Depreciation
 Residential Purpose Building other than Hotel 5%
 Non Residential Purpose Building including Hotel 10%
 Temporary erections 40%
Furniture and Fittings 10%
Machinery and Plant
Machinery and Plant (General) 15%
 Motor cars
 Used in a business of running them on hire
Generally 30%
Acquired and Put To Use between 23/8/19 – 31/3/20 45%
 Other than Used in a business of running them on hire
Generally 15%
Acquired and Put To Use between 23/8/19 – 31/3/20 30%
 Ships 20%
 Aeroplanes 40%
 Computers including computer software and computer peripherals (Excluding 40%
 Books 40%
Intangible Assets other than Goodwill 25%

5. WDV For Charging Depreciation

Particulars Amount
Opening WDV of Block xxx
Add: Assets acquired During the previous year
Put To Use for 180 days or more xxx
Put To Use for Less than 180 days xxx
Not Put To Use xxx
Less: Money Payable (Selling Price Of Asset) (xxx)
Closing WDV Before Depreciation xxx
Less: Depreciation actually Allowed xxx
Note: If asset is acquired but not put to use, then deprecation on such asset shall not be
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6. Depreciation allowed at Half Rate

Depreciation will be restricted to 50% of the normal depreciation , if the following conditions
are satisfied:
1. Asset is purchased and put to use in the same Year.
2. Period of put to use for less than 180 days.

7. When No Depreciation Shall Be Allowed

a) All the assets of the block are transferred (Block Ceases To Exist)
In case all the assets in any block are transferred during the previous year then the block
shall ceases to exist and no depreciation will be allowed. It can happen in the following
two cases:
i. Sale price exceeds (Op. WDV + Assets purchased during the year )
STCG u/s 50 = Sale Price - (Op. WDV + Assets purchased during the year)
ii. Sale price < ( Op. WDV+ Assets purchased during the year then)
STCL u/s 50 = Sale Price - (Op. WDV + Assets purchased during the year)
b) Part of block is sold and the sale consideration of assets exceeds block Value
i. Sale price > ( Op. WDV + Assets purchased during the year )
ii. Although certain assets exist in block, but the WDV of the block shall be reduced to NIL
and no Depreciation shall be allowed.
iii. Excess shall be treated as short-term capital gain.

8. Additional depreciation on new machinery or plant [Section 32(1)(iia)]

A. Condition:
(i) An assessee is engaged in the business of manufacture or production of any article or
(ii) An assessee who is in the business of generation transmission or distribution of
. Assets for which additional depreciation is allowed:
Any new machinery or plant which has been acquired and installed. However , additional
depreciation shall not allowed for:
(i) Ships and aircraft;
(ii) Second Hand Plant/Machinery ;or
(iii) Any machinery or plant installed office or residential accommodation or office
appliances or road transport vehicles;
(iv) Any machinery or plant , the whole of the actual cost of which is allowed as a
deduction (whether by way of depreciation or otherwise)
C. Additional depreciation shall be allowed @ 20% in the first year in which it is put to use.
However, if the asset is put to use for less than 180 days, then additional depreciation is
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 5

allowed @ 10% in the first year, and balance of 10% shall be allowed in the immediately
succeeding PY.

9. Actual cost
It means,
a) Actual cost of the asset to the assessee, and
b) It should not include any portion of the cost which has been incurred directly or indirectly
by any other person or authority.
Important points to remember
1. If the assessee makes a payment or aggregate of payment more than INR 10,000 to a
person in a day, by mode other than an A/c payee cheque, A/c payee bank draft, or
electronic clearing system through a bank account, such payment shall be ignored for
the purpose of determination of actual cost.
2. Interest paid before commencement of production on amounts borrowed for
acquisition and installation of machinery forms the part of actual cost.

Actual cost in certain special situations [Explanations to section 43(1)]

Situation Actual Cost
Acquisition of Asset: Where assessee himself Purchase Price
acquires the asset. Add:
(a) Interest on Loan for the period upto the
date of usage of the asset
(b) Freight and Insurance
(c) Loading, Unloading Charges
(d) Installation and Erection Charges
(a) Any amount met by any Authority or any
other person by way of Subsidy or Grant,
(b) GST ITC Credit availed
Assets used in Scientific Research Nil. As Asset Cost wholly deductible u/s 35
subsequently put into use for business.
Conversion of Stock into Capital Asset FMV which has been taken into account for
the purpose of Sec.28(via)
Asset received under Gift, Will or Inheritance. WDV to the Previous Owner.
Acquisition of Second Hand asset to claim Cost as determined by the AO, having regard
depreciation on enhanced cost to reduce tax to circumstances of the case, with the prior
liability, in the opinion of A.O. approval of Joint Commissioner of Income
Transfer and Re-acquisition: Transfer of an WDV at the time of Original Transfer or
asset and re-acquisition of the same. repurchase price, whichever is less.
Sale and Lease Back: Sale of an asset to the WDV to the Transferor.
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Lessor and taking them back on lease.

Building used for private purpose and Cost of Acquisition or Construction
subsequently put into use in business Less: Notional / Deemed Depreciation for the
period of personal use.
Assets brought into India by a Non-Resident. Actual Cost of Acquisition
Less: Notional Depreciation for the period
held outside India
Receipt of Subsidy / Grant / Reimbursement Actual Cost shall be reduced by cost as
for the acquisition of asset from Central related with such Subsidy/ Grant /
Government or State Government Reimbursement

10. Depreciation On SLM Basis

Assessee Engaged in Generation, transmission, Distribution of Power
Time to Before RFD u/s 139(1) of PY in which they begin to generate power. The
Exercise option once exercised shall not be reversed.
Note: Option of SLM is For Tangible Assets only; For Intangible Assets only WDV is applicable.
Depreciation can be charged on tangible assets individually; i.e SLM/WDV whichever is more

Sale of Asset By Assessee Engaged In Power Generation

 Case 1: Sale Value < Book Value
Terminal Depreciation (Dr. to P/L) = Book Value – Sale Value
 Case 2: Sale Value > Book Value But ≤ Actual Cost
Balancing Charge (Cr. To P/L) = Sale Value – Book Value
 Case 3: Sale Value > Actual Cost
 Balancing Charge (Cr. To P/L) = Actual Cost – Book Value
 LTCG/STCG Depending on Period of Holding = Sale Value – Actual Cost

11. Carry forward and set off of unabsorbed depreciation

If Depreciation claim is more than profits before depreciation, then excess depreciation shall
be deducted to the extent profits available and excess shall be c/f as unabsorbed depreciation.
After C/F Following shall be the order of setoff
(i) PY Depreciation
(ii) B/f Business Loss
(iii) C/F Unabsorbed Depreciation

Section 35 Scientific Research

1. In-house Research ( Research – Related To Business)

Assessee All Assessees
Research 100% of revenue as well as capital expenditure incurred during the
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 7

During PY previous year shall be allowed as deduction except capital expenditure on

purchase of LAND.
Research  Exp Incurred upto 3 years before the commencement of business shall
before be allowed in the year of commencement of business.
commencement  Revenue Expenditure – Only Salary (Excluding Perq) + Material
of business Note: Other Revenue Exp Not Allowed
 Capital Expenditure – Allowed Except LAND

2. Sale of assets used for scientific research Section 41(3)

 Asset Sold Without Being Put to use for business purpose:
a) Sale Value ≤ Actual Cost, then sale value is Business Income
b) Sale Value > Actual Cost, then actual value is business income and difference between
sale value and actual cost shall be STCG/LTCG depending upon period of holding

 Asset Sold After Being Put to use for business purpose:

Asset will be added to the respective block with NIL value and deducted from the block
with sale value

3. Carried forward of unadjusted capital expenditure of scientific research

 If profit before deducting capital expenditure on scientific research is less than capital
expenditure on scientific research, then excess capital expenditure is carried forward.
 Revenue expenditure on Scientific Research is always allowed irrespective of availability of

4. Contribution To Outside Agency (Research – Business Relation not compulsory)

Donation given to an Approved scientific research association 100%
Donation is given to an Indian company approved for the purpose of scientific 100%
research or to any approved institution social science or statistical research.
Donation is given to IIT/National Laboratory for scientific research 100%

Section 35AD Deduction in case of Specified Businesses

1. Specified business means

Specified Business Commencement
(a) Laying & operating a cross-country Natural Gas or Crude or Petroleum on or after
Oil Pipeline Network for distribution, including Storage Facilities being an 01.04.2007
integral part of such network.
(b) Setting up and operating a Cold Chain Facility, on or after
(c) Setting up and operating a Warehousing Facility for storage of on or after
Agricultural Produce. 01.04.2009
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(d) Building and operating a Hotel of two star or above category as on or after
classified by the Central Government. 01.04.2010
(e) Building and operating a Hospital with atleast 100 beds for patients. on or after
(f) Developing and building a Housing Project under a scheme for on or after
Affordable Housing Slum Redevelopment or Rehabilitation Scheme 01.04.2010
framed by Central or State Government and notified by CBDT.

(g) Developing and building a Housing Project under a scheme for on or after
Affordable Housing framed by the Central Government or State 01.04.2010
Government and notified by CBDT
(h) New Plant or in newly installed capacity in an existing Plant, for on or after
production of Fertilizer. 01.04.2010
(i) Setting up and operating an Inland Container Depot or Container on or after
Freight Station notified or approved under the Customs Act. 01.04.2012
(j) Bee-keeping and production of Honey and Beeswax. on or after
(k) Setting up and operating a Warehousing Facility for storage of Sugar. on or after
(1) Laying and operating a Slurry Pipeline for the transportation of Iron on or after
Ore. 01.04.2014
(m) Setting up and operating Semi-Conductor Wafer Fabrication on or after
Manufacturing Unit notified by CBDT. 01.04.2014
(n) Business of developing or maintaining and operating or developing, On or after
maintaining and operating a New Infrastructure Facility 01.04.2017

2. Deduction: 100% of capital expenditure except (Land, Goodwill and financial instrument). Also
expenses incurred before commencement of business shall be allowed if capitalized in books of

3. However, Any Expenditure for Acquisition of any Asset for which aggregate payment made to
A Person in A Day, otherwise than by A/c Payee Cheque/Draft or Electronic clearing system is
more than Rs. 10,000 , then such payment Not Eligible for Deduction u/s 35AD

4. Conditions to claim Deduction u/s 35AD:

a) Business Not Formed by Splitting/Reconstruction of Existing Business

b) Not Formed by Transfer of Used P&M ( However, Used P&M is Allowed upto 20%)
c) Asset must be used in business for 8 AY for which deduction Is claimed u/s 35AD otherwise,
in the year of sale or put to use in other business shall be business income which is equals
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PGBP Income = Total Deduction Claimed (i.e. Cost of Asset)– Deemed Depreciation.

Section 35D Preliminary Expenditure

1. Meaning: Preliminary expenses are expenses incurred before setting up of the business; or the
expenses are incurred in connection with extension (same line of business) of an undertaking
or in connection with setting up a new business. (Setting up new factory, opening a new
2. Assessee: The Assessee should be an -Indian Company, or Non-Corporate Resident Assessee.
3. Eligible Expenses:
(i) Preparation of feasibility report
(ii) Conducting market survey or any other survey necessary for the business.
(iii) Preparation of project report.
(iv) Engineering services relating to the business.
(v) Legal charges for drafting any agreement relating to the setting up or conduct of the
(vi) Legal charges for drafting and printing of Memorandum of Association (MOA) and
Articles of Association (AOA).
(vii) Registration fees of a company paid to Registrar of Companies.
(viii) Expenses and legal charges incurred in drafting, printing and advertising of prospectus.
(ix) Expenditure incurred on issue of shares or debentures like underwriting commission,
brokerage, advertisement etc.
Note: Salary to employees, rent of premises, interest on borrowed capital are not treated as
preliminary expenses hence deduction never allowed. These are treated as dead expenses.

4. Deduction
(i) An Indian company
Lower of following shall be allowed as deduction in 5 equal installments
(a) Aggregate Amount of eligible expenditure or
(b) 5% of the cost of project or 5% of the capital employed-whichever is higher

(ii) a resident non-corporate assessee.

(a) Aggregate Amount of eligible expenditure or
(b) 5% of the cost of project
whichever is lower is allowed as deduction in 5 equal installments

5. Note:
a) Cost of project includes actual cost of the fixed assets, being land, buildings, leaseholds,
plant, machinery, furniture, fittings and railway sidings (including expenditure on
development of land and buildings).
b) Capital employed is the aggregate of the issued share capital, debentures and long-term
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 10

c) Reserve and Surplus including security premium shall not be part of Capital Employed.

Section 35DDA Amortisation of expenditure incurred under Voluntary Retirement Scheme

If any employer has given voluntary retirement to the employees and has paid any Amount in
connection with such voluntary retirement, such payment shall be allowed to assessee in 5 annual
equal installments commencing from the year in which payment is made.

Section 36 Other Deductions

The following expenses are allowed to be debited in the profit & Loss Account
1. Insurance Premium
a) Stock (including livestock)
b) Medical Insurance of EE (provided not paid in cash)
2. Bonus Or Commission Paid to the EEs [not payable as dividend], subject to section 43B.
Note: there is no restriction on the amount of the bonus, it may exceed the bonus payable
under the Payment Of Bonus Act, 1965
3. Interest On Loan taken for business or profession. However, if a loan is taken from a scheduled
bank or financial institution including NBFC, deduction is allowed subject to section 43B.
Note: loan taken for asset – Interest prior to the date the asset is put to use is capitalized and
depreciation is allowed.
4. Discount on Zero coupon bonds is allowed on a pro-rata basis over the life of ZCB.
5. ER contribution to
1. Statutory Provident Fund Allowed subject to
2. Recognized Provident Fund the provisions of
3. Approved superannuation fund Section 43B i.e. if
4. Approved gratuity fund paid upto RFD
5. Any other Approved Fund
6. ER Contribution to NPS referred u/s 80CCD, lower of following shall be allowed as deduction:
i) Amount contributed
ii) 10% of RBS
7. EE contribution deducted by the ER from his salary will be allowed if ER Deposited the amount
in the relevant account upto the due date in the relevant Act (i.e. 15 th of Next Month)
Note: if the amount is deposited after the due date of the Fund, then such amount shall be
considered as PGBP income of ER and never be allowed as deduction to ER.
8. Bad Debts
Bad debts written off from the books of accounts – allowed as a deduction
Note: Such debts have been taken into account for computing income of PY or any earlier PY.
Provision for bad debts is not allowed as a deduction.
Bad Debts recovered – Income of recovery year, whether or not business or profession is in
9. Family planning Expenditure is allowed to company assessee as follows
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Revenue Expenditure Full

Capital Expenditure In 5 Installments
If Sufficient profit is not available then expenditure (R/C) shall be deducted to the extent of
profit available.
10. STT/CTT paid is allowed as deduction if securities/commodities are held as stock in trade.


If any expenditure is not covered under section 30 to 36, then such expense shall be allowed under
this section subject to following conditions:

(a) Expenditure is of revenue nature

(b) Expenditure is incurred for the purpose of business and profession.

Various expenditure which may be allowed under section 37(1) are as given below:

1. Expenditure in connection with advertisement. If the expenditure incurred is capital nature,

depreciation is allowed.
2. Expenditure on travelling including the expenses of boarding and lodging in connection with
3. Salary paid to the employees.
4. Expenditure in connection with entertainment of the employees or the customer
5. Expenditure in connection with opening ceremony (Mahurat) of the business/profession.
6. Expenditure on the occasion of various festivals like Diwali etc. for employees or customer
7. Interest on late payment of GST.
8. Expenditure in connection with legal proceedings.
9. Professional tax paid by a person carrying on business or profession.
10. Expenditure on the filing of return of income, filing of appeal or audit fee etc. is allowed.
11. Expenditure incurred on Keyman insurance policy
12. Any other expenditure which is revenue in nature and it is related to business or profession.

Following expenses are not allowed as deduction:

a) CSR expenses incurred by company.

b) advertisement in any souvenir, brochure, tract, pamphlet or the like published by a political
c) Penalty for breach of law.
Note: Penalty for breach of contract – Allowed as deduction.
d) Interest on loan taken for payment of income tax
e) Illegal expenses like, hafta, bribe etc.

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If any person has any asset in business or profession as well as in personal use, expenditure is
allowed only to the extent the asset is in the use of the business or profession

Expenses Not Allowed As Deduction

Payments on Which TDS Provisions Apply

Disallowance will be attracted if any of the following conditions are satisfied:

a) TDS not Deducted upto last day of Relavant PY
b) TDS Not deposited with govt. upto return filing date u/s 139(1).

Disallowance shall be:

Section Payment To Disallowance
40(a)(i) Payment to any person O/S India or in India to Non-resident 100%
40(a)(ia) Payment In India To Resident 30%
Disallowed amount shall be allowed in the year in which TDS is deposited with GOVT

Section 40(a)(iii)
Any sum which is chargeable under the head ‘Salaries’ if it is payable outside India or to a non-
resident and if the tax has not been paid thereon nor deducted.

Section 40(a)(v)

Tax paid on perquisites on behalf of employees is not deductible- In case of an employee, deriving
income in the nature of perquisites (other than monetary payments), the amount of tax on such
income paid by his employer is exempt from tax in the hands of that employee. Correspondingly,
such payment is not allowed as deduction from the income of the employer.


(a) Interest to the partner is allowed if mentioned in the partnership deed but maximum @ 12% p.a.
(b) Payment of salary, bonus, commission or any other remuneration is allowed to the working
partner subject to the following limits:
Book Profit(BP) Max. Remuneration
Upto Rs. 3,00,000 90% of BP or Rs. 1.5 Lakh, whichever is higher
Beyond Rs. 3,00,000 60% of BP

Meaning Of BP
Particulars Amount
Profit as per Income Tax -
Add: Remuneration to Partner ( if debited to P/L) -
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Less: Brought forward Depreciation (Unabsorbed Dep) (-)

Book Profit -
Note: Brought forward losses shall not be adjusted for calculation of Book Profit.

Section 40A(2) Payment Made To Relatives

If A.O is of the opinion that having regard to FMV, payment is excessive or unreasonable, then such
excessive or unreasonable payment shall be disallowed.

Meaning of Related Person

1. For An individual  An individual who is relative of the assessee.

Relative, in relation to an “individual”, means the spouse, brother or sister or any lineal
ascendant or descendant of that individual [Section 2(41)].
2. For A Company  Director of the company or any relative of a director
3. For A Firm  Partner of the firm or relative of a partner
4. For An AOP  Member of the AOP or relative of a member
5. For An HUF  Member of the family or relative of such person

Section 40A(3) Payment by non specified Mode

 A Payment or Aggregate of Payments made to A Person in A Day for An Expenditure exceeds

Rs. 10,000 (Rs. 35,000 to Transporter for Goods Carriages],
 Entire payment shall be disallowed
 If it is made through any mode other than A/C payee cheque/Draft or an Electronic clearing
system through bank A/C, Debit/Credit Card, IMPS, NEFT, RTGS, Net Banking, UPI etc.

Rule 6DD (exception to S.40A(3)) no disallowance for following payments:

1. Payments made to Cultivator, Grower or Producer of agricultural produce & related products
2. Payment made to Government, Banks, RBI, LIC
3. Payment to person residing @ place which is not served by bank.
4. Where the payment is made by any person to his agent who is required to make payment in
cash for goods or services on behalf of such person;
5. Payment to employee for retirement benefit not exceeding Rs.50,000
6. Where the payment is made for the purchase of the products manufactured in a cottage
industry, to the producer of such products.
7. Where the payment is made by transferring funds from one bank account to the other or
payment is being made by any credit card/ a debit card/ letter of credit etc., payment is allowed.

CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 14

1. If Expenditure has been allowed as deduction in any earlier PY on accrual basis (if assessee is
following accrual basis) & payment for such expenditure has been made in any subsequent PY
exceeding Rs. 10,000/35,000 in cash to a person in a day, then such payment shall be deemed to
be the income of PY in which payment is made [Section 40A(3A)]
2. Sec 40A(3) does not Apply for Repayment of Loans (Capital Expenditure). But it applies to
interest payments since interest is a Revenue expenditure.

Section 40A(7) Deductibility in respect of provision for Gratuity Fund

If provision (contribution) is made towards approved gratuity fund, then such provision is allowed
as per Section 36(1)(v) subject to section 43B. However If provision (contribution) is made towards
unapproved gratuity fund, then such provision is disallowed under Section 40A(7).

Section 43B Certain Payments Allowed On Payment Basis

Following expenditures are allowed if paid on or before the due date mentioned u/s 139(1):

a) Tax, Duty, Cess or Fee (by whatever name called) levied under any law.
b) Employer’s Contribution to any SPF, RPF, Approved Superannuation Fund, Approved Gratuity
Fund, Notified Pension Scheme or any recognized fund
c) Leave Salary, Bonus/Commission to employees.
d) Interest on any Loan or borrowing from any Bank, Financial Institution including NBFC.
e) Any Sum Payable to Indian Railways for the use of Railways Assets.

1. If the payment is made after due date of filing of return of income, expenditure is allowed in
the year in which the assessee has made the payment.
2. If outstanding interest on any loan or borrowing or advance, is converted into a new loan or
borrowing or advance, shall not be considered as paid and hence not eligible for deduction.
However, deduction shall be allowed for installments actually paid in respect of new loan.
3. Similarly if outstanding interest is converted into debentures, such conversion is not to be
considered as actual payment.

Amendment By FA 2023

Any sum payable by the assessee to MSME beyond the time limit specified in section 15 of the
MSME Development Act, 2006 would be allowed as deduction only in that previous year in which
such sum is actually paid.

As per section 15 of the MSME Development Act, 2006, payment is to be made to the supplier as
(a) in case of written agreement- as per agreement subject to maximum 45 days from the date of
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 15

acceptance of goods and service

(b) in case of no written agreement- maximum 15 days.

Section 44AA Compulsory Maintenance Of Books Of Accounts

1. Assessee engaged in Specified Professions

Gross receipts exceeds INR 1.5 Lakh in each of Gross receipts doesn’t exceeds INR 1.5 Lakh
the last three PY in each of the last three PY
Prescribed Books as per Rule 6f Necessary books to enable AO to assess the

Specified Profession
1. Legal profession 7. Interior decoration
2. Medical profession 8. Authorised representatives
3. Engineering profession 9. Film artists
4. Architectural profession 10. Company Secretary
5. Profession of accountancy 11. Information Technology
6. Technical consultancy

2. Assessee engaged in other Profession or Business

Required to maintain such books of a/c which will enable ao to compute their taxable income if any
of the following conditions are satisfied in ANY ONE of the last 3 PY:
Individual / HUF Other Assessee
1. Income exceeds INR 2.5 Lakh INR 1.20 Lakh
2. Turnover or Gross Receipts exceeds INR 25 Lakh INR 10 Lakh

3. If a person fails to maintain books of account as required by section 44AA  penalty of Rs.
25,000 would be attracted u/s 271A.
4. Prescribe books as per Rule 6F
(i) a cash book;
(ii) a journal
(iii) a ledger;
(iv) Carbon copies of bills and receipts in relation to sums exceeding Rs. 25;
(v) Original bills and receipts of expenditure.
5. Preservation of the books of accounts The books of accounts are to be kept and maintained for
the period of atleast 6 years from the end of the relevant assessment year.

Section 44AB Compulsory Audit Of Books Of Accounts

Assessee Engaged In Audit Requirement

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Business Turnover exceeds 1 Crore

Proviso to Section 44AB(a) Inserted : NO AUDIT Upto 10 Crore
Turnover if :
a) If Turnover of assessee is more than 1 crore but upto 10 crore
b) Aggregate of all Amounts received in cash is not more than 5% of
total Receipts during the PY, and
c) Aggregate of all Amounts paid in cash is not more than 5 % of
total payments during the year.

Profession Gross Receipts exceeds 50 Lakh

Persons covered under S. If such person claims that his income is LOWER than Income
44AD, 44ADA,44AE computed on Presumptive basis & his Income Exceeds Basic
exemption limit.

Penalty for failure to get books of account audited u/s 271B:

a) 0.5% of Total Sales, Turnover Or Gross Receipts
b) Rs. 1,50,000

Presumptive Taxation


1. Eligible Assessee: Resident Individual/ HUF / Firm except LLP

2. Section 44AD is applicable only to business and not to specified profession and also it is not
applicable for the persons having earning as commission or brokerage or Agency Business.
3. Turnover of eligible assessee doesn’t Exceed 2 crore
(3 crore, if aggregate cash receipts in relevant P.Y. is upto 5% of T.O. or G.R.)
4. Presumptive Income = 8% of Turnover or Gross Receipts. No further deduction is allowed under
section 30 to 38.
Rate of 6% shall be applied instead of 8% if the Amount of total turnover or gross receipts which
is received through specified mode upto RFD as per section 139(1).
5. Brought forward business loss is allowed to be adjusted from such income but brought forward
depreciation is not allowed to be adjusted from such income.
6. If Assessee opts Section 44AD, then assessee shall be exempt from maintaining books of
accounts as well as from audit requirement.
7. Such assessee shall be required to pay advance tax to the extent of 100% of tax liability on or
before 15th March of the relevant previous year
8. If an assessee has opted for presumptive income under section 44AD and in the subsequent 5
years he has rejected presumptive income, in that case he will not be allowed to opt for
presumptive income for next 5 year If assessee has rejected the presumptive income, he will be
required to maintain any books of accounts and also audit is required.
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1. Eligible Assessee: Resident Individual or Partnership excluding LLP having specified profession
2. Section 44ADA shall be available if G.R. of PY is upto Rs. 50 Lakhs
(75 akhs if aggregate cash receipts in relevant P.Y. ≤ 5% of total gross receipts)
3. Presumptive Income = 50% of Gross Receipts. No further deduction is allowed under section 30
to 38.
4. Brought forward business loss is allowed to be adjusted from such income but brought forward
depreciation is not allowed to be adjusted from such income.
5. If Assessee opts Section 44ADA, then assessee shall be exempt from maintaining books of
accounts as well as from audit requirement.
6. Such assessee shall be required to pay advance tax to the extent of 100% of tax liability on or
before 15th March of the relevant previous year.
7. Assessee can change the option on a year-to-year basis.


1. If any person is engaged in the business of plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages, he will
have the option to compute PGBP on presumptive basis:
a) Heavy goods Vehicle (Gross Weight > 12,000 Kgs or 12 Tons)  Rs. 1,000 per ton per month
or part thereof.
b) Other vehicle: Rs. 7,500 per month or part thereof.
Note: income is calculated on the basis of ownership of vehicle. It is irrelevant whether
assessee actually runs the vehicle or not.
2. Assessee should not own more than 10 vehicles at anytime during the year.
3. No further deduction is allowed under section 30 to 38 but in case of a firm interest and salary
to partners is allowed as per section 40(b).
4. The assessee shall be exempt from maintaining books of accounts or audit.
5. The assessee has the option to reject presumptive income but in that case assessee should
maintain any books of accounts and also audit is required.
6. An assessee, who is in possession of a goods carriage, whether taken on hire purchase or on
instalments, shall be deemed to be the owner of such goods carriage.
7. Assessee can change the option on year-to-year basis.
8. Brought forward depreciation shall not be allowed to be adjusted but brought forward
business loss shall be allowed to be adjusted.
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Basis Of Charge (Section 22)

1. Property should consist of any building or land appurtenant thereto

2. Assessee must be the owner or Deemed Owner
3. HP Must be used for any purpose except business or profession of Assessee

Note: Annual value of HP held as SIT will also be taxable under this head. However, As per Section
23(5) NAV of HP held as SIT shall be Nil for 2 years from the end of FY in which completion
certificate is issued, if Not Let Out for such period.

Computation of Income Under House Property

Particulars Rs.
Gross Annual Value (GAV) -
Less: Municipal Tax (MT) Paid By Owner -
Net Annual Value (NAV) -
Less: Standard Deduction u/s 24(a) -
Less: Interest On Capital Borrowed u/s 24(b) -
Income U/H House Property -

Calculation Of GAV (Section 23)

1. Fair Rent -
2. Municipal Value -
3. Standard Rent -
4. Expected Rent (Higher of 1 or 2 but restricted to 3) -
5. Actual rent Received or Receivable -
6. GAV (Higher of 4 or 5)

Note: Municipal Taxes

1. Deducted from GAV if paid by Owner during previous year.
2. Deductible in PY of Payment even if they relate to past years.

CASE A. Income Of House Lying Vacant For Some Period

1. Calculate Expected Rent (ER) for whole year

2. Calculate Actual Rent (AR) for Let out period
3. Compare Expected Rent and AR
Situation 1: If AR > ER, then GAV = AR.
Situation 2: If AR < ER due to vacancy, then GAV = AR.
Situation 3: If AR < ER due to other reason, then GAV = ER
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CASE B. Income Of House Let out For Part of the Year & Self Occupied for part of the year

1. Calculate Expected Rent (ER) for whole year

2. Calculate Actual Rent (AR) for Let out period
3. GAV = Higher Of ER Or AR.

CASE C. Self-Occupied/Unoccupied House Property (For Maximum 2 House Property)

1. GAV = Nil for 2 houses

2. Deduction of MT Paid shall not be allowed
3. Thus NAV = Nil
4. Interest on capital borrowed allowed subject to maximum 2,00,000 or 30,000 as the case may
be. (Only in case of Old regime)
Note: Under default regime, no deduction is allowed for interest on capital borrowed of Self
occupied property. Hence, income of Self occupied property shall always be nil under default

CASE D. More Than 2 House Self Occupied

1. Any 2 Houses Shall be considered as Self occupied and dealt with accordingly.
2. Remaining house(s) shall be Deemed to be Let Out and its GAV Shall be Expected Rent.

CASE E. Part (Portion) of the house if Let Out And Other Part (Portion) Is Self Occupied

Let Out (LO) Portion Self-Occupied Portion

Compute income of let out portion normally 1. GAV = Nil
considering Following: 2. Deduction of MT Paid shall not be
a) ER shall be Computed for the part of allowed
property LO. 3. Thus NAV = Nil
b) MT Allowed for the part of property LO. 4. ICB Shall be allowed for the part of
c) ICB shall be Allowed for the part of property Self Occupied only under old
property LO. regime
(Suppose 60% portion is LO and 40% Is Self (Subject To Maximum 30,000/2,00,000)
Occupied, then above 3 points shall be
calculated for 60% only)

Treatment Of Unrealised Rent

Actual rent received/receivable should not include unrealised rent if all the conditions are satisfied:
a) Tenancy is bona fide;
b) defaulting tenant has vacated HP;
c) defaulting tenant is not in occupation of another HP Of Assessee;
d) Assessee initiated legal steps to recover unrealized rent or satisfy AO that such will be useless.

Tax liability in respect of arrears of rent / Recovery of Unrealised Rent (Section 25A)
Recovery of unrealized rent or arrears of rent received shall be taxable in the year of receipt after
standard deduction of 30%
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Statutory Deduction (Section 24(a))

Section 24(a), assessee shall be allowed a notional expenditure equals to 30% of NAV

Interest On Capital Borrowed (Section 24(b))

1) Pre- Construction Period (From Date Of Loan till the PY preceeding the PY in which construction
is completed) – Accumulated Interest is allowed in 5 installments commencing from the year in
which construction is completed.
2) Current Year interest (Relevant PY) – Allowed in same previous Year on due basis.
1. Interest on fresh loan taken to repay original loan is allowed.
2. Brokerage/commission for Arrangement of loan is Not allowed.
3. Interest on unpaid interest is Not allowed
4. If loan is taken from o/s India, Interest is deductible only if TDS is deducted

Restriction of deduction in case of Self Occupied House property

Situation Max. Deduction

Loan for acquisition or construction of HP taken on/after 1.4.99 & such Rs. 2 Lakh
acquisition or construction is completed within 5 year from end of FY In
Which loan is taken.
Other Cases Rs. 30,000

Note: ICB in respect of SO property is allowed only under old regime.

Co-owned House Property

Co-owned Property Is Let Out Co-owned Property is Self Occupied

1. Calculate income of let out property 1. Calculated for each co-owner separately.
normally as a single owner. 2. NAV= Nil
2. Income so calculated shall be divided 3. Each co-owner is entitled for deduction of ICB
between each co-owner on the basis of of Rs.30,000 or Rs.2 lakh respectively (only in
ownership right. case of old regime)

Deemed Owner (Section 27)

a) Transfer of HP to Spouse Transferor Spouse is deemed to be owner of HP transferred.

for Inadequate However, if Transferred under an agreement to live apart, then
consideration transferee spouse shall be considered as owner
b) Transfer of HP to Minor Transferor is deemed as owner of HP. However, HP is
Child for inadequate transferred to a minor married daughter, then deemed
consideration ownership not applied.
c) Member of a Co-operative Member to whom a building or part thereof is allotted or leased
Society under a House Building Scheme of a
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society/company/association, shall be deemed to be owner of

that building
d) Person in possession of a If possession is received for part performance of the contract,
property then person having the possession is deemed owner for income
tax purpose
e) Holder Of Impartible Deemed as owner of all properties in the estate
f) Lease for 12 years or more A person who acquires any building by way of lease for a period
of 12 years or more shall be deemed to be the owner of that
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 Deduction is allowed from Gross Total Income. If GTI is less than deduction then, deduction
is restricted to the amount of GTI.
 No Deduction is allowed from STCG u/s 111A , LTCG u/s 112, LTCG u/s 112A and casual income.


1. Assesee - Individual / HUF

2. Deduction - Amount Invested or ₹ 1.5 lacs – Whichever is lower
3. Payment Is Made Towards
(i) Life Insurance Policy for self, spouse & child. Subject to a maximum of 10% of the actual
capital sum assured.(15% for person who is a person with disability as referred to in
section 80U or suffering from disease as specified in section 80DDB)
(ii) In respect of policy issued before 01.04.2012, 10% shall be taken as 20%
(iii) Contribution made in Unit Linked insurance Plan (ULIP) of UTI or mutual fund.
(self, spouse and any child or any member of HUF)
(iv) Investment in fixed deposit for a period of 5 years or more
(v) Invested in five year post office time deposit account
(vi) Contribution by individual to SPF / RPF.
(vii) Contribution made by individual or HUF to Publuc Provident Fund (self, spouse and any
child or any member of HUF)
(viii) Deduction shall be allowed if amount has been invested in National Saving Certificate
(ix) Interest accrued on NSC shall be income under the head other sources also deduction is
allowed for such interest u/s 80C. However, no deduction shal be allowed for Interest
accrued in last year.
(x) Repayment of Principle amount of Housing Loan.
(xi) Stamp duty, registration fee or other charges paid for acquisition of house property
(xii) Payment of tuition fees (maximum two children and it should be whole time education)
(xiii) Senior Citizens Savings Scheme.
(xiv) Investment in Sukanya Samridhi Account.
(xv) Contribution to any notified pension scheme of Mutual fund or UTI
(xvi) Contribution to NPS Tier-2 account by CG EE for a fixed period of 3 years or more.


 Assesee - Individual
 Deduction - Amount Invested or ₹ 1.5 lacs – Whichever is lower
 Payment Is Made Towards
a. Pension plan of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) also known as annuity scheme; or
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b. Pension Plan of any other Private Insurer as approved by Controller of Insurance.

Section 80CCD Deduction in respect of contribution to Pension Scheme of Central Government

1. Assesee - Individual
2. Assessee’s own contribution
 Section 80CCD(1)
a) Salaried EE = EE’s Contribution subject to maximum 10% Of RBS
b) Other Individual = Assessee’s Contribution subject to maximum 20% of GTI
 Section 80CCD(1B)
An additional deduction of upto ₹ 50,000 is allowed over and above u/s 80CCD (1)
Note: Always claim deduction under 80CCD(1B) first and then balance under 80CCD (1)
3. ER Contribution to EE’s NPS [Section 80CCD(2)]
a) Amount contributed by ER is Added to Gross Salary
b) Also Deduction is allowed for such contribution subject to maximum 10% Of RBS
(14% of RBS in case contribution is made by CG/SG)


 Maximum deduction allowed under section 80C + 80CCC + 80CCD(1) shall be ₹1,50,000.
 Note: ER Contribution u/s 80CCD(2) and Additional Deduction u/s 80CCD(1B) is not covered u/s
80CCE. In other words, these are allowed separately to assessee


1. Agnipath scheme is a Central Government scheme launched in 2022 for enrolment of Indian
youth in the Indian Armed Forces
2. Each Agniveer is to contribute 30% of his monthly customized Agniveer Package to the
individual's Agniveer Corpus Fund. Further, the Government will also contribute a matching
amount to the 'Agniveer Corpus Fund
3. The Agniveer Corpus Fund means a fund in which consolidated contributions of all the
Agniveers and matching contributions of the Central Government along with interest on
both these contributions are held.
4. Deduction
a) Assessees own contribution Section 80CCH (1)
Agniveer is eligible for contribution made to individual's Agniveer Corpus Fund.

b) Contribution made by CG Section 80CCH (2)

Central Government's contribution to the Agniveer Corpus Fund would be included in
the salary of the assessee and then whole amount of contribution is allowed as a
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1. Assessee - Individual / HUF

2. Payment Made For –
a) Health insurance premium
b) Contribution in Central Govt. Health Scheme
c) Preventive Health Checkup (PHC)
3. Deduction
i. Self / Spouse/ dependant Children - Amount paid Subject to max 25,000. (In case of
Resident Senior Citizen max ₹ 50,000)
ii. Parents (dependent / Not dependent) - Amount paid Subject to max 25,000. (In case of
Resident Senior Citizen max ₹ 50,000)
4. In case of Resident senior citizen, Deduction of ₹ 50,000 is allowed in case of medical
expenditure even if no insurance premium is paid
5. Maximum Deduction for Preventive Health-Check up of Family & Parents is ₹ 5,000 which is
included in overall limit of ₹25,000 / ₹ 50,000.
6. No Deduction is allowed for the payment of premium made in cash. PHC payment can be made
by any mode.
7. Where medical insurance is paid in lumpsum for more than 1 year, deduction shall be allowed
for each PY as follows:
𝑳𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒔𝒖𝒎 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒖𝒎
Deduction per year =
𝑷𝒀 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒅


1. Assessee - Resident Individual / HUF

2. Deduction - ₹75,000 irrespective of the expenditure (₹ 1,25,000 in case of severe disability)
3. Dependant -
a) For Individual - Spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters who are dependent on the
b) For HUF - Any member of the Hindu Undivided Family
Note: Assessee should incur expenses on medical treatment including nursing or paid/deposited
amount in LIC scheme for the maintenance of dependent disabled.


1. Assessee - Resident Individual / HUF

2. Expenditure - Treatment of disease specified in the rule 11DD
3. Incurred On –
a) For Individual – Self or a Dependent Spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters
b) For HUF- Any member dependent on the Hindu Undivided Family
4. Deduction –
a) Amount incurred or ₹40,000 whichever is less.
b) For senior citizen - Amount incurred or ₹1,00,000 whichever is less.
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1. Assessee – Individual
2. Deduction - Payment of interest on loan taken by him from any financial institutions for
pursuing higher education (any course after class XII th)
3. Education of - self or spouse or children or any person for whom the assessee is legal guardian
4. No deduction shall be allowed for repayment of the principal loan amount
5. Deduction is allowed for a maximum period of 8 years starting from the year in which first
payment of interest was given


1. Assessee – Individual
2. Deduction - Interest payable on loan taken from any financial institution for acquisition of a
residential house property (Max deduction = ₹ 50,000).
3. Conditions:
a) Loan has been sanctioned during 1/4/2016 – 31/3/2017
b) Value of house should not exceed ₹ 50 Lakh.
c) Loan amount is upto ₹ 35 lakh
d) Assessee doesn’t own any RHP on the date of loan sanction
4. Assessee shall claim deduction u/s 24(b) first and then remaining interest shall be allowed
under this section.
Note: Loan should be taken from banks or financial institutions.


1. Assessee – Individual
2. Deduction - Interest payable on loan taken from any financial institution for acquisition of a
residential house property (Max deduction = 1.5 Lacs).
3. Conditions:
a) Loan has been sanctioned during 1/4/19 – 31/3/22
b) SDV ≤ 45 Lakh.
c) Assessee doesn’t own any RHP on the date of loan sanction
d) Assessee shall claim deduction u/s 24(b) first and then remaining interest shall be allowed
under this section.
Note: Loan should be taken from banks or financial institutions.


1. Assessee – Individual
2. Deduction - Interest payable on loan taken from any financial institution for purchase of
electric vehicle (Max deduction = 1.5 Lacs).
3. Conditions: Loan has been sanctioned during 1/4/19 – 31/3/23
4. Deduction is allowed irrespective of fact whether e-vehicle is purchased for official or personal
Note: Loan should be taken from banks or financial institutions.
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1. Deduction is available to all the assesses for donation made to eligible funds or institutions
2. Donations in kind shall not qualify for deduction.
3. No deduction shall be allowed in respect of donation of exceeding ₹ 2,000 unless such sum is
paid by any mode other than cash.
4. Quantum of deduction:
There are four categories of deductions
Category 1: Donation qualifying for 100% deduction, without any qualifying limit
(1) The National Defence Fund set up by the Central Government
(2) Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund.
(3) Prime Minister’s Armenia Earthquake Relief Fund
(4) The National Children’s Fund
(5) The National Foundation for Communal Harmony
(6) Approved University or educational institution of national eminence
(7) Chief Minister’s Earthquake Relief Fund, Maharashtra
(8) Any Zila Saksharta Samiti
(9) Any State Government Fund set up to provide medical relief to the poor
(10) The Army Central Welfare Fund or Indian Naval Benevolent Fund or Air Force Central Welfare
Fund established by the armed forces of the Union for the welfare of past and present
members of such forces or their dependents.
(11) The National Illness Assistance Fund
(12) The Chief Minister’s Relief Fund or Lieutenant Governor’s Relief Fund in respect of any State
or Union Territory
(13) The National Sports Fund set up by the Central Government
(14) The National Cultural Fund set up by the Central Government
(15) The Fund for Technology Development and Application set up by the Central Government
(16) The Swachh Bharat Kosh
(17) The Clean Ganga Fund
(18) The National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse

Category 2: Donation qualifying for 50% deduction, without any qualifying limit
Prime Minister’s Drought Relief Fund

Category 3: Donation qualifying for 100% deduction, subject to qualifying limit

(1) The Government or to any approved local authority, institution or association for promotion
of family planning
(2) Sum paid by a company as donation to the Indian Olympic Association or any other
association/institution established in India.

Category 4: Donation qualifying for 50% deduction, subject to qualifying limit.

(1) Any Institution or Fund established in India for charitable purposes
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(2) The Government or any local authority for utilisation for any charitable purpose other than the
purpose of promoting family planning
(3) An authority constituted in India by or under any other law enacted either for dealing with and
satisfying the need for housing accommodation or for the purpose of planning, development
or improvement of cities, towns and villages, or both
(4) Any Corporation established by the Central Government or any State Government for
promoting the interests of the members of a minority community.
(5) for renovation or repair of Notified temple, mosque, gurdwara, church or any other similar

Qualifying limit: The eligible donations referred to in category 3 and 4 should be aggregated and
the sum total should be limited to 10% of the adjusted gross total income.

Adjusted Total Income Means GTI as reduced by LTCG (u/s 112/112A) & STCG u/s 111A & All
Deductions except 80G


1. Assessee - Individual (Must Not be receiving HRA/RFAC)

2. Deduction – Lower of following shall be allowed as deduction:
a) ₹ 5,000 Per Month
b) Rent paid - 10% of Adjusted GTI
c) 25% of Adjusted GTI
3. Adjusted GTI Means GTI as reduced by LTCG (u/s 112/112A) & STCG u/s 111A & All Deductions
except 80GG.
4. Other Conditions:
 Individual should not have any house in his name or spouse name or minor child name or
in the name of HUF of which he is a member, at a place of his duty.
 Assessee may have house at any other place but it should not be self occupied i.e. it may
be let out or vacant


1. Assessee - Indian Company

2. Deduction – 100% of Amount Contributed


1. Assessee – Any person other than Indian Company

2. Deduction – 100% of Amount Contributed


1. Assessee - All Assessee’s whose accounts are required to be audited u/s 44AB (i.e. TO > ₹
2. Deduction - 30% of additional employee cost incurred. Deduction is allowed for 3 assessment
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years including the assessment year in which such employment is provided.

3. Conditions
a) Emoluments should be paid through account payee cheque, an account payee bank draft
or by use of electronic clearing system
b) Additional employee” means an employee who has been employed during the previous
year and whose employment has the effect of increasing the total number of employees
employed by the employer as on the last day of the preceding year.
c) Additional EE does not include —
(i) an employee whose total emoluments are more than ₹ 25,000 per month; or
(ii) an employee employed for a period of less than 240 days during PY (in case of business
of manufacturing of apparel or footwear or leather products, 150 days shall be
(iii) an employee who does not participate in the recognised provident fund.
4. If an EE is employed for less than 240/150 days as the case may be during the PY, but is
employed for a period of 240/150 days or more in the immediately succeeding year, then he
shall deemed to be employed in succeeding year and accordingly ER shall be entitled for
deduction under this section for such EEs in the succeeding year.


1. Assessee - Resident individual

2. Deduction – Royalty income or ₹3,00,000 whichever is less.
However, Royalty received in excess of 15% of the value of books sold during the previous year
shall be ignored
3. Royalty from Foreign Country: Deduction allowed if Royalty brought to India in convertible
foreign exchange within 6 Months from the end of previous year.


1. Assessee - Resident individual

2. Deduction – Royalty income or ₹3,00,000 whichever is less.
3. Royalty from Foreign Country: Deduction allowed if Royalty brought to India in convertible
foreign exchange within 6 Months from the end of previous year.


1. Assessee - Individual / HUF (other than senior citizen)

2. Deduction – Lower of Following is allowed as deduction
a) Interest Amount
b) ₹ 10,000
3. Interest income on saving bank accounts with any Bank/ Post Office is eligible for deduction
under this section.
4. No deduction is allowed from interest on time deposit/ fixed deposit.
Note: As per section 10(15), Interest on Post Office Savings Bank Account to the extent of ₹3,500
per year shall be exempt from income tax and in the case of joint account, exemption shall be
allowed upto ₹7,000 per year.
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1. Assessee - Senior citizen

2. Deduction – Lower of Following is allowed as deduction
a) Interest Amount
b) ₹ 50,000
3. Interest income on Saving, fixed, time, recurring or any other deposit is eligible for deduction
under this section.


1. Assessee – Resident Individual

2. Deduction – ₹ 75,000 (₹ 1,25,000 for severe Disability)
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Section 192 TDS On Salary

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Salary Any Person (ER) Any Person (EE) Slab Rate
Additional Points
1. TDS to be deducted @ the time of payment
2. If any person is working with two or more employers, in that case he should submit the
particulars of his salary from all the employers to one of the employer who will deduct
TDS on total Salary from all the ERs.
3. For taxability of Salary under normal scheme (i.e. old regime) EE has to submit
declaration to ER, then ER shall deduct TDS under Normal Scheme.
4. If any employee has income under any other head, the employee may report such
incomes to the employer and the employer shall take it into consideration while
deducting TDS.
5. If employee has loss under the head house property, he shall be allowed to report such
loss to the employer.
6. EE has to give evidence/proof of deductions, Rent Paid for HRA Exemption, Travel
expenses for LTC exemption.
7. If the ER bears the tax on non-monetary perq, then such tax shall not be deducted from
salary of EE.
Note: Tax on non-monetary perq paid by ER is exempted in hands of EE u/s 10(10CC) and
ER is not allowed to dr. such expense to P/L.
8. Where firm pays salary to partner, then section 192 is not applicable.

Section 192A Withdrawal From Employees Provident Fund

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Accumulated Balance Of PF Any Person Any Person (EE) 10%
Additional Points
1. TDS to be deducted @ the time of payment
2. No TDS, if payment is less than 50,000
3. No TDS if Withdrawal from PF is Exempt (Refer Salary Chap.)
4. If EE fails to furnish the PAN, then TDS is deducted @ MMR (30% + 37% + 4% i.e. 42.744%)

Section 193 Interest on Securities

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Interest on Securities Any Person Resident Person 10%
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Additional Points
No TDS in Following Cases
(a) 7 Years NSC;
(b) National Development/Defence Bond;
(c) 54EC Bonds: PFCL & IRFCL;
(d) Listed DEMAT Securities;
(e) Interest is payable to LIC/GIC/Insurance co.
(f) Interest on Debentures of Public Co. to Resident Ind/HUF by A/c payee cheque in FY is
upto Rs. 5,000.
(g) CG/SG Securities
Note: TDS Shall be deducted on 8% saving (taxable) bonds & 7.75% Savings (Taxable)
Bonds if interest is more than Rs. 10,000
(h) Individual holding 6.5% Gold Bonds,1977 or 7% gold bonds,1980 provided that nominal
value of bond is upto Rs. 10,000

Section 194 Dividend

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Dividend Domestic Resident Person 10%
Additional Points
1. TDS to be deducted @ the time of payment
2. No TDS where dividend is payable to LIC/GIC/Insurance co.
3. No TDS If dividend is upto Rs. 5,000 in a FY is paid to individual by any mode other than

Section 194A Interest Other Than Interest On Securities

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Interest Other than Securities Any Person Other Than Resident 10%
Interest Ind/HUF Person
Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR exceeds
50L in case of profession.
2. No TDS In Following Cases:
a) Interest Paid by Bank/Post Office on time deposits (FD) not exceeding Rs. 40,000
(Rs. 50,000 for Senior Citizen)
Limit of 40K/50K → Branch wise; However, if CBS exist, limit of 40K/50K is for Whole
bank (All Braches)
b) Interest on savings account.
c) Other Interest uptoRs.5,000
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d) Interest to banks, Financial corporation, LIC, UTI, Co-op Banks;

e) Interest paid by firm to its partners.
f) Exempted interest u/s 10(15)
g) Interest paid by primary agricultural credit society on deposits made with them.
h) Interest on tax refund by Government
i) Interest on Zero Coupon Bonds


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Additional Points
1. TDS required to be deducted @ time of payment
2. No TDS if winning amount is upto Rs. 10,000
3. If prize is given partly in cash and partly in kind then tax on whole prize (i.e. aggregate
of cash and value of prize in kind) shall be deducted from the cash prize.
4. If prize is given in kind only (or cash prize is not sufficient), then payer should ensure
that tax has been paid on such income before releasing such prize.
5. If prize money is paid in instalments, then tax shall be deducted at the time of payment
of each instalment.
6. Where an agent receives the prize money on unsold ticket or becomes entitled to an
unclaimed prize, it shall form part of his business income and therefore not liable for
tax deduction u/s 194B


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Additional Points
1. TDS is to be deducted at the end of the FY. In case, there is withdrawal from user
account during the FY, tax would be deducted at the time of such withdrawal on net
winnings comprised in such withdrawal.
Net winnings =A-(B+C),
A = Amount withdrawn from the user account;
B = Aggregate amount of non-taxable deposit made in the user account by the owner
of such account during the financial year, till the time of such withdrawal; and
C = Opening balance of the user account at the beginning of the financial year.
2. Any deposit in the form of bonus, referral bonus, incentives etc would form part of net
winnings and tax under section 194BA of the Act is liable to be deducted at the time of
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 4

withdrawal as well as at the end of the financial year.

3. If some incentives/bonus which is credited in user account only for the purposes of
playing and they cannot be withdrawn or used for any other purposes, then such
deposit shall be ignored for calculation of net winnings. However when these incentive
/ bonus are recharacterised and they are allowed to be withdrawn, they will become
part of net winnings for the year in which they are withdrawn.
4. No TDS where net winnings withdrawn does not exceed Rs 100 in a month
5. If prize is given partly in cash and partly in kind then tax on whole prize (i.e. aggregate
of cash and value of prize in kind) shall be deducted from the cash prize.
6. If prize is given in kind only (or cash prize is not sufficient), then payer should ensure
that tax has been paid on such income before releasing such prize.


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Additional Points
1. TDS required to be deducted @ time of payment
2. No TDS if winning amount is upto Rs. 10,000.


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Payment to contractor. Works / Any Person Other Than Resident Payee
labour contract ; Advertising Ind/HUF/AOP/BOI Person Ind/HUF – 1%
contract, Catering, TV, Transporters, Other – 2%
Job Work.
Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF/AOP/BOI shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR
exceeds 50L in case of profession.
2. NO TDS in following Cases:
(a) If Single payment is upto Rs. 30,000 & Aggregate payment upto Rs. 1,00,000 during
(b) Personal contract of Individual / HUF
(c) Payment to contractor in transport business owning not more than 10 trucks during
FY & furnishes PAN
3. Works Includes
a) advertising
b) broadcasting and telecasting including production of programmes for such
broadcasting or telecasting;
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c) carriage of goods and passengers by any mode of transport other than by railways;
d) catering.
e) manufacturing or supplying a product according to the requirement or specification
of a customer by using material purchased from such customer or its associate,
being a person placed similarly in relation to such customer as is the person placed
in relation to the assessee u/s 40A(2).
but does not include manufacturing or supplying a product according to the
requirement or specification of a customer by using material purchased from a
person, other than such customer or associate of such customer
4. In case of Job work, TDS shall be applied on the invoice value excluding the value of
material purchased from the customer, provided bifurcation is given in the invoice.
Otherwise, TDS is applied on entire value.
5. Payment by broadcaster or telecasters (TV Channels / OTT) to production houses for
the production of content for broadcasting/Telecasting:
a) Content is produced as per broadcasters requirement and Copyright of such
content is with broadcaster  Covered under definition of work  TDS u/s 194C is
b) Broadcaster acquires telecast rights of the content already produced  Not
covered under definition of work  No TDS u/s 194C is Applicable.
6. Payment for transportation of gas:
If seller sells as well as transports the gas to the buyer till the point of delivery, nature
of such contract remains “contract of sale” and not a works contract. It is irrelevant
whether transportation charges are included in cost of gas or it is shown separately.
However, if transportation facility is availed from third person, then transport charges
are liable for tds u/s 194C.

Section 194D Insurance Commission

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Insurance Commission Any Person Resident Person 5%
Additional Points
No TDS if Commission is upto Rs. 15,000.

Section 194DA Maturity of Life Insurance Policy

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Maturity of Life Insurance Policy Any Person Resident Person 5% of Income Received
Additional Points
1. TDS required to be deducted @ time of payment
2. No TDS if maturity Amount Received is less tha Rs. 1,00,000
3. No TDS if maturity Amount is Exempt u/s 10(10D)
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Section 194E Payment To Non Resident Sportsman/Entertainer Or Sports Associations

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Payment To Non Resident Any Person Non Resident 20.8%
Sportsman Or Sports Sportsman Or Sports (20% + 4%)
Associations Associations
Additional Points
Income Received by NR Sportsperson by way of
(a) Participation in India in any game (excluding card game or gambling) or sport
(b) Advertising
(c) Contribution of articles relating to any game or sports in any newspaper, magazine or
(d) Income received for performing in India by NR entertainer.


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Additional Points
No TDS if Commission is upto Rs. 15,000

Section 194H Commission & Brokerage

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Commission & Brokerage Any Person Other Than Ind/HUF Resident Person 5%
Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR exceeds
50L in case of profession.
2. No TDS if Commission is upto Rs. 15,000
3. No TDS on any commission or brokerage payable by BSNL or MTNL to their public call
office franchisees.
4. NO TDS if commission or brokerage related to security like commission to underwriter,
brokerage on public issue etc.

Section 194-I TDS ON RENT

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Rent of Land & Building, Any Person Other Resident P&M 2%
Plant & Machinery, Than Ind/HUF Person L&B 10%
Furniture & Fixture F&F 10%
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Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR exceeds
50L in case of profession.
2. No TDS if Rent is upto Rs. 2,40,000
3. Lump sum lease premium or one-time upfront lease charges, which are not adjustable
against periodic rent, paid or payable for acquisition of long-term leasehold rights are
not payments in the nature of rent within the meaning of sec. 194-I. Therefore, NO TDS.
4. Passenger Service Fees paid by airline company to airport operator is not treated as
rent. Therefore, NO TDS u/s 194-I.
5. No TDS on refundable deposit.
6. Advance rent is liable for TDS @ the time of payment.
7. Warehousing Charges are covered under this section.


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Transfer Of Immovable Any Person Resident 1% of consideration paid
Property other Than Rural (Buyer) Person or SDV, whichever is
Agriculture Land (Seller) higher.
Additional Points
1. No TDS Where the consideration for the transfer of an immovable property is less than
` 50 lakh.
2. Consideration for transfer of any immovable property shall include all charges of the
nature of club membership fee, car parking fee, electricity or water facility fee,
maintenance fee, advance fee, or any other charges of similar nature, which are
incidental to transfer of the immovable property.

Section 194-IB Rent of Immovable Property

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Rent of Immovable Property Ind/HUF (Not covered u/s 194-I) Resident Person 5%
Additional Points
1. NO TDS Where rent for a month or part thereof does not exceed ` 50,000
2. TDS is to be deducted At the time of credit of rent for the last month of the previous
year (or the last month of tenancy, if the property is vacated during the year) to the
account of the payee or at the time of payment, whichever is earlier.
3. If payee fails to provide his PAN, TDS is required to be deducted @ 20%. However,
deduction under this section shall not exceed the amount of rent payable for the last
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Payment Payer Payee Rate

Fees for technical service; Any Person Resident Payee %
Professional Fees; Royalty; Other Than Person Call Center 2%
Non-Compete Fee; Director’s Ind/HUF FTS/ Royalty for 2%
Remuneration Cinem. Films
Other 10%
Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR exceeds
50L in case of profession.
2. No TDS to be deducted if Amount paid is upto Rs.30,000 each in the case of Fees for
technical service; Professional Fees; Royalty; Non-Compete Fee.
3. TDS is always deducted from Directors Remuneration.
4. NO TDS on Fees for professional service by Ind/HUF if made for Personal Purpose.
5. Ind/HUF is not required to deduct tax on royalty or NCF even if last year TO/GR exceeds
6. Payments made to sportsperson, Umpire, Commentator, Referee, Physiotherapist,
team physician, Anchor, Event Manager will also be regarded as professional fee and
liable to TDS u/s 194J.
7. ‘fees for technical services’ means consideration for rendering of any managerial,
technical or consultancy services but does not include consideration for any
construction, assembly, mining or like project undertaken by the recipient.
8. TPAs (Third Party Administrator’s) who are making payment on behalf of insurance
companies to hospitals for settlement of medical/insurance claims etc. are liable to
deduct tax at source under section 194J on all such payments to hospitals etc

Section 194K Income In Respect Of Units

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Income In Respect Of Units Any Person (UTI/MF) Resident Person 10%
Additional Points
NO TDS If the aggregate amounts of income credited during the FY to the payee does not
exceed ` 5,000

Section 194LA Compensation On Acquisition Of Immovable Property

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Compensation On Compulsory Any Person Resident Person 10%
Acquisition Of Immovable Property
Additional Points
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1. TDS is required to Deduct only @ the time of Payment.

2. NO TDS if payment is upto Rs. 2,50,000 during a FY.
3. No TDS if Urban Agricultural Land is compulsory acquired as capital gain on this
transaction is Exempted u/s 10(37) and RAL is not a Capital Asset

Section 194M Payment Of Certain Sums By Ind/HUF

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Payment Of Works Contract, Commission, Ind/HUF – Not Covered Resident 5%
Fees for Professional Services u/s 194C, 194H & 194J Person
Additional Points
1. No TDS if amount paid is upto Rs. 50,00,000
2. Sec. 194M is applicable if Sec. 194C/194H/194J is NOT Applicable to Resident

Section 194N Cash Withdrawal From Bank

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Cash Withdrawal From Bank Bank, Co-op Bank, Any Person Refer Note 2
Post Office
Additional Points
1. TDS is to be deducted @ time of payment
2. TDS Rate
In case of Defaulter
Aggregate payment exceeds ` 20 lakh but does not exceed ` 1 crore 2%
Aggregate payment exceeds ` 1 crore 5%
In any other case
Aggregate payment exceeds ` 1 crore 2%
3. Defaulter means the recipient who has not filed the returns of income last 3 previous
years, for which the time limit to file return of income u/s 139(1) has expired.
4. No TDS if payment is made to:
a) the Government;
b) Any bank, co-op bank, post office or their business correspondent
c) Any white label automated teller machine operator

Section 194O Payment of Certain Sums By E-Commerce Operator

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Payment By E-Commerce E-Com Operator Resident Person Refer Note 1
Operator to E-Commerce (Eg. Flipkart, (E-com participant
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 10

Participant for Sale of Goods Amazon, selling goods or service

or Services Meesho etc.) through E-com operator
Additional Points
1. 1% of gross amount of sale.
2. Any payment made by a purchaser of goods or recipient of services directly to an e-
commerce participant, shall be deemed to be the amount credited or paid by the e-
commerce operator to the e-commerce participant and shall be included in the gross
amount of such sale or services for the purpose of TDS.
3. No TDS if following conditions are satisfied:
a) e-com participant is an individual or Hindu undivided family.
b) The gross amount of such sale or services during the PY is upto ` 5,00,000
c) Such e-com participant has furnished his PAN or Aadhaar to the e-com operator.
4. A transaction in respect of which TDS deducted u/s 194O (or which is not liable to
deduction i.e. upto 5 Lakhs), shall not be liable to TDS under any other provisions.
5. However, TDS shall be deducted under any other provision if any amount received by
an e-com operator for hosting advertisements or providing any other services which
are not in connection with the sale or services.

Section 194P TDS by Bank In case of Specified Senior Citizen

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Pension From ER and Specified Bank Resident Individual Slab Rate
Interest On Deposit with Age is 75 years or more
Additional Points
1. This section is applicable if specified senior citizen
a) is having pension income [Also, he should have no other income except interest
income from any account maintained in the same specified bank in which he is
receiving his pension income]
b) has furnished a declaration to the specified bank containing such particulars, in the
prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner
2. The specified senior citizen is exempted from filing his return of income for the
assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the tax has been deducted
under this section.

Section 194 Q Purchase of Goods

Payment Payer Payee Rate

Purchase of goods of the Buyer Resident 0.1% of sum paid in
value exceeding ` 50 lakhs in [LY TO is more than 10 Cr] Seller excess of 50 lakhs
a PY
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Additional Points
1. TDS is to be deducted at the time of payment or crediting the seller, whichever is
2. No TDS in this section in respect of a transaction on which –
(a) TDS under any of the provisions of this Act; and
(b) TCS under the provisions of section 206C, other than section 206C(1H)
3. In case of a transaction to which both section 206C(1H) and section 194Q applies, tax is
required to be deducted under section 194Q.
4. If PAN of PAYEE is not available then, TDS rate is 5%
5. TDS u/s 194Q is not applicable on GST/VAT/Sales Tax/Excise Duty (i.e in short it is not
applicable on indirect tax). However if advance payment is made then TDS should be
deducted on entire advance amount paid including IDT.
6. In case of purchase return where money is returned by the seller, TDS may be adjusted
against the next purchase from the seller.
7. If business is commenced by the buyer in the current year, then his last year TO is NIL
and hence this section shall not be applicable.
8. No TDS if seller is department of Govt. (i.e. CG/SG shall not be considered as Seller for
this section)


Payment Payer Payee Rate

Benefit Or Perquisite In Any Person Other Than Resident 10%
Respect Of Business Or Ind/HUF Person
Additional Points
1. Ind/HUF shall deduct TDS if Last year TO exceeds 1cr in case of business or GR exceeds
50L in case of profession.
2. valuation of benefit/perquisite
Benefit/Perq Purchased by Payer  Purchase price shall be the value of Benefit/Perq
Benefit/Perq Manuf. By Payer  Price Charged from customer
GST would not be included for the valuation of benefit/perq for TDS u/s 194R
3. NO TDS if amount of benefit or perq provided to a person is upto Rs. 20,000 in PY.
4. In a case where the benefit or perquisite, is wholly in kind or partly in cash and partly in
kind but the part in cash is not sufficient to meet the TDS Liability the payer shall,
before releasing the benefit or perquisite, ensure that TDS has been paid in respect of
the benefit or perquisite by way of
a) Payer has collected TDS amount from Payee
b) Payer pays TDS by his own (i.e. Benefit or perq paid is treated as Net amont itself)
c) Payee deposit TDS to govt by way of advance tax and submit proof to payer.
5. Note:
a) NO TDS on sales disc./cash disc./rebates allowed to customer.
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b) The deductor is not required to check whether the amount of benefit or perquisite
would be taxable in the hands of the recipient u/s 28. The amount could be taxable
under any other section like section 41(1) etc.
c) one-time loan settlement with borrowers or waiver of loan granted by Bank, Co-op
Bank, PFI, NBFC etc would not be considered as benefit or perq for TDS u/s 194R
d) Product is given to Influencer for advertisement/awareness of product:
i. product is returned to the manufacturing company – NO TDS u/s 194R
ii. Product is retained by influencer – Considered as Benefit/Perq & TDS is attracted.
e) If capital asset has been provided as benefit/perq to payee and payer has deducted
TDS u/s 194R, then FMV of such benefit/perq shall be treated as actual cost of asset
for payee and dep is allowed u/s 32 on such FMV.
f) Issue of bonus shares and right shares by the widely held company to all
shareholders are outside the scope of section 194R

Other Provisions

1. TDS requirement arise

a) At the time of payment
b) At the time of crediting the payee, Whichever is earlier.

However, in following cases TDS is deducted at the time of payment:

a) Salary (Section 192) f) Compulsory Acquisition of Immovable

b) EPF Payment (Section 192A) Prop. (Section 194LA)
c) Dividend (Section 194) g) Cash Withdrawal from bank
d) Winnings (194B/BA/BB) (section 194N)
e) Maturity Of LIP (Section 194DA) h) Benefit or Perquisites (Section 194R)
If payee doen’t furnish a PAN, then TDS shall be deducted:
(a) Rate prescribed in the relevant section
(b) 20% Whichever is higher.

Note: for section 194-O/194-Q maximum TDS rate is 5%

3. Section 206AB- Higher rate of TDS in case of specified person

If payee has not filed return of income for preceeding year for which due date u/s 139(1)
has been expired and aggregate of TDS & TCS is Rs. 50,000 or more during the previous
year, then applicable rate shall be higher of:
a) Twice the TDS/TCS Rate
b) 5%.
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However, section 206AB is not applicable in case of tax deductible at source under
sections 192, 192A, 194B, 194BA, 194BB, 194-IA, 194-IB, 194M11 or 194N

Note: In case where section 206AA and Section 206AB both are applicable then TDS
shall be deducted @ higher of the two rates provided in section 206AA and section


Assessee in Default: If payer has not deducted the TDS or after deduction has not been
deposited to Govt, then such person is treated as assessee in default and required to
pay penalty u/s 221 and that can be upto 100% of TDS amount.

Non-applicability of deeming provision:

Payer shall not be treated as assessee in default if payee-
a) has furnished his return of income under section 139;
b) has taken into account such sum for computing income in such return of income;
c) has paid the tax due on the income declared by him in such return of income, and
the payer furnishes a certificate to this effect from an accountant in such form as
may be prescribed.

Interest Liability

Late deduction- Payer is liable to pay simple interest @ 1% for every month or part of
month on the amount of such tax from the date on which tax was deductible to the
date on which such tax was actually deducted

Late Deposit- Payer is liable to pay simple interest @ 1.5% for every month or part of
month from the date on which tax was deducted to the date on which such tax is
actually paid
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 1


a) It is compulsory for companies and firms to file a return of income or loss for every previous
b) For other assesses return filling is mandatory if GTI without giving effect to the provisions of
section 54/54B/54D/54EC/54F exceeds BEL.
c) For Following Person Return Filling is Mandatory
1. ROR – Individual if at any time during the PY,
i. Is a beneficial owner of any asset (including any financial interest in any entity)
located outside India or has a signing authority in any account located outside India
ii. is a beneficiary of any asset (including any financial interest in any entity) located
outside India

Note: where income is already includes in the income of person referred in (i), then person
in (ii) is not required to file the return.

“Beneficial Owner” means An individual who has provided, directly or indirectly,

consideration for the asset for the immediate or future benefit, of himself or any other

“Beneficiary” means An individual who derives benefit from the asset during the previous
year and the consideration for such asset has been provided by any person, other than such

2. has deposited an amount or aggregate of the amounts exceeding ` 1 crore in one or more
current accounts or 50 lakhs or more in one or more saving accounts.
3. has incurred Foreign travel expenditure of aggregate amount exceeding ` 2 lakh for himself
or any other person.
4. has incurred expenditure of aggregate amount exceeding ` 1 lakh towards consumption of
5. if his total sales, turnover or gross receipts, as the case may be, in the business > ` 60 lakhs
or total gross receipts in profession > ` 10 lakhs, during the previous year
6. if the aggregate of TDS and TCS during the previous year, in the case of the person, is `
25,000 or more (50,000 in case of Senior citizen)
d) Due Date
(a) A company
(b) A person (other than a company) whose accounts are required to be 31st October of AY
audited any law; or
(c) A partner of a firm whose accounts are required to be audited under any
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 2

An assessee including the partners of the firm being such assessee who is 30th Nov Of AY
required to furnish a report referred to in section 92E
In the case of any other assessee 31st July


Where a person, who is required to furnish a return of income fails to do so upto due date as per
Section 139 (1), he shall pay, by way of fee, a sum of ` 5,000.

However, if the total income of the person does not exceed ` 5 lakhs, the fees payable shall not
exceed ` 1,000.


1. Section 80 requires mandatory filing of return of loss u/s 139 (3) on or before the due date
specified u/s 139 (1) for carry forward of the following losses –
(a) Business loss u/s 72 (1) (d) Loss under the head “Capital Gains” u/s 74 (1)
(b) Speculation business loss u/s 73 (2) (e) Loss from the activity of owning and
(c) Loss from specified business u/s 73A (2) maintaining race horses u/s 74A (3)

If return is not filed upto the due date as per section 139(1) then, above losses are not allowed to
be carried forward.

Note: restriction is on carried forward and not on set-off i.e. if return is filed late, then set-off of
above losses are allowed but not allowed to C/F.

2. However, loss under the head “Income from house property” u/s 71B and unabsorbed
depreciation u/s 32 can be carried forward for set-off even though return of loss has not been
filed before the due date.


Any person who has not furnished a return within the time allowed to him under section 139 (1)
may furnish the return for any previous year at any time –

(i) before 31/12/AY

(ii) before the completion of the assessment, whichever is earlier

consequences of Belated return

a) Not allowed to C/F losses as per section 80

b) Interest u/s 234A @ 1% pm or part thereof
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c) Late fees u/s 234F.


If any person having furnished a return under section 139(1) or a belated return under section
139(4), discovers any omission or any wrong statement therein, he may furnish a revised return at
any time –

(i) before 31/12/AY

(ii) before the completion of the assessment, whichever is earlier


a) Revised return substitutes original return from the date original return was filed
b) Assessee can revise the belated return as well
c) Assessee can revise return any no. of times within the time limit.


1. Return shall be considered as defective, if –

a) Return is not filed in prescribed form
b) Tax proof is not provided along with return filed.
c) Audit report u/s 44AB is not submitted.
2. If return is defective then AO may intimate the defect to the assessee and give him an
opportunity to rectify the defect within a period of 15 days or extended period at the discretion
of AO.
3. If the defect is not rectified within the time allowed, then the return would be treated as an
invalid return.


1. Any person may furnish an updated return of his income or the income of any other person in
respect of which he is assessable whether or not he has furnished a return under section 139(1)
or belated return or revised return for that AY.
2. Updated return is to be filed within 24 months from the end of the relevant assessment year.
3. Not allow to file the updated return if –
a) It is a loss return
b) has the effect of decreasing the total tax liability determined on the basis of return
furnished under section 139(1)/(4)/(5).
c) results in refund or increases the refund due on the basis of return furnished under section
d) An updated return has been filed earlier.
CA Jasmeet Singh Arora 4

e) any proceeding for assessment or reassessment or recomputation or revision of income is

pending or has been completed for the relevant assessment year
4. If the loss or any part thereof carried forward or unabsorbed depreciation carried forward or
AMT credit carried forward is to be reduced for any subsequent previous year as a result of
furnishing of updated return of income for a previous year, an updated return is required to be
furnished for each such subsequent previous year.

5. Additional Income Tax Payable at the time of Updated Return.

a) If such return is furnished after the expiry of time limit u/s 139(4)/(5) of the AY and before
the expiry of 12 months from the end of Relevant AY

Additional Tax = 25% of (Tax + Interest)

b) If such return is furnished after the expiry of 12 months from the end of Relevant AY but
before the end of 24 months from the end of Relevant AY

Additional Tax = 50% of (Tax + Interest)

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