French Culture and Society Notes
French Culture and Society Notes
French Culture and Society Notes
French Symbols:
Town halls
La Marianne (1789)
o Represents freedom/democracy as opposed to Monarchy
Triumph de la republique
o Bronze sculpture in Paris: Place de la national
French Flag = French tricolor
o White Monarchy
o Blue/red Paris/People
o Official in 1793
La Marseillaise (1792)
o National Anthem
o By Capt. Rouget de Lisle
o Gallus = rooster
o Gaulouis Gaul France
In mid 1800s became official symbol of France
o Football/Rugby/Archery
o Le coq sportifs
French Coins
LHexagone (6 sides)
The French Spirit Art de vivre a la Franoise
o Established monarchy
King Clovis (496)
First king of the franks
o Emperor Charlemagne (747 814)
Religious political and cultural unity
The Vikings: Norman invasion 885
o Weakened the monarchy
Led to a feudal system/of lords
o Bayeux tapestry
The Middle Ages: End of 11th century
o Knights to fight crusades
Recapture Palestine from Muslims
Muslims 2 centuries, 8 crusades
o New Code of chivalry and courtly love
o Medieval France: Influenced by the church
Gothic style: Reims, Notre Dame
The Hundred years war
o England vs. France
o Joan of Arc (1412-1431)
Siege of Orleans (1429)
Captured in 1430
Trial religious court
Burned at stake for being a witch
Symbol of French patriotism
o King Francois 1st
Military campaign in Italy
Artist and thinkers
o War of religions (1572-1593)
Catholics vs. protestants/Huguenots
o Massacre of Bartholomeus
Huguenots murdered
o King Henri IV de Navarre (1553 -1610)
Edit de Nantes (1598)
Secured protestants freedom to worship
Murdered 1610
o Revocation of edit de Nantes
Protestants no longer safe
Immigration 400,000 Huguenots to:
Netherlands, Britain, Canada, South
Carolina, South Africa
o King Louis XIV (Sun King)
Reign for 73 years (1643-1715)
Absolute Monarchy
Letat cest mol
Absolute power given by divine right
Political power and religious architecture: Versailles
(50 years to build) (50,000 workers died)
o Moliere (1622-1673)
Academie Francais
o Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695)
o Foreign expansion
Compagnis des sandes orientales
1644 explore territories
Mississippi and Louisiana
o Named after king louis
The enlightenment Age
*before, Louis XIV mistress (Madame de Pompadour) Literary Salons
o Louis XV/XVI
o Philosophers
Challenged authority of church and absolute
o French lost territory in America, India to British
o Increase of taxes
The republics
o 2nd republic
After Napoleons defeat over the British restoration of
1848: Revolution of 1848 Abolished monarchy and
o 2nd republic (1848 1852)
Napoleons nephew elected president in 1848
Emperor Napoleon III
Defeated by the Prussians: Loss of Alsace Lorraine
Abolition of monarchy + slavery
Industrial Revolution Building of French Railway network
+ urban redesign of Paris
By Baron Haussmann
French Defeat in 1870 against the Prussians Loss of
Lorraine + Alsace
o 3rd Republic (1870-1940)
Transformed by:
Freres Lumiere (Lyon) (1894 1st motion picture)
o XXth
Belle epoque
French Anti-semitism: Dreyfus Affair (1894-1899)
Accused of selling secrets to the Prussians
Emile Zola: Jaccuse letter
Colonial Expansion (Algeria 1836)
North Africa, Africa, Asia
By WWII: 2nd largest colonial empire in the world
end of 3rd republic in 1940
WWI: Germans declared war August 3, 1914.
Armistice Treaty signed Nov 11, 1918
1.5 million French soldiers were killed
all young French males killed
Recovery of Alsace Lorraine
WWII: Hitler declared war in 1939
By 1940 French army collapsed
France was occupied: North of France, Atlantic
Marechal Petain
o Agreed for France to become occupied
o Government in Vichy collaboration
Deportation of thousands of Jews and French
people were sent to compulsory work (Go
work in Germany for Nazis)
o Creation of French Militia to fight the French
resistance movement
3rd class
Gregorian calendar: Established in 1852 by pope Gregore XIII
replaced Julian Calendar 45 BC
New year: twice a year
o 1st of January: New civil year. (St Sylvestre: Dec 31st: New years
o Rentree / Back to school
La Rentree politque, La rentree syndicale, La rentree
des theatres, beginning of French soccer championship
o St Chistopher
o St Vincent Winegrowers
State holidays
o Jan 1st = Jour de lan
Les etrennes Gifts
o May 1st Fete du travaile Labor day
4th trade unions congress in Chicago in 1884
Union and political parties demonstrate
People are given Lily of the valley/muguet
Happiness and good luck
Only day where you can sell on the street without
government permission
o July 14th Fete nationale
Military parade on Champs-Elysees
Televised speech of the president + garden party at the
Elysees Palace (where president lives)
13/14: Big fireworks and dances
o May 8th --> WWII armistice French Liberation Day
o Nov 11th Armistice 1918 WW1 Veterans day
Religious holidays
o Easter Monday Lundi de paques
No bunny, bells bring chocolate to backyard
o LAscencion
40 days after Easter
o Whitsun Monday Pentecost
50 days after Easter
o November 25
Sainte Catherine
Woman who were 25 and are not married
Ball with special hats
A Catrinette
o October 30
1997 Halloween
o Fete de laid
End of Ramadan
4th class
1. Family names (common)
a. Martin
b. Durand
c. Dupont
d. Meunier (Trades - grains flour)
e. Boulanger
f. Dumont (place)
g. Duval (place)
h. De percin
i. De: Noble
ii. Deperdin (revolution it wasnt a good idea to have de)
2. Christian Names: Parents can chose any name as long as it isnt hurtful
to the child(1993)
a. Unisex
i. Claude
ii. Camille
iii. Dominique
3. Family life
a. Meals are important - Sunday meal
b. Private
c. Woman + household
i. Laws on contraception (1969)
ii. Law on abortion (i.v.g = Intertupcion voluntaire de
1. 1975
iii. 80% household chores
iv. 80% of women work
d. Children
i. Stay long with their parents Many/steady job
ii. Share activities/vacation
o 3 main principles created for school system
Jules Ferry, minister of education 1883
o books and notebooks are given (public)
Compulsory (primary education)
o Age: 6-16
o Not religious
o Law 2004 - banning the wearing ostensibly
religious symbols in schools
o Debate on laicite
o LEducation Nationale
Government body that has many
different roles
Curriculum, syllabus
National exams
Payment of teachers in public schools
o Baccalaureat: exam to graduate from high school
o Options after the baccalaureat:
BTS ( 2 years)
IUT= institute Universitaitre technologique (2 years)
Preparatory school grandes ecoles
ENA: Ecole Nationale dAdministration (Napoleon
o Best civil cervants
Polytechnique: Physics and maths
Hautes Etude Commerciales (HEC)
Saint-Cyr (military school)
La Fac university
Free (tuition fees 500/800 euros per year)
o Challenges
Education Nationale: 1 million teachers (19% state budget)
Students protestants
Stents Protests Infrastructurues / lack of space
Entrance quotas
Selective process
Limits in the theory of education as a social elevator
Debate on rythmes scolaires /schedules
Infrastructures are absolute
Pedagogy not very active
Gap between school and real life
10% of students quit school without a diploma
o 1996: 81%
o 2006: 60%
o Cultural; only 10% of Catholics actually practice it; 20% are
Catholics only on Christmas, Easter);
o Wars of Religion (16th c.)
Huguenots vs. Catholics
o Jansenism (17th and 18th century)
Religious and political movement
Based on St. Augustin
o Conservative
Catholic church was getting to close to the royal
Negation of free will
o Anticlericalism (1905)
Started with the French revolution
Split between church and state
Loi separation de leglise et de letat (law of 1905)
Attacked privileges and wealth of the church
o Social Catholicism
CFTC (Confederation Francais de travailleurs Christians)
JAC (Jeunesse Agricole Catholic) 1929 Young Christian
JOC (Jeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne) Young Christian
workers 1925
Worker priests (prertes ouvriers) After WWI
o 4 million
o Increasing number of Muslims that came from North Africa in
o Harkis (North African)
Algerians who fought with the French army during Algerian
independence war
o Sunnite tradition: liberal of Coran
o Increase in Fundamentalists Jihad Terrorist acts
o Lack of mosques (1/3 mosques Paris region)
Other religions
o Buddhism 300 prayer centers + 90 training institutes
South east population
o Cults Les sectes +/- 172 cults Jehovahs witnesses
2001 Loi anti-secte: State can dissolve a sect that was
People with no religion
o 25% French say they are non-believers
o Tradition of anti/clericalism
Class 6
Gastronomy = 8th Art
Linked to tradition
Quality products
1990: La semaine de gout. Every October
Promote healthy eating
Encourage tasty food
Sunday lunch (long)
sante A votre sante A ta sante a la votre
In cities, people invite each other at a restaurant
Outside cities, people invite each other at home
A.O.C= Applacion dorigine controlle wines/cheese
French protected Denomination of origin)
o Burgundy cannot make Brie because its from the region Brie
Champagne comes from the region Champagne
Agriculture Biologique (at least 95% ingredients are organically grown
Label Rouge = Superior Quality
2/3 aligote (white) + 1/3 (cassis) (blackcurrant liquor)
Comes from Chanoine Kir = Major of Dijon (40s -50s)
1946: he thought White wine was too sour
-2/3 red wine + 1/3 cassis (blackcurrant liquor
>400 types
name of cheese = particular region
Maid with lait cru = raw milk