Aslam 2006
Aslam 2006
Aslam 2006
To cite this article: Mubeen M. Aslam (2006) Are You Selling the Right Colour? A Crosscultural
Review of Colour as a Marketing Cue, Journal of Marketing Communications, 12:1, 15-30, DOI:
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Colour is an integral element of corporate and marketing communications. It
induces moods and emotions, influences consumers perceptions and behaviour and
helps companies position or differentiate from the competition. However, the
literature in the public domain has a largely Western focus and the notion of colour
universality is fraught with risk. A large section of the colour research on products,
packages and advertisements remains unpublished because of competitive concerns
(Bellizzi et al., 1983). Inappropriate choice of product or package colours may also
lead to strategic failure (Ricks, 1983). Although sketchy business anecdotes are
available, many of the questions related to colour remain unanswered. Assuming a
narrow Western perspective of colours as universal and applying it to alien markets
has often led to cultural faux pas and there is need for a systematic colour theory in
Correspondence Address: Mubeen Aslam, Room 281, Commerce Research Centre, School of Marketing,
Faculty of Commerce, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia. Fax: +61 2 4221 4289; Tel.:
+61 2 4221 5528. Email: [email protected]
1352-7266 Print/1466-4445 Online/06/01001516 # 2006 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13527260500247827
M. M. Aslam
that the social dress code of the Renaissance viewed black, purple and scarlet as
mourning colours and the modern distinction of purple and red was alien to those
In the fifteenth century, colour was recognized as a perceptual function of light.
Newton (1730) was the first to establish a colour wheel and describe a prismatic
spectrum of seven colours linked in a circular arrangement. With some revision of
the number and area of the component hues, this circular arrangement has remained standard in the colour theory up to the present day, despite the other
colour order systems of Ostwald (1911) and Munsell (1905). However, it is also
argued that a colours tone or hue can be a deceptive predictor and that the variation
in brightness and saturation play a more important role in a colours perception and
association with behaviour (Crozier, 1996; Hupka et al., 1997). It is now held that
there are three primary colours (red, blue and green) and it is the interaction of
their three basic attributes (hue, intensity and saturation) that creates various
colours. Primary and secondary colours on the colour wheel (red, yellow, blue,
orange, green and purple) are considered as simple colours and all others (taupe,
mauve, sea green, maroon, pumpkin, etc.) are considered as sophisticated colours
(Moser, 2003).
But what is and where lies colour? In fact the physical world has no colours. There
are only light waves of different wavelengths. It is left to the retinal cones of
the normal human eye to distinguish among such bands of light and make this
world a rainbow for us. So, is colour created in the brain to act as a perceptual
tool for our visualcognitive and visualaffective functions or does it lie in the
external world? Is colour a primary or a secondary quality of matter? Galileo (1623)
suggested that colour represented secondary qualities of matter that were
perceiver dependent, dispositional, laid in the minds of the observers and were not
really a property of the object, initiating debate on the psychological effects of
colour and its relation with emotions. Cheskin (1957) called it a vivid,
affect-loaded and memorable stimulus, influencing both human behaviour
and human physiology (Madden et al., 2000). Kosslyn and Thompson (2003)
argued that visual imagery and perception arises from activity in the visual cortex as
well as other areas of the brain, although the long-term memory stores images that
are reconstructed in the visual cortex on exposure to a matching stimulus or object,
thereby implying that prior knowledge, social learning and associations
influence mental imagery. The various elements of colour perception are shown in
Fig. 1. The physical or biological effects of colour are beyond the scope of
this article and the discussion is limited to the psychological and sociocultural associations and meanings, particularly in a cross-cultural marketing
Literature Review: Communication Values of Colour
There are two major schools of thought relating colour and human behaviour.
Colour reactions could be of innate or instinctual origin (Humphrey, 1976) or of
learned or associative origin (Langenbeck, 1913, cited in Hupka et al., 1997). The
first school argues that colour signals the brain to trigger an affective reaction
directly, whereas others suggest that colour preferences are learned over time as
M. M. Aslam
CountryCulture cluster
High quality
Good taste
High quality
Good taste
High quality
Good taste
High quality
Good taste
Good taste
Multiple sources: Oyama et al. (1963, cited in Hupka et al., 1997), Kreitler and Kreitler (1972, cited in Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999), Ricks (1983), Jacobs et al.
(1991), Schmitt (1995), Hupka et al. (1997), Schiffman et al. (2001) and Neal et al. (2002). The country clusters are adapted from Ronen and Shenkar (1985). The
absence of any concrete reported research findings for particular cultural clusters are denoted by dashes.
M. M. Aslam
activity and the potency of objects with which they are associated are systematic and
parallel the hue and saturation dimensions, respectively. Osgood et al. (1957) also
suggested that colour in a background is likely to be more favourable than colour in
a product on the evaluative dimensions. Not enough use of semantic differentials
M. M. Aslam
along select concepts for eliciting colour associations has been made in later studies
and more research is required into this area.
M. M. Aslam
colour with a brands name, particularly for familiar brands and the effects of colour
are probably stronger for branded than for unbranded products, for consumer than
for industrial goods and for high-involvement products.
It is critical not to ignore culture-specific colour associations. Use of adverse
product colours in alien cultures can cause strategic failure. For instance, use of
purple and black colours by Samsonite in Mexico (Parmar, 2004), ice blue colour by
Pepsi in Southeast Asia and wearing white carnations by concierges of United
Airlines on its Pacific routes (Neal et al., 2002), where these colours symbolized
death and mourning in the target markets, underscores the need for using the right
product colour.
Self-image. Colour signals individual personality and self-image. We live in a world
of colour, but simple questions such as what colour to paint our homes are often
hard to answer. People choose the colours of their cars, homes, clothes and even
sports shoes depending on how they wish to present themselves (Trinkaus, 1991).
The colour choice could be consistent or complementary to the desired self-image
(Madden et al., 2000) or related to the multiplicity of purchases being made (Kerfoot
et al., 2003). However, to what extent a product, package or brand colour influences
a consumers self-image and trial or adoption of a product remains to be explored
Colour exercises potent socialization effects. There are colour associations with
festivals, holidays and consumer rituals. Blue is associated with Hanukkah and New
Year, red with Christmas and New Year, green with Christmas, black with
Halloween, orange with Halloween and Thanksgiving (Cheskin & Masten Inc.,
1987) and red and pink with Valentines Day (Kaufman-Scarborough, 2001). In
most Asian countries, white skin is associated with beauty and class whereas black
skin is related to hard labour. The annual growth rate of approximately 20% in the
Indian skin whitener market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2001) also indicates colour
association with the consumer self.
Country of origin effects. Choungourian (1968) showed that colour preferences
are not identical across countries. He found that red was the most preferred colour by Americans, green by the Lebanese and bluegreen by Iranians and Kuwaitis.
Jacobs et al. (1991) found red to be most strongly related to China, purple to France, green to both France and Italy and, while the American subjects associated
the USA with blue, other Asian subjects related her with red. Similarly, orange
is the favourite colour in The Netherlands, since her monarchy is the House of
Colour combinations or specifically coloured packaging are often used in
highlighting the country of origin of products in foreign markets. Madden et al.
(2000) found that colours are paired with other colours of consistent or
complementary meanings. Green was paired with yellow in Canada and China,
with blue in Colombia, with white in Austria and also with red in China. Blue was
paired primarily with white and yellow in these countries. Such colour combinations
could be useful in making smart marketing decisions in international markets.
However, present research on the use of optimal colour pairs and the relationship of
national colours to products, packages or brands is limited.
Package colour. A brightly coloured package is likely to draw more attention than
a dull package (Neal et al., 2002) and adapting a package design to a local culture is
useful. For instance, Berg-Weitzel and Laar (2001) found that packages for
deodorants for women used greater contrast and brighter colours in Hofstedes
(1991) feminine cultures, whereas they used soft harmonious colours and low
contrast in masculine societies. In addition, whilst most consumers in the USA,
Japan, South Korea and China associated green with a can of vegetables and yellow
with a box of candies or laundry detergent, there was little agreement on package
colours for soaps, cigarettes and headache remedies (Jacobs et al., 1991).
Colouring the Brand Identity and Corporate Image
Colour makes the brand. Moser (2003) illustrated that three factors, namely the level
of sophistication of colour, distinctiveness within a category and the ability to elicit
an emotional response, influence the corporate choice. Simple colours are vibrant
and intense as seen in traffic signs, Toys R Us and McDonalds, whereas
sophisticated colours denote elegance and intimate communication as used by Laura
Ashley, Armani, Tiffany and Jaguar. Colour distinctiveness within a category or
visual branding allows for visual brand differentiation as seen in the use of
corporate colours by oil companies such as Shell, BP and Chevron and by car rentals
such as Hertz, Avis and Budget. Colour also facilitates emotional branding and
companies could use colours associated with specific emotions in order to target the
psychogenic heterogeneity of the market.
Colour communicates corporate position. Blue stands for solid, responsible,
financial services, green for innovative, caring organizations and yellow for young,
bright and exciting firms in the USA (Cheskin & Masten Inc., 1987). Whereas blue is
the corporate colour in the USA, red is the winning business colour in East Asia
(Schmitt and Pan, 1994). Colour is also a powerful cue assisting brand recall
(Tavassoli and Han, 2002). For instance, red is associated with Coke, Sara Lee and
Mickey Mouse, blue with IBM and Pepsi, pink with Barbie dolls and green with 7Up and Canada Dry (Cheskin & Masten Inc., 1987). Although colour has weak
associations with top clothing brands and it is difficult to use it as a cue for
recognizing a particular fashion brand (Kerfoot et al., 2003), colour remains a potent
independent variable in managing corporate image consistency and its strategic use
could create specific associations across markets.
Colours visualauditory synaesthesia (see Marks, 1997) could also have a
powerful application in marketing. Implying that, if a natural relationship exists
between colours and sounds or particular musical instruments or if verbal arousal
could lead to visual arousal and a particular imagery is evoked through words
(coloured vowels) or auditory cues (coloured music or hearing), then it is likely that
matching words in the body copy or package or signage or jingles act as stimuli
generating positive imageries, emotions and moods in consumers. Experimental
synaesthesia may be induced with visual or auditory stimuli in order to trial its
influence on affect and purchase intent and should reveal whether particular
consumers or products exhibit synaesthetic effects via visual or auditory routes.
Early findings have suggested that cross-language differences in colour naming and
salience exist (Jameson and Alvarado, 2003) and visual brand identifiers are
M. M. Aslam
integrated in the memory more easily with Chinese brand names, whereas auditory
brand identifiers are integrated in the memory more easily with English brand names
(Tavassoli and Han, 2002).
Though the children vary in their clothes and skin colour, it is implied that they
exhibit the same universal trait as all have pink tongues (Blackwell et al., 1993).
The gaps in Table 1 and Fig. 2 and the preceding paragraphs indicate that plenty of
work lies ahead in this area for energizing marketing communications in the twentyfirst century. Colours tend to alter the meanings of the objects or situations with
which they are associated and colour preferences can predict consumer behaviour.
The meanings given to some colours may be pan-cultural, while some are regional
and some are unique to specific cultures and it is imperative to explore the meanings
and effects of a chosen colour in the target market before the launch of a product or
promotion campaign.
Figure 4 proposes an interpretative model of colour application in marketing.
Definitive colour associations and meanings such as on universal versus culturespecific or along semantic differential continua, differences in gender, age and
ethnic preferences and the interaction effects between colour and the object/
context will have to be determined. Conjoint analysis, structural equation modelling,
word associations, semantic scales, projective techniques, eye tracking and focus
groups are just some of the tools that could be employed. The discovery of correct
Figure 4. A hypothetical model of colour application in marketing (arrows show the direction
of influence)
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Notes on Contributor
Mubeen Aslam is a doctoral student in marketing at the University of Wollongong,
Australia. This article is based on the paper he presented at the Tenth International
Conference on Corporate & Marketing Communications, held on 89 April 2005 in
Nicosia, which received a prize for the best competitive paper. He holds a double
first degree in political science and journalism (BA) and in medicine (MBBS) from
the University of Punjab, Lahore (Pakistan) and a master of commerce with merit
(M.Com) from the University of Sydney, Australia.