Chapter-2: Technological Development in Banking
Chapter-2: Technological Development in Banking
Chapter-2: Technological Development in Banking
Advent of computer technology has created a major impact on working of banks. The
computerization and subsequent development in history of Indian banks can be traced
back to 1966 when Indian Bankers Association (IBA) along with exchange banks
association signed first wage settlement with the union, which accounted for the use of
IBM or ICT accounting machines for inter-branch reconciliation etc. As per the reports
of RBI the first wave in banking technology began with the use of Advanced Ledger
Posting Machines (ALPM) in the 1980s. The RBI advised all the banks to go in for huge
computerization at the branch level. There were two options: Automate the front office or
the back office. Many banks opted for automating the front office.
In the first phase, Whereas banks like State Bank of India also concentrated on
the back office automation at the branch level. The Second wave of development was
Total Branch Automation (TBA) which came in late 1980s. This automated both the
front-end and back-end operations within the same branch. TBA comprised of total
automation of a particular branch with its own database. In the third wave, the new
private sector banks entered into the field of automation. These banks opted for different
models of having a single centralized database instead of having multiple databases for
all their branches. This was possible due to the availability of good network
infrastructure. Earlier, banks were not confident of running the whole operation through a
single data center. However, when a couple of private sector banks showed that it could
be done efficiently, other banks began to show interest and they also began consolidating
their databases into a single database. The banks followed up on this move by choosing
suitable application software that would support centralized operations. The fourth wave
started with the evolution of the ATM delivery channel. This was the first stage of
empowerment of the customer for his own transactions. The second stage was the
Suvidha experiment in Bangalore. This showed the power of technology and how the
reach can be increased amazingly at a great pace. Seeing these, all the banks started
revamping their retail delivery channels. Their core focus became increasing the number
of customers they can service at a lower cost. The main channels for these were internet
banking and mobile banking. After this, came the alliances for payment through various
other gateways. The third important development happening now is the real-time gross
settlement system of the RBI. Once this was in place, transactions between banks could
be done through the settlement system, online, electronically thereby, ensuring faster
collection. The process of computerization had started from back Office application, after
that Total Branch Automation and nowadays it is the period of implementation of Core
Banking Solutions (CBS).
A key trend in the last couple of years has focused core banking systems. With the
implementation of core banking systems across the banks, the usage level of IT for
customer management has increased. Core banking systems have enabled banks to launch
new products and services targeting specific customer segments after understanding their
banking and investment requirements.ATM, internet banking and mobile banking has
improved customer convenience by providing anywhere any time banking services. The
utility bill presenting and payment has help customers to pay their bills online at the click
of a button. Electronic clearing system and electronic funds transfer facilitate faster funds
movement and settlement for the customers of different banks and different centers. The
electronic data interchange and cash management service facilities have enabled better
funds management for the customer. Very few banks offered customers the ability to
access their accounts and perform at least simple money transactions using internet
banking. Advancements in information technology had make possibility for the banks to
use the internet as a delivery channel for banking services. Technological developments
has introduce tremendous changes in the ability of financial and non financial firms to
efficiently collect, store, use and sell information about their customers.
Balasubramanya S.(2002) in his study analyzed that the automation in the banking
sector has come a long way starting with the Rangarajan Committee report on the
banking sector reforms during the eighties, followed by reports of the Narasimhan
Committee in the nineties. With over 65,000 branches of the banks (public, private and
the cooperative sector) in the country, the author found that the percentage of branches
covered by automation was very low. Though many banks had claimed that more than
70% business has been automated due to the enforcement of RBI guidelines, in reality it
was much lower, as many functions in each branch were still done manually or with
partial automation. Hence, there is a significant amount of automation work to be achieve
in the banking sector.
manual banking. They are now no more relevant. The banking work space has changed
for good. Bank branches are now sporting a smart look with refurbished interior,
radiating corporate color, well dressed bank logos, wide glass doors, and plush interiors
and well developed customer lounges etc.
The well painted signage, clear guidance in the branch, customer information,
display of product information, enquiry kiosk, smiling relationship assistants in some
banks adds to the modern branch set up. The low height counters handled by trained
employees wearing inviting look, customers having one to one interface with
departments, banking halls buzzing with clicks of mouse, laptops, computers, currency
notes zipping through the counting machines form part of modernized attire of bank
branches at least in metro cities. The eerie silence of customers and staff, an assured
quick servicing system, provides an atmosphere for maintaining focused quality of
service in the branches. The onsite ATMs, teller counters, swipe machines / kiosks have
speed up standard transactions of every day need of consumers. With the onset of
alternative delivery channels, even the branch timings are not very significant. Phone and
mobile banking, smart cards, debit cards, rechargeable electronic purse are also some of
the modern day banking facilities that allow round the clock access. With the profile and
aptitude of bank consumers fast changing toward the use of ICT facilities, the popularity
of e-channels of banking are set to assume more significance. Banks are fast gearing up
to introduce add-on services to attract young generation of customers.
It can further be observe that with most of the banks migrating to Core Banking
Solutions (CBS), the transaction platform has become common facilitating use of ATMs
of any bank at the ATMs of any other bank / institution so long as they are connected
with a common payment system like VISA/MasterCard. This connectivity has remove
even the limitations in the use of debit/credit cards.
The ICT driven value proposition has transformed the whole range of banking services to
customers. It has proved to be a great customer centric enabler for banks to induce
innovation. It has made the life of bank employees much better. The skill sets of
employees can also be diversified and synchronized with current needs. The rigors of
reconciliation, matching of entries, the time spent earlier on housekeeping are now better
used for business development. Though technology brought relief to both banks and
consumers, its entry into banking system was initially sluggish. The resistance to change
is always a challenge. But the foundation for large-scale induction of IT in the banking
sector was provided on the recommendations of the committees headed by Dr. C.
Rangarajan, in 1984 and 1989. Subsequently, in 1994, the Reserve Bank constituted a
committee on 'Technology Up-gradation in the Banking Sector'. This committee too
made a number of recommendations covering payment systems including setting up of an
autonomous centre for development and research in banking technology.
of technology and works on evolving suitable security systems to protect the mass of
bank data. It sets a framework for sustained scaling up of ICT capabilities of the banking
industry to move towards international standards.
ATMs has reached 60153, of which 45.7% are off-site ATMs. The service charges on use
of other bank's ATMs have been dispensed with in first five transactions in a month. The
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) have also begun to move to CBS mode. The cumulative
ICT spent in banks from September 1999 up to March 2012 works out to Rs 22052
crores. In order to justify the spent, banks will have to derive the synergy of innovations
to increase revenue streams of banks.
CBS enables use of central shared database support located at the data centre.
Business processes in all the branches of a bank to update a common database in a central
server located at data centre, which gives a consolidated view of the bank's operations.
Branches function as delivery channel, providing innovative range of value added
services to the customers.CBS is an integrated application that supports real-time, multibanking and multi-channel services. The single biggest achievement of implementing the
CBS is that each customer is truly the customer of the bank and not just the customer of
the branch, where his / her account is maintained. With the interlinking of ATMs, the
customer has been further transformed into constituent of the financial sector rather than
a bank.
branches are in a better position to attend to customer needs. These trends indicate that
technology help to hive off many of the branch activities to a different location to enable
branch employees to move in the market and satisfy the customer needs. The ICT has
thus, come to be a strategic business enabler and a means for bringing innovation. The
customers also have begun to enjoy the blend of technology in banking services.
However, despite the use of electronic methods of payments, the use of cheques
may continue for some more years. In order to improve efficiency, reduce operational
risk and time taken for cheque processing, the Reserve Bank has initiated steps to
introduce a Cheque Truncation System (CTS) where scan images of cheques will travel
to their destination in the place of physical cheques. A pilot project has commenced in the
national capital region in Delhi where processing volumes have picked up substantially
and about 70% of the cheques are being routed through the CTS. They are now
expanding the CTS to other centers. Ultimately the whole country would be connected
through 6 or 7 Grids. The stabilization of cheque truncation facility has benefit the
customers immensely.
Table 2.1 Bank Group wise number of transaction in RTGS and NEFT
Bank Group
SBI Group
Nationalized Banks
Foreign Banks
Private Sector Banks
The advantages of popularizing the electronic transmission of funds are twofold. One is
the enhanced speed and efficiency. The other is to ensure compliance with the bank's
KYC policy. Funds coming through the banking channels have more authenticity. Going
much beyond remittances, banks have begun to use the ICT systems to facilitate
centralization of back office operations to ensure more efficiency in serving customers.
iv. Centralization of work processes:
Accordingly, many banks have improved the application areas. Besides the customer
interfacing electronic channels, banks have developed several centralized ICT based
innovative processing centers. Centralized loan processing hubs, city back offices,
regional bank offices, call centers, centralized sales outfits and such other batch activities
are getting pooled in one place. Such centralized processing centers meant for handling
back office work relieves branches of the rigors of non-customer centric activities. Such
approach enables branches to operate on thin model and able to convert into efficient
customer centric sales and service outfit. The new lean branch models are emerging as
customer focused entities providing superior customer experience.
v. Advantages of technology in improving banking services:
Overall, technological innovation has facilitated speedy processing and transmission of
information, provided easy access to the data for marketing of banking products and
improved access of banking service to customers. The development of ICT has facilitated
diversification of product range, broad based product development, and opened up new
service channels. It has moved beyond the scope of inter branch connectivity to interbank
connectivity. The financial services industry has thus become virtually more connected
with the ICT enablers. Most banks made visible efforts to keep up with the new systems
and processes to deliver improved services to customers. Moreover the spurt in
broadband internet users from 35 million in 2007 to 50 million in 2010 is likely to
increase density of internet banking base substantially. By 2020, the internet users are set
to reach 250 million opening up new vistas of growth. The promotion of Internet services
is an extensive, low-cost and convenient innovative online service. It has facilitated
delivery of banking services to customers, anywhere and anytime. Further the integration
of e-trading with internet banking and banks' websites is also a notable feature. These
ICT advancements have enabled banks to gradually replace manual work by automated
procedures with on-line real time processing. Use of ICT in a large way provides relief in
the form of more effective work processes, capacity building to handle larger volume of
transactions with remarkable ease. There is no pressure of incremental rise in the volume
of transactions and rise in number of customers / users. The system would not feel the
presence of such large number of transactions unlike in the manual mode where the
physical queue always posed discomfort. Thus taking the help of technology, banks is
fast moving from 'brick and mortar' banking to virtual banking, though physical presence
is going to stay in India due to the unique nature of Indian banking and varied Indian
demographic pattern. Personal touch and relationship management in banks in India
continues to hold significance as a value proposition to customers despite the massive
automation of banking services.
Through a call center the cost is still cheaper at `8. It comes down to `2 per transaction in
net banking and will be only 50 paisa in mobile banking. The transactions limit in mobile
is now limited to 5000 due to security reasons. The more customers are migrated to
alternative delivery channels, the more will be the reduction in costs. Hence leveraging
ICT will be a critical differentiator for the banks to innovate and save costs.
i. Coverage: One of the biggest challenges relates to the extension of the coverage
of banking services to the remotest parts of the country and to the most vulnerable
ii. Reliable and secure banking transactions.
iii. Proper understanding of the customer: proper identification of their needs and
wants. For this a massive survey must be undertaken may be in collaboration
with other banks.
iv. There is need for transparency in offering services as customers awareness has
grown considerably.
v. Breach of privacy: online transactions enter straightaway into the records
revealing the identity of customer. Thus black money cannot be transferred with
vi. Bandwidth: Though companies claim to offer good speed and high bandwidth,
still there are problems in accessing high speed on net. Internet banking can go
high only on the wings of proper infrastructure comprising telecommunications
and bandwidth.
vii. Computer literacy in India is still very low and that is a barrier in fast acceptance
of Internet banking.
viii. The mindset of the Indian customer needs to be changed.
ix. Customer has to be protected against being "net-jacked" i.e. he needs to be
protected from fraud.
x. Cracking login and passwords is a common way of fiddling with the data.
xi. Denial of services: Directing millions of queries can block computer network.
xii. Data Diddling: Data can be modified in an unauthorized manner. A customer can
therefore receive bills of higher amounts than the actual transactions
xiii. Session hijacking: Hijackers become unauthorized intermediaries between the
server and the client; they can then hijack the data and prevent it from reaching
the destination.
xiv. Application for account opening can be accepted over Internet but account should
be opened only after proper introduction and physical verification of the
customer. Security procedure adopted by bank, for authenticating user, must be
vii) Infrastructure:
The other challenge for e-banking is well developed infrastructure. For effective
deployment of e-banking services, it is necessary to have a reliable and cost effective
infrastructure that can be accessible to the majority of the population. The base
communication infrastructure for e-banking is computer network with internet facility.
Most of the transactions use internet to communicate with the customers. Automating the
banking services is another prerequisite for e-banking. Close financial links between
banks and other financial institutions is necessary. This link is used for clearing and
payment systems among these institutions.
to earn confidence among the customers even it is easier and cheaper than the traditional
2.2.5. Section V: Scope of application of ICT models to tackle key challenges:
Innovation at every level is possible only if the key challenges could be addressed. An
integrated application of ICT in customer facing and back office operations would
substantially reduce the turnaround time of transactions and bring about improvement in
the quality and efficiency of service. Many banks are in the process of integrating more
activities into back office processing to derive full synergy of ICT capabilities. The
benefits of ICT can be broadly classified into the following:
Branch level
MIS level
Many banks have completed the first level of usage and have migrated to the second level
to integrate back office operations. In a dynamic ICT environment, up-gradation of
technology and expanding scope of its usage is an ongoing process. As far as deriving
synergy of technology for improving MIS is concerned, there is lot to be done. Banks
have to adopt Automated Data Flow (ADF) system by developing data warehouse. A
systematic ADF and Data Warehousing seeks to fulfill this requirement in which data is
seamlessly transmitted from the host systems to the recipient system without any manual
intervention thus making the whole process more efficient, consistent and reliable. At the
same time, as a major spin-off benefit, the system of automated data flow also
streamlines the information sharing mechanism at the host level thus serving as a potent
MIS tool and encourages good data management practices. It should help banks not just
to deliver robust and reliable services to their customers at a lower cost, but also generate
and manage information more innovatively and effectively.
On the whole, the banking system is well on course to setup ICT driven delivery
models to improve quality of customer services. In the area of centralize back office
operations and ADF, more action is needed to derive its full synergy.
The IT, Act 2000 should be implemented in totality to handle legal issues.
Converting branches into boutiques catering to the requirements of clients and reengineering the functions of branch banking using technology and delivery
part would strengthen the existing norms in terms of governing and directing the
functioning of these banks.
As regard the banking sector, technology has completely changed the nature and pace of
delivery of banking services world over. Technology enables increased penetration of the
banking system, increases cost effectiveness and makes small value transaction viable.
Besides making product and services affordable and accessible, it simultaneously ensures
viability and profitability to providers. Increased penetration brings further reduction in
costs, which in turn attract more people to avail services. Technology has augmented the
scope, reach and coverage of banking through significant networking and the availability
of a wide variety of new delivery channels to such an extent that the death of the
distances and death of identity has already been accomplished. In addition, banking is
poised to be omnipresent through facilities such as any time and anywhere banking
Proliferation of services offer through ATM networks, IT enabled instant remittances
across banks, customer payments, mobile payments and many more.
The changing face of the banking sector, aided by technological innovations, can be
seen from various developments in the recent past. The most noteworthy has been the
usage of ATM technology. ATM started as a substitute of bank branch allowing their
customers to withdraw cash anytime and to extend their services wherever it would not
be viable to operate a physical branch. The delivery channel revolution can be said to
have begun with ATMs. The phenomenal success of ATMs has made the banking sector
develop more innovative delivery channels to build on cost and service efficiencies. As a
consequence, banks have begun to introduce tele-banking, call centers, internet banking
and mobile banking.
Tele-banking is a good medium for customers to make routine queries and also an
efficient tool for bank to cut down on their man power resources. The call centre is
another channel that captured by imagination of bank as well as customers. At these
centre enormous amount of information is at the fingertips of trained customer service
representative. A call centre not only cut down cost but also improves customer
satisfaction. Moreover it facilitates 24*7 working and offers the human touch that the
customers seek. Mobile banking can be regarded as the delivery channel of the future.
This is because it offers portability and convenience to the users. It is just like having a
bank in the pocket. It would not have been possible for banks to give full benefits of tele
banking, mobile banking, internet banking, and card banking to all its customers without
an appropriate banking solution. CBS is one of the development that has revolutionize the
banking sector. The implementation of core banking system has proven to be a big boon
in providing anywhere access to banking services and the treatment of a customer as that
of a bank not as a constituent of a specific branch. Alongside the banking sector as made
significant efforts to identify security gaps in an IT enabled scenario and has addresses
them effectively as well.
Technology implementation has benefited the banks also due to the facilitation of the
Reserve Bank- both from the operational and legal perspective. In addition, the Reserve
Bank had provided the broad framework for many innovative technology based system.
The guide line on Internet banking and guideline for Information system security/audit in
2001 where early initiatives aimed at ensuring safe and secure technology based
operations by banks. Keeping pace with time and marshalling international practices, RBI
has issued broad guidelines on mobile banking and prepaid (store value cards). These
along with sitting up of systematically important payment and settlement systems such as
RTGS and other retail payment system like ECS (credit and debit clearing), NEFT,
NECS, RTGS have transform the way of banking and todays customer have a wide
array of options to choose from. All these have safety and security at the heart of the
respective system.
In the area of payment and settlement system, where technologies impact the
customer transaction most, there have been significant advancements. The magnetic Ink
Character Recognition (MICR) cheque clearing system processes a staggering 4.5 million
cheques on a single day. The cheque transaction System (CTS) is another innovative
solution that has been developed to enhance the efficiency of paper based clearing
system. CTS have eliminated the need for physical movements of cheques. Speed
clearing has been introduced by the reserve bank to reduce the time taken in clearing up
country cheques and take advantage of and leverage the core banking technology adopted
by banks. The NECS (National Electronic Clearing System), with its centralized
processing capability coupled with the implementation of CBS has brought down the
clearing and settlement system to its current t+1 basis.
A major area where IT security assumes significant pertains to the transformation of
information using IT for communication. Traditionally paper based system have been
subject to certain controls to ensure that the basic requirements pertaining to genuineness,
authenticity etc, are meant with. In the IT based scenario this aspect gain greater
importance not only because of this speed with which IT based electronic information
flow but also on account of the potential havoc that could arise on account of incorrect
While new private sector banks and foreign banks have the edge when it comes to
computerization, public sector banks have not lagged behind in making
investments to computerize their operations. As of end-March 2010, 97.8 % of all
the public sector bank branches have been fully computerized. Of them, 90 %
provide CBS. This figure was 79.4 % at the end of the previous fiscal.
In the past 10 years, public sector banks have spent close to Rs.22, 000 core on
computerization and IT upgrades. For the final half of the 2010 fiscal alone,
spending on this account stood at Rs.1, 370 crore.
The total value of the paper based clearing has been steadily declining, 59% in
volume of transactions and 10% in value terms in the 2010 fiscal year.
The bank started the move towards CBS in early 2000, and the implementation
was complete by 2008. The entire project was handled by Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS), which was the systems integrator, while the other major
technology partners in the project were Hewlett-Packard (HP), Data craft, Cisco
and Microsoft.
Bank of India has spent close to Rs.1, 500 crore on technological up gradation and
computerization of its branches since September 1999.
ATMs have been a big success. It help in reaching banking services to different
parts of the country, said Kalyan Sundar. Almost 75 per cent of Banks of India
cash advances are made through ATMs. Off-site ATMs of public sector banks
witnessed a 70% increase in the 2010 fiscal from the previous fiscal. The number
grew from 9,898 in end-March 2009 to 16,883 by end-March 2010. For private
sector banks, the growth in the number of off-site ATMs in the 2010 fiscal has
been around 19%. The number stood at 9,844 in end-March 2010 as against 8,324
in the previous year. The number of on-site ATMs for public sector banks showed
a growth of 36%. The number grew to 23,797 as of end-March 2010 from 17,379
in the previous fiscal.
ATMs in
increase in
19 %
increase in
Growth of ATMs
Off site ATM
On site ATM
No. of ATMs
ATMs in %
No. of ATMs
16,883 in
the end of
March 2010
9,898 in
the end of
March 2009
increase in
in the
end of
March 2010
17,379 in
the end of
March 2009
9,844 in
8,324 in
the end of
the end of
March March 2010
Source: RBI, ICRA Research
A better and safer environment for electronic transactions has resulted in a sharp
increase in the number of online transactions. The number of RTGS transactions
in public sector banks more than doubled from 6.8 million in the previous year to
16.4 million in 2009-10. The number of RTGS transactions in the private sector
grew to 11.3 million in the 2010 fiscal from 4.2 million in the previous year.
In the private sector, NEFT transaction volumes jumped from 14.4 million in
2008-09 to 29.3 million in 2009-10.
Almost 10 % of our total transactions take place via the electronic mode.
Axis Bank recently introduced the Instant Money Transfer (IMT) system. It is a
remittance facility that allows a withdrawer to get money from an ATM even if
the person does not have a bank account.
Bank of Maharashtra is already gearing up for the 3G revolution. The bank plans
to set up three 3G techno-savvy specialized branches in Mumbai, Delhi and Pune
to cater to the younger generation.
to be with the same blinding speed as the fraud committed, Or else, the fund could
vanish in no time.
5. Business Continuity Plan: Technical experts are familiar with the processes to
be kept ready for activation in response to any disaster that may strike. With the
complexities of modern banking, the BCP is a must for every bank.
2.6.Impact of IT on Banks
Paradigm shift from traditional banking to customized banking is the service that can be
delivered via computer and convenient banking i.e. "Anytime, Anywhere banking". A
customer can check balance by logging into banks website through a user name and
password. In this way he can enquire balance, status of cheques, perform funds transfers,
order drafts, request issue of cheque books etc. Under the impact of technology, the
organization structure of the banks, the role of various functionaries and the approach of
bank to customer are undergoing a perceptible change. The technology helped the bank to
strategically look at customer needs to offer efficient banking services, at the same time
gearing its staff to cope with the stress of technology.
Some of the usual change brought under the impact of IT relating to organizational
change and orientation are as follows:
The need for faster information and better control has a direct impact on reducing
the hierarchical tier system in the banks.
The management processes and controlling mechanism characteristic also
undergone a change.
Managerial attitude also undergone a change under the impact of IT. This is
reflected in the way top executives look at IT as a functional requirement and apply
it for improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
The organizational change can facilitate the increased involvement of information
system in the mainstream product offering in banking and financial sector.
Integrated Internal accounting system: Banks book-keeping is automated, fast and
accurate. It saves time of staff for marketing and other work after the banking
Management information system for middle and top management has improved due
to data classification and retrieval, integrated accounting system, communication
and conferencing system and inters- connectivity of branches.
Cross-selling of various financial products due to data mining and electronic
marketing channels.
The technology is forcing the banks to develop a strategy for an online delivery
system to broaden the customer relationship and to retain customer loyalty.
In bank, the technology pushes the delivery of services out of the bank and the
focus shift from cost reduction of market position.
The advent of IT democratizes the information in the sense that bank customers,
particularly the corporate customer, have access to the same real time information
over which the bank has earlier control. This results in greater competition for
Increasing customer convenience: Any where and any time banking and 24 X 7
day banking, home banking.
Banks can also handle non-banking services for their customers, e.g. payment of
electricity/ telephone/ gas bills, insurance premium and receipt of pension/
interest/ dividends etc.
Prospective customer can gather all the information from the website and thus if
he comes to the branch his queries will be very specific and will take less time of
employee. Customer can visit these websites and can compare the services
offered by a bank with that of another. Customer can get all the information, by
saving money and time. The trend thus emerging out is that of virtual corporate
system where the human role is minimized to maximum effect.
The data must be accurate, up to date and kept no longer than necessary
Special measures over and above the normal computer security procedures should
be taken to preserve the privacy of personal data.
IT has a positive impact on the payment and settlement system of the country. With some
path-breaking initiatives implemented in this area, the Electronification of payment
system has become the hall mark of the decade electronic based payments are superior to
paper system in terms of traceability, efficiency, speed and safety. The introduction of the
Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system has resulted not only compliance with
international standards but also paved the way for risk-free fund transfers settlement on a
real time basis.
The facility for inter-bank funds settlement through RTGS is available across
more than 88,000 branches of banks spanning more than 5,000 centers of the
Having a plan and solution in place for Infrastructure management, and finally,
2.8.The focus area for the organization in strategy and the business benefits
expected out of IT
The banks in India are on a growth path as they are apparent from the organization
strategy they focus on building top line growth while managing costs. The banks have
responded that around 60% of the organizations focus on building top line and around
40% for managing cost. The scenario is consistent across all classifications of the
banks.Around 95% of firms have mentioned that retaining customers is critical and 88%
of firms feel the same about acquiring new customers while only 53% of firms said that
cutting costs is a top priority this year. This is in line with International trends. In
conformance with the expressed plans for growth, banks have mentioned the following
top 5 benefits expected from leveraging IT for business. Following are the strategy
adopted by different banks to enhance their business benefits:
_ New Customer Acquisition
_ Leveraging Cross- Sell Opportunities
_ Increasing Process Efficiency
_ Increasing Customer Service Levels, and
_ Adherence to Compliance
i. New business and new markets: The Indian banking sector is at an exciting point of
evolution. The opportunities to enter new business and new markets and to deliver
higher levels of customer service are immense.
ii. Competition: As the Indian banks are positioning it as financial service provider,
banking businesses are getting redefined. Technology is unsettling the earlier
business processes and customer behavior is also undergoing a change. These have
enhanced the focus of competition.
iii. Competitive advantage: Competitive advantage can be achieved by harnessing the
potential of the employees by creating a positive work culture and enlisting the
support of all the employees to achieve the organizational goals.
iv. Operational strategies: Indian banks have adopted better operational strategies
upgraded their skill to withstood challenges and have become adaptive to the
changing environment.
v. Data quality and consistency: Banks and financial institutions look at common data
standards and protocols so as to make the information systems truly interoperable
and facilitate easy data flow. Information governance is emerging as a distinct
discipline and this deserves much more attention.
vi. IT infrastructure: Banks have accumulated lot of IT infrastructure over the years.
They should actively explore consolidation to improve efficiency and minimize
vii. IT governance: IT governance is an important component of corporate governance
and banks should put necessary processes and organizational structures to improve
performance as well as compliance.
viii. IT Outsourcing: Banks should develop in-house IT skills, broad IT management
and leadership competencies. Banks have become increasingly dependent on third
party IT service providers for all technology needs, to the extent that in many cases
service providers are in control of the banks technology agenda.
ix. IT-Business: IT-Business alignment needs special attention to derive better value
from IT investments.
x. Issue of HRM: Training, development and retaining talented and committed staff is
a major emerging challenge before the public sector banks. Today, employee
performance review systems are neither objective nor transparent. They do not
differentiate high performers, risk takers and innovators lot from amongst the total
staff. Time has come to measure the value of human capital and take urgent steps to
ensure it to its optimum level.
xi. Lack of Actionable Planning: Lack of planning or ineffective planning is very
relevant to public sector banks. Though all the banks have establish performance
budgeting system and created MIS, it does not meet the managements present
requirements. Basically, the entire planning process is deposit and credit oriented. To
tackle this challenge actionable strategic plans which are systematically broken-up
into annual plans and performance is strictly reviewed in terms of the targets and
accountability is fixed for non-performance.
xii. Greater customer-Orientation: Greater customer-orientation is the only way to
retain customer loyalty and to stay ahead of competition. In a market-driven strategy
of development, consumer preference is paramount. Gone are the days when
customers come to the doors of the banks and now banks are required to chase the
customers. Thus, only banks that are customer-centric and extremely focused on the
needs of their clients will succeed and there is need to change the mindset of banks
at all levels on this issue. In fact, they must realize that customer is the only profit
center and all others are overheads. Identification of profitable customers,
understanding their needs and preferences, improving the delivery systems and
reducing the transaction costs for them should become important strategic issues for
banks, to survive in the fiercely competitive environment. Enhancing the customer
base, cross selling of products/services and strengthening the customer relationship
management is the most important aspect.
xiii. Security aspects of banking transactions: Banks are developing alternative
channels of delivery like ATM, Tele-banking, remote access, internet banking
etc.The primary issues center on the following aspects of information security are:
a) Authentication and identity of user: The act of verifying the identity of a user.
b) Confidentiality: The information transmitted has not been intercepted or viewed
by any other party in transit.
c) Integrity: The information sent, received or stored has not been tampered with
modified at any time.
d) Non-repudiation: A particular transaction or action taking place, hold the tests of
court of law.
xiv. Fraud: The kind of fraud that can happen in the emerging banking scenario are as
a) Mail Spoofing: Sending wrong information to bank customers as if it is from
authentic bank sources.
b) Web Spoofing: Diverting the customers of a bank to an exactly duplicated forged
web site and impersonating those customers on real bank site.
c) Attacking the user Computer: To take control of that machine.
d) Attacking a Banks Server: To take control of that machine.
e) Media tapping: Recording the whole transactions of a bank, or customer etc .and
replaying the same for their advantage.
f) Denying Service: Though the server is available, making it not able to render
service, by poisoning the network Infrastructure.
The Indian Banking Industry is witnessing significant double digit growth. The sector is
slowly emerging into a market and is becoming increasing, keeping with global trend and
practices. Some of the key growth areas within the banking sector are private banking,
wealth management and investment banking; they showed potential to become significant
businesses in the coming years. With this high growth activity increasing competition in
the banking sector has emerged as the key differentiator in the marketplace. The universal
application of ICT can change the way banking has been perceived. Beginning with
customer centric services, back office set up, MIS needs of banks has dimensions of
innovations and change in quality. ICT application should further be used for
diversification of more value added services, pursuing financial inclusion with more PoS
terminals, developing CRM data, moving more non-customer activities to remote
locations, better mapping of manpower competence, setting up data warehousing and
MIS architecture to reduce dependence on operational units for monitoring and control.
Technology in Indian banking has surely emerged from being "reactive" to "proactive"
and the need of the hour is to enhance the foundation on which applications of future can
safely stand if the bank is to lead through the next wave of growth in banking.
1. C. Rangarajan (Dr.) Chairman Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
delivered a lecture on Role of Technology in Development of Banking Institute
for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad, 28 November
2. Chakrabarty K. C. (Dr.), Deputy Governor, RBI speech on: Financial deepening
by putting financial inclusion campaign rd into mission mode Address at the 23
Skoch Summit, Mumbai, 17 June 2010.
3. CII-PwC Report of Technology readiness of Indian Banks- Current Indian
banking Scenario Business Strategy.
4. Debabrata Das published an article on Banking revolution Frontline, Volume
27 - Issue 24 Nov. 20-Dec. 03, 2010.
5. K. Srinivasa Rao (Dr.), Deputy General Manager, Bank of Baroda, Mumbai,
Paper on Harnessing ICT Systems :The Spring-Board of Innovation The
Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, January - March 2011,pp-5-12.
6. Mittal, R. K. & Sanjay (2007), Technology in Banking Sector: Issues and
Challenges Vinimaya, Jan-March 2010, pp-18.
7. Neha Dixit, Saroj K. Datta (Dr.) Professor & Dean, Mody Institute of Technology
& science, published a paper on Acceptance of E-banking among Adult
Customers: An Empirical Investigation in India Journal of Internet Banking and
12. Saurabh Srivastava (Dr.), Asst. Professor, B.B.S. Institute of Management &
Technology, published a paper on Internet Banking - A Global Way to Bank
13. Subba Rao (Dr.) D. V. Governor, Reserve Bank of India, A Speech delivered at
the Banking Technology Excellence Awards 2009 at the IDRBT Hyderabad, June
18, 2010. On Harnessing Technology to Bank the Unbanked.