Teacher Professional Growth Plan - Skye Sperling - Portfolio

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Teacher Professional Growth Plan


Skye Sperling

Review Date

Summer 2016

Goal #1
To become better at providing students with timely, constructive, and supportive
feedback, in both formative and summative situations.

Related KSA(s)
As situations warrant, teachers who hold an Interim Professional Certificate are
expected to demonstrate consistently that they understand:
e) all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. They know
how (including when and how to engage others) to identify students different
learning styles and ways students learn. They understand the need to respond to
differences by creating multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups of
students, including students with special learning needs;
h) the importance of respecting students human dignity. They know how to
establish, with different students, professional relationships that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony;
i) there are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad range
of instructional strategies appropriate to their area of specialization and the
subject discipline they teach, and know which strategies are appropriate to help
different students achieve different outcomes;
j) the functions of traditional and electronic teaching/learning technologies. They
know how to use and how to engage students in using these technologies to
present and deliver content, communicate effectively with others, find and secure
information, research, word process, manage information, and keep records;
k) the purposes of student assessment. They know how to assess the range of
learning objectives by selecting and developing a variety of classroom and large
scale assessment techniques and instruments. They know how to analyse the
results of classroom and large scale assessment instruments including provincial
assessment instruments, and
how to use the results for the ultimate benefit of students;

Indicator(s) of Success
-Students using and applying feedback to assignments



-Having clear, objective comments

-Balancing time to enable marking to be done
within a reasonable amount of time by
planning/scheduling ahead of time
-Have a thorough understanding of what I am
assessing for
-Using a variety of formative and summative
assessment strategies; such as exit slips,
peer/self-assessments, projects, and exams


Goal #2
To become better informed about current events so that I can incorporate them
more frequently and in better depth to my Social Studies classes. Hopefully this
can help students relate the subject matter with their own lives and become more
engaged in the classroom.

Related KSA(s)
As situations warrant, teachers who hold an Interim Professional Certificate are
expected to demonstrate consistently that they understand:
d) the subject disciplines they teach. They have completed a structured program
of studies through which they acquired the knowledge, concepts, methodologies
and assumptions in one or more areas of specialization or subject disciplines
taught in Alberta schools.
i) there are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad range
of instructional strategies appropriate to their area of specialization and the
subject discipline they teach, and know which strategies are appropriate to help
different students achieve different outcomes;
p) the importance of guiding their actions with a personal, overall vision of the
purpose of teaching. They are able to communicate their vision, including how it
has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience

Indicator(s) of Success
- The inclusion of current events into my lesson plans, class discussion, and

Students using current events talked about in class or others they have
heard about as examples or in class discussion

- Become more plugged into

different news sources, making

news more easily accessed
Incorporating current events into
my daily schedule by starting most
classes with discussion of one

- www.cbc.ca/news
- CBC RADIO (100.1 FM, 91.7 FM)
- www.ctvnews.ca
- http://lethbridgeherald.com/
- www.bbc.com/news
- www.aljazeera.com

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