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love of wisdom


a certain way of thinking that placed the world in the context of its
supernatural origins
- They tended to demote cosmogony (theories about the origins of the world)
- They tend to promote cosmology (theories about the nature of the world).
- All the things are explained through the actions of greek gods
- Handed down from generation to generation
The world we experience is merely a manifestation of a more fundamental
underlying reality.
1. Metaphysics
- Questions the existence of a being
- General worldview
- Almost as similar to ontology (theory of being)
2. Epistemology
- Theory of knowledge: basis and criteria
3. Ethics
- Also called as moral philosophy; under axiology (theory of value)
- What is good? in accordance with:
Social Ethics
Political Philosophy
4. Aesthetics
- Theory of art and beauty
5. Logic
- Reasoning
- Theory of correct inference
- Thales actual words were: The
first principle and basic nature
of all things is water.
Reductionism is a method of
explanation that takes an object
that confronts us on the surface
- greek philosophers who are
as being one kind of thing and
looking answers for
shows that the object can be
metaphysical questions
reduced to a more basic kind of
thing at a deeper but less
obvious level of analysis.
- The first recorded philosopher is
- For Anaximander, the ultimate
Thales of Miletus (ca. 580
stuff behind the four elements
could not itself be one of the
elements. It would have to be
an unobservable, unspecific, in

determinate something-orother, which he called the
Boundless, or the Unlimited
(apeiron in Greek).
- Indeterminate
- thought it was air.
- a correct description of reality
must be expressed in terms of
mathematical formulas
- numbers
- (ca. 470 B.C.E.) of Ephesus:
There is an exchange of all
things for fire and of fire for all
- Reality is composed not of a
number of things but of a
process of continual creation
and destruction.
- You cannot step into the same
river twice. Heraclitus
explained this idea by saying
Everything flows and nothing
abides; everything gives way
and nothing stays fixed.13
Commentators interpreted
Heraclitus to be saying that the
only thing that does not change
is change itself.
- In effect, he said that you cant
step in the same river once.
Being is rational, that only what
can be thought can exist. Since
cannot be thought(without
of it as something), there
is no nothing, there is only Being.
- When does this argument end?
Never! It goes on to infinity.
Therefore, motion would be

impossible even if it were

(PLURALISTS forced to believe that
ultimate reality is composed of a
plurality of things rather than of only
one kind of thing.)
- Believed that everything was
composed of the simplest parts
of the four elements: fire, air,
earth, and water. He called
these elements the four roots.
- Empedocles believed he needed
to posit two forces to explain
change and movement. These
forces he called Love and Strife.
Love is the force of unity,
bringing together unrelated
items to produce new creations,
and Strife is the force of
destruction, breaking down old
unities into fragments.
- Every object in the world
contains seeds of all elements,
and in each object, the seeds of
one element predominate.
- Nous, or Mind. This assumption
means that the universe is
organized according to an
intelligent, rational order.
Leucippus and Democritus
- They saw the world as
composed of material bodies,
which themselves are
composed of groups of atoms.
The Greek word atomon
(atomon) means indivisible,
that which cannot be split.
- Democritus believed it is Earth



(SOPHISTS wise guys;
- most famous (and least cynical)
of the Sophists
- Way to achieve success is
through a careful and prudent
acceptance of traditional
customsnot because they are
true, but because an
understanding and
manipulation of them is
- In fact, everything is relative to
human subjectivity.
- Man is the measure of all things
that are, that they are and of
things that are not, that they
are not. (or simply homo
- Relative; the right thing is what
satisfies self.
- There is nothing (but rhetoric).
In his lectures and in a book he
wrote, he proved the following
1. There is nothing.

2. If there were anything, no one could

know it.
3. If anyone did know it, no one could
communicate it.
- If you could prove it, its true.
- If you convinced people, its true.
- Justice is in the interest of the
stronger. That is to say, might
makes right.
- Showing everyone your strength
and power for people to believe
Callicles and Critias
- two of the most cynical Sophists
- Callicles claimed that traditional
morality is just a clever way for
the weak masses to shackle the
strong individual.
- Traditional morality is just a
clever way for the weak masses
to shackle the strong individual.
- Weak invokes morality.

Presocratic Philosophers
are more concerned on
the natural way than
psychological compared
to Sophists.

SOCRATES (469399 B.C.E.)

- confounded Protagoras homo monsura in Theatetus
- man who was possibly the greatest teacher of all time
- Socrates himself professed to know nothing. The oracle at Delphi said that
therefore Socrates was the wisest of all men.
- Wrote no books
- The Socratic Dialogue (Socratic Method/Diolectical Method) meaning:
Never assume
Dont hesitate to ask
Never pretend to know something
3 parts:
1. A question is posed (e.g., the question of what virtue is, or justice, or truth,
or beauty); Socrates becomes excited and enthusiastic to find someone who
claims to know something.
2. Socrates finds minor flaws in his companions definition and slowly begins
to unravel it, forcing his partner to admit ignorance. (In one dialogue,
Socrates target actually ends up in tears.)
3. An agreement is reached by the two admittedly ignorant companions to
pursue the truth seriously. Almost all the dialogues end inconclusively. Of

course, they must do so. Socrates cannot give his disciples the truth. Each of
us must find it out for ourselves.

In death, he became the universal symbol of martyrdom for the Truth.

The unexamined life is not worth living.

- Disciple (student) of Socrates
- one of the most powerful thinkers in history
- founder of the first university, the Academy
- Platos Allegory (Myth) of the Cave was written in the dialogues of his book:
The Republic
steep and rugged ascent (Platos allegory of education)
Sun (the allegory of enlightenment)
Reality is a hierarchy of being, of knowledge, and of value, with objects
that are most real, most certain, and most valuable at the top.

Published and written The Socratic Dialogue

Theory of Forms:



Established truth
with proof
We got through
From thoughts
We got it from

- theories are themselves images of something higher the eternal truths that
are the source of all Reality


Beauty, Good, Love (You are only in love with the idea itself but never the
person), Justice
What you see is the only thing that matters

ARISTOTLE (384322 B.C.E.)

- Platos student
- founded an academy of his own, the Lyceum.
- There is only one world and that we are right smack in the middle of it.
- Sensible world (copes/shadows)
- Form Essence Actuality Happiness = Virtue = Excellence
Essence is Actuality
- Matter Substance Potentiality
Substance is to subsist (exist independently); An object with both

form and matter

The material cause is the stuff out of which something is made (e.g.,
a chunk of marble that is to become a statue). The formal cause is
the form, or essence, of the statue, that which it strives to be. (This
form exists both in the mind of the artist and potentially in the marble
itself.) The efficient cause is the actual force that brings about the
change (the sculptors chipping the block of stone). The final cause is
the ultimate purpose of the object (e.g., to beautify the Parthenon).
- Each individual substance is a self-contained teleological (i.e., goaloriented) system.
The Greek word is arte and translated in English as excellence.
Aret is that quality of any act, endeavor, or object that makes
them successful acts, endeavors, or objects.
Two kinds:
1. Intellectual virtues are acquired through a combination of
inheritance and education, and moral virtues through imitation,
practice, and habit
a. Philosophical Wisdom is the wisdom necessary to make
judgments consistent with ones understanding of the good life

b. Practical Wisdom
2. Moral Virtue are habit resulting in States of Character.

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