ProStream 9100 Release

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The document discusses Harmonic's compliance with various environmental directives such as the WEEE and Battery directives in the EU.

The main environmental directives discussed are the WEEE and Battery directives in the EU which cover waste electrical and electronic equipment and batteries respectively.

Harmonic's WEEE Take-Back program aims to recycle Harmonic products that cannot be reused in compliance with the WEEE Directive.


RELEASE 17.5.2

Installation Guide

Rev A

July 2016
Copyright C 2000-2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. Omneon, and the Omneon logo are trlldemarks of Harmonic Inc.
Harmonic, the Harmonic logo, ran other Harmonic products mentioned! are trademar1<s, registered trademar1<s or service mar1<s of Harmonic Inc. in the
United States and other countries. Dolby, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby E are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Implementations of
AAC and H E-AAC by Fraunhofer liS. Other company, product and service names mentioned herein may be trademarks or service marks of their respective
owners. All product and application features and specifications are subject to change at Harmonic's sole discretion at any time and without notice.
Harmonic reserves the right to alter the equipment spedlications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part of this publication shall be
deemed to be part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated by reference into such contract or warranty. The information contained herein
Is merely descriptive In nature, and does not constitute a binding offer for sale of the product described herein. Harmonic assumes no responsibility or
liability arising from the use of the products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Harmonic. The use and purchase of this product do
not convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any intellectual property r ights of Harmonic. Nothing hereunder constitutes a
representation or warranty that using any products in the manner described herein will not infringe any patents of third parties.

Third-Party Product Trademar1cs

Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Rash Professional, Premiere
Avid Media Composer
Dolby E. Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus
JOnger AudlolM
Apple Quicklime
Microsoft Mediaroom
Microsoft PlayReedy
Start Over TV

Third-Party Copyright Notes

Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse, aacl'lus, AC--3, and Dolby E are trademarks of Dolby
Level Magic and Junger are trademarks of Junger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH.
MPEG Audio technology licensed from Fraunhofer liS
PitchBlue is a registered trademark of Vigor Systems.
Quicklime and the Quicklime logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Harmonic software uses version 3.15.4 of the Freelmage open source image library under Freelmage Public Ucense (fiPU. See http:// for details.

Trademark Acknowledgments
Harmonic and all Harmonic product names are trademarks of Harmonic Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisdosure agreement The software may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of those agreements.

May be covered by one or more of U.S. Patents No. 6,571,351 ; 6,696,996; 6,545,721; 6,574,225; 6,895,003; 6,522,649; 6,643,702; foreign counterparts
and pending patent applications.
This system is distributed with certain other software that may require disclosure or distribution of licenses, copyright notices, conditions of use, disclaimers
and/or other matter. Use of this system or otherwise fulfilling their conditions constitutes your acceptance of them, as necessary. Copies of such licenses,
notices, conditions, disclaimers and/or other matter are available in any one of the following locations: the LEGAL NOTICES AND LICENSES directory of the
distribution disk of the software, the root directory of the hard disl< drive of the Products, or by contacting us at [email protected].

Information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice or obligation. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is
accurate as of the publication date, Harmonic Inc. assumes no Debility for errors or omissions. In addition, Harmonic Inc. assumes no responsibility for
damages resulting from the use of this guide.

Uccnse Agreement and Umitcd W1rranty

1. AGREEMENT: This is a legal agreement ("Agreement'? between you ("you" or "your") and Harmonic, or its appropriate local Bfliliate <"Harmonic", "we",
"us" or "our"). Use of our product($) and any updates thereto purchased or validly obtained by you (the "Produas"), and/or the Software las defined below)
<collectively; the "System"l, constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement "Use" Includes opening or breaking the seal on the packet containing this
Agreement, installing or downloading the Software as defined below or using the Software preloaded or embedded in your System. As used herein, the term
"Software" means the Harmonic owned software and/or firmware used in or with the Products and embedded into, provided with or loaded onto the

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights n:sc:rvc:d.

Products In object code format, but does not lndude, and this Agreement does not address, any thlrdiJarty or free or open source software separately
licensed to you C'Third Party SOftware'?. If you do not agree to this Agreement, you shall promptly return the System with a dated receipt to the seller for a
full refund.
2. UCENSE: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement Cinduding payment!, we hereby grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use
the object code version of the Software embedded into, provided solely for use with or loaded onto the Product, and the accompanying documentation
("Documentation"l for your internal business purposes. The Software and any authortzed copies are owned by us or our suppliers, and are protected by law,
induding without limitation the copyright laws and treaties of the U.SA and other countries. Evaluation versions of the Software may be subject to a timelimited license key.
3. RESTRicnONS: You Cand your employees and contractorsl shall not attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, translate, create derivative worlcs
of, rent, lease <including use on a timesharing, applications service provider, service bureau or similar basis!, loan, distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer
the System, in whole or part except to the extent otherwise permitted by law. The Software may be operated on a networi< only if and as permitted by its
Documentation. You may make one <1l back up copy of the object code of the Software for archival purposes only. Evaluation Software will be run in a lab,
nonproductive environment Results of any benchmark or other performance tests may not be dlsdosed to any third party without our prior written consent.
Title to and ownership of the Software and Documentation, and all copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in the
System, shall remain our or our licensors' property. You shall not remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary rights notice on the System. We reserve
all rights not expressly granted.
4. LIMITED WARRANTY: <al limited Warranty. We warrant to you that, commencing on your receipt of a Product and terminating 1 year thereafter, the System
will perform substantially in accordance with its then-<:urrent appropriate Documentation. The Product (including replacements! may consist of new, used or
previously-installed components. Cbl Remedies. If the System fails to comply with such warranty during such period, 115 your sole remedy, you must return
the same In compliance with our product retum policy, and we shall, at our option, repair or replace the System, provide a workaround, or refund the fees you
paid. Replacement Systems are warranted for the original System's remaining warranty period. (c) Exdusions. a'AWATION SOFlWWARE IS LICENSED ON
AS-IS BASIS AND SUBJECT TO 4(d). We will have no obligation under this limited warranty due to: <D negligence, misuse or abuse of the System, such as
unusual physical or electrical stress, misuse or accidents; Ciil use of the System other than in accordance with the Documentation; Ciiil modifications,
alterations or repairs to the System made by a party other than us or our representative; <M the combination, operation or use of the System with equipment,
devices, software or data not supplied by us; Cvl any third party hardware or Third Party SOftware, whether or not provided by us; Cvil any failure other than by
us to comply with handling, operating, environmental, storage or maintenance requirements for the System In the Documentation, lndudlng, without
fimitation, temperature or humidity ranges. Cdl Disclaimers. We are not responsible for your software, firmware, information, or data contained in, stored on,
or integrated with any Product returned to us for repair or replacement. SUCH LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN Ll EU OF, AND WE SPECIRCALLY DISCLAIM,. AtiY
exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied werranty may last, so such exdusions may not epply to you. In that event, such implied
warranties or limitations are limited to 60 days from the date you purchased the System or the shortest period permitted bY applicable law, if longer. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state or country to country.
6. CONFIDENTIALITY: Information in the System and the associated media, as well as the structuna, organization and code of the Softwana, ana proprietary to
us and contain valuable trade secrets developed or acquired at great expense to us or our suppliers. You shall not disdose to others or utilize any such
information except as expressly provided herein, except for information mlawfully received by the user from a third party which is not subject to
confidentiality obligations; OD generally available to the public without breach of this Agreement; Ciiillawfully known to the user prior to its receipt of the
System; or CM required by law to be disdosed.
7. SUPPORT: Updates, upgrades, fixes, maintenance or support for the System <an "Upgrade"l after the limited warranty period may be available at separate
terms and fees from us. Any Upgrades shall be subject to this Agreement, except for additional or inconsistent terms we specify. Upgrades do not extend the
limited warranty period.
8. TERM; TERMINATION: The term of this Agreement shall continue unless terminated In accordance with this Section. We may terminate this Agreement at
any time upon default by you of the license provisions of this Agreement, or any other material default by you of this Agreement not cured with thirty (30)
days after written notice thereof. You may terminate this Agreement any time by terminating use of the System. Except for the first sentence of section 2
("Ucense'? and for section 4<al C"Limited Warranty''>, all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement. Upon any such termination,
you shall certify in writing such termination and non-use to us.
9. EXPORT CONTROL: You agree that the Products and SOftware will not be shipped, transferred, or exported Into any country or used ln any manner
prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions, or regulations <the "Export Laws"l. Y<>u will indemnify, defend
and hold us harmless from any and all claims arising therefrom or relating thereto. In addition, If the Products or Software are Identified as export controlled
items under the Export Laws, you represent and warrant that you are not a citizen, or otherwise located within, an embargoed nation (including without
limitation Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Ubya, Cuba, North l<orea, and Serbial and that you ana not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the
Software. All rights to the Products and Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited If you fall to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
10. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS: The Software and the documentation which accompanies the Software are "Commercial Items," as that term is defined at
48 C.F.R 2.1 01, consisting of "Commercial COmputer Software" and "COmmercial COmputer Softwana Documentation,'' as such terms ana used in 48 C.F.R
12.212 or 48 C.F.R 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R 12.212 or 48 C.F.R 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the
Commercial Computer SOftware and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government 115 end users (al only as
Commercial Items and (bl with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Harmonic, 4300 North
First Street, San Jose, CA 95134 U.SA
11. GENERAL: you shall not assign, delegate or sublicense your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our
prior written consent, and any attempt without such consent shall be void. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement binds and benefits permitted
successors and assigns. This Agreement is governed by California law, without regard to its conHicts of law principles. The U.N. COnvention on COntracts for
the International Sale of Goods Is disclaimed. If any dalm ar1ses out of this Agreement, the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurlsdlcllon and venue of
the federal and state courts located in Santa Clara County, California. In addition to any other rights or remedies, we shall be entitled to injunctive and other
equitable relief, without posting bond or other security, to prevent any material breach of this Agreement. We may change the terms, conditions and pricing

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

relating to the future licensing of our Systems and other intellectual property rights, including this Agreement, from time to time. No waiver will be implied
from conduct or failure to enforce rights nor effective unless in a writing signed on behalf of the party against whom the waiver is asserted. If any part of this
Agreement is found unenforceable, the remaining parts will be enforced to the maximum extent permitted. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this
Agreement We are not bound by additional and/or conflicting provisions in any order, acceptance, or other correspondence unless we expressly agree in
writing. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the parties as to its subject matter and supersedes all proposals or
prior agreements, verbal or written, advertising, representations or communications concerning the System.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to comply with all licensing requirements for all components used in the system. Any oversight is unintentional and
will be remedied if brought to the attention of Harmonic at [email protected].
Documentation Conventions

This guide may use some special symbols and fonts to call your attention to important information. The following symbols appear throughout this guide:

DANGER: The Danger symbol calls your attention to information that, if ignored, can cause physical harm to

CAUTION: The Caution symbol calls your attention to information that, if ignored, can adversely affect
the performance of your Harmonic product, or that can make a procedure needlessly difficult.

LASER DANGER: The Laser symbol and the Danger alert call your attention to information about the lasers in
this product that, if ignored, can cause physical harm to you.

NOTE: The Note symbol calls your attention to additional information that you will benefit from heeding. It
may be used to call attention to an especially important piece of information you need, or it may provide
additional information that applies in only some carefully delineated circumstances.


IMPORTANT: The Important symbol calls your attention to information that should stand out when you are
reading product details and procedural information.

TIP: The Tip symbol calls your attention to parenthetical information that is not necessary for performing a
given procedure, but which, if followed, might make the procedure or its subsequent steps easier, smoother, or
more efficient.
In addition to these symbols, this guide may use the following text conventions:



Typed Command

Indicates the text that you type in at the keyboard


<Orl>, <Ctri>+<Shift>

A key or key sequence to press.


The italics in blue text to indicate Cross-references, and

hyperlinked cross-references in online documents.


Indicates a button to click, or a menu item to select.


The text that is displayed on a computer screen.


The italics text used for emphasis and document


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2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: ProStream 9100 Overv-iew ........................................................... 8
Platform Description ...........................................................8
ProStream 9100 Device Features ...............................................9
ProStream 91 00 Physical and Power Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Power Supply Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Environmental Specifications ............................................... 10
Control Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
System Requirements of Managing PC ....................................... 11
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
Front Panel Bezel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Front Panel LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Air Inlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cooling Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Back Panel. ................................................................ 14
Central Processing Card (CPC> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
10M Slots and Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DVB-ASI 10M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Quad GbE 10M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8VSB Modulation Card .. . ...... . . . ........ . . . .......... . ........ . . . ....... 21
Dual GbE 10M .................. . ................... . ............ . ....... 23

Chapter 2: Installing the ProStream 91 00 .................................................. 25

Preparation ... . ........ . .......... . .......... . .......... . ........ . .........
Unpacking .................................................................
Installing the Device in a Rack ..... . . . .......... . .......... . ........ . . . .......
Rack Guidelines ...... . . . ........ . .......... . .......... . .......... . .......
Chassis Warnings for Rack Mounting and Servicing ......... . .......... . .......
Airflow ...... . ...... . ............ . .......... . ........ . . . ........ . . . .....
Attaching the Rack Rails . . ...... . . . .......... . .......... . ........ . . . .......
Mounting the Device ........................ . .......... . ..................
Inserting the IOM Cards and RF Input Card ......................................
ESD Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inserting an IOM/RF card ..................................................
Device Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cabling ProStream 91 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connecting the Ethernet Cables ... . ..................... . ..................
Connecting the ASI Input/Output Ports ......... . .......... . ........ . .........
Connecting the GbE Input/Output Ports ........ . .......... . ........ . . . .......
Connecting the Input 8VSB Modulation Card ... . ........ . . . ........ . . . .......
c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Table of Contents

Grounding Mounted Devices ...............................................

Connecting the Power ....................................................
Connecting the AC Power Supply ...........................................
Connecting the DC Power Supply ...........................................
The Boot Sequence .........................................................
Local Control Panel Display Messages during Bootup ..........................
Messages when Resetting the Device .......................................
Front Panel LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back Panel LEDs ............................................................


Chapter 3: Operating the ProStream 9100 ................................................. 39

Operating with NMX Digital Service Manager ....................................
Operating in Standalone Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the Front Panel .......................................................
Front Panel Keypad .......................................................
Front Panel Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Network Properties of the Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Licensing Information .....................................................


Chapter 4: Maintenance ............................................................................... 43

Removing and Replacing the Bezel ... . .......... . ........ . . . ........ . . . .......
Air Filter .... . ..................... . . . ............................ . . . .......
Maintaining the Air Filter ..................... . .......... . .......... . .......
Removing and Replacing the Air Filter .................. . ....................
Fan Tray ...................................................................
Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray .......................................
Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removing and Replacing the Power Supply ...................................
Input/Output Modules .............. . .......... . ........ . . . .......... . .......
Removing and Replacing an Input/Output Module <10M> ............ . ......
Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards ........ . .......... . .......... . .......... . .......


Appendix A: Contacting the Technical Assistance Center ......................... 56

Appendix B: Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information ....... 58
Important Safety Instructions ........ . .......... . .......... . .......... . ....... 58
Safety Symbols & Translated Safety, Warning & Caution Instructions <English) . . ....... 58
Symboles de securite et traduits de securite, d'avert:issement et Attention Instructions
(franc;ais) ..... . ........ . ..................... . .......... . ........ . . . ....... 61
Sicherheit Symbole und Obersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung & Vorsicht Anleitung <Deutsch> . 64
Site Preparation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Product End-of-Life Disassembly Instructions ................................... 69
Product Disassembly Process .............................................. 69
Safety Rules <English> ..................................................... 69
Regles de securite <French> ................................................ 69
EU Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity ................................... 70

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Table of Contents

Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices - Class A ................................

Product Regulatory Compliance ..............................................
Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ......................................
Product Environmental Compliance ...........................................
EU RoHS ................................................................
EU REACH ..............................................................
China RoHS .............................................................
Other RoHS and REACH type Regulations ....................................
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment <WEEE> .............................
Battery Directive .........................................................
WEEE Take-Back Request Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compliance with additional country specific environmental, safety, and EMC standards

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1
ProStrea m 91 00 Overview
This chapter gives an overview of the Harmonic ProStream 9100 platform, providing a
description of its features and the various optional components that can be integrated into the
The ProStream 9100 platform is typically delivered with all cards, components, software, and
licenses installed, according to customer specifications.

NOTE: While information about various cards and modules might include installation instructions,
Harmonic strongly recommends that only trained service representatives install the internal cards and
This chapter includes the following sections:

Platform Description

ProStream 9100 Device Features

ProStream 9100 Physical and Power Specifications

Control Modes

Front Panel


Platform Description
Harmonic ProStream 91 00 is a highly integrated MPEG/DVB multiplexer, scrambler, descrambler
and transcoder for multimedia services carried over digital broadcast networks.
The ProStream 9100 conforms to the dynamic requirements ofvarious market segments such as
Telco, Cable, DBS and Broadcasters.
ProStream 9100 receives MPEG streams over Gigabit Ethernet CGbEl, DVB-ASI, BVSB inputs. It
multiplexes, scrambles, transcodes and outputs the content over GbE and/or DVB-ASI ports. It
features a modular, high-density chassis that is furnished with up to 5 IOMs (lnpuVOutput Module)
and up to 4 IPCs Unternal Processing Card) in a single, one-rack-unit (1-RU) chassis. The number
of input and output ports changes according to device configuration.
The modularity of the platform allows easy field replacement of cards, as well as field upgrades of
SW and HW features. Device serviceability is enhanced by:

Dual power supply units.

Swappable modules:

ACE modules


10M modules


Power supply units


Fan tray

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Fan control for noise reduction

Improved air flow for cooling

ProStream 9100 Device Features

ProStream 9100 Device Features

The main features and capabilities of the device are as follows:

Modular platform - Provides a density of up to 5 IOMs <Input Output Module> in a single, onerack unit (1-RU> chassis. The modular design allows a flexible and easy field replacement of
cards as well as field upgrades of SW and HW features.

IP 10M- ProStream 9100 receives and transmits data via a GbE port The GbE card occupies
two 10M slots and is mounted in slot 1 and slot 3. Each device supports a single IP 10M card.
Each IP 10M card has four active GbE ports.

DVB-ASI SCR IOM- ProStream 9100 receives and transmits data via four DVB-ASI ports and
supports a maximum bitrate of 140 Mbps. Each port can be configured as an input or output
port This card also supports DVB-CSA <Common Scrambling Algorithm>.

NOTE: For further details, see DVB-AS/IOM.

BVSB Input card- ProStream 9100 receives ATSC terrestrial TV It receives four independent
ATSC 8VSB signals on the inputs and outputs MPEG-2 Transport Streams over GbE or ASI
output ports.

Input Extraction capability - The device extracts incoming feeds and displays their structure
and elements on the control interface in a user friendly view.

Full multiplexing capability - Content is routed from any input port to any output port

Advanced scrambling - ProStream 91 00 scrambles the input content in compliance with the
DVB-CSA standard. This feature is available for both GbE and DVB-ASI output ports, in both
NMX and standalone control modes.

Transcoding - ProStream 9100 transcodes any codec to any other codec, video and audio
streams for Broadcast and OTT Mobile/Web video and audio streams.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

ProStream 9100 Physical and Power Specifications

ProStream 9100 Physical and Power Specifications

Physical Dimensions
Table 1-1: Physical Dimensions








Total Length (front to backl






Depth (from rack mount fixture to back of device>

Power Supply Specifications

ProStream 91 00 is equipped with two field replaceable redundant AC/DC power supply units.
Each power supply unit easily accommodates the power consumption of a fully populated device.
When both power supply units are plugged in and connected to the mains, the power supply
units operate in current sharing mode.
Harmonic sells power supply units that have been thoroughly qualified to operate with the
ProStream 9100 device. Table 7-2 1ists power specifications of a fully populated unit together with
the Harmonic part numbers for the qualified power supply modules. Use these part numbers to
order your power supply modules.
Table 1-2: Power Supply Units Specifications
PS Type

Input Line

Input Voltage Range



100 to 240 VAC

47to 63Hz

Input voltage range is auto ranging


40to 60VDC


Nominal input is -48VDC

For installation details, see Overcurrent Protection.

For cabling details, see Connecting the Power.

Environmental Specifications
The following table lists the environmental specifications for ProStream 91 00.
Table 1-3: Environmental Specifications


c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F>


-20 to 80


When fans operate at full speed, air flow through the

device is at least 2.098m3fmin (74. 1 CFMl per
ProStream 9100 unit


oc (-4 to 176 F>

ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Control Modes

Table 1-3: Environmental Specifications


Shock and Vibration


<15,000 feet (4,572 meters)


<40,000 feet (12,192 meters)


Passes the impact, compression, and vibration

requirements of ASTM D4169-94, Distribution Cycle
13, Assurance Level 1


Passes NEBS Office Vibration Test while operating

(0.1 G sine sweep, 5 to 100 Hz, 3 axis)

NOTE: ProStream 9100 is compliant with RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC.

Control Modes
ProStream 91 00 supports the following control mode options:

NMX- Harmonic's NMX Digital Service Manager offers comprehensive management of

networks including automatic device redundancy, source switching and automation.
ProStream 9100 is managed as an integral part of a broadcasting system.

Standalone- The device is managed as a standalone device independent of the broadcasting

system. It is controlled by a Web client, an onboard interface accessible through Microsoft
Internet Explorer with comprehensive management capabilities.

System Requirements of Managing PC

System requirements of the managing computer vary according to the control mode as described
in the following table.
Table 1-4: Control Mode Requirements
Control Mode



NMX runs on an NMX computer which is a Harmonic approved Dell1M


Standalone (SAG3>

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

Pentium 3.x or higher

Windows XP, Windows 7
Internet Explorer 9,1 0,11


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Front Panel

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Ovt:rview

Front Panel

Table 1-5: ProStream 9100 Front Panel



Front bezel

Ethernet service port (for debugging purposes only)


Control Panel

Front Panel Latch

NOTE: Cooling fans are mounted on the rear of the front panel. See Cooling Fans.
The following illustration shows a detailed view of the front panel without any optional modules.

o 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Front Panel


Table 1-6: Front Panel




Ethernet service port

Ethernet service connection

LED - Power (yellow for

Startup. Green for On.>

Power indicator

LED - Fault <Red)

Fault indicator

LED - Local <Yellow)

Local Control indicator

LED - TX (yellow)

Transmitting Indicator

LCD panel

Status indicator


Front panel latch

Right key

Menu right

ESC key

Menu escape



Menu Select


Down key

Menu down


Left key

Menu left


Up key

Menu up

Front Panel Bezel

ProStream 9100 has a detachable front bezel that snaps on top of the control panel. The air inlets
located on the sides of the bezel provide access to the reusable air filters. To remove the bezel,
see Removing and Replacing the Bezel.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

Control Panel
The control panel consists of an LCD display and a keypad. The control panel enables preliminary
configuration and basic monitoring of ProStream 91 00. It is usually used for standalone devices.
For more information, see Front Panel.

Front Panel LEOs

The four LEOs on the front panel indicate the operational status. There is no difference in LED
functionality whether ProStream 9100 is operating in NMX or standalone control mode. For more
information, see Figure .

Air Inlets
The air inlets are designed to provide maximum air flow. The air flow is critical for maintaining the
correct temperature range. Fans in the front unit draw air in through the front inlets. For details on
cleaning and replacing air filters, see Air Filter.

CAunON: Do not obstruct the airflow when mounting the device on the rack. Severe equipment damage
can result when the device cannot properly exhaust the airflow.

Cooling Fans
The ProStream 9100 platform uses a fan tray unit that contains eight 12V fans that control the
temperature during operation. The fans located in the front of the device use air from the front
and exhaust it to the rear of the device. Each fan has a speed control mechanism and the CPC
manages their speed. The Fan Control mechanism triggers the fans to accelerate according to
real environmental measurements to increase Mean Time Between Failures and to lower the
noise level when working in typical environmental conditions.
All fans are mounted on the back side of the front panel to allow quick and easy field replacement
in case of a fan failure. For more information, see Fan Tray.

Back Panel
The following figure illustrates the back panel of the ProStream 9100 device with an optional
configuration of IOMs. The number and type of mounted IOMs varies according to the needs of
the customer.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

Slot 4
Ei9e Slot 2
Ei9 e

Table 1-7: Back Panel




AC/OC power


Optional slots

1/0 module slots

Gigabit Ethernet ports-management

Network Management

Optional SOl ports

Not in use


Fault <red) and locater <green) LEOs


Fuse protection

Serial port

Serial data input

Fault relay port

Contact closure fault indication

Central Processing Card (CPC)

The Central Processing Card <CPO is the main card of the ProStream 9100 platform. It includes
the communication interfaces of the device and additional components, as follows:

2 x Ethernet ports - Ethernet ports allow connection to separate networks. The Ethernet ports
are labeled ETH 1 and ETH2. The ETH 1 port is used to connect the device to the
management network. The ETH 2 port connects to the CAS network, when required.
ETH 1and ETH2 are 10/100/1000 Base-T ports. For cabling instructions, see Connecting the

Ethernet Cables.

EIA-RS-232 Serial Communication Port- The EIA-RS-232 serial port is used for technical
support only.

Fault Relay Port - Currently not in use.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

CPC LEDs- The following table lists CPC LEDs from top to bottom and describes their
functionality. There is no difference in LED functionality whether ProStream 91 00 is operating
in NMX or standalone control mode. See also Figure .

Table 1-8: CPC LEOs






Same as front panel. An alarm has been issued. For

further details, refer to Troubleshooting on page 30



Identify unit,. indicates the device when it needs service

Power Supply
The ProStream 9100 device is equipped with two field-replaceable redundant AC or DC power
supply units. Each power supply unit accommodates the power consumption of a fully populated
device. When both power supply units are plugged in and connected to the mains, the power
supply units operate in current sharing mode. For power consumption specifications, see Power
Supply Specifications.
The physical dimensions of the AC/DC power supply unit are 40mmH x 90mmW x 440mmD.
Each power supply unit features two LEDs. The following table describes the LEDs.
Table 1-9: Power Supply LEOs






Illuminates when mains input voltage is present

Out OK


Illuminates when output voltage is greater than 80% of the

nominal output rate.

For instructions on connecting the AC power supply, see Connecting the Power.
The -48 VDC power supply unit is supplied with the required 3-pin male connector. See
Connecting the DC Power Supply for instructions on connecting the power supply.
NOTE: Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit and the
effect that overloading circuits might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Use appropriate
equipment nameplate ratings when addressing this concern.

10M Slots and Cards

The ProStream 9100 device back panel has five Input Output Module <IOMl slots labeled one to
five. Each slot accommodates a single 10M card. The following figure illustrates the arrangement
of the slots in the back panel.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Back Panel

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Slot 3

Slot 4

Slot 5

Slot 1

Slot 2


Figure 1-1: ProStream 9100 Slot Arrangement

ProStream 9100 supports the following IOMs:


Quad GbE 10M - PRM-9K-IOM-GBE-4G <see Quod GbE IOMJ

8VSB Modulation - PRM-9K-IOM-8VSB <see BVSB Modulation Card)

Dual GbE 10M- PRM-9K-IOM-GBE-0002 (see Dual GbE 10M)


NOTE: The following information applies to both types of the DVB-ASI card.
Each DVB-ASI 10M card has four independent ports labeled ASI 1 to ASI 4. Each port can be
configured as an input or output port. The following table lists ASI card specifications.
Table 1-10: ASI Card Specifications


Number of Ports




Max. input bitrate

Up to 156 Mbps per port

Input extraction

4 x ASI ports. Each port can be configured as an input or an

output port.
In the DVB-ASI-SCR card, port 2 can be configured to receive the
GPS frequency.

Max. output bitrate

Female BNC connector.

Multicast content

Content elements can be simultaneously routed to multiple output


c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A


EDdl A$1 part feoture~ tw11 LEDr. Tx and Rx. lhe following t1lbles dOICIIbe the IIVIIIIIIIIe mtiiJ of
ll*le 111: status of ASIII'IIIt RIC IBis




POrt Ill dlaabl~


POrt Ill 1111d then~ II no ASII"'ut flow


POrt iS-~~~~ lllld irwalid MPEG data iS d!Jiadad


POrt Ill en.bled and n..s orjy- detecUid In tllellow

Blll*hJ green

POrt Is en.biiHI and traftlc Ill f!DWing

ll*le 112: Stat. of ASI PertlX LEDI





l'ort is disabled


l'ort Is -bled and ova now Is detec:teclln oldpUt port

l'ort Ia -bled end rull only are debilcled In thl!lllow

Bldh.l gi'IKin

l'ort Is -blalllllld lnlftk: IIIIICM1ng

Quad GbE 10M

The Q...d GbE 10M ani lms aht Independent ports. lhe parts ere OJIIIIII!zed 1111 fai~JW~~;

GIIE 1-4-Maximum bllme lsi Gbps. The pons -libeled GbEIIo GbE4. Ttae pom
IUpport fbr ar CX1pp111 Cllbles and 1118 SFP ~nL

1DGIIE1-2- Maldnun bllrate Is 10 Gbpt. lbe pam are labeled 1DGIIE1to1DGIIE2. lhe&e
polU support flblir c:ebles orly end 1111e SFP+ triii'ISCefters.


l'nl50ftm 1100 ~ 17.U. lkv A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

Each port is bi-directional and can receive and transmit streams simultaneously. The following
table lists the Quad GbE card specifications.
Table 1-13: Quad GbE Card Specifications

Number of Ports

Six. Up to four ports can be active simultaneously <two remain idle>
4xGbE 1 Gbps
1xGbE 10 Gbps and 2xGbE 1 Gbps with copper cables
Note: Only one 10 Gbps ports can be used.


Max. bitrate per port

<on 1G port only>

Input- Up to 950 Mbps

Output- Up to 915 Mbps

Max. bitrate per port

<on 1OG port only>

Input- Up to 1.8 Gbps

Output- Up to 1.8 Gbps

Max. bitrate per port

<on 1G and 1OG ports>

Input- Up to 1.4 Gbps on the 1OG port and up to 950 Mbps on the
1G ports
Output- Up to 1.4 Gbps on the 1OG port and up to 915 Mbps on
the 1G ports

Max. bitrate per card

<card using 1G port

Input- Up to 3.8 Gbps

Output- Up to 2.2 Gbps
Throughput- 2.2 Gbps

Max. bitrate per card

(card using 1OG port

Input- Up to 1.8 Gbps

Output- Up to 1.8 Gbps
Throughput- 1.8 Gbps

Max. bitrate per card

<card using 1G and 1OG

Input- Up to 3.3 Gbps

Output- Up to 2.2 Gbps
Throughput 2.2 Gbps

Number of input

Up to 400 sockets SPTS or MPTS

Number of output

Up to 400 sockets SPTS or MPTS

Input De-jittering

Up to 50 msc point-to-point

Multicast content

Content elements are simultaneously routed to multiple output


Null Packet Insertion

Constant bitrate output stream with null packet insertion and PCR

IP UDP modes

The following IP UDP modes are supported in both input and

output streams:
IP UDP unicast
IP UDP multicast UGMP V2 or V3l

1 SFP+ transceiver for fiber cable only

2 SFP transceiver for either fiber of copper cables
2 RJ-45 connectors for copper cables only

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

Table 1-13: Quad GbE Card Specifications continued



Max. number of input


500 per device

Max. number of output


500 per device

Quad GbE Port LEOs

Each GbE port features two LEDs: Tx and Rx. The following table describes the available status of
each LED.
Table 1-14: Status of GbE Port LEOs
LED Status







On - Live fiber is connected to the port and a network link

is detected
Blinking - Real traffic flows through the link
On - Indicates an error in the GbE port

SFP Module
The SFP <Small Form Factor Pluggable> module converts optical data into electrical data and vice
versa. The SFP modules receive input signals over a variety of physical interfaces:


Single-mode optical interface (1 000 Base-LX>

Multi-mode optical interface (1 000 Base-SX>

Copper interface (1 000 Base-T>


+ <relevant only to the Quad GbE IOM>

Multi-mode optical interface (1000 Base-SX 1G Ethernet, 10GBase-SR/SW 10G Ethernet>

The following figure illustrates an SFP module:

SFP copper

1Giga SFP

10Giga SFP+

Figure 1-2: SFP Modules


Warning: Class I laser product. UEC/EN 60825-1; 21 CFR SubChapter J (1040.10 and 1040.11)

2016 Harmon ic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

you can use any of the SFP modules described in Table 1-15 depending on the cable/fiber type
you are using.
Harmonic sells SFP modules that have been fully tested to operate with the ProStream 9100
device. These SFPs are made by Finisar, and can be purchased directly from Harmonic or from
other sources.

Table 7-75 1ists the Harmonic part numbers for the qualified SFP modules, as well as the matching
Finisar part numbers for the same modules. Use these part numbers when ordering your SFP

NOTE: To be eligible for support by Harmonic, use qualified SFPs only.

Table 1-15: 1Giga SFP Modules

Fiber/Cable Type


Wave Length

Max. Cable/
Fiber Length

Qualified Finisar SFP

Model Part Num.

Multimode fiber





Singlemode fiber


1310 nm

10 km


Singlemode fiber


1550 nm



Shielded and
grounded CAT-6 or

1 X RJ-45




Table 1-16: 10Giga SFP+ Module

Fiber/Cable Type
Multimode fiber





Max. Cable/
Fiber Length

Qualified Finisar SFP

Model Part Num.

An optical SFP has two LC sockets, Receive(Rx) and Transmit<Tx>. Use Multimode or Singlemode
fiber optics to connect your Gigabit Ethernet switch to the Rx socket If bi-directional topology is
used, connect the Tx socket back to the switch.

BVSB Modulation Card

The 8VSB modulation card is an RF input module that enables the reception of ATSC terrestrial
TV It receives four independent ATSC 8VSB signals on the inputs and outputs from four MPEG-2
Transport Streams.

NOTE: The four inputs are enabled by optional firmware licenses.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Olapb:r 1 l'ruSimlm 9100 Ow:rvicw

Baet Panel

BVSB Modulation Card Specifications

Tal* 1-11 piOI/ides the specifications for die RF module.

Table 1-17: Rf Module Specifications




4x Type F, 75 n per IEC 60169-24


8-VSB IATSC compliant)

Tuning Range

VHF/UHF (Oiannels 2-591

Note: lhe tuning range Is limited to Channels 2 to 59 by

sotlware (and SCTE 02-2006), per die FCC/Industry Canada
decisions to releese channels 60 to 69 for public safety use

-83dBml6 MHz

Dynamic Range



188 Bytes per TS packet



Environmental and Physiral

Compliant with ROHS Directive 2002195/EC. See Environmrnf:!ll and PllysiCGI.
Rgure 7-3 displeys the module Cteer penell.



R~3 ~


Figure 1-3: RF lnp11t Mod11le

RF Module: LED Ughts

lhe LED lighls SIIIIUS. as described in Tallft 1-18.
Table 1-18: LED Ughb




Port disabled

Blfnlclng Yellow

Loss of sync


Packet error rate IPER) threshold exceeded

Steady yellow

SNR below threshold


Port Enabled, no alarms

2016 Hannonlc Int. All rlgh1s II!KMd.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.S.Z.Ikv A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

Dual GbE 10M

GbE cards should be mounted in slot 1 and slot 2 only. Each GbE 10M card has two independent
ports labeled GbE 1 and GbE 2. Both ports are active and work as two independent ports. Each
port is bi-directional and can receive and transmit streams simultaneously. Each GbE port
includes an SFP module receptacle (see SFP Module). The following table lists the GbE card
specifications of both cards.
Table 1-19: Dual GbE Card Specifications

Number of Ports

Two independent GbE ports per 10M card. Each port serves
simultaneously as an input and output port


Two receptacles for SFP module.

Max. input bitrate

Up to 500 Mbps per card.

Number of input sockets

Up to 256 sockets SPTS or MPTS for both ports.

Input extraction

Extraction of incoming streams is displayed on the management


Max. output bitrate

Up to 500 Mbps per card.

Number of output sockets

Up to 128 sockets SPTS or MPTS for both ports.

Input de-jittering

Up to 50msc point-to-point

Multicast content

Content elements may be simultaneously routed to multiple

output ports.

Null Packet Insertion

Constant bitrate output stream with null packet insertion and PCR

IP UDP modes

The following I P U DP modes are supported in both input and

output streams:
IP UDP unicast
IP UDP multicast <IGMP V2 or V3)

Max. number of input


500 per device.

Max. number of output


500 per device.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 1 ProStream 9100 Overview

Back Panel

GbE Port LEOs

Each GbE port features two LEDs: Tx and Rx. The following table describes the available status of
each LED.
Table 1-20: Status of GbE Port LEOs
LED Status






c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


On -A live fiber is connected to the port and a network

link is detected.
Blinking- Real traffic flows through the link.
On -Indicates an error in the GbE port


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2
Installing the ProStream 9100
This chapter provides detailed instructions for installing the ProStream 9100 unit in a standard
19-inch rack, connecting the cables, and powering up the device.
The following installation checklist links to instructions for each task. Perform these tasks in the
order presented.

Installing the Device in a Rack
Inserting the /OM Cards and RF Input Card
Cabling ProStream 9100
Front Panel LEOs
Back Panel LEDs

For installation and cabling, you need the following:

Phillips screwdriver- To mount the ProStream 9100 device in a standard 19-inch rack.

Rack-mount screws- Harmonic ships the necessary rack-mount screws and rack rails with the
optional rack-mounting kit Harmonic ships rack-mounting kits in a separate shipping

The ProStream 9100 device comes in a specially designed shipping container that ensures the
integrity of the unit To avoid damage to the component follow the unpacking instructions that
come with the device.
The ProStream 9100 container includes the following items:


Standard IEC power cord

Spare air filters

Installation guide

NOTE: The AC power input cable must comply with the national electrical code and 18 AWG minimum.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Installing the Device in a Rack.

Installing the Device in a Rack

This section describes how to mount the device in a standard 19-inch rack, using the two sidemount rails included in the optional rack-mounting kit The recommended rack setup is a 30-inchdeep rack with a spacer or chimney between racks with multiple devices.
When you view the rack from the rear, the power rail is installed on the left side.

Rack Guidelines
When operating the device in the rack, ensure that:

The ambient temperature around the unit <which might be higher than room temperature) is
within the limit specified for the unit

There is sufficient airflow around the unit

Electrical circuits are not overloaded; consider the nameplate rating of all the connected

There is overcurrent protection.

The equipment is properly grounded.

No objects are placed on top of the unit

Chassis Warnings for Rack Mounting and Servicing

The following guidelines are provided to assure your safety:

This unit should be mounted at the bottom of the rack if it is the only unit in the rack.

When mounting this unit in a partially filled rack, load the rack from the bottom to the top with
the heaviest component at the bottom of the rack.

If the rack is provided with stabilizing devices, install the stabilizers before mounting or
servicing the unit in the rack.

CALmON: Rack mount the platform using the screws that came with your Harmonic rail kit. If you did not
purchase a Harmonic rail kit, use a rack-mount screw with a head no larger than 0.4 inches in diameter and
0.14 inches in height to avoid damaging the front panel of the platform. (Some platforms come with a peelaway sticker specifying the correct screw size.) Using only the bottom two screw holes is sufficient.

The airflow through the device is critical for maintaining the proper temperature range. Fans in the
chassis draw air in through the front bezel and through the device. The airflow ventilates out of
the right side (front view).

CAunON: Do not obstruct the airflow of the device. Severe equipment damage can result when the device
cannot properly exhaust the airflow.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Installing the Device in a Rack

Attaching the Rack Rails

Attach the side-mount rack rails to the rack to hold the device in place. Figure 2-1 illustrates the
parts of the rack rails.

Tinnerman _____.,.
Speed Nut

Figure 2-1: Rack Rails

To attach the rack rails to the rack:

1. If necessary, place a Tinnermanm speed nut-with the nut on the outside of the rack-over the
holes to which you want to mount the rails.
NOTE: Each of the four rack posts requires two speed nuts.


Position the rack rails so the shelves are facing the inside of the rack.


Using the =#= 10 screws provided with the device, screw the mounts into the speed nuts from
the inside of the rack using the rack-mount holes that line up with the holes on the rack posts.
Figure 2-2 illustrates attaching the rails.

Figure 2-2: Attaching the Rails to the Rack

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Inserting the IOM Cards and RF Input Card

CAtmON: Make sure to install the rack rails with the shelf at the top of the rail. If you install the rail upside
down, the rail blocks the device air vents, which can result in overheating the device.

Mounting the Device

See Chassis Warnings for Rack Mounting and Servicing.

To Mount the Device on a Rack:

1. Detach the bezel as explained in Removing and Replacing the Bezel and expose the mount holes.
See Figure 2-3.
2. Gently slide the device to rest on the rack rails.

Push the device back until the rack-mount holes in the front of the device line up with the rack


Insert four screws through the mount holes in the front of the device to the corresponding
holes on the rack posts.

5. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver.

6. Carefully replace the front bezel of the device.
Rack mount holes

Figure 2-3: Mounting the device

Inserting the 10M Cards and RF Input Card

Usually, ProStream 9100 devices are shipped with the IOM cards installed according to the
hardware configuration required by the customer.

ESD Guidelines
In case you need to install or replace an 10M card, handle it according to the following
instructions to avoid any damage.
To prevent damage caused by ESD, it is recommended that you comply with the following

When unpacking an IOM card, keep the card in its anti-static wrapping until you are ready to
install it in the device. Unwrap the card only at an ESD workstation or when grounded.

If for any reason you cannot insert the card, lay it in an anti-static container or packaging.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Device Dimensions

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Handle the card only at an ESD workstation and use anti-static rubber mat and wrist bands.

Handle the 10M with care. Do not touch components and contacts on the board and hold the
board by its edges.

Inserting an IOM/RF card

To insert an 10M card, you need the following:

Phillips screwdriver

ESD-preventing wrist band

ESD-preventing rubber mat

you can insert the card either before or after mounting the device in the rack,. according to your
personal preference.

To insert an IOM/RF card:

1. Verify that the device is powered off.

Remove the filler panel that covers the required 10M slot

3. Unpack the 10M card.

4. Hold the card by its edges and insert it into the slot
Make sure that the sides of the card slide into the guides of the 10M slot

5. Push the card until its edge-connector mates securely with the connector in the slot.
6. Fasten the screws of the card to secure the IOM card to the chassis.
If you did not mount the device into the rack before inserting the card, mount it now.

Device Dimensions
Dimensions are provided in inches and millimeters as follows:



c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

[6s1 .oI


. ..



Cabling ProStream 9100

CAUIION: Do not 11111ct any cable connedlons when lilt powtr cordis conn~ You must unplug Ult

.& . power cable til tum aff1111: ck<iicc.

c.bllna lhe PruStreem 91 00 clevk:8 Is vay snlahlflllwlrd. All Input and Olllput PQI1II a.s well as
Bhemllt poria 11re cleerly mslu!d. For furlher lnlunnallon,- Badt i'INll!l.
lbe following table 1151s lhe pora, cebleslllbers end lhelr requi'ed ccnnedors:

Table 2-1: c.llll. l'roStlu IIGO





75 Ohm coax cables

Standanl BNC


Mlftmode or slnglemode optic nber


Shielded end grounded CAT-6 or CAT-7



l'loSlraM 1100 llrlase 17.&2, Ill A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Cabling ProStream 9100

Table 2-1: Cabling ProStream 9100


Shielded and grounded CAT-5E


Connecting the Ethernet Cables

The Ethernet ports, labeled ETH 1 and ETH2, provide access to two independent networks. All
ProStream 91 00 devices use the ETH 1 port to connect to a management network The ETH2 port
is used to connect the ProStream 91 00 to a CAS <Conditional Access) network

To connect the Ethernet ports:

Connect a shielded and grounded CAT-5E cable from the ETH 1/ETH2 port on the ProStream
91 00 device to your network hub or switch.

NOTE: The 10/100 test port on the front panel is for testing use only and must not be used as a
management port.

Connecting the ASI Input/Output Ports

The ASI ports require a 75-0hm cable with a standard BNC connector.

To connect the ASI Ports:

1. Connect the BNC male connector to the BNC female connector of the required ASI port
located on the ProStream 9100 back panel.
2 . Connect the connector on the other side of the cable to your ASI source/destination.

Connecting the GbE Input/Output Ports

The GbE connection requires SFP modules and either of the following:

Optic fiber with standard LC connectors

Shielded and grounded CAT-6 or CAT-7 cable <copper cable) with an RJ-45 connector

The SFP modules can be purchased separately. For further information about SFP modules see

To connect the optic fiber/copper cables to the ProStream 9100:

1. Insert the SFP module into the SFP receptacle of the required GbE port at the back of the
ProStream 9100.
2 . Do either of the following:

Fiber cable - Insert the LC connector into the Rx port of the SFP.

Shielded and grounded CAT 6 or 7 copper cable - Insert the RJ-45 connector into the
matching port

3. Connect the connector on the other side of the fiber to your GbE source/destination <typically
a GbE switch).

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A


Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

ProStream 9100

4. Fiber cable only - If you are using a bi-directional network configuration, use another fiber to
connect the Tx port of the SFP to the Rx port of the switch.

Connecting the Input BVSB Modulation Card

RF ports require a 75-0hm cable with a standard BNC connector.

To connect the &VSB ports (RF ports):

1. Connect the BNC male connector to the BNC female connector of the required RF port
The RF port is located on the ProStream 9100 back panel.
2. Connect the connector on the other side of the cable to your ATSC BVSB source.

Grounding Mounted Devices

ProStream 9100 is manufactured with zinc plating on all chassis surfaoes. The unit is installed with
metal to metal contact between the rack rails, front ears and the rack frames. You must ensure
1tlat the rack is proper1y grounded.
ProStream 9100 must be connected to the main earth line of the rack, using the dedicated
ground terminal on the back of the chassis.

To ground each mounted device:

1. Connect one end of the grounding wire to the rack grounding terminal.
2. Connect the other end of the grounding wire to the grounding terminal at the back panel of
the device by fastening it with a two lock nuts.

Grounding terminal tightened by two lock nuts

Figure 2-5: Grounding Mounted Device

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Cnapter 2 Installing tne PrnStream 9100

Cabling PrnStream 9100

Connecting the Power

The device is customized with either an AC or DC power supply. This section describes how to do
the following:

Connecting the AC Power Supply

Connecting the DC Power Supply

The chassis does not have a power switch. The unit powers on automatically when you plug it in.
Before you power-up the device, make sure that you have performed all of the cabling required
for each of the installed modules.
To power-up the device:
1. Connect the power cord to the power plug on the device back panel and connect the power
cord to the power outlet.
2. The boot sequence begins, as described in Local Control Panel Display Messages during Bootup.

Connecting the AC Power Supply

The device AC power supply uses autosensing to adjust to different incoming voltages. The AC
power plug accommodates standarciiEC 120 VAC and 250 VAC power cords.

Connecting the DC Power Supply

If your device has the optional -40 VDC power supply, read the following to wire the power
supply. Figure 2-6 shows the DC power supply, which is located on the back panel.

Figure 2-6: DC Power Supply

Getting Started
Before you begin wiring the -40 VDC power supply, make sure you provide the necessary
overcurrent protection, wires, and power connector.

Power Source Specifications

The DC power source feeding the device must meet the following requirements:

~ 2016

Electrically isolated from any AC power source.

Positive ground. The Positive bus of the DC power source must be reliably connected to the
Ground bus.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Cabling ProStream 9100

Each feed-pair must provide a continuous supply of power that meets the specifications shown in
Table 2-2: DC Power Source Requirements




Max operating current

15 amps

Max input surge current

20 amps

Overcurrent Protection
To provide overcurrent protection:

Provide overcurrent protection devices as part of each rack housing the ProStream 91 00.

Locate a readily accessible disconnect device between the DC power source and the
ProStream 9100.

Use a 20-amp double-pole fast trip, DC-rated disconnect device for each DC power

NOTE: Overcurrent protection devices must meet applicable national and local electrical safety codes and

be approved for the intended application.

Wiring Requirements
The device is connected to the DC power source using three wires:




Although Harmonic provides the power input connector with the device, you must supply the
The wires must comply with the specifications shown in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3: DC Power Wire Requirements


Suitable conductor material

Copper only

-Yin and +Yin wires

16 AWG rating

Ground cable

16 AWG rating

Cable insulation rating

Minimum 80 C, low smoke fume <LSA, flame retardant

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Cabling ProStream 9100

Table 2-3: DC Power Wire Requirements ctHitinued


Cable type


Must comply with at least one of the following standards:

UL 1581 <VW-1>- UL style 1028 or equivalent
EEE 1202-1991

Branch circuit cable insulation


Per applicable national electrical codes

Grounding cable color


Power Connector
The device is supplied with a special DC power connector plug that matches the DC power
socket on the back of the device.
This connector is made by WAGO, model number 231-1 03/037-000.
Use only the original connector for connecting the device to the DC power source. Contact
Harmonic Technical Support if you want to use any other type of connector.
Figurr! 2-7 shows the connector and its strain relief housing.

Figure 2-7: DC power connector

Assembling the DC Input Power Cable

To assemble the DC Input power cable:

1. Prepare the power wires as specified in Wiring Requirements.

2. Use the disconnect device to make sure that the power supply from the DC power source to
the cables is switched off.
CAUTION: Turn off the power before proceeding with these instructions.

3. Unplug the WAGO power connector from the power socket on the back panel of the device.
4. Identify the three wires coming from the DC power source that are used In the connection to
the expansion unit:




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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

The Boot Sequence

5. Strip up to 0.3 inches <8 mml of insulation from each of the wires coming from the DC power
Do not strip more than this length from each wire. Stripping more leaves uninsulated wire
exposed outside the DC connector after the assembly is complete.

Insert a small screwdriver into the rectangular hole directly above the hole in the DC
connector where you want to insert the first cable and press down on the screwdriver.
This opens the cage clamp for this section of the DC plug connector.

NOTE: WAGO also sells tools specifically designed to open cage clamps easily. For more information,
either visit the WAGO web site at, or call WAGO at 1-800-346-7245 and request
information about items 210-250 or 231-131.

Feed the exposed section of the wire into the matching hole in the DC plug connector, as
shown in Figure 2-8

Figure 2-8: DC Power Connector Detail


Repeat step 5 through step 7 for the other two wires to complete the assembly of the DC
input cable.

NOTE: If you need to remove a wire from the DC plug connector, insert a small screwdriver into the slot
directly above the wire and press down on the screwdriver to free the wire from the cage clamp.

The Boot Sequence

The boot sequence begins as soon as you plug in your device. This section describes the boot
sequence, including the messages that appear on the local control panel display.

local Control Panel Display Messages during Bootup

Messages on the local control panel indicate progress during boot-up. During a successful boot,
many events occur so quickly you cannot see the messages. The following sections describe the
messages that you can see during boot attempts.

NOTE: During the boot sequence, do not press any key on the keypad.
The following sequence describes the display on the vacuum fluorescent display NFDl during a
successful startup:

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Front Panel LEOs

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

VFD line 1 = Harmonic Logo

Begin loading
VFD line 1 =Initializing

VFD line 1 =MAC Address xx: xx: xx: xx: xx

VFD line 1 = BootP 1-4 (screen updates 1, 2, 3, 4)
VFD line 2 =Boot From Hard Drive

VFD line 1 = ProStream 91910000

The local control panel displays messages for other types of restarts, including a system reset and
loading new software.

Messages when Resetting the Device

When you reset the device from NMX, a message on the VFD shows that the device has been
reset The device uses the boot file on the hard drive when you reset it

Reset from NMX

VFD line 1 =Bye bye
VFD line 2 =

After power cycle

VFD line 1 =Harmonic Inc
VFD line 2 = System Loading

Begin loading
VFD line 1 = ProStream 9100
VFD line 2 = System Loading

VFD line 1 = ProStream 9100
VFD line 2 =Loading xxxxxxxx.elf

VFD line 1 = ProStream 9100

Front Panel LEOs

The four LEDs on the front panel indicate the operational state of the device. Table 2-4 describes
the front panel LEDs.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 2 Installing the ProStream 9100

Back Panel LEOs

NOTE: Wh~n th~ d~vic~ is first pow~r~d up, th~ pow~r light is gr~~n and th~ local light is y~llow. If th~
device is not configured, the Fault and Activity lights do not indicate anything.
Table 2-4: Front Panel LEOs





The Power LED is yellow while the device initializes after startup.


The Power LED turns green when the device initialization is

complete and the management interface is enabled and ready.



The Fault LED lights when the application software detects an alarm.



The Local LED lights when the device is operating in local mode.



The Tx LED lights when the device generates an MPEG-2 transport

stream. It blinks slowly when MPEG packets are being transmitted
steadily. It blinks fast or intermittently when the transmission rate is
slow or intermittent

Back Panel LEOs

The back panel contains two LEDs on the main board. Table 2-5 describes the LEDs located on
the main board.
Table 2-5: Rear Panel Main Board LEOs





The Locator LED lights when this device is enabled through NMX
or SAG.
Use the Locator LED to help you identify a specific chassis in a



The Fault LED lights when the application software detects an

The front panel and back panel Fault LEDs light at the same time.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 3
Operating the ProStream 9100
After installing the ProStream 9100, you can configure its platform and services. The
configuration and management application you use depends on whether the ProStream 9100 is
part of a network, or is operating as a standalone device.
This chapter describes how to access ProStream 9100 management for both options, and
includes the following sections:

Operating with NMX Digital Service Manager

Operating in Standalone Mode

Ucensing Information

Operating with NMX Digital Service Manager

When you use NMX Digital Service Manager to manage the ProStream 9100 devices in your
network, you perform all configuration tasks, including IP address assignment, in NMX. you do
not need to do any configuration from the device front panel.
See the NMX online help for instructions on adding a ProStream 91 00 to an NMX network group.
you need to know the MAC address of the device when you add the device to a network group.
See Front Panel Display for instructions on viewing the MAC address in the front panel display.
While you can perform all platform and configuration tasks from NMX, you use the standalone
GUI <SAG) to manage any feature license additions/deletions. For information about feature
licensing on the ProStream 9100, see Licensing Information.

Operating in Standalone Mode

When the ProStream 91 00 operates in standalone mode, you must perform some initial network
configuration from the device front panel before using SAG to configure the platform and its
The following sections describe how to use the front panel to set the IP address, default gateway,
and sub net mask for the device. After supplying these values, use SAG to fully configure the

Using the Front Panel

You can perform some initial network configuration from the device front panel. From the front
panel, you can set the IP address of the device, default gateway, and subnet mask, and you can
view the device's MAC address and serial number.

Front Panel Keypad

You use the keypad on the local control panel to set the IP address.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 3 Operating the ProStream 9100

Using the Front Panel

Figure 3-1: Front Panel Keypad




LED- Power

Power indicator

LED- Fault

Fault indicator

LED- Focal

Local Control indicator


Transmitting indicator

Left key

Menu left

Up key

Menu up

Right key

Menu right

ESC key

Menu escape

Down key

Menu down



Menu select

Front Panel Display

The four-line, 28-character Vacuum Fluorescent Display NFD> shows the ProStream 9100 menus,
parameters, and options. As shown in Figure 3-2, line 1 of the local control panel shows the menu
path for the currently selected option. To represent a path, the VFD displays each submenu as
two or more letters and a colon.
Line 2 of shows the second line of a help message or a parameter value. To change this value,
you must enter the new value using the keypad.

Value to be edited -

Parameter requires value setting

NTWK : Contro l



Figure 3-2: Setting a Value in the Front Panel Display

A blinking cursor shows the current value. A steady cursor shows the value being edited.

Setting Network Properties of the Device

Before you can begin using SAG to configure the device, you must set the following parameters
of the device from the front panel.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 3 Operating the ProStream 9100

IP address

Subnet mask

Default gateway

Using the Front Panel

The ProStream 9100 ships with a default IP address based on the device's serial number. The
default subnet mask is, and the default gateway address is
This section applies only to setting up the ProStream 9100 management using SAG.
To set the ProStream 9100 management port IP address:
1. Press the Right arrow key.
The VFD display shows NTWK: Configuration.

Press the Down arrow key to navigate to NTWK: control I P.


Press Enter.


Enter the IP address, using the arrow keys.

5. When you finish, press Enter.

Do not exit the Network menu because you can set the other properties from here.

Licensing Information
Licensing is required for some features, and you cannot enable those features without the
appropriate licensing. You can add licenses to your system using the Harmonic Nodelock
License Manager. Most licenses are permanent-once enabled the feature continues to function
without raising license-related alarms. A small set of licenses are time-limited and have different
behavior, as follows:

Streams that include features under license raise alarms when their licensing expires.

When licenses expire, streams continue to flow as configured, but cannot be modified or reenabled if disabled for any reason.

If any changes are made after a license expires, service might be affected, and other
operations, such as redundancy, might not function proper1y.

If a license is not installed for a feature, a grace period allows the feature to continue to fully
operate for an additional 45 days, at the end of which the system will cease to function.
Alarms are issued each day to advise you that licensing is required for a given feature.

In Nodelock License Manager, you can:

Add licenses to your Harmonic device

Remove licenses from your Harmonic device

To add licenses to your device in Nodelock License Manager:

1. Connect your device to the network with other Harmonic devices to allow License Manager
to identify your device.

Under Devices List> Device IP, select the check box to allow License Manager to locate
licenses available for your device.

3 . Save the License Manager Database file for later retrieval from a local area network <optionall.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 3 Operating the ProStream 9100


Using the Front Panel

Using your Harmonic Web Portal credentials, log in to Nodelock License Manager.

5. Click Get Entitlements to view and select available entitlements.

The amount of available licenses for an entitlement can be viewed under Entitlements >
Available Licenses.

6. Under Device Licenses > Revised Quantity, enter the number of licenses you want to add to
the selected entitlement, and then click Activate.
Under Device Licenses> Pending Actions, the status reads, Pending Apply.


Click Apply Certificate to add the license to the device.

To remove licenses from your device in Nodelock License Manager:

1. Under Device Licenses > Revised Quantity, enter the new !reduced) amount of licenses you
want to have on the device.

2. Click Activate.
Under Device Licenses> Pending Actions, the status reads, Pending Apply.

3. Click Apply Certificate.

Under Device Licenses> Pending Actions, the status reads, Pending Acknowledge.

4. Click Acknowledge Receipt to remove the license from the device.

For a complete overview and instructions on how to use Nodelock License Manager, refer to the
Nodelock License Manager 4.0 online help, which is packaged with your Harmonic device.
For a list of licensing options available for the ProStream 9100, refer to the latest NMX Release

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4
Removing and Replacing the Bezel
The bezel, made of a lightweight,. flexible plastic material, is field replaceable.

WARNING: The front panel display on the device is susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD) when the
bezel is removed. Wear the appropriate ESD protection when the bezel is removed. See ESD Guidelines.

you do not need to unplug the device when removing and replacing the bezel.

As you go through the steps in the following procedure, refer to the corresponding number in

To remove the bezel:

1. Locate the lever on the front of the bezel and push to the right to disengage the right side of
the bezel.

Figure 4-1: Steps for removing the Bezel


Pull the right side of the bezel towards you.


Ease the bezel away from the fan tray.

The bezel is secured to the fan tray by a clip.

4. Ease the left side of the bezel away from the unit

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Air Riter

Chapter 4 Maintenance

To replace the bezel:

1. Replace the bezel by inserting the plastic catch at the back of the left side of the bezel into
the slot in the metal frame, as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2: Steps for replacing the Bezel


Ease the right side of the bezel onto the unit, as shown in Figure 4-2, step 2.


Push the front of the bezel flush with the fan tray to secure the clip that holds the bezel to the
fan tray, as shown in Figure 4-2, step 3.


Locate the lever on the front of the bezel and push to the right to snap the bezel into place, as
shown in Figure 4-2, step 4.

Air Filter
The device uses an air filter to minimize dust and dirt in the circuitry and components in the
chassis. The filter is made of flexible, open cell polyurethane foam, which is specially coated to
provide flame and fungus resistance. It is enclosed in a sheet metal frame that slides from the top
of the unit and is located directly in front of the air vents in the fan cage at the front of the device.
The filter is fire retardant and conforms to UL 900 Class 2 and U L 94 HF-1 specifications.

Maintaining the Air Filter

The operating environment of the device plays a large factor in determining the life of the air filter.
Devices that operate in dusty and dirty surroundings require more frequent inspections and filter
cleaning than those operating in cleaner environments.
Inspect and clean the filter with a frequency that is appropriate to the environment in which the
device operates. Harmonic recommends inspecting and cleaning the filter every six weeks to
ensure proper airflow through the chassis.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Air Riter

Chapter 4 Maintenance

To clean dust and dirt from the filters, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dirt, or you
can rinse the in water. you can also use soaps or mild detergents on the filter. If you rinse the
filter in water, make sure that you squeeze the excess water from it before reinstalling it in the

Removing and Replacing the Air Filter

you do not need to unplug the device when removing and replacing the air filter.
NOTE: You might need to slide the chassis forward to enable this procedure.

To remove the air filter:


Using your fingers, push up on the air filter unit from the bottom of the chassis until the filter is
displaced, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3: Removing the Air Filter


Remove the filter from the chassis.

3 . Inspect the air filter for dirt, and clean it if necessary.

NOTE: When the filter is new, its color is medium charcoal. As dust and dirt collect in the porous filter
material, the filter's color gradually changes to brown, then to an ash color.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Fan Tray

Chapter 4 Maintenance

To replace the filter:

1. With your fingers on the comers of the filter (indicated in red), push down on the filter until it
is secure in the chassis, as shown in Figure 4-4.
The corners of the filter press against the chassis when it is fully inserted.

Figure 4-4: Replacing the Air Filter

Fan Tray
The fan tray unit contains eight 12V fans which pull air from the front of the unit through a series of
air vents. A curved frame, housing the front panel display unit,. attaches to the front of the fan tray
unit and is considered an integral part of the fan tray unit This curved frame must not be removed
at any time.
NOTE: If the fan tray unit is removed for more than two minutes, the device might shut down.

Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray

To remove the fan tray:
1. Remove the bezel from the unit,. as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.
2. With a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two screws that attach the fan tray assembly to
the chassis, as shown in Rgure 4-5, step 2.
3. Grasp the front of the fan tray assembly, and pull the tray firmly but smoothly towards you to
disengage it from the PC connector inside the unit

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Fan Tray

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Figure 4-5: Removing the Fan Tray

4 . Slide the fan tray assembly away from the chassis.

To replace the fan tray assembly:

1. Replace the fan tray assembly by sliding the tray into the chassis, engaging the PC connector,
identified by the red arrow in Figure 4-6.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Power Supply

Figure 4-6: Replacing the Fan Tray


Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, secure the fan tray assembly to the chassis, as shown in
Figure 4-6, step 2.

3 . Install the bezel as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.

Power Supply
Dual power supply units power ProStream 91 00. you can replace the power supply as outlined in
Removing and Replacing the Power Supply.

Removing and Replacing the Power Supply

To remove the power supply:
1. Turn off the device by unplugging the power cord.

Remove the bezel from the chassis as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.


Remove the fan tray unit from the chassis as described in Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray.
The following step applies only when you need to replace the power supply unit on the right

4 . With a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the L-shaped bracket attached to the inside of the
chassis on the right side, as shown in Figure 4-7, step 1.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Power Supply

Figure 4-7: Removing the Power Supply Unit

5. Grasp the metal handle on the front of the power supply unit and pull firmly to disengage the
power supply from the connector, as shown in Figure 4-7, step 2.
6. Slide the power supply away from the unit

To replace the power supply:

1. With the bezel and fan tray assembly removed, insert the power supply into the chassis until it
engages with the connector, as shown in Figure 4-8, step 1.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Input/Output Modules

Figure 4-8: Replacing a Power Supply Unit

The following step applies only when you need to replace the power supply unit on the right
2. With a Phillips-head screwdriver, attach the L-shaped bracket to the right inside of the chassis,
as shown in Figure 4-8, step 2.

3. Reinstall the fan tray assembly, as described in Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray.
4. Reinstall the bezel, as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.

Input/Output Modules
To extend the capability of the ProStream 9100, there are five slots for optional inpuVoutput
modules UOMs) in the rear of the chassis. See /OM Slots and Cards.

Removing and Replacing an Input/Output Module (IOM)

NOTE: The device needs to be turned off when removing and replacing an 10M.
To replace an 10M:
1. With a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two screws attaching the module to the back of
the chassis, as shown in Figure 4-9, step 1.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Input/Output Modules

Figure 4-9: Removing an 10M

NOTE: The cover must never be removed. The illustrated figures show no cover for ease of explanation.

Pull firmly on the module to remove it from the chassis, as shown in Figure 4-9, step 2.

To replace an 10M:
1. Insert the module into an empty slot in the back of the chassis, as shown in Figure 4-10, step 1.

Figure 4-10: Replacing an 10M

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards

NOTE: The cover must never be removed. The illustrated figures show no cover for ease of explanation.

NOTE: Make sure that the module goes into the device smoothly without binding or scraping other
modules. The module should slide easily until you feel the module engage the internal connector, and you
see that the module is flush with the back of the device. Do not force the module.

2. Secure the module to the chassis using a Phillips-head screwdriver, as shown in Figure 4-10,
step 2.

Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards

Usually, ProStream 9100 with ACE <Agile Compression Engine) devices are shipped with
Transcoding modules installed according to the hardware configuration required by the customer.
Transcoding specifications per ProStream 9100 with ACE are as follows.

Table 4-1: Transcoding specifications



Transcoding module

Up to four

Transcoding chips

Five per transcoding module

Services (channels)

5 H D services per card

Up to 20 services per box

In case you need to install or replace a transcoding module, or other I PC, handle it according to
the following instructions to avoid any damage.
To remove an IPC Card:
1. Unplug the device.

Remove the bezel from the chassis as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.
It is not necessary to remove the cover from the ProStream 9100 to remove an I PC. If you
want to remove the cover, use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the screws from the top
of the chassis.


Remove the fan tray assembly from the chassis as described in Removing and Replacing the Fan

4. With a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the screw attaching the card retaining device to the
chassis, as shown in Figure4-11.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards

Figure 4-11: Removing the Card Retaining Device

5. Grab the card handle to slide the card out of the chassis, as shown in Figure4-12.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards

Figure 4-12: Removing an IPC Card

To replace an IPC Card:
1. From the front of the unit, insert the IPC module into the chassis until the module engages
with the chassis connector, as shown in Figure 4-13.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Chapter 4 Maintenance

Inserting/Replacing IPC Cards

Figure 4-13: Replacing an IPC Card

2. Reattach the card retainer.


Reinsert the fan tray as described in Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray.


Reinstall the bezel as described in Removing and Replacing the Bezel.

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix A
Contacting the Technical Assistance Center
Harmonic Global Service and Support has many Technical Assistance Centers ITAC) located
globally, but virtually co-located where our customers can obtain technical assistance or request
on-site visits from the Regional Field Service Management team. The TAC operates a Follow-TheSun support model to provide Global Technical Support anytime, anywhere, through a single case
management and virtual telephone system. Depending on time of day, anywhere in the world, we
will receive and address your calls or emails in one of our global support centers. The Follow-theSun model greatly benefits our customers by providing continuous problem resolution and
escalation of issues around the clock.

Report an issue online at:

Table A-1: Technical Support Phone Numbers and Email Addresses

Telephone Technical Support



888.673.4896 (888.MPEG.TWOl
or +1.408.490.6477

[email protected]

Europe, Middle East,

and Africa


[email protected]



[email protected]


+ 7.495.926.4608

[email protected]

Mainland China

+86.1 0.6569.5580

[email protected]



[email protected]

Asia Pacific - Other


or 65.6542.0050

[email protected]

The Harmonic Inc. support website is:

The Harmonic Inc. software download locations are:
All Harmonic software except Cable
Edge software


Cable Edge software


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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix A Contacting the Technical Assistance


The Harmonic Inc. corporate address is:

Harmonic Inc.
4300 North First St
San Jose, CA 95 n4, U.S.A.
Attn: Customer Support
The corporate telephone numbers for Harmonic Inc. are:
Tel. 1.800.788. n30 (inside the U.S.)
Tel. + 1.408.542.2500 (outside the U.S.)
Fax.+ 1.408.542.2511

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ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information
Legal Disdaimer: Information in this document is provided in connection with Harmonic
products. Unless otherwise agreed in writing Harmonic products are not designed nor intended
for any application in which the failure of the product could cause personal injury or death.
NOTE: The information in this appendix may apply to purchased products only.

Important Safety Instructions

This section provides important safety guidelines for operators and service personnel. Specific
warnings and cautions are found throughout the guide where they apply, but may not appear
here. Please read and follow the important safety information, noting especially those instructions
related to risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons. you must adhere to the guidelines in this
document to ensure and maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals.
In this document, we use "product,w "equipment,w and "unit" interchangeably.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. It may cause harmful
interference to radio communications if it is not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions in this manual. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmful interference If this occurs, the user will be required to correct the interference at his or
her own expense.
In event of conflict between the information in this document and information provided with the
product or on our website for a particular product, this product documentation takes precedence.

Safety Symbols Et: Translated Safety. Warning Et: Caution lnsb'uctions

To avoid personal injury or property damage, before you begin installing or replacing the product,
read, observe, and adhere to all the following safety instructions and information. Harmonic
products and/or product packaging may be marked with the safety symbols used throughout this
document, when it is necessary to alert operators, users, and service providers to pertinent safety
instructions in the manuals.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Safety Symbols Et Translated Safety, Warning Et Caution Instructions (English)




Installing or Replacing the Product Unit Warning

Only trained and qualified service personnel should be allowed to install,
replace, or service this unit (refer AS/NZS 3260 Clause Service
Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the
power source.
When installing or replacing the unit, always make the ground connection
first and disconnect it last.
Installation of the unit must comply with local and national electrical
This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted
access area can be accessed only through the use of special tool, lock
and key or other means of security.
Use only specified replacement parts .
Do not use this unit in or near water. Disconnect all AC power before
installing any options or servicing the unit unless instructed to do so by
this manual.




Rack Mount Warning

To prevent bodily injury when mounting or servicing this unit in a rack,
special precautions must be taken to ensure your safety and stability of
Conform to local occupational health and safety requirements when
moving and lifting the equipment.
Ensure that mounting of the unit by mechanical loading tools should not
induce hazardous conditions.
To avoid risk of potential electric shock, a proper safety ground must be
implemented for the rack and each piece of equipment installed on it.

Chassis Warning
Before connecting or disconnecting ground or power wires to the chassis,
ensure that power is removed from the DC circuit.
To prevent personal injury or damage to the chassis, lift the unit only by
using handles that are an integral part of the chassis, or by holding the
chassis underneath its lower edge.
Any instructions in this guide that require opening the chassis or removing
a board should be performed by qualified service personnel only.
Slots and openings in the chassis are provided for ventilation. Do not
block them. Leave the back of the frame clear for air exhaust cooling and
to allow room for cabling- a minimum of 6 inches (15.24 em) of clearance
is recommended.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Safety Symbols Et Translated Safety, Warning Et Caution Instructions (English)



Electric Shock Warning
This unit might have more than one power cord. To reduce the risk of
electric shock, disconnect the two power supply cords before servicing
the unit.
Before working on a chassis or working near power supplies, unplug the
power cord on AC units.
Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during
periods of lightning activity.
This unit is grounded through the power cord grounding conductor. To
avoid electric shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle
before connecting the product input or outputs.
Route power cords and other cables so that they are not likely to be
damaged. Disconnect power input to unit before cleaning. Do not use
liquid or aerosol cleaners; use only a damp cloth to clean chassis.
Dangerous voltages exist at several points in this product. To avoid
personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while
power is on. Do not insert anything into either of the system's two power
supply cavities with power connected
Never install an AC power module and a DC power module in the same
Do not wear hand jewelry or watch when troubleshooting high current
circuits, such as the power supplies.
To avoid fire hazard, use only the specified correct type voltage and
current ratings as referenced in the appropriate parts list for this unit.
Always refer fuse replacement to qualified service personnel.
This unit relies on the building's installation for short-circuit <overcurrent>
protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC,
15A U.S. <240 VAC, 1OA international) is used on the phase conductors
<all current-carrying conductors>.
To avoid electrocution ensure that the rack has been correctly grounded
before switching on the unit. When removing the unit remove the
grounding connection only after the unit is switched off and unplugged.


Electrostatic Discharge <ESD) Caution

Follow static precaution at all times when handling this unit.
Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap when handling
electronic components. Connect one end of the strap to an ESD jack or
an unpainted metal component on the system
Handle cards by the faceplates and edges only; avoid touching the
printed circuit board and connector pins.
Place any removed component on an antistatic surface or in a static
shielding bag.
Avoid contact between the cards and clothing .
Periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap .
Recommended value is between 1 and 10 mega-ohms <Mohms>.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Symboles de securite et traduits de securite, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions





Laser Radiation Warning

Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from disconnected fibers or
connectors. Do not stare into beams or view directly with optical instruments.
Never operate a unit with a broken fibre or with a separated fiber connector.



Lithium Battery Handling Safety Instructions

contain perchlorate material. The following advisory is provided:
"Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply, see:
hazardous waste/perchlorate/ for information".



Risk of explosion if battery is replaced incorrectly or with an incorrect type

Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions
There are no user-serviceable batteries inside Harmonic products. Refer
to Harmonic qualified personnel only to service the replaceable batteries


Symboles de securite et traduits de securite, d'avertissement et

Attention Instructions (fran~ais)
Pour eviter des blessures ou des dommages materiels, avant de commencer !'installation ou le
rem placement du produit, lire, observer, et de respecter toutes les instructions et informations de
securite suivantes. Produits harmoniques et I ou l'emballage du produit peuvent ~tre marques
avec les symboles de securite utilises dans le present document, lorsque cela est necessaire
pour alerter les operateurs, les utilisateurs et les fournisseurs de services de consignes de
securite pertinentes dans les manuels.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Symboles de securite et traduits de securite, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions





Installation ou remplacement de l'unite de produit Avertissement

II est vivement recommande de confier !'installation, le rem placement et Ia
maintenance de ces equipements des personnels qualifies et
experimentes. <voir AS I NZS 3260 article du personnel de
Avant de brancher le systeme sur Ia source d'alimentation, consulter les
directives d'installation.
Lars de !'installation au le remplacement de l'appareil, Ia mise Ia terre
doit toujours ~tre connectee en premier et deconnectee en dernier.
L'equipement doit ~tre installe conformement aux normes electriques
nationales et locales.
Cet appareil est installer dans des zones d'acces reserve. Ces dernieres
sont des zones auxquelles seul le personnel de service peut acceder en
utilisant un outil special, un mecanisme de verrouillage et une cle, au tout
autre moyen de securite.
Utilisez uniquement des pieces de rechange specifiees .
Ne pas utiliser ce produit dans l'eau ni proximite de l'eau. Debrancher
toutes les prises d'alimentation secteur avant d'installer des options au
d'effectuer l'entretien de l'unite, mains d'instructions contraires dans le
present manuel.



Rack Monture Avertissement

Pour eviter les blessures corporelles Iars du montage au l'entretien de cet
appareil dans un rack, des precautions particulieres doivent ~tre prises pour
assurer votre securite et Ia stabilite du systeme:
Conformez-vous aux exigences de medecine du travail et de securite
lorsque vous deplacez et soulevez le materiel.
Assurez-vous que le montage de l'appareil par des outils de chargement
mecaniques ne doit pas induire des conditions dangereuses.
Pour eviter tout risque d'electrocution, le racket chaque element de
l'equipement installe dans le rack doivent ~tre correctement relies Ia

Chassis Avertissement
Avant de connecter ou de deconnecter les cbles d'alimentation <p61es et
terre) du chssis, verifiez que le circuit de courant continu est hors
Pour eviter toute blessure au des dam mages au chssis, soulevez I' unite
uniquement par les poignees du chssis lui-m~me au en portant celui-ci
par le bard inferieur.
Toutes les operations du present guide necessitant l'ouverture du chssis
au le retrait d'une carte doivent ~tre uniquement effectuees par du
personnel d'entretien qualifie.
Le chassis est muni de fentes et d'ouvertures d'aeration. Ne pas les
bloquer. Degager l'arriere du cadre pour permettre le refroidissement de
!'evacuation d'air et laisser de Ia place au cablage; un degagement d'au
mains 15.24 em <6 pol est recommande.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Symboles de securite et traduits de securite, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions




Choc electrique Avertissement
II est possible que cette unite soit munie de plusieurs cordons
d'alimentation. Pour eviter les risques d'electrocution, debrancher les
deux cordons d'alimentation avant de reparer l'unite.
Avant de travailler sur un chflssis ou proximite d'une alimentation
electrique, debrancher le cordon d'alimentation des unites en courant
Ne pas travailler sur le systeme ni brancher ou debrancher les cflbles
pendant un orage.
Ce unite est mis Ia terre par le conducteur de protection integre au
cordon d'alimentation. Pour eviter les chocs electriques, brancher le
cordon d'alimentation dans une prise correctement cable avant de
raccorder les entrees ou sorties du unite.
Installer les cordons d'alimentation et autres cables de sorte qu'ils ne
risquent pas d'etre endommages. Couper !'alimentation avant nettoyage.
Ne pas utilizer de nettoyant liquide ou en aerosol; utiliser seulement un
linge humide.
Des courants electriques dangereux circulent dans cet appareil. Afin
d'eviter les lessures, ne pas toucher les connexions et composants
exposes lorsque l'appareil est sous tension. Ne rien inserer dans l'une ou
l'autre des cavites des prises de courant du systeme lorsque l'appareil est
sous tension.
N'installez jamais un module d'alimentation AC et un module
d'alimentation DC dans le meme chflssis.
Ne pas porter de bijoux aux mains ni de montre durant le depannage des
circuits haute tension, comme les transformateurs.
Pour prevenir les risques d'incendie, n'utiliser que le type, Ia tension et le
courant nominal specifies dans Ia nomenclature des pieces de ce unite.
Toujours confier le remplacement des fusibles du personnel d'entretien
Pour ce qui est de Ia protection contre les courts-circuits (surtensionl, ce
produit depend de !'installation electrique du local. Verifier qu'un fusible
ou qu'un disjoncteur de 120 V alt., 15 A U.S. maximum (240 V alt., 10 A
international) est utilise sur les conducteurs de phase (conducteurs de
Pour eviter !'electrocution, assurez-vous que le rack a bien ete mis Ia
terre avant de mettre l'unite en marche. Lors du retrait de I' unite, retirer le
raccordement de terre seulement apres avoir mis l'unite l'arret et l'avoir

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Sicherheit Symbole und i.ibersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung Et Vorsicht Anleitung (Deutsch)




Les decharges electrostatiques <ESD> Attention
Respecter systematiquement les precautions relatives aux charges
electrostatiques durant Ia manipulation de cet unite.
Portez toujours un poignet ou Ia cheville bracelet antistatique preventive
Iars de Ia manipulation des composants electroniques. Branchez une
extremite de Ia sangle a une prise ESD ou d'un composant metallique non
peinte sur le systeme.
Manipulez les cartes en les faces avant et les bards seulement; eviter de
toucher Ia carte de circuit imprime et les broches du connecteur.
Placer un composant retire sur une surface antistatique ou dans un sac de
protection statique.
Eviter tout contact entre les cartes et les vetements .
Verifier periodiquement Ia valeur de resistance de Ia sangle antistatique .
Valeur recommandee est comprise entre 1 et 1o mega-ohms (Mohms>.

Rayonnement laser Attention

Rayonnement laser invisible peut etre emis a partir de fibres ou les
connecteurs debranches. Ne pas regarder en faisceaux ou regarder
directement avec des instruments optiques. Ne jamais fa ire fonctionner
une unite en cas de bris d'une fibre ou de separation d'un connecteur de



Batterie au lithium Manipulation instructions de securite

Perchlorate pour Ia Californie Consultatif: Certaines batteries au lithium,
peuvent contenir du perchlorate. le texte qui suit consultatif est prevu:
"Presence de perchlorate - une manipulation speciale peut s'appliquer,
voir: waste/perchlorate/ for information".



II y a danger d'explosion si Ia batterie est remplacee de maniere

incorrecte ou par une batterie de type incorrect.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du
Les batteries des produits Harmonic ne peuvent pas etre reparees ni
entretenues par l'utilisateur. Ne confier l'entretien des batteries
remplac;ables qu'a du personnel competent de Harmonic.

Sicherheit Symbole und i.ibersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung

Anleitung (Deutsch)

a Vorsicht

Urn Verletzungen oder Sachschaden zu vermeiden, bevor Sie mit der Installation oder Austausch
des Produkts zu beginnen, zu lesen, zu beobachten, und sich an all den folgenden
Sicherheitshinweise und lnformationen. Harmonic Produkte und I oder Produktverpackungen
konnen mit den Sicherheitssymbole in diesem Dokument verwendet werden, markiert, wenn es
notwendig ist fOr die Betreiber, Anwender und Dienstleister, urn relevante
Sicherheitsanweisungen in den HandbOchern zu alarmieren.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Sicherheit Symbole und i.ibersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung Et Vorsicht Anleitung (Deutsch)




Installation oder den Austausch des Produkts Einheit Warnung

Das lnstallieren, Ersetzen oder Bedienen dieser AusrOstung sollte nur
geschultem, qualifiziertem Personal gestattet warden (siehe AS I NZS
3260 Clause 1.2. 14.3 Servicepersonall
Lesen Sie die lnstallationsanweisungen, bevor Sie das System an die
Stromquelle anschlieBen.
Der ErdanschluB muB bei der Installation der Einheit immer zuerst
hergestellt und zuletzt abgetrennt werden.
Die Installation der Gerate muss den Sicherheitsstandards entsprechen .
Diese Einheit ist zur Installation in Bereichen mit beschranktem Zutritt
vorgesehen. Ein Bereich mit beschranktem Zutritt ist ein Bereich, zu dem
nur Wartungspersonal mit einem Spezialwerkzeugs, SchloB und SchiOssel
oder anderer Sicherheitsvorkehrungen Zugang.
Verwenden Sie nur die angegebenen Ersatzteile
Das Gerat in oder in der Nahe von Wasser verwenden. Trennen Sie vor
der Installation von Optionen oder Wartung des Gerates, es sei denn, dies
wurde von diesem Handbuch aile Netz.



Zur Vermeidung von Korperverletzung beim Anbringen oder Warten dieser
Einheit in einem Gestell mOssen Sie besondere Vorkehrungen treffen, urn
sicherzustellen, daB das System stabil bleibt:
Entsprechen den lokalen Arbeitsschutzanforderungen beim Bewegen und
Heben der AusrOstung.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Montage des Gerates durch mechanische
Belastung Werkzeuge sollten nicht gefahrlichen Bedingungen zu
Urn das Risiko von mag lichen elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, muss mit
einer angemessenen Erdung fOr Rack und jedes Gerat installiert ist
implementiert werden.


Chassis Warnung
Gleichstrom-Unterbrechung Bevor Sie Erdungs- oder Stromkabel an das
Chassis anschlieBen oder von ihm abtrennen, ist sicherzustellen, daB der
Gleichstrom-Stromkreis unterbrochen ist.
Urn Verletzungen und Beschadigung des Chassis zu vermeiden, sollten
Sie das Chassis nicht an den Henkeln auf den Elementen (wie z.B.
StromanschiOsse, KOhlungen oder Kartenl heben oder kippen; oder
indem Sie es unterhalb der Unterkante packen.
Aile Hinweise in diesem Handbuch, die das Offnen benotigen Sie das
Gehause oder das Entfernen eines Board sollte nur von qualifiziertem
Fachpersonal durchgefOhrt werden.
FOr Schlitze und Offnungen im Chassis vorgesehen. Blockieren Sie sie
nicht. Lassen Sie die ROckseite des Rahmens frei fOr AbluftkOhlung und
urn Platz fOr die Verkabelung ermoglichen - ein Minimum von 6 Zoll
(15,24 cml Abstand wird empfohlen


2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Sicherheit Symbole und i.ibersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung Et Vorsicht Anleitung (Deutsch)



Diese Einheit hat moglicherweise mehr als ein Netzkabel. Zur
Verringerung der Stromschlaggefahr trennen Sie beide Netzgeratekabel
ab, bevor Sie die Einheit warten.
Vor der Arbeit an einem Chassis fOr Arbeiten in der Nahe
Stromversorgung, ziehen Sie das Netzkabel mit Netzeinheiten.
Arbeiten Sie nicht am System und schlieBen Sie keine Kabel an bzw.
trennen Sie keine ab, wenn es gewittert.
Dieses Gerat ist uber das Netzkabel Erdungsleiter geerdet. Urn einen
Stromschlag zu vermeiden, stecken Sie das Netzkabel in eine Steckdose
richtig verdrahtet, bevor Sie das Produkt Eingang oder Ausgange.
Verlegen Sie Netzkabel und andere Kabel, so dass sie wahrscheinlich
nicht beschadigt werden. Trennen Eingangsleistung Einheit vor der
Reinigung. Verwenden Sie keine flussigen oder Aerosolreiniger; nur mit
einem feuchten Tuch zu reinigen Chassis.
Gefahrliche Spannungen vorhanden sind an mehreren Stellen in diesem
Produkt. Urn Verletzungen zu vermeiden, beruhren Sie nicht freiliegenden
AnschiUsse und Komponenten wahrend schaltet ist. Sie keine
Gegenstande in einem der beiden Stromversorgungs Hohlraume des
Systems mit Strom verbunden einfUhren.
Ein Wechelstromsmodul und ein Gleichstrommodul durfen niemals in
demselben Chassis installiert werden.
Tragen Sie keine Hand Schmuck oder schauen Sie bei der Fehlersuche
hohen Stromkreise, wie beispielsweise die Stromversorgung.
Urn die Brandgefahr zu vermeiden, verwenden Sie nur den genannten
richtige Art von Spannung und Strom Ratings als in der entsprechenden
StOckliste fOr diese Einheit verwiesen. Beziehen sich immer auf Austausch
der Sicherung von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal.
Dieses Produkt ist darauf angewiesen, daB im Gebaude ein KurzschluBbzw. Oberstromschutz installiert ist. Stellen Sie sicher, daB eine Sicherung
oder ein Unterbrecher von nicht mehr als 240 V Wechselstrom, 10 A
(bzw. in den USA 120 V Wechselstrom, 15 A) an den Phasenleitern (allen
stromflihrenden Leitern) verwendet wird.
Urn einen Stromschlag zu vermeiden, sicherzustellen, dass die
Zahnstange wurde korrekt vor dem Einschalten des Gerates geerdet.
Beim Entfernen der Einheit entfernen Sie die Masseverbindung nur,
nachdem das Gerat ausgeschaltet und der Netzstecker gezogen.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Site Preparation Instructions




Eleldrostatische Entladung <ESD> Vorsicht

Folgen Sie statische vorsorglich zu jeder Zeit beim Umgang mit diesem
Tragen Sie immer einen ESD-praventive Handgelenk oder KnochelRiemen beim Umgang mit elektronischen Komponenten. SchlieBen Sie
ein Ende des Bandes an einem ESD-Buchse oder ein unlackiertes
Metallteil auf dem System.
Hand Karten nur durch die Faceplates und Kanten; Beruhren Sie die
bedruckte Leiterplatte und Steckerstifte.
Legen Sie aile entfernten Komponenten auf eine antistatische Oberflache
oder in einem Statik-Beutel.
Kontakt zwischen den Karten und Kleidung vermeiden .
Den Widerstandswert der gegen statische Gurt in regelmaBigen
Abstanden uberprufen. Empfohlener Wert ist zwischen 1 und 1o MegaOhm (MOhml.



Laserstrahlungen Warnung.
Unsichtbare Laserstrahlung kann von getrennten Fasern oder Stecker
emittiert werden. Nicht in die Strahlen blicken oder direkt mit optischen
lnstrumenten. Niemals ein Gerat mit einem gebrochenen Faser oder mit
einem Glasfaseranschluss getrennt



Lithium-Batterie Handhabung Sicherheitshinweise

Perchlorat enthalten. Die folgende Beratungs gesetzt: "PerchloratSonderbehandlung kann erforderlich sein, finden Sie unter:
hazardous waste/perchlorate/ for information".



Bei Einsetzen einer falschen Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr

Entsorgen Sie die benutzten Batterien nach den Anweisungen des
Es gibt keine zu wartenden Akkus im Harmonic Produkte. Siehe Harmonic
qualifiziertes Personal, urn die austauschbare Batterien Service


Site Preparation Instructions

NOTE: Only trained and qualified service personnel (as defined in IEC 60950 and AS/NZS 3260) should install,
replace, or service the equipment. Install the system in accordance with the U.S. National Electric Code if you are
in the United States.

Preparing & Choosing a Site for Installation


To ensure normal system operation, plan your site configuration and prepare the site
before installation.

Install the unit in a restricted access area.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Site Preparation Instructions

Choose a site with a dry, clean, well-ventilated and air-conditioned area.

Choose a site that maintains an ambient temperature of 32 to 104F (0 to 400

2. Creating a Safe Environment




Only allow Harmonic trained personnel to undertake equipment service and

maintenance. Do not permit unqualified personnel to operate the unit
Wear ear protection when working near an NSG Pro platform for a longer period of time.

Rack: Mounting the Unit




Connect AC-powered systems to grounded power outlets or as per local regulations.

Do not move or ship equipment unless it is correctly packed in its original wrapping and
shipping containers.

Install the system in an open rack whenever possible. If installation in an enclosed rack: is
unavoidable, ensure that the rack: has adequate ventilation.
Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular attention
should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit
<e.g. use of power strips). This unit should be mounted at the bottom of the rack if it is the
only unit in the rack.
When mounting this unit in the partially filled rack, load the rack: from the bottom to the
top with the heaviest component at the bottom of the rack.
If the rack is provided with stabilizing devices, install the stabilizers before mounting or
servicing the unit in the rack.
The rack must be anchored to an immovable support to prevent it from tipping when the
unit is mounted on it The rack must be installed accoring to the rack maufacturer's
Disconnect all power and external cables before lifting the unit Depending on the weight
of the unit, more than one person might be required to lift it

Power Considerations
a. AC Power

Adding to the system a UPS <Uninterrupted Power Supply) and an AVR <Automated
Voltage Regulator) is highly recommended.

Installing the main power supply by a qualified electrician, according to power

authority regulations. Make sure all powering are wired with an earth leakage,
according to local regulations.

It is recommended to install the encoder within 1.5m (approximately 5 feet) from an

easily accessible grounded AC outlet
When the encoder is rack-mounted, ensure that the rack is correctly grounded.


DC Power
Ensure a suitable overcurrent device is in-line between the equipment and the power
o Connect DC-input power supplies only to a DC power source that complies with the
safety extra-low voltage <SELV) requirements in the UL60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2
No. 60950-1-03, AS/NZS 60950-1, EN/IEC 60825-1, 21 CFR 1040, EN 6095G-1,
and IEC 60950-1 standards.


Ensure that power is removed from the DC circuit before installing or removing
power supplies

Handling Fiber Channel Cables


Always read and comply with the handling instructions on the shipping container.

Follow all ESD precautions and approved fiber cleaning procedures.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance



Product End-of-life Disassembly Instructions

The fiber is made of a very pure, expensive glass and should be treated with great care.
Handle fibers only in areas that are very clean and do not contain sharp objects.

Wear finger cots or gloves as dirt and oils can damage the fiber and contaminate

Do not allow kinks or knots to develop in the fiber. If tangles occur, carefully work out the
tangles avoiding pulling or bending the fibre beyond its bend radius.

Always use the correct tools for stripping and cleaving the fiber. It will save time and
reduce breakage caused by scratches.

If you must secure a bundle of fiber cables together, avoid plastic and metal tie wraps;
secure with velcro instead.

Disposing of the Unit


Dispose of the unit and its components <including batteries) as specified by all national
laws and regulations.

Product End-of-life Disassembly Instructions

For disassembly instructions, please call the technical support in order to remove components
requiring selective treatment, as defined by the EU WEEE Directive <201U19/EW. See Contacting
the Technical Assistance Center.

Product Disassembly Process

1. Disassemble equipment at a dedicated area only, gather the needed tools for disassembly.

Remove covers, housing, etc.


Remove and separate sub-assemblies <i.e. cables, metals, displays, fans, etcJ.

4. Separate hazardous materials from the remainder of the material.



Sort hazardous materials into their different types (i.e., batteries, hazardous liquids,
hazardous solids, fiberglass, etc.).


Proceed with hazardous waste management processes only.

Identify re-usable materials/sub-assemblies and separate these from the rest of the material.
Identify and separate recyclable materials as per below examples:

Scrap material to be sent to smelter<sl.


E-waste such as displays, CPU's, cables and wires, hard drives, keyboards, etc.


Metals such as steel, brass, and aluminum.


Plastics such as fan casings, housings, covers, etc.


Fiber optics and plastic tubing not containing electrical or data wiring.

Safety Rules (English)

Recycler personnel are to wear personal protective equipment including proper eye protection,
proper hand protection, and proper breathing protection if needed.
Recycler personnel shall be experienced with using the proper tools required for disassembling
equipment Untrained personnel shall not disassemble Harmonic products. Unfamiliarity with
tools can cause damage and injury.

Regles de securite (French)

Le personnel du recycleur doit porter de l'equipement de protection individuelle, y compris des
lunettes, des gants et un masque de protection appropries au besoin.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


EU Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity

Le personnel du recycleur doit avoir de !'experience des outils de demontage de l'appareil. Les
produits Harmonic ne doivent pas et:re demontes par du personnel non qualifie. Une mauvaise
connaissance des outils peut causer des dommages et des blessures.

EU Manufacturers Declaration of Conformity

This equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other provisions of
Directives 73123/EEC and 89/336/EEC as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC.

NOTE: For specifics, about which standards have been applied, refer to the Declaration of Conformity of
the product on Harmonic website at Product Regulatory Compliance or contact Harmonic Compliance Team
at [email protected]

Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices - Class A


FCC Verification Statement (USA>

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1 l This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case users
will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.
Connections between the Harmonic equipment and other equipment must be made in a
manner that is consistent with maintaining compliance with FCC radio frequency
emission limits. Modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by Harmonic may
void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment and you may
be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own


ICES-003 Statement (Canada)

English: This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
French: Cet appareil numerique de Ia classe A est conforme


a Ia norme NMB-003 du

CE Declaration of Conformity (European Union)

This product has been tested in accordance too, and complies with the Low Voltage
Directive (2014/30/EU) and EMC Directive (2014/35/EUl. The product has been marked
with the CE Mark. to illustrate its compliance.

co 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance



Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices- Class A

VCCI Class A Warning <Japan>

l::5<? 7 .A A Mtati~itil--e"to ~~~fl~~~;ii_l~ftffl9~ C:tli!t
jjj~~i31~~;::9;:: ctJ-!~ f:J *9o \:O)tiB'l:~a~lfJ~tJ~~~t~M~~ifJ-9
~ ct? ~~ ~ ~1-:, ~

c trtc!; f'J ~To

English translation of the notice above:

This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for
Interference <VCCI> from Information Technology Equipment. If this equipment is used in a
domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. When such trouble occurs, the user
may be required to take corrective actions.

BSMI EMC Notice <Taiwan>

~lS-ilm:tf :
-~*~lx 4tifi-M'~Wm
English translation of the notice above:
This is a Class A Information Product, when used in residential environment, it may cause
radio frequency interference, under such circumstances, the user may be requested to take
appropriate counter measures.


Class A Warning <Korea>

Aa 7]J'I Ol 7IJI:::: ~~-i51 ~X~Jit ~ii ~

2.1-l ~~l]H:K~ PE~, A~x~~ Ol ~~ ~9lofAI7l
it~ ~DH


:= ;:tgJ :&-:r ~f:

~ra au :: il~a 0


!1- 7l7lOI

l:lf.~t~ }~

:m~of-AI71 H ~ WLI r.t

English translation of the notice above:

This is a Class A device and is registered for EMC requirements for industrial use. The
seller or buyer should be aware of this. If this was sold or purchased by mistake, it should
be replaced with a residential-use type.

Class A Statement <China>



~~j;JJJRFi! . fe1:ia;;JA r.p, iEFciiiTii ~~ff!,

iD" ~~~i!=}I1P)!JtTtli
t1.l ll tfMiffi~

.. ;;JZ;:1tr


English translation of the notice above:

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Regulatory Compliance

When labeled with the CCC marking, the product meets the applicable safety and EMC
requirements for China. This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate

Class A Warning - CISPR 22 <AS/NZSl

Warning <English)
This is a class A product In a domestic environment this product may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Attention <French)
II s'agit d'un produit de classe A. Dans un environnement local, ce produit peut entrainer
des perturbations radioelectriques, auquel cas l'utilisateur devra eventuellement prendre
des mesures adequates.

Product Regulatory Compliance

Harmonic products are typically tested to the latest safety and electromagnetic compatibility
<EMCl specifications and test methods, and are marked with one or more of the following
regulatory/certification markings. Some of the certification markings will vary depending on what
certifier was used to obtain a certification.
Please visit Harmonic Product Regulatory Compliance page to view information on applied safety &
EMC standards and regulatory marks on Harmonic products. You can also email us at
[email protected] for assistance on regulatory compliance for Harmonic

Product Regulatory Compliance Markings

Table B-1 :Regulatory Compliance Markings


Testing Standard/


EN 609501 :2006+A 11 :2009+A

1:201 O+A 12:2011;
CAN/CSA C22.2 No.
60950-107+A 1 :2011/UL
60950-1 :2011


FCC CFR 47 Part 15,

Class A
ICES-003: Issue 5,
2012; Class A


2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

Mark Name
N RTL <National

Product Marketing

c@us @

FCC Class A



This d evice complies with part 15 of th e FCC Rule s. Op e ration is

subje ct to th e following two condition s: (1) This d evice may not cause
harmful int erf erence, and (2) thi s device mu st accept any interf er ence

received, including int e rfe re nce that may cause und es ired op eration.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Reg ulatory Compliance Markings

Table B-1 :Regulatory Compliance Markings


Testing Standard/


Mark Name


50581 :2012;
EN55022:201 0/
CISPR 22:2008;
EN55024:201 0/
CISPR 24:201 0;
EN61000-32:2006+A 1 :2009+A
EN61 000-3-3:2008;
Class A

Safety and

CE/ Low


EN 60950-1;
EN60825- 1 !for laser>







Product Marketing




and New

CNS 14336-1 :2010

CNS 13438:2006;
Class A

Safety and

VCCI V-3/2013.04;
CISPR 22:2008, Class


CISPR22:2009+A 1:2
010; Class A


!RPC> Number
& Class A

JOJ\00 1

lli\'l'liiii'I.D\M ru!'ttl'ltiA'!'U

~~---~~-~- ~







KN22 Class A and KN


2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.




ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Environmental Compliance

Table B-1 :Regulatory Compliance Markings


Testing Standard/


Mark Name


GB 17625.1-2012

Safety and



IS 13252 <Part 1>:




Product Marketing

"Self Declaration - Conforming to

IS 13252 <Part 1>:201 0, R-


Product Environmental Compliance

Harmonic manufactures high quality and innovative IT and telecommunications equipment, video
delivery infrastructure solutions and services for its customers worldwide. Harmonic is committed
to providing our customers with safe and environmentally friendly products that are compliant
with all relevant regulations, customer specifications, and environmental legislation, including the
directives described below.

In July 2006, the European Union's <EU> Directive (2002/95/EC> on the Restriction of the use of
certain Hazardous Substances <RoHS> in Electrical and Electronic Equipment <EEE> went into effect,
and in July, 2011, the European Union's RoHS Recast Directive <2011 /65/EU> also known as RoHS
II entered into force.
Harmonic understands the environmental risks associated with the substances covered by the
RoHS Directive and has committed to eliminating or reducing the use of these, as well as other
environmentally sensitive substances in our products. Harmonic also continues to comply with
the requirements under RoHS II.
For more information, please visit EU RoHS directive page at official EU website.
Restricted Substance Statement
Harmonic products contain less than the permitted limits for the six restricted substances except
where exemptions published in the RoHS2 Directive are applicable. This statement is based on
vendor-supplied analysis or material certifications, and/or lab test results of the component raw
materials used in the manufacture of Harmonic products.
Table B-2 :Restricted Substances
Restricted Substance
Cadmium <Cd>


Lead <Pb>

< 0.10/o
< 0.1/o
< 0.10/o

Chromium <VI> <Cr <VI

Mercury <Hg>

Permitted Limit*

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Environmental Compliance

Table B-2 :Restricted Substances

Restricted Substance

Pc:rmitted Limit"

Polybrominated biphenyls


Polybrominated dlphenyl
ether <PBDB


*Homogeneous material definition as per the EU Directive.

REACH <Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals) <EC 1907/2006) is a
European Union's regulation on chemicals and their safe use which came into force in June, 2007.
Harmonic supports the basic aim of REACH in improving the protection of human health and
environment through the better and earlier identification of intrinsic properties of chemical
substances. Harmonic products are considered "articles" under REACH; therefore, we are
required to provide recipients of our products with information on Substance of Very High
Concern <SVHC> present in concentration above 0.1% (w/w).
Substances in our products are not intended to be released under normal or reasonably
foreseeable conditions of use; therefore, the registration requirement in REACH Article 7(1) does
not apply to our products.
For more information, please visit REACH regulation page at official EU website.

China RoHS
China's regulation on restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances commonly <China
RoHS), is applicable to all Electronic and Information Products <EI Ps) and parts sold in China after
March 01, 2007. China RoHS regulation restricts the use of the same six substances as the
European Union's ROHS, but has requirements for product labeling and regulated substance
information disclosure.
Harmonic complies with China RoHS Phase I for labeling and information disclosure requirements
and continues to monitor new developments in China RoHS Phase II towards substance restriction
and certification program.
For more information, please visit China RoHS regulation page at official US export website.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Environmental Compliance

China RoHS Disclosure Report

Below table shows the presence of hazardous substances, or elements in Harmonic products, if
the part is present

~~ ~*~~~~~m~~~~m~&~-~~~ft~~
This table shows those components where hazardous substances may be found in Harmonic
products based on, among other things, material content information provided by third party
suppliers. These components may or may not be part of the product

~~*~~~.!Jij Hi}'iiJ~~:&F~mm~ -J.lgiiJ 20


if: m:&t=~mll&fl~~*iil


The Environmental Protective Use Period for Harmonic products is 20 years unless displayed
otherwise on the product The EPU P period is valid only when the products are operated or
stored as per the conditions specified in the product manual.

~-~~~J:ro:hc~ {Hazardous Substance)






(Optical Subassemblies)


(Metal Parts)

(Plastics, foams)

${tf~if8\ {Part name)

(Printed Circuit Assemblies)

(Mechanical Subassemblies)

(Power Supplies)

(Cables, harnesses)

(Screens, Monitors)


0: Indicates the content of the toxic and hazardous substances at the homogeneous material level of the parts is below the limit defined in SJ/T11363 2006

X: Indicates that the content of the toxic end hazardous substances in at leest one of the homogeneous materials of the parts is ebove the limit defined in SJ/
T11363 2006 standard.

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Product Environmental Compliance

Other RoHS and REACH type Regulations

Harmonic will comply with RoHS and REACH type regulations evolving in other countries, if they
become relevant to our products or in markets where we sell our products.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

European Parliament and the Council of the European Union's WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC>
came into force on August, 2005 and, were more recently amended in July, 2012. This directive
encourages the reuse, recycling, and recovery of WEEE and to improve the environmental
performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment,
especially those dealing with WEEE. Harmonic ensures that all requirements for registration,
reporting, design and data tracking are complied with to meet the objectives of the WEEE
For more information, please visit WEEE directive page at official EU website.

http://ec.europa. eu/environmen t/waste/weee/legis_en.htm

Battery Directive
In September 2006, the European Union's Directive 2006/66/EC <Battery Directive) came into
force with an aim to prohibit the sale of batteries and accumulators containing hazardous
substances and to set rules and promote collection, treatment. recycling and disposal of waste
batteries and accumulators. This directive applies to spent batteries collected together with WEEE
and requires their removal and separate collection. Once removed from WEEE, spent batteries are
governed by the Battery Directive. Harmonic uses lithium batteries in its products and our
responsibility under the Battery Directive is taken care of under our WEEE Take-Back program.
For more information, please visit Batteries and Accumulators directive page at official EU
Harmonic is committed to manufacturing environmentally safe products for the community, and
will make reasonable efforts and required adjustments to its practices, if necessary, to comply
with various environmental directives and industry initiatives on the elimination of hazardous
substances, labeling, marking, certification and registration as required in markets where we sell
our products.
Download Harmonic's Environmental Compliance Statement at the following location:

WEEE Take-Back Request Program

In order to assist EU member states to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the
environment, protect human health and utilize natural resources prudently and rationally,
Harmonic strives to recycle in compliance with the WEEE Directive any of its products that cannot
be re-used.
Harmonic's customers should:

Not discard equipment in household or office garbage

Arrange proper recycling of unneeded equipment. For the take-back of Harmonic equipment,
customers must:

Collect the information required to complete Harmonic's WEEE Take-Back Request form

c 2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Compliance with additional country specific environmental, safety, and EMC standards

Complete and submit the online WEEE Take-Back Request form. Please note that forms
must be fully completed in order to prevent process delays

Receive instant online confirmation indicating the reference number

Receive the End of Life <EOU asset return authorization number and instruction for EOL
asset return

Not ship EOL product to Harmonic without a Harmonic-provided EOL asset return
authorization number

The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on a Harmonic-branded commercial product indicates that
the product should not be disposed of along with municipal waste, but invites our customers to
return the product to us under Harmonic's WEEE Take-Back program for product disposal.

Harmonic will pay for the cost of shipping and will provide a Certificate of Recycling or a
Certificate of Destruction upon request. For more information on collection, reuse and recycling
or to initiate the WEEE take-back process, please complete the form at http:// or contact Harmonic Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) or email RMA team at [email protected].

Compliance with additional country specific environmental, safety,

and EMC standards
In addition to above listed standards and compliance regulations, Harmonic products may also be
compliant with other country specific environmental, safety and EMC requirements. Please
contact Harmonic Compliance Team at [email protected] or your local sales
representative for more information about compliance with particular country or standard.

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.


ProStream 9100 Release 17.5.2, Rev A

2016 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.

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