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Model poboljanja izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih formi

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 655.22:621.78


Dragoljub Novakovi, Sandra Dedijer, Sanja Mahovi Poljaek
Original scientific paper
Thermal development process of photopolymer printing plates is one of the newest technologies in the flexographic reproduction process. It is solely based on
mechanical process and thus enables the elimination of the chemical processing and drying phase from the plate making process. Taking into account that
chemical processing is one of the critical problems in standardization of the plate making process, thermal development process should ensure greater quality
and stability in the plate making process. This paper evaluates the specific conditions in the plate making procedure based on thermal development. Testing of
the back and main exposure duration of the photopolymer plates, as well as duration of the thermal development, were the objects of this research. The thickness
and hardness, as well as SEM analysis of the printing plates were performed. Characterization of the produced plates was made and new model for improving
the production line of the observed flexographic plates was defined.
Keywords: flexographic printing plates, quality, thermal development process

Model poboljanja izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih formi

Izvorni znanstveni lanak
Proces termalne obrade fotopolimernih tiskovnih formi za fleksotisak novost je u grafikom reprodukcijskom procesu. Proces je baziran na mehanikoj obradi
tiskovnih formi ime se eliminira proces kemijskog razvijanja i suenja iz postupaka izrade tiskovnih formi. S obzirom da je kemijsko razvijanje jedno od
najnestabilnijih procesa u izradi tiskovnih formi te time oteava standardizaciju postupka izrade tiskovnih formi, proces termalne obrade bi trebao unaprijediti
kvalitetu i stabilnost promatranog procesa. U ovom radu su praene sve faze u izradi tiskovnih formi baziranih na termalnoj obradi. Mjerena je debljina i tvrdoa
uzoraka, te je provedena i SEM analiza. Karakterizacija uzoraka je provedena, te je predloen model za poboljanje uvjeta izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih
Kljune rijei: fleksotiskarske tiskovne forme, kvaliteta, proces termalne obrade

Flexography is a printing technology generally used in
packaging. It is a relief printing process meaning that the
image areas on the printing plate are raised above the nonimage areas. During the reproduction process, image areas
receive the printing ink which is transferred directly to the
print substrate when the substrate is pressed with support of
the impression cylinder against the printing plate. The
pressure between the anilox roll (carrier of the printing ink)
and the printing plate, and then between the printing plate
and the substrate, must be carefully adjusted to give a
uniform print with no areas of over impression. The printing
process requires only a slight contact pressure to enable
reliable ink transfer from printing plate to substrate. Soft,
flexible printing plates facilitate quality imprints even with
a low and gentle contact pressure within the printing plate
and printing substrate [1-4]. Printing process is
characterized by flexible printing plates and low viscosity
printing inks. It is possible to print at almost every substrate
[5], i.e. on very thin, flexible, and solid materials, virtually
all papers, thick cardboard, rough-surfaced packaging
materials and fabrics. Flexographic plates vary in their
hardness and thickness which has to be adapted to the
particular substrate and specific process characteristics.
They are mainly made of rubber or photopolymers.
Basically, they consist of elastomeric vehicles, unsaturated
monomers and UV photo-initiators which are soluble in
water or in organic solvents.
Flexographic printing plates can be produced by
photographic/chemical processes or by one of the digital
laser-based computer to plate (CtP) technologies [4, 6].
There are different imaging systems available for CtP in
Technical Gazette 17, 4(2010), 403-410

flexographic printing. One of the processes used for

producing photopolymer plates includes laser imaging of
the surface in which the base, photopolymer, receives a
black, sensitive coating. By computer controlled system,
laser beam causes ablation of the black coating in
accordance with the computer image (information). The
remaining part of this coating forms a mask for the
subsequent main exposure of the photopolymer coating
with UV light. Main exposure causes the cross linking
reaction in the printing plate which has to be, after the
exposure, washed off by chemical processing method,
dried, post-exposed and post-processed.
Nowadays, for high quality requirements, especially in
the area of packaging printing, digital photopolymer washoff plates are commonly in use. New, thermal technology
patented by DuPont, Cyrel, USAeliminates the solvents and
aqueous solutions from the plate making process, i.e.
washing-off process. Taking into account that chemical
processing is one of the critical problems for
standardization of the plate making process, thermal
development process, which does not use chemicals, should
ensure greater stability of the printing plates. This process is
environmentally friendlier than the others which use the
wash-off processes. In addition, it ensures greater
productivity by approximately five times, that is quite
significant in the production workflow [7]. Expansion and
development in the area of flexography is welcome, but it is
confronted with one main problem: the absence of standards
for producing the printing plates of high quality and
stability. Lack of standards has caused inability to predict
results and necessity to adjust the plate making process to
the current production conditions. In majority of processes,
requirements for the printing plate procedure are addressed
to the manufacture recommendations which often define
technological tolerances in which the plate making process

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

A model for improving the flexographic printing plate making process

can be optimally obtained.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the specific
conditions of the processes in the plate making procedure
based on thermal development according to the parameters
defined in manufacturer's recommendations. Furthermore,
the object of this study was to find the optimum duration of
all processes in the plate making procedure in order to
accelerate the productivity and to ensure the high quality
and functionality of the printing plates as well.

Thermal technology
Termalna tehnologija
Thermal development process is one of the newest
technologies in the field of flexography. It is the process
which allows the removal of untreated (unexposed)
polymer through a strictly mechanical process, without
using any solvents. It has many advantages in regard to
other digital technologies used in the flexographic plate
making process. It is environmentally friendly with no
solvents and aqueous solutions to handle, store or recycle
workflow [7]. It is designed to meet the needs of high
quality imprints with fine halftones, lineworks and solids.
The structure of the CtP flexographic untreated plate for
digital image transfer by CtP systems is shown in Fig. 1. It
consists of protective layer on the top of the plate, followed
by laser energy absorbent layer, photopolymer relief layer
and base material.
CtP flexographic plate making process, based on
thermal development, consists of a series of successive,
mutually dependent stages presented in Fig. 2: back
exposure, laser imaging, main exposure, thermal
development process, post exposure and light finishing
processes (UVAand UVC).

Figure 1 Structure of the CtP flexographic plate

Slika 1. Struktura CtP fleksotiskarske tiskovne forme

In the first stage, back exposure (Fig. 2a),

photopolymer is treated with UV-A light, to form relief
depth and to support the anchoring of fine details. Duration
of the back exposure varies according to the depth of
required relief. In the next phase (Fig. 2b), absorbing layer
(LaserAblatable Mask (LAM) layer) is revealed on removal
of the protective film. It has to be ablated to create the image
with computer controlled laser beam. In this process the
laser beam ablate the black, energy-absorbent layer and
creates the reverse image in the layer.
Black layer has a function of a mask in the next
exposure phase main exposure (Fig. 2c). Main exposure is
carried out with UV-A light in order to form future image
areas in the polymer. In the next, thermal processing unit,
the printing plates are firstly treated by the IR heater, whose
task is to melt untreated (unexposed) monomer (Fig. 2d).
Further, the printing plate has to be put in contact with
processing cylinder by means of a heated cylinder.
Furthermore, the untreated polymer is removed
mechanically by transferring the untreated polymer on the
processing cylinder (carrier of fabric) which is in the contact
with the printing plate cylinder.
Depending on the relief depth and thickness of the
printing plates, the rotation has to be repeated 10 to 12 times
in order to completely remove melted material [8].

Figure 2 Imaging and thermal development of photopolymer plates

Slika 2. Osvjetljavanje i termalna obrada fotopolimernih tiskovnih formi

Thermal development process is rather specific while

quality of the processed plate is defined through a number of
drum rotations (Fig. 3). The rotations speed cannot be
changed and it is defined by the manufacturer; one rotation
lasts 1,12 minutes [8].
During thermal development, the drum has to be water
cooled in order to avoid self overheating as well as
overheating of the photopolymer plate. In the next stage,
post exposure and light finishing (Fig. 2e) are carried out
with UV-Aand UV-C light in order to eliminate stickiness of
the plate and to provide complete curing of polymers.


Experimental part
Eksperimentalni dio
Materials and methods
Materijali i metode
In the study DuPont TM Cyrel DFH 45 printing
plates were tested. The experimental part of the work was
performed in standardized production conditions [9].
Printing plates were stored under the prescribed
Tehniki vjesnik 17, 4(2010), 403-410

Model poboljanja izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih formi

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

tester. Standard DIN 53505 Sh A prescribed a method for

measuring the hardness of flexible materials [10].
The radiation intensity of UV lamps (80 W) used for
imaging of the printing plates was measured by Khnast
UV-meter. The results showed that the lamps had
appropriate intensity; mean intensity per unit area was 20,2
mW/cm . Microscopic recordings of selected areas of the
printing plates were taken with scanning electron
microscope (SEM) JEOL JSM 6460 LV.

Designing the digital test form
Oblikovanje digitalne testne forme
1 IR source
2 Cylinder (carrier of fabric)
3 Cylinder (carrier of used fabric)
4 Drum (carrier of printing plate)
5 Pressure cylinder
6 Removal of untreated polymer
Figure 3 Thermal development unit
Slika 3. Termalna jedinica

requirements - in the original package and protective foil in

a flat position, in defined atmospheric conditions, away
from heat sources. During the study, plates were not
exposed to direct daylight or UV light (working lab had
protective yellow light). The tests were done in airconditioned room (26-30 C).
Imaging of the printing plates was made by CDI Spark
4835 Esco Expoze device (imager with external drum and
one laser beam) with amplitude raster, 48 l/cm. Back
exposure, main exposure, post exposure and light finishing
were made by DuPont Cyrel 1000 ECLF device. Thermal
development process was made by DuPont Cyrel
FAST 1000 TD device.
Characteristics of the printing plates addressed in the
work were the thickness and hardness of the flexographic
printing plates. Thickness of the printing plates was
measured with AB Lorentzen and Weltre (type 556 G)
micrometer (precision of 0,001 mm). Hardness of the
printing plates was measured with Zwik analog hardness

Special digital test form was designed for this research

(Fig. 4). It consists of specially defined fields in order to
provide adequate monitoring and quality control of printing
plate during the platemaking process. The elements of the
digital test form and their significance:
1) Halftone patches from 1 to 100 % of coverage - ensure a
clear reproduction of halftone dots in all tone value
ranges in the highlights and shadows;
2) Positive and reverse text in the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and
12 pt of sizes;
3) Groups of positive and reverse lines from 0,03 to 1 mm
of thickness (0,01 mm step) and from 1 to 5 mm (step 1
mm) of thickness;
4) Positive and reverse cross lines from 0,002 mm to 2 mm
of thickness;
5) Patches with positive and reverse solid tons;
6) Positive and reverse microelements in the diameter of
0,1 to 0,5 mm.

Back exposure test
Test donje ekspozicije
In order to define the impact of exposure time on relief
depth, different duration of back exposure was tested.
Appropriate back exposure has to be defined because

Figure 4 Digital test form

Slika 4. Digitalna testna forma
Technical Gazette 17, 4(2010), 403-410


A model for improving the flexographic printing plate making process

Main exposure and thermal development test
Test glavne ekspozicije i termalne obrade
Testing of the main exposure was made in accordance
with the optimal back exposure, defined in the previous
testing stage. In this phase, the influence of drum rotations
number (thermal development of printing plate sample) was
observed in relation to the main exposure. The test was
carried out with 8, 10, 12 and 14 minutes of main exposure
and 8 and 10 rotations of the drum. The post exposure
(UVA) and light finishing (UVC) was conducted for 7 min
[8]. Optimum duration of the main exposure could be
controlled on the finished printing plates by observing the
halftone patches of 1 and 97 % of surface coverage and by
observing the sharpness of the positive lines of 0,05 mm,
positive and reverse cross lines from 0,03 mm to 0,04 mm.
SEM analysis was performed on those selected areas.

Characterization of the thickness and hardness of the
printing plates
Karakterizacija debljine i tvrdoe tiskovnih formi
According to the recommendations, the thickness of
flexo plate should not deviate more than 0,010 to 0,015
mm from its nominal value [11]. The same tolerant area is
recommended for the plate thickness within the package
box, while the thickness of the plates between two packages
should not differ more than 0,025 mm.
Regarding the hardness of the flexographic printing
plates it is possible to measure two different values. The first
one is the hardness of the raw plate and the second one is the
hardness of the printing plate after processing. The hardness
of the raw printing plate is usually not controlled, because
this information generally is not useful for plate
functionality. This is the reason why printing plate hardness
must be considered after processing because it has the direct
influence on transferring the printing ink from the plate to
the printing substrate. Suppliers indicate that printing plate
of 1,14 mm of thickness should have hardness of 75 Sh A
with possible tolerances of 2 ShA.


Results and discussion
Rezultati i rasprava
Defining the back exposure optimal relief depth
Odreivanje donje ekspozicije optimalne dubine reljefa
Results of back exposure test are presented graphically
in Fig. 5.
Based on the results the corresponding dependence
between back exposure and relief depth can be expressed as
follows: longer duration of the back exposure results in
shallower relief. Shorter back exposure (10 s) resulted in
cross linking process in the surface areas of photopolymer
and caused the relief depth of 0,721 mm. Longer back
exposure (80 s) resulted in shallower relief of 0,04 mm.
Based on the results adequate duration of back exposure
was defined on 50 seconds.
Relief depth / mm

it has one of the major influences on the printing plate's

quality and stability during the reproduction process.
Testing the back exposure was made on printing plates 300
600 mm dimensions in steps of 10 seconds. Eight covering
tiles were set on the printing plate and last covering tile was
not moved throughout the test. The exposure started with
removing of the first tile from the plate surface with 10
seconds duration. Second exposure lasted 10 seconds as
well, and was made by removing the second tile from the
printing plate surface. The procedure was repeated by
selective removing of all the tiles and by identical duration
of the exposures. The last covering tile was not removed.
For this testing the main exposure was not performed. After
back exposure, the thermal development of printing plate
sample was performed by 10 rotations of the drum
(manufacturer recommendation).
Measurements of the thickness of each field were
conducted three times. The calculated mean value was
subtracted from the value of plate thickness in order to
determine the relief depth obtained with different duration
of back exposure.

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek




Back exposure time /s

Figure 5 Back exposure test dependence of relief depth

on back exposure duration
Slika 5. Test donje ekspozicije ovisnost dubine reljefa
o trajanju ekspozicije

Defining the main exposure and thermal development
Odreivanje glavne ekspozicije i termalne obrade
The main exposure test was conducted through
monitoring further parameters: sharpness of halftone dots of
1 to 98 % of coverage, clearness in reproductions of 0,03
and 0,04 mm positive lines, sharpness of the positive and
reverse line ratios and relief depth.
The main exposure test was conducted in relation to the
thermal development conditions. According to the
manufacturer thermal development should be repeated by
10 to 12 rotations of the drum to remove all the melted
material and the main exposure can vary from 10 min to 15
min. In order to observe shorter duration of thermal
development, it was carried out with 8 and 10 rotations of
the carrying drum. Testing was made for the main exposure
of 8, 10, 12 and 14 minutes for both thermal processing
conditions. After thermal development, each plate was
treated with UVA and UVC light for a period of 7 minutes
(manufacturer's recommendations). As defined in previous
test back exposure was 50 seconds.
Measuring of the relief depth has been carried out in the
same way as the back exposure test and the results are
displayed graphically in Fig. 6. It can be seen that increasing
of main exposure from 8 to 14 min causes the decreasing of
relief depth from 0,383 to 0,31 mm for 8 rotations of the
drum, i.e. from 0,4 mm to 0,31 mm for 10 rotations of the
drum. It can be seen that the observed number of drum
Tehniki vjesnik 17, 4(2010), 403-410

Relief depth / mm

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

Model poboljanja izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih formi

10 rot
8 rot





Main exposure time / min

Figure 6 Dependence of relief depth on main exposure for thermal

development of 8 and 10 rotations of the drum
Slika 6. Ovisnost dubine reljefa o trajanju glavne ekspozicije
za termalnu obradu od 8 i 10 okretaja

rotations has a minor influence on the relief depth.

According to these results, optimal main exposure has been
defined on 12 min because in both cases this main exposure
resulted with relief depth of 0,361 mm and 0,367 mm,

SEM analysis
SEM analiza
SEM micrographs of the characteristic elements on a
reproduced test form have been made. Fig. 7 shows SEM
images of 1 % of coverage obtained with main exposure of
12 minutes and processed with 8 and 10 rotations of the
drum. One can see uniformly distributed, stable dots (image
areas) at 1 % of coverage processed with 8 rotations of the
drum (Fig. 7a). Every dot has a clearly formed body shape
and fully cured polymer along the entire polymer plate
surface. From these images it is possible to see that shaped
dots have been formed correctly in exposed photopolymer
areas. Longer thermal processing (10 rotations of the drum)
presented in Fig. 7b indicates that dot of 1 % of coverage has
similar quality and characteristics, and furthermore,
through both processing conditions, untreated polymer has

been completely removed. Impurities visible on the SEM

images are probably particles of dust.
SEM images of 98 % of surface coverage exposed with
12 minutes and processed with 8 and 10 rotations of the
drum are presented in Fig. 8. It is possible to see that thermal
development of 8 and 10 rotations of the drum cause the
forming of uniformly distributed relatively sharp and pure
surface coverage (image areas) with no significant
irregularity. Impurities visible on the SEM images are
probably particles of dust.
SEM micrographs of positive and reverse cross lines of
0,03 mm and 0,04 mm are presented in Figure 9. The
micrographs were taken for printing plate samples obtained
with main exposure of 12 minutes and thermal development
of 8 and 10 rotations of the drum. One can see that in both
rotations conditions lines have been correctly formed, sharp
and straight, without any significant irregularity.
According to the SEM analysis one can conclude that
with main exposure of 12 min and thermal development
with 8 and 10 rotations of the drum, relief depth varies
insignificantly, 0,06 mm. Previous analysis of the SEM
images leads to the conclusion that the same result is gained
in both cases. One can say that printing plates with optimum
quality can be performed with 8 rotations of the drum and,
according to that, production workflow can be improved for
time period of 2 rotations, i.e. 2,24 min.
SEM images of halftone fields of 50 % are presented in
Figure 10 to confirm the fact that thermal development with
8 rotations of the drum can be applied for this kind of
photopolymer plates. One can see that thermal development
of 8 rotations of the drum causes forming of uniformly
distributed, sharp formed surface coverage (image areas).

Control of the thickness and hardness of the printing
Kontrola debljine i tvrdoe tiskovnih formi
Characterisation of the thickness and hardness of the
printing plates was made in order to control the observed

Figure 7 SEM images of 1 % of coverage (a) main exposure 12 minutes; thermal processing carried out with the 8 rotations of the drum and
(b) main exposure 12 minutes; thermal processing carried out with the 10 rotations of the drum (magnification 100 and 500, respectively)
Slika 7. SEM slike za 1 % pokrivenosti povrine (a) glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada sa 8 okretaja bubnja
(b) glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada sa 10 okretaja bubnja (poveanje 100 i 500, redom)
Technical Gazette 17, 4(2010), 403-410


A model for improving the flexographic printing plate making process

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

Figure 8 SEM images of 98 % of coverage (a) main exposure 12 minutes; thermal processing carried out with the 8 rotations of the drum and
(b) main exposure 12 minutes; thermal processing carried out with the 10 rotations of the drum (magnification 100 and 500, respectively)
Slika 8. SEM slike za 98 % pokrivenosti povrine (a) glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada sa 8 okretaja bubnja
(b) glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada sa 10 okretaja bubnja (poveanje 100 i 500, redom)

Figure 9 SEM micrographs of the positive and reverse cross lines of 0,03 and 0,04 mm.
Main exposure 12 minutes; thermal development: (a) 8 and (b) 10 rotations of the drum (magnification 500)
Figure 9. SEM slike pozitivskih i krinih linija debljine 0,03 i 0,04 mm.
Glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada: (a) 8 and (b) 10 okretaja bubnja (poveanje 500)

Figure 10 SEM images of halftone fields (50 % coverage), main exposure 12 min; development 8 rotations of the drum
(magnification 100 and 500 respectively)
Figure 10. SEM slike polja (50 % pokrivenosti povrine), glavna ekspozicija 12 min; termalna obrada 8 okretaja bubnja
(poveanje 100 i 500, redom)

characteristics of the produced printing plate samples.

Deviations of those parameters could decrease the printing
plates' functionality. The higher values of the printing plate
thickness result in increasing of half tone values in
reproduction [12].
The thickness of the samples was measured on the three
printing plates from two different packages. Measuring was
made after thermal development and light finishing phase.
Measurements were performed for printing plates with the
main exposure of 12 minutes and the thermal development
of 8 and 10 rotations of the drum. Each plate was measured
four times in different places, and then the mean value for

each plate was calculated. The mean value of thickness of

the printing plates from the same box was calculated as well,
in order to see whether the thickness of the plates is within
the tolerance limits. Taking into account that the measured
sample should be at least 10 mm thick and that the
measuring area should be 30 mm in diameter, 10 samples of
4040 mm were placed one over another and then
Measured values of printing plate thickness (Tab. 1)
show that mean values of thickness do not deviate more than
0,002 mm. This result confirms that observed photopolymer
plates show consistency in thickness of individual plate as
Tehniki vjesnik 17, 4(2010), 403-410

D. Novakovi, S. Dedijer, S. Mahovi Poljaek

Model poboljanja izrade fleksotiskarskih tiskovnih formi

Figure 11 Printing plate hardness, mean value

Slika 11. Tvrdoa tiskovne forme. srednja vrijednost
Table 1 Thickness of the printing plates
Tablica 1. Debljina tiskovnih formi
Box 1

Box 2

Printing plate

Thickness, mm

Plate 1
Plate 2
Plate 3
Plate 1
Plate 2
Plate 3


value, mm


well as within different packages.

Hardness of the printing plates was measured on the
samples obtained with main exposure of 12 minutes and
development of 8 and 10 rotations of the drum. Each plate
was measured 3 times and then the mean value was
calculated. Printing plate of 1,14 mm of thickness should
have hardness of 75 Sh A with possible tolerances of 2 Sh
A. Lower hardness values could cause increasing of half
tone values in the reproduction stage [12].
According to the results presented in Fig. 11, it can be
seen that printing plate samples obtained with main
exposure of 12 minutes and development of 8 rotations of
the drum have hardness of 74,5 Sh A and that the other
sample developed with 10 rotations has hardness of 75,5 Sh
A. According to these results one can conclude that the
printing plate hardness of samples is within the tolerance

Photopolymer printing plates intended for thermal
development have to be processed by a number of
independent but strictly controlled and harmonized stages,
i.e. back exposure, laser ablation, main exposure, thermal
development, post exposure and light finishing. These
production phases have to be in adequate balance for
providing the printing plates of high quality. On the other
hand, the manufacturers' recommendations are commonly
given for characteristic parameters with certain tolerances
which implies that every plate making stage must be
individually defined according to the reproduction
conditions. The aim of this paper was to define optimal
duration of every processing stage with further
improvement: decreasing of duration of certain stages in
order to accelerate the plate making process with a goal to
obtain the plates with optimal quality.
Technical Gazette 17, 4(2010), 403-410

Testing of different duration of back exposure, main

exposure and different duration of thermal development
stage has shown interesting results: with back exposure of
50 seconds, main exposure of 12 minutes, development of 8
rotations of the drum and post exposure and light finishing
time, it is possible to obtain the same results as
recommended conditions.
The thickness of the printing plates was measured.
Changes in the thickness of the printing plate have great
importance in the reproduction process because the
thickness irregularity influences the halftone values
qualities. Measured values of printing plate thickness show
that the mean values of thickness do not deviate more than
0,002 mm and do not exceed the given tolerances.
Hardness of the printing plates was tested. According to
the results printing plate samples processed with the main
exposure of 12 minutes and development of 8 rotations of
the drum have hardness of 74,5 Sh A and that the other
sample developed with 10 rotations has hardness of 75,5 Sh
A. According to these results one can conclude that the
printing plate hardness of samples is within the tolerance
Obtained results indicate that it is possible to reduce the
duration of back exposure, main exposure, and number of
rotations of the drum during thermal development to obtain
the high quality printing plates. SEM micrographs confirm
the measurements: excellent tone reproduction of halftone
values from 1 to 98 % surface coverage with sharp raster
elements of adequate relief, and reproduction of lines in the
positive and reverse of 0,03 and 0,04 mm. SEM images of
halftone fields of 50 and 75 % coverage confirm the fact that
thermal development with 8 rotations of the drum can be
applied for this kind of photopolymer plates.
According to these results, one can say that
reproduction workflow addressed to a photopolymer plates
for flexographic printing technique can be accelerated.
Since the research was related to a given printing plate
thickness of 1,14 mm, the direction of future research
should lead to the observation of printing plates of higher

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NumericalAnalysis and Computer Science, Sweden 2002.

Authors' addresses
Adrese autora
Dragoljub Novakovi, Prof.
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Novi Sad
Trg Dositeja Obradovia 6
21000 Novi Sad, Srbija
E-mail: [email protected]
Sandra Dedijer, Assistant
Faculty of Technical Sciences
University of Novi Sad
Trg Dositeja Obradovia 6
21000 Novi Sad, Srbija
E-mail: [email protected]
Sanja Mahovi Poljaek, Assistant Prof.
Faculty of Graphic Arts
University of Zagreb
Getaldieva 2
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: [email protected]


Tehniki vjesnik 17, 4(2010), 403-410

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