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Assistance PubliqueHpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Hpital Bictre, Service de Pharmacie Clinique et Pharmacocintique, Le Kremlin-Bictre; 2Dpartement
Hospitalo, Universitaire Hepatinov, 3INSERM SC10-US019, and 4AP-HP, Hpital Paul Brousse, Service de Virologie, Villejuif; 5AP-HP, Hpital Saint-Louis,
Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales et INSERM U941, Universit Paris VII Denis Diderot; 6Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service des Maladies
Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hpital de la Croix-Rousse et INSERM U1052; 7AP-HP, Hpital Bictre, Service de Mdecine Interne et Maladies Infectieuses,
Le Kremlin-Bictre; and 8AP-HP, Hpital Paul Brousse, Centre Hpato-Biliaire et INSERM UMR-S785 Villejuif, France
Background. The end-stage LIVER disease and RALtegravir-Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les
hpatites (LIVERAL-ANRS) 148 study aimed to evaluate the safety, efcacy, and pharmacokinetic parameters of
raltegravir (RAL) in human immunodeciency virus (HIV)infected patients with end-stage liver disease (ESLD)
(substudy 1) and to assess the lack of pharmacokinetic interaction between RAL and the immunosuppressive regimen introduced after liver transplant (substudy 2).
Methods. All patients received 400 mg RAL twice daily plus 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Liver
function and immunovirological parameters were monitored throughout the study. Serial blood samples were drawn
to explore RAL pharmacokinetics. Plasma concentrations of protein unbound, total RAL, and RAL glucuronide were
determined by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry.
Results. Ten patients with ESLD were analyzed in substudy 1. Despite an increased RAL exposure, RAL was well
tolerated in all patients and no patient had to stop RAL therapy because of adverse events. Four patients were analyzed in substudy 2. No pharmacokinetic interaction was observed between cyclosporine, mycophenolic acid, and
RAL. RAL tolerability was excellent; there were no episodes of acute rejection or opportunistic infection. HIV-RNA
levels remained controlled and CD4 cell counts remained stable in all patients throughout the study.
Conclusions. The results of the substudy 1 support RAL administration to patients with ESLD. Substudy 2 assesses the safety, tolerability, and efcacy of RAL therapy in HIV-infected patients after liver transplant. RAL might
be recommended as a suitable antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients undergoing liver transplant.
Raltegravir (RAL) was the rst human immunodeciency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase inhibitor to be
approved. It is orally administered at a dose of 400 mg
in liver dysfunction. Some investigations have shown that, indeed, this is dependent on the isoenzymes involved.
Although UGT1A9, UGT1A1, or UGT2B10 levels appear to
be maintained during liver dysfunction, recent investigations
evidenced a signicant decrease in UGT1A6 [9, 10]. As endstage liver disease (ESLD) is becoming an increasingly severe
problem in HIV-infected patients, with a rise in the demand
for liver transplant (LT), studies of the relevance of RALbased therapy in a context of severe liver disease are crucial. Despite recent advances in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and
hepatitis C, LT remains the ultimate option for the treatment of
patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis and can now be
performed successfully in eligible HIV-infected patients [11].
In the period immediately following transplant, the immunosuppressive regimen generally includes calcineurin inhibitors,
cyclosporine or tacrolimus, mycophenolic acid, and corticosteroids. One major problem is the occurrence of pharmacokinetic
interactions between calcineurin inhibitors and many antiretroviral drugs that share the same metabolic pathway through cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) [12]. Indeed, protease inhibitors
are potent CYP3A4 inhibitors [12], whereas nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are CYP3A4 inducers [13]. RAL is
not a CYP3A4 substrate; therefore, using an RAL-based regimen after LT may improve the management of the immunosuppressive treatment after antiretroviral introduction in the
posttransplant period.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the safety, efcacy,
and pharmacokinetic parameters of RAL in HIV-infected patients with ESLD and to assess the degree of pharmacokinetic
interaction between RAL and the immunosuppressive regimen
introduced after LT.
immunoassay method in the same laboratory (Architect, Abbott). MPA and RAL assays were performed in a centralized
laboratory. Plasma concentrations of total and unbound MPA
were determined by validated reverse-phase high-performance
liquid chromatography methods, after protein precipitation and
centrifugation through Centrifree devices (Millipore), respectively [17]. Limits of quantication were 0.1 and 0.025 mg/L, respectively. Plasma concentrations of total RAL, unbound RAL
and inactive RAL glucuronide were measured by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Total RAL
concentrations were determined after protein precipitation [18].
As we had no access to puried RAL glucuronide, this metabolite was hydrolyzed using -glucuronidase (Helix pomatia,
Sigma) during a 16-hour incubation at 37C [19] to yield
RAL, which was measured as described above. RAL glucuronide
concentrations were calculated as the difference between RAL
concentrations before and after hydrolysis. Unbound RAL was
assayed in ultraltrate by a separate validated LC-MS/MS method [7]. The limits of quantication were 2.5 and 1.0 ng/mL for
total and unbound RAL, respectively. For each of the methods
described here, within-day and between-day coefcients of
M3 (n = 7)a
Screening (n = 10)
Substudy 2 (n = 5)
D7 (n = 5)
M3 (n = 4)
50 (3963)
47 (4452)
21 (1628)
60 (4774)
22 (1830)
60 (4985)
23 (1624)
66 (5076)
19 (1622)
60 (4970)
Blood parameters
HIV/HCV coinfection
Lymphocytes, cells/L
763 (5301640)
907 (5201100)
365 (350380)
380 (330410)
259 (57604)
260 (120315)
130 (109160)
76 (70100)
CD4 %
MELD score
25 (1443)
12 (526)
27 (2445)
8 (318)
38 (1042)
22 (1125)
Child-Pugh score
10 (614)
65 (3694)
28 (2242)
68 (4577)
89 (52117)
28 (2535)
132 (129138)
74 (25150)
89 (38120)
37 (22104)
66 (22105)
43 (6104)
70 (29261)
51 (43121)
68 (34191)
80 (9204)
303 (101423)
66 (3598)
148 (323628)
126 (56273)
109 (52173)
230 (49413)
131 (652125)
35 (14397)
56 (3278)
19 (1232)
61 (3080)
51 (18116)
70 (63100)
33 (1053)
90 (73100)
52 (33117)
59 (33139)
1.55 (1.202.59)
1.40 (1.172.71)
104 (83138)
125 (66150)
1.24 (0.971.40)
1.07 (0.851.21)
Values are expressed as median (range). Substudy 1: patients with end-stage liver disease; substudy 2: recipients of liver transplant.
Abbreviations: ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; GGT, -glutamyltransferase;
HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; INR, international normalized ratio; M1, month 1; M3, month 3; MELD, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease.
Two patients were transplanted before the M3 visit, and 1 patient did not take his visit at M3 but rather at M6.
Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by a noncompartmental method, with Phoenix WinNonlin 1.3 (PharsightCertara). AUC values were calculated with the linear up/
log-down trapezoidal rule. In substudy 1, we calculated RAL
Area Under the Concentrations versus time curve during a
9-hour interval (AUC09) (up to last sample time) rather than
AUC012, due to the erratic nature of the pharmacokinetic proles obtained for RAL. In substudy 2, the absence of enterohepatic MPA recycling made it possible to calculate the AUC012
for MPA. The Cmax, Tmax, and predose trough concentrations
(Cmin) obtained were observed values. The unbound fraction
of RAL was determined as the AUC09 ratio of unbound RAL
to that of total RAL, and the unbound fraction of MPA was calculated as the AUC012 ratio of unbound MPA to total MPA.
Metabolic index was calculated from the AUC09 ratio of RAL
The median pharmacokinetic parameters for RAL are summarized in Table 2 and are in the same range for both substudies.
The concentration of unbound RAL varied considerably between individuals in both populations (Figure 1). Whatever
the substudy, the unbound fraction of RAL was stable over
the dosing interval and was not correlated with albumin
In patients with ESLD, median RAL AUC seemed to be unchanged whether measured in the presence or absence of ascites
(33 451 [range, 516354 830] ng h/mL, n = 8 or 13 247 and
65 972 ng h/mL, n = 2). Plasma concentrationtime proles
for total RAL and RAL glucuronide were similar (Figure 1).
In LT recipients, RAL glucuronide concentrations were slightly
higher than total RAL concentrations (Figure 2). The 3 patients
who received RAL concomitantly with a proton pump inhibitor
had the highest AUC09 values for total RAL (65 972, 42 189,
and 52 653 ng.h/mL).
Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Mycophenolic Acid
and Cyclosporine
Table 2. Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Total and Unbound Raltegravir and Raltegravir Glucuronide in Substudy 1 and Substudy 2
Pharmacokinetic Parameters
Substudy 1 (n = 10)
Interpatient CV, %
Substudy 2 (n = 4)
Interpatient CV, %
421 (368148)
8759 (88916 203)
460 (1671927)
6953 (545414 812)
Total raltegravir
Cmin, ng/mL
Cmax, ng/mL
Tmax, h
2.0 (1.07.0)
AUC09, ng h/mL
Unbound raltegravir
2.5 (1.04.9)
32 373 (16 23052 653)
Cmin, ng/mL
81 (111314)
82 (29295)
Cmax, ng/mL
Tmax, h
1574 (1762638)
2.0 (1.07.0)
866 (8312576)
2.5 (1.04.9)
AUC09, ng h/mL
6110 (9039863)
4190 (25336737)
Unbound fraction, %
Raltegravir glucuronide
18.6 (12.332.3)
13.9 (11.815.6)
Cmin, ng/mL
4341 (5068322)
Cmax, ng/mL
Tmax, h
AUC09, ng h/mL
Metabolic ratio
0.9 (0.32.5)
2.1 (0.93.1)
The main demographic characteristics and laboratory parameters are shown in Table 1. Ten patients were analyzed in substudy 1. The causes of ESLD were hepatitis C cirrhosis (8/10),
hepatitis B cirrhosis (1/10) and nodular regenerative hyperplasia (1/10). Eight of the 10 patients had a history of ascites before
their inclusion, and only 1 patient exhibited reoccurrence of
ascites after improvement. Median follow-up was 11 weeks
(range, 414 weeks).
Five LT recipients were included in substudy 2, of whom 2
also consented to participate in substudy 1. Four were analyzed.
The indications for LT were hepatitis B cirrhosis (1/5) and hepatitis C cirrhosis (4/5). Daily doses of cyclosporine and MPA
ranged from 175 to 550 mg twice daily and from 500 to 1000
mg twice daily, respectively. No modications of cyclosporine
or MPA dosage were made between D7 and M1. In this substudy, median follow-up was 12 weeks (range, 114 weeks).
One patient in substudy 1 and 2 patients in substudy 2 received RAL concomitantly with a proton pump inhibitor.
None of the other concomitant medication taken in either substudy was expected to have a clinically meaningful effect on
RAL metabolism. Five of the 13 viral transcriptase gene
Pharmacokinetic Parameters
Day 7 After
M1 After
Total MPA
AUC012 normalized, mg h/L
17.8 (12.154.6)
13.5 (8.730.8)
0.73 (0.493.98)
4.6 (3.37.3)
0.69 (0.591.24)
5.0 (4.06.8)
15.5 (10.625.5)
14.6 (12.335.7)
Unbound MPA
AUC012 normalized, mg h/L
Unbound fraction, %
AUC012 normalized,
ng h/mL/mg
In this study, we determined the pharmacokinetic parameters
of RAL in patients with ESLD and in LT recipients. This information is important because the target population for RAL
treatment includes HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)coinfected
patients with hepatic impairment. Our ndings suggest that despite an increased RAL exposure in patients with ESLD, RAL
was well tolerated. Our study therefore supports the administration of RAL to patients with ESLD. This study also demonstrated the absence of pharmacokinetic interaction between RAL
and cyclosporine and MPA after LT. RAL may therefore be considered a suitable antiretroviral treatment for HIV-infected patients undergoing LT.
RAL Cmin, Cmax, and AUC reported in substudy 1 in patients
with ESLD (Cmin range, 368148 ng/mL) were higher than those
observed in patients with normal liver function (Cmin range, 15
2223 ng/mL) [20]. We conrmed the high variability of RAL parameters, showed by the high interpatient coefcient of variation.
This result is in line with previous ndings [21]. Many factors
potentially impacting the variability of RAL pharmacokinetics
have been identied, such as food intake and the coadministration of proton pump inhibitors [6, 22] accounting for the
high intersubject variability. In our study, RAL pharmacokinetic
parameters were measured in the fasting state, which may account for the higher concentrations reported in subjects with
normal liver function and no food restriction [20, 23]. We obtained higher RAL Cmax and AUC values than those reported
by Iwamoto et al [24] for patients with moderate hepatic insufciency, but our results are consistent with those recently published by Hernandez-Novoa et al [25], who demonstrated
higher levels of RAL exposure in patients with advanced cirrhosis,
with no increase in toxicity, in 10 HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.
An increase in the unbound fraction of drugs that normally
bind strongly to albumin has been reported in patients with severe liver disease [26]. In our study, the unbound fraction of
RAL was 18.6% (range, 12.3%32.3%), consistent with the
mean unbound fraction of 17% previously reported for patients
with normal liver function [5]. The change in unbound RAL
concentration over time seems to parallel that of total RAL concentration, indicating a lack of change in protein binding over
the dosing interval. No correlation with albumin concentration
was observed, in contrast to previous ndings [7], probably because all the patients presented hypoalbuminemia, with albumin concentrations <35.0 g/L and falling within a narrow
range (23.735.0 g/L). We analyzed, for the rst time, the pharmacokinetic parameters of RAL glucuronide and RAL metabolic index. The change in RAL glucuronide concentration
in plasma over time closely paralleled that of total RAL concentration, with the highest RAL glucuronide concentration measured 3.0 hours (range, 2.07.2 hours) after drug intake. The
median metabolic index in patients with ESLD was lower
than that measured in 9 HIV-infected patients with normal
liver function included in the ANRS 139 TRIO study (0.9
[range, 0.32.5] vs 1.2 [range, 0.43.3]; C. Barau, personal unpublished work), suggesting weak and not clinically signicant
impairment of liver metabolism of RAL in patients with ESLD.
Indeed, unlike cytochrome-based metabolism, the glucuronidation of various drugs has been shown to be unaffected by severe
liver disease [9, 27, 28]. The underlying mechanism has not been
completely elucidated, but may involve extrahepatic metabolism, particularly in the kidney, or the release or activation of
latent enzymes during liver injury [28, 29]. It was demonstrated
that liver diseases have no signicant effect on UGT1A1 protein
levels [10], conrming the little potential for altered glucuronidation of RAL observed in vivo in this study.
RAL was previously demonstrated to be a safe option for
HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with brosis stage 2 or cirrhosis [30]. Our study conrms these results, because despite the
high RAL concentrations observed in the patients with ELSD,
RAL was well tolerated with no aggravation or are-up of alanine aminotransferase/aspartate aminotransferase activity and
no VL breakthrough. Bilirubin concentration and MELD
score decreased in 4 patients who switched from atazanavir, a
UGT1A1 inhibitor, to RAL. MELD score remained stable
throughout the study, and no clinical events were observed.
No adjustment of the dose of RAL was required in this population, and no risk of subtherapeutic concentrations is to be expected in case of ascites.
therapy in HIV-infected patients after LT. Moreover, cyclosporine and MPA exposure remained unchanged after the introduction of RAL, avoiding the need to manage drugdrug
interactions during the immediate post-LT period. RAL might
be recommended as a suitable antiretroviral therapy in HIVinfected patients undergoing LT.
Acknowledgments. We express our gratitude to all the patients who
participated in this study.
Financial support. This trial was conducted with the support of Merck
Sharp & Dohme-Chibret.
Potential conicts of interest. All authors: No reported conicts.
All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
Conicts of Interest. Conicts that the editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript have been disclosed.
The members of LIVERAL-ANRS 148 Study Team were
as follows: Chair, E. Teicher; Co-chair, J.-C. Duclos-Valle;
Methodology, J.-P. Aboulker; Project managers, J. Braun and
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11. Duclos-Vallee JC, Feray C, Sebagh M, et al. Survival and recurrence of
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12. Teicher E, Vincent I, Bonhomme-Faivre L, et al. Effect of highly active
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I. Fournier; Statistician, C. Vincent; Monitoring and data management, A. Arulananthan, V. Eliette, F. Euphrasie, B. Guillon,
P. Ralaimazava; Virologists, S. Ham-Boukobza, A.-M. RoqueAfonso; Pharmaceutical, L. Bonhomme-Faivre, E. Rudant;
Pharmacologist, A.-M. Taburet. Scientic Committee: J. P.
Aboulker, L. Bonhomme-Faivre, J. Braun, S. Coufn-Cadiergues,
C. Delaugerre, J.-C. Duclos-Valle, F. Durand, S. Ham-Boukobza,
P. Ralaimazava, A.-M. Taburet, E. Teicher, C. Vincent, D. Vittecoq.
Data Safety and Monitoring Board: P. Flandre, R. Garraffo,