Jib Sheet: From The Commodore

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Commodore Don Rodwancy


My year at the helm is

now coming to a close.
First, I truly have enjoyed
being the Commodore of
Port Clinton Yacht Club
for 2015 and the journey
it took to get here. It has
been a rewarding experience to serve and represent the entire membership during this amazing
year. As I reflect over
the past few years, including my Commodore year
there are three phenomena that stand out the
most; great memories and
good times, serving and
accomplishing objectives
for the club and the
friendships gained along
the way. Looking forward
to 2016 and beyond, I realize I can still experience
all three of those objectives without having to
write about them!

From The Commodore

I would like to thank the
many past Commodores
that provided guidance,
inspiration, and history to
me throughout the year,
it was always valuable!
This past year in particular, a special thanks goes
out to PC John Bolte for
his countless hours working with the planning
committee, PC Todd Bickley for doing double duty
as the Flag and Planning
Committees Secretary,
the Flag & Board as a
whole, Chuck and Eric for
all they do to keep the
Club running, Ted and his
bar team and the special
Committees I formed as
well as the members of
those committees.
Thanks to all of you for
your support, work and
guidance it has been
much appreciated. Finally, I would like to
thank my wife Terry for
her guidance and support
throughout these past 9
At the November Annual
Membership Meeting the
new slate of Officers was
approved and they will be

formally installed on Saturday December 12th. For

2016 our new Commodore
Doug Shealy, ViceCommodore - Dave Obergefell, Rear Commodore Bob Mosser; Trustees Phillip Bolte, Dave Bringman, Bill Taylor Jr, PC
Geoff Baily; TreasurerJim Recker; Secretary-PC
Todd Bickley. Please join
us for the induction ceremony at the Change of
Watch and to thank these
fellow members as they
prepare to guide our Club
in 2016.
Did you make it to the
Commodores Ball? What
an awesome evening! I
would like to give much
thanks to the Nitzs, Bickleys and Obergefells as
well as the other committee members who worked
very hard to put together
a very memorable evening. It is one of those
great memories I spoke of
earlier! Pictures from that
evening can be viewed on
Glorias website at
Do you know someone
who has gone above and

beyond for our Club? Why

not nominate them for
the Oliver True Memorial
Award? All nominations
need to be submitted by
December 11th and the
winner is announced at
the Recognition Dinner in
January. You can leave
your nomination in a
sealed envelope at the
bar or give it any Flag
Have you been following
the progress on our new
pool? Log onto our Facebook page and check out
the pictures Ted is posting on a regular basis.
Thanks Ted! With all the
mild weather the progress has been great and
they are ahead of schedule.
In closing, I would like to
wish everyone a safe and
Happy Holiday season
and Terry and I look forward to seeing you at the

Page 2


The Rear Perspective

The boating season is behind us
and the facility is ready for the
cold weather. If you have not
already done so, please secure
your dock boxes for winter, get
rid of bikes, umbrellas and other
items which make the grounds
unsightly and difficult for spring
cleanup. The pool is proceeding
extremely well thanks to the
great weather, a good contractor
and our own PC John Bolte. We
are now focusing on interior improvements which can be done
without major expenditures,
such as the recent painting of
the ballroom. The lounge chair
refurbishment has begun and
the lounge ceiling has been purchased and is awaiting a work
party for installation. Painting
will also take place soon in the
hallway and lounge soffits as
well as lighting improvements
for energy reductions. We have
a long list of projects for the winter in an effort to make the best
use of Erics time while spending

minimal funds given our major

pool expense.
On behalf of VC Doug Shealy
and the entire board, I would
like to thank our Commodore
Don Rodwancy for his leadership
through the exciting year of
2015, which will go down as the
year of the pool for many years
to come. I would like to thank all
my committee chairs including
Dock chair - PC Denny Bergman,
Landscape chair - Fred Pachasa,
Tennis Chair PC Mike Hablitzel, and Pool Chairs Cory &
Renee Stine, Eric & Diane Zeitzheim, and Martha & Duane Snyder. I thank the many PCs
who offered advice about serving
on the flag and leadership of the
club. I thank the staff of Eric,
Chuck, Ted, Vickie, and Corrine
for their dedication and hard
work. I especially thank Cindy
for her patience when I went
right from the airport to the club
after a busy work week. Special

thanks to all the members who

volunteer, which is the true
strength of PCYC. It has been a
true privilege to serve the membership in the RC role and I look
forward to serving as your VC in
2016. Some have said the VC
year is a bit of break, but I hope
not as we have so much to accomplish together. I am truly
excited about working with Commodore Doug, Rear Commodore
Bob, the entire board and especially all the members. It is
your club and hopefully we will
serve you well.
Safe and happy holidays to you
and all yours!
RC Dave Oberegfell

Just a reminder that under Dock and Boat Regulations #7 states that dock charges for members will be at the current per foot rate and will be based on the longer of the length of the dock or the length of the boat, with the length
of the boat to include bow pulpits and swim platforms.
Since I have been Dock Chairman we have enforced this rule with any new boat. However, I have been informed
that several boats in the club have
not been charged the right footage over the years. Next spring after all boats are in the marina we will be evaluating all boats for length and adding footage to those who exceed the dock length.
Also, if you missed the annual meeting the transit docking fee for PCYC members will increase from $.35 per foot
to $.75 times the length of your boat per day.
PC Denny Bergeman
Dockage Chairman

Commodore Don Rodwancy

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Fleet Captain of Sail

Greetings to all PCYC Members.
As the season comes to an end
we are finalizing the calendar for
next year. That includes arranging for a Level 1 Instructor
Course for our Jr. Learn to Sail
Instructors. All of our boats have
now been safely tucked away
awaiting the spring retrieval and
early season regattas.
Some highpoints of the fall season include Thanksgiving followed by the I-LYA Winter Meeting in Perrysburg and the
Change of Watch. The I-LYA
Meeting is December 4-5. On
Friday Evening Dec. 4 the Sail
Fleet and Power Fleet will have
a Hospitality Room. This room is
open to all our members. This is
a great opportunity to get together with other Clubs who we
travel with during the boating
season. We look forward to seeing all of our members for the
activities both Friday Night and
the meetings on Saturday.

The Change of Watch is Saturday Evening, December 12.We

look forward to all our members
welcoming the new Officers. As
a reminder there is a Recognition Dinner held on January 9.
At this time the Sail Fleet will
recognize the winners of the
Shark Award presented to the
member who has shown the most
support for the Sail Fleet. We
will also award the George
Schade Memorial Trophy to the
Jr. Sailor or Sailors who have
members of the PCYC Jr. Race
Team. This latter award is
awarded based on points earned
during the Jr. Sailing Race Season. We encourage the recommendation of candidates for this

and the Boomerang Regatta in

Ft. Lauderdale. I will be working
on the Laser Race Committee in
both events.
It has been a wonderful and rewarding year for our family. We
look forward to seeing our PCYC
friends in the Florida Keys and
Key West and being back by
March to get ready for another
great year.
Thanks for all your support. Our
next Jr. Sail Team Article will be
written by JJ Miller in the
January Newsletter. Sail On!
Jim Miller, FCoS

Following the Change of Watch

my family and I will be heading
to Florida for the holidays to participate in the Winter Sailing
Season. JJ will be racing in the
Orange Bowl Regatta in Miami

Fleet Captain of Power

The boats have all been shored
for the winter as the marina
now looks barren. As we head
into the winter months, please
remember that the PIB "Ice
Breaker" is a mere four months
away. The ILYA will be holding
their winter meetings the weekend of December 4th and 5th at
the Holiday Inn French Quarter
in Perrysburg. Friday December
4th PCYC will be hosting a Hos-

pitality Room. Please join us as

this is sure to be a great time
and also an opportunity to show
off our club.
I would like to thank everyone
for their support over the past
three years. It has been my
privilege to serve as Fleet Captain of Power. I truly appreciate
all of the friendships that have
been formed over this time. Rest

assured the power fleet is in

good hands with Steve Hales
taking over for 2016. I am looking forward to cruising with all
of you in the near future.
Happy Holidays,
RJ Basil

December 2015









Taco Buffett
$6.00 6pm
Brownie sundae
dessert & Margaritas at the bar!



10:00am to Noon Adults $6.00

Children 12 and under FREE
Meet with Santa, free gift,
photo, "reindeer games",
craft and ornament decorating


Cost: $10.00
Guests are welcome








5:30 p.m. til gone


















JANUARY 1,1,2016

Heavy Hors
D'oeuvres 7:30p
THe jUNK! Band 9-1pm
Midnight Champagne
Toast & Party Favors
$25 Per Person
Pre-pay & Sign up at
the bar


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