KPMG IT PID Template NewFormat v0.1

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Project Initiation

Document (PID)
[Project Name]


We passionately believe that the flowon effect from focusing on helping fuel
the prosperity of our clients,
significantly contributes to ensuring
that our communities and ultimately,
our country and all New Zealanders,
will enjoy a more prosperous future.

At KPMG we are all

immensely proud of the
contribution we make to the
future prosperity of New
This passion and pride is manifested in
the approach with which we undertake
all our work.
With KPMG you can be assured of engaging
with a team of dedicated professionals who
have a wide range
of specialist expertise and knowledge,
specifically tailored, to help make your
organisation the success you dream
it to be.
This commitment reflects our passion and
belief that together New Zealand can
maximise its potential, and that by helping
inspire a market full of successful enterprises,
we will in turn inspire a country of which we
can be more proud.

Document Administration


Project Overview

Project Overview - Cont.

Current Environment

Error! Bookmark not

High Level Requirements Error! Bookmark not

High Level Requirements - Cont.
Future Environment

Error! Bookmark not


Document Administration
Guide text:
This section describes the roles of the team members who developed the PID. It is imperative that participants and roles are clearly defined for the
PID as well as throughout the life of the project.

This sections provides information in regards to version control and sign off
Document Version Control History



Description of Change



Karen Chandler

Initial Draft

Sign Off
The signatures of the people below indicate an understanding in the purpose and content of this document by those signing it. By
signing this document you indicate that you approve of this PID, the information within and that the next steps may be taken to
formalise the next phase.




PID Team
The following individuals comprised are responsible for the analysis and creation of the PID




Document objectives
This document objectives are to:
Guide text:
The purpose of the project initiation documentation is to define the project, in order to form the basis for its management and an assessment of
its overall success. The documentation gives the direction and scope of the project and (along with the stage plan) forms the contract between
the Project Manager and the Project Board. The three primary uses of the project initiation documentation are to:

Ensure that the project has a sound basis before asking the Board to make any major commitment to the project

Act as a base document against which the Board and Project Manager can assess progress, issues and ongoing viability questions

Provide a single source of reference about the project so that people joining the project can quickly and easily find out what the project
is about, and how it is being managed.

Project Definition
The version of the project initiation documentation that was used to gain authorisation for the project is preserved as the basis against which
performance will later be assessed when closing the project.

Guide Text:
This section describes high-level information about the project to include a description, goals and objectives, performance criteria, assumptions,
constraints, and milestones. This section consolidates all project-specific information into one chapter and allows for an easy understanding of the
project since the baseline business problem, impacts, and recommendations have already been established.

The xxxx provides detail for how this project will address xxxxx. The overview consists of a project description, goals, objectives,
project assumptions and constraints. As the project is approved and moves forward, each of these components will be expanded to
include a greater level of detail

Guide Text
This section describes the approach the project will use to address the business problem(s). This includes what the project will consist of, a general
description of how it will be executed, and the purpose of it.
For Example: The xxx will review and analyse several potential products to replace xyz legacy payroll and administration mainframe system with a web-based
platform. This will be done by determining and selecting a product which adequately replaces our existing system and still allows for growth for the next 10
years. Once selected, the project will replace our existing system in a phased implementation approach and be completed once the new system is operational
and the legacy system is archived and no longer in use.

The xxxx project will xxxxxx

Project Objectives/Benefits
Covering time, cost, quality, scope, risk and benefit performance goals

Desired Outcomes
This document objectives are to:

Project Scope
In Scope and out of scope for this project:
1 In Scope


2 Out of Scope


Assumptions, Constraints or Dependencies

Guide Text:
This section lists any assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies identified as part of Project Initiation. As the project moves into detailed project
planning, the list of assumptions will most likely grow as the project plan is developed.

The following assumptions, constraints and/or dependencies apply to the xyzt. As project planning begins and more assumptions are
identified, they will be added accordingly


Assumption, Constraint or


Users, Business Area

Guide Text:
This section lists the primary users and or business areas impacted i.e. define Users as those who, after the project is complete will use the

products to enable them to gain the intended benefits. Other interested parties could include suppliers and sponsors.

This table lists the users and/or business areas impacted by the implementation of the requirements.




Guide Text:
This section describes the overall environment; it should include systems, interfaces and entities.



Type i.e. Entity

Additional Information

Project Approach
This section is to define the choice of solution that will be used in the project to deliver the business option selected from the business
case, taking into consideration the operational environment into which the solution must fit

Business Case
Guide Text:
Describe the justification for the project based on estimated costs, risks and benefits


Project Management Team Stucture

Guide Text:
A chart showing who will be involved with the project


Role Descriptions
Guide Text:
For the project management team and any other key resources






Karen Chandler

Quality Management Strategy

Guide Text:
Describe the quality techniques and standards to be applied, and the responsibilities for achieving the required quality levels


Configuration Management Strategy

Guide Text:
Describe how and by whom the projects products will be controlled and protected


Risk Management Strategy

Guide Text:
Describe the specific risk management techniques and standards to be applied, and the responsibilities for achieving an effective r isk
management procedurecontrolled and protected


Project Approach - Cont.

Communication Management Strategy
Guide Text:
Define the parties interested in the project and the means and frequency of communication between them and the projectlevels


Project Plan
Guide Text:
Describe how and when the projects objectives are to be achieved, by showing the major products, activities and resources required on the
project. It provides a baseline against which to monitor the projects progress stage by stage


Project Contols
Guide Text:
Summarise the project-level controls such as stage boundaries, agreed tolerances, monitoring and reporting


Appendix 1

Glossary of Terms


Appendix 1

Appendix title 1
Glossary of Terms

Full Name


Contact us

Name Surname
Job title/Sector name
T +64 (xx) xxx xxxx
E [email protected]

Name Surname
Job title/Sector name
T +64 (xx) xxx xxxx
E [email protected]

This document is made by KPMG, a New Zealand Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG
International), a Swiss entity, and is in all respects subject to the negotiation, agreement, and signing of a specific engagement letter or contract. KPMG International provides no client services.
No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis--vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind
any member firm.
This proposal is prepared for the sole and exclusive use of the party or organisation to which it is addressed. Therefore, this document is considered proprietary to KPMG and must not be made
available to anyone other than the addressee or person(s) within the addressees organisation who are designated to evaluate or implement the proposal. KPMG proposals may be made available
to other external persons or organisations only with the written permission of the Partner submitting the proposal.
2016 KPMG, a New Zealand partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss
entity. All rights reserved. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity.
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