Project File
Project File
Project File
Banking environment has become highly competitive today. To be able to survive and
grow in the changing market environment banks are going for the latest technologies,
which is being perceived as an ‘enabling resource’ that can help in developing learner and
more flexible structure that can respond quickly to the dynamics of a fast changing market
scenario. It is also viewed as an instrument of cost reduction and effective communication
with people and institutions associated with the banking business.
The Software Packages for Banking Applications in India had their beginnings in the
middle of 80s, when the Banks started computerising the branches in a limited manner.
The early 90s saw the plummeting hardware prices and advent of cheap and inexpensive
but high powered PC’s and Services and banks went in for what was called Total Branch
Automation (TBA) packages. The middle and late 90s witnessed the tornado of financial
reforms, deregulation globalisation etc. coupled with rapid revolution in communication
technologies and evolution of novel concept of convergence of communication
technologies, like internet, mobile/cell phones etc. Technology has continuously played
on important role in the working of banking institutions and the services provided by
them. Safekeeping of public money, transfer of money, issuing drafts, exploring
investment opportunities and lending drafts, exploring investment being provided.
The customers can view the accounts; get account statements, transfer funds and
purchase drafts by just punching on few keys. The smart card’s i.e., cards with micro
processor chip have added new dimension to the scenario. An introduction of ‘Cyber
Cash’ the exchange of cash takes place entirely through ‘Cyber-books’. Collection of
Electricity bills and telephone bills has become easy. The upgradeability and flexibility of
internet technology after unprecedented opportunities for the banks to reach out to its
customers. No doubt banking services have undergone drastic changes and so also the
expectation of customers from the banks has increased greater.
IT is increasingly moving from a back office function to a prime assistant in increasing the
value of a bank over time. IT does so by maximizing banks of pro-active measures such
as strengthening and standardising banks infrastructure in respect of security,
communication and networking, achieving inter branch connectivity, moving towards
Real Time gross settlement (RTGS) environment the forecasting of liquidity by building
real time databases, use of Magnetic Ink Character Recognition and Imaging technology
for cheque clearing to name a few. Indian banks are going for the retail banking in a big
The key driver to charge has largely been the increasing sophistication in technology and
the growing popularity of the Internet. The shift from traditional banking to e-banking is
changing customer’s expectations.
E-banking made its debut in UK and USA 1920s. It becomes prominently popular during
1960, through electronic funds transfer and credit cards. The concept of web-based
baking came into existence in Eutope and USA in the beginning of 1980.
In India e-banking is of recent origin. The traditional model for growth has been through
branch banking. Only in the early 1990s has there been a start in the non-branch banking
services. The new pribate sector banks and the foreign banks are handicapped by the lack
of a strong branch network in comparison with the public sector banks. In the absence of
such networks, the market place has been the emergence of a lot of innovative services
by these players through direct distribution strategies of non-branch delivery. All these
banks are using home banking as a key “pull’ factor to remove customers away from the
well entered public sector banks.
Many banks have modernized their services with the facilities of computer and electronic
equipments. The electronics revolution has made it possible to provide ease and flexibility
in banking operations to the benefit of the customer. The e-banking has made the
customer say good-bye to huge account registers and large paper bank accounts. The e-
banks, which may call as easy bank offers the following services to its customers:
Benefits of E-banking:
To the Customer:
Anywhere Banking no matter wherever the customer is in the world. Balance enquiry,
request for services, issuing instructions etc., from anywhere in the world is possible.
Anytime Banking — Managing funds in real time and most importantly, 24 hours a day,
7days a week.
Convenience acts as a tremendous psychological benefit all the time.
Brings down “Cost of Banking” to the customer over a period a period of time.
Cash withdrawal from any branch / ATM
On-line purchase of goods and services including online payment for the same.
To the Bank:
Innovative, scheme, addresses competition and present the bank as technology driven in
the banking sector market
Reduces customer visits to the branch and thereby human intervention
Inter-branch reconciliation is immediate thereby reducing chances of fraud and
On-line banking is an effective medium of promotion of various schemes of the bank, a
marketing tool indeed.
Integrated customer data paves way for individualised and customised services.
The most visible impact of technology is reflected in the way the banks respond
strategically for making its effective use for efficient service delivery. This impact on service
quality can be summed up as below:
With automation, service no longer remains a marketing edge with the large banks only.
Small and relatively new banks with limited network of branches become better placed to
compete with the established banks, by integrating IT in their operations.
The technology has commoditising some of the financial services. Therefore the banks
cannot take a lifetime relationship with the customers as granted and they have to work
continuously to foster this relationship and retain customer loyalty.
The technology on one hand serves as a powerful tool for customer servicing, on the other
hand, it itself results in depersonalising of the banking services. This has an adverse effect
on relationship banking. A decade of computerization can probably never substitute a
simple or a warm handshake.
In order to reduce service delivery cost, banks need to automate routine customer
inquiries through self-service channels. To do this they need to invest in call centers,
kiosks, ATM’s and Internet Banking today require IT infrastructure integrated with their
business strategy to be customer centric.
The banking system is slowly shifting from the Traditional Banking towards relationship
banking. Traditionally the relationship between the bank and its customers has been on
a one-to-one level via the branch network. This was put into operation with clearing and
decision making responsibilities concentrated at the individual branch level. The head
office had responsibility for the overall clearing network, the size of the branch network
and the training of staff in the branch network. The bank monitored the organisation’s
performance and set the decision making parameters, but the information available to
both branch staff and their customers was limited to one geographical location.
The modern bank cannot rely on its branch network alone. Customers are now demanding
new, more convenient, delivery systems, and services such as Internet banking have a dual
role to the customer. They provide traditional banking services, but additionally offer
much greater access to information on their account status and on the bank’s many other
services. To do this banks have to create account information layers, which can be
accessed both by the bank staff as well as by th customers themselves.
The use of interactive electronic links via the Internet could go a ling way in providing the
customers with greater level of information about both their own financial situation and
about the services offered by the bank.
Impact of IT on Privacy and Confidentiality of Data:
Data being stored in the computers, is now being displayed when required on through
internet banking mobile banking, ATM’s etc. all this has given rise to the issues of privacy
and confidentially of data are:
The data processing capabilities of the computer, particularly the rapid throughput,
integration, and retrieval capabilities, give rise to doubts in the minds of individuals as to
whether the privacy of the individuals is being eroded.
So long as the individual data items are available only to those directly concerned,
everything seems to be in proper place, but the incidence of data being cross referenced
to create detailed individual dossiers gives rise to privacy problems.
Customers feel threatened about the inadequacy of privacy being maintained by the
banks with regard to their transactions and link at computerised systems with suspicion.
Aside from any constitutional aspect, many nations deem privacy to be a subject of human
right and consider it to be the responsibility of those who concerned with computer data
processing for ensuring that the computer use does not revolve to the stage where
different data about people can be collected, integrated and retrieved quickly. Another
important responsibility is to ensure the data is used only for the purpose intended.